Blessed Sacrament Parish – May 10, 2020 Happy Mothers' Day!! We, Blessed Sacrament Parish, Are a Christ-Centered Community, Committed to Worship the Father, Committed to Respond to the Spirit’s Gifts, Committed to Loving Service to All God’s People Nosotros, la Parroquia del Santísimo Sacramento, Somos una Comunidad Centrada en Cristo, Comprometidos a Adorar al Padre, Comprometidos a Responder a los Dones del Espíritu Santo, Comprometidos en el Servicio Amoroso a Todo el Pueblo de Dios Mass Schedule No public Masses are scheduled until further notice. You can view all private Masses listed below on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BSCWV/ You can also view the Sunday Mass directly on our parish website: blessedsacramentwv.org. Worship aids for each Mass will be sent by separate emails. Day Date Time Intention Sunday 5/10 10:00am + Barbara Stark by Marietta Fenton Monday Tuesday Wednesday 5/13 12noon + Danny Dean by Phyllis Dean Thursday 5/14 12noon + Velma Wiersteiner by Phyllis Dean Friday 5/15 12noon + Mickey Bria by Ro DeBias Saturday Sunday 5/17 10:00am + Celine Yosuico by the Yosuico Veloso Family Would you like to schedule a Mass intention? Please send a list to Natalie at [email protected] or USPS mail to Blessed Sacrament, 305 E St., So. Charleston, 25303. Donations are welcome but not required. You can mail a donation to us at the same address. We can notify someone about the upcoming Mass intention if you share their name with us. (If the person to be notified is not a parishioner, please include his/her address.) We Remember in Our Prayers Barbara Baldy, Patrick Burriss, Susan Churchill, Elizabeth Coleman, Matthew Crabtree, Rhonda Crede, Karol Dunford, Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael Habenschuss (son of Mike & Pat), John Hanna, Ann Henderson, John & Claire Johnson, Mary Katherine Lingsch, Bob Lucas, Louann Lynch-Kelley, Alec Mansfield, Mary Ann Shear, Sandy Wheeler, and Lily Woolwine. In-person individual Confessions are available by appointment only. Contact Fr. John at 304-377-3560 or [email protected] To visit the Blessed Sacrament You are welcome to sit under the canopy of our 4 th Ave front entrance where you can see the tabernacle and sanctuary lamp through the clear window.

Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

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Page 1: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

Blessed Sacrament Parish – May 10, 2020

Happy Mothers' Day!!

We, Blessed Sacrament Parish, Are a Christ-Centered Community,

Committed to Worship the Father, Committed to Respond to the Spirit’s Gifts,

Committed to Loving Service to All God’s People

Nosotros, la Parroquia del Santísimo Sacramento, Somos una Comunidad Centrada en Cristo,

Comprometidos a Adorar al Padre, Comprometidos a Responder a los Dones del Espíritu Santo,

Comprometidos en el Servicio Amoroso a Todo el Pueblo de Dios

Mass Schedule No public Masses are scheduled until further notice.

You can view all private Masses listed below on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BSCWV/

You can also view the Sunday Mass directly on our parish website: blessedsacramentwv.org.

Worship aids for each Mass will be sent by separate emails.

Day Date Time Intention

Sunday 5/10 10:00am + Barbara Stark by Marietta Fenton



Wednesday 5/13 12noon + Danny Dean by Phyllis Dean

Thursday 5/14 12noon + Velma Wiersteiner by Phyllis Dean

Friday 5/15 12noon + Mickey Bria by Ro DeBias


Sunday 5/17 10:00am + Celine Yosuico by the Yosuico Veloso Family

Would you like to schedule a Mass intention?

Please send a list to Natalie at [email protected] or USPS mail to

Blessed Sacrament, 305 E St., So. Charleston, 25303.

Donations are welcome but not required. You can mail a donation to us at the same address.

We can notify someone about the upcoming Mass intention if you share their name with us.

(If the person to be notified is not a parishioner, please include his/her address.)

We Remember in Our Prayers

Barbara Baldy, Patrick Burriss, Susan Churchill, Elizabeth Coleman, Matthew Crabtree, Rhonda Crede, Karol Dunford,

Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael

Habenschuss (son of Mike & Pat), John Hanna, Ann Henderson, John & Claire Johnson, Mary Katherine Lingsch, Bob

Lucas, Louann Lynch-Kelley, Alec Mansfield, Mary Ann Shear, Sandy Wheeler, and Lily Woolwine.

In-person individual Confessions are available by appointment only.

Contact Fr. John at 304-377-3560 or [email protected]

To visit the Blessed Sacrament

You are welcome to sit under the canopy of our 4th Ave front entrance

where you can see the tabernacle and sanctuary lamp through the clear window.

Page 2: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

Press Release Friday, May 8, 2020

Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston Releases Guidelines to Resume Public Celebration of Mass

WHEELING, W.Va.—Most Rev. Mark Brennan, Bishop of the Diocese of WheelingCharleston, has released a set of directives

for the resumption of public Masses in the Catholic churches in West Virginia. “When the COVID-19 pandemic arrived, “the

Bishop said, “we entered a Phase I, suspending the public celebration of Masses and closing our churches to protect the

health and safety of our people. This new Phase II is a transitional phase, requiring the full cooperation of clergy and laity

so that public Masses may be celebrated in the safest manner possible, until we can enter Phase III, the return to normal

practice in our liturgical life.”

The directives were developed by a committee of clergy and lay leaders headed by Msgr. Eugene Ostrowski, the diocesan

Vicar General, with input from pastors from around the State. They respect Catholic liturgical and pastoral principles as

well as the guidance given by the Center for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and Governor Justice’s

recommendations. They are formulated with great care to preserve the reverence due the Eucharist and its spiritual value

for the faithful as well as our people’s physical wellbeing. The complete list of the directives is posted on the diocesan

website: www.dwc.org.

Notable Directives

1. Public Sunday Masses are scheduled to begin with the Masses of May 23-24, 2020, if the parish plan submitted by

the pastor in accordance with these directives is approved by the Bishop.

2. The dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass remains in effect until further notice. Sick persons and those

more susceptible to infection – the elderly, those already in frail health – are urged to remain at home and

participate in televised or online Masses. Anyone who fears being infected by attending Mass should stay home.

3. Social distancing will be required at Mass. Those who live in the same household may sit together; otherwise,

there must be six feet of separation between persons. Every effort will be made to accommodate the faithful who

come but once the reduced seating capacity of a church is reached, no others may enter the church. Some

parishes will be able to arrange for audio/visual participation in Mass from a hall or gymnasium.

4. The faithful are to wear masks during Mass, except in the moment of receiving Holy Communion. If at all possible,

they should bring their own masks, which may be made at home.

5. Some common though optional practices of a Catholic Mass will be omitted: the use of hymnals, holding hands at

the Our Father, the Sign of Peace, the offering of the Precious Blood of Christ to the faithful.

6. In churches with multiple Masses, the church (and hall or gym, if used) will have to be sanitized between Masses,

as well as before the first Mass and after the last.

Bishop Brennan said, “I am grateful to Msgr. Ostrowski and his team for their careful work on this plan to keep our faithful

and our clergy as safe and healthy as possible as they ‘go rejoicing into the house of the Lord’ to celebrate together the

sacred mysteries of our faith.”

Media Contact

Tim Bishop (304) 312-0332

An official document from Bishop Brennan

with more detail about conditions for reopening churches

can be found on page 8 of these announcements.

Page 3: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

This Week at Blessed Sacrament Parish

All ZOOM gatherings are open only to specific parishioners who have indicated their interest

and who have received a personal email with connection information – so let us know if YOU want "in".

Day Date Time Event Location

Sat 5/9 9:00am Men's Bible Study Group ZOOM

Sun 5/10 10:00am Mass facebook.com/BSCWV/


Mon 5/11 7:00pm RCIA ZOOM

7:00pm Pastoral Council Meeting ZOOM

Tue 5/12 6:00pm Liturgy Committee ZOOM

Wed 5/13 10:00am Bible Study – Old Testament ZOOM

12:00noon Mass facebook.com/BSCWV/

1:00pm Bible Study – Job ZOOM

7:00pm Bible Study – Sunday Readings ZOOM

Thu 5/14 12:00noon Mass facebook.com/BSCWV/

1:00pm Bible Study Grades 2-5 (see below) ZOOM

Fri 5/15 12:00noon Mass facebook.com/BSCWV/

Sat 5/16 9:00am Men's Bible Study Group ZOOM

Sun 5/17 10:00am Mass facebook.com/BSCWV/


Attention Kids! A Bible Study Just for YOU!

Jeanne Haas invites all boys and girls in Grades 2--5 to an online bible study starting on Thursdays at 1:00PM. This will be a Zoom session that will discuss the upcoming Sunday readings. Parents please contact Jeanne at [email protected] or text her at 304-382-2631 to register your child. Jeanne will send an email invite to any child interested. Let's check out the bible together!

Attention 2020 Graduating High School Seniors!

Please reply to Jeanne Haas [email protected] ASAP with your picture and brief bio as requested last week. Thank

you to those who have already done so! If you are graduating this year and did not receive an email from Jeanne, please

accept our apology and contact her at [email protected] as soon as possible.

Page 4: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

Camp Leon is Going Virtual!

While we may not be able to attend Camp Leon in-person in Huttonsville, WV this summer, we are going to

have a Virtual Camp Leon. There has been a camp every year for 54 years, and we aren't going to let a little

CV-19 stop us this year!

Plans are underway to have online activities and gatherings during the week of June 15. Details are still being

finalized, but we intend to have Zoom meetings for each of the camper groups so everyone can see and talk to

their camp friends, art projects, a virtual campfire and mass, and other online videos, activities and events. We

are looking at different platforms, but will likely use Zoom for personal gatherings, Facebook for live events,

and Flipgrid for posting of photos and videos of everyone enjoying our Virtual Camp Leon week. If you are

interested and want to be included, please send your email to [email protected]. Everyone is welcome

(even if you have never attended camp or did not sign up to attend this year)!

How are you “caring for our common home?”

Blessed Sacrament Parishoners:

Let us know what changes you have made during Lent and during the Covid-19 stay-at-home orders that you think you

will keep doing once we are free to move about again.

Will you be driving less? Have you started using a rain barrel for your garden?

Are you growing vegetables to give to food pantries? Recycling?

Please share what you are doing with us by replying to this email. We’ll share your actions (anonymously) in future

announcements – maybe you will inspire others!

Page 5: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

"”What is the best way for me to continue donating funds to our parish?"

Via U.S Postal Service

Your donations by “snail mail” will be held with all of our mail at the post office until Fr. John picks it up, usually each day.

Be sure to indicate any special intentions in the memo line of your check.

Via Online Banking

Online banking, by definition, means managing your deposit accounts with a computer or mobile device. This includes

transferring funds, depositing checks and paying bills electronically. Most banks and credit unions offer this option to

their customers for a low monthly fee. When making a donation or payment this way, your bank or credit union will mail

checks to the recipients you designate. You can designate if your donation will recur regularly – if it is, it will be mailed to

us automatically on the frequency you choose. You can also note if the donation is to be used for a special purpose.

Here at Blessed Sacrament we use online banking to pay almost all of our bills. The savings in postage easily covers the

monthly fee.

(Soon) Via an “App”.

We are setting up an “app” that can be used on our web page, our Facebook page, and possibly on your smartphone for

anyone to easily make a donation. More information will be coming soon.

Via Our Diocese (This will be available for a limited time)

Our diocese set up an online method for anyone to use and 100% of these donations will come to the parish. To use this

method, have your credit card info handy and go to the diocesan website Change in Procedure: https://dwc.org/support-


o When you click on the link a list of parishes will open up. Blessed Sacrament is near the beginning.

o When you find that line in the list, look to the far right edge of the line and click on the word "donate".

o A new screen will allow you indicate how much you wish to donate and your contact details.

Note that you can click on a box marked "recurring" if you want this same gift to continue on a regular basis without

your having to do this process repeatedly (for as long as this temporary portal exists).

o The next screen will ask for your debit/credit card info just as if you were checking out a purchase from other


o After you complete your donation process, you will receive an email receipt.

Page 6: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

Our Building/Office

Our building and office will be closed until further notice.

You can still call or email members of our parish staff. For specific phone numbers and emails, please see the contact

information below.

Parish / Staff Contacts & Other Information Our office hours are suspended until further notice

Address: 305 E Street, South Charleston, WV 25303

Telephone (Parish Office): 304.744.5523 E-mail: [email protected]

Web page: www.blessedsacramentwv.org

Our Parish Staff

Pastor Rev. John H. Finnell Cell: 304.377.3560 calls and texts

E-mail: [email protected]

Deacon Rev. Mr. John Hanna Home: 304.935.4646 Cell: 304.389.7255

E-mail: [email protected]

Pastoral Associate Jeanne Haas E-mail: [email protected]

Office Manager Natalie Zellers Office E-mail: [email protected]

Music & Youth Director Mark Haas E-mail: [email protected]

Our Pastoral Council

Joe Gresham, facilitator Rick Brennan Tiffany Wilson Danny Scalise Tim Norris

Reagan Whitmyer John F. Gianola Ken Holz Jack Dever Ann Dever

Joe Jenkins Laura Jennings Matt Hayes Philip Maramba

St. Paul Radio - West Virginia......Presents Catholic radio on:

WLUX 1450 AM Dunbar; WNUX 89.7 FM Beckley; WOUX 105.3 Parkersburg

Visit www.sprwv.org for a link to stream Catholic radio to a smart phone

Page 7: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

Next Sunday's Mass Readings

May 17, 2020 – Sixth Sunday of Easter

Reading 1 Acts 8:5-8, 14-17

Philip went down to the city of Samaria and proclaimed the Christ to them.

With one accord, the crowds paid attention to what was said by Philip when they heard it and saw the signs he was doing.

For unclean spirits, crying out in a loud voice, came out of many possessed people, and many paralyzed or crippled people

were cured. There was great joy in that city. Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the

word of God, they sent them Peter and John, who went down and prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit,

for it had not yet fallen upon any of them; they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid

hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit.

Responsorial Psalm Psalms 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20

R. Alleluia.

Shout joyfully to God, all the earth, sing praise to the glory of his name;

proclaim his glorious praise. Say to God, “How tremendous are your deeds!”

R. Alleluia.

“Let all on earth worship and sing praise to you, sing praise to your name!”

Come and see the works of God, his tremendous deeds among the children of Adam.

R. Alleluia.

He has changed the sea into dry land; through the river they passed on foot;

therefore let us rejoice in him. He rules by his might forever.

R. Alleluia.

Hear now, all you who fear God, while I declare what he has done for me.

Blessed be God who refused me not my prayer or his kindness!

R. Alleluia.

Reading 2 1 Peter 3:15-18


Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your

hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who

defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that be

the will of God, than for doing evil. For Christ also suffered for sins once, the righteous for the sake of the unrighteous,

that he might lead you to God. Put to death in the flesh, he was brought to life in the Spirit.

Gospel John 14:15-21

Jesus said to his disciples: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, whom the world

cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows him. But you know him, because he remains with you, and will be in you.

I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me,

because I live and you will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you. Whoever

has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father,

and I will love him and reveal myself to him.”

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This piece is well worth a 4 minute look – beautifully done! The Great Realization https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=233&v=Nw5KQMXDiM4&feature=emb_logo Let us not forget this dimension of our corona crisis! The coronavirus pandemic is hitting black and brown Americans especially hard on all fronts https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/08/us/coronavirus-pandemic-race-impact-trnd/index.html

Thanks to Bev Schissler, Colleen O'Neill, Shelley Nason, Charley Wilson and Steve Rist for enriching our coffers with lots of

good laughts!

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Page 19: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

Church Bulletin Bloopers The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals. -------------------------- The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.' -------------------------- Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands. -------------------------- Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. -------------------------- Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help. -------------------------- Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. -------------------------- For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. -------------------------- Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get. -------------------------- Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days. -------------------------- At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice. -------------------------- Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones. -------------------------- Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children. -------------------------- Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.. -------------------------- The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility. -------------------------- Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow. -------------------------- The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon. -------------------------- This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin. -------------------------- Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. Lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. Is done. -------------------------- The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday. -------------------------- Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM . Please use the back door. -------------------------- The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM . The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy. -------------------------- Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance. -------------------------- The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday: 'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours.

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Ordination Class of 2020 Study Provides Hope for the State of Vocations in the Church

WASHINGTON – The release of the study of the Ordination Class of 2020 reveals a great sign of life and hope in the

Church in the United States, despite the midst of uncertainty in the world brought by the Coronavirus pandemic. At a

moment when the faithful are prone to despair and struggle with the sadness of not having the sacraments available,

and the public celebration of the Mass suspended, this profile of the 2020 Ordination Class is a ray of light. It is a

tangible sign of God’s continued care for His Church. As a part of its mandate, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’

(USCCB) Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations sponsors an annual survey, in conjunction with the

Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), of the members of the current year’s Ordination Class. Each of the

men to be ordained in the coming months shows the loving work of God to sustain His Church through the calling of new

priests to minister His saving Sacraments and preach the Good News. The survey shows a wide variety of men from

varied backgrounds who have all responded to God’s call to serve His people. Below is a summary of the results of the

findings of the CARA study.

This year, 77% of the 448 identified members of the Ordination Class of 2020 responded to the survey. Of those

responding, 82% will be ordained to the diocesan priesthood and 18% will be ordained to the priesthood for an institute

of religious life or society of apostolic life. Some of the major findings of the report are:

• The average age of the Ordination Class of 2020 is 34 years old. On average, the respondents were 16 years old when

they first considered the priesthood.

• Two-thirds of the respondents (67%) are Caucasian; one in six (16%) is Hispanic/Latino; one in ten (10%) is

Asian/Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian; one in twenty (6%) is African/African American/black.

• The four most common countries of birth among those foreign-born are Mexico, the Philippines, Nigeria, and


• Between 35% and 44% of all respondents attended a Catholic school for at least some part of their schooling.

• Seven in ten respondents (72%) participated in Eucharistic Adoration on a regular basis before entering the seminary,

a similar proportion (70%) prayed the rosary, more than two in five (44%) attended prayer group/Bible study, and two in

five (38%) participated in high school retreats.

• Seven in ten respondents (73%) served as altar servers before entering the seminary. Half (50%) served as lectors.

Four in ten (40%) served as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion.

• Nine in ten respondents (89%) were encouraged to consider the priesthood by someone in

their life, most frequently a parish priest, friend, or another parishioner.

The full CARA report and profiles of the Ordination Class of 2020 can be found at http://cms.usccb.org/beliefs-and-


Page 21: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

Conscious Breathing

Be aware of your breathing

Breathing in

Breathing out

Focus attention on the rims of your nostrils

As the air flows through them

Like a swinging door

Breathing in and breathing out

Focus only on the breath

Thoughts and feelings like fish

will swim through your mind

Let them swim on through

Don't judge them

Don't grasp them

Don't push them away

Just let them swim through

Remain focused on your breathing

If you get distracted by thoughts and feelings

And you will

No big deal

Just calmly return your attention back to your breathing


Page 22: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

“When feeling lonely or anxious, most of us have the

habit of looking for distractions, which often leads to

some form of unwholesome consumption -- whether

eating a snack in the absence of hunger, mindlessly

surfing the Internet, going on a drive, or reading.

Conscious breathing is a good way to nourish body and

mind with mindfulness.”

~Thich Nhat Hanh

(Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise)


"Observe your own body. It breathes. You breathe when

you are asleep, when you are no longer conscious of your

own ideas of self-identity. Who, then, is breathing? The

collection of information that you mistakenly think it’s

you is not the main protagonist in this drama called the

breath. In fact, you are not breathing; breath is naturally

happening to you. You can purposely end your own life,

but you cannot purposely keep your own life going. The

expression, “My life” is actually an oxymoron, a result

of ignorance and mistaken assumption. You don’t posses

life; life expresses itself through you. Your body is a

flower that life let bloom, a phenomenon created by life.”

~Ilchi Lee

(The Twelve Enlightenments)

Page 23: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp

“Until we can receive with an open heart, we're never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help,

we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgment to giving help.”

~Brené Brown

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Page 25: Blessed Sacrament Parish Happy Mothers' Day!! · Joe Eisel, Janine Estep, Marietta Fenton, Rose Finch, Patty Geissinger, Joe Gregg, Kathleen Groom, Michael ... There has been a camp