Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 47, pp. 269-281, 1983 Bioavailability and Biotransformation of the Mutagenic Component of Particulate Emissions Present in Motor Exhaust Samples by J. J. Vostal* The pharmacokinetic concepts of bioavailability and biotransformation are introduced into the assessment of public health risk from experimental data concerning the emissions of potentially mutagenic and carcinogenic substances from motor vehicles. The inappropriateness of an automatic application in the risk assessment process of analytical or experimental results, obtained with extracts and procedures incompatible with the biological environment, is illustrated on the discrepancy between short-term laboratory tests predictions that wider use of diesel engines on our roads will increase the risk of respiratory cancer and the widely negative epidemiological evidence. Mutagenic activity of diesel particulates was minimal or negative when tested in extracts obtained with biological fluids, was substantially dependent on the presence of nitroreductase in the microbial tester strain, and disappeared completely 48 hr after the diesel particles had been phagocytized by alveolar macrophages. Similarly, long-term animal inhalation exposures to high concentrations of diesel particles did not induce the activity of hydrocarbon metabolizing enzymes or specific adverse immune response unless organic solvent extracts of diesel particles were administered intratracheally or parenterally in doses that highly exceed the predicted levels of public exposure even by the year 2000. Furthermore, the suspected cancer producing effects of inhaled diesel particles have thus far not been verified by experimental animal models or available long-term epidemiological observations. It is concluded that unless the biological accessibility of the active component on the pollutant as well as its biotransformation and clearance by natural defense mechanisms are considered, lung cancer risk assessment based solely on laboratory microbial tests will remain an arbitrary and unrealistic process and will not provide meaningful information on the potential health hazard of a pollutant. Since the time when Ehrlich (1) identified hypo- thetical chemical ligands in the cell interior (recep- tors) on which chemicals entering the living organ- ism act, it has been believed that whatever the effect of a chemical in the biological system is, it occurs as a consequence of physicochemical interac- tions between the chemical and some functionally important chemical structure in the system. This obviously implies that the possibility of the drug reaching the receptor in satisfactory concentration is a necessary prerequisite for a measurable biolog- ical response. Recently, modern pharmacology (2) *Biomedical Science Department, General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, MI 48090. has been testing clinical efficacy and therapeutic potential of new drugs by measuring the drug transfer from the site of administration into the general circulation. Similarly, environmental toxi- cology must realize today that for proper under- standing of the ultimate effects of environmental pollutants, it cannot depend only on measurement of the applied dose (exposure), but must also determine what is the possibility and velocity with which the environmental pollutant or its effective component can reach the target organ, cell, or specific chemical structure. In fact, the most effec- tive assessment of the response would be to meas- ure the concentration of the chemical compound directly at the receptor site. This is still an idealis- tic approach even in pharmacotherapy and today's

Bioavailability Biotransformation of Mutagenic Component ... · Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 47, pp. 269-281, 1983 Bioavailability and Biotransformation of the Mutagenic

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Page 1: Bioavailability Biotransformation of Mutagenic Component ... · Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 47, pp. 269-281, 1983 Bioavailability and Biotransformation of the Mutagenic

Environmental Health PerspectivesVol. 47, pp. 269-281, 1983

Bioavailability and Biotransformation ofthe Mutagenic Component of ParticulateEmissions Present in Motor ExhaustSamplesby J. J. Vostal*

The pharmacokinetic concepts of bioavailability and biotransformation are introduced into theassessment of public health risk from experimental data concerning the emissions of potentiallymutagenic and carcinogenic substances from motor vehicles.The inappropriateness of an automatic application in the risk assessment process of analytical

or experimental results, obtained with extracts and procedures incompatible with the biologicalenvironment, is illustrated on the discrepancy between short-term laboratory tests predictionsthat wider use of diesel engines on our roads will increase the risk of respiratory cancer and thewidely negative epidemiological evidence. Mutagenic activity of diesel particulates was minimalor negative when tested in extracts obtained with biological fluids, was substantially dependenton the presence of nitroreductase in the microbial tester strain, and disappeared completely 48 hrafter the diesel particles had been phagocytized by alveolar macrophages. Similarly, long-termanimal inhalation exposures to high concentrations of diesel particles did not induce the activityof hydrocarbon metabolizing enzymes or specific adverse immune response unless organicsolvent extracts of diesel particles were administered intratracheally or parenterally in dosesthat highly exceed the predicted levels of public exposure even by the year 2000. Furthermore, thesuspected cancer producing effects of inhaled diesel particles have thus far not been verified byexperimental animal models or available long-term epidemiological observations.

It is concluded that unless the biological accessibility of the active component on the pollutantas well as its biotransformation and clearance by natural defense mechanisms are considered,lung cancer risk assessment based solely on laboratory microbial tests will remain an arbitraryand unrealistic process and will not provide meaningful information on the potential healthhazard of a pollutant.

Since the time when Ehrlich (1) identified hypo-thetical chemical ligands in the cell interior (recep-tors) on which chemicals entering the living organ-ism act, it has been believed that whatever theeffect of a chemical in the biological system is, itoccurs as a consequence of physicochemical interac-tions between the chemical and some functionallyimportant chemical structure in the system. Thisobviously implies that the possibility of the drugreaching the receptor in satisfactory concentrationis a necessary prerequisite for a measurable biolog-ical response. Recently, modern pharmacology (2)

*Biomedical Science Department, General Motors ResearchLaboratories, Warren, MI 48090.

has been testing clinical efficacy and therapeuticpotential of new drugs by measuring the drugtransfer from the site of administration into thegeneral circulation. Similarly, environmental toxi-cology must realize today that for proper under-standing of the ultimate effects of environmentalpollutants, it cannot depend only on measurementof the applied dose (exposure), but must alsodetermine what is the possibility and velocity withwhich the environmental pollutant or its effectivecomponent can reach the target organ, cell, orspecific chemical structure. In fact, the most effec-tive assessment of the response would be to meas-ure the concentration of the chemical compounddirectly at the receptor site. This is still an idealis-tic approach even in pharmacotherapy and today's

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pharmacology estimates the bioavailability of thedrug primarily from the change of the drug concen-tration in the circulating plasma with time.

Naturally, solubility of the administered form ofthe drug in the biological environment, i.e., extra-cellular fluid and serum or plasma, is of cardinalimportance for the drug distribution via systemiccirculation and, at the same time, it is an easilymeasurable parameter in laboratory conditions.Indeed, solubility in biological fluids is a basicprerequisite for the manifestation of any biologicaleffect; should the drug be administered in theinsoluble form, no drug will reach the target organ

receptors, and the expected pharmacological responsewill not occur.When identical principles are applied to envi-

ronmental toxicology, a direct parallel in the needfor a more exact quantification of the adverseresponse to the pollutant can be easily recognized.The effects of an environmental pollutant are alsodetermined by its possibility to reach its target inthe organism. In pharmacology, the form of drugadministration is preselected not to interfere withthe integrity of tissues at the site of injection. Incontrast, the entry of an environmental pollutantoccurs via variable routes, and a strong possibilityexists for an undesirable effect at the site where thepollutant enters into the organism. Indeed, in manycases, the local effect is the dominant action of thepollutant. In other cases, the inhalation of aerosolsmay result in a subsequent retention of the particu-late matter in the respiratory system and formationof a permanent depot from which the active compo-nent is continually distributed to a distant receptoror, what is more important, the reactive chemicalsmay be directly released into sensitive cells of therespiratory system that are in intimate contactwith the deposited particle (Fig. 1).

Ultimately, the final effect is not determined onlyby the absolute size of the dose entering theorganism, but also by the port of entry, site of






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FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of the bioavailability ofparticulate polycyclic organic matter.

deposition, in vivo availability of the active compo-nents released and distributed through the organ-ism, and by the final form of the chemical whichmay be either activated or detoxified by the actionof the cellular metabolizing enzymes. Therefore,only a complex evaluation of all factors involved canprovide a realistic rationale for the true and mean-ingful assessment of the real health hazards andpopulation risks.

Particulate Polycyclic OrganicMatter (PPOM)Numerous polycyclic hydrocarbons have been

identified in urban air, including pyrene, phenan-threne, fluoranthene, benzoperylene, benzo(a)pyrene,benzofluoranthene, chrysene, and arise primarilyfrom combustion of organic matter. However, thepresence of polycyclic hydrocarbons in our envi-ronment is ubiquitous (3), and significant naturalemissions of terpenic hydrocarbons by conifersoccur continuously in many evergreen forests (4).Man-made sources are primarily represented byhydrocarbon emissions from stationary sources andthe emission inventory for benzo[a]pyrene indicatesthe ratio between stationary and mobile sources inthe United States to be approximately 30:1 to50:1(5).The levels of all polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

in the ambient air and even in tobacco smoke arewell below their experimental thresholds for com-plete mouse skin carcinogenesis (6). However, theevidence for the induction of lung cancer by inhaledcancer-causing hydrocarbons is highly suggestive,and many environmental factors, i.e., cigarettesmoking and occupational exposures, have beenproposed as responsible for the increased hazard ofchemically induced neoplasia in the respiratorysystem.

In spite of the generally accepted interpretation,there has been no direct experimental evidencethat inhalation of a specific polycyclic hydrocarbonhas caused respiratory neoplastic processes in man,and Kuschner et al. (7) reported that exposures topolycyclic hydrocarbons, with defined carcinogenicpotencies established in skin-painting tests, do notproduce lung cancers in experimental animals, evenat extremely high concentrations (10 mg/m3). Thepositive proof of carcinogenicity depends primarilyon tests in which local tumors were produced by aprolonged administration of excessive doses on theanimal's skin. Nettesheim and Griesemer (8) andLaskin and Sellakumar (9) explained the surprisingfact that most of the inhalation studies reportednegative results, by deficiencies in aerosol genera-


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tion technology and inadequate experimental design.Scala (10) emphasized the necessary presence ofadditional factors which can promote the carcino-genic action of the hydrocarbons; without promo-tion, carcinogenic potential may remain unmanifested.Many alternate approaches were developed as an

experimental model of respiratory tract carcino-genesis and included direct injections of the carcin-ogen into lung tissue, intrabronchial and intratrachealapplication of carcinogens with other irritatingagents, or inhalations of carcinogenic hydrocarbonseither simultaneously or sequentially associatedwith other airborne materials (8). The thought thatfor manifestation of the carcinogenic effect, sensi-tive cells of the respiratory tract must be chroni-cally irritated by another noncarcinogenic factor, orthat the contact of the carcinogen with the specificcell must be prolonged and intensive, has beendominant in all proposed experimental designs.Simple breathing of hydrocarbon vapors present inthe ambient air was considered ineffective becausethe concentrations are usually low, are appliedrandomly to the entire lung surface, and even afterpenetration into the cell, they are rapidly detoxifiedor cleared via the perfusing blood.At environmental temperatures, the polycyclic

organic material in the community or workplace airis largely present in the form of physically dis-persed condensed aerosol nuclei, and only traceconcentrations exist in the true form of vapor.Although it is uncertain whether the polynucleararomatic hydrocarbons condense out as discreteaerosol droplets or are physically adsorbed on thesurface of particles formed during the combustionprocess, the presence of submicron-sized carbona-ceous particles with a large adsorptive surface

process is believed to escalate the condensation ofhydrocarbons. When the submicron-sized particlesare inhaled and retained in the respiratory system,the intimate contact of adsorbed hydrocarbons withthe directly adjacent respiratory cell(s) may beprolonged, lead to the penetration of hydrocarbonsinto the cells, and result in the manifestation oftheir biological activity.

Consequently, the rate and efficiency of releaseof the adsorbed hydrocarbons from the associatedparticulate matter by the action of alveolar or otherbiological fluids is of crucial importance in prede-termining the ultimate biological response andpotential adverse health effect of the depositedparticles.

Table 1 lists the most important representativesof the particulate polycyclic organic matter towhich man can be exposed either in the ambient airor in his occupation and compares the mass frac-tions of the particles which are extractable organicmatter and the concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene inthe extract. Unfortunately, the solvent solublefractions have been obtained using different organ-ics solvents; repeated extraction by toluene wasused for carbon black, dichloromethane for dieseland gasoline engine particles and benzene forambient aerosols and coke oven emission. As aconsequence, the total mass as well as the extract-able hydrocarbon fraction representation may havechanged. Cigarette condensate (6, 12), roofing tarextract (12) or automobile exhaust condensate (17,18) were not included in the list, since they do notcomply with the definition of the particulate-organics association. The particulate phase of ciga-rette smoke consists entirely of liquid aerosol (tar)and is, therefore, 100% soluble in an organic

Table 1. Various types of particulate polycyclic organic matter.

Source Particle size, FLm Solvent soluble, % Benzo[a]pyrene concentration Fg/mg ext.

Carbon black 0.1 -0.2 0.08-0.13 0.02 40.05aDiesel particles 0.15-0.2 12-17 0.002-0.026b

10-15 0.09cGasoline exhaust 0.15-0.2 39-43 O.lbNonurban aerosol 0.16-0.21 2-8 0.0-0.17dUrban aerosol

Continental 0.16-0.21 7-13 0.15-0.61dMaritime 6-9 0.21 .26

Coke oven emissions 0.1 -1.0 5-10 0.5b10 s.oe10 1oo.of

aData of Buddingh et al. (11).bData of Huisingh et al. (12).CData of Williams (13).dNAS data (14).eData of Jackson et al. (15).fData of Schulte et al. (16).


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solvent. Depending on the makeup of the cigarette,the condensate represents 0.2-9.0% of the weight ofmainstream smoke (500 mg/cigarette). Since thetotal benzo(a)pyrene content is 10-50 ,ug/cigarette,this represents a low concentration of 0.01-0.05,ug/mg condensate in the average 1960s commercialcigarette. In comparison, the 2RI Kentucky refer-ence cigarette smoke condensate, generated for theU.S. EPA Diesel Exhaust Research Program (12)is the result of sizeable per-cigarette reduction ofthe noxious constituents in the currently availablecigarettes and contains benzo[a]pyrene concentra-tions which are approximately one hundred timeslower: 0.0006 ,ug/mg condensate (19). Similarly asthe cigarette condensate, the roofing tar extractand automobile exhaust condensate are particle-free and completely soluble in an organic solvent;their benzo(a)pyrene content is approximately 1,ug/mg (12) and 0.2-0.3 ,ug/mg condensate (17),respectively.

BloavailabilityThe different character of the soot used (carbon

black, atmospheric soot, diesel exhaust particles),variability in the experimental design, and prob-lems with the analytical determination of traceamounts of polycyclic hydrocarbons are responsiblefor the controversy that exists regarding the abilityof biological fluids to extract hydrocarbons from thesoot particles in vitro (20).The attempts to overcome the low sensitivity of

the applied analytical methods by enriching thehydrocarbon fraction with excessive amounts ofbenzo[a]pyrene (21) further complicated the prob-lem. As expected, the authors using soot particleswith added hydrocarbons find a variable fractioneluted by serum or other biological tissues (22-25),whereas investigations attempting to extract thenaturally adsorbed benzo(a)pyrene (26,27) reportedcompletely negative results.Falk (22) indicated that human plasma eluted

benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) only from particles largerthan 100 ,um, and Obrikat and Wettig (28) reportedthat large species differences exist in the solubilityof benzo[a]pyrene and pyrene between the humanand animal serum. The transfer of benzo[a]pyrenebetween the particles and animal tissues was stud-ied by Creasia et al. (24) and recently also byMedda et al. (25). Both authors used soot or dieselparticles enriched with benzo[a]pyrene and reportedan early release of the hydrocarbon into the circula-tion when particles were small (below 1 ,um). Incontrast, BaP adsorbed on large particles (15-30,um) was cleared from the lung tissue at a rateidentical to the clearance of carbon particles, and

the authors admit that the in vitro adsorptionprocess may not have correctly simulated the forcesby which benzo[a]pyrene is bound during the com-bustion process. Nettesheim (8) studied the releaseof BaP from beeswax pellets (100 ,ug BaP adsorbedto 900 pug of activated charcoal and incorporatedinto beeswax) in vitro and after implantation intotracheal transplants in rats; the release of BaP invivo was approximately 2.8 + 06% per day at thehighest concentrations. When small concentrationswere used, initial release was rapid and most of thecarcinogen was delivered to the graft in the firsttwo weeks. Inspite of the rapid release, no significantpreneoplastic or neoplastic lesions were observed.Similar studies were done with 7,12-di-methylbenzo-(a)anthracene. The release from the beeswax pelletoccurred with an exponential rate at high adminis-tered concentration and represented approximately1.7% of the amount remaining in the pellet per day.Again at lower concentrations (< 200 ,ug DMBA)nearly all carcinogen was released within 1 to 4weeks. The tracheal transplant model may be afeasible carcinogen delivery system for experimen-tal lung cancer induction, however, it can hardly beconsidered a representative model of the bioavail-ability of hydrocarbons from soot particles due toits completely artificial character.Compared to other types of internal combustion

engines, the diesel engine produces approximately30-100 times greater mass of submicron-sized parti-cles, and therefore most of the studies related tothe association of potential carcinogenic effects ofautomotive emission have concentrated on dieselparticles (29). The particles are submicron in size(0.15-0.2 ,um MMAD) and consist of a carbonaceouscore on which variable amounts of hydrocarbonsadsorbed. (Fig. 2) The hydrocarbons can be extractedby any organic solvent and can be separated fromthe solid core.Chemical analysis reveals (Table 2) that the solid

core consists practically of pure carbon; its molecu-lar ratio of hydrogen to carbon is many times lower


FIGURE 2. Schematic drawing of a diesel particle.


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Table 2. Diesel particulate composition.


C H 0 N Molecular formula Molecular weight

Extractable 79.5 10.0 11.3 0.70 C24H:39026No 18 150-5000fraction

Dry core 81.9 1.4 16.2 0.60 C6.oH1.200.sNo 04

than that of the original fuel and only minimaltraces of oxygen and nitrogen are present. Incontrast, the hydrocarbon residuum obtained aftersolvent extraction and careful evaporation of thesolvent indicates the presence of compounds with awide range of molecular weights and a significanthydrogen excess over the carbon and is expected tobe composed of highly variable quantities of anestimated 10 to 20,000 hydrocarbons (29).

Considering the potential presence of biologicallyactive components that would have serious conse-quences for human health, chemical analyses indi-cated first of all that concentrations ofbenzo[a]pyrenein diesel particulates are much lower than inparticulates obtained from precatalyst cars andlower or comparable with those found in particu-lates from catalyst-equipped gasoline-powered en-gines (30).Numerous investigators attempted to find a com-

mon denominator for the presumed neoplastic actionof the polycyclic particulate matter and benzo(a)-pyrene concentrations have been frequently usedfor a comparative assessment of the exposure risks.Thus Albert (31) proposed an intercomparison ofthe potency of diesel exhaust with the biologicalactivity of coke oven emissions, roofing tar extract,and cigarette smoke condensate. Presumably, therelative activity in animal experimentation or invitro laboratory experiments will be indicative of ina comparable carcinogenic activity in the exposedpopulations. However, the variability of the benzo-[a]pyrene concentrations, particularly in the cokeoven emissions (Table 1), indicates that the cokebattery operation has changed significantly duringthe last decades and that present emissions are notnecessarily representative of the material emittedwhen the exposure of workers occurred (32). Thepotency of samples collected today does not reflectthe quality and quantity of the polycyclic organicmatter to which the worker's cohorts with increasedfrequencies of neoplastic processes were exposed20-30 years ago. In addition, an analysis of themutagenic activity shows that wide differencesbetween diesel and coke over particulates also existin the mechanism of their action. Pederson and Siak(33) compared the profiles of biological effects of

both extracts and concluded that the mutagenicactivity detected in bacterial mutagenicity assay ofcoke oven emission particle extracts requires mam-malian liver enzyme activation, whereas the muta-genic activity of diesel exhaust particle extractsdoes not. Comparisons of the mutagenic activityprofiles of the thin layer chromatographic fractionsof diesel particle and coke oven extracts indicatesthat whereas direct-acting mutagenic activity isfound in the nitro-substituted hydrocarbon fractionof diesel extract, the activity of coke oven emissionparticle extracts is found mostly in the polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons and the polar fractions con-taining no nitro-substituted compounds (Fig. 3).However, just as low concentrations of benzo(a)-








6. Desel Particle Extract0 0.2 0.4

II... I0.6 03




M = Misc. Polar Compoundshnliding DInItroPAH &Other Nitro-compounds

*. Coke Oven Particle ExtractDO -



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

TLC Fraction15

FIGURE 3. Mutagenic activity recovered in TLC fractions fromdiesel particle extract and coke-oven emission extract chro-matographed on normal phase silica gel plate. The fractionswere extracted with DMSO and assayed for mutagenicactivity in the tester strain TA 98. For diesel particleextract, fractions were assayed without S9, and for coke-oven emission, extract fractions were assayed with andwithout S9. Areas I, II and III at the top of the chartrepresent the range of migration for three compound classesas indicated. Data of Pederson and Siak (33).



2o -

Page 6: Bioavailability Biotransformation of Mutagenic Component ... · Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 47, pp. 269-281, 1983 Bioavailability and Biotransformation of the Mutagenic

pyrene do not exclude the possibility of the pres-ence of other components with biological activity,the analytical proof itself does not always indicatethat the potentially harmful compounds are easilyavailable for the in vivo action. Only after thehydrocarbon molecule has left the carbon core ofthe particle could it cross the cell membrane tointeract with the intracellular components andproduce a potential error in DNA replication which,if not immediately repaired, can produce geneticmutations or, theoretically, neoplastic conversionof the newly produced cell.

In order to assess their specific biological aggres-sivity, the hydrocarbons adsorbed on the surface ofparticulates have been frequently extracted fromthe particulates and concentrated by using power-ful organic solvents which are not present in theliving organism. After separation, the biologicalactivity of the extracted hydrocarbons has beentested in laboratory tests, and the resulting biologi-cal effects were frequently interpreted as reflectingtheir expected activity in the organism. It may bequestioned whether it is scientifically appropriateto use an organic solvent to extract hydrocarbonsfrom particulate matter when the in vivo activity ofthe inhaled particulate matter is to be assessed forthe living organism. Obviously, living matter doesnot have similar mechanisms which permit theseparation of individual components analogous tosolvent extraction in vitro and, therefore, theirbiological response in vivo will be primarily deter-mined by the basic principles of bioavailability ofchemical materials in living organisms.

Application of the microbial genetic assay to testdichloromethane extracts ofhydrocarbons adsorbedon the surface of particles obtained from heavyduty diesel engines and unknown quality dieselfuels resulted in reports of positive mutageniceffects by several laboratories and premature sug-gestions that wider use of diesel engines on ourroads may increase the risk of respiratory cancer inpopulations exposed to high concentrations of dieselemissions (34). However, the mutagenic effects ofdiesel particles vary with engine type and dieselfuels (35), as well as with the type of extractionsolvent used (36), and both completely negative aswell as highly positive values have been reportedfrom different laboratories (37).A minimum quality fuel with a low cetane value,

high aromatic content and high nitrogen contentproduced the maximum mutagenic response in acomparative study. However, the measured con-centration of 0.1 ,ug of benzo[a]pyrene per plate ofthis sample was not sufficient to explain the observedmutagenic effect (35). In addition, the response didnot require activation with mammalian enzymes,

another factor contradicting the major role ofbenzo[a]pyrene. Pitts (38) proposed that polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons adsorbed on the surface ofthe particulate matter during the combustion pro-cess can react with other simultaneously emittedgaseous pollutants and form reaction products(nitroarenes) which are direct mutagens in theAmes test. Lofroth (39) and Rosenkranz (40)identified mutagenic nitropyrenes in xerographictoners containing carbon black. Pederson (41) stud-ied the reactivity of diesel particulate extract withDNA and concluded that the behavior of theextract was more similar to nitroaromatic com-pounds than to unsubstituted benzo[a]pyrene. In-creased mutagenicity under anerobiosis and de-creased mutagenicity in bacteria lacking nitro-reductase enzymes suggested that nitrocompoundsare involved in the mutagenic activity of dieselparticle extracts (41). Thin layer chromatographyseparation identified a major fraction of the activityin fractions associated with monosubstituted aro-matic compounds. Absorption spectra indicatednitrosubstituted pyrene as the main nitroaromaticcompound (43). Tests with recently developeddinitropyrene-resistant (Salmonella strains disclosedhighly potent dinitrocompounds, 1,8-dinitropyreneand 1.6-dinitropyrene, as the predominant muta-genic components of the diesel particulate extract,in spite of their presence in concentrations lowerthan 1 ppm in diesel particulate (44).

Since nitroaromatic compounds seem to manifesttheir genotoxic properties only after the nitrogroups have been activated, the presence of thenitroreductase enzyme is necessary for their muta-genic action. Fouts and Brodie (45) reported thatthe nitro-reductase enzyme system which convertsnitro compounds into amines is present in mamma-lian tissues mainly in liver, partially in the kidney,but in traces or not at all in other tissues includingthe lung. The mutagenic activity of nitrocompoundsobserved in short-term microbial assay, therefore.may not be paralleled in the mammalian targettissues. Again, the potential for its manifestationwould depend primarily on the fact that the activecompounds can leave the particle and be distributedvia systemic circulation to the liver.

In general, therefore, the scientific communitydid not disagree with the positivity of reportedsamples of diesel particulates in microbial tests butseriously questioned, as have many others, itssignificance in predicting long-term public healtheffects. First, positive mutagenic tests were observedonly after adsorbed hydrocarbons had been strippedby powerful organic solvents and applied in the testin the form of extracts concentrated by evapora-tion.

274 J. J. VOSTAL

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dichloromethane was obtained by incubation ofparticles with biologically relevant solutions likelavage fluid or serum. Quantitative studies of thedissociation of benzo(a)pyrene from particles indi-cated that although 65% of the benzo[a]pyrenecontent was eluted by ethanol in 1 hr, none waseluted by saline, and only 12% was recovered after24 hr perfusion of particles with 1:1 diluted serum.The authors concluded that biologically relevantsolvents may bind or detoxify mutagenic com-pounds and make them unavailable for interactionwith bacteria.

FIGURE 4. Comparison of the mutagenic activities of dieselparticulate extracts by dichloromethane (DCM), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), fetal calf serum (FCS), 0.5% bovineserum albumin, simulated lung surfactant (SLS) and saline(SLN). Data of Siak et al. (46).

Using the same laboratory method, Siak et al.(46) and Brooks et al. (47) demonstrated that whenfluids have been used which are compatible with theinternal environment of the human body instead ofindustrial organic solvents for extraction, muta-genic activity was significantly reduced and repre-sented only a small fraction of the amount reportedfor the organic extracts. Figure 4 compares themutagenic activity of a dichloromethane (solvent)extract with the activity of the same sample extractedby fetal calf serum, a solution of serum albumin,and a simulated lung surfactant. The mutagenicactivity extracted from diesel particulates by typi-cal body fluids such as blood serum or a solution ofblood proteins is entirely negligible in comparisonwith that extracted by an organic solvent.King et al. (48) confirmed that organic solvents

are more efficient than physiological fluids in remov-ing mutagens from diesel particles and reportedalso that the activity of hydrocarbons extractedwith dichloromethane is greatly reduced upon addi-tion of serum and lung cytosol. Subsequent incuba-tion of serum and cytosol-bound organs with prote-ase increased mutagenic activity, this prompted theauthors to suggest that although serum or cytosolmay partially remove mutagens from the particles,they remain firmly bound to proteins and do notexert biological activity of the degree observedafter testing of dichloromethane extract.

Parallel studies conducted at other laboratories(49) also reported that organic materials dissociatefrom particles much more slowly in vivo than whenextracted by organic solvents in vitro and thatserum and tissue cytosols significantly reduce thecytotoxicity of diesel particle extracts (50). From 0to about 8% of mutagenic activity extracted by

BiotransformationIt is well known that aromatic hydrocarbons are

metabolized in the living organism by microsomalmixed function oxygenase to arene oxides, enzy-

matically hydrated to dihydrodiols, and furtherconverted to catechols or conjugated with glutathi-one. Binding of reactive intermediates to cellularDNA was repeatedly proposed as a critical step inthe observed genotoxic effects of polycyclic hydro-carbons (51, 52) and the specific enzyme, arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase, either is expected toactivate or detoxify the effects of carcinogenicpolycyclic hydrocarbons. Aromatic hydroxylase ispresent in many mammalian tissues, but the levelsof its activity considerably vary among organs,strains and animal species (53).

Liver has the highest aromatic hydroxylase activ-ity, but measurable enzyme levels were reportedalso in the lung and many other tissues, includingalveolar macrophages (54-59). Tomingas (54) reportedthat alveolar as well as peritoneal macrophages canmetabolize benzo[a]pyrene adsorbed on the surfaceof carbon particles, hematite or furnace dust.Dehnen (60) and Bast (61) described that aromatichydroxylase in guinea pig macrophages can beinduced, similarly as the liver and lung hydroxylase,by previous administration of polycyclic hydrocar-bons. Increased hydroxylase activity was foundalso in alveolar macrophages lavaged from thelungs of smokers (56-58) and recently, McLemore(62) reported that although hydroxylase activity ishigher in smokers than in nonsmokers, no differ-ence was observed between smokers with andwithout neoplastic process in the lung. The capacityof tissues to induce higher levels of the hydroxylaseactivity, although different among individuals (63,64) is not a direct prerequisite for the neoplasticprocess. Neither does the formation of specificwater-soluble metabolites of polycyclic hydrocar-bons predict carcinogenic or mutagenic effects (65,66), and the data suggest that it may be difficult to







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correlate the different in vitro assays with theevents in vivo (67).

Theoretically, lung cells may extract, detoxify oractivate mutagenic compounds independently ofextracellular fluid, and make the in vitro systemless applicable to the situation in vivo. This prob-lem was addressed by Siak and Strom (68), whostudied mutagenic properties of inhaled diesel par-ticles that were deposited in the lung. Pulmonaryalveolar macrophages were obtained by broncho-pulmonary lavage from exposed animals immedi-ately after exposure and 1, 4 and 7 days thereafter,concentrated by filtration and extracted withdichloromethane. When mutagenicity of diesel par-ticle extracts collected from the inhaled air wasused as a reference (Fig. 5), a positive mutageniceffect was detectable only in the extracts of macro-phages obtained immediately and one day afterexposure (Fig. 6). Starting with the second dayafter exposure, there was no mutagenic activity inextracts from macrophages, and in full agreementwith the biological activity, the TLC fluorescence-banding pattern of the extracts completely disap-peared. In vitro incubation of alveolar macrophageswith diesel particles confirmed that the presence ofmacrophages reduces the mutagenic activity bymore than 60% (69). Alveolar macrophages, which






I ,,

/ .-+ieselp/ ,' _+ *-Diesel p

;/, + ~~800j.

g,' o~-aDay 0

,_Day 7A, + . s. .~~~~~~~~particle extract

particle extractig macrophage extract



FIGURE 5. Mutagenic dose/response curves of diesel particleextracts obtained from diesel exhaust-exposed animals. Die-sel particle extract and alveolar macrophage extracts were

assayed for mutagenicity in tester strain TA98 without S9enzyme activation: (-*-) diesel particle extract; (--o--)diesel particle extract plus 800 ,ug control macrophageextract; (-o--) macrophage extract from exposed rats im-mediately after exposure; (--o--) macrophage extract fromexposed rats 7 days after exposure. Data of Siak and Strom(68).

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|~~~~ T-


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FIGURE 6. Post-exposure changes in mutagenic activity ofinhaled diesel particles in alveolar macrophages of animalspreviously exposed to diluted diesel exhaust. Data of Siakand Strom (68).

accumulate most of the inhaled diesel particles fromthe respiratory tract, therefore, have a capacity torelease or transform the fluorescent and mutagenichydrocarbons within a relatively short period oftime and, thus, significantly influence their biologi-cal activity in the respiratory system.The fact that the alveolar macrophages can

metabolize polycycic aromatic hydrocarbons hasbeen reported in the literature (70), and previouswork in our laboratory demonstrated that mamma-lian liver enzymes activate the bacterial mutagenicactivity of 1-nitropyrene and of diesel particleextract under specific laboratory condition (71).Therefore, an enzymatic transformation of theextractable organic compoun.ds of diesel particlesby macrophages may be one of the possible mecha-nisms involved. Another possible mechanism is thesolubilization of the extractable organics from die-sel particles by phospholipids from the lung surfac-tant and by other cellular components of themacrophage (72-74). The soluble complexes maydiffuse into other tissues, and/or bind to othercellular constituents which render them unextractableby the method employed. Further in vivo and invitro experiments are required to provide a betterunoerstanding of the mechanisms involved, but theresults thus far demonstrate that the insolubleparticulates stored for a prolonged period of time inalveolar macrophages represent virtually an innoc-uous material which may have lost most of itsbiological activity (75).The lack of biological activity of diesel particu-

lates deposited in the respiratory tract was docu-mented by the work of several laboratories. Chenet al. (76) investigated the effects of long-terminhalation of diluted diesel exhaust on aryl hydro-carbon hydroxylase activity and cytochrome P450


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content in lung and liver microsomes in maleFischer-344 rats (Rattus norvegicus) and comparedthem with intraperitoneal and intratracheal adminis-tration of organic solvent extracts of hydrocarbonfrom the diesel particulates. Surprisingly, a decreaseinstead of an enzyme induction was observed inlung microsomal aromatic hydroxylase activity ofanimals after the full 9 months of exposure to dieselexhaust at the particulate concentration of 1500,ug/m3 (Fig. 7). The observations were confirmed byother investigators (77). In contrast, 1.4- to 9-foldincreases in aromatic hydroxylase activity werereported in liver and lung microsomes of ratspretreated by intraperitoneal doses of particulateextract, which were 10-15 times higher than themost conservative estimate of the deposited lungburden (25-125 mg/kg body weight). Similarly,direct intratracheal administration of the dieselparticle extract (78) required doses as high as 6mg/kg body weight before the activity of theinduced enzyme in the lung was barely doubled(Fig. 8). The induction was slow and occurredselectively in the lung only, indicating that dieselparticulate extract does not absorb easily into thelung circulation and is not distributed to otherorgans. The data suggest that the absence ofenzyme induction in rat lung exposed to dieselexhaust is caused either by the inavailability ofhydrocarbons for distribution in the body or bytheir presence in insufficient quantities for enzymeinduction. The results indicate that inhaled dieselparticles would not be capable of inducing aromatichydroxylase in the lung unless the total depositeddose in the lung reaches approximately 6-8 mg ofthe particle extract per kilogram of body weight.

Since the extractable portion represents only 10-15%of the total particulate mass, the required pulmo-nary deposits of diesel particles in a 70 kg manwould be excessive to become a significant step inpromotion of a potential neoplastic process.

Published data on a similarly negative immuneresponse of the lymphoid tissues in the respiratorysystem to the presence of deposited particles are ingood agreement with the observation of the lack ofbiological activity of the diesel particles duringprolonged inhalation exposures (79). The inactivityof the sequestered particles is in sharp contrastwith laboratory demonstrations that the dieselextract, when administered in excessive doses,produces positive effects in the immune response.Dziedzic (79) administered massive doses of dichloro-methane extract of exhaust particles (10-50 mg/kgbody weight, three times over 7 days, intraperito-neally) to mice (Mus musculus), and measuredsplenic lymphocyte response to the mitogens, lipo-polysaccharide or concanavalin A. Mitogen reactionwas determined in suspensions of lymphocytesfrom isolated spleens by culturing cells in thepresence of a stimulating dose of lipopolysaccharideor concanavalin A. The cells were pulsed withtritiated thymidine, and the uptake of radioactivitywas used as an index of response. The trend towarddecreasing responsiveness in extract-injected ani-mals is presented in Figure 9. In a separateexperiment, T cell responsiveness of mice, similarlyinjected with extract to a contact hypersensitivity

I 500e

X 400~- E2S c 300t E






Lung N 4


ODP- Ext-T--, ---T-- -I- -

o 2 4 6 8 10 12Dose (mg/kg)

IE ii





Months of Exposure

FIGURE 7. Pulmonary microsomal AHH activity ( (ILLEGI-BLE) mole 30 H-BP in g protein) of rats exposed todiluted diesel exhaust vs. months of exposure. Each symbolrepresents mean ± S.D. for six individual animals: (1500 pLg/M3;( ) 750 ,ug3; (----) control.

000Liver N 4

8006004 ,_DP-Ext 12 mg/kg

I600j ; 4 4

B(a) 5 mg /kg400

200 _

0 A

0 24 48 72 96 120 144Hours After Administration

FIGURE 8. Lung and liver dose/response curves of microsomalaryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity after intra-tracheal instillation of ben o(a)pyrene (B(a)P) and dieselparticulate extract (DP-Ext). Symbols represent x-p S.D.for four animals. Data of Chen and Vostal (78).


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nAn0V.C. 10 25 V.C. 10 26


FIGURE 9. Splenic lymphocyte response to B-cell mitogenlipopolysaccharide or T-cell mitogen concanavalin A afterintraperitoneal injection of diesel particulate extract. VC =

vehicle control; 10, 25, 50 mg/kg dose. Mean ± S.E. Data ofDziedzic (80).

reaction was studied. In this experiment, groups ofmice were sensitized with a 0.5% solution ofdinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) on a previously shavedabdomen. After 4 days, they were challenged ontheir left ears with the same solution; right earswere treated with vehicle alone. The increase in earthickness at 24, 48 and 72 hr after challengeindicated a decreased ability to respond in theextract-treated animals (Fig. 10).What appears to be evident from the data is that

in contrast with the results of the laboratory testsin vitro, which may falsely lead to concerns aboutthe potential neoplastic activity of the inhaledparticles with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,the real effect of particles is determined primarilyby the availability of hydrocarbons for interactionwith the sensitive cells of the respiratory tract.First, the living organism may not have identicalmechanisms which will solubilize and elute thehydrocarbons from the surface of particles, similarto that of the powerful industrial solvents. Second,even if a prolonged residence time of particles couldpermit the solubilization of active mutagens fromthe particles, it remains to be seen if their muta-genic properties, as detected in a microbial system,are applicable to the completely different enzymaticconditions of the mammalian cell. Biological inactiv-ity of the particulate deposits is well illustrated bythe negative response of the inhaled particulates inthe induction of metabolizing enzymes as well as bythe completely negative immunological reactionand lack of significant functional or structuraleffects in long-term animal exposures to high con-centrations of diesel particulates (29). In bothcases, the biological response was clearly mani-fested when hydrocarbons were removed from the


FIGURE 10. Ear thickness response to the sensitization chal-lenge of dinitrofluorobenzene (0.5%) after intraperitoneallyadministered diesel particulate extract. Data of Dziedzic(80).

particles and administered in the form of particle-free extract; however, the effects were not observedafter inhalation of particles with hydrocarbonsadsorbed on the surface. Furthermore, the phago-cytic function of the alveolar macrophage not onlyeffectively prevents more intimate contact ofinhaledparticles with the sensitive cells of the respiratorysystem, but is capable of deactivating the biologicalaggressivity of the chemical materials adsorbed ontheir surface. Even if a long-term storage of theinhaled particles occurs in the respiratory system,it would primarily represent deposits of relativelyinnocuous material which might be more an indica-tor of the past exposure rather than an index of aclinically significant biological hazard.

In conclusion, studies conducted independentlyin several laboratories drew the same result: muta-genic components present on diesel particles areprotein-bound or minimally soluble in biologicalfluids, and, therefore, not easily available for trans-fer into adjacent tissues or the systemic circulation.In this respect, the testing of the organic solventextract in vitro does not represent the real biologi-cal activity of the diesel particles in the livingorganism. While the genotoxic effects observedafter solvent extraction may represent significantscientific information, the data are not valid predic-tors of potential adverse effects of inhaled dieselparticulates and cannot serve as a meaningful basisfor the assessment of the hazards of diesel exhaustemissions in the human respiratory system. Unlessthe availability of the chemical compounds adsorbedon the surface of diesel particles to the biologicalfluids in the human body is considered in riskassessment, estimates of increased risk of lungcancer to diesel emissions will remain arbitrary andunrealistic.


_ 300






10-3 30





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