BIOCHEMISTRY The biosynthesis of methanobactin Grace E. Kenney, 1 Laura M. K. Dassama, 1 Maria-Eirini Pandelia, 2 Anthony S. Gizzi, 3 Ryan J. Martinie, 4 Peng Gao, 1 Caroline J. DeHart, 1 Luis F. Schachner, 1 Owen S. Skinner, 1 Soo Y. Ro, 1 Xiao Zhu, 1 Monica Sadek, 1 Paul M. Thomas, 1 Steven C. Almo, 3 J. Martin Bollinger Jr., 4 Carsten Krebs, 4 Neil L. Kelleher, 1 Amy C. Rosenzweig 1 * Metal homeostasis poses a major challenge to microbes, which must acquire scarce elements for core metabolic processes. Methanobactin, an extensively modified copper-chelating peptide, was one of the earliest natural products shown to enable microbial acquisition of a metal other than iron. We describe the core biosynthetic machinery responsible for the characteristic posttranslational modifications that grant methanobactin its specificity and affinity for copper. A heterodimer comprising MbnB, a DUF692 family iron enzyme, and MbnC, a protein from a previously unknown family, performs a dioxygen-dependent four-electron oxidation of the precursor peptide (MbnA) to install an oxazolone and an adjacent thioamide, the characteristic methanobactin bidentate copper ligands. MbnB and MbnC homologs are encoded together and separately in many bacterial genomes, suggesting functions beyond their roles in methanobactin biosynthesis. M etals are necessary for many biological processes, and strategies to facilitate their acquisition have evolved across the do- mains of life. Metal scarcity presents a particular challenge, whether due to low environmental levels of soluble metals or metal- limiting conditions imposed by other organisms (1, 2). Iron acquisition, particularly by pathogenic bacteria in environments where iron is seques- tered by the host, is the canonical example of high- affinity metal uptake in low-metal environments (3). Instead of relying on passive import of scarce Fe(II), bacteria secrete natural products known as siderophores to bind Fe(III) sequestered in insoluble iron oxides or in host proteins; the Fe(III)-siderophore complex is then imported, and the iron is made available to the organism. In addition, some of these compounds play ad- ditional roles in metal regulation and protection from toxicity of metals other than iron (4). There is increasing evidence for the existence of similar processes for other metals. Staphylopine, recently discovered in Staphylococcus aureus, is involved in the import of a range of divalent metals (5), and nickelophores [ranging from simple amino acids (6) to more complex organic molecules (7)] are thought to be present in both S. aureus and Helicobacter pylori. Yersiniabactin has been shown to bind copper as well as iron (8). Similarly, de- spite iron-responsive regulation, delftibactin binds gold (9), and further reexamination of other sid- erophores suggests that many have roles as non- iron metallophores ( 10). Some of the first identified non-iron metallophores belong to the family of copper-binding compounds known as methano- bactins (Mbns) (11). Mbns were initially discovered in obligate methanotrophs (12), which oxidize their sole car- bon source, methane, using the copper-dependent particulate methane monooxygenase or, when starved for copper, the iron-dependent soluble methane monooxygenase. Under copper-limiting conditions, methanotrophs also produce and se- crete Mbns, peptidic compounds that chelate Cu(I) directly or Cu(II) via a reductive process with an unknown mechanism, resulting in Cu(I)Mbn. The high affinity and specificity of Mbns for Cu(I) is conferred by a pair of bidentate ligands, each comprising a nitrogen heterocycle (most commonly an oxazolone ring) and an adjacent thioamide or enethiol, which chelate the metal in a distorted tetrahedral geometry (Fig. 1A and fig. S1) (11). Operons encoding the biosynthetic machinery for Mbns, first identified and shown to be copper- regulated in the methanotroph Methylosinus (Ms. ) trichosporium OB3b (13, 14), are present in a range of methanotrophic and nonmethanotrophic bacte- ria (Fig. 1, A and B) (11, 15). The gene encoding the precursor peptide (MbnA) was recognized because the predicted C-terminal amino acid sequence cor- responds to the peptidic Mbn backbone (13). Dis- ruption of this gene abolishes Mbn production (16), providing evidence that Mbns are ribosomally produced, posttranslationally modified natural products (RiPPs), a class that also includes micro- cins, lasso peptides, lanthipeptides, thiopeptides, and pyrroloquinoline quinone (15, 17). Like the precursor peptides in most other RiPP families, MbnAs consist of an N-terminal leader peptide, which is cleaved in the final natural product, and a C-terminal core peptide, to which posttranslational modifications are directed (Fig. 1C). The locations of oxazolone rings and their neigh- boring thioamide groups in the peptidic backbones of mature Mbns indicate that these groups are installed at cysteine residues (15). Bioinformatic analysis of all MbnA sequences reveals that the modified cysteines are part of conserved motifs, wherein the cysteine is followed by a small, typi- cally hydrophobic residue (usually glycine or ala- nine, but occasionally serine) and then by a larger, more frequently hydrophilic residue (primarily ser- ine and threonine) (Fig. 1C). In Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnA, there are two modification sites, at Cys 21 and Cys 27 (residue numbering from the full-length peptide). Notably, Mbn operons lack genes associated with oxazolone or thioamide biosynthesis, indicating that the pathway(s) for their generation in Mbns must be biochemically distinct from nonenzymatic oxazolone biosynthesis in jadomycins (18) and the unrelated microbial enzymatic thioamide formation pathways for closthioamide, thioviridamide, and methyl co- enzyme M reductase (1921). Mbn operons, which vary in the composition and arrangement of their genes, have been di- vided into five major groups on the basis of their content as well as sequence-based phylogenetic analyses of three core components present in all operons (Fig. 1B and fig. S2). Also present are genes encoding proteins with predicted or, in some cases, experimentally established roles in regulation, trans- port, and secondary posttranslational modifica- tions (Fig. 1B and fig. S2) (15). Of particular interest are two genes encoding uncharacterized proteins designated MbnB and MbnC. These proteins are encoded within every Mbn operon identified to date, along with the precursor peptide MbnA, and we previously proposed (15) that they are respon- sible for the posttranslational modifications of MbnA that form the copper-binding ligands of Mbns. For the structurally characterized Mbns (and most predicted Mbns), there are two heterocycle- thioamide moieties in the final compound (fig. S1) (13, 2224). The second heterocycle is uniformly an oxazolone; the identity of the first varies, but it is predicted that all originate from oxazolone precursors (15). Formation of each oxazolone- thioamide moiety requires a net four-electron oxidation. The responsible enzymes would thus be expected to contain a redox cofactor. MbnBs are members of the uncharacterized DUF692 subfamily (Fig. 2A). Although these pro- teins are distantly related to characterized mem- bers of the TIM barrel family 15, including divalent metal-dependent enzymes such as xylose isom- erase and endonuclease IV (25), no DUF692 fam- ily member has been functionally characterized, despite their presence in a wide range of Gram- positive and Gram-negative bacteria. An un- published crystal structure (PDB: 3BWW) of one family member from Haemophilus (Hs.) somnus 129Pt revealed a diiron cluster at the center of the TIM barrel fold, with ligands corresponding to two of the three metal-binding sites observed in endonuclease IV enzymes. Two of the three ligands required for the third endonuclease IV metal binding site are present in the sequence of the Hs. somnus 129Pt protein but were disordered in the structure. The metal-binding residues observed in the Hs. somnus 129Pt structure are strictly conserved throughout the DUF692 family, including MbnBs, and a plausible structure for Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnB was generated RESEARCH Kenney et al., Science 359, 14111416 (2018) 23 March 2018 1 of 6 1 Department of Molecular Biosciences and Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA. 2 Department of Biochemistry, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02453, USA. 3 Department of Biochemistry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA. 4 Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] on August 14, 2021 http://science.sciencemag.org/ Downloaded from

BIOCHEMISTRY The biosynthesis of methanobactinDUF692 family iron enzyme, and MbnC, a protein from a previously unknown family, performs a dioxygen-dependent four-electron oxidation

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Page 1: BIOCHEMISTRY The biosynthesis of methanobactinDUF692 family iron enzyme, and MbnC, a protein from a previously unknown family, performs a dioxygen-dependent four-electron oxidation


The biosynthesis of methanobactinGrace E. Kenney,1 Laura M. K. Dassama,1 Maria-Eirini Pandelia,2 Anthony S. Gizzi,3

Ryan J. Martinie,4 Peng Gao,1 Caroline J. DeHart,1 Luis F. Schachner,1

Owen S. Skinner,1 Soo Y. Ro,1 Xiao Zhu,1 Monica Sadek,1 Paul M. Thomas,1

Steven C. Almo,3 J. Martin Bollinger Jr.,4 Carsten Krebs,4

Neil L. Kelleher,1 Amy C. Rosenzweig1*

Metal homeostasis poses a major challenge to microbes, which must acquirescarce elements for core metabolic processes. Methanobactin, an extensively modifiedcopper-chelating peptide, was one of the earliest natural products shown to enablemicrobial acquisition of a metal other than iron. We describe the core biosyntheticmachinery responsible for the characteristic posttranslational modifications that grantmethanobactin its specificity and affinity for copper. A heterodimer comprising MbnB, aDUF692 family iron enzyme, and MbnC, a protein from a previously unknown family, performsa dioxygen-dependent four-electron oxidation of the precursor peptide (MbnA) to install anoxazolone and an adjacent thioamide, the characteristic methanobactin bidentate copperligands. MbnB and MbnC homologs are encoded together and separately in many bacterialgenomes, suggesting functions beyond their roles in methanobactin biosynthesis.

Metals are necessary for many biologicalprocesses, and strategies to facilitate theiracquisition have evolved across the do-mains of life. Metal scarcity presents aparticular challenge, whether due to low

environmental levels of soluble metals or metal-limiting conditions imposed by other organisms(1, 2). Iron acquisition, particularly by pathogenicbacteria in environments where iron is seques-tered by the host, is the canonical example of high-affinitymetal uptake in low-metal environments(3). Instead of relying on passive import of scarceFe(II), bacteria secrete natural products knownas siderophores to bind Fe(III) sequestered ininsoluble iron oxides or in host proteins; theFe(III)-siderophore complex is then imported,and the iron is made available to the organism.In addition, some of these compounds play ad-ditional roles inmetal regulation and protectionfrom toxicity of metals other than iron (4). Thereis increasing evidence for the existence of similarprocesses for other metals. Staphylopine, recentlydiscovered in Staphylococcus aureus, is involvedin the import of a range of divalent metals (5),and nickelophores [ranging from simple aminoacids (6) to more complex organic molecules (7)]are thought to be present in both S. aureus andHelicobacter pylori. Yersiniabactinhas been shownto bind copper as well as iron (8). Similarly, de-spite iron-responsive regulation, delftibactin bindsgold (9), and further reexamination of other sid-erophores suggests thatmany have roles as non-ironmetallophores (10). Some of the first identifiednon-iron metallophores belong to the family of

copper-binding compounds known as methano-bactins (Mbns) (11).Mbns were initially discovered in obligate

methanotrophs (12), which oxidize their sole car-bon source,methane, using the copper-dependentparticulate methane monooxygenase or, whenstarved for copper, the iron-dependent solublemethanemonooxygenase. Under copper-limitingconditions, methanotrophs also produce and se-creteMbns, peptidic compounds that chelate Cu(I)directly or Cu(II) via a reductive process withan unknownmechanism, resulting in Cu(I)Mbn.The high affinity and specificity ofMbns for Cu(I)is conferred by a pair of bidentate ligands, eachcomprising anitrogenheterocycle (most commonlyan oxazolone ring) and an adjacent thioamideor enethiol, which chelate themetal in a distortedtetrahedral geometry (Fig. 1A and fig. S1) (11).Operons encoding the biosynthetic machinery

for Mbns, first identified and shown to be copper-regulated in themethanotrophMethylosinus (Ms.)trichosporiumOB3b (13, 14), are present in a rangeofmethanotrophic andnonmethanotrophic bacte-ria (Fig. 1, A and B) (11, 15). The gene encoding theprecursor peptide (MbnA)was recognized becausethe predicted C-terminal amino acid sequence cor-responds to the peptidic Mbn backbone (13). Dis-ruption of this gene abolishes Mbn production(16), providing evidence thatMbns are ribosomallyproduced, posttranslationally modified naturalproducts (RiPPs), a class that also includes micro-cins, lasso peptides, lanthipeptides, thiopeptides,and pyrroloquinoline quinone (15, 17). Like theprecursor peptides inmost other RiPP families,MbnAs consist of an N-terminal leader peptide,which is cleaved in the final natural product, and aC-terminal core peptide, to which posttranslationalmodifications are directed (Fig. 1C).The locations of oxazolone rings and their neigh-

boring thioamide groups in the peptidic backbonesof mature Mbns indicate that these groups areinstalled at cysteine residues (15). Bioinformaticanalysis of all MbnA sequences reveals that the

modified cysteines are part of conserved motifs,wherein the cysteine is followed by a small, typi-cally hydrophobic residue (usually glycine or ala-nine, but occasionally serine) and then by a larger,more frequently hydrophilic residue (primarily ser-ine and threonine) (Fig. 1C). InMs. trichosporiumOB3b MbnA, there are two modification sites,at Cys21 and Cys27 (residue numbering from thefull-length peptide). Notably, Mbn operons lackgenes associated with oxazolone or thioamidebiosynthesis, indicating that the pathway(s) fortheir generation in Mbns must be biochemicallydistinct from nonenzymatic oxazolone biosynthesisin jadomycins (18) and the unrelated microbialenzymatic thioamide formation pathways forclosthioamide, thioviridamide, and methyl co-enzyme M reductase (19–21).Mbn operons, which vary in the composition

and arrangement of their genes, have been di-vided into five major groups on the basis of theircontent as well as sequence-based phylogeneticanalyses of three core components present in alloperons (Fig. 1B and fig. S2). Also present are genesencoding proteinswith predicted or, in some cases,experimentally established roles in regulation, trans-port, and secondary posttranslational modifica-tions (Fig. 1B and fig. S2) (15). Of particular interestare two genes encoding uncharacterized proteinsdesignated MbnB and MbnC. These proteins areencoded within everyMbn operon identified todate, alongwith the precursor peptideMbnA, andwe previously proposed (15) that they are respon-sible for the posttranslational modifications ofMbnA that form the copper-binding ligands ofMbns. For the structurally characterizedMbns (andmost predicted Mbns), there are two heterocycle-thioamidemoieties in the final compound (fig. S1)(13, 22–24). The second heterocycle is uniformlyan oxazolone; the identity of the first varies, butit is predicted that all originate from oxazoloneprecursors (15). Formation of each oxazolone-thioamide moiety requires a net four-electronoxidation. The responsible enzymes would thusbe expected to contain a redox cofactor.MbnBs are members of the uncharacterized

DUF692 subfamily (Fig. 2A). Although these pro-teins are distantly related to characterized mem-bers of the TIM barrel family 15, including divalentmetal-dependent enzymes such as xylose isom-erase and endonuclease IV (25), no DUF692 fam-ily member has been functionally characterized,despite their presence in a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. An un-published crystal structure (PDB: 3BWW) of onefamily member from Haemophilus (Hs.) somnus129Pt revealed a diiron cluster at the center of theTIM barrel fold, with ligands corresponding totwo of the three metal-binding sites observed inendonuclease IV enzymes. Twoof the three ligandsrequired for the third endonuclease IV metalbinding site are present in the sequence of theHs. somnus 129Pt protein but were disorderedin the structure. The metal-binding residuesobserved in the Hs. somnus 129Pt structure arestrictly conserved throughout the DUF692 family,including MbnBs, and a plausible structure forMs. trichosporium OB3b MbnB was generated


Kenney et al., Science 359, 1411–1416 (2018) 23 March 2018 1 of 6

1Department of Molecular Biosciences and Department ofChemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208,USA. 2Department of Biochemistry, Brandeis University,Waltham, MA 02453, USA. 3Department of Biochemistry,Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA.4Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistryand Molecular Biology, The Pennsylvania State University,University Park, PA 16802, USA.*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

on August 14, 2021



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Page 2: BIOCHEMISTRY The biosynthesis of methanobactinDUF692 family iron enzyme, and MbnC, a protein from a previously unknown family, performs a dioxygen-dependent four-electron oxidation

Kenney et al., Science 359, 1411–1416 (2018) 23 March 2018 2 of 6

Fig. 1. Mbn structure, operon organization,phylogeny, and precursor peptidesequence. (A) Structure of CuMbn fromMs. trichosporium OB3b (top); sequenceof the MbnA precursor peptide (middle)and Mbn operon (bottom) from thatspecies. The operon includes genes relatedto import (the periplasmic binding proteinMbnE and the TonB-dependent transporterMbnT), export (the MATE multidrug exporterMbnM), regulation (the sigma/anti-sigmafactor pair MbnIR), biosynthesis (theprecursor peptide MbnA, the hypotheticalproteins MbnB and MbnC, and theaminotransferase MbnN), and two genesof unknown function (MbnP and MbnH).Color coding of the genes in theoperon indicates previously proposedroles: MbnB (orange) and MbnC(green) are responsible for modifyingthe two orange cysteines in the peptideto form oxazolone-thioamide pairsin the final natural product, whereasMbnN (dark red) is responsible for atransamination reaction at the leucine(dark red) in the peptide and thefinal natural product. The final methionine,depicted in gray, is sometimes missingfrom the compound. (B) Phylogenetictree for Mbn operons. All Mbn operonscontain mbnA, mbnB, and mbnC genes, andphylogenetic analyses of all three genes supportthe subgroups illustrated here. (C) MbnAsequence logo, illustrating the leader and core peptide sequences and the conserved cysteine modification motifs. Amino acid abbreviations: A, Ala; C, Cys;D, Asp; E, Glu; F, Phe; G, Gly; H, His; I, Ile; K, Lys; L, Leu; M, Met; N, Asn; P, Pro; Q, Gln; R, Arg; S, Ser; T, Thr; V, Val; W, Trp; Y, Tyr.

























S -

S -







mostly Methylosinus

mostly Methylocystis

assortednon-methanotrophicproteobacteria Komagataeibacter




Ms. trichosporium OB3b CuMbn (exact mass 1215.18 Da)precursor peptide and operon:

mbnIR T A B C M N P HmbnE

leader sequence core sequence-10 +1 +10-1-20





Fig. 2. Bioinformatic and biochemicalanalyses of the MbnBC heterodimer.(A) Sequence similarity network for theDUF692 family. MbnBs are depicted inred, MbnXs (found only in the fifth Mbnsubgroup) are in teal, and the structurallycharacterized Hs. somnus 129Pt proteinsequence (PDB: 3BWW) is in yellow.Arrows indicate the location of the relevantnodes. (B) The predicted structure ofMs. trichosporium OB3b MbnB (red), asmodeled against 3BWW using iTasser(RMSD, 4.2 ± 2.8 Å). Residues in blue arestrictly conserved in MbnBs. (C) Diironsite as observed in the 3BWW structure(yellow). All amino acids coordinating thetwo irons (orange) are strictly conservedin MbnBs. Two water molecules (red) arealso present in the coordination spherein the crystal structure, along with acacodylate molecule (gray) from thecrystallization buffer. (D) Sequencesimilarity network for the broader MbnCfamily. Red circles, MbnCs; blue circles,related non-MbnC genes found exclusivelyin Pseudomonas species. (E) SEC-MALSanalysis of MbnA (yellow; 3 kDa predicted, 3 kDa observed), MbnBC (red; 58 kDa predicted, 55 kDa observed), and MbnABC (blue; 61 kDa predicted, 58 kDaobserved) indicates that MbnB and MbnC form a heterodimeric complex that can bind MbnA.


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bymodeling its sequence onto the experimentallydetermined structure of theHs. somnus 129Pt pro-tein, even though MbnBs constitute a distinctsubfamily within the DUF692 family (Fig. 2, Band C). Less is known about MbnC. Four yearsafter the initial bioinformatics study, this pre-dicted protein still has no identifiable domains,

andmembers of this family are found only inMbnoperons or separate from mbnB in Pseudomonasspecies (Fig. 2D). Neither MbnB nor MbnCcontains a RiPP precursor protein recognitionelement, which is present in leader peptide–dependent modifying enzymes from many RiPPfamilies (26).

Separate heterologous overexpression of eitherMbnBorMbnC from several species failed to yieldsoluble protein. However, simultaneous coexpres-sion of MbnB andMbnC from a single vector (27)yielded soluble, stable heterodimeric complexes(MbnBC; 58.2 kDa for theMs. trichosporiumOB3bproteins with intact affinity tags) that could bepurified via affinity and size exclusion chroma-tographies (Fig. 2E and fig. S3). Consistent withthe proposed role of MbnBC inMbn biosynthesis,addition of MbnA resulted in the formation of aheterotrimericMbnA-MbnBC complex, detectableby size exclusion chromatography with multianglelight scattering (SEC-MALS) (Fig. 2E) as well asdenaturing and native polyacrylamide gel elec-trophoresis (fig. S3). Moreover, purified MbnBCcomplexes from six different species (table S1and fig. S4) contained iron, potentially sat-isfying the expected requirement for a redoxcofactor.Supplementation with 200 to 500 mM ferrous

ammonium sulfate during expression increasedthe iron loading, and in our model construct ofMbnBC fromMs. trichosporium OB3b, purifiedprotein samples contained 1.3 ± 0.2 iron atoms perheterodimer (table S1). 57Fe-Mössbauer spectra ofMbnBC are complex, but for aerobically purifiedprotein from three species, amixture of exchange-coupled di- and trinuclear clusterswas observedin addition to smaller amount(s) of unidentifiedspecies (fig. S5 and supplementary materials).Native top-downmass spectrometry (nTDMS) ofMbnBC from six species showed that, as antici-pated, all the iron was associated with the MbnBsubunit (figs. S6 and S7). A notable subset of thepopulation appeared to have as many as threeiron ions per MbnB subunit, indicating that afraction of the MbnB protein remained in themetal-free (apo) state, which was also observedby native mass spectrometry (figs. S6 and S7).The heterogeneity implied by the noninteger ironstoichiometry and observed by both Mössbauerspectroscopy and nTDMS implied that only a frac-tion of the purified MbnBC complexes were inthe active state. Reduced Fe(II) is commonly re-quired to initiate the oxidation of aliphatic carboncenters (28, 29), and less than 5% of the total ironin aerobically purified MbnBC was in this form.Purification of MbnBC under O2-free conditionsresulted in a variable increase in Fe(II) levels atthe expense of diminished iron loading.Both aerobically and anaerobically produced

MbnBC react with MbnA in the presence of O2,without the addition of external reductant, to yielda product characterized by a sharp absorptionfeature at 335 nm and a broad feature at 650 nm(Fig. 3A and fig. S8). Despite its decreased ironcontent, the anaerobically produced MbnBC wasmore active, consistent with the involvement ofan Fe(II) species in the active form of the cofactor.In the presence of excess O2, the 335-nm featureincreased in intensity with increasing quantitiesof substrate (Fig. 3B and fig. S8), whereas theintensity of the 650-nm feature was limited byMbnBC concentration (Fig. 3C and fig. S8). Thislatter feature likely reflects a charge-transfer tran-sition associated with the complex of MbnA with

Kenney et al., Science 359, 1411–1416 (2018) 23 March 2018 3 of 6









240022002000180016001400time (s)







ecna br osba

700600500400300wavelength (nm)

31.25 µM

62.5 µM

125 µM

250 µM










700600500400300wavelength (nm)







700500300wavelength (nm)










700600500400300wavelength (nm)







700500300wavelength (nm)










052t aecnabrosba

700650600550wavelength (nm)




056.sba.jda 2001000[MbnA] (µM)

15.625 µM

0 µM0 µM+O2









052t a


550500450400350300wavelength (nm)









2001000[MbnA] (µM)

250 µM

125 µM

62.5 µM

31.25 µM15.625 µM

0 µM 0 µM +O2




Fig. 3. Modification ofMs. trichosporium OB3b MbnA by MbnBC. (A) Reaction of 100 mM anaerobicMbnBC with 125 mM MbnA and 900 mM O2 over a period of 250 s; two prominent features are observedat 335 and 650 nm. Inset shows a difference spectrum between the final (250 s) and initial (0 s) timepoints. (B) UV-vis absorption spectra of the feature at 335 nmwith different concentrations ofMbnA. Insetshows the absorbance at 335 nm at different concentrations of MbnA. (C) UV-vis absorption spectra ofthe feature at 650 nm at different concentrations of MbnA; inset shows absorbance at 650 nm adjustedvia a dropline correction using values at 640 and 660 nm. (D) Reaction of 100 mM anaerobically preparedMbnBC containing 140 mM Fe with 900 mM O2 over a period of 250 s reveals the formation of a broadspectral feature between 300 and 400 nm. Inset shows a difference spectrum between the final (250 s)and initial (0 s) time points. (E) LC-UV-MS-MS shows that the retention time (left chromatogram) ofthemodified peptide (blue) changes relative to the unmodified peptide (red), that the absorption spectrumof the modified peptide maintains the 335-nm feature (right spectrum), and that the presence of the335-nm feature is associated with a mass shift of –4 Da that can be assigned to the first of the twomodifiable cysteines (yellow highlight, bottom). Angled blue “flags” in the peptide sequencemaps indicatethe location of fragment ions observed during tandem MS.


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Page 4: BIOCHEMISTRY The biosynthesis of methanobactinDUF692 family iron enzyme, and MbnC, a protein from a previously unknown family, performs a dioxygen-dependent four-electron oxidation

theMbnBC iron cofactor.WhenMbnAwasomittedfrom the reaction, a broader, weaker feature witha wavelength of maximum absorption (lmax) of340 nm developed more slowly (Fig. 3D and fig.S9). This feature resembles those arising fromoxo-to-ferric charge-transfer transitions in non-heme dinuclear Fe enzymes (30) and likely derivesfrom a species generated by unproductive oxida-tion of the Fe(II) in the MbnBC cofactor in the ab-sence of substrate. Similarly, incubation of MbnAwith MbnBC in the absence of O2 did not yieldthe intense 335-nm feature, consistent with a rolefor O2 in production of the chromophore. Minorspectral changes observed under these conditionslikely reflect low levels of residual O2 in the de-oxygenated reaction buffers.Analysis of MbnA before and after exposure to

MbnBCandO2 by coupled liquid chromatography,ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy,and tandemmass spectrometry (LC-UV-MS-MS)showed that the 335-nm feature is associatedwithMbnAand correlateswith amass shift of –4.031Dalocalized to Cys21, which is the position of theN-terminal oxazolone ring (OxaA) in the final natu-ral product (Fig. 3E and fig. S10). This mass shiftmatches that predicted for the installation of asingle oxazolone-thioamide group. In support ofthis assignment, addition of 100 to 500 mMHClresulted in the decay of the 335-nm feature inmodified MbnA, as expected if the modificationis indeed an oxazolone-thioamide group (fig. S11)(13, 24). Although species with mass shifts of –2and–6Dacould alsobedetected inmany reactions,fragmentation analyses indicated that these speciescorresponded to intramolecular disulfide formationbetween unmodified cysteines and modificationtogether with intramolecular disulfide bond for-mation, respectively. Consistent withmodificationof Cys21, a Cys21→ Ser substitution eradicated pep-tide modification as observed via UV-vis spectros-copy andmass spectrometry, whereas a Cys27→Ser substitution had no effect (Fig. 4A and figs. S12and S13). MbnBC additionally did notmodify thecore peptide alone, nor did it react with the leaderand core peptides added in trans, and even thetruncation of the leader peptide resulted in di-minished activity (Fig. 4A and figs. S12 and S13).Despite thismarked sensitivity to the presence

of valid leader peptides and modification sites,MbnBCs are otherwise promiscuous. MbnBCsfromMbn groups I to IVwere all capable ofmodi-fying heterologous MbnA groups I to IV, despitethe substantial differences in leader and core pep-tide sequences.MbnA fromgroupV has themostdivergent sequence (11), and the MbnBC fromthis group could interact only with the group VMbnA (Fig. 4B and fig. S14). All observedMbnAmodifications were associatedwith the samemassshift of –4 Da observed in theMs. trichosporiumMbnABC system (fig. S15), indicating that a de-tailed analysis of this system can be generalizedto the larger MbnBC family.Although the mass shift and acid hydrolysis

data are consistent with a single oxazolone-thioamidemoiety inmodifiedMbnA, the 335-nmabsorption feature differs from the 392-nm featureof OxaA in mature Mbns. This discrepancy is

Kenney et al., Science 359, 1411–1416 (2018) 23 March 2018 4 of 6









wavelength (nm)













wavelength (nm)













wavelength (nm)













wavelength (nm)















wavelength (nm)













wavelength (nm)















e (A







wavelength (nm)




Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnA

Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnA9-30

Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnA15-30

Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnA core

Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnA leader

Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnA leader, core

Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnAC21S

Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnAC27S

Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnAC21,27S

Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnA (I)

*Mc. hirsuta CSC1 MbnA (IIa)

Ps. sp. ST29 (III)

Gl. sp. SXCC-1 (IV)

Vi. caribbenthicus BAA-2122 (V)*Peptide solubility issues

WT (1.4 Fe)

H54A (0.6 Fe) H90S (0.6 Fe) E133A (0.3 Fe)







D163S (0.6 Fe) H192A (0.9 Fe) E239A (0.5 Fe)



























e (A




e (A




e (A




e (A




e (A




e (A


Fig. 4. Correlation of MbnBC activity with proposed diiron active site ligands and MbnAsequence. (A) Summary of activity observed via UV-vis absorption spectroscopy and LC-MS for125 mM Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnA variants with 100 mM Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnBC andexcess O2. Yes (Y) indicates that modification is observed; No (N) indicates no modification. Modifiedcysteines localized via tandem MS are highlighted in yellow. (B) Summary of activity observed viaUV-vis absorption spectroscopy and LC-MS for 125 mM MbnA substrate peptides and 100 mM MbnBCenzyme complexes from the different Mbn operon families in the presence of excess (~900 mM) O2.(C) Stopped-flow UV-vis absorption spectra over a period of 250 s for reactions between 125 mMMbnA, excess (~900 mM)O2, and 100 mMwild-typeMs. trichosporiumOB3bMbnBC or one of six enzymevariants with alanine mutations in predicted active-site residues (the diiron site from the Hs. somnus129Pt structure, labeled withMs. trichosporiumOB3b residue numbers, is provided for reference). Spectraare colored in rainbow order according to time, with the earliest spectra in red and the latest spectra inblue. Iron content per heterodimer is included in each label. Insets depict difference spectra for the enzymein the presence of oxygen (red) or oxygen and the MbnA substrate peptide (blue).


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attributable to structural differences between themodifiedMbnA product andmatureMbn. Inma-ture Mbn, the leader peptide is cleaved and theN-terminal primary amine is converted to a car-bonyl group by the pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (PLP)–dependent aminotransferase MbnN (15). Thismodification extends the conjugation of theoxazolone ring, accounting for the bathochromicshift in the spectral feature; OxaB moieties in allMbns lack such extended conjugation, and theirabsorption features fall within the 325- to 345-nmrange (13, 23, 24, 31). Consistent with this expla-nation, disruption ofmbnN inMs. trichosporiumOB3b resulted in accumulation of a previously un-known copper-binding compound that exhibiteda singlemajor spectral featurewith lmax of 332 nmand a mass shift of +1 Da with respect toCuMbn, reflecting the presence of the N-terminalprimary amine in place of the carbonyl group(fig. S16).The formation of this oxazolone-thioamide

moiety is dependent on the presence of the ironcofactor.Mutagenesis of the proposed iron ligandsin Ms. trichosporium OB3b MbnB (fig. S17) di-minished or eradicated both iron incorporationandmodification of MbnA (Fig. 4C). Native massspectrometry confirmed that diminished iron load-ing of MbnBCmeasured by inductively coupledplasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)correlated with reduced metal binding by MbnB(fig. S18 and table S1). Activity could also be elim-inated in the wild-type enzyme by removal of theironor complete oxidationwith excessH2O2 beforereaction with MbnA and O2 (fig. S19). The clearrequirements for reduced iron and O2 (and noother reductants or cofactors) suggest that MbnBCis an oxidase that activates O2 for cleavage of thethree aliphatic C–Η bonds on Ca and Cb of the firstmodifiable cysteine of MbnA to promote thecyclization/migration reaction necessary to com-plete the biosynthesis of the oxazolone-thioamidegroup.The observed conversion of Cys21 to an oxazolone-

thioamide appears to be an O2-dependent four-electron oxidation involving multiple aliphaticcarbons; such reactions are mediated by severalmononuclear (32, 33) and dinuclear (34, 35) ironenzymes. A hallmark of all these enzymes is theability to extract all necessary electrons from thesubstrate, allowing them tomediatemultiple turn-overs in the absence of a cosubstrate. By contrast,related iron enzymes that promote two-electronoxidationsuniformly require reducing cosubstrates(29, 36). BecauseMbnBCperformedmultiple turn-overs in reactions lacking an obvious reductant(figs. S8, S9, and S20), itmaymediate a single four-electron oxidation rather than two sequential two-electronoxidations.AstheMbnAorO2concentrationincreased, the transition from the single-turnoverregime (characterized by a single-exponential ki-netic phase in development of the 335-nm feature)to the multiple-turnover regime (characterized bymultiphasic kinetics) was observed at an MbnAconcentration markedly lower than the total ironpresent in the anaerobically prepared proteins (figs.S8 and S9); this finding is potentially consistentwith an active cofactor that contains more than

one iron ion. The presence of amultinuclear iron(Fe2 or Fe3) cluster is consistent with the nTDMSanalysis and the observation by Mössbauer spec-troscopy of multinuclear iron species in aerobi-cally purifiedMbnBC.Moreover, examination ofthemetal centers in xylose isomerase, endonucleaseIV, and theHs. somnus 129Pt DUF692 protein—the closest structurally characterized relativesof MbnB—suggests that a dinuclear or perhapseven trinuclear cluster is distinctly possible (fig.S21). By analogy to other nonheme iron enzymesthat mediate four-electron oxidations, MbnA pro-cessing could be initiated by abstraction of a hy-drogen atom from the Cb of the first modifiablecysteine by a superoxo(di/tri)iron(III) intermedi-ate (fig. S22).How MbnBC proceeds to the second modifi-

cation site remains unclear, as does the mecha-nismof leader peptide loss (fig. S23). The enzymecomplex may require leader peptide cleavage toinstall the C-terminal oxazolone-thioamide group,although neithermodification site in the core pep-tide can bemodified without the leader (Fig. 4Aand figs. S12 and S13). The only genes found in allMbn operons arembnA,mbnB, andmbnC. Mbnoperons encode no proteases, and MbnA leaderpeptides lack known protease recognitionmotifsat the cleavage location. It may be that a proteasenot encoded in the operon is required. Alterna-tively, the missing protease could be MbnC, forwhich neither a role nor a cofactor requirementhas been established. However, addition of a widerange of potential cofactors as well as lysate fromMbn-producingMs. trichosporium OB3b cells toMbnABC reactions in vitro failed to enable leaderpeptide cleavage (figs. S24 and S25). In addition,coexpression ofMbnBC fromVibrio caribbenthicusBAA-2122 with C-terminally His6-taggedMbnAfrom the same species resulted in the same massshift and UV-visible spectral features observedin vitro (fig. S26). This may indicate that the pro-tease, a cofactor, or a cosubstrate for the proteaseis absent or incorrectly assembled during heter-ologous expression. Additionalworkwill be neces-sary to fully reconstruct the biosynthetic pathwayin heterologous expression systems or in vitro.The involvement of a metalloenzyme in oxa-

zolone and thioamide biosynthesis is unprec-edented, and both components of the MbnBCcomplex belong to previously uncharacterizedprotein families. Similar to RiPP systems such asthe cyanobactins and lantibiotics (37, 38), thepromiscuity of the Mbn biosynthetic system sug-gests that it might be amenable to engineeringefforts, which could facilitate the development ofnatural and non-naturalMbns as drugs forWilsondisease and other disorders involving copper accu-mulation (39–41). Furthermore, the new under-standing of these enzymes sets the stage forelucidating the biosynthesis and function of theMbn-like natural products from nonmethanotro-phic bacteria.


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Supported by NIH grants GM118035 (A.C.R.), R01AT009143(N.L.K.), U54-GM094662, U54 GM093342, P01 GM118303 (S.C.A.),R00GM111978 (M.-E.P.), and F32GM110934 (L.M.K.D.), as well asNSF grants MCB0842366 (A.C.R.) and MCB1330784 (J.M.B. andC.K.) and the Price Foundation (S.C.A.). G.E.K. was supported byAmerican Heart Association grant 14PRE20460104. L.M.K.D.was additionally funded by a Postdoctoral Enrichment Programgrant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. L.F.S. was supported byNIH grant T32GM105538 and a Howard Hughes Medical InstituteGilliam Fellowship. O.S.S. was supported by NSF GRFP grant2014171659 and R.J.M. under NSF grant DGE1255832. AtNorthwestern University, the Quantitative Bio-element ImagingCenter is supported by NASA Ames Research Center grantNNA06CB93G, the Proteomics Center for Excellence is supportedby National Resource for Translational and DevelopmentalProteomics under NIH grant P41 GM108569 and National CancerInstitute (NCI) grant CCSG P30 CA060553, the Integrated

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Molecular Structure Education and Research Center is supportedby Northwestern University and the State of Illinois, theInternational Institute for Nanotechnology, and the Soft and HybridNanotechnology Experimental (SHyNE) Resource (NSF grantNNCI-1542205), and the Keck Biophysics Facility is supported inpart by NCI Cancer Center Support Grant CA060553. Some workwas performed at the Albert Einstein Anaerobic Structural and

Functional Genomics Resource. All authors declare no conflicts ofinterest. All data are presented in the supplementary materials.


www.sciencemag.org/content/359/6382/1411/suppl/DC1Materials and MethodsSupplementary Text

Figs. S1 to S28Tables S1 to S3Data Files S1 to S7References (42–64)

12 September 2017; accepted 7 February 201810.1126/science.aap9437

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The biosynthesis of methanobactin

Martin Bollinger Jr., Carsten Krebs, Neil L. Kelleher and Amy C. RosenzweigDeHart, Luis F. Schachner, Owen S. Skinner, Soo Y. Ro, Xiao Zhu, Monica Sadek, Paul M. Thomas, Steven C. Almo, J. Grace E. Kenney, Laura M. K. Dassama, Maria-Eirini Pandelia, Anthony S. Gizzi, Ryan J. Martinie, Peng Gao, Caroline J.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aap9437 (6382), 1411-1416.359Science 

, this issue p. 1411Sciencegenomes, suggesting that they may have roles beyond Mbn biosynthesis.characterized. The iron cofactor is required for ligand synthesis. MbnB and MbnC homologs are encoded in many functionally uncharacterized protein family that includes a diiron cluster, and MbnC, which is even less wellcopper-binding groups to a precursor peptide. This involves a complex of two homologs: MbnB, a member of a

describe the biosynthetic machinery that adds theet al.nitrogen-containing ring and an adjacent thioamide. Kenney methane. Peptides known as methanobactins (Mbns) acquire copper by using a pair of ligands comprising aenvironment. Microbes that use methane as a carbon source have a copper-dependent enzyme that oxidizes the

Many microbial enzymes are metal-dependent, and the microbe must acquire scarce metals from theUsing iron to generate a copper ligand

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