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The burglars’ friends

His parents were fast asleep in bed.

IT was 3 o’ clock in the morning when four –year-old Russell Brown woke up to go to the toilet.

His parents were fast aslkeep in bed. But when he heard a noise in the living room and saw a

light was on, he went downstairs. There he found two men .They asked him his name, and told

him they were friends of the family.

Unfortunately, Russell believed them. They asked him where the video recorder was. Russell

showed them, and the said had a stereo and CD player, too.

The two men carried these to the kitchen. Russell also told them that his mother kept

her purse in a drawer in the kitchen, so they took that. Russell even gave them his pocket


The finally left at 4a.m. they said, ‘Will you open the back door while we take these

things to the car, because we don’t want to wake Mummy and Daddy, do we? So Russell held

the door open for them. He then went back to bed.

His parent’s didn’t know about the burglary until they got up the next day. His father

said, ‘I couldn’t be angry with Russell because he thought he was doing the right thing.’

Fortunately, the police caught the two burglars last week.

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The perfect crime

Alice Jackon’s husband, Henry, was a man of habit. So it was that at exactly six o’clock in the

evening she was in the kitchen getting a beer for him out of the fridge and watching him walk

up the path. She was smiling. Today the routine was going to be different. It was their tenth

wedding anniversary, and one friends were coming round for drinks at 8.00. there was a big ice

statue of a couple kissing in the middle of the table in the living room, with twenty glasses

waiting for the guests. Alice was looking forward to the evening.

She is very happy. She had a beautiful baby sleeping upstairs, a lovely home, and a husband

who she adored.

Henry opened the door and came into the kitchen. She turned round kiss him and give him his


‘Sit down,’ Henry said, ‘I’ve got something to say’

Alice had no idea that in the next two minutes her whole life was going to change. ‘I’m sorry,’

he said.

‘And it’s our anniversary, as well. But it’s just that Kathy and I are in love. Bobby won’t miss me,

he’s too young.’

She didn’t believe her cars. She was in a dream.

‘I’ll get ready for the party,’ she said.

She walked into the living room. When she returned, Henry was standing with his back

to her, drinking his beer. She was carrying something heavy. He turned. ‘What on earth ...?’

These were Henry Jackon’s last words. His wife hit him over the head.

At first he didn’t move, then he fell to the floor.

Suddenly Alice began to think very clearly. She took the ice statue back to the living room, and

phoned the police. Then she turned up the central heating, and went upstairs to put on some


The police came quickly.

‘Is he all right,’ she asked.

‘He’s dead.’

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Alice screamed. ‘No, no, not Henry! My Henry! Oh Henry!’ Through her tears she told how she

put the baby to bed, and came downstairs to find Henry on the kitchen floor

‘Burglars,’ said Detective Parry

The took her into the living room.

‘Sit down, Mrs Jackson. Sergeant Taylor, get Mrs Jackson a drink. A brandy with some

ice. Phew! It’s hot in this room. I hope you understand, Mrs Jackson, that we have to search the

house immediately. We must find the murder weapon.’

The room was getting hotter. Suddenly an arm fell off the ice statue onto the table. It

was melting. Sergeant Taylor went to the statue and picked up the melting arm. He broke it into

bits ahd put some into Alice’s brandy.

‘Phew! Can I have a glass of water, Mrs Jackson? It’s so hot in here.’

‘I think we all need one,’ said the detective. ‘And with ice.’ They were all very hot and


Alice’s friends arrived. ‘Poor Alice! Poor Henry!’ they cried, and they tried to comfort


‘Oh, thank you, thank you,’ sobbed Alice. ‘Please ... stay and have a drink. Help


They all had drinks- gin and tonic, whicky- and they all had ice. The statue was now

nearly a pool of water on the floor. ‘I wonder what the burglar hit him with,’ said on guest.

‘Who knows?’ said another, taking a sip of her drink. Alice heard this conversations, and smiled

into her brandy.

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My uncle’s a shopkeeper. He has a shop in an old village by the River Thames near Oxford. The

shop sells a lot of things- bread, milk, fruit, vegetables, newspapers- almost everything! It is also

the village post office. The children in the village always stop to spend a few pence on sweets or

ice-cream on their way home from school.

My uncle’s doesn’t often leave the village. He hasn’t got a car, so once a month he goes

by bus to Oxford and has lunch at the Grand hotel with some friends. He is one of the happiest

men I know.

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The best shopping street in the world

No, it isn’t Oxford Street, the Champs-Elysees, or even Fifth Avenue. A new survey shows that

the most popular shopping street in the world is ... Nowy Swiat. Where’s that? In Warsaw,

Poland, of course.


A recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world is not in London, New

York, or Paris, but in Warsaw. It’s called Nowy Swiat (pronounced) which means New World. An

incredible 14,000 poles walk down this man street every hour.

It is a lovely place to shop. The pavements are very wide. There are statues, places,

attractive town houses, exclusive cafes, and high-class restaurants. The buildings aren’t too tall.

They look old, but in fact the whole city was rebuilt after World War II.

There aren’t any billboards or neon lights. There isn’t any loud music, and there aren’t

many tourists. People think that Polish shops have nothing to sell, so nobody comes shopping

here. The world doesn’t know about this paradise for shoppers-yet.

It is now possible to buy almost everything in Warsaw. There are a lot of shops from the

West, but the interesting thing is that Polish manufacturers are now producing high quality

goods. They are good because they are not mass produced for world consumption.

Nowy Swiat has a lot of small shops, specialist shops, and chic shops. It hasn’t got the

huge department stores that sell the same things everywhere.

If you want an exquisite handmade suit, Nowy Swiat is the place to go. It isn’t cheap.

You will pay up to £1,000. For beautiful French baby clothes, go to Petit Bateau. You will pay

£50 for a pair of blue jeans for a baby. A dress for a baby girl is about £90. At Desa, a famous

antique shop, a desk costs £5,000, and a 19th century Russian icon is £200.

Not everything is expensive. At the shop Pantera you can buy leather goods- handbags,

purses, coats and belts. Cepelia specializes in folk art. There are also book shops and record

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books. And there are a lot of small bontiques that sell men’s and women’s clothes that aren’t

too expensive.

If you ‘re tired, stop at Cafe Blankle. This is a fashionable place to meet. You’ll find a

lively atmosphere, and a lot of well-known Poles. The frogzen yoghurt and ice-creams are

excellent, and it’s famous doughnuts are delicious.

It is possible to travel the world and find the same things for sale in every country. But

Warsaw is different because its shops are unique,- and they’re in Nowy Swiat.

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The great communicators

We can communicate white other people in many different ways .We can talk and write, and

we can send messages with our hands and faces. There is also the phone (including the

mobile),the fax, and e-mail. Television. film painting ,and photography can also communicate


Animals have ways of exchanging information, too. Bees dance and tell other bees where to

find food. Elephants make sounds that humans can’t hear. Whales sing songs. Monkeys use

their faces to show anger and love. But this is nothing compared to what people can do. We

have language-about 6000 languages, in fact. We can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises,

explain, persuade, tell the truth, or tell lies .And we have a sense of past and future, not

just present.

Communication technologies were very important in the development of all the great ancient


Around 2900 BC, paper and hieroglyphics

transformed Egyptian life.

The ancient Greeks loved the spoken word. They were very good at public speaking,

drama ,and philosophy.

The Romans developed a unique system of government that depended on the roman


In the 14th century, the press helped develop new ways of thinking across Europe

Radio, film ,and television have had a huge influence on society in the last hundred

years. And now we have the internet, which is infinite. But what is this doing to us? We

can give and get a lot of information very quickly. But there is so much information that

it is difficult to know what is important and what isn’t. Modern media is changing our

world every minute of every day.

Living in THE USA

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The people of the United States are nearly all immigrants, or descendants of immigrants .It is a young country ,and much of the population has relatives who live in other parts of the world. But how do they find the US when they fist arrive? What do they think of the people, the culture, the way of life? Jamle Peterson spoke to three of them.

Roberto Solano aged 24 ,from Mexico. Roberto came from Acapulco to new work ten years ago. At first he missed everything-the sunshine ,the food, his girlfriend. But now he has a successful business with his three brothers and his sister. They run a soccer store in new Brunswick. Roberto ‘s girlfriend is now his wife, and –they have two children who go to American schools.

When asked why he came to the US, Roberto says without hesitation, Because l want to work hard and be successful. He certainly works as a driver in the evening. That’ s why l like America, he says .’you can be what you want.

When l first came here, l didn’t speak the language, and it was winter. it was winter. It was so cold! There was snow! Now nearly all my family are here ,not only in New York, but also in California, and in Texas. We meet about once month and have a huge Mexican meal that takes about five hours! We’ re all happy here.

Endre Boros aged 45 , from Hungary.

Endre is a mathematician at Rutgers University, New Jersey. He came from Budapest thirteen years ago. I had an opportunity to come here for two years. After a year, his wife came to join him, and since then they’ve had a daughter, so they decided to stay.

At first it was very strange. Everything is so big here, he says. I started to feel happy when I bought a car. Now I go everywhere by car. In Hungary, we only use the car at weekends, but here your car is a part of your life. Nobody walks anywhere.

How does he find the people? Very friendly. The first question everybody asks you is ‘Where are you from?’ People talk to you here, they started conversations. I like the fact that there are people from all over the world.

What about the way of life? The thing I like best is the independence. Nobody tells me what to do. here you can do what you want, so you learn to make decisions for yourself. I feel in control.

Yuet Tung aged 31,from Hong Kong

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Yuet Tung is her Chinese name, but in English she’s known as Clara. She came to the US eight years ago and studied fine art. Now she works on Madison Avanue for a publisher. She married a Vietnamese American three years ago, and they live in Long Island. They don’t have any children yet.

What does she think of living in New York? It’e very similar to Hong Kong. It’s a busy city, very exciting, and people walk very fast! I like the stores here. They’re huge, and it’s cheaper than Hong Kong. But you need a car here. In Hong Kong everyone uses public transportation, because it’s good and it’s cheap. At first I hated driving here, but it’s Ok now.

What does she like best? The space. Here I live in a house with a yard. In Hong Kong it is so crowded. And the people are friendly. When I go jogging, everyone says ‘Hi!’ and the food is

from every country in the world.

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1.Tenses.Questions Jobs’ Writing an informal let

1. Recognizing tenses.

T1.1 Complete the texts using the verbs in box.

Can make s studying

Lives teaches

Wants loves

Doesn’t have

1.enridue lives in Puebla, town in Mexico. He’s studying medicine because he wants to be a doctor. He’s married, but he

Doesn’t have any children. His wife. Silvia teaches in a primary school.

Enrique can mare cooking. He loves an excellent enchilada!

Has ‘re listening

Like ‘m sitting

Come ‘m going to study

Live doesn’t work

2. Hi My name’s Rumi and I come from Osaka in Japan . I live with my parents. My father has a business, but my mother doesn’t work . next year I‘m going to study economics at university.

I like going out with my friends. In the picture I‘m sitting in a bar with Noriko and Toshi. We‘re listening to music.

‘re playing emigrated

Didn’t like have

‘re going went

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Live was born

3. Bruce is Australian. He was born in England, but he went to Australia when he was six. He emigrated back to England once, but he didn’t like it because it was so cold after Australia !

He and his brother live with their parents in Melbourne. They have a big house not far from the beach .

In the picture he’s on the beach with his friends. They’re playing volleyball. Tonight he’s going out with his girlfriend. They‘re going to the cinema.

2 Choosing the correct from

Choose the correct from of the verb.

1 I’m speaking / I speak/ I’m speak three languages ; French, Spanish, and English

2 A Where does hans come / Hans come/ is Hans coming from ?

B He’s Swiss. He comes from Zurich3 A What you do / do you do/ are you doing tonightB I’m going out.4 A Where’s George?B He has /’s having/ have a shower.5 A What means this word/ does mean this word/does this word meanB I don’t know. Look it up. 6 A Do you want a cigarette?B No, thanks. I don’t smoke/ no smoke/ smoke not7 Last year I went/ go/ was go to America on holiday.8 How long you stay/ did you stay / stayed you in America?9 The weekend was boring. I no do /didn’t/ didn’t do anything. 10 A I’m going to university next year.B What are you going to / you going to/ do you study?

3. Correcting mistakesCorrect the mistakes in these sentences.

1. At the weekend I’m usually go swimming.At the weekend I usually go swimming

2. Are you enjoying the party? Did you enjoy the party

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3. We can’t play tennis because it rains.We can’t play tennis because it is raining

4. Do you can play chess?Can you play chess?

5. How many sisters you have? How many sisters have you got?

6. I no understand what you’re saying.I don’t understand what you’re saying

7. What you do tonight?What are you doing tonight?

8. What time you get home last night?What time did you get home last night?

9. Last weekend I see some friends and we have a meal. Last weekend I saw some friends and we had a meal.

10. I’m loving English food. It’s wonderful! I love English food. It is wonderful.

4 Making questions with auxiliariesT1.2 white yes/no questions for these sentences.1. She’s French . It she French?2. It’s raining. Is it raining?3. They’re at school. Are they at school?4. They’re learning English. Are they learning English?5. You’re tired. Are you tired?6. She was at home last night. Was she at home last night?7. I’m right . Are you right? 8. He was born in 1960 . Did he born in 1960?9. You can speak Danish. Can you speak Danish?

5. Making questions with do/does/ didT1.3 write yes/no questions for these sentences.1 You like music.Do you like music?2 She comes from France.Does she come from France?3 They live in a flat.Do they live in a flat?4 You take sugar in tea.

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Do you take sugar in tea?5 I speak English well.Do you speak English well?6 She watched a film last night.Did she watch a film last night?7 It started at 8.00.Did it start at 8.00?8 You want to go home.Do you want to go home?9 He works hard.Does he work hard?

6 Question wordsMatch the questions and answers.

1. What do you do ? - e. I’m a teacher.2. Who did you go out with last night? – d. Maria and Pedro.3. Where do you live?- i. In a flat in the centre of town.4. When’s your birthday?- g. It’s today.5. Why are you wearing a suit?- j. Because I’m going to an

expensive restaurant6. How many students are there in the class?- b. Twenty-five.7. How much did you pay for your shoes- a. Thirty dollars.8. How are you?- c. Fine. And you?9. Whose is this money?- h. I’m sure it’s mine.10. Which newspaper do you read?- The Time.

7. Word orderPut the words in the correct order to make questions.Then answer the questions about you.

1. but/you/the/did/what/shops/?What did you at the shops?I bought books at the shops.

2. is/who/teacher/your/English/?Who is your English teacher?Naraa is my English teacher.

3. parents/moment/where/your/the/at /are/?Where are your parents at the moment?My parents are being at home.

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4. cinema/you/go/last/when/did/the/to/?When did you go to cinema last?I went to cinemas last Sunday.

5. learning/you/why/English/are/?Why are you learning English?Because it is international language.

6. you/how/to/come/school/do/?How do you come to school?I come to school by bus.

7. brothers and sisters/you/many/have/how/do?How many brothers and sisters do you have?I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters.

8 Which question word?T1.4 Complete the conversation with question words.Kate Hi, Dad.Dad Morning, Kate. How are you today?Kate Fine, thanks. A bit tired.Dad I didn’t hear you come home last night. What time did you get in?Kate About I 11.00.Dad Where did you got?Kate Just round to Beth’s house.Dad There’s letter for you on the table.Kate Oh! Where is it fromDad I don’t know. Open it and see.Kate Oh!

Dad What ‘s the matter?

Kate Nothing. It’s from Luis in Spian.

Dad That’s interesting.

Kate He says he’s coming to England soon.

Dad Why?

Kate Because he’s going to study English.

Dad Where is he . going to?

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Kate Here in London.

Dad Which school is the going to ?

Kate He doesn’t know yet.

Dad When is he coming?

Kate Next week.

Dad You must invite him round. Why don’t you write back and invite him to Sunday lunch?

Kate OK, I will . Thanks, Dad

9. What + noun, How+ adjective or adverb

Match a question word in A with a word in B and a line in C. Then answer the questions about you.


BColour farTall newspaperSort timeMuchOftenSizeLong

CShoes do you take? Does a hamburger cost in your town ?Did you get up this morning?Do you read?Is it from your house to the town centre?Are you?Is your hair?Do you go swimming?Of music do you like?Does your English lesson last?

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1. What colour is your hair? It is black.

2. How far is it from your house to the town centre? It is 2 killometer from my house.

3. How tall are you? I am 1.70 sm.

4. What sort of music do you like? I like jazz.

5. How much does a hamburger cost in your town? It cost 200p in my town.

6. How often do you go swimming? I go swimming two times a week.

7. What size shoes do you take? I take 39 rysmer shoes.

8. How long does your English lesson last? It has last 1.3o . clock

9. What newspaper do you read? I read ‘’Today’’ newspaper

10. What time did you get up this morning? I got up at 8 o’clock.

10 Replying with a questionT1.5 White the questions.1 We had a wonderful holidayWhere did you do ?2 I’m reading good book at the moment. What are you doing at the moment? 3 I bought a new car last week.What did you buy last week?4 Nick and I had a great night out on Saturday.Where did you go on Saturday?5 Ann’s going to China next week.Where is Anna going to?6 David earns more than 200.000 a year!How much money does David earn a year?7 They have so many children!

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How many children have they?

11. JobsAdd a suffix from the box to the words to make jobs.Change the spelling when necessity. When does the pronunciation change?

1. Musician 2. Artist 3. Scientist 4. Journalist 5. Politician 6. Manager 7. Interpreter

8. Electrician 9. Photographer 10. Policeman/policewoman 11. Postman/postwoman12. Receptionist

2. Present tenses*have/have gotThings in the houseWriting-linking wordsPresent Simple

1. Making negativesT2.1 correct the sentences.

1. The sun rises in the west.The sun doesn’t rise in the west. It rises in the east.

2. The Pope lives in Alaska.The Pope doesn’t live in Alaska.

3. Manchester United footballers wear yellow shirts.

Manchester United footballers don’t wear yellow shirts. They wear red shirt.

4. Kangaroos come from Canada.

Kangaroos don’t come from Canada. They come from Australia

5. The sun shines at night

The sun doesn’t shines at night. It shines in the daytime.

6. Britain people drive on the right.

In Britain people don’t drive on the right. They drive on the left.

2. Making questions

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T2.2 write the questions.1. I get up at 8 o’clock

What time do you get up?2. At the weekend I usually go to garden

Where do you usually go to at the weekend?3. The bank opens at 9 am

What time does the bank open?4. My mother comes from America.

Where does your mother come from?5. My children go to Orchlon school.

Which school do your children go to ?6. My brother works in hospital.

Where does your brother work?7. My sister drives a land Cruser car.

What sort car does your sister drive?3. Short answers

1. Do you smoke?Yes , I do /no , I don’t

2. Do you like science fiction?

Yes , I do /no , I don’t.

3. Do you dream a lot?

Yes , I do /no , I don’t

4. Do you listen to the radio?

Yes , I do /no , I don’t

5. Do your parents read a lot?Yes, they do./ no, they don’t

6. Does your teacher give you a lot of homework?Yes he/ she does./No he/she doesn’t

7. Does it rain a lot in your country?Yes it does/No it doesn’t

4. Third person singularWhite the third person singular of these verbs.

1. Help-helps2. Watch-watches3. Want-wants

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4. Go-goes5. Carry-carries6. Catch-catches7. Think-thinks8. Crash-crashes9. Wash-washes10. Read-reads

11. Do-does12. Fly-flies13. Study-studies14. Kiss-kisses15. Eat-eats16. Have-has 17. Cry-cries

5. Adverbs of frequencyPut the words in the correct order.1. cinema/you/ to/often/go /the /do/?

Do you often go the cinema?2. Meat/never/eat/I/because/don’t/I/it /like.

I never eat meat ,because I don’t like it3. Listen /evening/the/to/parents/radio/the/my/always/in

My parents always listen to the radio in the evening4. Holiday/how/do/have/often/a/you/?

How do you5. Sometimes/restaurant/we/Japanese/go/a/to/

We sometimes go to a Japanese restaurant6. For/late/ never/ am/ school/I

I’m never late for school

6 spelling of the present participle

Write the –ing form of these verbs.

1. Read-reading2. Swim-swimming3. Come-coming4. Rain- raining5. Wear-wearing6. Think-thinking7. Shine-shining8. Smoke-smoking

9. Have-having10. Take-taking11. Wait-waiting12. Get-getting13. Stop-stopping14. Run-running15. Begin-begining

7. Choosing the correct formChoose the form of verb.

1. I go/am going to work now.Goodbye.

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2. I read / am reading a book about astrology3. I read/ am reading lots of books every year.4. We go/ are going to a party on Saturday5. Nurses look / are looking after people in hospital.6. Annie comes/is coming from Ireland.7. She comes/ is coming for dinner this evening.8. I speak / am speaking four languages.9. Do you want / Are you wanting to go out tonight.

8. What does she doctor What is she doing?T2.3 look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What does Wendy do? she’s nurse.2. Is she working in the hospital now? No, she isn’t3. What’s she doing? She’s having dinner.4. What does Frank l do? He’s a waiter.5. Is he working in a restaurant now? Yes , he is6. What’s he doing? He is serving food7. What does Tony do? He’s a taxi-driver8. Is he driving a taxi now ? no he isn’t 9. What’s he doing? He is reading newspaper in a restaurant10. What does Lisa do ? she is chef11. Is she working in the kitchen now? Yes, she is 12. What’s she doing? She is cooking

9. Making statements and negatives.Look at the picture of Joely’s bedroom. Complete the sentences in two ways, once with has/doesn’t have and once with ’s got/hasn’t got

1. She has a CD playerShe’s got a CD player.

2. She has a tennis racket.She has got a tennis racket.

3. She has a lot of CDsShe has got a lot of CDs.

4. She has a TELEVISION.She has got a television.

5. She has a computer.She has got a computer.

6. She hasn’t got a Walkman.She doesn’t have a Walkman.

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Write some sentences about your bedroom. I’ve got a bed , but I haven’t got a basin.I’ve got a radio, but I don’t have a TVI’ve got a lot of CDs but I don’t have CD playerI’ve got a tennis ball but I don’t have tennis racket

10. Short answers T2.4 answer the questions about Joely and about you. Use short answers.

1. Does Joely have an untidy bedroom?Yes , she does

2. Has she got posters on her walls? Yes she has

3. Has she got a lot of clothes?Yes she’s

4. Does she have a camera?No , she doesn’t

5. Has she got a computer?Yes she’s

6. Does she have a lamp in her room?Yes she’s

7. Have you got a bike?No , I haven’t

8. Do you have a lot of money?No , I haven’t

9. Have you got a CD player?No, I haven’t

10 Do you have a good English accent? No, I haven’t

11. Things in the houseArmchair- сандал book case- номын тавиур Window- цонх chest of drawers- т үмбүүшиг Sofa- буйдан carpet- хивс Curtains- х өшиг lamp- чийдэн Cupboard- ш үүгээ rug- хивс Wardrobe- хувцасны ш үүгээ mirror- толь

12. Linking words –but , however1. Complete the sentences with and , so or but.

1. She can speak French, but she can’t write it 2. He’s going to work in Spain, so he’s learning Spanish

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3. I went into town. I bought some food and I went to the lidrary.4. I haven’t got a car, but I’ve got a motorbike.5. She’s working late next Friday, so she can’t come to the party.

2. Join the pairs of sentences in two different ways using but and however.1. We enjoyed the holiday. It rained a lot.

We enjoyed the holiday, but it rained a lot.We enjoyed the holiday. However it rained a lot.

2. He’s moving to London next month. He doesn’t like big cities.He’s moving to London next month, but he doesn’t like big cities.He’s moving to London next month. However he doesn’t like big cities

3. She isn’t English. She speaks English perfectly.She isn’t English, but she speaks English perfectly.She isn’t English. However she speaks English perfectly.

3 Join the pair of sentences in two different way using so and because.1. She went home. She was tired.

a. She was tired so she went home b. She went home because she was tired.

2. We didn’t enjoy our holiday. The weather was bad.a. We didn’t enjoy our holiday because the weather was bad b. The weather was bad so we didn’t enjoy our holiday.

3. He worked hard. He passed all his exams. a. He passed all his exams because he worked hard. b. He worked hard so he passed all his exams.

13. Describing a personComplete the text with a linking word from the box.

Two sistersMy sister and I are very different, but however we get on well together. She likes staying at home in the evening and watching television with her boyfriend, but I prefer going out with my friends. We like to go to clubs or the cinema. Sometimes we just go to a cafe . I have exams soon , so I’m not going out very much at the moment. My sister is six years older than me, so I’m not going out very much at the moment. My sister is six years older than me, and she works in bank. She’s trying to save some money and she’s going to get married this year. Her fiance’s name is Ferdinand, so we all call him Freddy. People say I look like my sister because we both have brown eyes and dark hair but, we are very different in character. She’s very quiet, but I’m a lot more sociable.

3. Past Simple-Past Continuoushave +noun .Writing a story 1

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Past Simple1.Choosing the right verb

Complete the text with a verb from the box in the Past Simple.Fall , find, breakLaugh, spend, leaveLose, need, takeCelebrate , saveCan’t(past=couldn’t)Lost, alone, and injured on a mountainGary smith yesterday celebrated his twentieth birthday, but he’s lucky to be alive. In Match this year, he was climbing Ben Nevis, Britian’s highest mountain, when he lose his way and spent sixteen hours in sub-zero temperatures.My friends laughed at me for having so much survival equipment, but it saved my life.On the first night , the wear her was so bad that it tore his new mountain tent to pieces , so he moved into a Youth Hostel. He left the hostel at 10.00 the next morning, but that afternoon he was in trouble.I fell off a rock and broke my left leg. I because needed move.

Mountain rescue teams went out to look for Gary, and found him at 9.00 the next morning. A helicopter however him to hospital, where he but/and several operations. Next time I’ll go with my friends, not on my own! He joked.

2 Making negativesT3.1 correct the sentences.

1. Shakespeare wrote stories.Shakespeare didn’t write stories He wrote plays

2. Christopher Columbus discovered IndiaChristopher Columbus didn’t discover IndiaHe discovered America

3. Beethoven came from FranceBeethoven didn’t come from France

4. Leonardo Da Vinci lived in MexicoLeonardo do Vinci didn’t live in MexicoHe lived in India

5. The Americans landed on the moon in the 19th centuryIt doesn’t land on the moon in the 19 century

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6. The Buddha came from Australia.Buddha didn’t come from Australia.He came from India.

3 . making questions

T3.2 write the questions.

1. I went to the States in 19...............When did you go to the States?

2. I went to camtriside for my last holiday.Where did you go to for your holiday?

3. We stayed in Where did you stay?

4. We stayed there for weeks.How long did you stay there?

5. We had weather.Did you have good weather?

6. We travelled round by .How did you travel round

7. We had food.Did you have good food?

4. Short answers.Answer the questions about Gary in exercise I and about you. Use short answers.

1. Did Gary get lost?Yes he did

2. Did he have a lot of equipment?Yes, he did.

3. Did he go with friends?No, he didn’t.

4. Did he hurt his hand?No, he didn’t

5. Did you do your homework?Yes, I did/no I didn’t

6. Did you do any sport yesterday?Yes, I did/ no, I didn’t

7. Did it rain yesterday?Yes, it did/ no, it didn’t

5. Past Simple forms

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Write the Past Simple of these verbs.

Work-workedSave-savedStop-stoppedCome-cameArrive- arrivedPlan-planedMake- madeHelp- helpedUse- usedTravel- travelled

Feel-feltWash-washedLike-likedRob-robbedSend-sentWalk- walkedSmile-smiledClap-clopKnow- knew

6. Past time expressionsI arrived home at six o’clock last night.I saw Jane- yesterday.1. I was born in Africa in 1970.2. My parents moved back to England when I was five.3. We lived in Bristol for three years.4. I left college three years ago.5. I found a flat on my own last.6. I usually go home at the weekend.7. I didn’t go home last weekend because some friend came to stay.8. They arrived at three o’clock in the afternoon.9. On Saturday evening we went out to a concert.10. When we got home we listened to some music.11. We got up late on Sunday morning.12. In the afternoon we went for a walk.13. I bought a care few weeks ago.14. I had an accident on last night15. It happened at seven o’clock in the evening.16. I took my car to the garage in this morning.17. It will be ready in two weeks.

7. Forming the Past ContinuousT.3.3 yesterday you went to a party. This is what you saw when you arrived. Make sentences in the Past Continuous.

When i arrived at the party...

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1. Jenny /talk/ to Mick Jenny was talking to Mick

2. Annie and Pete /danceAnnie was dancing to Pete

3. Sarah and Bill /sit /on the sofaSarah and Bill were sitting on the sofa.

4. Katie/choose/a CDKatie was choosing a CD

5. Max /drink/champagneMax was drinking champagne.

6. Beth and Dave/eat/crispingBeth and Dave were eating crisps

7. Justin /show/Lucinda a photographJustin was showing Lucinda a photograph

8. Harry /smoke/a cigarHarry was smoking a cigar

9. James/tell/a jokeJames was telling a joke

8 newspaper stories Look at the three newspaper stories. Match the with the correct story. Where exactly do they go?1. B I was working in the garden at the time, she explained.2. C .... because they were wearing masks3. A I know I was driving fast; he explained to the court.4. A ...when he was travelling at 120 miles an hour5. C...who was coming home from school at the time6. B The bottom of the tree was slowly moving.

a. Motorist riving at 120 mphMotorist Jeremy Page had to pay a fine of 330 at Durham Magistrates Court yesterday for speeding , Police stopped him on the motorway. The speed limit on motorways is 70 miles an hour. This was because I was late for works; The judge said that this was no excuse.B. tree destroys houseYesterday afternoon a 35 year-old housewife narrowly escaped death when a tree blew over and fell onto her house, completely destroying it. It was gu8ite windy. I heard a strange noise coming from our tree. Suddenly the wind blew a

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little stronger, and I watched it crash onto the roof; The Bowles family are staying with friends while their house is rebuilt.C. post office robberyYesterday afternoon thieves stole 500 from a post office in Preston, Lancashire, Police do not have a good description of the two men , but they know that they escaped in a red Ford Cortina. This information came from an 11-year-old boy, Charlie Carrack.Past Simple or Continuous?

9 choosing the correct form Choose the correct form of the verbs.

1. I met/was meeting a friend whileI did/was doing the shopping.

2. I paid/was paying for my things when I heard/was hearing someone call my name.3. I turned/ was turning round and saw/was seeing Paula.4. She wore/ was wearing a bright red coat.5. We decided/were deciding to have a cup of coffee.6. While we had/were having a drink, a waiter dropped/ was dropping a pile of plates.7. We all got/ were getting a terrible shock.8. While the waiter picked/ was picking up the broken plates, he cut/was cutting his finger.

Vocabulary10 . have+ noun=activityT3.4 complete the sentences with a from of have and a noun from the box

Drink ,argument look swim, bath, breakfast, word, day, game, time, dinner

1. Would young like to have a drink?Yes , please. I’m very thirsty.

2. Did you watch TV last night?No I had dinner and went straight to bed

3. Did you have a good game of tennis?Yes I won 6-0, 6-2;

4. Bye , mum . I’m going to the party now!Goodbye, darling. Have a nice time!

5. Did you have a breakfast this morning?No . i got up too late. I just had of coffee;

6. I’m going to have a bath and wash my hair. I feel dirty

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7. I have a swimming pool in the garden, so if you want to have a swim, just come round.

8. Did you have a good day at the office, dear?No I didn’t. The boss was very angry with me;

9. Peter and I always argue. We don’t agree about anything. Yesterday we had an argument about politics.

10. I’ve got my holiday photographs. Do you want to have a look?11. John! Could I have a word with you for a minute? There’s something I want

to talk to you about.

Writing1. Linking words-while, during and for

1. I fell and hurt myself while I was playing tennis.It started to rain during the match. We played tennis for two hours.

2. I worked in Italy for three years. During the summer I stayed on a flam in Tuscany.I learned Italian while I was there .

3. We went on holiday in Florida for three weeks. During the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.We went to Disneyland while we were there.

4. We had a lovely meal yesterday . We sat at the table for three hours.During the meal we exchanged news.While I was talking to Barbara , I learned that Tony was in hospital.

2. Read the story and look at the pictures. Complete the text with while, during, or forA disastrous sailing holidayBill and Simone butler left Miami one summer weekend on their annual sailing holiday in their boat, Siboney. They wanted to sail round the Caribbean Sea for two weeks. During their holiday they saw a large group of whales. Bill and Simone were very excited. Unfortunately, while they were watching them, the whales began to hit the side of the boat. Suddenly water started flooding in and they realized that they were in trouble. They quickly jumped into the lifeboat while the boat was sinking and watched it disappear under the sea.

Fortunately they had enough food and water for twenty days. They also had a fishing line and machine which made salt water into drinking water. These two things helped them to survive while their terrible experience during the next 50

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days they caught about ten fish a day and ate them raw. They saw about twenty ships, but although they waved and shouted while they were passing, nobody saw them. They were becoming weaker and weaker. Then, just as they were beginning to lose hope, a fishing boat rescued them. Their disastrous holiday was over.

4 . Count and uncount nouns 1. A or some

Put a/an before the count nouns, and some before the uncount nouns.

1. A chair2. Some sugar3. A stamp4. A book5. Some petrol6. A tree7. Some air8. Some money9. A pound

10. A music11. A job12. Some work13. An apple14. Some fruit15. Some tomato16. Some tomato soup 17. A problem18. An information

2. Chocolate or a chocolate?Sometimes a noun can be both countable and uncountable. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with a +noun or just the noun.1. I don’t like chocolate -.would you like a chocolate2. I need some newspaper -. Can you buy some newspaper3. I drink lot of a coffee- let’s have cup coffee4. Have some ice cream-have some cocktail5. It’s made of water-would you like glass of water?6. Would you like cake-have some cake

3. Some or any?Complete the sentences with some or any.1. I haven’t got any paper.2. I’ll buy some paper when I go to the shops.3. Is there any petrol in the car?4. Yes , I put some in yesterday. 5. I bought some fruit, but they didn’t have any vegetables6. Do you have any change? I need 50p.7. I saw some change on the table a minute ago.8. I need some help with my homework. Are you free?

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9. I don’t have any free time today. Sorry.10. Did you have any problems with this exercise?

4. How much? Or How many?T4.1 Write questions with how much? or how many?

1. We’ve got some eggs. How many eggs have we got?

2. We need some flour.How much flour do we need?

3. She has lot of children.How many children does she has?

4. Can you buy some butter ?How much butter want?

5. Their house has a lot of bedrooms.How many bedrooms does their house has?

6. Some people are coming for a meal on Sunday.How many people are there coming?

7. Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays.How many plays did he write?

8. She earns a fortune!How much money does she earn?

5. Much, many, or a lot of?Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with much many, or a lot of.1. There are a lot of apples.2. The shop hasn’t got much washing powder.3. There’s a lot of oil.4. The shop has a lot off bottles of water.5. There isn’t much frozen food.6. There aren’t many sweets.7. The shopkeeper has got a lot of cheese.8. I can see a lot of newspapers.9. But I can’t see much bread.10. There isn’t much yoghurt.11. The shop hasn’t got many birthday cards.12. But there are a lot of grapes!13. Why aren’t there many magazines?14. But there is a lot of rice!

6. A few or a little?

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T4.2 match a line in a with a line in b and a line in c.

A1. Does your tooth hurt?2. Were there many people

at the party?3. Is there any food left over ?4. Have you got any whisky?5. Do you have any books on French

literature?6. Would you like some cream ?7. Are there many Spanish people in

your class?8. Do you watch much TV?9. Do you get many letters?10. Do your children get a lot of



A few.A litter

CIt takes them about an hour a night?I’m trying to lose weight.You can borrow them if you wantThe children ate most of it.But I prefer reading.Do you want some ice in it?But most of the come from FranceI’ll go to yhe dentist tomorrow.But no one that you know But most of them are bills.

1. Does your tooth hurt?A little I’ll go to the dentist tomorrow.

2. Were there many people at the4 party?A few but most of them are bills.

3. Is there any food left over?A little you can borrow them if you want.

4. Have you got any whisky?A little do you want some ice in it .

5. Do you have any books on French literature?A few you can borrow them if you want.

6. Would you like some cream?A little I’ m trying to lose weight.

7. Are there many Spanish people in your class? A few but most of them come from France.

8. Do you watch much TV?A little but I prefer reading.

9. Do you get many letters?A few but most of them are bills.

10. Do your children get a lot of homework?

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A little it takes them about an hour a night.7. a/an or the

T4.3 complete the sentences with a/an or the. 1. I bought a hat and a pair of shoes at the shop. Unfortunately the shoes

are the wrong size. I’ll take them back tomorrow.2. A Where are the children?

B They’re in the garden. 3. My sister’s a teacher in a school near Leicester. She has three children,

two girls and a boy. The girls are in her class at school, but the boy isn’t old enough for school yet.

4. Jane and bill are a very nice couple. She has a clothes shop, and he works in an office in the centre of town

5. A Where are my shoes?B the floor in the kitchen.

6. A How much are the driving lessons?B fifteen pounds an hour.

7. When you come to bed, can you put an cat out and turn off the light?8. I went to a restaurant last night.9. What’s the name of a restaurant we went to last night?

8. No articles We do not use a/an or the when we talk about things in general.

Match a noun in a with a verb in b and a line in c to make general statements.

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A Cows leavesWood catsWineBirdsChildrenCarsfruit

B ComesLikeFall offIsGoLiveEat Floatsneed

COil Oil and petrol

From grapesGrassIn treesFull of vitaminsTo school untilTree in autumnEating fishOn water

Cow eat grass.Leaves fall of trees in autumnWood floats on waterCats like eating fishWine comes from grapesBirds live in trees Children go to school until they’re 16Cars need oil and petrol.Fruit is full of vitamin

9. a, the, or noting?Complete the sentences with a the or nothing 1. I come to school by- bus.2. This morning the bus was late.3. My favourite subject - is history but I’m not very good at - makes.4. Ankara is the capital of Turkey.5. I work for a company that makes - carpets.6. My friend lives in the same street as me.7. I was at – home all day yesterday.8. We had a lovely holiday in Spain .

We’re going back there – next year.

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9. The Heathrow is the busiest airport in Europe.10. Leave early if you want to miss the rush hour. 11. We arrived in - Paris on the third of August.12. Last night we had a dinner in the restaurant.13. I went to - bed late.14. What time does your plane arrive? I’ll come to the airport to meet you.

9. Spelling of plural nouns1. Write the plural form of these nouns.

1. Boy –boys2. Lady ladies3. Potato potatoes4. Party parties5. Watch- watches6. Day- days7. Glass –glasses8. City- cities

9. Church- churches

10. Address-addresses11. Story-stories12. Sandwich-

sandwiches13. Key-keys14. Video-videos15. Way-ways

2. These nouns are irregular. Write the plural form . 1. Children 4. Tooth teeth2. Person people 5. Sheep sheeps3. Woman women 6. Fish fishes

10. ClothesWrite the words

1. Shoes2. Jacket 3. Boots4. Trousers5. Shirts6. Socks7. Tie

8. Coast 9. Churches 10. Suit’s11. Jeans 12. Dress13. Hat14. Jumper

12. Filling in forms1. Match the expressions and questions

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1. First name2. Surname3. Date of birth4. Place of birth5. Permanent address6. Marital7. Occupation8. Qualifications9. Hobbies/ Interests10. Tel. no.

a. Are you married or single?b. What do you do in your free time?c. What’s your first name?d. What’s your do you do?e. What’s your phone number?f. Where were you born?g. When were you born?h. What’s your name?i. What degrees, diplomas, certificates, etc, do you

have?j. Where do you live?

Do these things. Write about you. Write your name in capital letters.BadamdejidWrite your signature.Delete where not applicable.(mr /mrs/miss/ms)Write your postcode.162Complete the form The oak tree school of EnglishMr/mrs/ms-First name-Nationality-Address in your county-Reason for learning English; Business/pleasure/exams/often*if other, please specify-How many hours a day do you want study?How long are you going to stay at the school?What date do you want to stars?

Signature-Family name-Date of birth-Language (s)-

Occupation-Date of arrival-Date of departure-