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Page 1: Birmingham section—castle bromwich Birmingham

Supplerncnf fo “Journal 01 the Society 01 Chemical Industry.” ~ b . 1.1, IHJI~


esposurc to orditiiiry diiylight. To obtain sntisfnc- tory results, it is ncccssnry thiit tlic mntcriiil should be purc nnd completely soluble in wntcr, iititl it will be found thiit Mcssrs. ITIti~en’s prepnration entirely fiilfils theee conditions.


Hounslow, Middlesex Stand No. A.177

As usunl, Messrs. Williatiis‘ exhibit is rcitinrkiiblc for its truly coniprelicnsire chiiractcr, nnd it is dificrilt to find nu itidustry ivliich will not be ititercstctl to sonic extent in. this ilispltiy. Xigrosiuc i in t l indulinc (water, spirit, and fn t solrtl~lc) iind iiigrosiiic titid induliiic bases iirc iinturally givcii prominence, ns these nrc spcciiilitics for whicli tlic liouse of \\‘illinnis has becu fiiriious for over linlf ii century.

Dyes and stiiiiis for ti11 cliisscs of Icntlicr, iind suitable for n vnricty of solvents, nre also 011 view, togcther with n rniigc of ivnx soluble dyes prcpnrctl especially for Iieel-IdI, nnd n fine displny of tlre colours used in boot polishes and shoe crciitiis. t\

pnrticulnrly superior grade of water-soluble iiigrosiiic (which stniids perfectly irt n 30% solutiori) ~ v i l l iippeiil especially to all who arc iiitercstcd in the rtiiitiuf:ic- turc of Quick I31iick ii i it l siiiiiliir products.

Tltcre is n splettclid rntige of wood stiiitis iii till the popular slindcs (iis ivell iis in those less well knowii) and these can be supplied suitnlilc for sticli din’creiit

solvents as water, mcthyliitetl spirit, spirit vnraish, nnphtha, turpentine, white spirit, oil vnriiish, tind nitrocellitlosc lacquer. For cellulose lacquers ond vnrtiishes, too, tlterc is it \vide riiriety of. bcnittiful slindcs, nnd thesc will interest i i grcnt ninny differcat industries.

As regards the Jiar~i~lcss edible colours, niiotlrcr grcnt feature of this firin’s iictivitics, it is obviously otily possiblc to show t i conipiirntively sniiill section, but the spccinl rcquircrt~ct~ts of :ill sections of the trndc have beeti cnrcfully stutlicil rind ii11 rciisonnble requirements can be met.

Another rnttge of dycs in wliicl~ tlicrc is iiti eiior- tiious rniige to clioosc frotii is thiit for wool iiiitl silk,. nnd there is also n sclcction of direct dycs for cotton, Tlicre is n coniplctc range of tlycs soluble in wises, fnts, oils, ctc., niitl ill this cotiiicsiou nictitiott should he nindc of tlic 1)ciiutifirl displiiy of colonrcd cnntlle~l \rI~jch is on vicw, itidiciitittg the greitt progress which hns been tnatlc iti this direction. ‘l’licre :ire very ninny otlicr purposes for wliicli AIessrs. \\Tilliiinis’ products nrc npplicnblc, iiotnI>ly sorips (toilet iuid household), artificial flowers, piper, sc:ilitig wax, inks (writing, priiitiiig iitid endorsing), I i i k ~ - t i ~ ~ k i i ~ g , . coir yiirti, rafiia, wicker, etc., iind thc whole giitiiut. of spcciiilitics clcniiitidctl by tlic toilet, niid cositictic industries.

In short, Alessrs. Willintiis linvc once iigriiit more than justified their clniin to be sirppliers of Dyes for All Purposes. (Sec advert., p. sxiii.)



Selly Oak, Birmingham Stand Nos. 0.707 and 0.608

At t,lic front, of the stiititl iirc rcprcsciitntivc exatiiplcs of tJic coiiipmy’s production of liirgc seamless copper atid brnss tubcs from G in. to 18 in. inside diiittictcr, such ns iirc siipplied for stcnni pipes riiid other crigirtccring purposes, ns \re11 ns for rollers in the paper rind tcxtilc trndcs.

Special Piiiisli copper Itousitig pips for wiitcr and licntitig services. Tlic iiinitt pilliirs colisistitig of h i k e of cupro-nickel coiidciiscr Lubes it1 70/30 and 80/20 i t lloys, and n 111 in irii II 111- brass cotidcnser t u tics (ns protluccd iitidcr 13.N.W. I’iit. No. 308G47). Tlic l’acia wliicli ruiis round tlic complete struid is of 13.13. Gilding Mctiil, sttrn~orr~rtcd by signs of the compnny’s 1)rntid ‘’ I3rittcry Syiiil)lcm.”

Tlte centre office is .ritrinoiilitcd hy pliiitlis of 13.U. 1)riiss titbca of vnryhg Iwgths, irxetl for iiiiiriiie, vngineeritig, rriid other prposrs.

f l 1Iic pillars siipportiug tlic fiiciu consist of 8.13.

011 tlic irtiiiii floor of the stiirttl ciiit l a 8cei1, 13.13. I,ocotnoti\*c boiler tubes in coppcr autl brass. 13.13. Coiitlctiscr tubes in briiss, 70/30, nritl 70/20/1

13.13. Supcr-licutcr tubes ill solid drawn copper r~ud

8.U. Coppcr and brass rods. 13.B. Rollcd brnss for motor, clcctricul trades, ctc. 13.13. Pliosplior-bronze sheet for paper tr~itlcs. I3.B. Coridcnscr plntcs nnd ferrules for tii~iriric? arid

U.13. Coils of cxtrri long coppcr tubing for panel

8.13. Ingots iii copper ntid viirioits brass iiIIoys. 13.13. I3rnss wire for shoe ~~ii~nufuctitring triidcs. 13.13. Conipr(~ssion joints for doinrstic services. 13.13. CiiloriIior tubes iti copper, cupro-ttiokcl, illid.

l)rtlss. Wtc wliolc stiiiid rcprcsctits tlic iictital pro(Iiict8

t l i i i t Itnvc built up i i t i old-eutnblisltcd I~usi~icss i l l exisLcticc for 100 ycnr~, iti id sliows tliiit tlicrc is l~iirtlly 0110 rnniificcitioii ol‘ ntodcrn civilizlrt,ioii i I i wlticli siicli ~~roiliicts itre not, usetl.


stccl (Coppcr Coated).

hind itistiillii~iotis.

ltciit irrg.

Page 2: Birmingham section—castle bromwich Birmingham





oz s

Page 3: Birmingham section—castle bromwich Birmingham

Supplement to ‘]ourno1 OJ the Society OJ Chemical Industry.” IWI. 1 4 , I U ~ O s 26 BRI’L‘ISH INDUS‘L’RTES FAIR SUI’I’I~E3l IGNT

- ___---. ~.

ROBERT BOWRAN & CO. (1934). LTD. Commercial Union Buildings, Newcastle-on-

Tyne, I Stand No. 8.718

This well-kno~v~i North-Eiist Coast firm present.s a stxiking display of its products. The central fettt.ure is n liiilf-tower of “ Uowriinitc ” bituiiicn pilit. contiiincrs on eitlicr side of which arc pedestals, decorated with the Bowfin White Enaincl, to which arc afiiscd piiiicls showing the iictual films of ‘ I Bow- rauitc ” colouretl bituinen piiintu.

ti display case contains exhibits of ‘‘ Nasoitl ” Reinforced Bitumen Paste for all roofing and proofiiig 1)lq)oses ; ‘ I Uoroid ” semi-liquid bitrinicn cniulsion in colours for waterproofing ill1 porous surfaces ;

Protcxol ” plastic bituincn rmulsion for ticid and alkali resisting ; I ‘ Peririotiiit ” hygienic water paint u11(1 the Botvriin Super Fiiiisli points and enamels. -4 special csliibit slioivs the ‘* Kauxeinc ” Marine ~ l u e selected esclmi\.cly for the decks of the S.S. ‘‘ Queen JIary.”

111 iittcndance arc tcchnicrrl relmscntiitives wlio lire to aclvisc and iiiake definite rcroriinicndntions

(See advert., respecting 1111 protective 1)rol)lciiis. p. xsii.)


28, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1 Stand Nos. Ca. 609, 506, 709, and 608

Tile British Gas Federation has niidcrtnken the orgaiiizatioli of t i n lndiistrial Esliihit ; r i d :I Centrid hforniiition Bureau. The intlustriid exhibit illus- trates t.Iie tleveloptiielit. of Iiiotlcrn town giis-fired furllaces to meet. thc needs of present-diiy iniinnfiic-

In present-day priictice tlic rtit,lier aniuteur appciir- ante of many of the old furniiccs has given way to the efficiency and clean lines of tile inotlcrn gas-heiitiug Inachine. Tile crudely converted coal fiirniicc has beell succcctled I>y Iiighly eflicicnt furnaces designed specificiilly for toi\*ii gas a~i t l fitted with rccupcriitors or regenerators, autointitic teini)crtiture control and, pcrliaps, titinosplicre control 11s well. Alt,liough i t is iiiipract.iciiblc to SIIOW Itirgc furnaces a t such an crliibition, sollie ideii of the large scale of modern gas funiaccs may obtained froiii a forge furnace which is s l i o ~ u working and has rr working chamber .I ft. by 4 ft. I)y 4 ft. l’crliaps the most spectacular exhibit is tlic coLilplctc glass-iiiciiiufiictiiring pitint, which iiicludcs 11 t\vo-pot furnace, aillieriling furtiace, pipe arch and glory I I O ~ C . Glass-blo~ing dcinonstru- tions tire being given throughout the tinic of tile CxGbition. It will come as a surprisc to many glass lnanufacturcrs tlitit, tllougli the pot fiiruacc is only fittcd with natural draught burucrs, the pot tempera- turc is maintnined at 1350” C.

probably the most irnportnnt section of tho exhibit is devoted to the heat-treatnicnt of steel. A ,hndard birtcli typc of oven furnace forins the ceiitre piece. Raving very tliick iusulrrtion, cfacient recupcratorR,

turiug tee11niqr1e.

and automatic control, tliis fiirnacc is ciiiiiiently suitable for general-purpose work iucluiling Iinrdcning, norinnlizing, annealing, and case liardcniug.

Other iinportiint csliibits arc non-ferrous metal inelting fiirnacrs, one of which is of the scini-rotary reverberatory type ; a plastic nioulding prcss wliicli is sho~vn a t work ; im osygen cutting niiichinc for precision work ; ii rccirculatcd iitniosplicrc furniice for t,enipcring and drying processes ; and a series of SIiiiill modern muffle furnaces. Boilers rind burner eqiiipnient of fill kinds innkc up a most coiiipreliensivc

Tlic British Gas Fcderirtion is iirranging the Joint Giis Conference for Tucsdiry, Wednesday, arid Thurs- day, Februiiry 25 to 27, under tlie Presidency of the Enrl of Dudley, M.C.

Gas salesinen will iniike their official visit to the Pair on Fridiiy, E’cbruiiry 21 and tlie Joint Junior G~IS Association will visit the Fair on Thursday, Februwy 20. (See advert., p. S 15.)


BRITISH OXYGEN CO., LTD. Victoria Station House, Westminster, S.W.i

Stand Nos. 0.511 and D.410 Esiiinplcs of work done with tlie nit1 of 13.O.C.

equipment, iirc groiipctl to slioiv : (1) The rcclaiiiiitiori of worn parts by the oxy-

acetylene process, including csliibits illustriiting its use for preventing wear and also for tlie deposition of niiiteriiils for resisting wi i r i ind for hard-surfncing.

(2) Tlic iipplications of osy-acctylcne welding in the I)rewing, food, tint1 clicliiiciil triitlcs wliicli demon- strate the \veltliiig of tion-ferrous Itictiils, c.Y., copper, nluiiiiiiiuiii-broiize, sttiinless steels, iintl Alone1 metal.

(3) Tlic iid\.iilltiige of osy-iicctylelic weltling in riiilwiiy engineering, piirticularly in regiird to tile iniiiiitciiiiiice of tlie pertntiiient wiy, tlic resurfacing of worn crossings, iiiid tlie use of the process for tile iittaciiliiclit of triictio11 otitl sig1iiil boldti.

Equipment iind niatcriiils iis used for the work iiiciitioiictl will be ninong tlie riingc of U.O.C. products tivniitiblc for inspection a d denionstnition. Tiicy conilwise oxy-iicctylenc hand equipinelit for cutting steels and iron and for tlie welding and licatiiig of metals ; iilso osy-coril gas and air-acetylene equip- niciit for Iciidburiiing, brirzing, melting, surface- heating, soldering, and pnintburuing. A selcctioil of “ Mdii ’’ rods iiiid fluxes (including iriiitcririls for hard-surfiiciiig) indicates 13.0.C. Service in rcgiirtl to t11e \vclding of nc\v IllIOyY illld inctnls. Tile 13.o.c. oxygen onttiiig innchines exliibitcd coinprisc types for cutting piirts froin stccl plate, for tritliliiilig pliitcs, for cuttirig boilcr ant1 druni ends and niii11- holes ; iind iilso types for cutting iintl shiipiug steel bars, striioturril scatioiis, riiils, uiitl tubes.

A ficctioii of tlic stand tiliowtl tlie spraying of nietiils with tlie llctiil Spriiying Pistol. This process is extensively used for qqdying pr’otectivo or decor&- tivc coiitiiigs of iiiettiltl, e.y., iiluininium, bronzo, copper, thcl, tint1 zinc, etc., to iuctallic and non- metallic siirhccs.

Page 4: Birmingham section—castle bromwich Birmingham

Supplemen/ lo "Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry." ~ e b . t I; 10315


~ll l l l l l l l~( -c K R 0 N 0 s ))1-1112 - - - = - - - - - - - -

TI TA IJ I U M 0 X I D E 3 - - - g z = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For all

purposes where

maximum - - whitening - - - - - - - - - - - erect


= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - is


S d i

w- KRONOS S P ( (

= - - - - - - - - - Titanium pigments are used in the best

grades of - - - - - - c Paints, Enamels, Lacquers, Printing - - - - - E Inks, Artists' Colours, Linoleums,

E - - Ceramics, Cement, Artificial Leather,

c Artificial Marbles, Rubber Goods, E - - Plastics, Boot & Shoe Dressings, Soap, E -- - Cosmetics, Artificial Silk, Paper,

E - etc.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Page 5: Birmingham section—castle bromwich Birmingham

Supplement to "Journal oJ the Society 01 Chemical Industry." IWJ. i.t,1113ti


Portable tlissolvctl ticctylcnc lighting equipulcut for tlic tcnipornry ligliting rcquircnicnts of such professions as rond contrnctors, riiilway engineers, builders, ant1 dcniolition contriictors. forins nnotlicr csllibit .

For fiirtlier inforinntion r i n d pliotogriiplis, plaisc apply to : 'l'lic IJritislt Oxygen Co., Lttl., Publicity Dcpnrtmcnt, \Tictoria Station Tlousc, S.W.1. Tele- phone : \3ctorin 92%.


Halifax, England Stand Nos. D.h3 and D.802

Most of the tnncliiuos will I)e sliown i t i opernt,ioii, aiid those interested in this C I ~ I S S of cquip~ncnt nrv cordinlly invited to visit Tlic British i h i : i stiintl, where ninchines of tlic lntcst design, incorporating innny ncw fenturcs, ivill Iic shown to the gciicrd pnblic for t,hc first, time. hioiigst, thcsc will be tlic following :

British l f e m Bdl Nil1 r i ) id I7(iciiiini Classifyi i i~~ Plon/.--As over 1,OoO,OOO tons of con1 per :innuin, or ~ t p p r o s i ~ i ~ t c l y 33% of t.hc totiil pulverized fuel used in Gretit. Brit.aiu is being producctl i t i d fired by 13rit,isli Rciua pulvcrizing cquipnicnt, this csliil,it is of special interest, as it rcprcsents the hist wort1 in pulverized fuel firing prnct,icc for mcditrni i i n d Inrgc- sized plnntu. Nauy esclusivc fentiires of construc- tion and opcrntion nrc incorporntcd, niid thc machine which is being eshihitccl cnibodics 1111 the ivcll-kiioivii patented fciiturcs of t,lic Britisli licniit I'ncuuin System coinbincd \vit,li 11. new :irrttngcmcnt (patent applied for) of air swept M I Jlill, \vhiclt gives low power consumption, csccptionully finc grinding, :ind cxtreinely flesiblc control.

The British Reum Ring Holl Afill.-rl'his typc of mnchine, fitted with tlic 1)iitclitetl vuciiuni system of clnssificnt,ion nnd drying, wis tlic first, really satisfac- tory wid reliable coal-drying ~~ulvcrizing plnnt t o operate on the unit or direct-firing system using British coals. Originnlly dc\~elopcd for firing rotnry cement kilns, whcrc the conditions cnll for con- tinuous running 34 hrs. per day, 7 days per week, pulverizing low gradc niitl wet cod, tltcsc niiicliincs were successfully used for firing rotnry kilns eight yenrs ago \vit,liout stnndby plnnt, n t :I tinic when most ptilrcrizing mills wcrc considered iiiire1i:ibIc.

The British lieina Ring Roll BIill is equidly suitnl)lc for producing coal dust for othcr purposes, nnd nlso for grinding to powder medium Iiiird Hubstances such ns pliosplintc rock, burytes, slttg irou osidc, limestone, ctc., nnd may bc supplied as n plnin niachiuc for conrsc grinding or fitted with tlic patented \'ttcuutn syRtcm of clnwificntion or nnit nir scpitriitor for producing fino or superfinc powders, or rtltcrnnti\~cly uscd in conjunction with siiitnblc screeiis i t n d elevator for producing both n grnniilnr t in t l po\vtlcrcd product..

Brilidr I h w l Ie ( i vp1h ty Ezliuiister J'(i)i.-'l'Iiifi esliibit is rcl)rescntntive of II liirgc niinil)cr of fnns of siniilar design wlticli Iinvc bccii I)t i i l t for use i n conjunction witlt cod pitlwriziitg inills operiitiiig on

t.lic unit-firing system sntl for 1i:indliiig air nnd gases clinrgcd with dust or grit. Tlus design of fan is without cqiid, being of csccptionnlly heavy coil- structiou, the I)ladcs on tlic impeller or runner, nnd the scgnicnts forming the scroll of the cnsing h i n g tlesigncd to run for long periods r ind rcplnccitblc n t low cost. Spccinl fncilitics arc provided for quickly clinngiug thc impeller, scroll scgnicnts nnd bearing nsscnibly. The fiiii need never bc out of cotiiniissioii for morc tliriii 1 lioiir i t t nny tiinc.

Tho British Remi Disiiikyrri/ors. (Fitted with piicumitic convc~ying system.)-A new rnngc of dis- intcgriitors hns been dcvcloped for crushing, grnnulnt- ing, or pulveriziiig soft, rind nictliuni hard substniiccs. Tlircc different types ;ire nvitiltihle, with nlternntivc nrr:tiigcrncnts of grinding clctnents en:ibling the niost suitnblc plnnt to bc ofYcred for denling with nny of the nuincrous innterinls for ivhicli this typc of ni:icltinc niny be used. The 1t.A. rl'ypc tlisiiitcgrntor is suitnblc for tliosc ttpplicntions wlicrc it is ncccssnry to open up the niitcliinc quickly for clenning, such ns wlic~i grinding rclntivcly snitill btitcltcs of different mnterinls. Tlic S.D. Type is tlic stiindurd nincliinc for. con- tinuous production of one iiliiterinl or wlicrc frcqueiit, clcrrning out is not cnllcd for. Tlic Combinution Type is u niricliinc wliich cruslies nnd pulvcrizcs i n one openition, i i t i t l is pnrticul;trly vnlunblc wlicrc space is liniitcd or considcnttions of first cost of prininry iniportniicc, tint1 \vlterc i t is desirnble to pulrerize nintcriiil direct from lunips to powder i n n singlc niiicliiiie.

British Re)tici f ' i i t ~ d Disc i~lill.-~Vheii producing finc or supcrfinc poivdcrs, the lowest power consurnp- tion and ltiglicst outputs arc only obtninablc from grinding mills fitted with clnssificrs. Thcrc arc ninny applicntions, Iio\vevcr, where output nnd power consumption itrc of sccontlary iniportitncc, simplicity of construction iiiid fiicilitics for thorough clentiing beittg tlie ninin coiisitlerittions.

This itpplics piirticiilitrly to tlic grinditig of colotirs, dyes, ccrtnin eheniicitls, etc. wliich arc usually ground in sin:tll quitntitics or I)iItchcs, nccessitrrtiag tho initcliinc being tliorougltly clciitictl ctftcr cnch hatch of inntcrial is ground.

In other instnnces, sucli its wlien grinding matcrinls IictlJlc to c:ttcli fire or soften (luring grinding, for csitmplc, sulphur, sugtir, rcsiti, p ins , COCOIL, griiuio- pbonc records, etc., it is cssentuil t l int tlic matcrial p:isscs tlirougli tlic grinding niill quickly, nnd tha t thcrc is only 11 niiuiinuni of iuotcrid iu thc machine lit uiiy institiit.

CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENT CO., LTD. 45, Grorvenor Place, London, S.W.1

Stand Nos. Ca. 821 and 720 This well-known coinpiny is tlcvoting its sttilid thia

ycar cxclusivcly to tcnipcritturc incrisiiriiig and othcr industrid instruiiicnts, pticti lnrly npplicuble to power Htation rcqiiirctiients. A centnil fenturc of tho atniid will bc u pitiicl of flusli tnouiitetl iiistrumcnts containing csnniplcs of p e t iciilly every type of indirritor wid rccortlcr used i i i II po\ver Iiousc.

Page 6: Birmingham section—castle bromwich Birmingham



I . V i c t o r e l e c t r i c a l l y heated' Air Oven wi th controlled temperature.

2. Towers Guaranteed Gradu-

3. Towers Extraction Apparatus wi th interchangeable ground joints.

4. Towers Electrical Extraction heater and stand,

5. Victor Model 50 Analytical Balance.

6. '' Towers Tested " Analytical Reagents.

7. Towers Pure Acids. 8. Towers Laboratory Benches.



1 1 1 1 1 1 \ Have been manufactured in annually increasing quantities for upwards of fifty years and their use in Laboratories

. and Works continues t o distend. They give a speedy and brilliant f i l ter and are made in White, Grey, Plain, Antique Crinkled and Embossed p p e r and in all sizes in Squares, Circles and 1 ' Folded fi lters. Rolls are

\ supplied t o order . . . . . . i Postlip Filterings are

stocked by all the leading \ Wholesale Laboratory \ Dealers.

' 1

1 F R E E ! \ We wi l l gladly send

\ free sampler of Post- Ilp Filter papers for tests on receipt of a postcard.





Page 7: Birmingham section—castle bromwich Birmingham

Supplement l o ' *Journal of thc Society of Chemical Industry." Iq'cb. 14, I IWII s 90 RItITISH INDUSTRWS [?All{ SUl'l'ldSAIEN'I' - ___--

Aniong tlic otlicr instruniciits sho\vn spcciiil atten- tion is tlni\vii to tlic series of tiutonitit.ic tcinpcratture controllcrs. Thcsc include csnniplcs of motor-driven intlicntiiig coiitrollcrs \vitli kiiifc-edge eont,rol, and recording potentioiiic:tric cont.rollcrs ciipiiblc of miking or 1)renkiiig :i current of 10 :tnipcrcs (or i f desired, tip to 30 riiiipcres) iit 250 volts, t,lic ~ircuracy of control being \vit.hin 0.1% of tlic fiill-sc:ilc rciitlillg.

A new design of potciitionictric controller is of spcciiil interest. I t is a dcvelopnicntT of tlic ivell- known Cnmbridgc potcntionict,ric coiitrollcr irhiclt hiis been s~ip~~liccl for Iniiliy y c : t ~ for controlling thc trnipcriiturc of fiirnnccs of it11 kinds. "tic cliicf iinprovcincnts arc n simplified design of niechanisin rind t,he provision of n circular cnsc wliicli is sit,trnctivc in nppcnrancc, nntl is ;idiil)t~il)l~ citlicr for all or flush mounting 011 n pnncl. Thc instriinicnt works on t.lic potcnt,ionict,ric principle, tlic: ~ i i l i b ~ i i t ~ t l did, on whicli t,lie point of tcnipcraturc control is set,, being nttnchcd to the slidc~virc of t h potcntionictritr circuit. \\'hen tlic tcni~~crtiturc, vnries from thr " sct ' * position, t,lic clcflectioii of tlic pointcr is c:iusctl 11.y n clioppcr iind nssocintcd nicclii~nisni to opcnite :I nicrcury s\vitcli c:ontrolling tlic supply of' heat.. The nieclirinisni is rolmst,, ~ l c ~ ~ c n ~ l ~ t l ~ l e , ii nt l gives urcuriitc control.

The inst.runicnt is not tlcsignetl for usc iis ii teni- pcratme intliciitor, hit if dcsirctl, tlic uct.uiil tcnipcrii- tiirc of tlic fiirniicc on wliicli it is inst~rillccl cnn I)e accurntcly fonnd by rotiiting tlic ~itlibrritetl dial until the grilviinonictcr pointer is centml, ix., coincitlcnt. with t.lic zero linc, wlicn tlic tcinpcratiire ciin he wiid off on tlic did. 'l'h instrunieiit, is coniplctcly self-contninctl, the driviig niotor, dry ccll, iintl stitudtirtl cell for st.:iiidiirtlizing t,lic potciit~ionieter circuit., being cnclosctl within the ciisc.

A iiew design of siniplc i111t1 sclt-cont;iinctl giis regulutor, for insertion into t,lic pipe linc of gas- Iiciited ovens &:., is nlno sho~vn, togcthcr wit,li csnniplcs of o t . h forms of C'rinil)ritlgc Autoniritic

Onc of tlic cliicf cs1iil)it.s in the teinperitturc- incasuring sect,ion is i i new form of Tlirentl liccortlcr (Model A), which niiiy be eniploycd wit,li tlicrnio- couples, clcctriciil distnnoc thcr~noineters, Pcry rridiation pyronietcrs, or clcctriciil CO, meters. Tliis is made in two sizes, cniploying rcspcct,ively n single nnd a doublc gnlvonoinctcr movcmcnt. Tlic single gslriinonicter instriinicnt can bc fittctl \vith two or t h x di~crcrciitly-colourcd t h r c d s which tire brought in t,urn untlcr thc gulrcinonict.cr pointer, tho luttcr heing, in thc well-known iniiniier, ?cprcssccI rit rcgulnr intervals 11y clockwork niccIi~inis~n, pressing tlic tlirentl OH t he clinrt, i ind niiiking 11 tcnipcrature rccord i n tlic form of closely-spaced dots. I3y iiicaiis of tlic t . w - or tlircc-colour tlircnds, rccorrls ii i clill'crcnt. colours from t,wo or tlircc tlierinocouplcs lire ol~tiiinctl on t.hc onc chicrt. l'hc cliiirts Iirivc t.111: iiscful \vitlt,li of 5 in., eniibliiig o p w , clciir rccortls to be obtiiinetl. Tlic tloublc recortlcr is Jitt,ctl witli two indcpcntlcnt, gcilvano~nctcr Hystcnis s i t l ~ hy side in thc one cnsc, giving, in nfisocirit,ion with tlic two- or t,lireo-eolour tlireiitl ~~icchtinisrii, rip to six siiiiultnneoiis rccords, on two r;cptriitc ~ I~ i t r t s , i ! d i 5 i l l . witlc.

l~cgulnt 01's.

Otlicr intcresbing instrrrrncnts lire typical cxnniples. of tlic wide range of Crtni1)ridgc Surfucc Pyroiiictcrs. for dctcrinining surfiicc tcnipernturcs in n wide. viiricty of nppliciit,ions.


Stand No. 0.405 I .C . I . D I.: G 11 I.: A S IS t : P I,'t ST

Tlie trciitinciit of inctnl parts for t,hc rcinovd of oil, grciisc, or s tud is an operation which enters into ninny br;inclics of industry froin the cleaning of motor-car parts before repiiir to the Impnratiori of i i clic~nicrilly clenn surface prior to plnting or riist- proofing processes. I.C.I. dcgrcasing plants arc used for rcnioving oil, grensc, s\viirf, or polishing COIII- pounds froin nictal pnrts prior to overlaying, enitmcl- ling, ccllulosc spreading, clectro-plating, lacquering, sand bliisting, bondcrieing, prirkerizing, rust-proofing, etc. Trichlorct,liylenc is eniployed ns tlic solvent, iind the only other requirements arc 11 Iieiiting tlevicc, supplies of cold water and connexion tr, IL water ctrnhi. The plniits have proved their valuc i n iiiany t,radcs, encli extension of use being inct with adjustnient.s iinil iiiiprovements in design. On the stand there will be shown working niodelrr of dill'creiit t , y p sclcctcd froni tlic present rwge of stirtioiiary and continuouH plants with it hick-. ground of typicnlly dcgrcnscti articles.

C!ASE-HARDENINQ The Cnsucl nictliod of clrse-hrirtfcning differs froill.

puck htirdening in that instead of cniploying a cornpound in the solid stiitc :is tlic ineiins of introtluc- ing ciirbon, i t IISCS a case-lic~rdcning ngcnt in tlie inoltcn state. On the I.C.I. stnntl this yciir tlicre will I)c sliowii tlirec furnaces working on case- Iicirdeniiig, iiicluding itu oil-fired firrri:icc for light cases iind i i " Itapitleel) " furnricx, giis fired--this bcing it coinpiiratively rcccnt int,rotluction for ohtailling n deep cont with riipitlity. *' Rnpidccp " is used wit,Ii thc orcliniiry ciisc-tinrtlcning britli, but tlic ciisc tlcpths obtniactl, 1)csitles being dccpcr tlinn thosc conferred by n cynriidc bntli,.linvc tlic advnntrige of being glass hard for over half tlicir depth ns coiiip~ired with it thirtl in cytinitlc, so t l in t grinding iillowriiiccs iirc grcntcr. \\'Iicrc distortion is nbso- liitcly ~ ~ n ~ i v o i ~ l ~ t b l c , the " Rapidcop " n~ct~hotl is partici~lurly ~ui tu l~ lc .

A Iiew introductioii will I N i i n ole~~ricirIIy-l~cet~tt furiiiicc \vit.Ii n cnrl)oncutrd bittli. This will be of grcat viiluc for the liiirtlcning of high-speed steels. (SIT iidv~rt.., front cover.)

I.C.I. (METALS), LTD. Stand Nos. 0.503 and 0.402

I .C. I . (AIctiiIs), Ihl . , lirtvc rccciitly iicqaircd the ~~iii~iiifiictiiriii~ rights of " l ~ ~ ~ c r c l ~ ~ r , " 11 copper- iiiniigiiit'sc-silicoii nlloy wIiic:l~ liiis iiict with grcnt SIICC~SS i n the 'Uliitctl Stiitcs of Aincricii, i int l t h y will IN sliowing this for thc first tiiiic tit tho British Indust,rics Fiiir. I t ix tioil-corrosiw tind iiliiiost+ tis st.rong 11s stt!c!l. 'I'hc tlisl)lriy will sliow tlic dillbrciit fornis in w l i i t ~ l i it is sold.

Page 8: Birmingham section—castle bromwich Birmingham




LATEST FILTER AID FIL~J i I~ -GUIIR cnri be usrd srrcces.~rilly i n airy type offilter for clarity of

jiltrrition i f sugar sulutions, J h i t juices, trurnish, lacquer, glrrcosr, shrllac, or my othrr liquid.

Spcciril/y prrpcirrd to give the fastest rala rfJuw and cleurcst jiltrate. Addition if quits a small quantity of the specially prcpnrcd Kicsrlguhr will cfect a considerablo increrrsc in thc

F I L ~ ' l ~ i ~ - G U l i 1 ~ will f o r m ti porous crikc agairrst the cluth which tuill nbsurb ull s t ~ p c output of prcsscs.

n~piiritirs. Filtrr-Gnhr is quite inert and does not in ony way alter the rhoractcr if thr

1 ndcd liquid.


- s ~ + - & ~ e - q ~ t - Samples and full particulars will be gladly sent on request. I

Personal attention and promptitude in dispatch are features ................................ of our service ................................

S . H E I M L I M I T E D lower House, 40, Trinity Square, London, E.C.3.

Phone: ROYAL 3659 and 4042 Tele;ramr : HEIMANFAC. FEN



~ & h u u e d A r r c l e t A i b CNRCCL ieeua- l i d ! which gives a selection from our wide range of manufac- tures. HathernwareChemical Stoneware has roved to be thesolutionofmanyindustrialcorrosion probrems. Wri te for your copy without delay and send your enquiries to

~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIHATH ERN WARE LT D * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - c (fornicrly: Hathern Station Brick 1 Tcrra Cotta Co. Ltd.)

n r n r P r I h i I P I 1nnnn1 I P U C L I P I A L I ~

Page 9: Birmingham section—castle bromwich Birmingham

Supplement /o “Journol o j the Society 01 Chemicol Industry.” IU. 1 4 , 10311


Tlic iiiiiiii products of I.C.I. iMctnls arc sheet, strip, rods, tubes, plntcs, i i i id wire. Hot rolled sheet will be shown nnd cold rolled nintcrinl such ns is supplied for thc @mcrnl pressings iind smiillwiirc tmtlc. Rod of all kit&-hot stituiping, free turning, etc.-is mndc for light :ind Iiciivy gciicriil ciigiiiccring pur- poses, tind ccrtitiii shul)cs arc fiiiding iucreasiiigly ixnportiint npplicntions in nrcliitccturc. Tubes range from lab in. diiunetcr down to tlic smallest copper piping used for oil :ind petrol feeding. Coiidcnser tubes of nll kinds will he showti, iticluding cupro- nickel tubes as supplied to the “ Qiiecn Mnry ” ; housing tubes in copper ; boiler tulles nnd pipes, ctc. There will nlso bc wire of till qualities mid in all alloys, including copper wire for clcctricnl purposes and rivet muking, brass wirc for rivets, pins, screw, heading, ctc.

Alnssive copper fircbos plntes ns supplied to t,hc I ‘ Silvcr Link,” Hoynl Scot ” nnd otlier locomotives will forin itiiotlicr cshi1)it niid i i displriy of Kuninl copper iuid Imss alloys in various forms will iticlude interesting tools i n Iiuiiinl brass possessing 11on- spnrkiiig quiilities i int l Iirirdcr tlmi those usuiilly madc in tion-ferrous alloys. There will be ir demon- stration of tlic nsscinbly of thc piitciited Ihoduit ” copper conduit systciii \vhich ciiibodics pressed copper fittiiigs, showing tlic cnsc of jointing itssncintttl with this system. (Src itdrcrt., 1). .)

JOHNSON, MATTHEY & .CO., LTD. 73-82, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.1

Stand No. 0.711 Gold, silver, niid platinum will be sliown in vnrious

forms and nlloys prel)iircd for iipplicutio~i to indus- trinl purposes. The platinum csliibit will include a range of crucibles, dishes, electrodes, n1id otlicr

gauze for use in t,he ~iiiinufncturc of nitric and sulphuric ncid.

During tliu pnst ycur or so considcrnblc progress has bccn mode by tliis coinpiiiiy in the crolutioii of n series of brazing alloys coiituiiiiiig silver und tlicir application to IL \variety of purposes \vlicre other jointing alloys hnvc gi\wi little or 110 sutisfiiction. There will be o. dcmonstnhoii OIL tShc striiitl of brnziiig with tlicsc new nlloys, piirtiedarly 011 I J ~ ~ I S S , bronze, copper, und stainless steel.

Contncts of fine silver, plut.inum, iridio-platinum, gold-sil\w, nntl other nlloys will I)c clisplnycd with iiotcs regarding their viirious npplicatioiis for wireless, switchgeiir, Iiingncto i t l i d otlicr electricti1 purposes.

Tlicrc will be U I I cslli1)it of h c silver pliiiit siicli as is used in the vjuegnr, coiifcct,ioiiery, riiid csscntinl oil industries, togc thr with an csllilit of gold niitl d v c r modes iind cyuiiidc plating ~ i i l t s .

Vnrioas chctnicnl prodricts of the Johi isn~i , Mntthcy orgniiiziitioii will bo sl~owii, chief iii~ioiig which Ixiug silvcr iiitriitc t i n t 1 ciidiiiiuiu tii~ll~hide.

Stuinless steel gnuzc ig fiiidiiig iucrcnsiiig (loinand in industry for sieviaR, screening, filtering, iintl straining ptirposcs, t i n t 1 11 sn~idl cshibit of this miitcrinl will illustrirtc tliiit it is iiow possible to protlucc

apparatus for hiborntory use, togctlicr with pl. ‘1 t‘ 11111111

gauze of 200 incsh woveii with cxtrciiic iiccurticy. (See advert.., p. xis.)

MELDR U MS, LTD. Timperley, near Manchester

Stand Nos. D.325 and D.224 1fe.ssr.s. llcldrums, Ltd., Timpcrlcy, iirc again

showing tlicir world-fanious itieclianicnl stoker. The model exhibited is tho cokhig type of stoker for ti Liinciisllirc boiler fitted with sclf-clenning grntc, of their b o s h r ttypc. I t is i~rrriiigctl for iinturiil drnught, but it is rciidily iitlnptii1)lc for forced driiugllt by iiicuiis of steiiui jets or fiw. !i’lic stoker is suit.nblc for ccono~nic t ,yp IJoilcrs, atid ii ticw t3yp of bull- 1)cnring gciirhos is cinployctl, i i rr i~~~gcd so iis to clcnr the clenning doors of the siiiokcbos of tliis typc of boiler. Tliis typc of stoker eiisurcs siiiokclcss niitl gritlcss coinbust.ion. A fciiturc of tlic iiiiicliiiic is nn n1)solutcly iitiiqtic double \\.i~llcil or Iiollow front. Air is circuliitetl tliroitgh t.lic ciivity for cooling purposes, itild iilso 1)rovidcs t,lic sccoiitlnry air for sinokclcss combust-ion.

A sprinkling t.ypu of stoker is ills0 ~ i ~ i i d c for tinturd, intlucctl, or forced driiuglit by stciiin jct.s or fan. This type iilny hnvc tlic fisctl griitc, Iiiind-rocking grntc, or self-clcnnilig grntc ns tlwcril)cd iiI)o\w, according to the fttcl to bc used.

Tlic Ilniitl-fired forced-ilmuglit furtirice for it11 types of stenm Iwilcrs, coppers, stills, rc-licntiiig ~ I I ~ I I ~ I C C S , is nlso shown, niitl also a snmple of tlic firiiiJs hmd- rocking grates. d working csliilit of tlic * ’ Aleltlruin ” Forced Ihug l i t Purltiice ciiii be sccti 0 1 1 the Cocl~m~i Boiler supplying stciiiii t o tlic 1Ssliibition.

The very lnrgc rriiigc of the stitnllcr iiicincrutors inilnltfiict\trcd by Jlcssru. Meldrunis, Ltd. is repre- sented by their Xo. ?A size. A \\‘itter llciitcr i Iicorporntcd in thc cliintney is sl lo\v~i 011 tlic! stii~itl. A large iiicincrirtor is iiistiillctl in thc Es1til)itiou Grounds disposing of tlie viist (itinntities of geiicriil refuse nnturnl nt ii krgc cshihition.

A. new typc of dust itiitf s1)iirk collector for I)oilcrrj iiiid inciiicriitors is csliiliitcd. Tlic tlrist ctc. is iiutolnnticiilly discliargcd iiito n closed cotitiiincr,

The \vcll-kllo\w ‘ I Jlcldroln ” iwicl-rcsistiitg Ilictiil cheiiiiciil pliuit is rilso rel)rescutctl by vitrioos sizes nnd types of cocks nncl v n l \ w , cciit,rit‘ugi~l piiitip, p i p liiic, tank, nlso stciini jet i tppi ir i~t .~is . (Sec iidvert.,

R l l t l t l l C gases freed fro111 dust I’i1SS 011 up tl1c sttick.

1). 8 3.1.)

THE STAVELEY COAL & IRON CO., LTD. Near Chesterfield

Stand Nos, B.613 and 6.512 r , I h i : f‘ollowittg i i r c ittttong thcl csllibit.s of t,llis

l!urll~”lll?’ : C’urd.--Sliowing t h \~nrious griitlcs for itidust~rial,

I~ouscl~oltl , uiid gits-iniikiiig p~irposes, / ’~~ -Z~~~ i . -S i t~ t i~~Ies of vririous griitlcs produced ;

nlso a aerieti of frautiim of tlic difii!rcnt griidcs. S~r )d X p i t Pi~m-4-iii. to 24-iii. tliiweter, 16-ft.

Icngtlis supplied wit11 socket rincl spigot joints, tunled iiiid 1)orcd joints, Stnvclcy flcxililc joiitts. Stavoley

Page 10: Birmingham section—castle bromwich Birmingham

Supplement to "journal of the Society 01 Chemicol Industry." MI. I I, i n m J%ltl'l'lSH LNDUSTHIES FAIlC SUl'I?LEI\IEWY s 33

lllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 llllllllllllll

I N D U S T R I A L F L 0 0 R I W G WORK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - Process tanks by special con- struction methods for most industries - Bulk Storage of - Acids - Acid-proof Flooring (several types) for all industries - Chimney Linings - Acid- proof Cement and Concrete work (Wor ld Patents) Acid Rubber Linings.

Free advice given on any Acid- proofing problem by our Tech- nical Staff - fully equipped Laboratory for tests and experi- ments.

EFRACTORY. "Kestner R Cement and Concrete." An air setting relractory-unique, simple t o use and extremely uselul. Rock hard In 48 hours alter settin): o r casting.

L A T ROOFING. Prodor Prodorite acid-proof tanks instolled a t the works of a well-known Non-Ferrous Metol company. F system o f f l a t roofing -insulating

-Sound Deadening-Wear Resisting. O u r flat roofing system i s a great advance on usual practice - dilfercncc in temperature between lace and back recorded up t o 3S"F.

AINTS. Detel coatings--Acid and alkali p r o o l and Prodorlac the anti-sulphuric

P R O D O R I T E - = - - - - - L I M I T E D - - - - - - - - - - EAGLE WORKS

WEDNESBURY - - - - - P Black.

Detailed schemes for all Indus- t r ia l Flooring problems (Acid and Non-acid). Full range of special surfaces Non-dusting - Non-slip-Hard Wearing- Oil-proof- h i d in situ. Range of machine-ground Tiles in colours for decorative schemes. Range o f special pressed Tiles fo r industrial hard-wearing service, including steel-faced Tiles. Drawings and Estimates free.







Page 11: Birmingham section—castle bromwich Birmingham

8:incl Spun l'ipes arc centrifiigally ciist in sand- lined iiioulds, are free from all internal strains, and mithstmd shock to :i remarkable degree.

Vertically Cast Pips.--l)iamcter, 13 in. iind u ~ ) ~ u r d s , in g-ft. and 12-ft. Icngtlis, supplied with socket a i d spigot joints, turned and borcil joints, fliinged joints, and Starcley flexible joints.

Both Sand Spun (Ciist Iron) Pipes and Vertically Cast Pipes call be supplied concrete lined to required specificntioii. I<sniiq~lcs of concrete-lined pipes :ire SllO\VIl.

Stat.eley Plelciblc Joitits.--Uotli bolted type niitl clninp tyl!e. Tlicsc joints permit So leakproof inovenient 111 m y dircctioii rind are easily and quickly laid by uuskilled labour. The only tool required is II spanner or Imnnicr, respectively, according to the typc of joint.

Staveley liirred Slug for road ~naking :uid road surfacing, prepared from Sta\.elcy specially-hardened

Sta6ita.-A sciciitific:illy-blended inirture of high- grirde coke-oven refined tar with bitumen. For road spraying and for coating stones or slag for road ninking.

slug Rlld refilled tar.

Il'ood I~'ooZ.--For all packing purposes. Suwdr!l Chemiccils r i i d By-Products.-(See atlvert.,

1). S 1 7 . )

HENRY WlGGlN & CO., LTD. Thamss House, Millbank, London, S.W.I.

Stand Nos. D.413 and 0.314 :\ Inrgc part of the st:rntl of l - h r y Wiggin tk Co.,

Ltd. is to be tlcvotcrl to :L iiiotlel liitcheii wliicli will serve to illiistr:ite cffect.ivcly the ~iirprising ~iuinI)er of :ipplieatioiis of this firm's products wliicli cn11 be usefully einployed in t,liis iiiiport,aiit depart- ment of the home. The nickel-copper alloy, Bloiicl JIct:il, is wcll rcprescntcd in this sectioii by one of tdic well-known Moiiel Blct:il silks, :i " Vono " kitchen table with a Jloiicl Bletiil top, 11 " Beiitty " electric clotlics wnslier, tlic t,uh of whicli is of Moiicl 31ctn1, nnd thc new l ~ I ~ ~ r r ~ - J I o ~ ~ e l pas-lieatctl wntcr Ilenter.

The " ROVO " electric cooker :ind the " Flcctn " electric f i e in this section incorpor:rtc tlic well-knowa 80/20 nickel-chromiuin 13riglitriiy lievistanee Mntcriiil iintl the " Preiiiicr " clcct,rio toaster also employs Wiggin Iieiiting elcnients. Pure iiickel cooking iitcnsils by Elkington caniplcte this interesting clispliiy. 'Illie rcniainder of the staiitl is occupied by various cshibit~s r ~ l i i t , i ~ ~ g to :I fcw chosen iiitlustrics, particularly those i i i which resistance to corrosion, clc:uiliness, iintl Irigli iiiccliniiical properties iirc rcqiiired.


I, ut29 M E L D R U M S p d I,




I F Y O U USE STEAM b b b b b b



You should use MELDRUM METAL pumps, pans, cocks and valves, pipes and steam jet elevators, resistant to Sulphuric, Nitric, Acetic and Hydrochloric Acids.

Make use of i t in a Meldrum Destructor with a heater or boiler.

Your boiler should be fired by Meldrum Mechanical Stokers or Furnaces-more steam-cheaper fuel -no smoke.

'?)#PERLEY, MANCHESTER 'Phone : SALe 2267.

L O N D O N : 108, Victoria St., S.W.I.