Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019

Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

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Page 1: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Blockchain Transforming HealthcareJanuary 16, 2019

Page 2: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Ground to be covered

▪ Introduction -who we are

▪Why the hype

▪What blockchain is and how it’s being used

▪Barriers to use

▪Requirements for adoption and growth


Page 3: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

PNC Healthcare


1 Full year 2017

Who we are, what we do and why clients choose us

PNC helps providers and payers

automate data and dollars

▪ 25+ year continuous commitment to providing

solutions to the healthcare industry

▪ Support more than 2,500 Healthcare clients

▪ Direct connections with more than 3,300 payers



Page 4: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

The promise of Blockchain?

A) Total Hype

B) Somewhat of a Hype

C) Too Soon to Tell

D) Getting Closer to Reality

E) Reality



Is blockchain technology hype or reality?

Page 5: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Attendee results






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Getting Closer to Reality

Too Soon to Tell

Somewhat of a Hype

Total Hype


Is Blockchain Technology Hype or Reality?

Assoc. of Financial Professionals 2018 Nat’l Conference; PNC Healthcare Client Advisory Board 12/2018

Page 6: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

2018 Deloitte survey of global blockchain experts


Survey cconducted March –April 2018’

Agreement that blockchain will disrupt their organization’s industry


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0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

Source: Stanford University, 2018

2018 and 2019 — Defining Years for BlockchainHealthcare Has Attracted More Blockchain Initiatives Than Any Other Sector

Percentage of Catalogued Initiatives


Financial Inclusion

Energy, Climate and Environment

Philanthropy, Aid and Donors

Democracy and Governance


Land Rights

Source: IBM Institute for Business Value Analysis

Page 8: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

The first health insurancecompany to master blockchain

will 'rule,' expert says

Blockchain will eventually connect payers not only to providers, but to pharmacists in an end-to-end transaction from first encounter to post-op.

Susan Morse, Sr. Editor, December 10, 2018

Cutting edge work using blockchain is underway


Providers and payers are evaluating it to streamline and simplify

Blockchain use case:

Healthcare supply chainTamper-proof distributed ledger tech helps with efficiency, security, integrity and visibility of pharmacy and other supply chain data. And because it doesn't necessarily involve PHI, it may be a logical place for hospitals to start exploring.

By Mike Miliard December 13, 2018

Page 9: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Transformative power of blockchain

‘As fast as you can think it, we could know it…..

food traceability at the speed of thought.’


Frank Yiannas, Vice President of Food Safety for Walmart


Page 10: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Why healthcare is ripe for disruption The healthcare ecosystem needs a redesign

Opacity in the benefit/claim payment requirements results in inefficient

Reconcilement/audit requirements and distrust

Consumer are demanding a

more ‘retail- like experience

as their portion of the cost of care continue to rise

National healthcare cost growth is unsustainable;

as a response reimbursement continues

to be reduced

Administrative and process inefficiencies result in significant costs to both insurers and providers


$5.7Tby 2026


11%in 2017





Page 11: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Is your organization exploring Blockchain?

A) Yes

B) Exploring Opportunities for Application

C) Not at This Time

D) Not Sure



Do you have a project that involves blockchain technology within your Organization?

Page 12: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Majority are not actively experimenting

Have a Project That Involves Blockchain Technology Within Your Organization?


Assoc. of Financial Professionals 2018 Nat’l Conference; PNC Healthcare Client Advisory Board 12/2018





0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Not Sure

Not at This Time

Exploring Opportunities for Application


Page 13: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Blockchain technology is NOT cryptocurrency


Blockchain is an electronic distributed ledger technology (DLT)

Blockchain is a distributed

ledger application

Bitcoin, or cryptocurrency, is a

digital asset

Page 14: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Every computer has an identical record of activity


Shared design enables near real-time data between parties

Traditional Systems:

▪ Transactions are recorded in multiple ledgers.

▪ No record of what happens next, what came before,

or the role of others in the transaction.

▪ Prone to human error and vulnerable to tampering.

Blockchain Solutions:

▪ Can be shared and updated in near real-time

across participants.

▪ Every transaction becomes part of the permanent


▪ Relevant information can be shared with others

based on their roles and privileges.

Page 15: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Distributed Network

Leverages a distributed network of computers sharing and “hosting” the exact history of activity, transaction data


Enhances security and privacy through encryption, cryptography, permissioned access

Single Source of Truth

Provides a single, consistent and shared view of the state of a business process

Immutable Record

No one unilaterally has the power to edit transactions


Establishes provenance, or a record of an entire transaction, workflow

‘Smart’ Contracts

Automates transaction execution and integrate workflows

Blockchain properties enable transformative redesign


Traceability, enhanced security, immutable record of activity and/or assets

Page 16: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Blockchain enables real-time, transparent, secure data fluidity and workflows across stakeholders.


Page 17: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

“Smart Contracts” unlock the full power of Blockchain


Agreement terms are codified enabling auto-execution when validated

A Smart Contract is a computerized

transaction protocol that executes and

enforces the terms of an agreement.

Like traditional contracts, Smart Contracts

define the operating rules and penalties

between parties around an agreement.

Unlike traditional contracts, Smart

Contracts also automatically enforce

those obligations.

What are Smart

Contracts?What is their role?

Process, workflow and transactions automation.

Allow parties to interact directly, eliminating the

need for a “middle man” or additional

communication to validate that activities are being

carried out according to defined terms.

What is their value


Page 18: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Auto-validation and term execution streamlines work processes


Shared environment and consensus builds “trust” environment

Page 19: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Blockchain and smart contracts are being actively deployed in other industries. The future is now.


International cross-border payments

Trade and shipping supply chain

Food traceability farm to table

Property & Casualty insurance consortium

Securities trading and settlement platform for the

Australian Securities Exchange

Page 20: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Blockchain may be targeted to a number of healthcare’s ills

A) Reducing Costs and Operational Inefficiencies

B) Potential for New Revenue Streams

C) Meeting Regulatory Compliance Obligations

D) Potential Competitive Advantage

E) Other



Which factors do you think will drive blockchain adoption?

Page 21: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Cost reduction is in the cross hairs for initial use

Which Factors Do You Think Will Drive Blockchain Adoption?







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Potential Competitive Advantage

Meeting Regulatory Compliance Obligations

Potential for New Revenue Streams

Reducing Costs and Operational Inefficiencies

Assoc. of Financial Professionals 2018 Nat’l Conference; PNC Healthcare Client Advisory Board 12/2018

Page 22: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how


Blockchain technology will revolutionize the business of healthcare

Mutualized infrastructure

reduces operational costs

and reliance on legacy


An immutable, cross-

organizational single

source of truth radically

improves stakeholder


Smart Contracts enable

straight-through healthcare

transaction processing


Real-time sharing of

information leveraging

permissioned access to

enhance security

A modern, highly secure

and scalable platform

increases operational


Page 23: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Smart contracts to streamline transactions in healthcare


Opportunity for real-time authority application and multi-party transparency

- Current State -

Benefit, Claim and Payment Transactions

Healthcare Provider


Insurance CompanyClearinghouse

Bene Check Bene Check

Bene Response

Claim Claim






Bene Response

Page 24: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

A shared network powered by smart contracts could create transparency, reduce costs, and improve experience for all stakeholders.

❖ Providers, Insurers, Banks and other stakeholders

were on a distributed, shared, and permissioned


❖ As an ‘event’ (transaction) occurs information is

committed to the ledger

❖ Visibility and transparency are achieved without

sacrificing security

❖ Smart contracts are utilized to model policies and

contracts between stakeholders enabling straight-

through processing

❖ Administrative waste is eliminated through a single

source of truth and machine executable smart



What If ???

Page 25: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Barriers to use need to be identified and resolved

A) Regulatory

B) Performance/Scalability

C) Maturity of Technology

D) Interoperability

E) No Clear Business Case

F) Other



What is the Biggest Barrier to Adopting Blockchain Technology?

Page 26: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Regulated industries concerned with ‘maturity’ and ROI

What is the Biggest Barrier to Adopting Blockchain Technology?


Cross industry global point to regulation, legacy systems, security & ROI







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No Clear Business Case


Maturity of Technology



Page 27: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Platforms are becoming production hardened


Scaling to industry volumes, complexity and security is underway

• Production grade solutions being

deployed in other industries

• Platforms continue to develop & evolve

• Smart contract languages becoming

increasingly sophisticated

• Permissioned vs Public networks

• On / Off chain data

• Platform design trade-offs

Page 28: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

HIPAA privacy and security requirements remain


Design and implementation decisions will determine compliance

As with any technology, platform design, implementation and participation decisions will

likely determine if and how Privacy and Security standards are met

On-chain vs Off-chain data

Permissioned vs Public

Deployment model

Page 29: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Concern with selecting ‘the wrong’ platform?


Source: https://www.accenture.com/us-en/insights/blockchain/integration-ecosystems

Interoperability between blockchain platforms is already being worked on

Accenture Proposed Interoperability Model

Page 30: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

In defined use cases across industries blockchain is proving its value

A) Actively Exploring Now

B) Six Months

C) One Year

D) Two Years

E) Too Early to Tell



When Will Your Organization be Ready to Examine the Value and Eventually Use Blockchain Technology?

Page 31: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Opinions are somewhat split – ‘too early’ and ‘using/within the year’

When do you Think Your Organization Will be Ready To Examine the Value and Eventually Use Blockchain Technology?


Assoc. of Financial Professionals 2018 Nat’l Conference; PNC Healthcare Client Advisory Board 12/2018






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Too Early to Tell

Two Years

One Year

Six Months

Actively Exploring Now

42% < 1 year

Page 32: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Blockchain requires a NETWORK, likely co-opetition



Even the best designed blockchain solutions will fail without a network

Network Ecosystem

Page 33: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

74% of global organizations are or will join consortia


Modicum of consortia activity in US Healthcare – Synaptic Alliance

Page 34: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Blockchain’s promise to transform healthcare business

▪Great hype and promise but the market remains “split” likely because business transformation is required

▪Significant experimentation across industries with Healthcare having had the greatest amount of activity

▪ ‘COOPETITION’ and network formation is critical IF the healthcare industry is to reap the transformational promise of blockchain


Where do we go from here?

Page 35: Blockchain Transforming Healthcare€¦ · Blockchain Transforming Healthcare January 16, 2019. Ground to be covered Introduction -who we are Why the hype What blockchain is and how

Standard Disclosure

PNC, PNC Bank, ACHIEVEMENT, PINACLE, Working Cash, ActivePay, Global Trade Excellence, Vested Interest, Midland Loan Services, Enterprise!, CMBS Investor Insight, Portfolio Investor Insight, Borrower Insight, Shared Servicing, PNC Riverarch Capital, and PNC ErieviewCapital are registered marks of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (“PNC”). PNC Retirement Solutions is a service mark of PNC.

Bank deposit, treasury management and lending products and services, foreign exchange and derivative products (including commodity derivatives), and investment and wealth management and fiduciary services, are provided by PNC Bank, National Association (“PNC Bank”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of PNC and Member FDIC. Certain fiduciary and agency services are provided by PNC Delaware Trust Company. Equipment financing and leasing products are provided by PNC Equipment Finance, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PNC Bank. Energy financing is provided by PNC Energy Capital LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PNC Equipment Finance, LLC. Aircraft financing is provided by PNC Aviation Finance, a division of PNC Equipment Finance, LLC. Asset–based lending is provided by PNC Business Credit, a division of PNC Bank and PNC Financial Services UK Ltd. (an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of PNC Bank) in the United Kingdom. Specialty finance products are provided by Steel City Capital Funding, a division of PNC Bank, and specialty finance advisory services are provided by PNC Steel City Advisors, LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser and a wholly-owned subsidiary of PNC Bank. Merchant services are provided by PNC Merchant Services Company. Direct equity investing and mezzanine financing are conducted by PNC Capital Finance, LLC through its PNC Riverarch Capital, PNC Mezzanine Capital and PNC ErieviewCapital divisions. Investment banking and capital markets activities are conducted by PNC through its subsidiaries PNC Bank, PNC Capital Markets LLC, Harris Williams LLC, Solebury Capital LLC and Trout Capital LLC. Services such as public finance investment banking services, securities underwriting, and securities sales and trading are provided by PNC Capital Markets LLC. Mergers & acquisitions advisory and related services are provided by Harris Williams LLC and by Harris Williams & Co. Ltd., which is a private limited company incorporated under English law with its registered office at 5th Floor, 6 St Andrew Street, London EC4A 3AE, UK, registered with the Registrar of Companies for England and Wales (registration number 07078852). Harris Williams & Co. Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Harris Williams is a trade name under which Harris Williams LLC and Harris Williams & Co. Ltd conduct business. Equity capital markets advisory and related services are provided by Harris Williams LLC, Harris Williams & Co. Ltd., Solebury Capital LLC and Trout Capital LLC. PNC Capital Markets LLC, Harris Williams LLC, Solebury Capital LLC and Trout Capital LLC are registered broker-dealers and members of FINRA and SIPC. Retail brokerage services and managed account advisory services are offered by PNC Investments LLC, a registered broker-dealer and a registered investment adviser and member of FINRA and SIPC. Annuities and other insurance products are offered through PNC Insurance Services, LLC. PNC Bank is not registered as a municipal advisor under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Act”). Investment management and related products and services provided to a “municipal entity” or “obligated person” regarding “proceeds of municipal securities” (as such terms are defined in the Act) are provided by PNC Capital Advisors, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PNC Bank.PNC Bank and certain of its affiliates including PNC TC, LLC, an SEC registered investment advisor wholly-owned by PNC Bank, do business as PNC Real Estate. PNC Real Estate provides commercial real estate financing and related services. Through its Tax Credit Capital segment, PNC Real Estate provides lending services, equity investments and equity investment services relating to low income housing tax credit (“LIHTC”) and preservation investments. PNC TC, LLC provides investment advisory services to funds sponsored by PNC Real Estate for LIHTC and preservation investments. Registration with the SEC does not imply a certain level of skill or training. This material does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any investment product. Risks of each fund are described in the funds’ private placement memorandum or other offering documents

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In Canada, PNC Bank Canada Branch, the Canadian branch of PNC Bank, provides bank deposit, treasury management, lending (including asset-based lending) and leasing products and services. The Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation does not insure any deposit with PNC Bank Canada Branch. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation does not insure, and the United States Government or any agency thereof does not guarantee, any deposit with PNC Bank Canada Branch.

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