Biography of Kabir

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  • 8/12/2019 Biography of Kabir


    Biography of Kabir

    Kabir (also Kabira) (Hindi: , Punjabi: ) was a mystic poet and saint of India, whose writings have greatly influenced the Bhakti movement. The

    name Kabir comes from Arabic al-Kabwhich means 'The Great' - the 37th name of God in Islam.

    Apart from having an important influence on Sikhism, Kabir's legacy is today carried forward by the Kabir Panth ("Path of Kabir"), a religious community thatrecognizes him as its founder and is one of the Sant Mat sects. Its members, known as Kabir panthis, are estimated to be around 9,600,000. They are spread overnorth and central India, as well as dispersed with the Indian diaspora across the world, up from 843,171 in the 1901 census. His writings include Bijak, SakhiGranth, Kabir Granthawali and Anurag Sagar.

    Early Life and Background

    Many legends abound about the birth, life and death of Kabir, one of India's most quoted poets and mystics. His birth itself is shrouded in mystery, some say hewas the son of a Brahman widow, others that he was of virgin birth, what is known though is that he was brought up in a family of muslim weavers. He was neverformally educated and was almost completely illiterate. According to legend, the only word that he ever learned how to write was "Rama".

    Legend says that he reliquished his body when he was about 120 years old. There is a famous legend about his death; When he died, his Hindu and Muslimfollowers started fighting about the last rites. When they lifted the cloth covering his body, they found flowers instead. The Muslim followers buried their half and theHindu cremated thier half. In Maghar, his tomb and samadhi still stand side by side.


    The social and practical manifestation of Kabir's philosophy has rung through the ages. It represented a synthesis of Hindu, and Muslim concepts. From Hinduismhe accepts the concept of reincarnation and the law of Karma. From Islam he takes the affirmation of the single god and the rejection of caste system and idolatry.The basic religious principles he espouses are simple. According to Kabir, all life is an interplay of two spiritual principles. One is the personal soul (Jivatma) andthe other is God (Paramatma). It is Kabir's view that salvation is the process of bringing into union these two divine principles.

    Kabir is a very important figure in Indian history. He is unusual in that he is spiritually significant to Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims alike. Kabir openly criticized allsects and gave a new direction to the Indian philosophy. Kabir touches the soul, the conscience, the sense of awareness and the vitality of existence in a mannerthat is unequalled in both simplicity and style.


    It is for this reason that Kabir is held in high esteem all over the world. Another beauty of Kabir's poetry is that he picks up situations that surround ourdaily lives. Thus, even today, Kabir's poetry is relevant and helpful in both social and spiritual context. Following Kabir means understanding one'sinner self, realizing oneself, accepting oneself as is, and becoming harmonious with one's surroundings.

    Kabir has written much poetry and song. All of Kabir's recorded verses are in Hindi. His lyrics are characterised by a free use of the vernacular, and isunfettered by the grammatical bonds of his day. It is this quality which has made his philosophy accessible to generations of Indians.

  • 8/12/2019 Biography of Kabir


    Short Biography William Shakespeare

    Information about the life of William Shakespeare is often open to doubt. Some even

    doubt whether he wrote all plays ascribed to him. From the best available sources it seems William Shakespeare was born in Stratford on

    about April 23rd 1564. His father William was a successful local businessman and his mother Mary was the daughter of a landowner.

    Relatively prosperous, it is likely the family paid for Williams education, although there is no evidence he attended university.

    In 1582 William, aged only 18, married an older woman named Anne Hathaway. Soon after they had their first daughter, Susanna. They had

    another two children but Williams only son Hamnet died aged only 11.

    After his marriage, information about the life of Shakespeare is sketchy but it seems he spent most of his time in London writing and

    performing in his plays. It seemed he didnt mind being absent from his family - only returning home during Lent when all theatres were

    closed. It is generally thought that during the 1590s he wrote the majority of his sonnets. This was a time of prolific writing and his plays

    developed a good deal of interest and controversy. Due to some well timed investments he was able to secure a firm financial background,leaving time for writing and acting. The best of these investments was buying some real estate near Stratford in 1605, which soon doubled in


    Some academics known as the Oxfords claim that Shakespeare never actually wrote any plays they suggest names such as Edwardde Vere.

    They contend Shakespeare was actually just a successful businessman. Nevertheless there is some evidence of Shakespeare in theatres as he

    received a variety of criticism from people such as Ben Johnson and Robert Greene.

    Shakespeare the Poet

    William Shakespeare wrote 154 Sonnets mostly in the 1590s. Fairly short poems, they deal with issues such as lost love. His sonnets have an

    enduring appeal due to his characteristic skill with language and words.

    Let me not to the marriage of true minds

    Admit impediments. Love is not love

    Which alters when it alteration finds,

    Or bends with the remover to remove:

    - Sonnet CXVI

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    The Plays of Shakespeare

    The plays of Shakespeare have been studied more than any other writing in the English language and have been translated into numerous

    languages. He was rare as a play-write for excelling in tragedies, comedies and histories. He deftly combined popular entertainment with a

    rare poetic capacity for expression which is almost mantric in quality.

    "This above all: to thine ownself be true,And it must follow, as the night the day,

    Thou canst not then be false to any man.

    Farewell: my blessing season this in thee!"

    -Lord Polonius, Hamlet Act I, Scene 3

    During his lifetime, Shakespeare was not without controversy, but he also received lavish praise for his plays which were very popular and

    commercially successful.

    Shakespeare died in 1664; it is not clear how he died although his vicar suggested it was from heavy drinking. His tombstone is marked with

    the following epitaph;

    Good friend for Jesus sake forbeare

    To digg the dust encloased heare

    Blessed by y man y spares hes stones

    And curst be he y moves my bones

    It is true to say that each line of Shakespeare has been poured over by scholars and students - no idea or concept has been left unturned.

    Shakespeare has left a profound and last ing impact on literature, cinema and theatre.

    Citation :Pettinger, Tejvan."Biography of William Shakespeare", Oxford,www.biographyonline.net01 Feb. 2009
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    Quotes on Shakespeare

    "Shakespeare, no mere child of nature; no automaton of genius; no passive vehicle of inspiration possessed by the spirit, not possessing it;

    first studied patiently, meditated deeply, understood minutely, till knowledge became habitual and intuitive, wedded itself to his habitual

    feelings, and at length gave birth to that stupendous power by which he stands alone, with no equal or second in his own class; to that power

    which seated him on one of the two glorysmitten summits of the poetic mountain, with Milton ?s his compeer, not rival."

    Paul Auster is an American born Novelist who has received acclaim for his distinct theme choices which include; coincidence,

    descriptions of an austere existence as well as identity, to name a few. He was born in Newark, New Jersey to a Jewish Family. His

    parents were of Polish lineage, his father, Samuelwho was a landlord and his mother, Queenie Auster. Unfortunately, their marriage

    was an unhappy one and eventually resulted in divorce.

    Auster became a brother at age 3 to a psychologically unstable sister. His upbringing was in South Orange, New Jersey. He is a

    Columbia High School graduate as of 1970. Upon graduating, he shifted to Paris, France. There, his main source of income involved

    translating French literature. Since returning to the U.S. in 1974, he has published a vast array of work.

    Paul Auster was first wed to notable writer Lydia Davis with whom he shares a son Daniel Auster. He later married writer Siri

    Hustvedt, in 1981. The couple who reside in Brooklyn at present. Together they have one daughter, Sophie Auster. Sophie Auster is a

    famous American actress and singer.

    Auster gained publicity after his highly praised debut novel; The Invention of Solitude, a memoir published in 1982. The book has two

    divisionsPortrait of an Invisible Man, which is regarding the unexpected loss of Austers father, whereas in The Book of Memory,

    Auster portrays his individual opinions relating to themes such as coincidence, destiny, and seclusion.

    Subsequently, Auster received prominence for a collection of three detective stories published as The New York Trilogy. The Trilogy

    is thought to be both unconventional and eccentric detective stories. He manages to emerge with his own idiosyncratically postmodern

    being in the process.

    The exploration of identity and sentimental meaning has infused Austers future works, the majority of which contemplate chie fly on the

    function of coincidence and random happenings. Auster also explores relationships between men and their peers and environment in

    The Book of Illusions 2002 and Moon Palace 1989. Austers protagonist frequently discover themselves compelled to work as

    part of someone elses unfathomable and beyond what can be perceived schemes.

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    In 1995, Auster was responsible for writing, as well as being one of the producers of films such as Smoke and Blue in the Face.

    Auster more recent works; Oracle Night (2003), The Brooklyn Follies (2005) and the short story Travels in the Scriptorium have

    also been well received by the literary community.

    Robin Cook

    Robin Cook is an American physician and writer of novels about medical issues united with thriller genre. He was born in Queens, New

    York. Cook was graduated from the Wesleyan University and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. His post

    graduate studies were from Harvard University. His books are a fusion of medicine and fantasy.

    In his childhood Cook wanted to become an archaeologist and then later on his aspiration turned to medicine. He was a class

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    valedictorian and graduated with Chemistry as his major and gaining a distinction in Government. He was in charge of the Blood/Gas

    chemistry lab at the Columbian Presbyterian Hospital.

    After he was fully trained, Dr. Robin Cook went to the Navy where went to the submarine school and navy diving school. After his

    service ended in the Navy, he worked in the Ophthalmology department in Harvard. His career as an author started with his nov el The

    Year of the Intern. This novel was written underwater while he was in the Kamehameha in 1972. In 1977, a second novel followed

    called Coma. This went on to become an instant hit and eventually a bestseller. Cook wrote this novel while at job as a sen ior

    ophthalmologist at the Kennedy School of Government. Cook has written more than twenty five best sellers till date and has sold over

    one million books all of which are about medicine and biotechnology related ethical issues. His goal was to enlighten the public of issues

    such as organ transplantation which he did in his book Coma. The issue of stem cells and egg donation was dealt in his book Shock.

    Bio terrorism and xeno transplantation was looked into in the books Vector and Chromosome 6. His recent books are Critical and

    ForeignBody. The later is concerned with the recently growing problem of medical terrorism.

    Cook likes being called a doctor who writes as he quotes:

    I joke that if my books stop selling, I can always fall back on brain surgery, he says. But I am still very i nterested in it. If I had to do it

    over again, I would still study medicine. I think of myself more as a doctor who writes, rather than a writer who happens to be a doctor.

    He explained the popularity of his works thus: The main reason is, we all realize we are at risk. Were all going to be patients

    sometime, he says. You can write about great white sharks or haunted houses, and you can say Im not going into the ocean or Im not

    going in haunted houses, but you cant say youre not going to go into a hospital.

    His books help in teaching people about issues they would normally find uninteresting but the way Cook puts them they grab the

    attention of his readers. Many of Cooks works have been made into films. The topics of his books can be made into very interesting

    movies with a thriller genre.

    He currently lives with his wife Miss Jean Reeds sometimes in their home in Florida and sometimes in New York. He has been awarded

    with Author of Vision award in 2002.