BIODIVERSITY REPORT On Dasos Dadias- Lefkimis- Soufliou Bousiaki Eleni

BIODIVERSITY REPORT On Dasos Dadias- Lefkimis- Soufliou Bousiaki Eleni

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• On Dasos Dadias- Lefkimis- Soufliou



The location of Dadia

• Dadia forest lays North of Alexandroupolis,in the province of Evros, in Thrace.

• It covers the S.E. hills of the Rodopi mountain range.

• It lays along one of the major flyways for migratory birds.

The forest landscape

It is compiled by:• streams• rocky formations• forest gaps• natural fences• traditional


(Nicos Petrou)

The three key factors that shaped the character of the forest

• Fire

• Grazing

• Woodcutting

(Nicos Petrou)

Dadia forest through the years

Until the 1970’s• Clustered population,mild land useIn 1974• Initiation of the «Evros Development

Project»In 1979• A report by B. Hallman prompted the

Greek Government to create a reserve in Dadia

The structure of the reserve

• One small nucleus of 922ha.

• One larger one of 6368ha.

• The two nuclei are surrounded by 39000ha of buffer zone.

• One small nucleus of 922ha.

• One larger one of 6368ha.

• The two nuclei are surrounded by 39000ha of buffer zone.


Dadia through the years

• In 1985 the value of the herpetofauna was pointed out by scientists

• In 1987 several management projects were undertaken, for example the feeding area

• Natura 2000 (E.U. Directive 92/43) declared Dadia as S.P.A.

(from brochure)


• The forest coverage is no less than 70%

• Dominant species are the Calabrian Pine and the Turkish Oak

• Riparian vegetation consists of Alders and white Willows

(Nicos Petrou)


• Out of 38 species of Raptors in Europe, 36 are present in Dadia

• 3 out of 4 european species meet here

• The area puts up the most endangered species of raptors

The Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus)

(Nicos Petrou)

The Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)

(Nicos Petrou)

The Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus)

(Nicos Petrou)

The White- tailed Eagle (Heliaetus albicila)

(Nicos Petrou)

The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetus)

(Nicos Petrou)

The Short- toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus)

(Nicos Petrou)

The Little Owl (Athene noctua)

(Nicos Petrou)

Other Birds

• The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia), on top of a church

(Nicos Petrou)


• Dadia is of significant interest for visiting birdwatchers

• Dadia is of significant interest for visiting birdwatchers

(from brochure)

Reptiles and Amphibians

• 8 species are protected by Natura 2000 and 31 by international conventions.

• Their high population density indicates their key position in the ecosystem

Salamanders and Newts

• Triturus vulgaris

• Fire Salamander(Salamandra salamandra)(Nicos Petrou)


• Common species are: Rana greaca, Rana dalmatina, Hyla arborea and Bufo bufo

(Nicos Petrou)


• They are probably the most endangered reptiles!

• The two most common species are: Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni) and Spur- thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca)

(Nicos Petrou)


• 5 species are protected by NATURA 2000 and 9 species are in the Red Data Book for Mammals

• Wildcat (Felis sylvestris)

(Nicos Petrou)

Red Squirel and Wild Boar

(Nicos Petrou)

• Inadequate habitat and hunting grounds for reptiles and amphibians in the buffer zone.

• Reforestation, timber extraction and agricultural practices in the buffer zone.

• Decrease of livestock breeding.• Hunting and poisoning.• Road construction, military activities and traffic.• Ecotourism not well planned.• Pet trade.


• Alternative and more ecological form of forestry

• A general management plan• Biomonitoring program• Installation of goat flocks • Maintainance of the open character of the

forest• Strengthning of grazing• Stimulation of ecotourism


• Local people have found other sources of income through ecotourism

• There is an ecotourism centre in Dadia village

(from brochure)

Connection of the Evros Delta and Dadia forest

• Dadia forest is a part of the unique extended ecosystem of River Evros

• It can gradually restablish the wild life of Evros through the buffer zone, if well managed

« Protection of the forest of Dadia should and must become a

matter of national pride…»