Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

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Page 1: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer


Lesson 1

Page 2: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Killer Whales of British Columbia•There are 3 different types of killer whales

•They have different diets, ranges, languages, behaviour & social organization (Bigg, Ellis, Ford)

The three types are Residents, Transients & Offshore killer whales

The different kinds do not mate with one another! (Barrett-Lennard)

Page 3: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

So much is known because killer whales can be told apart as individuals thanks to the work of Dr. Michael Bigg

A12, Scimitar, 1941 A33, Nimpkish, 1971

Photos: Jackie Hildering

Saddle Patch

Dorsal Fin – shape, nicks & scratches

Page 4: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Resident Killer Whales

Eat fish – Mainly salmon

The fish can not hear in the range of the calls and salmon has very predictable spawning behaviour

This means that residents can afford to be:•Very social – they don’t leave their mothers, travelling in matrilines •Very vocal – each matriline sounds a little different

•Because each matriline sounds different, they know exactly who is family and who is not. This if very important for mating! It allows them to avoid inbreeding.

Page 5: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Matriline exampleResident killer whales – A30s

A30 female 1947“Tsitika”

A38 Male 1970“Blackney”

A39 Male 1975“Pointer”

A50 Female1984


A54 Female 1989“Blinkhorn”

A75 2001



Know female by DNA

A84 2005

No name

A6 Male


Page 6: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Transient Killer Whales

Eat marine mammals

The marine mammals can hear them!

This means that transients:•Must be very quiet until they are sure they are going to get their prey•Family structure less stable

Page 7: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Page 8: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Resident killer whale





Page 9: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Transient killer whale






Page 10: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Transient killer whale

Resident killer whale




Humans Seal

Food Web


Page 11: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Organism Number Surviving Amount of food energy per animal

(number of plankton markers)

Total amount of food energy for the


Resident killer whales 2    

Salmon   Salmon #1Salmon #2Etc.


Herring   Herring #1Herring #2Herring #3Etc.


Page 12: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Organism Number Surviving

Amount of food energy per animal (number

of plankton markers)

Total amount of food energy for the


Transient killer whale 1    

Seals   Seal #1Etc.


Salmon   Salmon #1Salmon #2Etc.


Herring   Herring #1Herring #2Herring #3Etc.


Page 13: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Lesson 4

Page 14: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

PCBs in British Columbia's Killer Whales



Killer Whale Population


B (



1st bar; Northernresident mature male

2nd bar; Northernresident reproductiveage female

3rd bar; Southernresident mature male

4th bar; Transientmature male

Page 15: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Transient killer whales




Plankton Plankton



Resident killer whales

Persistent ToxinsHigher = more

Page 16: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Resident killer whale





Killer whale calf

Page 17: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Organism Number Surviving

Amount of food energy

Total number of marked food


Survived (S), Died (D) or

reproduction and immune system

problems (RI)

Transient killer whale


Seals   Seal #1Etc.


Salmon   Salmon #1Salmon #2Etc.


Herring   Herring #1Herring #2Herring #3Etc.


Page 18: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Organism NumberSurviving

Amount of food energy

Total number of marked food pieces

Survived (S), Died (D) or reproduction and immune system problems (RI)

Resident killer whale


Salmon   Salmon #1Salmon #2Etc.


Herring   Herring #1Herring #3Herring #4Etc.


Page 19: Bioaccumulation: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Killer Whales Lesson 1

Organism Number of toxic plankton markers

What this means

Herring • Less than 3• 3 to 4• More than 4 

• Survives• Survives but will have reproduction and immune system

problems• Dies

Salmon • Less then 4• 4 to 6• More than 6 

• Survives• Survives but will have reproduction and immune system

problems• Dies

Seals or resident killer whales

• Less than 5• 5 to 8• More than 8 

• Survives• Survives but will have reproduction and immune system

problems• Dies

Transient killer whales

• Less than 8• 8 to 12• More than


• Survives• Survives but will have reproduction and immune system

problems• Dies