BIOLOGICALS Product Guide - Pfizer Family of Vaccines INSIST ON PFIZER VACCINES ®

BIOLOGICALS - Animal Resource Center | San Antoniospaysa.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/FELINE_VACCINES.pdf · Product Guide - Pfizer Family of Vaccines BIOLOGICALS INSIST ON PFIZER

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Page 1: BIOLOGICALS - Animal Resource Center | San Antoniospaysa.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/FELINE_VACCINES.pdf · Product Guide - Pfizer Family of Vaccines BIOLOGICALS INSIST ON PFIZER





SProduct Guide - Pfizer Family of Vaccines


Page 2: BIOLOGICALS - Animal Resource Center | San Antoniospaysa.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/FELINE_VACCINES.pdf · Product Guide - Pfizer Family of Vaccines BIOLOGICALS INSIST ON PFIZER

T r u s t T h e E v i d e n c e - B a s e d P e r f o r m a n c e o f P f i z e r F e l i n e V a c c i n e s .

Feline VaccinesVaccine Antigen Diluent Package

Felocell® 4 Rhinotracheitis-MLV,Calici-MLV,Panleukopenia-MLV,Chlamydia psittaci (Chlamydophila felis)-ML Sterile Diluent 25X1-dose

Felocell® 3 Rhinotracheitis-MLV,Calici-MLV,Panleukopenia-MLV Sterile Diluent 25X1-dose

Felocell® P Panleukopenia-MLV Sterile Diluent 25X1-dose

Felocell® FVR C (IN) Rhinotracheitis-MLV,Calici-MLV Sterile Diluent 25X1-dose

Leukocell®2 FelineLeukemia-KilledVirus None 50X1-dose

Felocell® FIP (IN)* FelineInfectiousPeritonitis-MLV Sterile Diluent 25X1-dose

* Not covered by the Immunization Support Guarantee: Felocell FIP (IN)

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1. MouzinDE,LorenzenMJ,HaworthJD,etal.Durationofserologicresponsetothreeviralantigensincats.J Am Vet Med Assoc2004;224:61-66.

Confidence Based in Science. Peace of Mind with Unequaled Support. Pfizer feline vaccines are backed by rigorous testing and most are backed by our immunization support guarantee, so you can vaccinate with the utmost confidence.

Pfizer was the first company to provide long-term vaccine serology data.1

Pfizer led the discussion on vaccine duration of immunity.1

Documented by Peer-Reviewed Data and Published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1

Unbiased Results: Serologic assays performed by prestigious outside laboratory (Cornell) blinded to the vaccination history of each animal Demonstrated Performance: Felocell produced a consistent serologic response, often lasting up to and beyond 48 months for all 3 key antigens evaluated Felocell: The feline vaccines with peer-reviewed, published and labeled serology data



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P f i z e r F e l o c e l l ® F e l i n e Non-ad juvan ted U p p e r R e s p i r a t o r y V a c c i n e s

Felocell 4, Felocell 3

VACCINEANTIGENS Felocell® 4 Felocell® 3

Feline Panleukopenia • •

Feline Rhinotracheitis • •

Feline Calicivirus • •

Chlamydia psittaci (Chlamydophila felis) •

Advantages •ModifiedLiveVirus(MLV)thatoverridesmaternalantibodieshelpsensureastrong,rapidimmuneresponse. •Felocellisanon-adjuvantedMLVvaccine,unlikecommonlyusedkilledvaccines. •ContainshighlyimmunogenicJohnsonSnow Leopardfelinepanleukopeniavirus(FPV) strain for reliable protection against FPV. •Noseriousreactionsinfieldtrials involving2,288cats. •Backedbypeer-reviewed,publishedand labeled serology data.

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Safety and Efficacy SafetyofFelocell3and4wasdemonstratedinfieldtrialsinvolving2,288cats.Noseriouspost-vaccinationreactionsattributabletothe vaccinewerereported,however,approximately1%ofvaccinatedcatswithFelocell4exhibitedlethargy,anorexia,andfever.

EfficacyofFelocell3and4wasdeterminedbychallenge-of-immunitystudies.Vaccinatedcatsexperiencedsignificantlylesssevereclinical signs than nonvaccinated control cats after challenge with virulent FVR virus, FCV, FPV or Chlamydia psittaci.

Efficacy of the FPV fraction in Felocell 3 was further established in a 3-year repeat antigenicity study. Three years after initial efficacy studieswereconducted,FPVchallengetestswererepeated.Afterchallenge,allvaccinatedcatsremainedclinicallyhealthywhile80% ofcontrolcatsdevelopedclinicalsignsoffelinepanleukopenia(FPL).

DosageandAdministration General Directions:Vaccinationofhealthycatsisrecommended.Asepticallyrehydratethefreeze-driedvaccinewiththesterile diluentprovided,shakewell,andadminister1mLintramuscularlyorsubcutaneously. Primary Vaccination:Healthycats12weeksofageoroldershouldreceive2dosesadministered3to4weeksapart.

Catsvaccinatedatlessthan12weeksofageshouldberevaccinatedat12weeksofage. Revaccination: Annualrevaccinationwithasingledoseisrecommended,although,asrecommendedbytheAmericanVeterinaryMedical


Pfizer Immunization Support Guarantee PfizercorevaccinesmaybeusedinextendeddurationprotocolsasrecommendedbytheAmericanAnimalHospitalAssociationandtheAmerican

AssociationofFelinePractitioners.Inadditiontoprovidingimmunizationsupportforthefullthreeyears,VanguardandFelocellarecoveredbyanextrayearofsupportbecausetheyprovidelong-termserologicperformancedemonstratedbyfouryearsofserologydata.Noothervaccinesofferthat level of support.

P f i z e r F e l o c e l l ® F e l i n e Non-ad juvan ted U p p e r R e s p i r a t o r y V a c c i n e s (continued)


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Precautions Storeat2°Cto7°C.Prolongedexposuretohighertemperaturesand/ordirectsunlightmayadverselyaffectpotency.Donotfreeze.Useen-

tire contents when first opened. Sterilized syringes and needles should be used to administer these vaccines. Do not sterilize with chemicals because traces of disinfectant may inactivate the vaccine. Burn containers and all unused contents.

Contains gentamicin as preservative.

Aswithmanyvaccines,anaphylaxismayoccurafteruse.Initialantidoteofepinephrineorequivalentisrecommendedandshouldbefollowed with appropriate supportive therapy.

Thisproducthasbeenshowntobeefficaciousinhealthyanimals.Aprotectiveimmuneresponsemaynotdevelopifanimalsare incubating an infectious disease, are malnourished or parasitized, are stressed due to shipment or environmental conditions, are otherwise immunocompromised, or if the vaccine is not administered according to label directions.

TheuseofFelocell4hasbeenassociatedwithfever,anorexia,andlethargyin1%ofvaccinatedcats,oftenoccurringinclustersinassociation withmultipleconcurrentvaccinations.Onsettypicallyoccurs7to21daysaftervaccination,withsymptomspersistingfor3to30days,with anaverageof12days.Veterinaryinterventionmayberequired.Treatmenttypicallyinvolvessupportivecare,steroids,andantibiotics.

Vaccination of pregnant queens should be avoided. For use in cats only.


Product Information Customer-friendly packaging includes peel-off labels to make record-keeping faster and more accurate, a color-coded organizing system and an easy-open safety band.


Product codes: Felocell 4 - 4310 Felocell 3 - 4305

P f i z e r F e l o c e l l ® F e l i n e Non-ad juvan ted U p p e r R e s p i r a t o r y V a c c i n e s (continued)

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P f i z e r F e l o c e l l ® P r o t o c o l - S p e c i f i c F e l i n e V a c c i n e s

Felocell P, Felocell FVR C (IN)

VACCINEANTIGENS Felocell® P Felocell® FVR C (IN)

Feline Panleukopenia •

Feline Rhinotracheitis •

Feline Calicivirus •

Protocol-specific vaccines are administered more selectively than recommended core vaccines based on individualized medical decisions that take into account a risk/benefit ratio based on the cat’s geographic location, lifestyle and medical history.

Advantages •Highlyspecializedvaccinesthatallowfortailoredprotocols.

Felocell P FelocellPcontainsthepotent,demonstratedJohnsonSnowLeopardstrainoffelinepanleukopeniavirus(FPV)forreliableprotectionagainst felinepanleukopenia(FPL).

Felocell FVR C (IN) FelocellFVRCcontainsattenuatedstrainsoffelineherpesvirus-1(FHV-1)andfelinecalicivirus(FCV)propagatedonestablishedcelllines.

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P f i z e r F e l o c e l l ® P r o t o c o l - S p e c i f i c F e l i n e V a c c i n e s (continued)

Safety and Efficacy Felocell P SafetyofFelocellPwasdemonstratedinfieldtrialsinvolving2,288cats.Noseriouspost-vaccinationreactionsattributabletothe vaccine were reported.

EfficacyofFelocellPwasdeterminedbyachallenge-of-immunitystudy.Vaccinatedcatsexperiencedsignificantlylesssevereclinical signs than nonvaccinated control cats after challenge with virulent FPV virus. In specific-pathogen-free cats, vaccination with Felocell P stimulated serologic titers to FPV.

Felocell FVR C (IN) Safety of Felocell FVR C (IN) was evaluated. Clinical signs of disease or other adverse side effects attributable to vaccination were not observed in any test animals, including pregnant, susceptible cats, which delivered live, healthy litters.

TestsofserologicresponsetovaccinationwithFelocellFVRC(IN)indicatedthatnointerferenceexistedbetweenthevaccinefractions.Even kittensvaccinatedasearlyas2weeksofagedevelopedprotectiveFVRandFCVserumneutralizationtitersat3weekspost-vaccination.

In challenge-of-immunity tests, all cats vaccinated with Felocell FVR C (IN) remained clinically normal after challenge with virulent FCV or FVR virus. In contrast, all non-vaccinated control cats showed signs of disease after challenge.

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DosageandAdministration Felocell P General Directions:Vaccinationofhealthycatsisrecommended.Asepticallyrehydratethefreeze-driedvaccinewiththesterilediluent provided.Shakewell.Administer1mLintramuscularlyorsubcutaneously. Primary Vaccination: Healthycats12weeksofageoroldershouldreceive2dosesadministered3to4weeksapart.Catsvaccinatedat lessthan12weeksofageshouldberevaccinatedat12weeksofage. Revaccination:Annualrevaccinationwithasingledoseisrecommended,although,asrecommendedbytheAmericanVeterinaryMedical


Felocell FVR C (IN) General Directions: Vaccinationofhealthycatsisrecommended.Asepticallyrehydratethefreeze-driedvaccinewiththesterilediluent


Primary Vaccination:Healthycats12weeksofageoroldershouldreceiveone0.5mLdose.Catsvaccinatedatlessthan12weeksof ageshouldberevaccinatedat12weeksofage. Revaccination: Annualrevaccinationwithasingledoseisrecommended.

Precautions Storeat2°Cto7°C.Prolongedexposuretohighertemperaturesand/ordirectsunlightmayadverselyaffectpotency.Donotfreeze. Use entire contents when first opened. Burn containers and all unused contents. Contains gentamicin as preservative.

Aswithmanyvaccines,anaphylaxismayoccurafteruse.Initialantidoteofepinephrineorequivalentisrecommendedandshouldbefollowed with appropriate supportive therapy.

Thisproducthasbeenshowntobeefficaciousinhealthyanimals.Aprotectiveimmuneresponsemaynotdevelopifanimalsareincubatingan infectious disease, are malnourished or parasitized, are stressed due to shipment or environmental conditions, are otherwise immunocompro- mised, or if the vaccine is not administered according to label directions.

Felocell P: Sterilized syringes and needles should be used to administer Felocell P. Do not sterilize with chemicals because traces of disinfectant may inactivate the vaccine. Vaccination of pregnant queens should be avoided.

Felocell FVR C (IN): Warning:Forintranasaluseincatsonly.Transientsneezingmaybeobserved4to7daysaftervaccination.Orallesionsmaybeobservedafter vaccination, but typically heal without complications. Vaccination of cats incubating or harboring latent infections may result in more pronounced upper respiratory signs, ocular irritation, or febrile response.


P f i z e r F e l o c e l l ® P r o t o c o l - S p e c i f i c F e l i n e V a c c i n e s (continued)

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Product Information Customer-friendly packaging includes peel-off labels to make record-keeping faster and more accurate,

a color-coded organizing system and an easy-open safety band.


Product codes: FelocellP-5312 Felocell FVR C (IN) - 4350

P f i z e r F e l o c e l l ® P r o t o c o l - S p e c i f i c F e l i n e V a c c i n e s (continued)


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P f i z e r L e u k o c e l l ® 2 V a c c i n eVACCINE

ANTIGENS Leukocell®2

FelineLeukemia •

Advantages •Demonstratedefficacyinhelpingpreventpersistentviremia,lymphoidtumorscausedbyfelineleukemiavirus(FeLV), andFeLV-associateddiseases. •TheonlyFeLVvaccinewiththetumor-specificantigenFOCMAanddemonstratedFeLVtumorprotection. •PreparedfromanFeLV-transformedlymphoidcelllinethatreleasessolubleFeLVparticlesintocellculturemedium,reducing theimmunosuppressiveeffectsoffullyassembled,inactivatedorliveFeLV. •Morethan50milliondosesofLeukocellvaccinessold.

Safety and Efficacy Inanimmunogenicitystudy,25specificpathogenfree(SPF)catswerevaccinatedwitha2-doseprimaryregimen(2dosesweregiven 3weeksapart).Aftertheseconddose,significantlevelsofantibodiestogp70andFOCMAweredetectedaswellasvirusneutralizing (VN) antibodies.

RigoroussafetytestsofLeukocell2didnotdemonstrateanyimmunosuppressiveeffects.KittensvaccinatedwithLeukocell2had normalpost-vaccinationwhitebloodcell(WBC)counts,didnotbecomeviremic,remainedclinicallynormal,anddevelopedgp70,FOCMA, and VN antibodies.

Post-vaccinationreactionshavebeenobservedinabout2%ofvaccinatedcats.Theseincludedstingingoninjection,transientlistlessness, depression,andbrieftemperatureelevations.Hypersensitivityevidencedbymyxedemaandgastrointestinaldistress(vomitingandbowel evacuation) occasionally has been reported.


DosageandAdministration General Directions: Shakewellandadminister1mLsubcutaneously. Primary Vaccination: Healthycats9weeksofageoroldershouldreceive2SCdosesadministered3to4weeksapart. Revaccination: Annualrevaccinationwithasingledoseisrecommended.

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P f i z e r L e u k o c e l l ® 2 V a c c i n e (continued)

Precautions AlthoughadiagnostictestforFeLVantigenisnotrequiredpriortovaccinationwithLeukocell2,suchatestmaybebeneficialinevaluating candidatesforvaccination.VaccinationisofnoknowntherapeuticvalueincatswithexistingFeLVinfection,norwillitalterthenatural course of disease.

Storeat2°Cto7°C.Prolongedexposuretohighertemperaturesmayadverselyaffectpotency.Donotfreeze.Useentirecontentswhenfirstopened. Sterilized syringes and needles should be used to administer this vaccine. Contains gentamicin as preservative.

Aswithmanyvaccines,anaphylaxismayoccurafteruse.Initialantidoteofepinephrineisrecommendedandshouldbefollowedwith appropriate supportive therapy.

Thisproducthasbeenshowntobeefficaciousinhealthyanimals.Aprotectiveimmuneresponsemaynotdevelopifanimalsare incubating an infectious disease, are malnourished or parasitized, are stressed due to shipment or environmental conditions, are otherwise immunocompromised, or if the vaccine is not administered according to label directions.

Product Information Customer-friendly packaging includes peel-off labels to make record-keeping faster and more accurate, a color-coded organizing system

and an easy-open safety band.


Product code: Leukocell2-4363


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P f i z e r F e l o c e l l ® F I P ( I N ) V a c c i n eVACCINE


Feline leukemiaFeline infectious peritonitis •

Advantages •Catsvaccinatedintranasally(IN)withFelocellFIPdevelopedaprotectiveimmuneresponseanddidnotbecomehypersensitized.Thispracti-

cal benefit may be attributed to the temperature-sensitive Felocell FIP vaccine strain, which replicates in the upper respiratory tract, but does notspreadsystemicallyat39°C,thecat’sbodytemperature.


Safety and Efficacy In safety tests, Felocell FIP did not cause illness in cats when administered intranasally. It did not cause illness in cats infected with feline leukemia,incatsexposedtofelineentericcoronavirus,indexamethasone-immunosuppressedcats,innonvaccinatedcatsthatsurvivedFIP challenge, or in kittens.

Felocell FIP did not interfere with the development of an antibody response to any of the following feline vaccine antigens: feline leukemia virus, feline rhinotracheitis virus, feline calicivirus, feline panleukopenia virus, and Chlamydia psittaci (Chlamydophila felis). Conversely, none of these vaccine antigens interfered with the immunogenicity of Felocell FIP.


Inasecondimmunogenicitystudy,20of20seronegativecatsdevelopedFIPvirusantibodytitersafterprimaryvaccinationwith2dosesgiven3weeksapart.Fifteenof20(75%)vaccinateswereprotectedagainstachallengeofimmunityinwhich7of10(70%)nonvaccinatedcontrolcatsdiedofFIP.Allbut1ofthesurvivingvaccinatedcatsfromthefirstchallengesurvivedasecondchallenge,whichkilled6of6nonvaccinated controls.

In addition to protecting against homologous challenge, Felocell FIP also protected cats against a heterologous challenge strain (WSU-1146).ClinicalFIPsymptomsofvaccinatedcatsweresignificantlylower(P<0.05)thansymptomsofcontrolcatsfollowing WSU-1146challenge.Eightof10(80%)vaccinatedcatssurvivedachallengeofimmunitywiththeWSU-1146strainofFIPinwhich 3of5(60%)non-vaccinated controls died of FIP.

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P f i z e r F e l o c e l l ® F I P ( I N ) V a c c i n e (continued)

DosageandAdministration General Directions: Vaccinationofhealthycatsisrecommended.Asepticallyrehydratethefreeze-driedvaccinewiththesterilediluent provided.Mixwell.Usedroppertoinoculateentirevolumeintonasalpassages,one-halfthevolumeintoeachnasalpassage.Catsmay sneeze or shake their heads at the time of administration. Primary Vaccination: Healthycats16weeksofageoroldershouldreceive2INdosesadministered3to4weeksapart. Revaccination: Annualrevaccinationwithasingledoseisrecommended.

Precautions Storeat2°Cto7°C.Prolongedexposuretohighertemperaturesand/ordirectsunlightmayadverselyaffectpotency.Donotfreeze.Use

entire contents when first opened. Burn containers and all unused contents. Contains gentamicin as preservative. Droppers should be used to administer this vaccine.

Aswithmanyvaccines,anaphylaxismayoccurafteruse.Initialantidoteofepinephrineisrecommendedandshouldbefollowedwith appropriate supportive therapy.

Thisproducthasbeenshowntobeefficaciousinhealthyanimals.Aprotectiveimmuneresponsemaynotdevelopifanimalsare incubating an infectious disease, are malnourished or parasitized, are stressed due to shipment or environmental conditions, are otherwise immunocompromised, or if the vaccine is not administered according to label directions.

For use in cats only.

Product Information Customer-friendly packaging includes peel-off labels to make record-keeping faster and more accurate, a color-coded organizing system

and an easy-open safety band.


Product code: FelocellFIP(IN)-4643

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P f i z e r D e f e n s o r ® C a n i n e a n d F e l i n e R a b i e s V a c c i n e s

Advantages •Containsahighlyimmunogenic,fixedstrainofrabiesvirusthatoriginatedfromLouisPasteur’soriginal1882isolate. •Vaccineformulatedwithachemicallyinactivatedrabiesviruspreparedfromcellculture. •Exceptionallywelltoleratedafterinjectionduetothepurifiedadjuvantandanoveldual-bufferingsystemthatrestrictspH

to a narrow, safe range. •DefensorvaccinesproducedforsaleinCaliforniameetspecificpotencystandardsrequiredbythatstate.

Safety and Efficacy Studies conducted in mice to evaluate the relative effective dose of Defensor 3 vs a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Because Defensor is produced on an established cell line, it has safety advantages over inactivated brain-origin rabies vaccines. Tissue-origin vaccinescontainextraneousproteininadditiontorabiesantigenthatcanleadtoautoimmunedisease.

TheestablishedcelllineusedinDefensorhasbeenextensivelytestedforfreedomfromcontaminatingagents.Inaddition,useofan established cell line yields a vaccine of consistent potency from serial to serial. Defensor has been demonstrated to be uniformly safe in experimentaltests,andnosignificantadversereactionswerereportedinextensiveclinicaltrialsofthevaccine.

Aduration-of-immunitystudy,conductedinaccordancewithfederalregulationandunderUSDepartmentofAgriculture(USDA)direction,demonstratedthata1mLdoseofDefensor3metfederalguidelinesforprotectionofdogsandcatsagainstvirulentchallengeadministered 3 years after vaccination.

Inafieldsafetystudy,with2,647dosesadministered,96.2%ofthedoseswereadministeredwithnovocalizationand99.9%ofdoseswere administeredwithnolameness,stiffness,hypersensitivityreactions,orinjectionsitelumpsfor21daysaftervaccination.2

DosageandAdministration General Directions: Shakewell.Asepticallyadminister1mLsubcutaneouslyforcats.Dogsmaybevaccinated

intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Primary Vaccination: Administerasingle1mLdoseat3monthsofageoroldertohealthydogsandcats.

Arepeatdoseshouldbegiven1yearlater. Revaccination: Defensor 1: Annualrevaccinationwithasingledoseisrecommended. Defensor 3: Subsequent revaccination every 3 years with a single dose is recommended.

1. Baer GM. Evaluation of an animal rabies vaccine by use of two types of potency tests. Am J Vet Res1997;58(8):837-840.2.Dataonfile.StudyreportJune28,1991.PfizerInc.

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P f i z e r D e f e n s o r ® C a n i n e a n d F e l i n e R a b i e s V a c c i n e s (continued)

Precautions Storeat2°Cto7°C.Prolongedexposuretohighertemperaturesmayadverselyaffectpotency.Donotfreeze.Useentirecontentswhenfirst

opened. Sterilized syringes and needles should be used to administer this vaccine. Contains gentamicin as preservative.

Aswithmanyvaccines,anaphylaxismayoccurafteruse.Initialantidoteofepinephrineisrecommendedandshouldbefollowedwith appropriate supportive therapy.

Defensorhasbeenshowntobeefficaciousinhealthyanimals.Aprotectiveimmuneresponsemaynotdevelopifanimalsareincubating an infectious disease, are malnourished or parasitized, are stressed due to shipment or environmental conditions, are otherwise immunocompromised, or if the vaccine is not administered according to label directions.

Product Information Customer-friendly packaging includes peel-off labels to make record-keeping faster and more accurate, a color-coded organizing system

and an easy-open safety band.

5x10-dosevials 50x1-dosevials

Product codes: Defensor1(50x1-dose)-4985 Defensor1(5x10-dose)-4654 Defensor3(50x1-dose)-4996 Defensor3(5x10-dose)-4997 Defensor3(Calif50x1-dose)-4627 Defensor3(Calif5x10-dose)-4628

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I n s i s t o n Q u a l i t y W i t h o u t C o m p r o m i s e .

Evidence-Based Science. In the lab and in the field, our vaccine products continue to demonstrate their efficacy and safety year after year.

Peer-Reviewed and Published Research. Pfizer vaccines are tested under a variety of conditions in large scale, multicenter studies. Whenever possible, this data is then

peer-reviewed and published, so you can vaccinate with confidence.

Confidence Based in Science. Peace of Mind with Unequaled Support. We are so confident in our products that we offer an unprecedented 4-year support

guarantee on our core vaccines, as well as a 1-year guarantee on other Pfizer vaccines.

www.ISG.com for additional information

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All brands are the property of Pfizer Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. ©2009 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved. SAB0507014R