Week 6 and 7 Week 6 was the hand in for assignment 1 and the start of assignment 2 for me. Over these 2 weeks my website research has been the main focus. Finding images that aren’t copyright has proven difficult and learning to use Wix has been challenging, as I haven’t used this software before. I have named my website ‘Mobiletrends’ as the main focus is phone accessories that make a fashion statement. Also in lessons we have been learning about how to get visitors to your actual website. The topic was not the most stimulating of the whole module, however it’s important to track who comes to your website, and obviously utilising search engine optimisation to increase volumes to your website.

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Week 6 and 7

Week 6 was the hand in for assignment 1 and the start of assignment 2 for me. Over these 2 weeks my website research has been the main focus. Finding images that arent copyright has proven difficult and learning to use Wix has been challenging, as I havent used this software before. I have named my website Mobiletrends as the main focus is phone accessories that make a fashion statement. Also in lessons we have been learning about how to get visitors to your actual website. The topic was not the most stimulating of the whole module, however its important to track who comes to your website, and obviously utilising search engine optimisation to increase volumes to your website.