Black Sea Outlook Conference Odessa, 1 November 2011 The EU Maritime and Fisheries Policy: a Black Sea perspective Daniela GRITTI, European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Black Sea Outlook Conference Odessa, 1 November 2011

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Black Sea Outlook Conference Odessa, 1 November 2011. The EU Maritime and Fisheries Policy: a Black Sea perspective. Daniela GRITTI, European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. An integrated maritime policy for the European Union. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Black Sea Outlook ConferenceOdessa, 1 November 2011

The EU Maritime and Fisheries Policy: a Black Sea perspective

Daniela GRITTI, European Commission,

Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


1. The EU maritime and fisheries policy framework

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Energy Internal marketResearch

External relations




Regional development

Maritime policy areas

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


Policy actions since 2007

ENVIRONMENTMarine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56/EC

RESEARCHMarine and Maritime Research Strategy 2008/534/EC

TRANSPORTMaritime Transport Space without BarriersThird Maritime Safety Package2011 White Paper/ Connecting Europe: new EU core transport network

FISHERIESRegulation on the Common Fisheries Policy 2002/2371/ECReform proposal 2011/425/COM

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


Cross-cutting tools

•Maritime Spatial Planning

Integrated Maritime Surveillance

EMODNET: European Marine Observation and Data Network

- Objective: Improve access to marine environmental data (ex: MSFD)

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union



•-5 portals operated: chemistryHydrologyBiologygeologyphysical data

Most of the pilots adopt SeaDataNet standards and interconnect to the SeaDataNet CDI Directory.

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


Common Fisheries Policy reformMulti annual eco-system based management: from single-stock plans to muilti- fish stocks

Banning discards

Introduction of fisheries ”concessions”

Support for small scale fisheries

Development of sustainable aquaculture: national strategic plans and aquaculture advisory council

Market policy: storage facility and market standards on labelling, quality, traceability

Regionalisation: boost role of RFMO and Advisory Council

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


Member states will be entrusted with collecting, maintaining and sharing scientific data about fish stocks and the impact of fishing at sea-basin levelScientific, Technical and Economic Committee on Fisheries

Data collection framework: 50 M € per year until 2013 per national pogrammes + FP7

Improving scientific knowledge

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


2011-2013: Financial Regulation on IMP 2011-2013Still to be approved by EU Council40M €, half of which will be for EMODNET+ Project on MSP in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (1M €)+ Cooperation in coastguard functions in EU basins (2.1M €)+ Technical assistance money (1.4M €)

2014-2020: New European Maritime and Fisheries instrumentAmount proposed by EC is 6.7 billions €

Financial instruments

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


2. What about the Black Sea?

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


Regional approaches

Seas are different – regional specificities

• Geography• Political context• Economic situation• Social situation• Environmental challenges

Main objective•Adapting the IMP to regional challenges and opportunities for specific policy developmentProviding added value

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


Examples of existing initiatives

ResearchEMODNETBS.ERANETUpGrade Black Sea SceneENP/SEIS “Ocean of tomorrow”Fight against pollutionMONINFOenviroGRIDS (FP7)

Coastal ManagementOURCOASTPEGASO

Conservation and ecosystemSesame (FP7)

Maritime safetySASEPOL

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


Yearly quota for sprat and turbot - Regulation EC/1256/2010 + techical measures

Cooperation between Romania and Bulgaria in the turbot control plan and in data collection

Ad hoc working Group of the EU Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee on Fisheries on the Black Sea

Common Fisheries Policy in Bulgaria and Romania

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


Regional fisheries cooperation in the Black Sea

State of play

Lack of common management of fisheries resourcesShortage of joint data collection

Possible ways forward

GFCM: creation of a working group on the Black DeaFAO project proposal Black Sea Fish

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An integrated maritime policy for the European Union


Brainstorming event with Bulgarian and Romanian authorities: proposals and way forward

Need for regional cooperation and dialogue, both between authorities and stakeholders

Possible cooperation in scientific research, data collection and management, joint controls

Harmonisation of data, tools and methods (sampling) and connection to the metadata infrastructure of BlackSeaScene Project

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Thank you!

Daniela Gritti, European Commission,

Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

[email protected]
