Vol. XLIV No. 2 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 Five Cents _ . .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - = ENGINEER MATMEN I LLOYD'S SCHOLARSHIP tom I I I Ii 1 i I I I I I I to I 3 I I I I I I I I I v I s I I I II I I II t I z i Z I N I t t t c I I I t t t c I OIfficial Undergraduate News Organ of Technology - PRINCETON TIGER GYMNASTS'FOE IN FIRST HOME MEET Contrary to Popular Belief Beavers Will Be Hard Pushed to Win RUIZ TO BE ON PARALLELS Veteran Princeton Team Meets Leads Dartmouth Glee Club Here N~ext Week Coyle, Hereford, and Tryon Wrestle Tomorrow At Cambridge "Y" t Engineers for Honors In Walker Gym 11 :a )s )s 11. i- 3. a I AlthouIi dealls o the rogramof th Absolutely None Will e Re- joilit concert iveii at the Copley Paz Hotel b tile Tcluioloy Musicl Cltib deemed Aftr End of onth -ill[ the Dari-notith ollege Muical Clus Say Editors have not vet beeii arranged, it ha~~~~~~~~~~~~s be _~~~~~h dwlicevl orcestrail of tieachora of terinii Abstmofluteviou yoeas Will Be Re- joil colubs r giving ate miethe CoRlegPazd oe te TecmAfter End offee fornthl tale< Dtinouthrtclubst College Cltis)isa Cltl It Say be Edisaytors hsil NH L.r Haws '24 teel Braliijo wit hai b orderthatthe pinte luayknowhovdocin lubs bya NaT. Strtevant of 4 aci-l trghe mavol aft~er the piid fthi raothe thea hr iill~ n ulr1s lege ll priiitingto nicare orhl too fewas tthere- ~lj cu)temnoll lbai foreup the behlete redeemced for tale Haw o e Dartmouti ls the Glee Clulb is e Marcha 31ce. Tnoessr who N c theirnms fourt)H.L cHlsec 24.vevear Helj hasi lalso i olde that the piltr coais niusv apply dlill Clb a ) \o0/idra. starte ofi Avr ili tile anv copie to printrather t athleticbary e Cost Jazz foi- two seV.n o. at ilteofice to d zayl or tomro w Ica ec oignuv a t mar of c t re siiiLip ved at thc ev fot tall qaDastoth Glcei a Cluar- Techneiquc so ffice atle ofiialsl o~f te terb~ackzg itid fther vranling tis o laciv year bolz expehoct last-minulthe ru iies byiri polavitig oe -hear b~aseb alldbso ino4 -ofd01 the i-or o COIitS 11U" hasl]\ beei L lle aggrl~iegatiois sisaeo c-ollege. Tle Comipletedl dulrilig, x-,-ca-tjoll, and~ the (.lee C-lubl took first p~lace ill thc Inter- prin-ters aWre nlow Rxvorksiiig, dayl alidl collegiate G-lee Clubl Comlest ill -New Yo~rk 1ivil1 se'ttiif, up! tille 1,,onkv- The oif -C i( tv I:1,t .. 'v,1Zr, 1,-i * l;xr fr { exlrect the laroof, ivilhliii a fewx dlays. ~-eti% aaL ellviahlle ploeitioll allwol"t otherl aiid thev! say- ther-e is 110 reasonl xv-h1 collce,,e ;,Jce clubls. Thle Clubll) 1ts lhceii thle Issule <Iltil~d 110t .applear for tii1(- cotachedv f(ir tile p~ast eigpht -Denns by P'ro- TleChlll(ILuc Ru,h,l Aprril 19. as schedlflced. fvssor 1. 13) N16N\hoodl. PIMLIS for the RuIsh Zat-e low b)eillr 'lhe lc teade (-)f tle11 Larlhacry Coalst Jazz C~llt~lee~l.As lStlal. tile filSt patrt Itt, \-. },i-Jagteiiltckle, calso p~layis tlle of th", prloccol-eII- xvill lhe eiltirelv 1^ lic"" i.11 vi lh thlt Malld(felill t'ltll) alldl likie a]ld wsill ri111lainl a sccret iloltil tile dlav Illi, f'lo~sx--lili1icial1 J I la\v, ()f tile UCUe of tile 1Rivh1. The parad xvl \ill b~e slighif (Ill It Yrelcl>Aell! )1tl ot i! Cllletit llttc en-lila -Il iwi 'Illxl TIC jazz heaud( h1a. appleare(l le tile soucl as iti prev'0iouIs yeCars. at .1 ;IIIlillb'er oif illte o~llegwiate blolls, ill Naew- (orl. City alid x-ill la-at thl 1;-I cr~ole~ilttI .lil to hve hleld ill l'.tris ()II Z)/sZS^>OYAS -wz s_ ^\t~~~~~~~~~~~Ls llt9. TheC Ur 111 lt'eam w\ill gfrC 111> ai,¢aillst Pr-incetonl -II tile fil-st andz~ C)11\! hollie meet of tlle scaIsonI Wl \'alkier tollIor- rows at 9 O'ClOC];. 1lThe miatchl coltrarvr to thc .gencral I-tilll of C1cglegc dlope is ]lcot gzoinlg to) )be quIite u (1.' lChI of a snlap fo~r Technollo gy> as, ImsI beenI ad- v ertiked. Prinlcetonl loas al\N-i\.s had a -orodf textlll anld it iS julst as -O,<o(l tllis year as ever-. The ImenI are for tlle lar-,^e p-rtt veter-ans whlo h1(ave b~en H. L. Haws .throughl immyl a mleet n(tlI llaxe pl]elitv of exp~em-ence to catrlrv tlelill tlrcoligil tl'-S OIIC. Olie thill~f thlat NN-ill. help Otlt thlC 1-7-1grilleers qulite a lbit is thc fact thlat IRuliz w-ill b~e alble to (lo his sttuff oll the( parallels. Oil accomit of hlis stiid- ie's lie N\as nlot ab~le to gro oil tle< trips d .1 Ihi1S albsciicc hlas realiv 1bCeii tIhe teami' mlost seriouis liand~ical). U>illess somlethliig mligtylt uiicxlpccted h1aj)pciis, ie h1as a mlighsty g>oodchaClicelC to clea~l till first 1)lace. Trliere is somle dloublt ts-t as to whletherli hc ill miakec til . 11tercollegiate trill ol' Ilot bult if it cT'; lOSSIblyl! ))C 11lallalged lie CCIrtainily W xill hec a mlembller ofE tlle teaml. .McCoy Again Available A, tihi,; is, to b~e tllt only hlomel mieet .ot tilc iilten .a posilble whio m-re not takenl ()II tile 1lrips. N\ewcOilc is ell- tcrcl-x il tilt' rIn-ill ml1( )OIl bdi Fiulv alld I bi-il~ltl o)1ilt f i-c ro)eC' t- 111'). .( )11 tll h' or l(-!! i:Ol; .l., bar ~itectv a iId Kill,-, NvIll be tilt onlyl 1wi-r ormlerws aicll . as 'rilcetol i:>t':olt'Cill] grood Oil thlis J)it'ce of a~l)para"I!;,l tile'0t't Beavrs "\-Ill ie1)r !ttt I v;Z-(1 "e toI )lII h oult t 1l(c lulacl;~ ~ ~ . aw~ ~-alC leii. Ilotlh dlid I'Vivlly fillet w-o;- ill l lr let ;111(1 if thlev (lo ;1s ANell Ill flli.,, olle <t 1)lalct for ealch is enltirely- p~osib~le. ()11 the l'll'ts NI C'ON, am.11 Shlear w\ill "lot Ol ,lS lSI;l ;111(1 w\ithl tile al(ltitioii of 't'ewcomie makeis lil) a' mlighlty stroligr l i. \Ac(:o\- shloul(l -et first it ev eix-N thingl goes I)ropers.ly andl tile] othlr twNo Ca~ll ccr-tailiv Ccail~e tile Priiicetoriiaiis ,omie troull)e. Alec(ox- is also enateredl ill tile rl )e climbl} atml. I)arallels aliid w\ithl tile twEo llt';Its Ol eachI )iCCC of .apzl)arattis, 11( shlouild certaliidy hav-e s111fliciellt ex-crcse to last hil1i1 for tile CeSt of tile evelliligr. .Smithl i: .lso to 1)elfr 10 oltil tile ljralit l.- and~ ill adl- (li:tioli w\ill fieli) Rxol Tnierie oult oil tilc llorsec. Anderson O)n Mats Amzler-son la Wa11 Evii le m\-ill takle' ca c tof tile Illait- buIt theUre I. ois ili(lerab}le (loul)t ais to whethier thev! w ill h)e alble to Clcll a'I l) fir~st pla~C( *)1 liot. Aiilv'!s 1-I-ilt,; ]liVe ]ltal(I lI.1) UII1(ler tilC Straill olinight- v well dlur-ing the~ p~reviou,; mleets butt ill tile Icast t\\,o z-\ekls, thle% havre 'lEWollell 111) all(I aire xtrtlellely SColC. IHe lifas- stop)lecd paractice ald~ llol)es thlat a (r000 i-re.,t Nv I frequtenit treatmlents NvI ii akl e (lo \\-II ltle bRw eilil g. :\1 ,-toy, TFink-, an~(I ~ihma,(il ar c m thle r ol)e. ;mc b~etw-eei tile diree of the-ill thle teami otighlt to gret t\c) Of tile m-orlgl' N).Ct< TIC0.! s1>wcd is c leal l!v <11()mvll bv! tlle fact tll~Lt h1e tookE th~ir(I ,)lace ill tile inc llet for if alIN, p~lace 1l-ligit bc calCel thlc 11onic of tile rj)c) cllimbl A-liaj)Ois i.s certalinlyit. C'l jud-eg. for tile mleet mill bCe Elher- hatr(I of t(e1. .. X. > of tlle Y. NI. C . acll(I l T.bberlt of thle Y. NJ[. C. 'U. Have Many Specialties I Pnli fit9sor . M. -. J}Lon-huir .- t hat s tlls yea ( lcllee asll>intedl cllai h of tle l'anlj") and~ Mland(din CLlubls ol' Dartm~outht Col-,1 l ege. At tC COIICCIt.S givenI byR thL(' DIrt- loulll~~1 C lubl s tilis v ear,- W. Sturltevantll1 lea derl ()f hwdit or -anll izatios, polaN .s ,vith (1. 1 L. B'ar-!;e '26 Ill a l)anljo du et spcciat-y a ct. Dlri1-11" tllis seasonls tle N'lidlighlt SonIs, compllosed of foulr lbanjoists ad (Continuled ol Page 4) FRESHMAN ARMY MAKES USUAL SPRING DEBUT WNithl tlc adlvent of thc Splring terlll. rechlllolox '.s a~rmya. thlC fr eshmlan R. 0. 'l'. C. tlint, ha~s a~gain mlad its apr- pearanee ill uli'fornl. Y'esterdav for t le first timi e tllis yeari tle fr eshiilCill ap~pearedl il (;reat ot (~utill thleir uli- formls, althloulgh 1o replar drill -was Thae ;lmen vesterdavl -\vre onilv re- qutir-c d to linc 111) a m~ laid hand illteir class card--s. blt tle ,vear-in, of t111i- flonis wsas requliredl and~ Nvas veryx -eni- crall v ob~served. No annloun1cemenclt wvas madc J egardiig thc blegainning of regflacr drill. exeelttlt tha te freshlilien wvere to;d that orlorrals -\vold bet pic'kedllOl tro teir rankls at tiC ne^xt, e.xercise. Studhenat sernrcants, plickc froml tl,} Sophlomior e class as a resul1t of last vear-'s fr esl imanll drill. wer ill attc en- lanlce vcster dav, anld rviCltllcniUe to ass;ist ill tile trainliiig< of this v ear's Tfi e liew Technlology insignia for tlle 1?R(. T.. C. uniiformlss is einig wvornl b thc freshm llen for tile first tiile t his sipl illix . It COtl iStS of a C ir C u b r pfatch;" half calrdlinial al(! half -rav, b~earing a gsray- "T." ECTURES ON SEX ARE Betw-eenl March 6 and~ Marcll 19 thc LECTURES ON SEX ARE Bursar's office collected $5760 in fines IMPORTANT T.C.A. SAYS for late registratioll andl conditiolls. \\T17el onc r calizes that this means l1152 fines thc enlormouos crop of fail- T.C.A. Sends Out Invitations To UlreS at thc Institulte call bc estinlated. All Fraternities g~einliiig onl Marcll 6 -vithl $65 the dlailv collectionls ha-c risen until oil M~arch 19) a1 m1axi;uni of $1730 -%tas COI- Y esterdayx a letter wvent Ollt frl-111 lectd.- I,;xcepting Only thc first day at thc T. C. .A. offic to eacll o1C Of tl~e IeaSt 20 men21 11ave p~a;li ies each1 Iay-. .31 fraterllities of the Institutc. This 13tnrsar Ford thlinks tllat nmaml- inell lettelr \-as sent by D. H. Kecl; '25 and are und~er thc inlpressioll tllat it is al- invFited t11e attC11dal1Ce Of aS m11alv wa!s llect'ssary' to tpetitioll tllc Faculty nIel1 as POXSsbIC at thc lectures to le Iol~seafn elor~.Tlsi lCS givrell bv Deanl Seerley of the Y. M. saZr\- ii: thle fille ";S bc"~ l'egulal-l` ' il- C. A. College, Springrield. The mainl c1.11rr buIt if there 11aS lben an!d error ltrp)ose ,v-as to stress tlle value of thlc it xvil b~e fixced at thc Bursar's office. lectures andl to asl; tllat tile various "Cow'kdering, thc large llumler of niiiis fratelllities ancl societies refrain fromt and~ i ie b)ook;-k~eeping tle\, necessitate lhavilg nleetings oil the dates whell it oV fld b~e surparisinga if no nlistakves the talks are to lvc given. "Sex Factors cere made" said Mr. Ford. If anl cr- ill Huniaih Life" is to be thce topic of ro hl ~as beeii nmade ill the records tile tlle thlree lectures. Intell shouild call at thce Records Office Last term thle Bilvle Stuldy Class miet a1(ld f in error has beenI made ill ll\ txvice a wveek;. This ternil the mceet- dePLa tillellt thc!\ shouldl COlIeI to nlnC ings ;11 Herrick House, 490 Beacon A. otlher thlin'g whichl the Bursar class wvill colltinue to meet inl 404 At- the'; the boolks relativ-e to all studellt kinsonl arld the openillg session will be d-r sits arc opell to the men wvithl ac- held next Thlursdayr at 6:45 o'clocke. c o., ts. Thc Chemlistry Departmenlt Prior to this terinl the class has con- alc:ec haCs books wvith 1400 accounts and sisted solelv of students, lbut M. H. -ie aml! of tIIe 1400) mne have thc Finley '24, -vlho is nowv director, is tr,- priv~ilege of looking at their accounlts ing to -et anl outside man to assist. at an!ie time, accordillg to A. C. M el- As vet the name of the newv mhal or cher, -Manager of the Division of Lab- the subject is not definitc but wvill be oratoryr Stlppies, 0111N' ab)olt 100 menl announced next ^xweek;. takse advantage of this each terml. Tlle Executive Conlillittee of the it is mutch the sanmc inl all other Technology Christian Association has cotlrses whlere laboratorv- deposits are decided that their elections shall be reollired. The oniv m~en ivho ever call lield at 5 o'clock next Monday and aiid check ov-~r 'tllir accounts are vill then make their results public. The those wvho are wsorkvingx their way nominatillg committee consists of: C. throu~gh schlool alld according to 2\1r. M. Phelps '25. R. Hereford '25, andl A. _'elcher their numlber seeins to fc Wv. Rhodes '25. fexver eacll vear. Monday, March 24 6:30-(-'1acs *+f Ir900 D)inner'l, 1aCtilty D;)::~.:g ROOMl1 N\'alL~er. Ttiesday, March 25 8:0i-Engine Xl- and igniall ('(IIs smnslker, z-{0om 5 -3 3 0 Wednesday, March 26 4 :00-LTec tmle on1 *"The P<!vchology ;of Sex." Rtof lom 10.2n. ;:30 \Meetinlg of ('oiporationl XVi, north hall, Nra I ICe r. Thulrsday, March 27 CCKf}Lctiire (X11 "Manholods. ' Roonil 10-250. Friday, March 28 4:00-Lcotnre c-II "W\omanhloodi.- Rooml ]n-250. Saturday, March 29 s :cx)-,rtilt 'ConIcert, Dartmlltith and~ Combinedll M1l.Sical Chlubs, > iote] l - Competition Starts There will be a meeting of the entire staff of THE TECH and can- didates today in room 2-146 at five o'clock. New candidates are urged to attend as the Annual Spring Competition starts then. f - I- A , , 'T53 A Record of Continuous News Service for 43 Years DARTMOUTH CLUBS' SEASON" PROGRAM OF VARIED STYLE Glee Club and Dance Orchestra Leaders Both Prominent In Athletics BAND TO PLAY IN PARIS Last Intercollegiate Contest Won By Dartmouth Glee Club Last Year IS OFFERED FRESHMEN Llo,, d's ofr London,. the mlaritimle inl surance company, is offeringg a schola._: ship in Naval Architecture and Marine Enlgineerinlg which is open to any meml- lber of the freshman class. The wsinl- nler wvill be appointed on the results of the June examlination~s and wvill b~e required to take course X111 in Naval Architecture and Marinle Enginleering. Anx, freshmlanl interested in the scholarship is asked to apply at room i-121 for further informlatioi-;. VOID TECHNIQUE SIGNUPS APRIL I WILL WRESTLE IN OLYMPIC TRYOUTS I HEREFORD'S CHANCE GOOD Best Amateurs of New England Will Strive for Places On U.S. Team Fresh frolil tile v ictorv at Brown last rveek wvhenl the wrerstling teami w'ol the N ew Flgrlanid Intercollegiate <- C'hamplioniship. sevreral mcibelers of the - wrestlinll squad w-ill eliter the A. A. IJ. Olymlipic try outs at tile Camibridge Y. M. C. A. toniorrowv nigilt. Rock Here- f ord. Newv E.igland chamipioll in the -158 poulld class, Dick Tr!yon and Ted Covrle. runilers up Iin the unlimiited class -and 115 pound class respectivel- at thc In trcr olle-ia tes . along wvith several - mellllbers of the secolld ;and freshmran sqluads, wvill ibe the contienders f o Technlology!. Dag Norwvood, ch~amipionl il the 135 poundl division w\ill not he able to enter the trvouts b~ecause of anl infected forelleadi. :Rock Hereford is the favorite in Ihis; class for the Newv Englaiid division; de- -feated bout once in thc last tvo -\cars. lie has a miost imposinig record as a orrestler -\N hillc at Techniology . TLast yea.r Rocl; capt.ainedl the Carciinal a nd -Gra\- srestlers. :alid canile thlroughi the seasoII lwith olil' OllC decision a-~ainst r lill]. Four of lfis niatciles lie ".Oll l~ falls, ^\-lile tile other four victories canic froml decisio31s. li the inet -%vitil Lchig-h last vear, Rocb: lont a close matchl to Cox vlho has SilCe fgradluatedt -f- ^!m sclicol Ait:_, !cs-,ig, !is. bo",O'1 llis owVii class, Pock enitered thle linlimi- - ited dlivisoio and~ succcelece in gailiiiiig a dlec. ionl altlollgl g~reatly oultweighled. Rock B~eats Navy Captain At tile Navv- muet latet y ear- Rocl; gailred 11is msiot imipressiveb w i of thle sca"onl -vilel .he cc liquer-edl he Nztvy captail, ARriio!(I. spzillingZ tlle Aliniapolis maiil vithl a bart hloldl midl chanccie-N after onlyl tw~o a-ild a hlf~i mlilmites of :\ rvstling. In thl :ev Eiivlanc lIntrco'llegla te" Rocl; camel throughi ,\-ithl tile chamilpioti- ship. Last year lie also w on the title of IN'e-'N EI<.lllild alia-tcir ch"1llloll. D ii tlle anilateulr nieet lie deftcated \RVolf whio -was the niatimlal cilamipioll il his B~ecause of thec conlflictinczg dates of thc 1latiolial amiateur inect wid~ thc duia! inatchl witil Harv ard, Rocl; was :-,re- vencited fromi eliteriig thc iornier linect. - This N-ear his record is ncot linarred byX a sin~gle loss, t'>rce falls anid -- i- cle- Csioi31S cnn'.plete hlis seasoll's victo-ies. (Continlued on Page 3) DEBATERS LOSE TO SYRACUSE TEAM .Failure To Suggest New La% .Main Reason Why Team . ~~Was Defeated Befor e it s~llitil a-lidieulce fllC Tchl'- ; liolCogy\ dIc baterls.'llect tilc 'S'\laCUSC tealli ba l.till'1 zlllOil[£', tlelill3Cl es tile judeges fiI~ljlV ca1111;c to thle ('CCiSiOll tll(at '1hu v isito~r hlad~ tile lbetter *lr-timients. Al- I loughri thet jtid-'C." hadl~ diffiC1 t illt I (Ic- Icidill"'. thev caic< to tllc collclulsioll thlat tht TeCillO llog' teatIll Ha~d lirst cdl 1o ne>\ v inni-J-i-a^;tionl lal v to takl e tile p)lalc e o>1 thc( pi-T'e'ent 3lf lawtR , and1( for tIm; t tre'l' oll chieiv',E- dlid lot il Ih preC' 111;l; 1 t lOipl.> 10aIt w'-lllaw 01 Or.,Itu 1) tlle af-ll-llastive wXE e-c^: ti l~l it ,vas aZ Illcccssitv I 1ke^1Ailing Out thc vast horde(ls of' E4lll opellllr co~lluill-, iII each1 ; et r : tha;t thltz ]itwE Nvl,; "ovildl~ and Icic+lltific ill pr-inciplel ; ald~e that pro-s- per''1;! ClllI1-{I1C(' a-ovilllil atoill The1, llega-t tiv-e Side c-lail~lied thas t til. lawRE Nvs nlot > I 'fli e:l( tha~t it alloxvcd pa1 ) llper-s and (:-illlllllls to *ent,,, the( co mltrv-; andl~ thlat 011]\1v 0 1o 1illillites N t'l- taklell to (z~illiltz each ii ml t-i,Xlalt thlat enltered thet coulitrv! J. 1). .Nllim-oe '82 z-whco 1~-iside d at tile conlteit, n~iade( numerl'lOulS applroprliate I-cllla l;S betweenl the Speceches. Tlle judgews ccolsistedl of .T. NV. Sparing£,rT tif. P'owell, anid P. ~\7 . Guerlsev . PRESIDENT STRATTON AT ELIOT CELEBRATION presidellt >S. W\. S--rattoll \\-as <l ,-tuest at tilt' C c'lc' bratioll lI(lel Ill . atilldel S IThactr e ve-terdav! af~tern'loon ill 110o10ol of tlle (()tll hl-thqclav of DIr Charles AV'. I lot ~ltsit'lt ~lC ieitus. Ot- fll arvar U liX v I., t N..] The cetlebra-stion2 Nva.s Carl- -Ltd Ollt hV\ reprl-s'enltativets Of tile Cor1-- pozration. Facuilty. A\ lumnli, anld U.'ldcl- 2grldl~lalc Of Ha~rvard-(. Chlief ljustIce Talft and~ G;ove-ilor CoxS Nvere twso of tile .'})ea.kcrs of0 tile *Lftel-110011 DrI. Eli(it wa.s pre-sid~ent of H-arv-ard fOor 40 yeanll'. , 1-csi,> (Ilt 1 5 v cl-,s ; 11r0, COAST ARTILLERY UNIT TO MAKE HARBOR TRIP The Cl tolst Ar-tilClen- t-lit Of tiC R. O. T. ( ., together w-ith tlle ( oa:,t: Ar- t e-v R4. (). I . (:. tlnit froml tlc Unli- est-of M1aine a% ill niake a trip a-round( BostonI Harb)or o1 tir~l Mach2, i- spectilig tlet detellsecs. Th'lis \\vill lbe tlle first of at sc ries of .suclh trips. Ali inftautrv dIrill at thle Arnis b~ase -it 12 :1; o'clockr Nvifl start tle parogrranl. Fol]\'llowi this Nv-ill comel a toulr of the v arious tOI-tS ill tlle h1arbor, Inclulding< Hogr Islandl, tiC tr-ill to lic mlade on a Governnieia Iiarhcr lboat. returnling to ti e Arnivs Base ab~out 5 :3(). Applicit- tionl for r-esei -ationis mlay be mlade at th f litay! Scienlce office lbefor 4 o'clock; ro~li~av. biursar-s unllce Collects For A Thousand Fines Students Are Free to Inspect Their Deposit Accounts At Any Time CALENDAR I~ ~ l

biursar-s unllce Collects For A Thousand Finestech.mit.edu/V44/PDF/V44-N2.pdfECTURES LECTURES ON ON SEX SEX ARE ARE Betw-eenl March 6 and~ Marcll 19 thc Bursar's office collected $5760

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Page 1: biursar-s unllce Collects For A Thousand Finestech.mit.edu/V44/PDF/V44-N2.pdfECTURES LECTURES ON ON SEX SEX ARE ARE Betw-eenl March 6 and~ Marcll 19 thc Bursar's office collected $5760

Vol. XLIV No. 2 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 Five Cents_ . .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



















































Undergraduate News Organof Technology



Contrary to Popular BeliefBeavers Will Be Hard

Pushed to Win


Veteran Princeton Team Meets

Leads Dartmouth GleeClub Here N~ext Week

Coyle, Hereford, and TryonWrestle Tomorrow At

Cambridge "Y"


Engineers for HonorsIn Walker Gym





AlthouIi dealls o the rogramof th

Absolutely None Will e Re- joilit concert iveii at the Copley PazHotel b tile Tcluioloy Musicl Cltib

deemed Aftr End of onth -ill[ the Dari-notith ollege Muical Clus

Say Editors have not vet beeii arranged, it ha~~~~~~~~~~~~s be_~~~~~h dwlicevl orcestrail of tieachora of terinii

Abstmofluteviou yoeas Will Be Re- joil colubs r giving ate miethe CoRlegPazdoe te TecmAfter End offee fornthl tale< Dtinouthrtclubst College Cltis)isa Cltl

It Say be Edisaytors hsil NH L.r Haws '24 teel Braliijo wit hai borderthatthe pinte luayknowhovdocin lubs bya NaT. Strtevant of 4 aci-l trghe

mavol aft~er the piid fthi raothe thea hr iill~ n ulr1s lege llpriiitingto nicare orhl too fewas tthere- ~lj cu)temnoll lbai

foreup the behlete redeemced for tale Haw o e Dartmouti ls the Glee Clulb is eMarcha 31ce. Tnoessr who N c theirnms fourt)H.L cHlsec 24.vevear Helj hasi lalsoi olde that the piltr coais niusv apply dlill Clb a ) \o0/idra. starte ofi Avr ili tileanv copie to printrather t athleticbary e Cost Jazz foi- two seV.n o.at ilteofice to d zayl or tomro w Ica ec oignuv a t mar of c t re siiiLip ved at thc ev fot tall qaDastoth Glcei a Cluar-Techneiquc so ffice atle ofiialsl o~f te terb~ackzg itid fther vranling tis o laciv

year bolz expehoct last-minulthe ru iies byiri polavitig oe -hear b~aseb alldbsoino4 -ofd01 the i-or o COIitS 11U" hasl]\ beei L lle aggrl~iegatiois sisaeo c-ollege. Tle

Comipletedl dulrilig, x-,-ca-tjoll, and~ the (.lee C-lubl took first p~lace ill thc Inter-prin-ters aWre nlow Rxvorksiiig, dayl alidl collegiate G-lee Clubl Comlest ill -New Yo~rk1ivil1 se'ttiif, up! tille 1,,onkv- The oif -C i( tv I:1,t ..'v,1Zr, 1,-i * l;xr fr {exlrect the laroof, ivilhliii a fewx dlays. ~-eti% aaL ellviahlle ploeitioll allwol"t otherl

aiid thev! say- ther-e is 110 reasonl xv-h1 collce,,e ;,Jce clubls. Thle Clubll) 1ts lhceiithle Issule <Iltil~d 110t .applear for tii1(- cotachedv f(ir tile p~ast eigpht -Denns by P'ro-TleChlll(ILuc Ru,h,l Aprril 19. as schedlflced. fvssor 1. 13) N16N\hoodl.

PIMLIS for the RuIsh Zat-e low b)eillr 'lhe lc teade (-)f tle11 Larlhacry Coalst JazzC~llt~lee~l.As lStlal. tile filSt patrt Itt, \-. },i-Jagteiiltckle, calso p~layis tlle

of th", prloccol-eII- xvill lhe eiltirelv 1^ lic"" i.11 vi lh thlt Malld(felill t'ltll) alldl likiea]ld wsill ri111lainl a sccret iloltil tile dlav Illi, f'lo~sx--lili1icial1 J I la\v, ()f tile UCUeof tile 1Rivh1. The parad xvl \ill b~e slighif (Ill It Yrelcl>Aell! )1tl ot

i! Cllletit llttc en-lila -Il iwi 'Illxl TIC jazz heaud( h1a. appleare(lle tile soucl as iti prev'0iouIs yeCars. at .1 ;IIIlillb'er oif illte o~llegwiate blolls, ill

Naew- (orl. City alid x-ill la-at thl 1;-Icr~ole~ilttI .lil to hve hleld ill l'.tris ()II

Z)/sZS^>OYAS -wz s_ ^\t~~~~~~~~~~~Ls llt9.

TheC Ur 111 lt'eam w\ill gfrC 111> ai,¢aillstPr-incetonl -II tile fil-st andz~ C)11\! holliemeet of tlle scaIsonI Wl \'alkier tollIor-

rows at 9 O'ClOC];. 1lThe miatchl coltrarvrto thc .gencral I-tilll of C1cglegc dlope is]lcot gzoinlg to) )be quIite u (1.' lChI of asnlap fo~r Technollo gy> as, ImsI beenI ad-v ertiked. Prinlcetonl loas al\N-i\.s had a-orodf textlll anld it iS julst as -O,<o(l tllisyear as ever-. The ImenI are for tlle

lar-,^e p-rtt veter-ans whlo h1(ave b~enH. L. Haws

.throughl immyl a mleet n(tlI llaxe pl]elitvof exp~em-ence to catrlrv tlelill tlrcoligiltl'-S OIIC.

Olie thill~f thlat NN-ill. help Otlt thlC1-7-1grilleers qulite a lbit is thc fact thlat

IRuliz w-ill b~e alble to (lo his sttuff ollthe( parallels. Oil accomit of hlis stiid-ie's lie N\as nlot ab~le to gro oil tle< trips

d .1 Ihi1S albsciicc hlas realiv 1bCeii tIheteami' mlost seriouis liand~ical). U>illesssomlethliig mligtylt uiicxlpccted h1aj)pciis,ie h1as a mlighsty g>oodchaClicelC to clea~ltill first 1)lace. Trliere is somle dloubltts-t as to whletherli hc ill miakec til

. 11tercollegiate trill ol' Ilot bult if itcT'; lOSSIblyl! ))C 11lallalged lie CCIrtainilyW xill hec a mlembller ofE tlle teaml.

.McCoy Again AvailableA, tihi,; is, to b~e tllt only hlomel mieet

.ot tilc iilten .a posilble whio m-re nottakenl ()II tile 1lrips. N\ewcOilc is ell-tcrcl-x il tilt' rIn-ill ml1( )OIl bdi Fiulv alld

I bi-il~ltl o)1ilt f i-c ro)eC' t- 111').. ( )11 tll h' or l(-!! i:Ol; .l., bar ~itectv a iIdKill,-, NvIll be tilt onlyl 1wi-r ormlerws aicll

. as 'rilcetol i:>t':olt'Cill] grood Oil thlisJ)it'ce of a~l)para"I!;,l tile'0t't Beavrs "\-Illie1)r !ttt I v;Z-(1 "e toI )lII h oult t 1l(c

lulacl;~ ~ ~ .aw~ ~-alC leii. Ilotlh dlidI'Vivlly fillet w-o;- ill l lr let

;111(1 if thlev (lo ;1s ANell Ill flli.,, olle <t1)lalct for ealch is enltirely- p~osib~le.

()11 the l'll'ts NI C'ON, am.11 Shlear w\ill"lot Ol ,lS lSI;l ;111(1 w\ithl tile al(ltitioii of't'ewcomie makeis lil) a' mlighlty stroligr

l i. \Ac(:o\- shloul(l -et first it ev eix-Nthingl goes I)ropers.ly andl tile] othlr twNoCa~ll ccr-tailiv Ccail~e tile Priiicetoriiaiis,omie troull)e. Alec(ox- is also enateredlill tile rl )e climbl} atml. I)arallels aliid

w\ithl tile twEo llt';Its Ol eachI )iCCC of.apzl)arattis, 11( shlouild certaliidy hav-es111fliciellt ex-crcse to last hil1i1 for tileCeSt of tile evelliligr. .Smithl i: .lso to1)elfr 10 oltil tile ljralit l.- and~ ill adl-

(li:tioli w\ill fieli) Rxol Tnierie oult oil tilcllorsec.

Anderson O)n MatsAmzler-son la Wa11 Evii le m\-ill takle' ca c

tof tile Illait- buIt theUre I. ois ili(lerab}le(loul)t ais to whethier thev! w ill h)e alble

to Clcll a'I l) fir~st pla~C( *)1 liot. Aiilv'!s1-I-ilt,; ]liVe ]ltal(I lI.1) UII1(ler tilC Straill

olinight- v well dlur-ing the~ p~reviou,; mleetsbutt ill tile Icast t\\,o z-\ekls, thle% havre

'lEWollell 111) all(I aire xtrtlellely SColC. IHelifas- stop)lecd paractice ald~ llol)es thlat a(r000 i-re.,t Nv I frequtenit treatmlentsNvI ii akl e (lo \\-II ltle bRw eilil g.

:\1 ,-toy, TFink-, an~(I ~ihma,(il ar c mthle r ol)e. ;mc b~etw-eei tile diree ofthe-ill thle teami otighlt to gret t\c) Of tile

m-orlgl' N).Ct< TIC0.! s1>wcd isc leal l!v <11()mvll bv! tlle fact tll~Lt h1e tookEth~ir(I ,)lace ill tile inc llet for if alIN,p~lace 1l-ligit bc calCel thlc 11onic of

tile rj)c) cllimbl A-liaj)Ois i.s certalinlyit.C'l jud-eg. for tile mleet mill bCe Elher-

hatr(I of t(e1. .. X. > of tlle Y. NI.C . acll(I l T.bberlt of thle Y. NJ[. C. 'U.

Have Many Specialties


Pnli fit9sor . M. -. J}Lon-huir .-t hat s tllsyea ( lcllee asll>intedl cllai h of tle l'anlj")

and~ Mland(din CLlubls ol' Dartm~outht Col-,1l ege. At tC COIICCIt.S givenI byR thL(' DIrt-loulll~~1 C lubl s tilis v ear,- W. Sturltevantll1

lea derl ()f hwdit or -anll izatios, polaN .s ,vith

(1. 1 L. B'ar-!;e '26 Ill a l)anljo du et spcciat-ya ct. Dlri1-11" tllis seasonls tle N'lidlighltSonIs, compllosed of foulr lbanjoists ad

(Continuled ol Page 4)


WNithl tlc adlvent of thc Splring terlll.rechlllolox '.s a~rmya. thlC fr eshmlan R.

0. 'l'. C. tlint, ha~s a~gain mlad its apr-pearanee ill uli'fornl. Y'esterdav for

t le first timi e tllis yeari tle fr eshiilCillap~pearedl il (;reat ot (~utill thleir uli-formls, althloulgh 1o replar drill -was

Thae ;lmen vesterdavl -\vre onilv re-qutir-c d to linc 111) a m~ laid hand illteirclass card--s. blt tle ,vear-in, of t111i-

flonis wsas requliredl and~ Nvas veryx -eni-crall v ob~served. No annloun1cemencltwvas madc J egardiig thc blegainning of

regflacr drill. exeelttlt tha te freshlilienwvere to;d that orlorrals -\vold bet

pic'kedllOl tro teir rankls at tiC ne^xt,e.xercise.

Studhenat sernrcants, plickc froml tl,}Sophlomior e class as a resul1t of lastvear-'s fr esl imanll drill. wer ill attc en-lanlce vcster dav, anld rviCltllcniUe toass;ist ill tile trainliiig< of this v ear's

Tfi e liew Technlology insignia for tlle1?R(. T.. C. uniiformlss is einig wvornl bthc freshm llen for tile first tiile t hissipl illix . It COtl iStS of a C ir C u b r

pfatch;" half calrdlinial al(! half -rav,b~earing a gsray- "T."

ECTURES ON SEX ARE Betw-eenl March 6 and~ Marcll 19 thcLECTURES ON SEX ARE Bursar's office collected $5760 in finesIMPORTANT T.C.A. SAYS for late registratioll andl conditiolls.

\\T17el onc r calizes that this meansl1152 fines thc enlormouos crop of fail-T.C.A. Sends Out Invitations To UlreS at thc Institulte call bc estinlated.

All Fraternities g~einliiig onl Marcll 6 -vithl $65 thedlailv collectionls ha-c risen until oilM~arch 19) a1 m1axi;uni of $1730 -%tas COI-

Y esterdayx a letter wvent Ollt frl-111 lectd.- I,;xcepting Only thc first day atthc T. C. .A. offic to eacll o1C Of tl~e IeaSt 20 men21 11ave p~a;li ies each1 Iay-..31 fraterllities of the Institutc. This 13tnrsar Ford thlinks tllat nmaml- inelllettelr \-as sent by D. H. Kecl; '25 and are und~er thc inlpressioll tllat it is al-invFited t11e attC11dal1Ce Of aS m11alv wa!s llect'ssary' to tpetitioll tllc FacultynIel1 as POXSsbIC at thc lectures to le Iol~seafn elor~.Tlsi lCS

givrell bv Deanl Seerley of the Y. M. saZr\- ii: thle fille ";S bc"~ l'egulal-l` ' il-C. A. College, Springrield. The mainl c1.11rr buIt if there 11aS lben an!d errorltrp)ose ,v-as to stress tlle value of thlc it xvil b~e fixced at thc Bursar's office.lectures andl to asl; tllat tile various "Cow'kdering, thc large llumler of niiiisfratelllities ancl societies refrain fromt and~ i ie b)ook;-k~eeping tle\, necessitatelhavilg nleetings oil the dates whell it oV fld b~e surparisinga if no nlistakves

the talks are to lvc given. "Sex Factors cere made" said Mr. Ford. If anl cr-ill Huniaih Life" is to be thce topic of ro hl ~as beeii nmade ill the records tiletlle thlree lectures. Intell shouild call at thce Records Office

Last term thle Bilvle Stuldy Class miet a1(ld f in error has beenI made ill ll\txvice a wveek;. This ternil the mceet- dePLa tillellt thc!\ shouldl COlIeI to nlnCings ;11 Herrick House, 490 Beacon A. otlher thlin'g whichl the Bursar

class wvill colltinue to meet inl 404 At- the'; the boolks relativ-e to all studelltkinsonl arld the openillg session will be d-r sits arc opell to the men wvithl ac-held next Thlursdayr at 6:45 o'clocke. c o., ts. Thc Chemlistry Departmenlt

Prior to this terinl the class has con- alc:ec haCs books wvith 1400 accounts andsisted solelv of students, lbut M. H. -ie aml! of tIIe 1400) mne have thcFinley '24, -vlho is nowv director, is tr,- priv~ilege of looking at their accounltsing to -et anl outside man to assist. at an!ie time, accordillg to A. C. M el-As vet the name of the newv mhal or cher, -Manager of the Division of Lab-the subject is not definitc but wvill be oratoryr Stlppies, 0111N' ab)olt 100 menlannounced next ̂ xweek;. takse advantage of this each terml.

Tlle Executive Conlillittee of the it is mutch the sanmc inl all otherTechnology Christian Association has cotlrses whlere laboratorv- deposits aredecided that their elections shall be reollired. The oniv m~en ivho ever calllield at 5 o'clock next Monday and aiid check ov-~r 'tllir accounts arevill then make their results public. The those wvho are wsorkvingx their waynominatillg committee consists of: C. throu~gh schlool alld according to 2\1r.M. Phelps '25. R. Hereford '25, andl A. _'elcher their numlber seeins to fcWv. Rhodes '25. fexver eacll vear.

Monday, March 246:30-(-'1acs *+f Ir900 D)inner'l, 1aCtilty D;)::~.:g

ROOMl1 N\'alL~er.

Ttiesday, March 258:0i-Engine Xl- and igniall ('(IIs smnslker, z-{0om

5 -3 3 0

Wednesday, March 264 :00-LTec tmle on1 *"The P<!vchology ;of Sex."

Rtof lom 10.2n.;:30 \Meetinlg of ('oiporationl XVi, north hall,

Nra I ICe r.

Thulrsday, March 27CCKf}Lctiire (X11 "Manholods. ' Roonil 10-250.

Friday, March 284:00-Lcotnre c-II "W\omanhloodi.- Rooml ]n-250.

Saturday, March 29s :cx)-,rtilt 'ConIcert, Dartmlltith and~ Combinedll

M1l.Sical Chlubs, > iote] l -

Competition StartsThere will be a meeting of the

entire staff of THE TECH and can-didates today in room 2-146 at fiveo'clock. New candidates are urgedto attend as the Annual SpringCompetition starts then.


- I- A ,

, 'T53

A Record ofContinuous News Service

for 43 Years



Glee Club and Dance OrchestraLeaders Both Prominent

In Athletics


Last Intercollegiate Contest WonBy Dartmouth Glee Club

Last Year


Llo,, d's ofr London,. the mlaritimle inlsurance company, is offeringg a schola._:ship in Naval Architecture and MarineEnlgineerinlg which is open to any meml-lber of the freshman class. The wsinl-nler wvill be appointed on the resultsof the June examlination~s and wvill b~erequired to take course X111 in NavalArchitecture and Marinle Enginleering.

Anx, freshmlanl interested in thescholarship is asked to apply at roomi-121 for further informlatioi-;.




Best Amateurs of New EnglandWill Strive for Places

On U.S. Team

Fresh frolil tile v ictorv at Brownlast rveek wvhenl the wrerstling teami w'olthe N ew Flgrlanid Intercollegiate

<- C'hamplioniship. sevreral mcibelers of the- wrestlinll squad w-ill eliter the A. A. IJ.

Olymlipic try outs at tile Camibridge Y.M. C. A. toniorrowv nigilt. Rock Here-f ord. Newv E.igland chamipioll in the

-158 poulld class, Dick Tr!yon and TedCovrle. runilers up Iin the unlimiited class

-and 115 pound class respectivel- at thcIn trcr olle-ia tes . along wvith several

- mellllbers of the secolld ;and freshmransqluads, wvill ibe the contienders f oTechnlology!. Dag Norwvood, ch~amipionlil the 135 poundl division w\ill not heable to enter the trvouts b~ecause of anlinfected forelleadi.:Rock Hereford is the favorite in Ihis;class for the Newv Englaiid division; de-

-feated bout once in thc last tvo -\cars.lie has a miost imposinig record as aorrestler -\N hillc at Techniology . TLastyea.r Rocl; capt.ainedl the Carciinal a nd

-Gra\- srestlers. :alid canile thlroughi theseasoII lwith olil' OllC decision a-~ainst

r lill]. Four of lfis niatciles lie ".Oll l~falls, ^\-lile tile other four victoriescanic froml decisio31s. li the inet-%vitil Lchig-h last vear, Rocb: lont a close

matchl to Cox vlho has SilCe fgradluatedt-f- ^!m sclicol Ait:_, !cs-,ig, !is. bo",O'1

llis owVii class, Pock enitered thle linlimi-- ited dlivisoio and~ succcelece in gailiiiiig

a dlec. ionl altlollgl g~reatly oultweighled.Rock B~eats Navy Captain

At tile Navv- muet latet y ear- Rocl;gailred 11is msiot imipressiveb w i of thlesca"onl -vilel .he cc liquer-edl he Nztvycaptail, ARriio!(I. spzillingZ tlle Aliniapolismaiil vithl a bart hloldl midl chanccie-N

after onlyl tw~o a-ild a hlf~i mlilmites of:\ rvstling.

In thl :ev Eiivlanc lIntrco'llegla te"Rocl; camel throughi ,\-ithl tile chamilpioti-ship. Last year lie also w on the titleof IN'e-'N EI<.lllild alia-tcir ch"1llloll.

D ii tlle anilateulr nieet lie deftcated \RVolfwhio -was the niatimlal cilamipioll il his

B~ecause of thec conlflictinczg dates ofthc 1latiolial amiateur inect wid~ thc duia!

inatchl witil Harv ard, Rocl; was :-,re-vencited fromi eliteriig thc iornier linect.

- This N-ear his record is ncot linarredbyX a sin~gle loss, t'>rce falls anid --i- cle-

Csioi31S cnn'.plete hlis seasoll's victo-ies.

(Continlued on Page 3)


.Failure To Suggest New La%.Main Reason Why Team. ~~Was Defeated

Befor e it s~llitil a-lidieulce fllC Tchl'-; liolCogy\ dIc baterls.'llect tilc 'S'\laCUSC tealli

ba l.till'1 zlllOil[£', tlelill3Cl es tile judeges

fiI~ljlV ca1111;c to thle ('CCiSiOll tll(at '1huv isito~r hlad~ tile lbetter *lr-timients. Al-

I loughri thet jtid-'C." hadl~ diffiC1 t illt I (Ic-Icidill"'. thev caic< to tllc collclulsiollthlat tht TeCillO llog' teatIll Ha~d lirst

cdl 1o ne>\ v inni-J-i-a^;tionl lal v to takl e tilep)lalc e o>1 thc( pi-T'e'ent 3lf lawtR , and1( for

tIm; t tre'l' oll chieiv',E- dlid lot il

Ih preC' 111;l; 1 t lOipl.> 10aIt w'-ll law 01 Or.,Itu

1) tlle af-ll-llastive wXE e-c^: ti l~l it ,vas

aZ Illcccssitv I 1ke^1Ailing Out thc vasthorde(ls of' E4lll opellllr co~lluill-, iII each1; et r : tha;t thltz ]itwE Nvl,; "ovildl~ and

Icic+lltific ill pr-inciplel ; ald~e that pro-s-per''1;! ClllI1-{I1C(' a-ovilllil atoill The1, llega-t

tiv-e Side c-lail~lied thas t til. lawRE Nvs nlot

> I 'fli e:l( tha~t it alloxvcd pa1 ) llper-s and(:-illlllllls to *ent,,, the( co mltrv-; andl~thlat 011]\1v 0 1o 1illillites N t'l- taklell to

(z~illiltz each ii ml t-i,Xlalt thlat enlteredthet coulitrv!

J. 1). .Nllim-oe '82 z-whco 1~-iside d at tileconlteit, n~iade( numerl'lOulS applroprliate

I-cllla l;S betweenl the Speceches. Tllejudgews ccolsistedl of .T. NV. Sparing£,rTtif. P'owell, anid P. ~\7 . Guerlsev .


presidellt >S. W\. S--rattoll \\-as <l ,-tuestat tilt' C c'lc' bratioll lI(lel Ill . atilldel SIThactr e ve-terdav! af~tern'loon ill 110o10olof tlle (()tll hl-thqclav of DIr Charles AV'.

I lot ~ltsit'lt ~lC ieitus. Ot- fll arvarU liX v I., t N..] The cetlebra-stion2 Nva.s Carl--Ltd Ollt hV\ reprl-s'enltativets Of tile Cor1--

pozration. Facuilty. A\ lumnli, anld U.'ldcl-2grldl~lalc Of Ha~rvard-(. Chlief ljustIce

Talft and~ G;ove-ilor CoxS Nvere twso oftile .'})ea.kcrs of0 tile *Lftel-110011 DrI.Eli(it wa.s pre-sid~ent of H-arv-ard fOor 40

yeanll'. , 1-csi,> (Ilt 1 5 v cl-,s ; 11r0,


The Cl tolst Ar-tilClen- t-lit Of tiC R.O. T. ( ., together w-ith tlle ( oa:,t: Ar-t e-v R4. (). I . (:. tlnit froml tlc Unli-

est-of M1aine a% ill niake a tripa-round( BostonI Harb)or o1 tir~l Mach2, i-spectilig tlet detellsecs. Th'lis \\vill lbe tllefirst of at sc ries of .suclh trips.Ali inftautrv dIrill at thle Arnis b~ase

-it 12 :1; o'clockr Nvifl start tle parogrranl.Fol]\'llowi this Nv-ill comel a toulr of thev arious tOI-tS ill tlle h1arbor, Inclulding<Hogr Islandl, tiC tr-ill to lic mlade on aGovernnieia Iiarhcr lboat. returnling toti e Arnivs Base ab~out 5 :3(). Applicit-tionl for r-esei -ationis mlay be mlade at

th f litay! Scienlce office lbefor 4o'clock; ro~li~av.

biursar-s unllceCollects For AThousand Fines

Students Are Free to InspectTheir Deposit Accounts

At Any Time


I~ ~ l

Page 2: biursar-s unllce Collects For A Thousand Finestech.mit.edu/V44/PDF/V44-N2.pdfECTURES LECTURES ON ON SEX SEX ARE ARE Betw-eenl March 6 and~ Marcll 19 thc Bursar's office collected $5760

Friday, ,March 21, 19241-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


lielbert Fridel '27 W. LL. Sich'manYj 'i l +leave (\t Ab]selce.

Irn Charge of This Issue: Ckarles Ric~h '2'6


~~~~~~~~~I - *--

-I - -- -

Every timic a terml begriiis tile Loun-ger coii-ratulates hlimsllcf that lie isnlo lonlger an uwifortunate freshmlanl,doomecd to thread thle mlazes of thefreshmlanl registratioll sy steml. TileSN'Stelll of SigllS. bililboards, stop-go

Mlachinles, scilaphloress and tile liikewviicih appears three timeIS a .-car in

thc freshmanal Cherilistry labsoratory farsilrpasses the wvorst of Boston'. s sub-,%-av- mazes.

N~othlill(- is left to tile iliagimiatioul oftile y oumlgsters. Thev- are told wviereto enlter, can go oiil,, oiie w Nay. andl

vcii-l are minuttelI ;iitruicted vhat to






, I









OFFICES OF THE TECH-N -cws an Iedietorial-Roorn 3. W\alker

nilorial. Telephlone. Univ. 70279

Biisiiiess-- Rlooml 302, W\alkser llemnorial.Telephozxric. Univ-. 741:

MANAGING BOARDl.) \. lende3rsoal'25 ......... G~eneral Mlanager

13. (;. Burrt '25 . ~. .... . .... - ...... ...EditorJ. 1'. Rtmilley. Jr., '25 . M.......Aanaginlg EditorA-5!. Wo ,1t3iington1, Jr., '25. .. Bu~sin~ess ANlanager

-Nme- I

ASSOCIATE BOARDT. WN. Owven '26i . .. .....- . -Newvs Editor('. H1. flarry 26 ........ ....... Sporting EditorRe. S. C~lhidsey *20 . -...... Features Editor1U. W\. Lcarroyd '25 .......... Ad(vertisinlg ManagerU. J. Eoverett '20i ... ..... . ..Treasurer

1.(-¢, Teplow '26 ,. . (:-irctLlation Manager

St BSUIZIPTI0W -P'RI(E, $2.50 PER YEAREntered ats Secondt Class Mlatter at the

Bo{stonl Post Office

M/embers of Eastern IntercollegiateNewspaper Association

"'If it's'popular at CollegeYou '1 find it at Macullar Parkers A


Patrick Coats and Ulsters

Sport Suits

Imported Golf Suits_Sweaters to match London Neckwear

Scotch Plaid Mhufflers 41q

Collar-attached Whte Cheviot ShirtsClosed Front Single Band Cuffs


"The Old House with the, Youang Spirit"

Tremont St., at Bromfield


Rt. I.. Dieitzold ":5 F. W7. (Grz ttz *26JT. R. liillialti '26

Featul es Departmen tJIf. P. Fer guson42 '27


F. E. A\tdlersoti '26 (Chrlves Rtich '26). B.t Robinison '26

News Wt itersr,. C1. ('litlier '26 ('. J.. .NIcCu'I1Ioch'}26

}R. A.0 Rothlschildl~ '

'R.W.Dziy 27Sport Writers Pii)Cee 2


Ad~vertising Division.Assistanlt Naiiagers

F . .X. -11an els(I-fslt '26 W. I. Taylor '26tsl

StaffI'. I. Alahi~ey '26 TLE. F. Stev~ens'27

-Issiac ( lez;.sm '126

,Circulation DivisionA-sskvmtlt MaI.lagers

A\. S. Butlter *2(, M. P. W\oodason '26: s \NW. J. Mletrl, '26

StaffIf. MN. 1-fougbton '27

. "- I lar;,;'27i 9W. IT. Reed '27R, K. '27

\\.l.ie~ ~Treasury DivisionStaffReporter s

At. B.Ieattie 27,


IC. C. Houlston '17 Ifr1. F ra~ '26T. if.' Alelhado '27 Phlillip Rutssell '25

G. A. Hall '27\W. As. NVit~lamll27l ln F. Ia M tr . .27


62)A1 F e~xtendcdt (ll;,;es1S.io(1l 13(z, !well )-aised l a 1 re- o (lzt stlg-;CestionlS ( ,l \\Villiazim .KC11\-, nlew p~residlent (,f tlle A'mlericaii Tnlstittite o~fMlin'llo lld Eno-T~clll-i(lT1_inee's, tllat atii elip-Mrim'}-il de'-reeshold~i~ no(t lbt -r'lailted( llntil fliltre iS sili-ficienlt Cx ide~lce of 111rofes-

ai)lll "IblilitN'. Th l stw'->'Sti()ll iS ba<Sf'(l tlj)i(41 tflC VZ-1'itklCC .1111()110'coll(e-'es t)f the l{' liount it 0f ( IE'k11 requllirU(I to ob~tahil a de,-re aild

tilC too) p~-tre lenlt p~tublic iiiS~isunder-st.1ill.-i thlat tlil p)ossessionl C)2,nli( at de-re'e si-zilifics adequ~ate ab~ility-,

Tlhe pulrp~ose of A~r. Kwell\- it seenils. is to mlakxe a maiil ~rmz-cflialt 'ti i~s all efficeif~t aiidl cap~able en~-incerl befor-e lie is permllittedto takle 111is place as a mlembller of tlle plrofessionl. It is oalwxouls tli.-itslicli a p~romv~tire} oil thel pzart o)f thae college is .a st el) lbeyondl thecirdlomiaiii. A\ degreCe r-eprCesents a compllletedI college cour1se. andC 1'"--}ardlless of tlle w~orl~ it lias bl~eiind it, it is tlle reward -rivei bvX tllep)arti cular- coelleo-e for- Fiishinig .1 p)redeterniiiedl ailiotunt 0f w\orl-.A techlicial deoe^ree should( no~t com-xev am- idea tilat its hiolder 1ias!eOPC eo iie( elii-mcer ; that is not its putrpocse. It does r-epresenit traill-

ii- n^,o(1 prep~aratioas-tic r-ecognlitionl of tile college tilat sulch p~re-scr-ibed trailiiing lias b~eenl conctcel k ~el 1.1 1lle; oteelilical dev,-res nes er enter tile p~rofession, anud mal.ny enite- tiliprof ession1 w\ithouit degres,-cx so sticli a pl1an wouldl not oll\- fiatil to

p~ro i-ide a deterniiiiatioli of eligi-ieerini- p~roficiecyle! bult 1vootld re(-stillt inl enifusionl andl tinfairiless to mai\al- gradutates.

Tile b~est solultiosl ot tilc prob~lemi seemis to lie ill tile -i-anti~llt,i,- licelises bvX tile state. N\ot un1til a malia 1ad piro-mcd hlis compzletence

silottild lie lbe le-allv recog-ni;/ed as all en-igieer. Sttich a miethlodWXoUldl cert~ainiv+ be miore, effectivec anid less troubllesomie thlan dela-\edl-actiO1 ill -1-antim-, de-rees. I'liere is 110 doublt thact thle existin1gConlfusion ill thlC ainzomit (-t -\-ork requiired for slpecific clegrees 1leedsreilledy'inlg Ao sttidellt, fOr ilstallce, m1ay- gO to ColumbiDa alid sp)endsix vears g~etting a degree that can b~e ob~tainled at soline collegesiii thlree. COf courose tile samlie degree hlere rep~reseolts all enitirely-different alirount of w-orkv and sucil a stitation is re^,retab)1e. Step;siliii-I-t b~e talken to create a standcird. 13ut neither tile de-~ree ortile amiouolt of schooling malkes an enigineer, andl it seenils sonie-w-batex;trenle tos attempllt to miak~e it a recognitionl of p~rofessional ability.


RETBUDTE -was paid yesterdlay all over tile wxorld to Dr. ChlarlesT W. Eliot. Preside lit Emneritus of Harv ard. oin his ninetieth1birthdav-. Fifteenl -ears ago Dr. Eliot resigned tlle ex-ecttive chairat Harvard wh1ich lie Ilad held for forty years, to b~ecome a leadero~f pubtllic Opilli()lt.

Tod~av at his adti-ailced1 a-e, lie is still actix-e (and is olie of tlleforell-lost citizens o>f tlle counltry. It is; not sulrprising tllat Hami-rdunell all oN-er flle -worlol senlt ,-reetiii-s v-esterday- to Suchl a dis-tiniguishled mian. of wholl-I Theodo0re Roosevelt oilce raid, "He is theonly! nilan I ex er envxied."

Dr. 17 liot hzis perob)ablyX dloe more for edlucationl th1an arny othierAmlericall. HXe is principlly1X resp~onsiblJe for tlle great illcrcease iltlle liumbller of youtm irien alld -womlen -\\llo enjoy thle advanltages oiia colle-~e education, sillce lie h1as giN-en hlis life to lbrozadleniilg tlleopplortunlities for hligher educatioll inl tlis counlti-v.

reacl to finld out all tlle thlings theNllutst do to avoid 1, ncle Horace's 'fa-

mlouls $5 finec. All tllis propaganldamalkes thlc alreadyv comlplex tasl; of

registrattiol -seciii a perfect nighltniareof intricac,-

Ttlis -%vond~rous sNssteml -was onllv in itsinlfancy inl the Lounlger's yearling days,ande th~at is hv lie is so thanklful he isno lollger a iroshl. Ever since his early

day-s the sy-stem has been gro-%vingMore anld mlore comlplicated, and there

is nlo doulbt that it 11as llot reached itsfull flo-%\er of comzplex;ity- yet. Beforelongt wve may- expect to see, at the be-ginnling of cach terml, the labos equipped

mithl turii-sty les. ticlket ctloppers. in-formlationl bootlhs. guarcls, aild all tlleothler accessories of a full-fledged sub-\\-av- stationl. Even nlow the corridorMt tilc ilifected reg;ion of buildinig 4 isso ropedc~ off w\itlil b)illboards thacrt th c

siisuspectinL-, passer-byv is almlost Iiacic,to teaie hlas w~allledl illt ole ne0111

trap) devised iby flie Inlstitute to sepa-rate its fromi otir wheire-,vithal.

College Sport SuitsLong trousers and knickerbockers, in importedwoolens and tweeds-tailored in our otwn -shop-60.00.

Other College Sport Suits32.50 to 70.00

COLONIAL: "Music Box Revue." Last twodays of a delightful show.

COPLEY: "R. U. R." Fantastic pla-y of ideas.HOLLIS: "Merton of the Movies." AN fine op-

portunity for a goodI laugh.MAJESTIC: "America." Griffith mlov ie,PLYMOUTH: "You and 1."1 Wuith H{. B.


ST. JAMES: "The Faithful Heart." TAlelo-dIramacl.

SELWYN: "Stella Dallas." Last thi-e per-for lnalices.

SHUBERT: "Greenwich Village Follies." GloodlI.ast three perf orinlances.

WILBUR: "In Love with Love." (,oo(I..


ItC eontinousE Undergraduate

News Service News Organfor 43 Years Eba of Technology












Oi1 thc twvclfth of this nilon~th the150 pound crews, gave a dinnler tomemblers ot al 111C01lSpiCUOUS grcoup,

Pill Italicls mhiloinl Coach of Rowv-ing ill this colle-e. To aln outsidler,to anvon1e 110t ill tOUC}I Nvitli this group),-or %vith thc feelillgs of oarsmlell 'il thecollebe-fnr illsta Ie to tile Grad a~tttAdvisorv Boardl-the feefinpr exhiibite(!at that clinnler m-ould have seemled trulh-remlarksable. Iglder Bill Haines, tht'licil Of thcse crewvs had not. .i twvovears defeated Y'ale; and vet theyii-ioulrned his loss, considerced it i(dIniost'tS :1 l!Io.Nv struckl at them~lselves. The\-admliredl anld lovecl himl. wh:llie hCtcoached. thev ro ced for hinil. anld forhi,, sweatedl fLadll, anld 110 mlal -,vhohas ever beenl imdcer himi lbut has feltas thaev.

N\;hv? Tlle reasonl nav- lbe fouildl illthe ke-cvilote of his farexvell speech atthis diiiiier. It N\-as slot llis m~lic\ liesaidl. to ailm at tile pure %vinlning~ otrai c s, ande llothillg else, lbut. le lre-lieve.! tllat 'roxvill", is for the devselopr-lllellt of thc mlan. ' Ohl heresy extr~t-ordlinary ! It is mlore imlpor-tai't to seetha.t eVerv\ Iliall iS hlavill! full, to seethar t71e spirit of SpOI-t iF, triupliwilaltover v ictorv! anld celefat. Tllis heXreSVhas cas COl 1i11 hlis ;01). Ill live' vecir. lie'.Oll)I three aiid iost tx\o raceus alt Nt'\VT.0il(loll, ilicidelitltll! seattile), ul) a newv

:'' fOIl rO t1lQ C(-llrXC. Ill L\\o \'C'.t -;.]itl C lightl-w" iglts Ilk! tanll! ilt' <Idis-

Kl) I r te (I Or slam;.lIt'an~ i1lto 0;1!' wh liChllovcd iti Sl)Ort. \%'ast inlstlict w\ili iiritP~tit he dlid nlot lheat Y ale ottell elloligh..an~ -so lie w-eitt to Ttchl. A\Viti thl,P't.";mili of 1111l 1-laizies and~ Doctori-ove. out of 1Earvard r owillL:. J)ZISSC(th2' cLeat fiailit prl tellst' triat c'veil Cmc.tslport h( re is a ,),;fiue, and( uiot at l)us-ile'ss. N\' x vishl Bill H[ainets thc b~est

of pos!~ible ]lck' cat Tlech. , Nre V.-DI.ldlave hliml I~iiorv that "Ve shaill lilieSS his

v-oice b~oomlin-� over thc r';Ver' as it hcls

lboomled for _,evenl vea.rls, for Ha-rvard,ln Nve xxoiil(!r hlowx ]ol-~ it wxill lhe

before anlothcrl head~ of Hfarvardl's romv-il'- ets up) Ill oplell inlectilig andle sz-s

,halt thc rs-a11lt iSv\orth1 mo1rt tllal tileprize. thatl the snlortsmanllshlip, tllt groodfeelin-,. thc trainhilg of thc m~ail, is\-ortlh mlore thart anyv lnllller of rec-OrdlS Wlld of b~ets Weo11 agaiiist othercolle-es.-The H-aiv-Nlard Adlvocate-


1hle follownig e~xcerlpts are repr-intedfroml an1 article Iin 'Thc Tech-liquze,' of~e or-iia Tech, elltitlcel "The Value or

Sp~eakxing ande NV~riting Gloodl lE'nglishto the 1Ell-illeer- byN .T. WV. Ivy,N ot tllcAmler-icanl Cast Llroll Pipe Co.

It has lbecl said that all orator isa ulall wvho does llot knlow anytllilg lbutcaln tell !vott all albout it, w-hile anl ea-g-mecr is a iiianl who knlolVs vian1vthin-gs lbut cannlot tell vou albout aiiyof theiii. Tlle last half of this state-nlaerit. at least, is unlfortunlatelv- fartoo true. Enlgineers, as a class, wvritetiresoiiielv, and are eveni worsc at pub-lic speaksilg. Perhaps this explainlswh-h the ellgineer has never yet at-tained that prom1ilelce which~ is sorightfullv his.

This is an agre of salesmallship. Weall have somethaing to "sell." anld thelbest ''salesmlan'' will llaturallv b~e thelbiggest winlner in life's great gamb~le.The doctor must ''sell" his se-rvices;the politician his theories and promis-es; the reformler his ideals; the preach-er lbis theology, and evel1 the beggarhis hard-luckc storrr. From the highestto thc lowvest, we mlUSt be "sate~lesme"alnd tlle degree of success w-hich wve at-

ataen will be ill direct proportiol1 to our-al~itit to) "sell" wvhat -,ve havec to offer.

If a w holesale joblbilg llouse SC11tnurt a m~an, illiterate froml lbirth, to so-licit trade for thenil. th~ey would getfe\,, orders anld would qulicklyl beccrnme

tlhe laulghling stock, aiid rightfu llyr so,of' their- comlpetitor-s and tlle buyserspli I- e. Yet m1anvR teChllical scI10olS t0-

rlaN- are selldilg Otlt grraduate~s vhohave had little or no tralining ill pub~licslseaksilg, and are ahlmost eqluallv in-experielnced in w rithing. What IllUSt

needs bee the result ? Snp1 this : ateverx, turn thev are handicapped. Theclevrer talker and trained writer out-strips theme in life's race. Discouraged,

(Continued on Page 4)

T ess, it does cost mnore to make VELVETTobacco and for this reaso~n-It's the best Kentucky Burley -tobaccomoney call buy andti ten, it's aged hn wzoodl.All harshness and bitterness are removed.It's mild and mellow. You w^ill readil'ynotice thie difference.

Te Store for MenWashington St. at Corner of Summer

Play Directory

Jordan M~arsh CompanlyBOSTON

Page 3: biursar-s unllce Collects For A Thousand Finestech.mit.edu/V44/PDF/V44-N2.pdfECTURES LECTURES ON ON SEX SEX ARE ARE Betw-eenl March 6 and~ Marcll 19 thc Bursar's office collected $5760

Friday, March 21, 1924s ~ ~~~ ~~~~ - -.- _ .- _- . - -


GEORGE H. EVERETT2160 Mass. Ave., Cambridge

Tel. Univ. 1499-WAuthorized Sales and Service

Station for Cambridge andSomerville

Freshm~en CompetitionThz.; colilpaetioll for Mlan~ager of

tiI cre (s11111,111 trackc;l tcl'lil xviI! 1)colt lincd todayt 1)\- thze Tra .ck 1einanage-inlewl. All c.-matida;te~s shlouildl reotlstait thet A. A. office .at five o clocl;.Th llplosition! is ;It 11U'2W Ollt' 111)(I tlheItiltieF leadt to i1);1ager Of tilic fe<

11s1 lOSC()lilltl \. tctal 'ill thle falilndth1( e4 l indllfO! .and oultdloor tr-ack

teanlls.Th 1e complletitionl will b~e h1e]d

thrloughS1out tilis tel11 alid cill(l i 1lltall-;11-cr clectel ;11 thle clo;,( of th1esprin-ig scaseon. All 1llelill1eers ot lilc

clell lal ccs., ar e eligib~le.

A nlumbler of the l 1uginleers are naotCOllfillill,- thleir etforts to ally p~articulareeve i l t. MIcArCde seciIIs to 6)t goi lmg illat leasts tour of theml. a1. le is Seet'l ill

,dlC' li,'-II jtll~l), jil\ t']ill. J)Ole VZ1.1.1t stilCI

Jcpp llc t1,: Ibee del serting, tlle Cinders.,is e '\OIICC ill .AtA llile. le talkes to

C';1-tile' iave (linl di,9cus.~ Oil thet otherh1n.11.


I - -

|Favorite in Olym.pic Tryouts

LOUIS FRENCH RESTAURANTOff Avery St.-Rear of Hotel Avery

In the heart of the theatre district

Special Lunch $1.00Tiable d'hote Lunch .75Playgoers Dinner 1.50

Daily specials and a la CarteEvery facility for banquets and

partiesDancing cabaret every eveningFor reservations telephone Beach 1313

BE A NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENT with the Hea.cock Plan and earn a good in-come while learning; we showyou bow; begin actual workat once; all or spare time; ex-perience unnecessary; no can-vassing; send for particulars.Newswriters Training Bureau,Buffalo, N. Y.

I , ' . _ , i

! l

From The

SPORTS DESKAgainl the Institutet authorities exact

their toll of Enigineer athletes. If thlereport tilat Marvin Rick is to leaveTechnlology is correct, Coach Coninorloses one of the b~est prospects for nextyear's trackv teami. Rick entered tileInstitute this fall after having beenl out

of Priniceton l for awlhile. While atlPrinicetou he was one of thze star per-formecrs oil the cinider path anid sincehlis coniiiig to tilc Institute lie has lveenlOllC of tlle Enginleers' leadilg ru tlners.

He raion tl he freshmlan l relav team ib~ut thec short distance is niot 'to 11isliksing, anid it is the mlile anid two mileltlhat are his favorites; also thc lonigerd istancecs. H c un officialk- 1broke tile

Inlstitulte recorc in th twcto mile thisseason-

0~~~ 0


Simcore wires and cables are made in accordance with the Code rules of theNational Board of Fire Underwriters. Every completed length is subjected to voltageetests that not only insure superior quality but are a measure of that quality.

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troub~lesomel. At Newx Y orkc theb~est gralpplers, of tlle counltry *vill viefor the honlor of representinlg the Uni-

tted States at the Gamles at Paris. Smith.of the Navy, wvho threwr Rocl; whenllihe w as a Sophlomlore at th e Inlstituteand Co~x of Lechighl are sonile of the

tnmcn Rock wvill hlve to ov ercomle.Tcd Covle lvill mvrestle inl a special

t115 izound~ mleet. L~ast w-eek Ted re-tceivted Ills rvorst drubbinlg of tlle season

froml the hanlds of Goldbecrg of Har-,vard. Ted has b~een onle of tlle best

scorers for Techlmolo-iv tllis vear, w~ill-.ning fivre falls; at Providence Goldb~erg

RIImCCCCede ;In gettinlg a Nvi-istlock; oil;Ii'ml froml whlichl le Nas unlable to freeblhinlself. In1 the inceet Saturdlay Coyle.vXill hlave anlother cracl; at tllc Criml-so SOI man, anld providcdlielh call developr;1 adefellse a-ailist t~llis holdl le xvill lierirl-lt amlon-t tlle leaders.


























Troubles seeinl to come in pairs as(1Clhe one of the Enginleer's best pros-cects in the pole vault is reported on

the injured list. A pulled tendon isthe cause. He and Sanford Nvill bveTechnlology's best bet in the vault forthe cornlilg spring seasoII.

Coachl Conlnor andf tile tracko mlan-agenient are m1aksing Iplans to runl thetrainling tabl)e lor tlle varsity squ~adon~ as e.Ntenisive a scale aS p~ossiblve tilis

!-ear. All tile traci; mlenl will sool b~eLtsked to SiQ -I i -\he ther or nlot thle N

inltenid to cat at tile traininlg tab~le so,an ejstimalte canl be mlade Ot tile ll~iumberexp}ectedl.

L ast year tlle trainling tab~le p~rovedsulccessfiiI for both the crewz anld tlletralck teanils anld it is hoped that it m-illbec supported I)v the mlenl this seasonl.It fillcel One of the mlost esselltial nleedso~f Technlllogy athletics as it allowvedthe teamls to conlsistently keel) trainling.

Withl tlle rush anld gr-inld of Inlstitutelife, OllC oft tlle hardest thinlgs for all,,of the athlletcs to do is to keecp fit. alldthe trailiiing talble hlas prov ed a greataid3 ill tills

Tro a visitor inl tlle track; house it isunlfoldled tllat Gubbv~ Bolt, leader oflast ,N-car's cr-oss counitry teZLIII, (loesn~ot con]fine his efforts SOMAl! to athl-letics. On1 thle llack; board ap~rop~os ofthie applroacihig sp~ring track seasonis a' color+(l cray-on w\ork of art whcrcp~results a ssiiall }3eaver -ettingr theb~est of a large Tigerr. To onle 1.111taml-iliar wvithl the varsity tr-ack; schedlule it

mig~ht n1ot b~e qulite phlill tilat Gubbyl)Nsdrlawsing} shlows praphlicalk- whalet isg'oiiig to hlapplell to Prinlcetonl whlent}C'IllC 1CM T CCII 'r 0.'il f.) g\

D~rew i,, slo-ly gt~tinilg bac'k iiito hlisoh~l forl 1 glavill <lftur .a ]la' OtT due to'hlis alccidenlt wh-len al Ford( dvt~cllendeupill 11 llz, none1 too,£gelfly-\


After CollegeVVGkaC.

TADYprogressto a responsibleposition> nthe business world-or a long period

!3of train in g at minor work before you arefitted for anl executive role?To help you succeed more q uickily the Bab-son Institute offers an intensive one-yeartraining course in practical business.From actual experience the fundamentalprinciples of business are mnade clear. Bypositive examples, the student is shown hourto apply these principles in the conduct ofevery day cornnerciall affairs.

Write fior BookletSend for booklet "Training for Business-Leadership." Describes the courses in detailand gives complete information about thefacilities of Babson Institute and showvs howvmen are trained for executive roles. Writetoday. No obligation.

316 Washington Ave.Babson Park, MS~rb~o)cass.

Technology's Targets-Now Shooting



CAMBRIDGEUniv. 5109 :: :: Ujniv,. 5756-W"Lowest Rate With Full Protection"-

Trhe Techiiology rifle teaml is llON\V0iootilng off tile nlinth anid lalst malttchof tllc N. I. R. 1 . 1The other teanilslav c finlislied their mlatchles, ])u~t tllel'eav er rcstilts have b~een dlela ecl dluetO tile noll-receipt of tile official talr-get,;. Norwich stand~s first hlavimlz NVOllall of tlle maltches ; Pennlsvlvaniaa and~C'olumbllia rankl SeCOnd~ andc thir d re-

spec~tivcly, wbhile thc four-th place re-mlain]s I)etweenl Technlology al(I PennState. all([ wvill prob~a~ly go,r to PennlMtate as tile%- shlot 1936 tlllel llinth

Ill~atChl. which iS lbetter thanl tlle Bea,--crs heavc donec all staS0on, andC 'a11ksse'cond( oi1]\' tO Norwxich' s highl imlirklo f 1953.

Beclo-% ar-c given the resullts of tlleC'. 1. R. 1, : II

X\ oll l ost

Is 1

2 74 A3) 6

() '3

1. N'orwichl2. Penlisvlva aia3. Coliml2;1a i4. Punlnl. 'St ktc

f6. I-clarvard(

US. nesle1J. D-)rt-ll"lotht

I (). I~l-ilcetoll

(COlltilltlCd froni Patge 1)

ITv:-o tof tile fatlk C1l0l1C ill 1112} nt~erl-col legiat Cs a t P';ovidul lce I as t weekwhencl Rvock thrlewv fir-t 1isl. CrXimlsonl opl-pollenit ailid hlis B~rtli opplonenit Iv-liohldtlt hlim to dIecisionls ear-lier- ill tilcseaso~l. Onet of tile chlief r easons iorthec 11t1inblerl of ifalls bet'llig llOt "O -greatta-, clast !ea \'\a (1 tilec fzict thaet llost 01tile Illen] whto ;Nvretledl R)ck; were selitml tO Nrt~stle (Iv~fensl-is ,0 . Tlle Lehlighmelet ,,,-as Ca not~ible emumlellt. Tlle1"roRXwn ani(I Wh'ite' m1a1 albsoluteiv It'-ihl~eCl to (X-o to tile 1lst w ithil te Te chlr~tppler anl(l firm li.he(I p~lenltY of amiltise--

mentll sIt tililw's ])\. hlis sIt~tloll.Has Good 01 mpic Charco

SlhotIl0' I-I'ocl; conlle thr ough1 tile 'N ew(dllVall( 'tlrial liet will Egn to tile fillat

tr,% OLtlt ill New Y'orkc ill Junle. Al1-

tilotl r11 th". Fcl\Ol ite a1111i1n' CO~lt'tgW1-restlers fi:ir li1e Illav Illect ,,oll('1l1l11telml Ilitftill'I'; r lot tllt. fnilloxer~ o)ftile colle-uilte ,.allle wh-11 111.1v' prove'


Rock Hereford, who in two yearsof varsity wrestling at Technology, hasonly been defeated once, will enter theOlympic trials to be held in CambridgeY.M.C.A. tomorrow might.

in all its splendor is justacross the Charles-the Egyp-tianl Room of the Brunswick.Come where you may feastand dance under the alluringspell of the lotus flower-andto the strains of Leo Reis-

mian's syncopating orchestra.L. C. PRIOR

President and Managing Director


201 Devonshire Street, Boston110 San Francisco NewChicag



T HE T EC H Page Three



Men Rapidly Rounding IntoForm Under Coaching

Of Bill Haines


Trhe ii1itia'l appearalice of the Tcch-O'lOgyV ar-sitv cresv oil tile Charles

last Molidav marlkcd the cild of allihitenisive w-ilter's xvork onl tile nach-i11CS anid tilc l)eginninll of all even miorevigorous terni of practice ill the shells.Durilig tile last few dav s of the va-

ra io tile crcevs wvent out twvice a davfor albout anl hourl. Startinig yesterdaytthe crc-,%s resumiled their old schecluleamid will appear onice a dav oil tile rivr-er. It i~s as A~et hlardl to m~ake all!- es-timiate ais to thc crew'xs strejuti, .othe tranlsition periodl froiii tile steadymachlines to the craliik\, shlells is a h)aa

oiie, aiid it wrill 1ve somie timiez }efore

thc reatl resillt of- the lprevious p~rac-ti(-t befCome1Us Ce'ideiit.

NeN-crthleless. it alr ead\- lo olks a s

thlotwhrl Coachl ;ill 11aiiie.s Ias a pnloni-

isilig b)ulilch of Oartl lelCl 'O0 wh'lip llto0lapte t!-lis y.ear. ( ;aptaiii R. C. Elaloii'24 is a- ieteranl of tilree yecirsI experi-eiic'e at Tch~iolo0gy mtid~ a~t 'O. 7ilieiS oiie of tlle malll~i.taVS of tile Va<rsitv

cigll. .r 1 athlall '26 hias l)cecl strol-ilig flic> crew\ ill lpractice oil tile riN er.

I-l rom-cd N o. 6 oii kilt yeartlS Sophl-omior-C t'igllt. A. F. Unl~lerwnool '26wh~o rowxs alt NO. 2 iS aiiotherl cand~idaitefor strok~e. All tile othc3- meii oil tilc

,'Ilie positioll of strolkc has IlOt ye'tlbeell decfinlitcl\, (lecidled tupO11 by C'oa;ch

IHahiles. %V41it lUiiderwsoodl aiid( Lathaml)othl of last year's first freshlillsan crewaIs cand~idates for tilc position, it is1laidc to dlecidec defiiiitelv-wXho ;ill filltie pliace of strolke. l atliaml has tilezIlost exlperitilcc Oil tile ms ater ill telisIiiie xiliile bsoth of tlheml hlave b~eei al-telrllati~lito ill strokiiig thc crew oil tileillachilles. -Vestcrda\- tile crewx liiiedtipas- followrs: -No. 1, Perra, No. 2, Iider-x-oodl, No. 3, 1-for-le, tNo. 4, C olemaia.l

Io 5, Flax lgtonl, N\o. 6. SaN-re.o l Io, 7.EX atoii. <ande l.-athlam at .str~olc, Recidwsas tile coxSswainl for tile ClreN'.-cr-ew are t'vetcranl oar smeu'l.

Wolf Out At LastW~ediiesdla%-, C'oachl H-aiiies coacllec

the crex%.s for the first tlinez fromi tllelamiichl '%Volf." TheC fil.st wid~ secoiidzI arsif!- crewxs as; well as tile two, 1i;)-Io~lild~ Crew.-s alld( tilC fir-st f-eshilialloleighIt we-re out. Ill order- to olbtailthc waetximumli efficeiCic\- of the 11]111I1-tUIll of tile bodyl w\he't piilliiig through,Coach Hainles lias- liael the mlenl rowvwNithiOt thc lisual toe strap~s. IThis pol-ic\1 w-as also usedl oil the miachities. Ill-steadl of losliig p~ower 1, stopplillg their

1)odies 1) '- the straps, tile( umen havel)cell learnlill- to rowv withlout theml\\Ve (Illescdal. 1,11- allilUsiligr iicidleilt took])lace ill olle 0O. the Sh1t']S wNheii ct llanpulttilig, all Itis wveight Oil tile oar oiltilc strolkc "caught a crab." thle Iloiloeii-lumi cataplzlted hilnl over b~ackwvardsoil to thc maii~ 1)ehiiid. Thc mlenl s}ow(lecidecl imiprovemienit due to thleCoach's policy' and~ lean Oll the bulocks

IwXith a, will.First Race In Month

A inwoithl still, renilaiiis lbefore the-first race wvheii thev iiieet thc N~avvanid all tile little kinkvs xvill be smlootheaout ill thille. Thc trailiiing tablefor tlhe crerv has helped l -oider-fUNl iln couiditioninlg thc nilen asxvefl as strengtheniiig the inloraleof the crexvs b~ eitig togetiler, antd byvthe tinile the- rorw tbeir first race thevw;ill bec ill tile) top coiidition.

The 150 powidl~ crew- looks finc. WithGreer at qtrokec tie mleii hav e lbengoillg strolig Oil tile river. N\ednesdavCoach Flailles gave theiii a lonig wvorl-OIlt oil the river when the\! svere out alittle over anl hotel-. Tlhc freshmllancrexv seenis to lbc thc IlOSt difficultprob~lelm at preselit. W\ith Xtaertitis,Piper and~ Fria~ll all pronilisiiig canidi-dates, illeligible, tilerc is qluite a SC<II-c itx- of licavx, incel. Captain R. (C Kales and~ L. S. Tappanl seemi to be theliucleus of the eight at N'o. 7 andstroke respectively. but the other p)o-SitiOnlS are dloubtful, although Emuerys,Copelanld IW illiaiiis and Derbvx look likepretty vralulable iiiell.


, . 1 I I


-High GradeSHOE & SKATE COMBINATIONSPrices $7.50-8.50-9.00-12.00

Northland S~kis, Ash and Maple20% discount on above Skates and Skis to

Tech Students


e! To those interested ill Radiowie wrill be glad to present antop-to-date R a n d McNallyRadio Map of the U.S.

C Your7 r'Cq1irent~ents inl this de-11,2grtm~ent are solicited.



'he wvay to getth fnest shave

The Hinge-Cap is a sure way of identifyingW~iffiams Shaving Cream. A.nd Williams, be-sides giving you the convenient Hinge-Cap,will iprove your shave in three ways:.

First, the lather is heavier and holds therno; ture in against the beard. Quicker and

morie thorough softening of the beard results.Second, the razor glides more easily throughthe Wlilliams-softened beard because Williamslather lubricates the skin. Lastly, an ingredientin Williams keeps the skin in good conditionno matter how heavy your beard nor howfrequently you shave. In addition, you'll enjoyWvhliams because it is a pure, natural whitec.rearn. without coloring matter of away kind.Aslk for it.

ATHENS CAFEAmerican ad Greek Food

Par Excellence694 WASHINGTON ST.


Looke for theH inge Cap

THE J. B. WILLIAMS COMPANYGlastonbury, Conn.

The Egypt ofthe Ancients


Page 4: biursar-s unllce Collects For A Thousand Finestech.mit.edu/V44/PDF/V44-N2.pdfECTURES LECTURES ON ON SEX SEX ARE ARE Betw-eenl March 6 and~ Marcll 19 thc Bursar's office collected $5760

_ __ _ _ _ _ __














-- I

-- -

coding the issue.

Notice zStartinig w\ith today's issuce Thc

Tech rvill run t special subl-dlivisioriof tile 11otice colulinn ior sportnotices. Thes lie st 1)C i£1 to tileSports Edlitor lcbfore 6 o'clocl; Oilthc dav of issue.


No inlore ex;cit:es xvill lbe eldorsedbv tile Nifedical Depzartinenit umiless thestudelit 1lotif;cs the Departmenit eitlaerin persoll. b) letter, or telepholc, whienthe disability b~egrinis.

EH 22

lrle dI lesirilg- to takxe El.[22 (Itiriilgthlc ctirreit tertll sho0tildl iet Alr. Cop-ithorne oi T1uesla\v next at 12 o'clockin rooni 2-132. ivilen tfie hour of themcetiaR- of thlc couTrse ill le dleter-milledl fiiiallv. -Aleanwh}ile tlieN shouldleave coplies of thleir sclledllles wvithMr. Pearsonls sceretarx, inl rooni1 29-2S5,unless thc,- havec already dlone so.

It StCeII1S Probalule Elt presenlt tlhattilC hour wbiichl wEill IieCt thecCOIIe-Cnienice of thce lar-est luininier of enew.ill lbe 12 on1 Tuie-sdav aidT htirda


All applicatioIns for scholarship aidfor the scliool year 1924-25 IllUSt be leftat room 3-10S Otl 01- before Saturday,May 3. "Application for Scholarship"blaniks mna be ob~tailaed at rooni 10-lQ0.

Scholarsilips are aw-arded 0111V tothcose studenlts vho produice satisfac-toryevidence of tlleir nleed oft assistance,and wshose scholastic records are grood.A student whio is not itl need of aidcannot honorabls- applsy for a schlolar- ship.

Attention of the holders of Cam-bridge Scholarships is called to the fact







Kendall Square Cambridge'II I. .


























l . 11. Six- 24. 1The act is niex tlis year. iR. Mlajoi ')2 ofTers a v iolini ;olo as aqlpecialt." 'Whle ii. C. Riiotte '26 rellnders I

p~iano molos.


Presidenlt Cotiseiis of Tufts Collegelas recoililicinded to the Studlenit b>odvthe adopti)ll of a Student Council to Iassist thc college aiutho-ities iin miattersrelatilng to student disciplin~e. ThcPrcsident las often had occasion to callin7 Olle or mor-e of the studelnt hollor-arv societies to advise himil on student DiropinioIn. He suggests that the Coun-cil lbc comiposed of representatives of Supthe three honorarv- societies, and thatthe etihodl of election to tle societies Barl>e chlanqled so that the entire studentlbodv Illight participate. President 4 tCousens hiopes that the plan vill be con-

siderel alternativ es or elaborations .'ez

liscussecl. andc that the formlaation ofstich a lbodx- boe ,rot under wrav.


Sevenity -five giIrls of the Uniiversity

of ITexas are out for places oin the

(actus beliaut- pagc. T17e cditors ofthle mnagazine are selecting thc thirtymiost becautiifl fromi amlongS the seven-t!--five that hiave 1ccIn picked by thc

clvcen sororitics and the girl's roolllinghouses of the Universitv. Of thesethirtv. all imipartial person wrill selectthle eiglht lucky ones whose pictures rnr,

N-ill there appear and urho iNrill le

iaumed as the wilincrs of the contest.

I'verv- memilbe r of thc Universitv is

cntitled to cast a vote for the cight

girls of his or her choice. However,

althoutg this V·ote Nv ill grcatly inlflu-ence the decision of the editors, it nsillnlot over-ridle their finial opinionls. The

beallot is printed in the Texan and was

ruil there for three davs so that all

milight haeC a chlance to indicate their


, ,VCFPADVX. .;(,R

791 loArstohs

.. ,25

Friday, March 21, 1924Page Four


(ColtinltiU frolim Page 2)

their ail~ition. dies and thes- linger ina state of mediocritv-, working hardb~ut gettilig nowhere. Knowledge is a(reat thimgr, but it miust le brought tothe attceltionl of others if it is to lerecognized, utilized, and albov c all.

paid for-Somlle of v-ou nowN at Tech are doubt- i

less planimig careers as consulting en--inecrs. If thiis be true, y-ou will prob-ably walnt to start wvith some estab-lished firmi. When V ou seek employ-ment. vou Ntill finI thiat there is a sur-plus of "engilncers"-men who draft,work up a set of plans and specifica-tions. solv- intricate engineering andmathematical problems; and that thesalaries paid for such w-ork are sniall,w-ith chances of advaticeileni all toofe\-. On the other hand, if you show-somIC abilitv- as a "salesmall," hold-ing out promiise of developing into a-buusiness-getter," you will find inaw'places rp)en to voti, a lC :.(1la!lcei1eit .*uicl and ccrtaitI

The consulting engineer must firstof all sell his services, or rather theservices of his organization, to thoseiieeding them. Tlhis is the big job.Once tle contract is secured. tlere wvil1be no difficultv in s-orking out the en-ginecring problems. MTien wrho can deIthis are plentiful and their servicesehicap, but the Business Gctter-Ah!that is quite another thinlg. Such llenare scarce indeed, miuch souglt after,and rich is their rewrard.

Secovid onlly to spealking is the ab-ilit- to express r-ourself -wcel on paper.The eJti-eer is frequently called tip-on to prepare xvritten reports, to drawtlp specificationis, to outilne proposedengineerillg w-orlk, and to -,rite articles'for pul,1ication or for rcading b~eforeelngineeriiig societies or similar lodies.If such papers are made "readalle," in-terestingr and npt boresomlc. either totht lavnilan or the traiiied engineer.andi v et readilv uinderstood bvl both,they are certaiii to excite favorablecoilnmcnt. Tlhc fcewest nunulmcr of eni-gineers w'rite eitertainlingly . and withproper appreciation of tleir suljects.Yet. properly handled, there is no morefascinating or romantic discourse thanone which deals w-ith somICe cngilccring Iproblemi or accomplishmlnent.

Be one of the fenr engineers vhocan both ilrrite and speak good Elnglish,andi v our success is assilred. Thc itl-tut-e wsill take care of itself.

smaGbli 101 YOM,

announces its annual Spring Competi-tion to be conducted in the advertising,news, editorial, treasury and circulationdepartments.

Previous newspaper experience notnecessary. We will train you to the-work.

Men interested are asked to confer


(C'olntinuedI from Page 1)

pianist, appearcdl as anothier specialty actWithl a nlumlber of popular selections.

Am'long- ihc -lt tialtv acts i)rese11tedI)\- thle D~artlmloutl clui)s tillsi sea!S0l iStlallt l)! Eflitai trio coniIos(ld of F.T--x 1 0,. I cs -Ir. ', F.. Torberl-t '25. andtlr i, c~i- ,) l l- - . - r~ .- I.II


To accomparny our English modelSacks, our English Designer hasprovided the Overcoat: shown here.

$45In a wide range of new fabrics forSpring.

All thle Hlienls Clotling sold by Browvning King is madeby Browvning King


All notices for this column should be in by the morning of the day preI

that thlese schlolarlshlips once forfeited011 accotlnt of p~oor record callnot b~eal2,ain anvarded eitler to thc same ap-plicant or to another.

VISITS TO HARBOR FORTSNN elmibcrs of the Faculty and of thlo

Coast Artiller-v R. O. T. C. Unit alciii-itcl to inlspect the defelises of Bos-tol I Harbor llt't Tuesdav. The trip

ill start at the Arimvx Base at 11 :15.


BOOK EXCHANGEThle T. C. A. 13ook Exchange rc-

(juents that all- peroln having bookscalledl for in the Genleral Bulletil anddlcsiring to sell thmll leave the same ithe T. C. A. Office imimiediatcl

CHORAL SOCIETYGeneral Stud\c credit is given for

ix-ork in the Cdoral Societv . Get in-forlllatol lo at rehcarsal vhichl will beheldl todav in roonm 5-330 at 5.

DE WITT CLINTON HIGH SCHOOLThe Aluiilni Association of the Dc

W.itt Clinton High School, Newv YorkCit, w-ill ]lold its annual reunion anddall ce oil Sattirda- evening, April 24.at the Hotel Waldlorf-Astoria. Tickets

av- be secured by application to Mr.l7ucian Lamilm, secretary-treasurer attile ligh school, Tenth Avenue and 59thStrect, NeX- York.

COMBINED MUSICAL CLUBSTickets for joint concert with Dart-

mouth oil sale inl Main Lobbv cachda!N front 9 to 2 starting todav. Price$5 a cour-^


CREW TRAINING TABLEMIenl wvho were at talble last term are

requccted to attend table in Walker asbcore. 12:30 at noon and 6:30 atni, ht are the hours at which mealsare servrcl.

SEVENTH EDITION OF'Advanced Machine Work"


Massaclusetts Institute of Technology

A BOOK for Students, Teachers, Engineers, Ap-prentices, Machinists. Universities, Technical andVocational Schools and Machine Shops.

THE SEVENTH EDITION gives practical in-struction in making mechanical measurements withLight Waves.

MACHINE WORK gives a necessary training forpositions in modern industries.

To The ReadersnrEUf

The TechThose desiring a bound copy ofVolume XLIII should order it at

once. The cost will not exceed $8.




with the General Manager in Room 302,

Walker Me-norial, this af ternoon,

between 4 p. m. and 5 p. m.

A teneral staff meeting will be held

this afternoon at 5 p. m. in room 2-146.



|otices and AnnouncementsI ,

