Black Book Bitches!!!!!!!

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  • 7/23/2019 Black Book Bitches!!!!!!!





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    OCTOBER % &


  • 7/23/2019 Black Book Bitches!!!!!!!



    I feel deeply indebted towards people who have guided me in this project. It would have

    not been possible to make such an extensive report without their support and guidance.

    I would firstly like to express my gratitude towards my guide Prof. Bhavna Suleria for

    having shown so much trust and optimism in guiding and encouraged me. She showed a

    lot of openness in her approach and I would like to thank her for her support in a way that

    has lead to proper and effective learning.

    I would like to thank all the faculty members of BS !epartment for their guidance and


    I express my gratitude to !r. "eeta #atke mam for all the supports I needed to complete

    the project report.

    $ast but not the least I am grateful to my family members and my friends for being my

    side always. %ithout their help and motivation it would have not been possible to

    complete my project




  • 7/23/2019 Black Book Bitches!!!!!!!


    St1teme+t by t2e 1+did1te

    I' ()S* +,!!(' wish to state that the work embodied in this project entitled

    -anagement development and rgani/ational development0 is carried out under the

    supervision of Prof. ibha !icondwar' !epartment of BS' !.2. +uparel 3ollege'

    umbai. #his work has not been submitted for any other degree of this or any other


    55555555555555555555 555555555555555

    Prof. ibha !icondwar (ash +eddy

    55555555555555555555 5555555555555555555

    Prof. !r. "eeta #atke ,xternal Supervisor



  • 7/23/2019 Black Book Bitches!!!!!!!


    E3euti4e Summ15y

    *+ definitions and views given by founders of rgani/ation !evelopment clarify the

    distinctive features of the field of rgani/ation !evelopment and suggest why it is such a

    powerful change strategy. #he participative' collaborative' problem7focused nature of

    rgani/ation !evelopment marshals the experience and expertise of organi/ation

    members as they work on their most important problems and opportunities in ways

    designed to lead to successful outcomes. #hese foundations of organi/ation !evelopment

    from the theoretical and practice underpinning of the field. #aken separately' each is a

    powerful conceptual too for thinking about and implementing change. #aken collectively'

    they constitute the beginning of a theory of organi/ation development and change that has

    enormous potential for improving organi/ational performance and individual

    development. #ata 2roup has taken initiative in all those matter wherein the organi/ation

    can develop and expand itself in all the possible ways. #he organi/ation has ac:uainted

    itself with all the information that can help it stand to the strong winds of competition that

    has entered the country after liberali/ation. #he organi/ation has been certified with IS


  • 7/23/2019 Black Book Bitches!!!!!!!


    T1b.e ,6 C,+te+t7

    T,8i" N," T,8i N1me P1/e N,"



    1) Ob9eti4e ,6 t2e 7tudy

    b) Re7e152 de7i/+

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    d) >Se4e+%7? m,de.e) Summ15y



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    1) I+t5,duti,+

    b) Te1m < te1m-,5*

    ) P151..e. .e15+i+/ St5utu5e7

    d) A88.ied be214i,51. Sie+e

    e) Summ15y


    M1+1/i+/ t2e O5/1+i=1ti,+1. De4e.,8me+t 85,e77

    1) I+t5,duti,+

    b) Di1/+,7i+/ t2e 7y7tem$it7 Subu+it7 1+d85,e77

    ) T2e 7i3%B,3 M,de.

    d) P217e ,6 OD 85,/51m7e) Summ15y



  • 7/23/2019 Black Book Bitches!!!!!!!



    O5/1+i=1ti,+1. De4e.,8me+t < R,.e ,6

    M1+1/eme+t Te2+iue7

    1) I+t5,duti,+

    b) TM L15/e%71.e 7y7tem7 21+/e

    ) Pe,8.e7 E38et1ti,+7 1+d Pe5e8ti,+

    d) Vi7i,+15y Le1de572i8

    e) Summ15y



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    1) I+t5,duti,+

    b) T1t1 SSL':%FF


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    b) Le1de572i8 1t TSSL

    ) St51te/y De8.,yme+t

    d) Summ15y




    : Ne- O5/1+i=1ti,+ 7t5utu5e


    & C,+.u7i,+



  • 7/23/2019 Black Book Bitches!!!!!!!


    && Bib.i,/5182y



  • 7/23/2019 Black Book Bitches!!!!!!!


    Topic: 1 Introduction

    In this world turned upside down' organi/ation development as a distinct discipline

    appears to have faded even further from view' while some of the underlying assumptions

    and values of management development have been opened up to some serious

    :uestioning' as the organi/ation in which the develop vie with one another to see which

    can operate with the leanest corporate office of them all.

    )s if all this were not sufficient' the focus of attention has begun to fall increasingly upon

    smaller and medium si/ed enterprise' encouraging the :uestion' what have organi/ation

    and management ever done for themCD %hile such businesses have always represented a

    major slice of most western economies' it is really only the conspicuous failure of so many

    big organi/ation which has drawn their smaller fellows into the sights of management and

    organi/ation development practitioners. )s the +ussian proverb puts it' %hen the devil is

    hungry' he will eat files.D

    *owever' the mind7sets of many of us who provide advice and guidance to managers on

    how they might improve their own or organi/ationDs performance. )s mind7set lead to

    action which are guided by assumptions lurking somewhere below the conscious level' it

    is as well to have them articulated and made explicit' particularly if economic

    circumstances may have served to drive them even deeper below the level of surface



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    #o understand how the key business processes are carried out in the organi/ations.

    #o relate theory with practice

    #o understand how information is used in the organi/ation for decision making at

    various levels.

    #o gain knowledge about different departments in the organi/ation and their roles

    and functioning.


    +esearch design is descriptive in nature. Preference of people is analy/ed and :uantified to

    know the factors responsible for the development and changes in the department leading

    to the change in the whole organi/ation. )nd also findings of the new business models and

    structures which are resulting in the development of the organi/ation as the whole.


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    #he #ata Business ,xcellence 3onvention is a forum that brings together the champions of

    excellence in #ata from all over the world. 2lobal experts speak on challenges and



    #he G+! = )ward function held during the )nnual 2roup $eadership 3onference

    6)2$38 recognises #ata companies that have achieved significant improvement and

    excelled in the :uality journey.


    #he #ata 3ode of 3onduct 6#3o38 is a mandatory pan7#ata policy that defines how #ata

    employees can conduct themselves.


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    T,8i ; M1+1/eme+t de4e.,8me+t 1+d O5/1+i=1ti,+ de4e.,8me+t


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    #raditionally the field of rgani/ation !evelopment 6!8 is defined as -an effort that is

    planned' organi/ation7wide' and managed from the top to increase organi/ation

    effectiveness and health through planned interventions in the organi/ationKs Lprocesses'L

    using behavioral7science knowledge0. #his definition was coined in 1;@; at a time when

    an organi/ation was considered to be much like a stable machine comprised of

    interlocking parts. Jor the most part the definition works well. But the definition is highly

    rigid in terms of its scope and applicability when it talks only about using behavioral

    science knowledge. #he filed of rgani/ational !evelopment goes much beyond

    behavioral science though it forms an integral part of the overall ! program.

    #odayKs business challenges call for organi/ations to design and implement the structures'

    processes' and systems that will allow their people to flourish7and that will spur change

    and growth in order to keep up with the competitive marketplace.

    #he field of rgani/ational !evelopment revolves around how rgani/ations

    continuously respond and adapts 6change M structural and behavioral8 itself to the

    challenges thrown by the external and internal environment and ensures success in terms

    of achieving its 2oals. ! deals with the important issue of how organi/ations build and

    manage various capabilities effectively in order to remain competitive in the market place

    and respond effectively to any sort of dynamics.

    In todayKs business environment' one of the most important assets for any organi/ation

    across the globe is the ability to manage change and maintain the health of the

    organi/ation. Below is a brief write up giving an overview of key aspects of

    rgani/ational !evelopment.


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    T2e B1*/5,u+d

    *uc/ynski 61;EA8 has suggested that organi/ational development 6!8 isF

    Nnow generally regarded as being concerned with helping the members of an

    organi/ation to improve its total ability to manage and develop itself' so it is able to

    respond to the environment pressures it faces. !evelopment implies that the organi/ation

    needs to learn how to adapt and change its culture so that it can continue to survive and

    achieve its core purpose. If an organi/ationDs members are to develop and learn how to

    adapt and change they need to ac:uire skills additional to' or other than' those they already


    Jirst however it is necessary to be clear about the terms. #he following :uotation is from

    Oilmann to place ! in its current contextF

    #he field of !' as it first emerged in 1;?

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    developmentD but' having been tempered by economic turmoil' with somewhat less of the

    latterDs idealism and navetQ. )t the same time there has been recognition of the

    re:uirement for managers to be able to develop and learn with less of the perspective

    arrogance that characteri/ed many of the

    #raditional'centrali/ed' specialist7owned programmesmanagement !evelopment.

    anagement development has been described as an attempt to increase anagerial

    effectiveness through planned and deliberate learning Process.D

    #he customers for such process' client managers' have tended to have fairly clear views

    about management development within their organi/ations' and they usually had few

    problems in making a distinction between their perceptions of management development

    on the one hand and management training on the other hand. %hile the latter has been

    perceived as a process necessary to the ac:uisition of skills 6such as budgetary

    development and control8' management development tend to viewed as a broadening

    educational process by means of which the individual is initiated' shaped or fitted to the

    attitudes' values rites and rituals of successively higher levels within the organi/ation. )s'

    much' management development may or may not encompass formal training' and it may

    be self7managed. any organi/ations have attached especially high values to process of

    management self7development' even to the extent of welcoming back the prodigal

    mangers who having resigned to gain experience in another environmentD' now the

    returns to the fold with renewed vigour. ther stress the value of a broad base of

    experience' but tend to reward loyalty and long service.D #his automatically places severe

    constrains on the perceived benefits and wisdom of pursuing opportunities for such



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    #o an extend' then the client managers would relate management training to a process by

    means of which the individual ac:uires the skills associated with a specific management

    job or level. #hey would tend to regard management development as having much more to

    do with career development and progression.

    #his difference in perception tends to throw into much sharper relief in organi/ations

    where responsibility for management training is assigned to the training function' while

    management development is assigned as a personnel responsibility. #his distinction is

    further reinforced where there is real' or perceived' competition between the two functions

    over which is accountable for what and as to where the senior status lies.

    #he single' learner function that has succeeded separate training and personnel functions

    in a great many organi/ations' under the title of human resource management' has

    narrowed the gap somewhat. But' as with management development and !' the separate

    mind7sets associated with skills training on one hand' and with personnel growth and

    development on the other' still linger on.

    #here was a fundamental difference in the antecedents of management development and

    !. anagement development was always a process ownedD by the organi/ation itself. It

    may not have been done particularly well' but the managers within the organi/ation could

    identify what is as a process that had specific meaning for him' within the context of the

    norms and values of the organi/ation by which he was employed. rgani/ation

    development' on the other hand' was more speciali/ed' more specific and' in aspiration at

    east more scientific. It tended to be domain of the business school and the research

    institute rather than the incorporate into the organi/ation itself. Oilmann provided a

    possible insight as to why the values and concepts of organi/ation development have

    rarely been incorporated into the organi/ations that it was meant to be servingF


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    ) P*.! straight out of graduate school who had never in his or her life even been near a

    business organi/ation could teach write and do research on business and management.

    %hile they thus achieved greater prestige in their own network' they increasingly lost

    touch with the business community and the world at large. Intentionally or unintentionally'

    they shut out from the halls of academia the very reality they where supposedly in the

    business of studying.

    #he itroff and Oilmann argument may tend towards the extreme and' as noted above'

    they are not referring to ! as such but to relationship between the business schools and

    business in general. It does' however' provide a backdrop for the image of ! practitioner

    as outsiderD. #he practitioners themselves have tended to prefer the role' as facilitator

    change agent as consultant and catalyst' as opposed to that of integrated participant in the

    hurly7burly of the organi/ations' which they have aspired to develop.

    %ith the dramatic economic changes' which commenced in the 1;E

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    departmentD. ! has suffered in its turn from its identification with outsiders to the

    organi/ation. It emphasis on humanist values has had a rough ride in organi/ations forced

    by economic necessity to experience the massive employee shake7outs of the late 1;A

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    OD !51me-,5*7

    #he word frameworksD is used' rather than definitionD or frame of referencesD' because

    the field has become too imprecise for any one of the many attempts at definition to be

    entirely ade:uate.

    Be++i7 (&:':)

    !escribed ! as a response to change' a complex educational strategy intended to

    change the beliefs' attitudes' values and structure of organi/ations so that they can be

    better adapt to new technologies' markets and challenges' and the di//ying rate of change

    itselfD. Such descriptions places ! at the apex of the ,5/1+i=1ti,+1. 8y51mid" It i7

    7t51te/i$ it i7 ,+e5+ed -it2 41.ue7$ 1+d it i7 concerned with structure. If !

    interventions are to be effective in terms of BennisDs description' then they must be made

    with the full participation and commitment top management.

    Be*215d -5,te (&:':)

    In an organi/ation7development effort' the top management of the system has a personal

    investment in the programme and its outcomes. #hey actively participate in the

    management effort. #hese doses not mean that they must participate in the same activities

    as the others' but it does mean that they must actively support the methods used to achieve


    Perhaps less elegantly' but with a shrewd eye for the realities of organi/ation life' +eddin


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    But in this insistence on top management involvement realisticC In the current climate

    such involvement is usually the result of massive and usually externally induced change'

    such a merger take7over or bottom line crisis. #here are great many examples where such

    involvement has been the springboard for the initiation of successful !7type

    interventions. But in the majority of organi/ations' the demands of running the operation

    in a difficult' but necessary catastrophic' environment may make the demand for such

    involvement unrealistic. *ighly motivated teams operating just below' but with the

    blessing of' such top managers may provide a more realistic driving7force for

    organi/ational transformation and development 6Oat/enbach and Smith' 1;998. Bennis

    himself goes on to suggest that its description of ! may be to provide an abstract and

    perhaps' useless' definitionD. In order to clarify his position' therefore' he goes on to

    provide four examples of ! in practiceF

    1. #eam development.

    &. Inter7group conflict resolution.

    9. 3onfrontation meetings.

    >. Jeedback.

    ,ach of these examples is concerned with processD issues having an impact on the

    effectiveness achieved by particular work7groups' either internally or at the interface

    between groups. ,ach is also concerned with the intervention of a third7party change

    agentD or facilator. argersion 61;AE8' writing ten years after Bennis' picks upon this latter

    point to suggest a simpler framework for ! than that of the earlier writersF


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    #he term organi/ation developmentDN means the skills and methods used by people to

    facilitate organi/ational improvement.

    %hile argerisonDs description may reflect what ! has often become 6and many provide

    an explanation as to why client managers have a hard time in recogni/ing the term

    organi/ation developmentD at all8' it has lost two key elements of the Bennis and Bechard

    re:uirements. #he first of these is strategy and second is top7level commitment. %hile the

    earlier writersD aspirations may have been too high 6reflecting itroff and OilmannDs

    concern about business schoolsD distance from organi/ational realities' argerisonDs

    organi/ation developers do when it is successful. %hen it is not' it is what the client

    mangers did and' therefore' is not !.

    ) really useful framework would probably lie somewhere between two and would include

    a reference to the areas of knowledge and the particular skills and methods the

    organi/ation developer would characteristically employ. argulies and +aia 61;A&8 went a

    long way towards meeting this re:uirement when they stated thatF

    rgani/ation development borrows from a number of disciplines' including )nthropology'

    Sociology' Psychology and ,conomics. It generally involves the use of concepts and data

    from the behavioural science to attempt to facilitate the process of planned change.

    #he tool tag is specified with the references to the disciplines upon which ! practitioner

    draw' and the stress upon planned change goes some way to meet BennisD emphasis upon

    ! as a strategic activity 6though it will not be argued here that a strategy and a plan are

    one and the same thing8. aguiles and +aia againF

    rgani/ation development is essentially a system approach to the total set of functional

    and interpersonal role relationships in organi/ations. )n organi/ation can be viewed as a


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    system of coordinated human activities' a complex whole consisting a number of

    interacting and interrelated elements or subsystems. ) change in any one part will have an

    impact on one or more of the other partsN organi/ation development itself can be viewed

    as system of three related elements7 values' process and technology.

    #hey than provide examples what these three elements might comprise.

    #hese examples are summari/ed here


    1. Providing opportunities for people to function as human beings rather than

    as resource in the productive process.

    &. Providing opportunities for each organi/ation member' as well as for the

    organi/ation itself' to develop to his or her full potential.

    9. Seeking to increase the effectiveness of the organi/ation in terms of its goals.

    >. )ttempting to create an environment in which it is possible to find exciting and

    challenging work.

    ?. Providing opportunities for people for people in organi/ation to influence the

    way in which they relate to work' the organi/ation' and the environment.

    @. #reating each human being as a person with a complex set of needs' all of

    which are important in his or her work and in his or her life.ProcessF

    1. !ata7gathering.


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    &. rgani/ation diagnosis

    9. )ction intervention.


    1. "ew ways of organi/ational learning.

    &. "ew ways of coping.

    9. "ew ways of problem7solving.

    #he set of values provided by argulies and +aia are essential humanist in orientation.

    #his provides another clue to the externali/ation of ! from the organi/ation within

    which it is practiced. #he values as listed are desirable to most of the people' but the

    experience of recent life in large organi/ations has not done much to suggest that these

    values are shared within the organi/ations themselves. ore difficult still' because

    organi/ational members can identify within them at an individual level' they are easily

    espoused by the organi/ation in formali/ed expressions of its valuesF ur greatest asset is

    our people and there unswerving commitment to company goals.D But' to paraphrase

    )rgyris the values in use are demonstrably different. !espite the best endeavours of

    Senior anagement the economic pressures have meant that we have had to realise five

    hundred valued members of the workforceD. #hus' the experience of organi/ational

    members during the 1;E

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    time. #hese values place emphasis upon effective and efficient delivery as opposed to the

    more general values of human potential and satisfaction.

    2albraith 61;AA8 does not start from the same' humanist' standpoint that characteri/es the

    writers referred to so far. *e is' however' very much in tune with the systems orientation

    espoused by argulies and +aia' and places great emphasis upon the importance of

    strategy in common with Bennis. But perhaps the most significant differences in style in

    2albraithDs work from those alluded to previously is the sense that he is writing for the

    manager who owns the problem rather than for the ! practitioner who can analyse and

    understand the problem. Indeed' he refers to organi/ation to design as the key issue and

    not to !F

    rgani/ation design is conceived to be a decision process to bring about coherence

    between the goals or purposes for which the organi/ation exists' the patterns of division of

    labour and interunit coordination' and the people who do the work. #he notion of strategic

    choice suggests that there are choices of goals and purpose' choices of different organi/ing

    models' choices of process for integrating individuals into the organi/ation' and finally' a

    choice as to whether goals' organi/ation' individuals or some combination of them should

    be changed in order to adapt to changes in environment. rgani/ation design is concerned

    with maintaining the coherence over time.

    #hese choices are fundamental and control the manager with increasing fre:uency.

    %riting sometime later' 2albraith 61;E98 developed his system orientation further to

    indicate that organi/ations NNN. 3onsists of structure' process that cut the structural

    lines like budgeting' planning teams' and so on' reward systems like promotions and

    compensation' and finally' people practices like selection and development.


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    #his approach is considerably more in harmony with the prevailing' functionalist

    orientation that is characteristic of Bennis' argulies' +aia' etc. ,mphasis upon the notion

    of choice and' in particular' strategic choice would also find favour with itroff and

    Oilmann 61;E>8 who berate the business school and their academic antecedents for their

    post 1;@Se4e+%S?M,de.


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  • 7/23/2019 Black Book Bitches!!!!!!!


    of specialist' consultant7speak 6like management development or !8. n the other hand'

    the term might just be indicative of a much needed shift in emphasis as a developers all

    being to recogni/e and appreciate the value of their various' different contributions and to

    demonstrate an enthusiasm and willingness to learn' really learn' from one another to the

    benefit to themselves and of their organi/ations.


    #his definitions and views given by founders of ! clarify the distinctive features of the

    field of ! and suggest why it is such a powerful change strategy. #he participative'

    collaborative' problem7focused nature of ! marshals the experience and expertise of

    organi/ation members as they work on their most important problems and opportunities in

    ways designed to lead to successful outcomes.


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    T,8i @ !,u+d1ti,+7 O6 O5/1+i=1ti,+ De4e.,8me+t


  • 7/23/2019 Black Book Bitches!!!!!!!



    #his chapter describes the foundations that underlie organi/ation development theory and

    practice' art and science. #hese foundations the knowledge base upon which o! is

    constructed. #he knowledge base of ! is extensive and constantly being upgraded. In

    this chapter we describe what we think are the most important upgrading for the field. %e

    will examine the following concepts

    odels and theories of planned change

    System theory

    Participation and empowerment

    #eam and teamwork

    Parallel learning structures and

    )pplied behavioral science.

    rgani/ation development is planned change in an organi/ation context. Planned change

    theories are rather rudimentary as for as explaining relationships between variables' but

    pretty good in terms of identifying the important variables involved in change.

    Ourt $ewin introduced new two idea of change. #he first idea that what is occurring at any

    point in time is a resultant in a field opposing forces. #he status :uo7 whatever happening

    right now is the result of forces pushing in opposite directions. #his can be identified by

    force field analysis. %hereas $ewins second idea was a model of the change process itself.

    *e suggested that change is a three7stage processF unfree/ing the old behavior 6or

    situation8' moving to a new level of behavior and refree/ing the behavior at new level.


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    Sy7tem T2e,5y

    ) second foundation of ! is -system theory0. %hich views organi/ation as open system

    in active exchange with their surrounding environments. #he aim of this section is to

    explain systems theory' describe the characteristics of systems' and show how system

    theory enhances the practice of !.

    $audwigon Bertalanffy first articulated the principle of general system theory in 1;?

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    %hereas to empower is to give someone power. #his is done by giving their ideas' to

    exert influences' and to be responsible. #hat is why participation is such an effective form

    of empowerment. ) good manual for implementing empowerment strategies is Games

    BellascoDs. #eaching the ,lephant to !anceF #he anagers 2uide to ,mpowering 3hang.

    Belesco presented numerous examples in which leaders reap extraordinary gains by

    empowering their employees. Belesco uses a simple four7 step model to describe the

    empowerment process

    )8 Preparation

    B8 3reate tomorrow

    38 ision

    !8 3hange.

    He be.ie4e7%

    1. #hat only massive change will suffice to keep organi/ations available in

    the future.

    &. #hat people will not naturally embrace the needed changes' and

    9. #he empowerment is the key to getti;ng people to want to participate in


    It is believed that one of the most important ingredients of empowerments is vision7

    !eveloping a clear vision' devising a strategy to achieve the vision and unleashing the

    intelligence and energy of the work force to accomplish the vision are what empowerment

    is all about' according to Belesco.


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    object of which is knowledge to solve practical' pressing problems. )ccording to


    - #he diagnostic and treatment typologies are employed together. ,ach type description of

    the diagnostic typology contains implications for a certain type of treatment. #he

    practitioner uses treatment as the empirical test in his diagnosis' success corroborating the

    diagnosis' failure negativity and thus re:uiring rediagnosis. #he principles of diagnosis

    and of treatment constitute the principles of practice i.e. with their elaborations and

    implications constitute practice theory.

    ! is both a result of applied behavioral science perhaps more accurately it is a program

    of applying behavioral science to organi/ation. )nnexure > shows some of the inputs to

    applied behavioral science. #he two bottom inputs' behavioral science research and

    behavioral science theory are intended to represent contributions from pure or basic

    science the two top inputs' practice research and practice theory' are intended to represent

    contributions from applied science.


    #hese foundations of organi/ation !evelopment from the theoretical and practice

    underpinning of the field. #aken separately' each is a powerful conceptual too for thinking

    about and implementing change. #aken collectively' they constitute the beginning of a

    theory of organi/ation development and change that has enormous potential for improving

    organi/ational performance and individual development. #hese foundations are solid'

    valid' and of great value to ! theorist and practitioners. #hey are also of great value to

    ! to organi/ation leaders and members who stand to benefit from the change programs

    erected on this collective foundation.


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    T,8i M1+1/i+/ T2e O5/1+i=1ti,+1. De4e.,8me+t P5,e77


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    In second step action plans are developed to correct problems' by sei/ing the

    opportunities' and by maintaining areas of strengths. #hese action plans are !

    interventions specifically tailored to address issues at all levels of organi/ation. Step three

    consists of facts finding concerning the results to the action taken. If the answer is positive

    than members initiate new action plans and interventions to resolve the issue 6this is

    considered to be forth step8. )gain this process looks logical and linear in )nnexure > but

    in practice it is more complicated.

    Di1/+,7i+/ t2e 7y7tem$ it7 7ubu+it7 1+d 85,e77

    rgani/ation development is at heart an action programs based on valid interest about the

    status :uo' current problems and opportunities' and effects of actions as they relate to goal

    achievement. )n ! program thus starts with diagnosis and continuously employs data

    collection and data analy/ing throughout. #he re:uirement for diagnostic activities7

    activities designed to provide an accurate account of things as they really are7stems from

    two needsF the first is to know the state of things or -what is0 the second is to know the

    effects or conse:uences of actions.

    #he important of diagnostic activities is emphasi/ed by Bechard as follows

    #he development of strategy for systematic improvement of an organi/ation demands an

    examination of the present state of things such an analysis usually looks at two broad

    areas. ne is a diagnosis of various subsystems that make up the total organi/ation. #hese

    subsystems may be natural -teams0 such as top management. #he production department

    or a research group or they may be levels such as top management' middle management'

    or the work force.


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    back -in sync.0 Jourth' the vision that guides the organi/ation changes yesterdayDs vision

    is no longer enough. )ctions to build the necessary structures' process' and culture to

    support the new vision7interventions7are developed to make the new vision a reality. In

    summary' interventions are planned sets of actions to change those situations the

    organi/ation members want to change. Interventions have been developed to solve most

    problems related to the human side of organi/ations. #hus' when problem are discovered

    in organi/ational system' subsystems' or processes' intervention activities can be initiated

    to remedy the problems.

    T2e N1tu5e ,6 OD i+te54e+ti,+7

    ) well7designed ! program unfolds according to strategy or game plan' called to overall

    ! strategy. #his strategy may be planned in advance or may emerge over time as events

    dedicate. #he strategy is based on answer to such :uestions as the followingF what are

    overall changeU improvements goals of the programsC %hat parts of the organi/ation are

    most ready and respective to the ! programC )nswer to those :uestions lead the

    practitioners to develop a game plan for where to intervene in the system' what to do' the

    se:uencing of interventions' and as forth.

    ! interventions tend to focus on real problems rather than on abstract problems. #he

    problems facing organi/ation members are real' not hypothetical the problems members

    get rewards for solving are real' not hypothetical and the problems central to needs of

    organi/ation members are real' not hypothetical. !eveloping the skills and knowledge to

    solve real problems as they arise in their -natural state0 means that the educational

    problem of -transfer of learning0 from one situation to another is minimi/ed 6all though

    the problem of generali/ation' that is' knowing the appropriate times and places to apply

    this particular set of skills and knowledge' is still present.8


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    deviation from a standard of performance.0 )ccording to these authors' a problem is a

    gap problem solving is discovering a solution7a set of actions7to close the gap.

    Gust as ! practitioners apply behavioral science principles and practice to improve

    organi/ational functioning and individual development' they apply these same principles

    and practice as they plan' implement' and manage ! programs. #hey attend e:ually to

    task and process' consider system ramifications of the program' involve organi/ation

    member in planning and execution' use an action research model' create feedback loops to

    ensure relevance and timeliness' and so forth. anaging the ! program effectively

    means the difference between success and failure. #he aim of this section is to provide

    guidelines to help ensure success in managing ! programs. Specifically' we examine the

    phase involved in ! program' a change management model' and a procedure for creating

    parallel learning structures.

    P217e ,6 OD 85,/51m7

    ! programs follow a logical progression of events7 a series of phases that unfolds over

    time. )n important part of managing ! programs well is to execute each phase well.

    %arner Burke describes the following phases of !F

    1. ,ntry

    &. 3ontracting

    9. !iagnosis

    >. Jeedback

    ?. Planning 3hange


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    @. Intervention

    A. ,valuation

    ,ntry present the initial contact between consultant and client' exploration of the situation

    that stimulated the client to seek a consultant' and exploration aimed at determining

    whether the problem or opportunity' the client' and the consultant constitute a good match.

    3ontracting involves establishing mutual expectations' reaching agreement on expenditure

    of time' money' resources' and energy' and generally clarifying what each part expects to

    get from the other and give to other. !iagnosis is the fact7finding phase in which a picture

    of the situation is gained through interviews' observations' :uestionnaires' examination of

    organi/ation documents and information' and the like. Burke observes that there are two

    steps within the diagnostic phase7gathering information and analy/ing it. Jeedback

    represents the return of the analy/ed information to the client system exploration of the

    information by the clients for understanding' clarification' and accuracy and the

    beginning of ownership of the data by the clients as their data' their picture of the

    situation' and their problems and opportunities. Planning change involves the clients

    deciding what action steps to take based on the information they have just learned.

    )lternatives possibilities are explored and criti:ued plans for action are selected and

    developed. Interventions implements sets of actions designed to correct the problems or

    sei/e the opportunities. ,valuation represents assessing the effects of the programF what is

    successfulC %hat changes occurredC %hat were the casual mechanismsC )re we satisfied

    with the resultsC

    #hese phases are straightforward and logical in description' but in practice they often

    overlap a great deal and look more like an evolving process than a linear progression. But

    the most important point is that emphasis builds the foundation for subse:uent phases


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    therefore' each phase must be executed with care and precision. #hese phases of ! serve

    as an overall roadmap for practitioners.

    A M,de. 6,5 M1+1/i+/ C21+/e

    3ummings and %orley identify five sets of activities re:uired for effective change


    1. otivating change

    &. 3reating a vision

    9. !eveloping political Support

    >. anaging the transition' and

    " Sustaining momentum. #hese are shown in )nnexure A

    2etting people to want to change' believe change is necessary' and to commit to

    abandoning the status :uo for an uncertain future is the first step. 3ummings and %orley

    suggests three methods for creating readiness to changeF sensiti/e people about the

    pressure to change' that is why change must occur show discrepancies between the

    current state of affairs and the future state of affairs 6which are more desirable8 and

    communicate positive' realistic expectations for the advantages to change. #he next set of

    activities' overcoming resistance to change' is achieved through three methodsF dealing

    empathetically with feelings of loss an anxiety' providing extensive communication about

    change effort and how it is proceeding' and encouraging participation and involvement by

    organi/ation members is planning and executing the change. )s the other writeF -one of

    the oldest and most effective strategies for overcoming resistance to involve organi/ation

    members directly in planning and implementing change0.


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    #hree components M diagnosis' interventions' and program management7critical to all

    organi/ation development programs have been explored in this chapter. ,ach is important

    in its own right all are vital to success. #he more effective they will become in their

    organi/ation improvement efforts. rgani/ation development is complex blend of art'

    science' and craft that is gained through the study and mastery of these three components.


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    T,8i O5/1+i=1ti,+ De4e.,8me+t 1+d 5,.e ,6 M1+1/eme+t Te2+iue7


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    %hile #otal =uality anagement has proven to be an effective process for improving

    organi/ational functioning' its value can only be assured through a comprehensive and

    well thought out implementation process. #he purpose of this chapter is to outline key

    aspects of implementation of large7scale organi/ational change' which may enable a

    practitioner to more thoughtfully and successfully implement #=. Jirst' the context will

    be set. #= is' in fact' a large7scale systems change' and guiding principles and

    considerations regarding this scale of change will be presented. %ithout attention to

    contextual factors' well7intended changes may not be ade:uately designed. )s another

    aspect of context' the expectations and perceptions of employees 6workers and managers8

    will be assessed' so that the implementation plan can address them. Specifically' sources

    of resistance to change and ways of dealing with them will be discussed. #his is important

    to allow a change agent to anticipate resistances and design for them' so that the process

    does not bog down or stall. "ext' a model of implementation will be presented' including

    a discussion of key principles. isionary leadership will be offered as an overriding

    perspective for someone instituting #=. In recent years the literature on change

    management and leadership has grown steadily' and applications based on research

    findings will be more likely to succeed. 4se of tested principles will also enable the

    change agent to avoid reinventing the proverbial wheel. Implementation principles will be

    followed by a review of steps in managing the transition to the new system and ways of

    helping institutionali/e the process as part of the organi/ationKs culture. #his section' too'

    will be informed by current writing in transition management and institutionali/ation of

    change. Jinally' some miscellaneous doKs and donDts will be offered.


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    change. In particular' middle management and first line supervisors will be operating in

    new ways. Instead of acting as monitors' ordergivers' and agents of control they will serve

    as boundary managers' coordinators' and leaders who assist line workers in getting their

    jobs done. #o deal with fears of layoffs' all employees should be assured that no one will

    lose employment as a result of #= changesF jobs may change' perhaps radically' but no

    one will be laid off. *yde 61;;&8 has recommended that we Ldisperse and transform' not

    replace' midlevel managers.L #his no layoff principle has been a common one in joint

    labor management change processes such as :uality of working life projects for many


    )nother systems consideration is that #= should evolve from the organi/ationKs

    strategic plan and be based on stakeholder expectations. #his type of planning and stance

    regarding environmental relations is receiving more attention but still is not common in

    the human services. )s will be discussed below' #= is often proposed based on

    environmental conditions such as the need to cut costs or demands for increased

    responsiveness to stakeholders. ) manager may also adopt #= as a way of being seen at

    the proverbial cutting edge' because it is currently popular. #his is not a good motivation

    to use #= and will be likely to lead to a cosmetic or superficial application' resulting in

    failure and disappointment. #= should be purposeorientedF it should be used because an

    organi/ationKs leaders feel a need to make the organi/ation more effective. It should be

    driven by results and not be seen as an end in itself. If #= is introduced without

    consideration of real organi/ational needs and conditions' it will be met by skepticism on

    the part of both managers and workers. %e will now move to a discussion of the ways in

    which people may react to #=.


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    organi/ational processes' including reward systems' financial R information systems' and

    training systems.

    Implementing #= essentially involves organi/ational transformationF beginning to

    operate in new ways' developing a new culture. #his also includes redesigning other

    systems' as has been described above. Such change' while difficult' is possible in the

    public sector' in spite of SwissKs 61;;&8 reservations 6Packard and +eid' 1;;

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    #o communicate the change' mechanisms beyond existing processes will need to be

    developed. Special all staff meetings attended by executives' sometimes designed as input

    or dialog sessions' may be used to kick off the process' and #= newsletters may be an

    effective ongoing communication tool to keep employees aware of activities and


    anagement of resources for the change effort is important with #=' because outside

    consultants will almost always be re:uired. 3hoose consultants based on their prior

    relevant experience and their commitment to adapting the process to fit uni:ue

    organi/ational needs. %hile consultants will be invaluable with initial training of staff and

    #= system design' employees 6management and others8 should be actively involved in

    #= implementation' perhaps after receiving training in change management which they

    can then pass on to other employees. ) collaborative relationship with consultants and

    clear role definitions and specification of activities must be established.

    S,me D,7 1+d D,+t7

    Jollowing are some miscellaneous doKs and donKts which are based on experiences with

    #= in the public sector and the human services. any are drawn from 3ohen and Brand

    61;;98' *yde 61;;&8' and 3haudron 61;;&8.

    Jirst' donKt Ldo #=LF a canned approach is likely to be met with skepticism and

    ultimately fail because it is not adapted to the uni:ueness of a particular organi/ation.

    #= is particularly susceptible to this phenomenon' because some adherents adopt almost

    a religious fervor' 6they have been described by one observer as L!eming lemmingsL

    6+eid' 1;;&8. L!eming as demigodL is another way this phenomenon has been describedF

    a statement takes on an added aura when prefaced by L!r. !eming said...L 63haudron'


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    1;;98. !onKt copy any particular model but use relevant basic principles such as an

    emphasis on :uality' continuous analysis of tasks to improve performance' and work with

    suppliers to enable the organi/ation to start with high :uality supplies. #= should be

    seen as a process' not a program. It should be integrated into ongoing agency operations'

    and the focus should be on how an organi/ation can better accomplish its goals and

    objectives. )t the tactical level' donKt overemphasi/e techni:ues such as statistical process

    control and the use of charts. Jocus instead on the systems the analysis and improvement

    of processes not on statistics or individual variations.

    %hereas some large7scale organi/ational change efforts are often driven by a centrali/ed

    steering committee or group of executives' in #= it may be best to not centrali/e the

    effort and establish a separate :uality management bureaucracy 6L:ualiticratsL' according

    to *yde8. !onKt believe that top management support is necessary at first' as is axiomatic

    in organi/ation development. %hile an organi/ation neednKt start #= at the top'

    successes in particular units or programs should set the stage for diffusion in other

    directions. 3hange from below may be appropriate for those at lower levels who want to

    initiate #=. It may work best to start #= with a temporary task force and then hire

    trainers' expose staff' and hope that managers will be motivated to learn more. People

    responsible for leading shouldnKt devote full time to #= they should maintain their

    regular work as well. 3ohen and Brand believe that #= is best taught by people doing it

    day to day in their work. Implement it gradually to ensure meaningful culture change' and

    use fre:uent feedback to ensure that change isnKt just superficial. #here is no need for a

    Lgrand planL 6a :uality council' etc.8 just start where the organi/ation is.

    Perhaps the most important LdoL worth repeating is to involve employees in the decision

    making process' at whatever stages and levels possible. )s a specific aspect of this'


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    advance negotiations and discussions with any unions present should occur. 3reate

    Latmosphere of amnestyL 63ohen R Brand' 1;;9' &

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    In summary' first assess preconditions and the current state of the organi/ation to make

    sure the need for change is clear and that #= is an appropriate strategy. $eadership

    styles and organi/ational culture must be congruent with #=. If they are not' this should

    be worked on or #= implementation should be avoided or delayed until favorable

    conditions exist.

    +emember that this will be a difficult' comprehensive' and long7term process. $eaders

    will need to maintain their commitment' keep the process visible' provide necessary

    support' and hold people accountable for results. 4se input from stakeholder 6clients'

    referring agencies' funding sources' etc.8 as possible and' of course' maximi/e employee

    involvement in design of the system.

    )lways keep in mind that #= should be purpose driven. Be clear on the organi/ationKs

    vision for the future and stay focused on it. #= can be a powerful techni:ue for

    unleashing employee creativity and potential' reducing bureaucracy and costs' and

    improving service to clients and the community.


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    #he years 1;@;7AE saw the #ata 2roup undertake aeronautical space projects and enter

    sectors such as publishing' precision instruments and computer hardware.

    #he years 1;A;7EE saw Indian civil aviation celebrate its fiftieth year. #ata ,ngineering

    took another significant leap with its passenger cars. #ata #elecom was established.

    #he period 1;E;71;;E saw sectors such as information technology taking the lead' and

    #ata 3onsultancy Services established itself as a force to be reckoned with. #ata

    ,ngineering launched IndiaKs first fully indigenous car' the Indica. #ata =uality

    anagement Services instituted the G+! = award' and +atan #ata took over from G. +.

    !. #ata as the groupKs chairman.

    Jar7reaching changes have taken place in the #ata 2roup from 1;;; to the present. #he

    new #ata 2roup corporate mark and logo were unveiled #ata #ea gained control of the

    #etley 2roup' 4O' following the biggest cross7border ac:uisition by an Indian company a

    Kgroup executive officeK was set up to provide long7term direction to the group and a

    Kgroup corporate officeK was established to guide the groupKs strategy for the future.


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    M1+1/eme+t 7t5utu5e

    #here are two decision7making bodies that define and direct the business endeavours of

    the #ata group. #hese are called the 2roup ,xecutive ffice and the 2roup 3orporate


    G5,u8 E3euti4e O66ie

    #he 2roup ,xecutive ffice 62,8 defines and reviews the business activities of the #ata

    group and is involved in implementing programmes in corporate governance' human

    resources' the environment' etc. #he chief objective of the 2, is to make the #ata group

    more synergistic it does this by strengthening the relationship between the group and its


    #he 2, creates a shared understanding of a #ata companyKs current activities' its

    strengths and its weaknesses. It then addresses the most strategic issues facing the

    company. )part from this' the 2, has reviewed the groupKs business portfolio and

    clustered companies into seven business sectors. #he 2, assesses what uni:ue value a

    company adds to a particular business sector and' conversely' what uni:ue value the group

    can bring to that company.

    G5,u8 C,58,51te Ce+t5e

    #he 2roup 3orporate 3entre 62338 is a forum at which broad policy issues relating to the

    growth of #ata companies are reviewed and the entry into new areas discussed. #he 233

    also plays a key role in protecting and promoting the #ata brand in India and across the

    globe. #he 233 also provides advisory services to #ata companies in the areas of *uman

    +esources' Jinance' $egal' and other functional areas as and when re:uired.


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    )part from this' the 233 from time to time' reviews #ata companiesD business portfolios

    across business sectors.


    #here is a difference between making money for oneself and creating wealth for others.

    #his is the story of a business house that has created wealth for a nation. #he story of

    struggle' anxiety' adventure and achievement. #he story of #ata pioneers.

    J1m7et9i T1t1' the founder of IndiaKs largest and internationally best7known group of

    companies' began with a textile mill in central India in the 1EA

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    T1t1 SSL

    #ata SS$ $imited is a part of the 1& billion7dollar companies' #ata 2roup. #hey are a

    leading manufacturer of steel wires' cold rolled steel strips' and hot rolled steel profiles in

    India. #he company has a turnover of about V 19< million' and employs about 9?

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    rgani/ation was established in 1;?E' since than organi/ation has gone through many

    changes. #ata SS$ $td. is a representative of organi/ations coming under the purview of

    #ata Sons. #he study made in this project goes on lines stating the methods used by the

    organi/ation to change itself' the new policies made' the policies used to control the

    relation between staff and managers' training programme' technology adopted. #he project

    mainly focuses on the #= methods used by the organi/ation to help it change. In

    following chapter the methods are dealt in detail.


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    T,8i F T1t1 Bu7i+e77 E3e..e+e M,de. (TBEM)


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    #B, stands for #ata business ,xcellence odel' it is a #= model based on alcolm

    Baldrige "ational =uality )ward' 4S) 6given by the 4S President to )wards winning

    )merican 3ompanies8. #he purpose of #B, is based on the best practice in world7class

    companies. *ence this criterion can help companies adopting the criteria to pursue

    business excellence in all aspects of business. #his model can be adopted by companies in

    day7to7day work by against relevant sections of the criteria. #his self7evaluation will

    expose gaps in daily working' which are essentials for Business ,xcellence. +espective

    departments U functions can adopt the best available approach to pure business excellence

    bridging the identified gaps. 6)nnexure E8 explains the application of #B,.

    #B, scores each organi/ation with maximum of 1

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    &. Mi77i,+F

    #o achieve sustainable profitable growth in steel wire and related business.

    3reate differential value to our customers through innovative offerings.

    3ontinuous improvement of processes and technologies.

    ,nhance employeeDs competencies to create a high performing and

    innovative organi/ation.

    Be a responsible corporate citi/en and enhance the :uality of life of

    employees and key community.

    9. u1.ity 8,.iyF -it is policy of #ata SS$ $imited to maintain market leadership by

    delivering products and services to entire satisfaction of our customers' through

    continuous improvement' technological upgradation and committed employees.

    >. C,58,51te 41.ue7F

    3+,!IBI$I#( in all our dealings with customers' suppliers' employees'

    share holders' social and government agencies and other stake holders.

    34S#,+ J34S and S)#ISJ)3#I" and constant endeavor to work

    for and with customer in true spirit of partnership.

    #,) %+O and ,P$(,, 3I#,"#.

    #he nurturing of !(")I3 $,)+"I"2 +2)"IT)#I" committed to

    improve individual and organi/ation performance.


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    3+P+)#, 3I#IT,"S*IP as a conscious responsibility to the society in

    which we operate.

    ?. Balance score 3ard 6marks that are provided to rank the organi/ation for #B,8

    @. pen dialogue' department meetings and 4nion7 anagement eetings.

    rgani/ation has various programs for empowerment' innovation and learning. Jollowing

    are some of the ways

    #eam based culture

    Balance Score 3ard 6BS38

    ,ncouraging participation in initiatives such as #op' Six Sigma' Suggestion

    Schemes' and =uality 3ircles.

    +eward and recognisation to individuals and teams.

    ,ncouraging employeesD participation in "ationalU International


    Jinancial )ssistance for higher education.

    St51te/y de4e.,8me+t

    #he company has strategy planning process where in there are various steps such asF

    1. Industry assessmentF in this segment company scans through the external

    environment such as demand supply analysis' industry value' environment impact


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    assessments' strategies adopted by the competitors key re:uirements etc. this helps

    company to build itself a strategy that will be competitive in market.

    &. Product market analysisF product portfolio review is done and thought of new

    products launch if necessary.

    9. )ssessment of 3ompanyDs ability to competeF here company checks its ability'

    capacity before entering into market environment. Jinal assessment is made so that

    company does not lack in any area wherein their competitors can take advantage of.

    >. S%# analysisF Strengths' %eakness' pportunities and #hreats are considered at

    this level.

    ?. Strategic 3hoicesF choices of technology' *+ capabilities needs' Suppliers and

    partner capabilities' where to compete' how to compete' scenario building etc. are taken

    into concern.

    @. +evisiting of mission and vision statementsF 3ompany revisits the original vision

    and mission statement so to lead the organi/ation in same direction and does not take step

    which contradicts companiesD goals.

    A. Strategic Jormulation and deploymentF this is the last stage where company is

    ready to apply its strategy and come with a boom.

    St51te/y De8.,yme+t

    )fter Strategy development is done organi/ation deploys the strategy with keeping in

    mind following key themesF

    1. 2row through new products


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    &. !elayering through restructuring and empowerment.

    9. 3reating focused groups like 2' separate sales and marketing' improvement

    groups' environment groups.

    >. 3ross7functional teams and task forces. #he work of this group is to check whether

    the implementation of #= tools are effectively used and is there any positive result seen

    after itDs implementation.

    ?. =uality 3ircles.

    3ompany believes a small step today will help itself to take a giant leap in future. *ence'

    company always keeps itself ready to face the tomorrowDs competition. It follows the

    Plan7 !o73heck M)ct wherein it allows its employees to come up with ideas that can help

    organi/ation to grow and build itself firmly in the competitive world. #he chart in

    )nnexure 1< explains the following broad contents of A categoriesF

    1. $eadership 6#his includes organi/ational $eadership' social +esponsibility and


    &. Strategic Planning 6*ow organi/ational Strategy is developed and


    9. 3ustomer and arket Jocus 6*ow customer and market knowledge is gathered

    and used for market planning' segmentation' customer focus etc.C *ow customer

    relationship is build and customer satisfactions is determinedC8

    >. Information and )nalysis 6*ow is performance is measured and analy/edC8


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    ?. *uman +esource focus 6#hrough work systems' education' training'

    development' employees well being satisfactions.8

    @. Process anagement 6#hrough design' production' delivery' Oey businessU

    support process like market development' information technology' supply chain

    management' finance' project and engineering etc.8

    A. Business +esults 6customer Jocused' Jinancial' market' human +esources'

    design' production' environment' Strategy results8

    ther than above stated model #ata 2roup also takes concern to train their employees in

    most comfortable environment where they can participate and learn new methods. #he

    details about #ata anagement #raining 3entre 6##38

    #he #ata anagement #raining 3enter 6##38 has been positioned primarily as an in7

    house training center for the #ata 2roup. It aims to provide training to high performers

    within the group and to act as a cradle of change for #ata executives.

    ##3Ds training programmes are designed to develop leadership traits. #he institute tries

    to make the training both issue7 and need7based by encouraging participants to implement

    programme inputs in actual situations.

    #he training methodology stresses on project orientation and action learning. Participants

    are re:uired to discuss various issues' problems and plans concerning their organi/ations

    and are then provided the opportunity to evolve solutions by interacting with a world7class



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    #he #ata Brand ,:uity Business Promotion programme' the #ata Kcode of conductK' and the

    G+! = initiatives constitute a common module in all these programmes and participants

    have the privilege to listen to and interact with senior #ata 2roup leaders.

    #he center also plays a major role in the training and development of #ata )dministrative

    Service officers. It conducts programmes not only during their induction and at the end of

    their probation period' but also during their early years with the service. #he aim is to

    inculcate the #ata 2roupDs values in probationers and nurture in them the ability to hold

    senior positions within the group.

    #he centerDs core faculty group consists of specialists who have wide7ranging experience

    in management training' consulting and research. #he findings of their consulting and

    research projects are often used in classroom sessions. #he center strives to provide the

    highest :uality of service in operations and administration.


    #ata 2roup has taken initiative in all those matter wherein the organi/ation can develop

    and expand itself in all the possible ways. #he organi/ation has ac:uainted itself with all

    the information that can help it stand to the strong winds of competition that has entered

    the country after liberali/ation. #he organi/ation has been certified with IS ;

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    T,8i% A+1.y7i7


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    )s this topic tries to cover the behavior of the organi/ation during the phase of change 6i.e.

    organi/ation development8 and various steps taken by organi/ation to bring a major

    change. #o understand this topic better I have taken #ata SS$ as the example and tried to

    study the organi/ation. )s stated by Oillman that -rgani/ation development' on the other

    hand' was more speciali/ed' more specific and' in aspiration at east more scientific. It

    tended to be domain of the business school and the research institute rather than the

    incorporate into the organi/ation itself.0 *ence I tried to domain this are by giving my

    point of view on well7known company like #ata SS$..

    #his organi/ation in short applies all those techni:ues' which should be used by any

    learning organi/ation. #he uni:ue features of this organi/ation is that even being for half

    the century in the market believes that it is still a learning organi/ation and keep itself

    totally awake with all its six senses alert to sense the new methods in the market. #he

    company employees respect the rules laid by the organi/ation and try to perform their part

    effectively. It is also seen that there is a good upward and downward communication

    between the top7level management and lower level management. #he organi/ation also

    believes in participative management style' it also conducts a brain storming sessions to

    improve the competitiveness in the organi/ation and motivate the employees. #he

    organi/ation has its own code of conduct' which have sets of rules' and regulations that


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    has to be followed by the employees. #his shows that organi/ation has good control on

    the workers and employees' due to which company is able to carry its goodwill for this

    many years.

    T,8i: Ne- O5/1+i=1ti,+ St5utu5e

    T2e E+4e.,8 St5utu5e


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    4ntil recent time we followed the traditional structure of organi/ation i.e. the pyramid

    shape. *owever' it is seen as times change every thing has to change. It is always the old

    concept on which the new concepts are created. *ence' the proposed structure also has


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    been made in keeping the positive points of the old structure and attempt to reduce the

    limitations of traditional structure.

    -rgani/ation structure0 is an imaginary lines drawn to limit the organi/ation to certain

    boundaries and secondly to clearly specify the post and position of an individual in that

    organi/ation. #here are various types of organi/ation structure made to meet the

    re:uirement of that time.

    Jor e.g.' the Jlip Pyramid the very concept of this is to remove the differences between the

    top level management and lower level management. %here top7level management plays a

    supportive role.

    In the same manner' envelope structure has been proposed to remove the conflict between

    two or more departments.

    Jor e.g. a production depts. )sk for something and purchase dept brings something else' to

    avoid such differences this structure to some extend can help the organi/ation.

    ,nvelope is a symbol of message' secret communication and a brief note. )pplication of

    this concept is been tried in this structure.


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    1. aintains a high level secrecy.

    &. +emoves the problem of inter department conflict

    9. Provides flexibility to top level management

    >. Provides a permanent position to a core competency team department.

    ?. )voids 2rape wine communication.

    @. ,mployment of high skilled personnel takes place.

    A. %orks with 4nity.

    E. Participative management skills.

    ;. "o' direct !iscrimination.


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    anagement !evelopment is best described as the process from which managers learn

    and improve their skills not only to benefit themselves but also their employing


    In organisational development 6!8' the effectiveness of management is recognised as

    one of the determinants of organisational success. #herefore' investment in management

    development can have a direct economic benefit to the organi/ation.

    anagers are exposed to learning opportunities whilst doing their jobs' if this informal

    learning is used as a formal process then it is regarded as management development.


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    !evelopment and management of visitor attractions' Gohn Swarbrooke.

    !evelopment and changeF essays in honour of O " +aj' ,d by Pranab .Bardhan.

    rgani/ation developmentF Some portion from Internet.