www.blackdiamondranch.com august 2012 4th of July Tournament 2012

Black Diamond Ranch August 2012 Newsletter

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august 2012

4th of July Tournament 2012

A Message from Doug Egly, General Manager

Club StaffDoug EglyGeneral Manager

[email protected]

Matt DiMasEDirector of Golf Course Maintenance

[email protected]

DiannE [email protected]


PEggy glEasonAccounting

[email protected]

Zach KlEMMExecutive Chef

[email protected]

Mary naPolitanoFitness Center

[email protected]

Bryan richarDDirector of Golf

[email protected]

KErry rossElEtMembership Director

[email protected]

MEriDEth rossEttiFood & Beverage Director

[email protected]

JEnniFEr stauFFPOA Manager

[email protected]

PatricK lEahyJohn Jacobs Golf School

Director of [email protected]



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Ihopeeveryoneishavingaterrificsummer.Theentirecountryseemstobesufferingfromintenseheatanddroughtconditions.However,hereatBlackDiamondwearebattlingmorerainthanweneed,butitbeatsnorainatall. Forthoseofyouwhoarehereoncampus,youhaveseenrapidimprovementsonallthegolfcourses.Ournewsuperintendent,MattDiMase,continuestodoaterrificjob.Inadditiontothecourseslookinggreat,wehaveembarkedonanimprovementplanaroundtheclubhousewhichincludesnewplantings,trimminguptreesandreplacingsod.WehavealsonearlycompletedworkrenovatingthebackofthepracticeareaandIbelieveitwillquicklybecomeafavoriteamongour

members.Wehaveremovednumerousdeadtreesandlimbsandresoddedtheexistingpracticegreenandinstalledanadditionalputtinggreen.Inaddition,wehaveincreasedthesizeoftheactualteeareasbyfivetimes.Wearedesignatingthisamembersonlyareawiththeexceptionofthegolfschoolattendees. Ourresidentgolfinstructor,PatrickLeahy,isworkingonsomenewinstructionalprogramstoimproveyourgame.Pleasewatchforinformationonthis soon. ChefZachhassometerrificnewmenuitemsandwehaveafullcalendarofactivitiesforthebalanceofthesummer.Wealllookforwardtoseeingyousoon. Asalways,pleasecallordropbyifyoueverhaveanyquestions.

Attention Members: It’s officially summertime! What does that mean for a Florida Golf Course? For starters, it means hot and humid temperatures, rainy afternoons, and several insects become active. With extreme warm temperatures, coupled with high humidity, we become at risk for turf grass disease. We will be on a preventive maintenance fungicide program throughout the course of the summer to combat turf grass disease. Rain, rain, and more rain: Everyone is aware of the storm damage from Tropical Storm Debby. We are continuing to work with architects and engineers to derive a long-term fix. Many bunkers are in need of reshaping and additional sand. Several DRA’s will need to be refurbished as well. We are making repairs throughout the courses, however the continued heavy rains have made it challenging. Mole Crickets have hatched and we have begun treating areas throughout the course. We also have treated several areas for grubs and cutworms. We have been focusing on the greens over the last several weeks and are happy with the progress. We still have greens that are taking a little longer to recover, but they are recovering. #17 is taking the longest on the Quarry Course, but it is not far away from being filled in. Highland Greens #3, 5, and 8 have the biggest voids needing to be filled, but the turf is moving. We are going to continue to aerify, verticut, topdress, and fertilize to get those greens to continue to fill in. In the upcoming weeks we will be focusing on detail work throughout all the courses as well as Diamond Dunes. We have crews dedicated to repairing storm damage throughout the property but we are also going to begin working on weeds in tree rings and beds as well as weeds in the turf.

Message from Matt DiMase - Director of Golf Course Maintenance

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We are about half-way through our summer months at Black Diamond. We needed rain and those of you who have been here know we have received a large amount of rain this past month. Tropical Storm Debby left our maintenance crew with their hands full and they have done a great job of getting the golf courses in the best shape possible. The extensive rain has brought about conditions on the golf course that would be classified under ‘abnormal ground conditions.’ Below you will find the ruling and also relief situations for these areas.

25-1. Abnormal Ground Conditions

a. Interference Interference by an abnormal ground condition occurs when a ball lies in or touches the condition or when the condition interferes with the player’s stance or the area of his intended swing. If the player’s ball lies on the putting green, interference also occurs if an abnormal ground condition on the putting green intervenes on his line of putt. Otherwise, intervention on the line of play is not, of itself, interference under this Rule.

Note: The Committee may make a Local Rule stating that interference by an abnormal ground condition with a player’s stance is deemed not to be, of itself, interference under this Rule.

b. Relief Except when the ball is in a water hazard or a lateral water hazard, a player may take relief from interference by an abnormal ground condition as follows:

(i)Through the Green: If the ball lies through the green, the player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief.

The nearest point of relief must not be in a hazard or on a putting green. When the ball is dropped within one club-length of the nearest point of relief, the ball must first strike a part of the course at a spot that avoids interference by the condition and is not in a hazard and not on a putting green.

(ii)In a Bunker: If the ball is in a bunker, the player must lift the ball and drop it either:

(a) Without penalty, in accordance with Clause (i) above, except that the nearest point of relief must be in the bunker and the ball must be dropped in the bunker or, if complete relief is impossible, as near as possible to the spot where the ball lay, but not nearer the hole, on a part of the course in the bunker that affords maximum available relief from the condition; or

(b) Under penalty of one stroke, outside the bunker keeping the point where the ball lay directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the bunker the ball may be dropped.

Here at Black Diamond we are fortunate enough to be using one of the best tee time service providers in the industry. Foretees is a great tool for both members and the Golf Shop to deliver more accurate communications and notifications possible for both parties. While using Foretees it is important to make sure that when booking starting times and lottery requests that you attempt to enter into the system the accurate names that will be joining your groups. This accuracy enables us to provide all of our members with the best customer service possible. As many members only have one golf cart within the family knowing that potentially both members are playing allows us to know that a club cart will be used during this day and we will be able to monitor the bag drop and parking area more effectively. We all thank you for your assistance in these small but important areas with the Foretees system.

Message from the Director of Golf

Bryan Richard


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Is your contact with the golf ball inconsistent? Do you occasionally strike the ground behind the ball? Are you frustrated with your consistent contact with the top half of the ball? Well I have good news and bad news. The good news is that both of these outcomes can be rectified. The bad news is that you’ll have to make one or two changes in your swing if you want to see an improvement in the contact your clubhead makes with the golf ball. Now don’t worry, the swing changes I’m talking about here are not drastic but rather a slight adjustment in your posture at address and/or a proper movement of your weight to your front foot in the downswing. Let me explain. Each time you make a golf swing the head of your golf club traces an imaginary circle through the air. Since you are not swinging your clubhead while standing completely erect or bent over a perfect 90 degrees to the ground, this circle is not a merry go around nor a Ferris Wheel, but rather one of the above at an angle approximately 45 degrees to the ground. While the angle of this circle to the ground is very important in determining why you hit fat or thin shots, it is equally important to find the correct location of this circle relative to the golf ball. In order to further demonstrate this concept, imagine standing inside a hula hoop with the hoop 90 degrees to your spine and parallel to the ground. In this position your hula hoop or represented swing path lacks one important characteristic that is necessary in striking a golf ball; down! In order to produce a repetitive downward path to the ball your posture must be such that your hips are back, with your knees slightly flexed and your chest pointing down to the ball allowing the hula hoop or path of the clubhead an opportunity to swing through the ball. You see the first and most common mistake a golfer makes when they top the ball is that they stand too erect to the ball. When a golfer stands too tall their arms tend to swing too much around their body causing the clubhead to swing too shallow to the ball. Simply put, too much around and not enough down causing them to strike the top of the ball. On the other hand if you tend to hit behind the golf ball, if you are like most golfers, you probably thought that you might have swung down too much. Not true in most cases. The reality of your mistake is that you more than likely did not transfer your body weight properly to your front foot during your downswing. If your weight stays back during your downswing, the bottom of your hula hoop or swing arc will remain behind the golf ball causing you to hit the ground before the ball. Ironically, some of you who strike the ground behind the ball might have even been given advice to stay

Improving Your Ball ContactBy Patrick Leahy, PGA Director of Instruction


behind the ball and keep your head down. As you probably realized, that’s not going to be the best advice for you in this situation since these two thoughts might be conducive to keeping your weight back. In order to move the bottom of your circle through the ball you must be able to allow your weight to flow through to your front foot unrestricted! So in closing, if you are tending to hit thin or topped shots, you might want to check your posture to make sure you are not standing too erect at address. On the other hand, if you are hitting the ground before the ball then you might want to work on shifting your weight more toward your front foot during your downswing and leaving the notion of staying behind the ball aside. I hope you find this information helpful and if I can be of assistance in improving your game please give me a call and I’d be honored to help you with your swing.

Until then, all the best in golf and life everyone!






s’ Golf Ass




Ladies’ Day Events

August 2012(Some games may move to a different date due to course

closings & summer aerification)


No Ladies’ Day


Stableford, Flighted


One Best Ball On Odd Holes, 2 Best Balls On Even Holes.


Individual GameThrow Out Two Worst Holes

1 on Front Nine & 1 on Back Nine.


page 5

A Note from.... Marie-Anne Salvio, PresidentInspiteofthehotweatherandthunderstormswehavehadanaverageof25womenparticipatingineachLadies’Day.ThewinnersareannouncedeachweekonMemberNewsinanew“easyontheeyes”formatdevelopedbyBillHardinintheGolfShop.BillandBryancontinuetobeextremelysupportiveandhelpfuloneveryLadies’Day.BelowaresomeofBryan’sphotographicmomentsofpastLadies’Days.

- Reminder -TheFamilyResourceCenteristhecharitablerecipientthroughthemonthofAugust.Pleaseleaveanyfoodand/orclothingdonationsintheLadies’Lockerroom.

On June 27, Captain Phil Royal, Director of the Citrus County Public Safety Training Center, presented a plaque to Dave Burns (L) and Art Thomas (R) of the Black Diamond Foundation. The award recognizes the Foundation’s support of the Training Center and scholarship program for Academy students. The Black Diamond Foundation has donated nearly $100,000,000 to local community programs.

Hi Everyone,

It is hard to believe that at the time of writing this article, I’ve been here six months. I would like to thank everyone for their support and kind words that have made me feel welcome. I hope I have met your expectations so far, and plan on exceeding them this coming season. Here are my thoughts on some changes to make your dining experience more pleasurable. First, I would like to make the Tuesday A La Carte menu available on Friday nights as well, with different specials on both nights. Wednesday nights, beside the Mixed Grill menu, I am planning on starting theme nights such as Italian, German, French, American, etc. Wednesday nights will remain a very reasonably priced menu.

These changes will take effect in September, along with a completely revamped lunch menu and the addition of a Grill menu for the Men’s Lounge. Ladies, after many requests, I will be bringing back cooking classes starting in October. Again, I would like to thank everyone for making my time here very rewarding, look forward to any suggestions you have, and will answer any concerns that may arise.


Zachary Klemm, Executive Chef

Black Diamond Foundation Receives Award

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TriviA NiGhT WiNNErs - JuLY 13Th


1st Place: KNOW iT ALLs $100.50 split

Peter & Elizabeth BlickRichard & Nancy CareyRussell & Judy Delaney

Walt & Marge RizziDon & Joan Weaver

2nd Place: BriDGErs

$70.35 split

Lorraine CarrierJoe & Gail Glazer

Janet MeansAnil & Veena Ram

Bill & Eve Taylor

3rd Place TiE: BDrP

$30.15 split

John Bourdeaux & Gail WilderSteve & Fran JohnsonMike & Vickie Marinelli

Charlotte McKimJames & Dona Wood

3rd Place TiE: FOrGET ME NuTs

$30.15 split

Ed & Heidi BaltensbergerGeorge & Diane Buck

Steve BusboomKevin & Jan Conway

Bill & Lee Reading

2012 SUMMER CLASSICAugust 7-8

Format – Two-person Member-Member team event of 4 different 9-hole formats


Chapman (Front 9)Both partners hit a tee shot on each hole. The second shot is played by switching balls and

hitting each other’s tee shot. After the second shots, a choice is made selecting one ball. That ball is then alternately played until holed out. (You may change balls on the putting surface).

60% of A player and 40% of B player’s 9 hole handicap

SCramble (baCk 9) – Regular Scramble – 35% of A player and 15% of B player 9 hole handicap


aggregate (Font 9) – Total strokes of both players – 100% of course 9 hole handicap

better-ball oF two (baCk 9) Men will use 90% of course handicap, Ladies will use 95% of 9 hole handicap

teeS – Teams will be flighted by adding the handicap indexes of both team members together Men Flight 1 – Dark Gray Flight 2 – Green Flight 3 – White Ladies Flight 1 – Diamond Flight 2 – Silver Flight 3 – Silver

Flights subject to change based on # of participants

priCe – $60.00 per person. Includes prizes, buffet lunch following Day 1 and an Awards Buffet following Day 2

Deadline 5:00 pm Friday, August 3rd

A u g u s t C a l e n d a r o f E v e n t s







6 7


5 8

No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service







Mahjong 12:30 pmClub Closed

Mahjong 12:30 pmClub Closed

Mahjong 12:30 pmClub Closed

Mahjong 12:30 pmClub Closed

A la Carte5:30 – 7:00 pm

Reservations Required

Ladies’ Day

Ladies’ Day

Ladies’ Day

A la Carte5:30 – 7:00 pm

Reservations Required

Reservations Required

Reservations Required


A la Carte5:30 – 7:00 pm

A la Carte5:30 – 7:00 pm

page 8

5 pm - 7 pm

5 pm - 7 pm

5 pm - 7 pm

5 pm - 7 pm

5 pm - 7 pm

Fish Fry- $12.95Reservations Required

Southern Fried Chicken - $12.95Reservations Required

Liver & Onions$12.95

Reservations Required

Fish Fry$12.95

Reservations Required

Chicken Fajitas$12.95

Reservations Required



— MeMbers —Please help us to ensure that your dining experience is satisfactory by

making reservations in advance for all evening dinner service. Our staffing is

based on your reservations. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.~Merideth


Reading & Discussion Group

4:00 pm

1816 No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service


17Dinner for Two

Dinner for Two

Shrimp Fest $42/2

Chicken Oscar OR Poached Norwegian

Salmon $44/2



Reservations Required

Reservations Required





Club Closed 3pm

Club Closed 3pm

Club Closed 3pm



5:30-7:00pmReservations Required


No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service

No Dinner Service



Club Closed 3pm

3Prime Rib OR

Broiled Sea Scalloops $48/2


Reservations Required

Dinner for Two

5:30-7:00 pmGame Starts

6:30 pm

Trivia Night


Lunch Schedule Daily 11 am - 3 pm

BD Investment Club to meet the 3rd Wed of every month at 4:30pm in the Board Room

Reading & Discussion


On August 16th at 4pm in the boardroom, the book club will be discussing “The Dressmaker” by Kate Alcott. This romantic historical novel is just in time for the centennial of the sinking of the Titanic. Tess, a spirited young woman, believes herself lucky to find a position as a personal maid on the maiden voyage of the Titanic. She survives the tragedy only to later be filled with survivors guilt and embroiled in controversy as the world is searching for answers. The September selection will be “The 19th Wife” by David Ebershoff and in October we will be reading “Shame The Devil” by Debra Brenegan. For questions contact Faeth Houle.

Hours of Operation

Driving RangeMonday – Saturday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pmSunday: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm

Golf ShopMonday – Sunday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pmForeTees Internet: 24-Hour Access

Tennis CourtsMonday – Sunday: 7:00 am – 9:00 pmClinics:Wednesday: 10:00 amSaturday: 3:30 pm

PoolMonday – Sunday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pmPool temperature maintained at 84°

Fitness CenterOpen 24/7 with use of Access Code

HorizonsBreakfast: Sunday: 8:30 am – 11:00 amLunch:Tuesday – Sunday: 11:00 am – 3:00 pmDinner: See August Calendar - Page 8Take-Out Window:Tuesday – Sunday: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Men’s LoungeTuesday – Friday:12:00 noon – 12:00 midnightSaturday: 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm

Congratulations to

arlene adoff

on her 1st Hole-in-One.July 16, 2012

Farmstead Clubview Lafayette, New Jersey

Hole 3, 152 yards, 5 hybrid

“traveling” Hole-in-one

“traveling” Hole-in-oneJuly 13, 2012

Candlestone Golf and ResortBelding, Michigan

Hole 6

Congratulations to ellen Hinsenkamp

Please feel free to show us where you spent your summer by sending vacation pictures to Dianne Dunnigan at [email protected].

We would love to include them in next month’s newsletter.

John & Linda Williams recent trip to Bryce Canyon, Utah.