Bluemoon01's viktor guide

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  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    Doran's Ring Prototype HexCore

    Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation





    Doran's Ring The Hex CoreMK-1


    Vision Ward


    Boots of Swiftness

    Ionian Bootsof Lucidity



    Rylai's CrystalScepter

    Perfect HexCore





    Lich Bane Luden's Echo




    Hextech GLP-800



    Void Staff


    Ionian Bootsof Lucidity

    Perfect HexCore

    Rylai's CrystalScepter



    Lich Bane



    Perfect HexCore

    Rylai's CrystalScepter

    Void Staff Hextech GLP-800



    Hide item names




    The items u just marked above, and below all have thenotes: "read items section." If more than half of yournotes have that, then it'll really detract from the value ofyour cheat sheet. Try and give a BASIC explanation foreach, and say that if the readers are still confused, tocontinue their reading in the items section. At least try toguide them though. -3

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    Boots of Swiftness

    Perfect HexCore

    Rylai's CrystalScepter



    Void Staff


    Ionian Bootsof Lucidity

    Rylai's CrystalScepter

    Perfect HexCore

    Void Staff


    2 8 10 12 14

    4 13 15 17 18

    1 3 5 7 9

    6 11 16












    I don't play viktor enough to argue about build paths, buti thought that Abyssal is much stronger on him than youmake it out to be.

    What about maxing Q first? Usually shields + damage are OP at level 1. That'smore worthwhile to mention in your note as opposed to level R when possible.-2

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    Ferocity: 12 Cunning: 18 Resolve: 0







    Good job writing out brief summaries foreach of these champions. That's morethan I'd ever care to do, especially whenchampions can get buffed or nerfed soquickly.

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


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    Welcome everybody to my guide on Viktor mid lane guide ! My name is eZ l Blüé from SEA server that is sitting

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    in Diamond elo for awhile now.

    Im also known as "sitwm" that are posting frequently about my opinions on Viktor in /r/viktormains so hit meup there too with a PM if you don't have any mobafire account here

    This guide will teach you how to play Viktor from 1 to 100 (Hopefully!) and includes a lot of sections that willguide you. Do not hesitate to add me if you're playing in SEA server to ask me questions regarding this champion

    as I feel very honored if you do so !If you think this guide have helped you, feel free to drop an Upvote if you enjoyed it or put a Downvote if you feel

    this guide is lackluster of anything

    Do state your opinions about the guide or ask any questions because I WILL answer them! Enough of introducingmyself, lets get right into the guide !

    Scales MostAmong Mages

    The AP Scaling on Hex Core rely on level and as the game goes on, Viktor cankeep up with enemy's scalings. If Viktor is the one leading, he'll snowball harderthan most mages due to his kits that punishes enemy mistakes badly and hisunforgiving teamfight potential

    Strong Utility& Damage inTeamfights

    The AoE Stun from Gravity Field makes you able to control enemies' positioningwhile able to save your allies sometimes and Chaos Storm brings a lot of damage into teamfight and outdamages old Chaos Storm if you manage to hitmore than 2 enemies with a single tick. Viktor after recent changes is alsoregarded as one of the best teamfighter in the whole game

    StrongestWaveclears inthe WholeGame

    Viktor have strongest wave clear into the game currently that is with hisaugmented Death Ray. It can clear the whole wave with just a single spell andpossibly clear it at Level 9 without any AP runes ! Yes, he might need to Qcannon minion if there is and other champions can rival Viktor's waveclear likeTF/Xerath/Orianna but they require 2 or more spells like TF who needs his W +


    Looks like a sentence got cut off here.

    This looks nice

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    Versatile inMost Comps& Underpicked

    Viktor is versatile like Elise in most comps regarding how he can almost replaceany "Wombo-Comp-supposed-to-be" Mid Laners like Yasuo or Orianna becauseof how Viktor's damage output in teamfight actually tops most mages in thegame right now. He's also underrated and possibly find more pick rate later onbut for now, no one knows how much damage he can release and bringunexpected results

    High LearningCurve

    Like they say, great powers come with great responsiblities. Viktor is one of them as to maximize his potential, you got to have dedication & hardwork & alot of time to master him as he is not one of the easiest champions to master

    Prone toGanks

    Especially most Viktor works nowadays is they will push 24/7 the lane and thismight get some attentions from junglers or roaming support from enemy sides.Viktor is weak to ganks especially he have no instant form of CC that can helphim, sure his Gravity Field have AoE stun but it takes time to ramp up so its notreally that good whatsoever if enemy decides to dash/flash out of it

    Require GoodUnderstandingof the Game

    Viktor is like the APC of the ADCs in the game. He relies heavily on positioningespecially in teamfight and due to the fact of him having nonedash/blinks/reposition mechanics like Lucian's E, so Viktor requires steady peelfrom allies

    Only Have 5Items Slots

    Due to his Passive and needs of Boots, you're left with 4 Item Slots that can'treally make Viktor a fun champion to test builds with. You might need somedefensive Items like Abyssal or Zhonya that will already take up a slot. A Rylai isa must, a heavy AP item like Rabadon or CDR item like Morellos and then a endbuild with Void Staff. There's not much room if you want to test out RoA / Tearbuilds / Hextech

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    This is my favourite page for Viktor ,its a page with enough defensive and offensive stats

    This rune page works nice vs AP Laners

    Greater Mark of Magic Penetration will boost your Death Ray damage a lot to champions Greater Seal of Scaling Health is a nice option to get tanky and you probably didn't need much

    armor from fighting mages

    Greater Glyph of Magic Resist gives you defense to trade with mages

    Greater Quintessence of Ability Power is pretty self explanatory

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    This page, is mainly focused on fighting AD Assasins or Bruisers in the mid lane

    Getting Greater Seal of Armor for armor able us to tank their harass and if timed properlySiphon Power can negate lot of damage in the laning phase

    I still prefer scaling health yellows even fighting AD brusiers to be honest.

    Other options for runes :

    Greater Mark of Ability Power gives some nice boost to your Death Ray and Siphon Powerearly into the game or if your saving ur IP's for other things and have no other runes than this

    Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction is a good pick for Viktor to achieve 45% CDReasily (3 = 5%, 6 = 10%, 9 = 15% @ LV 18 ])

    Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction gives flat cooldown reduction and its good for mid game asViktor 's Death Ray have long cooldown so you can make up for it during trade (3 = 2.5% , 6

    = 5% , 9 = 7.5% FLAT CDR)

    Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed works good for Viktor to kite around teamfight ortrades


    5/5 1/1 5/5 1/1 5/5 1/1 5/5 1/1 5/5 1/1

    Consider Scaling CDR bluesnvm you did.

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    Deathfire Touch works good for Viktor actually if you prefer poke than a burst type, possiblyThunderlord's Decree works better but this is another choice if you wanted that 7% MagicPenetration rather than scaling penetration on masteries

    Stormraider's Surge is a great keystone on Viktor that is a 'built-in' Ghost and allows you canreplace Ghost with something like Ignite , Barrier or, even


    For the masteries we take Sorcery for 2% Spell Damage because it is mostly taken by mostmages

    Fury is bad since it only gives attack speed and mages don't need them. Take them if your bad atfarming with Viktor 's derp autoattacks

    Feast is needed for early game sustain and to survive through early game pokes

    Double Edged Sword makes us deal 2% more damage and receive 2% more, its good if we'remelee and it works pretty good too with ranged but we're a mage, and not a tanky one so its notreally benefit us enough

    Take Expose Weakness if you're supporting as Viktor

    Vampirism is only 2% life steal and spell vamp and Death Ray will only apply 33% of the healso its not really useful, but spell vamp is good on Viktor if you have a high number of it, 2% isn'tmuch.

    Taking Natural Talent will give us a little boost about our scaling to mid game

    Oppressor is a good mastery for Viktor , even more if he's rushing Rylai's Crystal Scepter asit gives a slight boost of damage because you're gonna slow them most of the time with Rylai'spassive

    Bounty Hunter is very snowballing masteries and take this if you feel very confident of winningthe lane and shutting down their carries, Oppressor is a safer choice imo

    Savagery will help us increase the damage on our Death Ray to push the lane and make ourfarming easier

    Wanderer makes your roam easier but you gonna push the lane most of the time and makingyou in combat most of the time and the movement speed only apply when your out of combat

    Runic Affinity is a pretty risky to get on Viktor unless you're pretty sure you will be suppliedblue buff most of the time

    Secret Stash is masteries that I take for Viktor most of the time, it works really well and giveyou extra sustain in lane alongside with Feast

    Assassin is pretty good but you're more of a teamfight-oriented mage and not an assassin mageso its useless on Viktor

    Dangerous Game can make some outplay potential with the sudden heal from kills

    Bandit is pretty good though since you get income from poking enemy with autoattacks but Idon't think you should get this over Dangerous Game

    Precision had a change few patches ago that it reduces the scaling overall but that affect physicaldamager more than mages does, so its still a "good to go" masteries

    I personally detest MOBAfire's way oflisting out masteries. I think it'd lookmuch nicer to have a mock-mastery pagefilled out in a [table], and in another tablerow, you'd defend your masteryselections.I also think that this is unnecessarilylong. While I can understand that thisguide is intended for readers of all ranks,I also believe that readers have anabsolute threshold to their understandingof a guide, and that the two minutes theyspend reading this is much better spenton somethin more im ortant. -2

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    45% Cooldown Reduction , achieved by putting 5 points into Intelligence works good for Viktorand allows him to kite around with augmented Siphon Power while slowing people with Rylai'sCrystal Scepter

    Back to Top

    Flash Flash is heavily reliant for Viktor because he does not have any defensive capabilities on his own

    and its useful for making plays and clutch escapes, take this 100% of the time

    Ignite Ignite is a pretty strong spell for Viktor to allow him to make level 2 cheesy first blood, getting

    more kill pressure in lane. But the new Viktor heavily reliant on positioning in teamfight, andgetting in range to Ignite in teamfight is crucial, you might have to consider getting it every time

    GhostMost taken summoner spell for Viktor as it is the only one Viktor can make full use of it, from 0cast of Death Ray to utilizing Chaos Storm properly. It's just so amazing to use, especially withthe recent Ghost changes makes your late game even more terrific than old Ghost , definitelypick this up; unless you really need that Exhaust

    HealHeals you for a nice amount and give a sweet burst of movement speed that allows you to repositionquicker in fights, or even save an ally during some moments. It gives burst of movement speed while

    Ghost gives a constant small boost of movement speed, so don't get them mixed up

    BarrierPerfect for tanking damage from Zed , Talon , Veigar , etc. A well timed Barrier can changetides of the fight most of the time and it's always good to have extra survivablity in lanes or teamfights

    ExhaustOne of my favourite spells to win most of the trades by giving a lot of options to use for offensive ordefensive. Exhaust offers so much debuff(one of them being -40% damage )and really shuts downchampions with less mobility or even assassins

    As opposed to the last section, where Ithink you overexplained things, I thinkyou've underexplained summoner spellchoices here. I'd add more content tothis section, and then quiz your readerson what summoner spells to take basedon certain team compositions.-3

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    CleanseThis spell works so good vs heavy CC comps (ex. Works great versus Cassiopeia , Ahri,Lissandra )You're able to cleanse Ignite also and making use of it really wins u trades, or manage toescape dangerous situations or ganks


    Great tool to maximize your global presence, securing objectives, pushing turrets and helping sidelaneswith surprise counterganks. Taking Teleport can lead to defensive or offensive playstyle and willmaximize your farm even if you're behind thanks to your amazing waveclear tool

    Glorious Evolution :

    This is a self-buff that gives Viktor an exclusive item at the beginning of a game. This item makes you scalehard into the game and give decent mana per level stats early because Viktor is mana-hungry mage. Upgradingthis item makes you able to augment each of Viktor ablities. The new changes actually make rushing PerfectHex Core viable, due to the AP and mana it gives that will boost your Siphon Power 's shield

    Siphon Power :

    This skill is great for last hitting sometimes and it procs 2 stacks of Thunderlord's Decree . It makes your tradestronger and the first portion of the skill got buffed. Although the shield scales of your max mana, its notrecommended to stack many mana items and the auto attack portion of it got nerfed late game so its unwise usethat auto attack enhancer in teamfight just go get some little extra damage off and risking your positioning

    Gravity Field :

    Might want to hint that shields are reallystrong against DoTs like ignite.

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    Your one and only CC skills in your kit. Max them out last as the only changes it gives per level is just themovement speed reduction and the stun duration remained unchanged. This skill works nice in choke points and if you're able to pull of 3~5 man stuns, that would actually make a turnaround in a fight


    Death Ray :

    Max this first because its your main damaging spell. This is a great skill that allows us to poke enemy from a verysafe distance and push the lane with its strong waveclear potential. Death Ray had no cast time and you cancast it while moving making it a very strong spell for mobility mages like Viktor and you can often surprise theenemy with the augmented burst you have because they didn't see it coming since it is very hard to dodge it in ateamfight. The delay on augmented changes is pretty hard to land, so just push the lane as the augmented rayhave huge buffs damage, if you want to poke with it; consider hitting the enemy champions + minions at thesame time because the first Death Ray shock hits like a potato and if it doesn't push the wave at all; you'rewasting the cooldown and your main waveclear/pushing tool

    Chaos Storm :

    Summons a singularity after dealing initial damage (They interrupt Channelings) and allow you to control itmomentarily. Every 2 seconds it will tick (will come out a circle on the singularity to indicate it's about to proc) anddeal a lot of damage and the initial damage got nerfed recently. This makes Viktor burst bad, but increase histeamfight potential by MASSIVE lot. The only downside is that, you have to constantly control singularity formaximum damage output while maintain good position in teamfight, which is the key of success and what differs

    from good and bad players

    Sorcerer's Shoes has always been a great item for Mages throughout the seasons. It allows you toignore 15 of enemies' MR and taking it alongside with Greater Mark of Magic Penetration makes iteven more deadly against low-magic resistance enemies. It is possible for you to sell away this item atlate-game if you have other magic penetrations items like Void Staff and Liandry's Torment

    Nice comment, but you're restrictingyour readers too much. often times, allyou need to do to win a team fight is tosplit up your opponents. Reading this, Ican imagine your readers either holdinggravity field for too long, or using it tooquickly. I'd like to see some GIFsshowing your readers good uses ofgravity fields. Most fights don't happenin the jungle, so giving your readers agood idea of how to position GF in wideplaces like mid lane and river will makeyour guide much more useful. -5I've heard that it's good to angle deathray in such a way that it's parallel to themelee minion line. Idk, but i'm unhappywith how you described the way you aimdeath ray, especially since aiming it isalmost the same thing as aiming a miniequalizer. -3

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    Ionian Boots of Lucidity have always been a great alternative choices to Mages and is great to havewhen you're slightly behind because its 200g cheaper than the costly Sorcerer's Shoes . If you'rebehind, the reduce of summoner spell cooldown will come in handy and reduce your flash by 30 seconds! And allowing you to all-in, or escape when nasty situations comes. If you're planning to go CDR Build,I recommend you to get this after the first hex core you bought

    Boots of Swiftness have been nerfed but its still great overall. They help you in roaming or evenhelping in positioning yourself much better in teamfights. While they are much inferior in stats oreffectiveness than the boots stated above, it is a situational buy when your struggling in teamfights oreven fighting against a lot of slows. I usually buy this boots most of the time when im taking Ghostfor my second summoner spell to abuse the speed of this boots provides

    You're not gonna be building it most of the time unless you're losing to heavy burst mages in the midlane like Veigar , Syndra or even fighting Nautilus jungle or Leona support. Consider gettingthis after The Hex Core MK-1 if you think you might get wrecked in laning phase

    The recent buff to it in recent patches makes this a viable starting item for Mages in the mid lane thathave issues with sustains or even running out of mana too fast by using abiltiies. I generally won't getthis potions but you should get it when fighting sustain-heavy champions like Cho'Gath

    The new changes to Viktor in Patch 6.9 makes rushing Perfect Hex Core a must-rush for 2nditem or as first item due to the mana it provides that boosts your Siphon Power 's shield portion, andthe speed buff to Chaos Storm is very crucial for landing it right

    A really needed item against heal-heavy champions like Swain . The mana restoration upon

    kill/assists aids a lot in laning phase is pretty sweet. But if you prefer safe laning phase, get a LostChapter instead, the mana restoration is underrated but its huge. The mana is still very nice forSiphon Power 's shield scales, along with the 100 AP that will boost your damage. Don't really need thisitem most of the time unless as stated, against healers or poke-playstyle gameplay

    This item is dead for laners. Only viable for supports like Lulu , Lux , Soraka . And so, don't get iteven for support Viktor troll build

    The recent changes to Abyssal Scepter makes it leans towards the defensive side more now with the

    better build path and 10% Cooldown Reduction and lesser passive aura that scales with level. Do notget this every game unless your having a bad time against bully mages like Azir, LeBlanc . Don't

    It's worth mentioning that these bootsbecome more useful compared to sorcshoes when games are long. If action ishappening very early on in a game, thensorc shoes are much better. With this in

    mind, it's a good idea to quiz yourreaders on how to identify fast games vsslow ames.

    SOO WHY DIDN'T YOU PUT THIS INYOUR NOTE? lol i was expecting amuch longer explanation for these. -2

    This is a reasonable enoughexplanation.

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    take this if you want the "Reduce MR" aura only, as Void Staff already did somewhat similar thing of that; and you're gonna be getting Void Staff every game anyways

    Contributes a lot to your roaming potential, get this alongside Boots of Swiftness for maximumroaming potential, its more of a safer choice also in lane that will make you invulnerable to ganksthanks to the good active. But due to the mana regeneration changes recently, so this item is not reallythat great for laners anymore

    One of the items that you need the most in every single game. Getting this after Perfect Hex Coreand Rylai's Crystal Scepter will definitely boost your damage output because most brusiers / tankerswill tend to stack MR by then, even a single mercs kek

    With the new build order that most Viktor are going for, this isn't an item you want to considerabout anymore since you'll be rushing Void Staff for the MPen already. Not to say this is pretty baditem to rush for after your core items due to the fact that the build path is somewhat costly

    Get this if you want to play passive until the mid game or you want to outsustain enemies in the laneor need the defensive stats desperately. The new stacked Rod of Ages will make you very durable. Idon't usually buy this, even after the changes, but if you want to, you have to delay the Rylai'sCrystal Scepter 's rush that will greatly affect your gameplay, powerspike, etc. in exchange. Its definitelycheaper now but I don't think its still worth the buy

    This item should be your first rush against fighting assassins if your struggling with them. Try to getThe Hex Core MK-1 and Seeker's Armguard as soon as possible after your first back as getting itearlier you can stack the passive and gain more AP and Armor to aid you in lane. The new changesmakes it have a more flexible build path and gives cooldown reduction, pretty good item now, making iteasier to rush but the low AP on Zhonya's Hourglass will still hurt your damage in mid game

    Luden's Echo is a very strong item because of its huge AP amount and that high contributiondamage with the passive and 10% Movement Speed boosts. The movement speed can help Viktor toposition in teamfight better and due to its passive able to hit 4 peoples, you can contribute a lot inteamfight since you're gonna be spamming abilities so Luden's Echo passive will proc a few times inmost teamfights. It also contributes to pushing wave easier or poking before a teamfight. It also procs

    Rylai's Crystal Scepter 's slows from its passive

    This item gives a lot of raw damage but offers no utility but its still a great pick up because getting it willmaximize your damage output in a single rotation and 35% increase AP is definitely good when you'rebuilding items with low AP but with a Rabadon's Deathcap will greatly increase its AP amount. It's agreat item to have especially if you're snowballing the game hard, I do not recommend getting this

    Seems outdated

    I have a philosophy about this kind ofthing when it comes to guides. If youyourself don't get it in more than 5% ofyour games, it's not even worthmentioning.

    So you LIKE this item?

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    when you're behind due to its high cost unless you're confident of killing everyone in a teamfight with alot of peels

    Viktor 's second part of Siphon Power benefits a lot from Lich Bane , and its what helps hisburst that is mostly underestimated when his Death Ray is on cooldown. I don't recommend buyingthis in all games as you have to get close to enemies to benefits from Lich Bane mostly, and this isnot a playstyle for Viktor , the new Viktor as such that you will put yourself in a very tightsituation in teamfight with bad positioning.

    A must buy item for Viktor now in ALL games, no matter winning or losing, nor snowballing orbehind. Get it as your first item or second after Perfect Hex Core as the slow passive is veryimportant in landing a good Death Ray and properly set up damages for Chaos Storm ticks. Italso improves your kiting speed by a ton and consider really rushing it when fighting annoying frontlinesthat lack gap closers like Darius and Garen

    I don't buy this item unless I really need more kiting power even with a Rylai's Crystal Scepterbought, or desperately need the defensive stats. By defensive stats I meant the mana that will improveyour shield scaling, and the armor too. This item will not greatly affect your burst or potential inteamfights, in fact you're even more impactful because able to stay inside teamfight long makes a lot of difference. I always find myself getting this item when there's a fed bruisers like Irelia and Rivengoing ham around. This combined with Zhonya's Hourglass are the only viable armor items youshould be getting

    I tried this item alot and I find it funny how it actually works on Viktor and very good too I must say.You can get either Catalyst of Aeons that will improve your sustain, or Hextech Revolver if youneed more damage or trade potential. This item makes your burst stronger too. With Rylai's Crystal

    Scepter , each Chaos Storm ticks every 2 seconds and only slows each ticks for 1 second, so usingthis after that 1 second to make sure enemy will be hit for the next tick, the damage active actuallyscales nice too

    Tried it few times and it isn't good at all, it works like a free Flash , yes and its very useful toreposition or catch enemies off guard, it does give nice stats with cooldown reduction. But the dash notreally that impactful at all, and wasting an item slot for this item is really not worth at all

    Back to Top

    ALRIGHT, you need to do a better jobcommunicating with your reader whatyour personal preferences are for items.Reading this, I felt more lost than I wouldguided. I think you're making this moreovercomplicated than it needs to be,personally. -4

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    --> --> -->

    This is the only build you will go for in most of your games. I've tried a lot, rushing Hextech GLP-800 /Luden's Echo / Morellonomicon , none of these rush are actually better than the build shown above.

    Due to the recent delay nerfs on Death Ray , its even more important now that you have Rylai's CrystalScepter up your sleeves, alongside with Chaos Storm nerfs that need a lot of help in order to pull of the

    aftermath damages; that is important for your damage output. Rushing Perfect Hex Core after that will makeyour Chaos Storm moves 20% faster and easier to navigate it.

    Do not count this item's efficiency based on stats itself, but the glorious movement speed utilities it provides toyour skills. Making you able to kite around with Siphon Power , and making Chaos Storm faster is definitely

    making this item's efficiency more than you can think of.

    What item do you get after these?Read the previous chapter and build according to situations

    Back to Top


    Back to Top

    1. AHRI

    I really don't :( and that's a red flag right there. You see,the sucky thing is that if readers don't like a part of yourguide, they'll just stop reading your guide. You've got to domore to keep them immersed.

    I don't read matchups, but nice jobmaking this thorough.

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    2. AKALI

    3. ANIVIA

    4. ANNIE


    6. AZIR

    7. BRAND


    9. CHO'GATH

    10. DIANA

    11. EKKO

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    12.1 AP EZREAL

    12.2 AD EZREAL


    14. FIZZ

    15. IRELIA

    16. JAYCE

    17. JHIN

    18. KARMA

    19. KARTHUS

    20. KATARINA

    21. KAYLE

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    22. KENNEN

    23. LE BLANC


    25. LULU

    26. LUX


    28. MALZAHAR

    29. MORGANA

    30. ORIANNA

    31. RYZE

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    32. SWAIN

    33. SYNDRA

    34. TALON

    35. TEEMO


    37. URGOT

    38. VARUS

    39. VEIGAR

    40. VEL'KOZ

    41. VIKTOR

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    42. VLADIMIR

    43. XERATH

    44. YASUO

    45. ZED

    46. ZIGGS

    47. ZYRA

    Back to Top

    You can actually start Siphon Power or Death Ray at level 1, depending on matchup and how you are goingto play out the laning phase.

    You can start Siphon Power if you don't feel like pushing early because the enemy have a great waveclear /good last hits under turrets (ex. Yasuo / Zed ) or they have strong poke since level 1, someone like Jayce .

    Siphon Power start is actually more to aggressive-biased due to the AA - Q - AA combo that will dealapproximately 30% of the enemy health, alongside Thunderlord's Decree and provide you with the shield that

    will soak up a lil' amount of damage early on


    Ah yes, the meat of the guide :)

    This should be in your notes for yourcheat sheet.

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    However, you should start Death Ray at level 1 most of the time, due to the fact most mid lane matchups arecovered with ranged mages and as you are in the mid lane, where the lane tend to be most important throughoutthe game, you have to assert your dominance over the lane and able to pull off the "Level-2 Strats" will make yousnowball harder, I'll explain this later. Death Ray is very rewarding in lane if you ever hit the lane minions/push

    while also hitting the enemies at the same time, mastering this step is what differenciates most good Viktor andthe average one's, due to the fact how they can control the lane by themselves without the help of others


    As a Viktor you should back when you have over 1000g to pick up the sweet The Hex Core MK-1 t ostrengthen your pushing power with augmented Death Ray and the scaling ablility power + mana pool passive.

    Feel free to back when its too dangerous for you to continue laning and buy something like double Doran'sRing s, Cloth Armor , Ruby Crystal to aid you in your laning phase.


    If the enemy jungler ganks, put a Gravity Field and open Flash or Ghost to escape if you think you really

    need to get out of there or they can burst you down. You can fight most ganks out of them and still come out ontop thanks to the power of new Chaos Storm at first rank, however this is very risky and you need to

    micromanage a lot,so just run if you're not confident enough to play it out. Most of the time, a simple GravityField will do though. Well its a more of a reason for you to ward your lane. ALWAYS buy Vision Ward even when

    you have one in the map and undestroyed.


    As a Viktor , its very important for you to push the lane most of the time and able to deny enemy cs underturrets and will delay out their powerspike core items eventually. Most enemies have to choose to whether spendall of their mana getting those last hits, tanking the wave and have their health reduced unless they don't want

    their golds. This will make enemies tend to focus on last hitting instead of wanting to have kill potential in lane. (Agood example would be Talon )

    The mid game part is where (most of the time) laning phase ends, and team will group to secure objectives, pushthe lanes and this part of the game is very important as making a few mistakes will cause your team to lose theGAME or even making comebacks. Viktor is one of the champions that works great in the mid game with his

    strong wave clear, sieging potential or even defending turrets


    You can easily roam to bot lane as Viktor because you can easily roam thanks to your waveclear and lanecontrol being exceptionally strong. You can freely roam after pushing a wave and miss none cs while your

    Isn't this the place to talk aboutstrategy??

    Shouldn't this be covered in items? Idon't see how this is relevant togameplay.

    Okay this is inadequate imo. Avoidingganks is so important, and it dependsso heavily on where you're positioned inlane (on the wings, toward the center),the mobility & catch potential of youropponents (does the jungler have a gapcloser?), % health differentials,cooldowns, among many other things.You need to improve this section bytalking about how to position gravityfield in lane, and also teaching your

    readers through example.You also need to teach your readerswhen is the right time to ward, and alsoperhaps how to tell whether they areabout to get ganked. -7

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    opponents have to struggle pushing the lane back, or just lose cs.

    Its even better to roam if your bot have lane control, wards around, and clears wards around. You might want tohave someone like Thresh , Nautilus , Leona support as they provide strong engage that buys you enough

    time to reach


    After successful gank for a laner, you can do few things. Push theme to turret or go back to your midlane if itspushed. DO NOT ROAM WHEN YOUR LANE IS PUSHED TOWARDS YOU because a fail gank will lead to loss of goldand experience, and that is bad and this is especially important for mid lane because its the most important lane in

    term of map control as it is the shortest lane of the three. Ask a jungler to defend your turret if your away forroaming or he needs extra golds.


    You can also push the side lanes to pressure the lanes. Example, when 4 of your teammates are sieging mid (youron the winning team) and the 5 enemies are just hugging the turret, its the perfect time to push the side lanes by

    clearing a single wave or two, just a Death Ray will be enough so that the minions will auto-push them.

    If your on the losing team and they're sieging your lane, you can Death Ray to clear the wave before they cantry to siege too

    Late Game is pretty much all about getting objectives and teamfights.Naturally if you have baron buff you need to gather at pushed lane and let the empowered cannon minion hit the

    turret from afar while using Death Ray to push the incoming wave.

    You can also use Death Ray to poke enemy team before teamfight, but make sure your Death Ray is upwhen the teamfight is about to start, as it has a long cooldown.

    Well in teamfight, your the AP Carry but your not the type of Katarina who mash button and win the fight, yougotta position yourself like an actual AD Carry.


    In teamfight, accept the fact that your a mage, your not a mash-button-to-win champion.Do not go infront of the fight because your squishy and have the same hp as an average semi tank junglers, but do

    not have them defensive stats to soak damageUse Death Ray from afar and Gravity Field to stun their frontline. If their most of their frontliners got

    Your bot lane minion wave is reallyimportant to look at when you are tryingto roam. What are you looking at in yourbot lane right after you clear the midlane minion wave and are attempting tohead down towards your bot lane? -3When (under what conditions) are roamstelegraphed? When are they not? Agood example, is how can you trick youropponents into believing that you'reshopping instead of roaming? -1

    Shouldn't your friend with TP be doingthis? -1What is your role in turret sieging? -4

    How do you set up for baron bufffights? EXACTLY where is viktor strongat fighting (near the pit), and where ishe weak at fighting? (between the

    death brush, and the mid lane wingbrush) -3

    How do you position well?

    Well surely you can do better than,"don't go in front of the tank."When can you weave in a powerspihon? When is it bad to do so?

  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide


    stunned with teammates' abilities, put Gravity Field down and chain the stun while using Chaos Storm t otear apart their health bar

    Chaos Storm is hard to use due to the fact it ticks every 2 seconds(which is long) but if you control yourChaos Storm properly, and hit enemies with 3 out of 3 of the ticks; you deal a lot damage than pre-changed

    Viktor Do not hesitate to Flash inside if your frontlines engages on them, a simple Death Ray and Chaos Stormwill deal extremely a lot of damage. Do not hesitate to Flash inside too if you see their carries mispositioned or

    just a small distance away from you while th eir frontlines aren't peeling for them

    A single teamfight won in late game can mostly turnaround the game or make a comeback since you can pushturrets and get Baron/Dragon with the big death timer in season 6.

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    So, what's this level 2 cheese that im referring about ?

    As the name says so, its somewhat of a level 2 strategy that you can pull off only once per game and have greatrisk but high reward too

    You can do this even at level 3, but against certain enemies (Definitely not LeBlanc as her level 3 powerspikesare real, but this is an example)

    So here's the thing :

    You start the early game phase with Death Ray , once you reach lane, you use it and hit ALL SIX minions, andthen last hit them when they're low, this will ensure that you have the lane dominance, especially against enemies

    that are weak early like Ryze , Swain ; this strategy can prove effective, since they have very weak waveclearand forced to tank the minions unless they want to lose some farms

    (You can not "not use Death Ray to the minion", and use it to poke the enemy instead, this will increase thechance of pulling off the strategy)

    When the lane comes again, you should focus that single minion that your 3 melee minions are damaging it, andAA it, when it dies, you should hit level 2 and get your Siphon Power , pressing CTRL+Q (by default) will make

    you able to level up the ability in a single second and proceed to trade with your opponents

    AA > Death Ray > Siphon Power > AA = Thunderlord's DecreeThis combo will deal a lot of damage early on and proceed to trade with them with autos, its important to checkyour lane as you don't want to trade with 5 minions aggro to you. When the enemy is around 30% hp (so are

    you), your Siphon Power should come back up; if it came back up earlier, just use it. Then trade a while moreand your Death Ray should come back up a few seconds after Siphon Power , and making your AA +

    I think that you should upload a shortGIF of a viktor team fighting, and breakdown what he did correctly and alsowhat he did incorrectly that you don'tthink that your readers will necessarilycatch. Doing this will teach your readershow to think when playing viktor in teamfights. -2

    I have mixed feelings about this kind ofstrategy. You heavily encouraged it inyour gameplay section, which meansthat i feel like you're pigeonholing yourreaders into this kind of playstyle. Whilethis is effective, I think that it is adverseto the reader if they don't know what todo if the cheese is ineffective becasethey don't know how to think for


    You haven't emphasized that 5 minionthing enough. Show an example or yourreaders won't fully understand whatyou're saying. -2

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    Death Ray land on enemies at the same time is crucial and make them have no reaction time to Flash

    If you're taking Ghost , do not do this strategy because you will just take a lot damage in return and probablymake you lose the lane. Ignite is very important factor in order to pull off this strategy

    I do not use this often as sometimes it might backfired on you if their jungler is a fast clearer like Shaco an dthey can just gank on you, and you might just getting first blood-ed instead.

    This is a very risky but also high reward that make you able to snowball the lane in a single kill. However, you

    might need a lot of practice in order to make this work; so consider grabbing a friend or two (if they are free)to helpyou

    It's even higher chance to pull this off if the enemy aren't taking armor seals on runes (because you're gonna tradeAA with them) or against enemies that have high cooldown early (ex. Vladimir and Morgana )

    Its been long since I have used this strategy, do try it out and tell me how it works ! Or did it not? Feedback isespecially appreciated in this part

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    You actually made it here! Well, good job I guess. This is my first guide yet I tried very hard to make it nice aspossible and I wanted to give a shout out to :

    - jhoijhoi's Making a Guide guide

    - Vynertje for giving crictisms about the guide (Check out the Review Shop here !)

    - Seth346 / Crs Dekar for giving his review on the guide ! Check out his Amazing Detailed Riven Guide too !

    - To anyone whos reading this ! ^^

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  • 8/16/2019 Bluemoon01's viktor guide



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