Biology Chapter Twelve Notes

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  • 8/2/2019 Biology Chapter Twelve Notes


    CHAPTER 12

    Laura Walsh

    Hon. Bio

    Francis Collins and his lab group discovered the gene responsible for cystic

    fibrosis (CF), which is an often fatal genetic disorder in which thick mucus

    builds up and blocks ducts, making it difficult to breath. Due to work by

    geneticists in the early 1900s, they were able to study the CF gene. Early

    Work Researcher Thomas Morgan began experimenting with the small fruit

    fly Drosophila melanogaster in the early 1900s. He observed that flies have

    four pairs of chromosomes, and that three of the pairs were identical in

    males and females. In females, the fourth pair had two identical

    chromosomes, now called X chromosomes. In males, the fourth pair had one

    X chromosome as well as a shorter chromosome, now known as a Y

    chromosome. Today, geneticists call the X and Y chromosomes as sex


    Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes

    The sex chromosomes contain genes that determine the gender of an

    individual. The remaining chromosomes that are not involved in determining

    the sex of an individual are called autosomes. autosomes Below you can see

    the karyotype of a human female, where there are two X chromosomes. The

    karyotype of a male has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. In

    certain organisms, such as chickens and moths, males have two identical sex

    chromosomes, and females have two different sex chromosomes. Some

    organisms such as most plants and some fish lack sex chromosomes

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    Sex Determination

    Sex chromosomes pair during meiosis I, like other homologous

    chromosomes. As meiosis proceeds, the paired chromosomes separate and

    move toward different cells. As a result, a sperm cell can receive either an X

    chromosome or a Y chromosome. Each egg receives an X chromosome, so

    the gender of a gamete depends on the sex chromosome the sperm that

    fertilizes it will have. This system of gender determination results in a one-to-

    one ratio of males to females. Each sperm and egg cell also receives a single

    copy of each autosome. In mammals, when an egg that carries an X

    chromosome is fertilized by a sperm with a Y chromosome, the resulting

    offspring has an XY pair and is male. The same thing happens with a sperm

    that has an X chromosome, except the offspring will be female. In a male

    mammal, the Y chromosome contains a gene called SRY for Sex Determining

    Region Y, which codes for a protein that causes the gonads of an embryo to

    develop as testes. Since female embryos lack this gene, the gonads develop

    as ovaries.

    EFFECTS OF GENE LOCATION When Morgan was doing his research with fruit

    flies, one of the lab members noticed that single male fruit fly had white eyes

    instead of the normal red eyes. When Morgan crossed this white-eyed male

    with a normal red-eyed female, he found all the F1 offspring had red eyes, as

    expected. When he crossed a female and a male from this generation, the

    offspring had the expected 3 to 1 ratio of dominant to recessive, red-eyed to

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    white-eyed. What was not expected was that all of the white eyed flies were


    Sex-Linked Genes and Traits

    Based on his observation that all of the white-eyed flies were male, Morgan

    hypothesized that the gene for eye color is carried on the X chromosome and

    the Y chromosome lacks an allele for the eye-color gene. Thus, a Y

    chromosome cannot contribute an allele only an X chromosome. This

    means that if a fly has the trait for having white eyes and is a male, there is

    no chance of having a dominant allele to give the fly the red eye color.

    Morgan called genes located on the X chromosome X-linked genes. He called

    genes located on the Y chromosome Y-linked genes. The term sex-linked

    trait refers sex to a trait coded for by an allele on a sex chromosome. Since

    the X chromosome is larger than the Y chromosome, there are more X-linked

    than Y-linked trait.

    Linked Genes

    Morgan and other geneticists hypothesized that if genes are inherited

    together, it must be because they are located on the same chromosome.

    Morgan studied two fly genes, one for body color and one for wing length

    located on the same autosome. He first crossed a homozygous (GGLL) fly

    with another homozygous fly (ggll). Their offspring had the genotype GgLl

    and were gray with long wings. When he crossed that generation, they did

    not occur in the phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1, which meant they were not

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    assorted independently, and therefore located on the same chromosome. He

    called pairs of genes that tend to be inherited together genes, linked genes

    and called a set of linked genes a linkage group. He also noticed that some

    offspring were unlike either parent, with gray bodies and short wings or with

    black bodies and long wings. He realized that mutations were too rare to

    have been the cause of these exceptions, and inferred that this was due to

    crossing-over, the exchange of pieces of DNA between homologous

    chromosomes. crossing over - the exchange of pieces of dna between

    homoloous chromosomes. crossing over during the first division of meiosis

    does not delete or create new genes. instead it just rearranges them.

    Chromosome Mapping

    The closer two genes are located on a chromosome, the more likely it is that

    they will cross-over together. Recombinants are offspring that do not look

    like their parents. The lower the recombination frequency, the closer the

    genes for those traits must lie on a chromosome, because they will cross

    over together. Researchers conduct breeding experiments and use the

    resulting data to prepare a chromosome map a diagram that map, shows the

    linear order of genes. CHROMOSOME MAP - a diagram that shows the

    linear order of genes.Alfred H. Sturtevant, one of Morgans students, made

    the first chromosome map for flies. To prepare his map, he compared the

    frequency of crossingover for several genes. He defined one map unit as a

    frequency of crossing-over 1 percent. A map of the human X chromosome

    can be made using more recent techniques to map genes.

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    cystic fibrosis results in mutations/ down syndrome.

    A mutation is a change in the nucleotide-base sequence of a gene or DNA

    molecule. Germ-cell mutations occur in an organisms gametes. These

    mutations do not affect an organism itself, but can be passed on to offspring.

    Somatic-cell mutations take place in an organisms body cells and can

    therefore affect the organism, but not an organism offspring. They cannot be

    inherited. Lethal mutations cause death, often before birth. Some

    mutations result in phenotypes that are beneficial to an organism.

    Organisms with beneficial mutations will thus have an evolutionary

    advantage and have a greater chance of surviving and reproducing.

    Mutations provide the variations upon which natural selection acts, and can

    involve an entire chromosome or a single DNA molecule.

    Chromosome Mutations

    Chromosome mutations involve changes in the structure of a chromosome or

    the loss or gain of a chromosome. A deletion is the loss of a piece of a

    chromosome due to breakage. In an inversion a piece of the chromosome

    breaks off, flips around backward, and reattaches. In a translocation a

    piece of one chromosome breaks off translocation, and reattaches to a

    nonhomologous chromosome. In nondisjunction,( down syndrome- 3 copies

    of chromosome 21) a chromosome nondisjunction Human X Chromosome

    fails to separate from its homologue during meiosis. Thus, one gamete will

    have an extra copy of a chromosome while another will have no copies.

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    Gene Mutations

    The substitution, addition, or removal of a single nucleotide is a point

    mutation mutation, which is a change that occurs within a single gene or

    other segment of DNA on a chromosome. In a substitution one nucleotide

    replaces another. If this occurs in a substitution, codon, then the amino acid

    that is supposed to be produced can be changed. In a deletion mutation,

    one or more nucleotides are lost. This loss can cause incorrect grouping of

    the remaining codons, called a frameshift mutation making all amino acids

    mutation, after the deletion change. Insertion mutations in which one or

    more nucleotides are mutations, added, can also result in a frameshift



    A pedigree is a diagram that shows how a trait is inherited through several

    generations. In a pedigree, squares stand for males and circles stand for

    females. A filled symbol means that an individual has the trait or condition.

    An empty symbol means they do not. A horizontal line joining a male and a

    female indicate a mating, and a vertical line indicates offspring, arranged

    from left to right in order of birth. Roman numerals label different

    generations. Patterns of Inheritance By analyzing patterns of inheritance, the

    expression of genes over generations, biologists can learn about genetic

    diseases. If a trait is autosomal, it will appear in both sexes equally and if it is

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    sex-linked, it is usually seen only in males.

    If a trait is autosomal dominant, every individual with the trait will have a

    parent with the trait. If it is recessive, an individual with the trait can have

    one, two, or neither parent exhibit the trait. If individuals with autosomal

    traits are homozygous dominant or heterozygous, then their phenotype will

    show the dominant characteristic. If individuals are homozygous recessive,

    their phenotype will show the recessive characteristic. Two people whoa re

    heterozygous carries of a recessive mutation will not show the mutation, but

    can produce offspring who are homozygous for the recessive allele.

    Individuals that have one copy of a recessive allele but do not have the

    disease are called carriers and can pass the allele to their offspring. carriers,

    GENETIC TRAITS AND DISORDERS Genetic disorders are diseases or disabling

    conditions with a genetic basis.

    Polygenic Inheritance Most human characteristics are polygenic influenced

    by several genes. polygenic: Polygenic characters show many degrees of

    variation. Eye color, height, skin color, and hair color are all polygenic

    characters. Complex Characters Many human conditions are complex

    characters affected by both the environment and by genes. One example

    is skin color. Even if your genes determine that you have fair skin, if you go

    out in the sun for a long period of time, then your skin will become darker

    due to the environment (sun). Other complex characters play a role in

    diseases or conditions such as breast cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart disease,

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    and schizophrenia. By identifying the environmental components that

    contribute to a disease, they can educate people in ways that minimize their

    risk of developing the disease. Multiple Alleles Genes with three or more

    alleles are said to have multiple alleles In humans, the alleles. ABO blood

    types are controlled by the alleles IA, IB, and i. The alleles IA and IB are

    codominant. In codominance, both alleles are expressed in codominance the

    phenotype of a heterozygote. Those two alleles are both dominant to the

    recessive i allele. Combinations of the three different alleles can produce

    four different blood types A, B, AB, and O.

    Incomplete Dominance Sometimes, an individual displays a trait

    intermediate between the two parents, a condition known as incomplete

    dominance For example, the child of a dominance. straight-haired parent

    and a curly-haired parent would have wavy hair.

    X-Linked Traits Some complex characters are determined by X-linked genes,

    and a pedigree will show many affected males and no affected females. One

    form of colorblindness is a recessive X-linked disorder in which an individual

    cannot distinguish certain colors. Sex-Influenced Traits Sex-influenced traits

    are involved in other complex characters. Males and Sexfemales can show

    different phenotypes even when they share the same genotype. Sex-

    influenced traits are usually autosomal. For example, an allele that is

    dominant in males is recessive in females, due to higher levels of the

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    hormone testosterone in men. Single-Allele Traits A single allele of a gene

    controls single-allele traits. Huntingtons disease is Huntington an

    autosomal dominant condition characterized by forgetfulness and irritability.

    DETECTING GENETIC DISEASE Many people with a family history of a genetic

    disease seek genetic screening before having children. Genetic screening is

    an examination of a persons genetic makeup. Physicians can now detect

    more than 200 genetic disorders in the fetus. The technique called

    amniocentesis allows a physician to remove some amniotic fluid from the sac

    that surrounds the fetus. By examining chromosomes and proteins in the

    fluid, geneticists can analyze fetal cells for genetic disease. In chorionic villi

    sampling the physician takes a sample of the chorionic villi, sampling, cells

    derived from the zygote that grows between the mothers uterus and

    placenta. Both procedures allow technicians to analyze fetal cells,

    chromosomes, proteins, and detect genetic disease.

    Genetic Counseling

    Many people with a family history of a genetic disease also undergo genetic

    counseling, counseling the process of informing a person or couple about

    their genetic makeup. This is a form of medical guidance that informs

    individuals about problems that may affect their offspring.


    Physicians treat genetic diseases in several ways. For many diseases, they

    can treat just the symptoms, such as PKU and cystic fibrosis. Gene Therapy

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    Another level of treatment currently in development involves replacing the

    defective gene, called gene therapy which places a healthy copy of a gene

    into the therapy, cells of a person whose copy of the gene is defective. Gene

    therapy in which only body cells are altered is called somatic cell gene

    therapy. This contrasts with germ cell gene therapy, the attempt to alter

    eggs or sperm. This can affect future generations in unpredictable ways,

    therefore, it poses more risks and ethical issues.

    Section 1: Chromosomes and Inheritance Genes reside on chromosomes. Sex

    chromosomes contain genes that determine an organisms sex. The

    remaining chromosomes that are not directly involved in determining the sex

    of an individual are called autosomes. In mammals, an individual carrying

    two X chromosomes is female. An individual carrying an X and a Y

    chromosome is male. Genes found on the X chromosome are X-linked genes.

    A sex-linked trait is a trait whose allele is located on a sex chromosome.

    Because males have only one X chromosome, a male who carries a recessive

    allele on the X or Y chromosome will exhibit the sex-linked condition. Pairs of

    genes that tend to be inherited together are called linked genes. They occur

    close to each other on the same chromosome. The farther apart two genes

    are located on a chromosome, the more likely a cross-over will occur.

    Researchers use recombinant percentages to construct chromosome maps

    showing relative gene positions. Germ-cell mutations occur in gametes and

    can be passed on to offspring. Somatic-cell mutations occur in body cells and

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    affect only the individual organism. Chromosome mutations are changes in

    the structure of a chromosome or the loss or gain of an entire chromosome.

    Gene mutations are changes in one or more of the nucleotides in a gene.

    Human Genetics Geneticists use pedigrees to trace diseases or traits through

    families. Pedigrees reveal inheritance patterns of genes. A carrier has one

    copy of a recessive allele but does not express the trait. Polygenic

    characters, such as skin color, are controlled by two or more genes. Complex

    characters, such as height, are influenced by both genes and environment.

    Multiple-allele characters, such as ABO blood groups, are controlled by three

    or more alleles of a gene. The gene for colorblindness, an X-linked recessive,

    is found on the X chromosome. A sex-influenced trait, such as pattern

    baldness, is expressed differently in men than in women even if it is on an

    autosome and both sexes have the same genotype. Genetic screening

    examines a persons genetic makeup and potential risks of passing

    disorders to offspring. Amniocentesis and chorionic villi sampling help

    physicians test a fetus for the presence of genetic disorders. Genetic

    counseling informs screened individuals about problems that might affect

    their offspring. Genetic disorders are treated in various ways. Among the

    treatments are symptomrelieving treatments and symptom-prevention

    measures, such as insulin injections for diabetes. Gene therapy is a type of

    treatment under development. IN gene therapy, a defective gene is replaced

    with a copy of a healthy gene. Somatic cell gene therapy alters only body

    cells. Germ cell gene therapy attempts to alter eggs or sperm.

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