Bird House - English Finals

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  • 8/2/2019 Bird House - English Finals


    Lawrence Jiang, Angie Digneo, Cynthia Tom Mr. Hereford

    7th Period, English 1 12/13/11

    Bird House

    The large chickens hastily turned their heads right and then left, and then right again, with their saggy

    necks slowly flopping from side to side. The cardinals flew with great speed from the forest which was

    now black from the smoke and coated with a layer of ash. They were the last to escape because theyinsisted on grabbing every last remnant of the thriving society they had once created. None were

    salvaged. The eagles paced back and forth, wings crossed, trying to think of a solution. They tried to

    think of anything, but their minds were blank. Often they would become frustrated, cursing at how stupidthey were, but that would never seem to spark any thoughts either. The peacocks stood beside a small

    puddle of water admiring their beauty and dishonestly complementing one another. For the owls, they

    were nowhere to be found.

    In the days that followed, the birds began to survey the land that had not burned. They finished rather

    quickly. Only a few trees remained of the thousands that had once stood in the forest. They had vanished.

    Their homes were now dust, blowing through the air and lying on the ground under their feet. The birdsstopped and stared at the ruins. A few of the cardinals began to cry. The eagles were not sad, but angry,

    for even the most stupid animals knew who had destroyed their home. Bruce, one of the strongest of the

    eagles, angrily ran from the group with closed fists to a remaining tree and punched it as hard as hepossibly could. There was a loud shriek and all of the birds quivered, dropping to their knees with wings

    over ears, at the sight of the owls falling to the ground.

    The smartest of the cardinals, Bart, decided to schedule a meeting. He addressed the crowd of birds with

    a loud, intimidating voice that the birds had never heard from a cardinal before, for cardinals were always

    quiet, but whenever they did speak, they were always words of wisdom. We perch here in this tree that

    is not our own. We are confined in here because of those humans, those cowards destroyed our home andeverything we have worked so hard for. They are savages my comrades! Do you know why they did all

    this? Jealousy! They thought we would be a pushover. But NO!We were forced to follow them, but as we

    followed, we learned. Us cardinals have been studying their technology since they first imprisoned us.We may not know as much as they do, but we have the ability to do something amazing, only something

    us birds can do. Fly. We own the sky. It's is time to use this to our advantage my fellow brothers and

    sisters! We can and will not stand for this anymore. It's time to fight back. We will find a new home andgrow into an even greater society than we had once been!

    The crowd was still not convinced. A brave bird decided to give his opinion, But what can we do. Wehave nothing. Everything was burned down in that fire.

    We, my friend, have brotherhood. Look at those pitiful humans, always warring with each other. They

    are the only species on Earth that fights amongst each other. Alone, we are useless, but together, we areunstoppable! The crowd jumped and cheered. We can do this! the crowd screamed in unison.

    Work began immediately, as everybody was motivated to overthrow the humans. Bart was the leader.First we must build a headquarters. The birds came across a large tree in the forest. It was perfect. It

    was the tallest tree around, They were able to see everything. They agreed that this tree would be HQ,

    and it was named Bird House. Second, we need spies. Those were the owls. They were always the mostactive at night, and that was the best time to infiltrate the humans. Next, we need a work force. That

    was the perfect job for the eagles. They weren't gifted with a large brain, but their strength made up for it.

    Finally, we need leaders. It was agreed that the cardinals would take that role. They had no physical

  • 8/2/2019 Bird House - English Finals


    abilities, but had enough brains to be the masterminds behind the operation.

    In the days that followed, everything worked out as planned. The owls brought back valuable info. The

    eagles did everything that the cardinals told them to do. Weapons were made, their defense wasstrengthened. Although the peacocks weren't assigned anything in the beginning, they provided

    entertainment to increase the population's morale. The cardinals made an amazing discovery. It was brand

    new and had no idea of it's power, but they decided to name it dynamite. They predicted that it wouldcreate a small explosion, not enough to start a fire, but enough to do some damage. They also cardinals

    planned day and night. Trying to work something out with all of the info that the owls gave them,

    determining whether or not our weapons were good enough to defeat the humans. In the end, a plan wasformed. The owls would start a fire at night on the other side of the town. This would attract their

    attention and force them to concentrate on that specific area. This was the perfect time for the attack. All

    of their attention would be concentrated in one specific spot, leaving all other areas vulnerable. Then theeagles would attack with their new advanced technology, dynamite. They would fly over town and drop

    hundreds of sticks of dynamite, completely ruining the city. The humans would then be forced to


    The day finally came to start the warfare, to do to the humans what they did to us, but it went terribly

    wrong. The owls did their job perfectly. A fire was started and the humans attention diverted, but the

    cardinals' calculations were off. The dynamite did not just make a small explosion, it was ginormous. Thecity was completely leveled. Nothing remained of the humans. No bodies were left over from the

    massacre. There was rubble everywhere. It looked like a black desert from all the ash that was left from

    the fire.

    Everyone felt sorry for the humans. Everyone but the cardinals. They were too fascinated at how

    powerful their weapon was. Do you know what we could do with this? The world could be ours!

    exclaimed Bart.

    But Bruce, who wasn't so bright, still knew between right and wrong, No, we cannot do this. Do you

    know what we've just done. We've completely killed off an entire species!

    You should be happy, Bart said defensively, they got what they deserved. Don't forget what they've

    done to us.

    What the humans did was wrong, but that was in the past. We never wanted this to happen, we just

    wanted to be equal to the humans. Bruce retorted. Bart stormed away with an indignant on his face.

    How can they say this, they should be grateful. Bart thought to himself, Those stupid birds are never

    grateful for what we cardinals do.

    Just forget about it, Bruce was just mad that we got different results than expected. He'll calm down

    eventually. said a fellow eagle. But Bart never forgot. He promised to get the birds back for taking him

    for granted.

    Bird House became a thriving society, but as time went by, Bart and the cardinals did no work. They

    began to abuse their power. They forced other birds to work even longer hours and gave them littlefreedom over deciding the future of Bird House. The cardinals were becoming dicators. The eagles and

    the peacocks wanted to stop working. They decided to plan a secret meeting.

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    Bruce who had a lot on his mind, decided to share. Who do the cardinals think they are. Just because

    they were in charge of getting rid of the humans for equality, they can't just act like kings. Even with the

    humans gone, we're still not equal. The cardinals treat us how the humans treated us before. If we want

    equality, we need the cardinals out. Everyone agreed and started plotting on how to get rid of thecardinals. While they were doing this, the owls were still asleep, but when they woke up, they joined the

    revolution as well. The eagles wanted to work less hours and the peacocks wanted more time to stare at

    their reflections. They decided to be in charge together as the peagles.

    The peagles looked for the perfect opportunity to overthrow the cardinals. They planned to push the

    cardinal bird house off the tree branch while the cardinals slept with the help of the owls. The owls weresupposed to help, but they didn't like the idea of killing more lives. The peagles waited until every

    cardinal was asleep, then, they began to move the treehouse. Slowly, beak by beak, the birds pushed the

    cardinal treehouse off the branch. Plop! The eagles and peacocks looked down with a satisfied look ontheir face. Life was going to be good now.

    After the cardinals were gone, the owls were gone forever. They wanted to leave before things got

    chaotic. They knew what was to come, and decided that Bird House would never work out. Without theowls, all was left at Bird House were the peacocks and the eagles. Under peagle rule, Bird House was a

    mess. The peacocks and the eagles constantly fought over which bird should rule. Warfare was never-


    The owls came back a few years later to visit, but Bird House was gone. The HQ was nowhere to be

    found. They looked and looked, but they finally realized what had happened when they found a stumpwith a pile of ash. It turned out that what helped them achieve their goals, had also led to their demise.