BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answer Key 1. Figure 1 A. Periosteum B. Diaphysis C. Medullary cavity D. Yellow marrow E. Epiphysis F. Red marrow G. Articular cartilage H. Epiphyseal line I. Endosteum J. Compact bone K. Spongy bone L. Trabeculae 2. Figure 2 A. Compact bone B. Osteon C. Central canal D. Lacuna E. Osteocyte F. Canaliculi G. Concentric lamellae H. Interstitial lamellae 3. Figure 3 A. Osteon (in compact bone) B. Central canal C. Lacuna D. Osteocyte E. Canaliculi F. Concentric lamellae Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 1 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answer Key Lab Practice Exam 2 Answer Key 1. ... Ph.D. 9 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers. 35. Figure 35 ... H. H zone I. A band J. thin

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Page 1: BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answer Key Lab Practice Exam 2 Answer Key 1. ... Ph.D. 9 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers. 35. Figure 35 ... H. H zone I. A band J. thin

BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answer Key 1. Figure 1

A. Periosteum B. Diaphysis C. Medullary cavity D. Yellow marrow

E. Epiphysis F. Red marrow G. Articular cartilage H. Epiphyseal line I. Endosteum J. Compact bone K. Spongy bone L. Trabeculae 2. Figure 2

A. Compact bone B. Osteon C. Central canal D. Lacuna E. Osteocyte F. Canaliculi G. Concentric lamellae H. Interstitial lamellae

3. Figure 3

A. Osteon (in compact bone) B. Central canal C. Lacuna D. Osteocyte E. Canaliculi F. Concentric lamellae

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 1 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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4. Figure 4 A. Compact bone B. Osteocyte C. Lacuna D. Canaliculi E. Osteon F. Concentric lamellae G. Central canal H. Circumferential lamellae I. Interstitial lamellae J. Perforating canal K. Spongy bone L. Trabeculae

5. Figure 5

A. Compact bone B. Lacuna C. Osteocyte D. Canaliculi E. Osteon F. Concentric lamellae G. Central canal H. Circumferential lamellae I. Interstitial lamellae J. Perforating canal K. Spongy bone L. Trabeculae M. Red marrow

6. An epiphyseal plate is a thin area of hyaline cartilage located between the

diaphysis and epiphysis of a long bone. It provides for the longitudinal growth of bone during youth. Once a long bone has stopped growing, these areas are replaced with bone and appear as thin epiphyseal lines.

7. A. The flexible collagen in the bone is destroyed by the heat of baking

making the bone very brittle. Scurvy is a disease that causes brittle bones due to a lack of collagen.

B. Acid solubilizes and removes the calcium salts from the bones leaving the flexible collagen behind. Rickets is a disease of children in which calcium is not deposited in the bones resulting in flexible and misshapen bones.

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 2 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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8. Figure 8 A. Coronal suture B. Sagittal suture C. Squamous suture D. Lambdoid suture 9. Figure 9 A. Frontal bone B. Parietal bones C. Temporal bones D. Occipital bone E. Sphenoid bone F. Ethmoid bone G. Mandible H. Maxillae I. Lacrimal bones J. Zygomatic bones K. Nasal bones L. Hyoid bone 10. Figure 10 A. Zygomatic process B. Mandibular fossa C. External acoustic meatus / External auditory meatus D. Mastoid process E. Mandibular condyle F. Lacrimal fossa 11. Figure 11 A. Superior orbital fissure B. Optic canal / Optic foramen C. Middle nasal conchae D. Inferior nasal conchae E. Vomer

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 3 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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12. Figure 12 A. Styloid process B. Mastoid process C. Stylomastoid foramen D. Jugular foramen

E. Foramen magnum F. Occipital condyles G. Hypoglossal canal H. External occipital protuberance I. Superior nuchal line

J. Foramen ovale K. Foramen spinosum

L. Mandibular fossa M. Zygomatic process of temporal bone N. Palatine process of maxillae O. Palatine bones

13. Figure 13 A. Jugular foramen B. Internal acoustic meatus / Internal auditory meatus

C. Foramen magnum D. Hypoglossal canal E. Sella turcica

F. Optic canal / Optic foramen G. Foramen rotundum H. Foramen ovale I. Foramen spinosum

J. Crista galli K. Cribriform plate

L. Frontal bone M. Parietal bone N. Temporal bone O. Sphenoid bone P. Occipital bone 14. Figure 14

A. Frontal suture B. Anterior fontanel/fontanelle C. Posterior fontanel/fontanelle

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 4 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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15. Figure 15 A. Body

B. Vertebral arch C. Vertebral foramen D. Transverse processes E. Spinous process F. Superior articular process and facet G. Inferior articular process and facet H. Inferior vertebral notch I. Intervertebral disc 16. Figure 16

A. Atlas / C1 B. Fovea dentis / Facet for dens C. Axis / C2

D. Dens / Odontoid process E. Cervical vertebrae (C1-C7)

F. Transverse foramen 17. Figure 17

A. Thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12) B. Superior costal facets C. Inferior costal facets D. Transverse costal facets E. Lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5) 18. Figure 18

A. Sacrum B. Coccyx

C. Rib D. Shaft of rib

E. Tubercle of rib F. Head of rib 19. Figure 19

A. Sternum B. Manubrium C. Body D. Xiphoid process E. Costal cartilage F. True rib

G. False rib H. Floating

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 5 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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20. Figure 20 A. Humerus B. Ulna C. Radius D. Clavicle 21. Figure 21 A. Os Coxa / Coxal bone B. Patella C. Scapula 22. Figure 22 A. Femur B. Fibula C. Tibia 23. Figure 23

A. Scaphoid B. Lunate C. Triquetral / Triquetrum D. Pisiform E. Trapezium F. Trapezoid G. Capitate H. Hamate I. Metacarpals 1 J. Metacarpals 2 K. Metacarpals 3 L. Metacarpals 4 M. Metacarpals 5 N. Proximal phalanx O. Middle phalanx P. Distal phalanx

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 6 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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24. Figure 24 A. Talus

B. Calcaneus C. Cuboid D. Navicular E. Medial cuneiform F. Intermediate cuneiform G. Lateral cuneiform H. Metatarsals 1

I. Metatarsals 2 J. Metatarsals 3 K. Metatarsals 4 L. Metatarsals 5

M. Proximal phalanx N. Middle phalanx O. Distal phalanx 25. Figure 25 A. Acromial end of clavicle B. Sternal end of clavicle C. Facet of patella

D. Head of fibula E. Lateral malleolus of fibula 26. Figure 26 A. Lateral border of scapula B. Medial border / Vertebral border of scapula C. Coracoid process of scapula D. Acromion of scapula E. Glenoid cavity / Glenoid fossa of scapula F. Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula G. Spine / Spinous process of scapula

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 7 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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27. Figure 27 A. Head of humerus B. Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus C. Greater tubercle of humerus D. Lesser tubercle of humerus E. Intertubercular sulcus / Intertubercular groove of humerus F. Deltoid tuberosity of humerus G. Radial groove of humerus H. Radial fossa of humerus I. Coronoid fossa of humerus J. Capitulum of humerus K. Trochlea of humerus L. Olecranon fossa of humerus M. Lateral epicondyle of humerus N. Medial epicondyle of humerus 28. Figure 28

A. Fovea capitis of femur B. Head of femur C. Greater trochanter of femur D. Lesser trochanter of femur E. Intertrochanteric line / Intertrochanteric crest of femur F. Gluteal tuberosity of femur G. Linea aspera of femur H. Lateral condyle of femur I. Medial condyle of femur J. Patellar surface of femur 29. Figure 29

A. Head of radius B. Radial tuberosity C. Radial styloid process 30. Figure 30 A. Olecranon process of ulna B. Trochlear notch of ulna C. Coronoid process of ulna D. Radial notch of ulna E. Head of ulna F. Ulnar styloid process 31. Figure 31 A. Medial condyle of tibia B. Lateral condyle of tibia C. Tibial tuberosity D. Medial malleolus of tibia

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 8 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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32. Figure 32 A. Ilium B. Iliac crest C. Ischium D. Pubis E. Pubic crest F. Pubic tubercle G. Pubic symphysis H. Sacrum I. Coccyx 33. Figure 33

A. Os coxa / Coxal bone B. Acetabulum C. Obturator foramen D. Auricular surface E. Anterior superior iliac spine F. Anterior inferior iliac spine G. Greater sciatic notch H. Ischial spine I. Lesser sciatic notch J. Ischial tuberosity K. Inferior pubic ramus 34. Figure 34

A. Articular cartilage B. Synovial membrane C. Fibrous capsule / Fibrous layer D. Articular capsule E. Joint cavity F. Synovial fluid

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 9 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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35. Figure 35 A. Lateral condyle of femur

B. Medial condyle of femur C. Lateral condyle of tibia D. Medial condyle of tibia E. Anterior cruciate ligament F. Posterior cruciate ligament G. Lateral meniscus H. Medial meniscus I. Fibular collateral ligament / Lateral collateral ligament J. Tibial collateral ligament / Medial collateral ligament K. Patellar ligament L. Quadriceps tendon M. Patella 36. Figure 36

A. Head of femur B. Fovea capitis C. Ligamentum teres D. Acetabulum E. Acetabular notch F. Acetabular labrum 37. Figure 37 A. Iliofemoral ligament B. Pubofemoral ligament C. Ischiofemoral ligament 38. Figure 38

A. Glenoid cavity / Glenoid fossa B. Glenoid labrum C. Head of humerus D. Coracohumeral ligament E. Glenohumeral ligaments 39. Figure 39

A. Flexion B. Extension

C. Abduction D. Adduction

E. Circumduction

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 10 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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40. Figure 40 A. Pronation

B. Supination C. Inversion

D. Eversion E. Dorsiflexion

F. Plantar flexion G. Rotation

41. Figure 41 A. I band (actin) B. A band (myosin) C. nucleus 42. Figure 42 A. epimysium B. fascicle C. perimysium D. muscle fiber / muscle cell E. endomysium 43. Figure 43 A. sarcomere B. T tubule / transverse tubule C. sarcoplasmic reticulum D. triad E. M line F. Z disc G. I band H. H zone

I. A band J. thin filament / actin filament K. thick filament / myosin filament

44. Figure 44 A. a muscle fiber / muscle cell B. myofibril C. mitochondria D. nucleus E. triad F. sarcoplasmic reticulum G. T tubule / transverse tubule H. sarcolemma

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 11 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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45. Figure 45 A. Gluteus maximus B. Tensor fasciae latae C. Vastus lateralis D. Biceps femoris E. Semitendinosus F. Gastrocnemius G. Soleus H. Tibialis anterior I. Extensor digitorum longus J. Fibularis longus / Peroneus longus 46. Figure 46 A. Sartorius

B. Rectus femoris C. Vastus lateralis D. Vastus medialis E. Vastus intermedius F. Gracilis G. Gluteus maximus

H. Tensor fasciae latae I. Gastrocnemius

J. Soleus K. Tibialis anterior 47. Figure 47

A. Orbicularis oculi B. Orbicularis oris C. Zygomaticus major D. Sternocleidomastoid E. External oblique F. Rectus abdominis G. Serratus anterior H. Pectoralis major I. Deltoid

48. Figure 48 A. Trapezius B. Deltoid C. Latissimus dorsi D. Triceps brachii E. Gluteus maximus

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 12 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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49. Figure 49 A. Orbicularis oculi B. Orbicularis oris C. Zygomaticus major D. Platysma E. Sternocleidomastoid F. Trapezius

50. Figure 50 A. Deltoid

B. Biceps brachii C. Triceps brachii D. Extensor carpi radialis longus E. Extensor carpi ulnaris F. Extensor digitorum

G. Flexor carpi ulnaris H. Flexor digitorum superficialis

51. Figure 51 A. Deltoid

B. Biceps brachii C. Extensor carpi radialis longus D. Extensor digitorum E. Extensor carpi ulnaris F. Triceps brachii

G. Flexor carpi ulnaris H. Flexor digitorum superficialis


A. Frontal and maxillary bones B. Mandible and maxillary bones C. Zygomatic bone D. Fascia of chest E. Manubrium of sternum & Medial clavicle F. Anterior surface of ribs 5-12 G. Pubic crest and pubic symphasis H. Lateral surface of ribs 1-8 I. External occipital protuberance, superior nuchal line, spinous processes

of C7 and T1-12 J. Spinous processes of T7-12, L1-5, and sacrum, ribs 9-12, and iliac crest K. Clavicle, sternum, costal cartilage of ribs 1-6, aponeurosis of external

oblique L. Lateral clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 13 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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53. A. Short head: coracoid process of scapula, Long head: superior margin of

glenoid cavity of scapula B. Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula, Lateral head: posterior

shaft of humerus, Medial head: radial groove on humerus C. Lateral supercondylar ridge on humerus D. Lateral epicondyle of humerus E. Lateral epicondyle of humerus F. Medial epicondyle of humerus and olecranon process of ulna G. Medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna, shaft of radius


A. Dorsal ilium, sacrum and coccyx B. Iliac crest and anterior superior iliac spine C. Anterior superior iliac spine D. Anterior inferior iliac spine, superior margin of acetabulum E. Greater trochanter, intertrochanteric crest, and linea aspera of femur F. Linea aspera and intertrochanteric crest of femur G. Anterior lateral femur H. Inferior ramus of pubis I. Long head: ischial tuberosity, Short head: linea aspera and distal femur J. Ischial tuberosity K. Medial and lateral condyles of femur L. Proximal posterior tibia and fibula M. Lateral condyle and proximal tibia N. Lateral condyle and proximal tibia O. Head and proximal fibula


A. Tissues of eyelid B. Corner of mouth C. Corner of mouth D. Inferior mandible E. Mastoid process of temporal bone and superior nuchal line of occipital

bone F. Linea alba (aponeurosis), pubic crest, pubic tubercle, iliac crest G. Xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 H. Medial border of scapula I. Acromion and spine of scapula, lateral clavicle J. Intertubercular groove/sulcus of humerus K. Intertubercular groove/sulcus of humerus L. Deltoid tuberosity of humerus

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 14 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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56. A. Radial tuberosity of radius B. Olecranon process of ulna C. Proximal metacarpal 2 D. Proximal metacarpal 5 E. Distal phalanges of fingers 2-5 F. Proximal metacarpal 5, pisiform and hamate bones G. Middle phalanges of fingers 2-5


A. Gluteal tuberosity of femur, iliotibial tract B. Iliotibial tract C. Medial proximal tibia D. Patella and tibial tuberosity E. Patella and tibial tuberosity F. Patella and tibial tuberosity G. Patella and tibial tuberosity H. Medial tibia I. Head of fibula, lateral condyle of tibia J. Medial proximal tibia K. Calcaneus L. Calcaneus M. Inferior medial cuneiform and metatarsal 1 N. Middle and distal phalanges of toes 2-5 O. Medial cuneiform and metatarsal 1


A. Close eye B. Closure and protrusion of lips C. Elevation and retraction of corners of mouth D. Depression of mandible and lower lip E. Flexion and rotation at neck F. Flexion and rotation of back G. Flexion and rotation of back H. Rotation and protraction of scapula & Abduction at shoulder I. Extension at neck & Adduction, rotation, elevation and depression of

scapula J. Extension, adduction, and medial rotation at shoulder K. Flexion, adduction, and medial rotation at shoulder L. Abduction, flexion, extension, and rotation at shoulder

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 15 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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59. A. Flexion and supination at elbow B. Extension at elbow C. Extension and abduction at wrist D. Extension and adduction at wrist E. Extension at wrist and fingers F. Flexion and adduction at wrist G. Flexion at wrist and fingers


A. Extension, abduction and lateral rotation at hip B. Flexion, abduction and medial rotation at hip C. Flexion, abduction and lateral rotation at hip D. Extension at knee & Flexion at hip E. Extension at knee F. Extension at knee G. Extension at knee H. Adduction, flexion and medial rotation at hip I. Extension, abduction and lateral rotation at hip & Flexion at knee J. Flexion and medial rotation at knee & Extension at hip K. Plantar flexion at ankle & Flexion at knee L. Plantar flexion at ankle M. Dorsiflexion at ankle & Inversion of foot N. Extension at toes & Dorsiflexion at ankle O. Plantar flexion at ankle & Eversion of foot


A. Orbicularis oculi B. Orbicularis oris C. Zygomaticus major D. Platysma E. Sternocleidomastoid F. External oblique G. Rectus abdominis H. Serratus anterior I. Trapezius J. Latissimus dorsi K. Pectoralis major L. Deltoid

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 16 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers

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62. A. Biceps brachii B. Triceps brachii C. Extensor carpi radialis longus D. Extensor carpi ulnaris E. Extensor digitorum F. Flexor carpi ulnaris G. Flexor digitorum superficialis


A. Gluteus maximus B. Tensor fasciae latae C. Sartorius D. Rectus femoris E. Vastus lateralis F. Vastus medialis G. Vastus intermedius H. Gracilis I. Biceps femoris J. Semitendinosus K. Gastrocnemius L. Soleus M. Tibialis anterior N. Extensor digitorum longus O. Fibularis longus / Peroneus longus

Amy Warenda Czura, Ph.D. 17 SCCC BIO130 Lab Practice Exam 2 Answers