Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic

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  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    MUHAMAD AZRUL 0810314158CHARAN PAL SINGH 0810314156


  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Name : Sari Bulan Gender : Female Age ` : 29 years old. Marital status : single Address : koto Napan, Sumut Occupation and School : Secondary school,

    not working Religion : Islam Citizen : Indonesian Race : Minangkabau

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    A 29 year old female patient was admitted to RSJHB Saanin emergency department on April 26th,2013 and escorted by her brother. This patient

    presented with signs such as anxiety, alwaysbeing angry without reason, always talking toherself without sense, laughs herself even whenthere is no one around, sometimes she becomes

    emotional when things doesnt go on her needs..She has delusion of greatness and thinks she is afamous artist. She has no problem in her eatinghabits. She threatened her family members with

    harsh words

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Internal Status

    General appearance : Compos Mentis

    Blood pressure : 110/70 mmHg

    Pulse rate : 86 x per minute

    Temperature : 36,5 C

    Cardiovascular system : No disorders found

    Digestive system : No disorder found

    Specific disorder : No disorder found

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Neurological Status

    GCS 15, pupil reflex positive, corneal reflex positive

    No meningeal signs, no signs of increased intracranial pressure

    Cranial nerves : No disorders found

    Motoric : Eutonus, Eutrophic, no disorder,

    Muscle strengthsuperior extremity 555/555,

    inferior extremity 555/555

    Sensibility : No disorder foundSpecific disorder : No disorder found

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic



    Was done on 20th May 2013

    Alloanamnesis obtained from patients brother:

    Name : Salam

    Age : 44 years

    Telephone :

    Work & Education : private company

    Relation with patient : brother

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic



    Main reason of HospitalizationThis patient presented with signs such as anxiety, always being angry without reason,

    always talking to herself without sense, laughs herself even when there is no one around,

    sometimes she becomes emotional when things doesnt go on her needs.. She has

    delusion of greatness and thinks she is an famous artist. She threatened her family

    members with harsh words

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Present complaint of Illness

    Patient classified as Healthy without any complaint

    1. History of IllnessYear 2006 (Month unidentified)

    Patient was frequently anxious; always get angry if her need doesnt go with her desire.Always goes out during the night, threaten her family members with harsh words and was

    brought to the RSJ HB Saanin and was admitted

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Year 2007-2012 (month unidentified)

    The patient was admitted regularly to the hospital for the same complaints She was

    brought to RSJ HB Saanin and was warded there. She has been in and out of the hospital

    for the past 6 years with the same complaints

    Year 2013 (April till Present)

    Patient does not want to take regular medications, laughs without any reason, she has

    delusions of greatness as if she is a famous celebrity. The patient likes shopping. The patients

    also thinks she has graduated from university and obtained a degree.

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    3. Premorbid History

    Infant : born spontaneously, birth wasassisted by midwife, no history of jaundice,

    cyanosis, or seizure.

    Childhood : growth and development suitablefor her age.

    Adolescence: polite, had a lot of friends, easilymake new friends and outgoing person

    Adult : have a lot of friends

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    4. Educational Background

    Primary School : completed primary school

    Secondary school : completed secondaryschool

    5. Work history

    Patient has no working history

    6. Socioeconomical status

    Lives with her elder brother in a permanenthouse, good electricity and water resources,with a color TV and motor vehicles.

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    1. Family History

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Graphic of illness course



    2006 20112007 2008 20092013

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Summary of Phsyciatric Examination

    I. General Appearance

    Counciousness : compos mentis

    Attitude : cooperative

    Motoric : active

    Facial expression : good

    Verbalization : can talk, clearly and fluently

    Physic contact : can be done, appropriate, long enough

    Attention : present

    Initiative : present

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    II. Specific Condition

    A. Affective

    1.Affective condition : hypertym2. Emotional :

    a. Stability : stable

    b. Control : controlled c. Echt/unecht : echt

    d. Einfulung : inadequate

    e. Deep/shallow : shallow

    f. Differentiation scale : narrow g. Emotional flow : slow

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    B. Intellectual condition of function

    a. Memory : enough

    b. Concentration : enough

    c. Orientation : time orientationgood, special and persons orientation good

    d. Knowledge : undetermined

    e. Discriminative insight : not disturbed f. Intelligence prediction : average

    g. Discriminative judgment : notdisturbed

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    C. Sensation and perception abnormalities

    1. Illusion : none

    2. Hallucination :

    Acoustic : none

    Visual : none

    Olfactory: none

    Tactile : none Gustatory: none

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    D. Thought process condition

    1. Speed of thought process :clear andappropriate

    2. Quality of thought process:

    a. Clear and sharp :clear and sharp

    b. Incoherent : none

    c. Sperrung : none d. Hemmung : none

    e. Flight of ideas : present

    f. Verbigeration : none

    g. Preservation : none

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    3. Thought condition a. Central pattern : none b. Phobia : none c. Obsession : none d. Delusion : none e. Suspicion : none f. Confabulation : none g. Repulsion : none h. Inferior feeling : none i. Much/little : little

    j. Feeling guilty : none k. Hypochondria : none l. Others : none

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    E. Instinctual drive and behaviorabnormalities a. Abulia : none

    b. Stupor : none c. Raptus/impulsivity : none d. Excitement state : none e. Sexual deviation : none f. Echopraxia : none g. Vagabondage : none h. Pyromania : none i. Mannerism : nonej. Others : none F. Over anxiety : none G. Reality testing ability : no disturbance

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic



    Axis 1. Clinical syndrome

    Patient does not want to take regularmedications, laughs without any reason, shehas delusions of greatness as if she is afamous celebrity. The patient likes shopping.The patients also thinks she has graduatedfrom university and obtained a degree.

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Phyciatric examination

    General condition: compos mentis,

    cooperative, less initiative, hyperactive,verbalization is clear and sharp,talkative,psychic contact good, appropriate, longenough.

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Specific condition :

    1.Affective condition: hyperthym, stable, echt,

    2.Intellectual condition of function: memorygood, good concentration, time orientation isgood, knowledge is difficult to evaluate,discriminative insight not disturbed,

    intelligence average, discriminative judgmentsnot disturbed.

    3.Sensation and perception abnormalities: noillusion ,no hallucination,

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    4.Thought process condition: fast, clear andsharp, circumstantial present, delusional,suspicious.

    5.Instinctual drive and behavior abnormalities :no disturbance

    6.Over anxiety : none

    7.Reality testing ability : nodisturbance in behavior, feeling and thinking

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Axis II. Personal disorder and mentalretardation disorder

    Personality disorder : none Mental disorder : none

    Axis III. General medic condition

    No history of head trauma , or malaria whichneeded hospitalization.

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Axis IV. Psychosocial stressor and environment


    Axis V. Global assessment functional Social: likes shopping and going out at night

    Daily Activity: no disturbance.

    Leisure/ recreational activity: no disturbance.

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Multiple Axis diagnosis

    I . F31.2 Bipolar Affective Disorder, ManicEpisode with psychotic symptoms

    II. No Diagnosis III. No Diagnosis

    IV. No problems

    V .

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic


    Differential diagnosis

    F 31.8 Other Bipolar Affective disorders

    F 06.31 Organic Bipolar Affective disorder


    - Chlorpromazine 1 x 1 tablet @ 100 mg

    - Risperidone 1 x 2mg

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic



    Clinical : dubia ad bonam

    Functional : dubia ad bonam

    Social : dubia ad bonam

  • 7/30/2019 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic Episode With Psychotic



    Dokter Muda Pasien Interpretation

    Sore kak

    Perkenalkan nama saya dokter

    muda Azrul dan ini teman saya CP

    Bisa kami bertanya ke Bulan?

    Lagi ngapain tadinya?

    Udah makan?

    Tau Bulan dimana sekarang?

    Udah berapa lama disini?

    Kenapa bias sampai disini?

    Baa tu?

    Sering ngak kedengaran suara

    suara, bisikan, Nampak bayangan,

    mencium bau?

    sekolah sampai kelas berapa


    Tinggalnya sama siapa bulan?

    Sore doc

    Nama saya Bulan. Teman kamu

    ganteng sekali, hidungnya mancung

    Bisa abang

    Baru selesai mandi

    Makan siang alah, makan malam


    Tau, lagi di rumah sakit

    Udah hampir 1 bulan


    Saya sakit jadi dihantar sama

    keluarga berobat

    Tidak ada bang


    Saya kuliah ambil S.Pd tapi berhenti

    sampai semester 4. Tidak bias


    Tinggal sama keluarga bang.


    Orientation is not


    Discriminatifinsignt is good


    judgement is


    No hallusination


    Concentration is
