© Copyright 2013 ITNAmerica. All Rights Reserved. www.ITNAmerica.org Point A to Point B: Serving Constituents through Transportation Access and Performance Transportation Choices for Vulnerable Populations Fall Forum, National Conference of State Legislatures Washington, DC December 3, 2013 Katherine Freund, ITNAmerica Founder & President Blue Water for Senior Transportation: Removing Policy Barriers to Private Resources

Blue Water for Senior Transportation: Removing Policy ... · ITNAmerica is the first and only national non-profit transportation network for America’s aging population. The ITN

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Point A to Point B: Serving Constituents through Transportation Access and Performance

Transportation Choices for Vulnerable Populations

Fall Forum, National Conference of State Legislatures

Washington, DC

December 3, 2013

Katherine Freund, ITNAmerica

Founder & President

Blue Water for Senior Transportation:

Removing Policy Barriers to Private Resources

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• Current mobility options and safety issues

• Independent Transportation Network (ITN®)—a

social enterprise approach

• How can state policy help?


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Current Transportation Options

• 3 out of 4 older people live in rural or suburban communities that

lack the density for traditional mass transit

• Where mass transit does exist, most older people cannot use it

• 90% of trips for the over 65 population are taken in the private

automobile, either as a driver or a passenger

• 8% of trips are walking

• 2% of trips are taken on mass transportation


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Safety and mobility for older people

• Highest fatal crash risk

• Age related driving compensation

• 54% of seniors live in communities without public transit

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Recent Trends in Traffic Fatalities, with a

Focus on Older Driver Crashes


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Percentage of All Traffic Fatalities

Accounted for by Crashes Involving

Drivers Age 70 and Older







PercentageOfAllTrafficFatali esAccountedForByCrashesInvolvingDriversAge70AndOlder

Source: Fatality

Analysis Reporting

System, NHTSA

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

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How Transportation is Funded

• Americans spend $675 billion a year on transportation

• Private expenditures for transportation outnumber public

expenditures 5 to 1

• Approximately 20% of household income is spent on

transportation, second only to housing (ahead of medical



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One Hundred Years of U.S.

Consumer Spending


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ITN Goal

• To meet the mobility needs of America’s aging


• To build a financially sustainable solution

• To build a solution that will scale with the aging of

the population


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ITNAmerica—a non-profit, market

approach to a pressing social need

ITNAmerica is the first and only national non-profit

transportation network for America’s aging population.

The ITN model marries the power of information

technology and the strength of local, grassroots support

to create an efficient and financially sustainable solution

to the transportation needs of seniors and their families.

ITNAmerica imagines a day when all seniors will have

access to transportation when they want it.

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Transportation for Everyone—glamour


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Transportation for Everyone—environment


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Transportation for Everyone—power


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Transportation for Everyone—commerce


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Transportation for Everyone—fun


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Transportation for Seniors:

A Social Service (the hospital gown of transportation)







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Transportation for Seniors—ITN style


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Characteristics of an ITN Affiliate

Uses automobiles to provide rides 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;

Available for any purpose, without restriction to all ITN® members;

Sustainable through fares from those who use the service and voluntary local community support, without the use of taxpayer dollars;

Connected to and served by ITNRides information system technology;

Serves seniors 60 years of age or older and people with visual impairments.

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Affiliate Sites 27 Affiliated Communities in 21 States

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Rides by Purpose All affiliates providing rides, through February 2013

In % of N=281,150 ride segments (not including 234,227 home/return rides)

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• 45,789 General

• 21,481 Dialysis

• 10,374 Adult Day Care

• 7,715 Physical Therapy

• 7,711 Eye care

• 5,765 Dental

• 3,861 Lab Tests

• 1,928 Cardiology

• 1,778 Psychiatrist

• 1,589 Podiatry

• 1,081 Cancer Treatment

• 979 Audiologist

• 566 Internal Medicine

• 562 Chiropractor

• 534 Orthopedic

• 518 Occupational Therapy

• 474 Surgery

• 447 Nephrology

• 383 Radiology/X-Ray

• 317 Acupuncture

• 301 Mammogram

• 247 Gastrointestinal

• 195 Annual Physical

• 182 Immunizations

• 147 Vision Therapy

• 138 Neurology

Rides by Purpose All affiliates providing rides February 2013, N=281,150 ride segments

(not including 234,227 home/return rides)

• 120 Dermatology

• 101 Vascular

• 106 Endocrinologist

• 89 Rheumatology

• 38 Bone Density


• 22,653 Hair

• 18,689 Grocery

• 8,172 General

• 5,037 Banking

• 3,759 Pharmacy

• 3,582 Mall

Employment / Volunteering

• 18,110 Paid

• 4,269 Volunteer


• 11,915 Exercise

• 8,120 Dining

• 3,180 Gaming

• 1,818 Show

• 167 Museum


• 6,860 Nursing Home Visit

• 5,442 Visit Friends / Family

• 2,955 Community Affairs

• 2,024 Hospital Visit

• 278 Funeral / Mem. Service

Church / Spiritual

• 11,929 Worship

• 4,009 Social

• 1,926 Work


• 2,935 School

• 1,064 Cultural

• 392 Library


• 9,789 Personal Business

• 2,174 Unknown

• 269 Hourly Service


• 1,207 Airport

• 707 Bus

• 241 Train

• 227 Ferry

Professional Services

• 338 Vet

• 267 Finance

• 215 Lawyer

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2012 ITN Customer Satisfaction Survey (mailed to all customers nationally)

98% said they would recommend ITN to a friend

96% said their overall experience was excellent or very good

96% were very satisfied with the staff

94% were very satisfied the quality of service

3% felt that the service was too expensive

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Willingness to Pay






















It is inexpensive for the service I receive

It is a fair price for the service I receive

It is expensive, but I still get a good value for mymoney

It is too expensive for the service I receive2008





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ITN Member Characteristics

Household Income

Less than $25,000 38.9

$25,000 - $49,999 31.5

$50,000 - $74,999 14.8

$75,000 - $99,999 7.5

$100,000 or more 7.3

Health Status

Excellent 8.4

Very good 25.9

Good 39.8

Fair 22.2

Poor 3.6

Current Driver's License 54.4

Owns a vehicle 41.0

Current Driver 28.0


Age (mean = 80.0)

Younger than 65 10.3

65-74 15.4

75-84 32.3

85 or older 42.1


Male 22.8

Female 77.2

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Visual Impairment & Special Needs

Ambulatory assistance*

Cane 35.6

Walker 23.6

Wheelchair 7.3

At least one 50.3

Visual impairment/ Blind*

Visually impaired 26.7

Blind 5.8

At least one 30.9

Alzheimer's / Dementia* 1.0

Deaf* 3.1

Anxiety Disorder* 1.6

Bladder or Bowel Control Problems* 5.2

Driver Assistance Required* 22.0

Travels with Personal Assistant* 5.2


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Average age of rider 78.44 years

Average length of ride* 6.27 miles

Average duration of ride* 23 minutes

Average fare* $11.76

Ride scheduled on the same day 3.93 %

Rides at a Glance All affiliates providing rides, through February 2013

*Based on ride segments

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State Policy Leads the Way

Definition of Sustainable Senior


does not rely upon taxpayer

dollars for continuing operating

subsidy after a reasonable start-up

period of 5 to 8 years.


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The Role of Information Technology

• Traditional mass transit

– Public funding

– High occupancy vehicles

– Efficiency through grouping

• Shared private transportation capacity

– Private funding

– Small vehicles

– Efficiency through technology


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50 State Analysis

Policies that Remove Barriers or Create Incentives

for the Use of Private Resources for Sustainable

Senior Transportation

• One year of legal research, 2010-2011

• Silver Century Foundation

• Nutter McClennen & Fish, LLP pro bono legal assistance

• Rappaport Center for Law and Public Service

Website: http://publicpolicy.itnamerica.org/


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-Barriers to the use of private resources

-Incentives for the use of private resources

-Requirements—neither an incentive nor a barrier

Areas of Interest Necessary for a Sustainable Solution



-Rick Management


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• Barrier—Volunteer Driver Liability Insurance – Solution—An insurer may not refuse to issue motor vehicle liability insurance to an

applicant solely because the applicant is a volunteer driver.

– Model Legislation for Volunteer Driver Liability Insurance

– Maine ME 24-A M.R.S.A. § 2902-F * Has been a model for FL, CT, IL, KY

– California Cal Ins Code § 11580.1(f)

• Incentive—Volunteer Disability Insurance &

Property Tax Incentive • Model Legislation

• Hawaii HRS 431:10A-201 Blanket disability insurance for an organization may also cover


• Massachusetts MGL ch. 59, § 5K People over 60 may earn up to $1,000 property tax reduction if

the volunteer at minimum wage


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• Barrier—Livery Laws and Car Dealership Laws • Solution—volunteer programs and senior transportation services are exempt

from livery and dealership laws.

• Model Legislation Livery Laws

• California CA Ins Code § 11580.25 No insured motor vehicle shall be classified as a common

carrier, livery, or for-hire vehicle solely for the reason that the named insured is performing

volunteer services for a nonprofit charitable organization …

• Colorado C.R.S. 13-21-102.5 In order to promote improved transportation for the elderly, for

persons with disabilities, and for the residents of rural areas and small towns through an

expanded and coordinated transportation network, the general assembly hereby declares it to be

the policy of the state to legally define and to recognize people service transportation and

volunteer transportation as separate but contributing components of the transportation system.

• Model Legislation for Car Dealership Laws

• California CA Cal Veh Code §§ 11700 & 286(o) allows non-profit to dispose of donated vehicles

without becoming a dealership

• Maine 29-A M.R.S.A. § 951 allows non-profit senior transportation services to accept vehicles in

exchange for rides


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• Incentives—Vehicles and Social Enterprise • Costs associated with vehicles are typically straightforward requirements, but

some states have created incentives with them

• Model Vehicle Incentives

• Delaware 21 Del. C. 2159 Car Registration Fee Exemption for Non-profits

• Hawaii HRS 249-9.3 and Massachusetts MGL ch. 90, § 2F have fundraising license plate


• Model Social Enterprise Laws

• Oklahoma 18 Okl. St. § 549 declares that a non-profit organization may earn revenue “…in

order that additional funds may be obtained with which to carry out only the charitable or

educational purposes of such corporation”

• New York N.Y. Elder Law § 223.1-2 Economically sustainable senior transportation, modeled

on Senator Susan Collins Older Americans Sustainable Mobility Act of 2006;uses matching

grants to start sustainable senior transportation service that may not use public funds after 5



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Risk Management

• Barrier—Hired and Un-owned Insurance— the insurance that addresses

the risk to an organization when an employee or volunteer operates a personal

vehicle in connection with duties for that organization. In some states,

insurance is simply not available to cover the risk to a non-profit organization

that uses volunteers who drive their own cars to provide transportation for

others if the non-profit charges a fare to recover costs. NO MODEL


• Incentive—Insurance for Personal Car Sharing

• California Section 11580.24 Builds on the existing law that protects volunteer

drivers; this new policy protects people who wish to share their personal

vehicles and be reimbursed for the cost


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Meet the Policy Makers

• Florida—E. Douglas Beach

Chief Executive Officer

Area Agency on Aging of Central Florida

Former Secretary of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs

• New York—Greg Olsen

Acting Director for the New York State Office for the Aging

• Connecticut—Jonathan Harris

Executive Director, Connecticut Democratic Party

Former State Senator and Deputy Treasurer

• Maine—Mayor Michael Brennan

Portland, Maine

Former State Senator

• Illinois—Representative Joseph Lyons

Illinois State Legislature


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Hot Off the Press

Policy Prescriptions to preserve mobility for seniors—a dose of realism

Accident Analysis and Prevention (December 2013)

Loren Staplin, Katherine Freund


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Contact Information

Katherine Freund

President & Executive Director, ITNAmerica


[email protected]

The Liberty Mutual and ITNAmerica Partnership. ITNAmerica is excited to announce our partnership with Liberty Mutual, one of the nation's leading auto, home and

life insurers. As the National Insurance Partner to ITNAmerica and our affiliate communities, Liberty Mutual has embraced ITN's mission to support safe, senior

mobility and developed resources for seniors and their families to make good, safe transportation decisions found at www.libertymutual.com/seniordriving.

ITNAmerica is proud to recognize Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. as a corporate sponsor committed to helping raise awareness of the challenges

associated with vision impairment, low vision, senior mobility issues and the shortage of locally-available transportation options for seniors. As the National

Pharmaceutical Eye-care Services Sponsor for ITNAmerica and our affiliate communities, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals is proud to support ITN's mission to

promote safe senior mobility.