Blogging - still the King of Social Media (or why a blog is the platform of choice for writers)

Blogging - still the King of Social Media (or why a blog is the platform of choice for writers)

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Blogging - still the King of Social Media

(or why a blog is the platform of choice for writers)

What We Will Cover

Why me4 reasons why blogs …4 biggest obstacles …4 timeless absolutes …4 next steps …

What writers wantTo be1.Read2.Published3.Asked 4.PaidA Blog will satisfy all these itches

1. I get reada. A lifetime of articlesb. 1.15 pages/secc. 10 different/unrelated topics to

1,000,000 EACHChristian, Education, Asia, Japan, China, Environment, India, blogging, int’l


More total views than the population of 90% of the world’s countries.

So can you!

2. I get published

So, can you!

3. I get askedNYCIndySan JoseUKDenverLASan DiegoUKSan MiguelBangkokCWCRWAACFW…

So can you!

4. I get paid1.Dinner and a movie2.My mortgage3.I am a writer

So can you!

4 Problems a Blog can Solve

1. Can’t find an agent - a well trafficked blog brings

them to you2. Can’t find a publisher - a well trafficked blog brings

inquiries to you

You have control

3. Can’t get a speaking gig - a well trafficked blog brings

requests to you4. Can’t make a living writing – - think again.

4 Reasons Why Blogs are King of

Social Media

Reason # 1 - Why blogs are King

1. I know my a. readers b. followers c. customers

What I know about my readers (1 of 2)

1. Demographics of my readers -

a. 18-24 year old men, and 25-34 year old men

b. College and Graduate school c. Single, childless d. Log on from home and work

What a blogger can learn about their readers (2 of 2)

2. More than 6,300 RSS readers3. More than 22,475+ active and

relevant email addresses4. 4200+ Meetup Members(Entrepreneurs, Marketers, Authors, Bloggers …)

Reason #2 - Why blogs are King

2. I can communicate with my readers a. more than 140 characters b. refused to be buried c. can give my fans/followers more d. get feedback!

Social Media Competitors

Reason #3 - Why blogs are King

3. I can be found a. again b. again c. again d. again…..

FactsSearches are conducted at:

34,000/sec2,000,000/min121,000,000/hr3,000,000,000/dayWhy shouldn’t they be finding


Reason # 4 - Why blogs are King

4. I get paid

I get paid

I get paid

Blogs are King of Social Media

Make no mistake:1. Bloggers get read.2. Bloggers get published.3. Bloggers get asked.4. Bloggers get paid.

4 Biggest Obstacles to Getting Started

Obstacle # 1 to getting started

What’s my name going to be?

What’s in a Name?

1.Something people can spell

2.Try your own name3.You can always change it

Obstacle # 2 to getting started

Where do I get good/reliable/cheap hosting?


What’s in a host?

1.Nowhere more cheaply2.24/7 support3.Solid reputation

Obstacle # 3 to getting started

What’s the best template?

What’s in a template?Blogger vs Wordpress vs Typepad vs Homemade

1.More flexibility2.More options3.Ease of use4.Availability of help

Obstacle # 4 to getting started

What do I write about?

What’s in your wallet, um, blog?Write about something that

1. you are interested in2. that you can create an interest in3. is timeless4. is timely5. you have a lot to say about

4 obstacles overcome

1.Name – done2.Hosting – done3.Template – done4.Content - done

4 Timeless Absolutes to Get Traffic to

Your Blog/Web Site

Timeless absolute # 1



How many posts?Site # of posts Traffic Traffic/post

A 533 836,464 1,569.3

B 372 494,066 1,328.1

C 240 167,024 695.9


Writers with a blog have 4.3 times more pages indexed than

writers without.

Timeless Absolute # 2

1,000,000Unique Visitors



SEO basics1.Tagline2.Title3.Keywords4.…..5.…..

6. ….. 7. ….. 8. ….. 9. …..10. TheTrafficProfessor.com


In 2008 half of the internet population read blogs

In 2010 the number was 2 out of 3.

Timeless Absolute # 3

1,000,000Unique Visitors




Math problem


Writers that update their site multiple times daily:

2.6x as many leads

as those with a static site.









My China Connection

I get email

“Your SEO recipe is working and i'm running around doing bids for bathroom remodeling. We now average one bid request for a sizeable job a day, whereas before it was one a month and we were living on handyman work. We closed two bathroom remodel jobs this week alone, and are now in the process of bidding on a total of about 20. It's been keeping me busy.”

I get more emailDear Bill, “I attended the Jan 27th meetup on how to grow

web site and may I thank you again for sharing your experience? The advice you shared I took to heart and am building into my . Already, the results are astounding. Measured by Page Views my 2 blogs have started to take off:

January Page Views: 1600 (before Meetup)February Page Views: 2377March Page Views (so far): 4220”

4 Next Steps Every Writer Should


Step # 1

1. Get online and figure it out

Best place to start –


It’s FREE!

Step # 2

2. Buy my book


Limited # ofCopies – 20?

Step # 37+1 Steps to Get 1,000,000 Visitors to your Site



• Unedited Workshop Videos • iPod version • Website Optimization webinar • Bonus modules

$97 + 9.97/monthly Unlimited – start anytime


Step # 4

4. [email protected] – personal consulting

Individual vs corporate rates$750 for 4 hours

+ TheTrafficProfessor + 1st month subscription (anytime opt out) + introduction to my Agent/PR/Marketer

Very limited to number of clients I can take – 5-6?

Did you hear the one about the:

1. Piano player www.benjaminbelew.com

2. Swimmer www.micahbelew.com

3. Princess www.miamei.com