Blank Filling Unit 1-4

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  • 8/19/2019 Blank Filling Unit 1-4


    Unit 1

    1. overrun 2. out of use 3. life span 4. endangered 5. demand

    6. habitats 7. life span 8. lying 9. refurbished 10. supply

    here are already billions of !ell phone users in the "orld# and some users o"nmore than one !ell phone. $o"ever# the average %%%%%%%% of a !ell phone is said to

     be less than t"o years. hat is to say# it "on&t be very long before billions of !ell

     phones "ill be %%%%%%%%. 'hat has happened to outdated !ell phones in re!ent years(

    'hile 20) of all these old phones are believed to have been thro"n a"ay as trash#

    another 75) are %%%%%%%% in people&s dra"ers. *nly 5) of old phones have been

    re!y!led. *f these# some have been %%%%%%%% for resale# and some donated to !harity

    or for emergen!y use. he rest may have been %%%%%%%% !hemi!al elements for other


    +e!ause of the "orld"ide !ell phone boom# the %%%%%%%% for !oltan is be!oming

    greater. ,oltan is one of the -ersistent# +ioa!!umulative and oi! !hemi!als /-+s#

    and 80) of the "orld&s no"n !oltan %%%%%%%% !omes from ,ongo in !entral fri!a.

    nfortunately# ,ongo is also home to the "orld&s most %%%%%%%% gorillas. o mine

    the !oltan# "orers often must %%%%%%%% the on!eprote!ted gorilla %%%%%%%%#

    spelling disaster for these intelligent and sensitive animals. heir population has been

    redu!ed by 80) in ust a fe" years.

    Unit 2

    1. destination 2. dense 3. appeal 4. spe!ta!ular 5. provin!e6. available 7. primary 8. ea!tly 9. lo!al 10. lively 11. lo!ated

    oday# the island of ai"an# also !alled ormosa# is no"n for its friendly people

    and %%%%%%%% e!onomy. oreover# "hen visitors arrive# they may get attra!ted to

    another of ai"an&s features its natural beauty. "o thirds of the island is !overed by

    mountains "ith %%%%%%%% forests# rising hundreds of meters above sea level. he

    mountains# valleys# rivers# and reefs are home to hundreds of %%%%%%%% spe!ies. his

    gives ai"an a %%%%%%%% lands!ape and a "ide variety of "ildlife# either of "hi!h is

    sure to eep visitors !oming ba! for more.

    urprisingly# there is another ormosa %%%%%%%% almost %%%%%%%% on the otherside of the ormosa "e&re living in. *n!e a panish !olony# it is no" a %%%%%%%% of

    rgentina. his area is not industriali:ed; agri!ulture and animal husbandry(畜牧

    業)are the %%%%%%%% sour!es of in!ome for the people there.

  • 8/19/2019 Blank Filling Unit 1-4


    1. posts 2. adopting 3. stung 4. straight 5. en!ountered

    6. "orsened 7. urged 8. posts 9. se!uring 10. applied 11. treated

    +en outhall "on the =+est >ob in the 'orld? !ontest in 2009. $e "as one of the

    35#000 people that %%%%%%%% for the position. he video r@sum@ that he sent "ith his

    appli!ation "as humorous and %%%%%%%% to the point# "inning him the !han!e to getshortlisted for the ob. t the final stage# +en "as one of the 15 !ompetitors sele!ted

     by a %%%%%%%%# and his great !hara!teristi!s and Aualities impressed all the udges#

    thus %%%%%%%% his pla!e as the top !hoi!e for the ob. part from enoying the

    "onderful s!enery# +en also had to share his eperien!e "ith the "orld through

    "eely %%%%%%%% on his blog# "hi!h "as "idely read by those interested in the

    island. lthough this ob "asn&t as easy as it may have seemed# +en had a great time

    doing it.

    +en had %%%%%%%% some dangerous situations "hen he "as on the ob. $e "as

    on!e %%%%%%%% by a deadly ellyfish. Bu!ily# he "as %%%%%%%% immediately before

    his !ondition %%%%%%%%. Cn spite of some minor setba!s# he still loved his "or.

    fter the ob ended# +en started to travel the "orld to promote the beauty of the

    island. $e said that his eperien!e gave him a better understanding of ho" important

    the Dreat +arrier Eeef&s e!osystem is and "hy people should prote!t it by %%%%%%%% a

    more e!ofriendly lifestyle. $e also %%%%%%%% people to =ae on the "orld today#

    dream a little and boo that flight you&ve been thining about taing.?

    Unit 4

    1. intensified 2. re!overed 3. res!ue 4. assured 5. !onfirmed

    6. deliver 7. summoned 8. revealed 9. driven 10. instin!t

    +ella# shy and a""ard at s!hool# "as immediately attra!ted to Fd"ard after

    seeing him. in!e Fd"ard saved +ella&s life in a !ar a!!ident# +ella has been so

     %%%%%%%% to find out the se!rets about Fd"ard that she "asn&t even a"are that

    thoughts of him began to o!!upy her mind all the time. herefore# "hen Fd"ard

    finally %%%%%%%% her suspi!ions and %%%%%%%% that he "as a vampire# +ella "asn&t

    afraid. Fverything "as going "ell until they en!ountered another group of vampires#

    one "hi!h enoyed illing humans. Fven "orse# "hen one of the vampires reali:ed

    there "as a spe!ial relationship bet"een +ella and the ,ullens# his desire to hunt

    +ella %%%%%%%%. $e tri!ed her# leading her into his trap and bit her "ith his poisonous vampire fangs. +ut lu!ily# ust before he !ould %%%%%%%% the fatal blo"#

    Fd"ard !ame to +ella&s %%%%%%%% and saved her life. rembling and fighting ba! his

     %%%%%%%%# he %%%%%%%% all his "ill and determination and saved +ella "ithout illing

    her. +y the time +ella returned home# she had fully %%%%%%%%. 'ith Fd"ard by her

    side# +ella felt %%%%%%%%. he felt lie she !ould do anything. Cn fa!t# for the first time

    in her life# she felt lie she really belonged.