BIOCENTRISM Chapter 1 : Childish Replies: 1. What happened before big bang? Time started only after big bang. Nothing happened before that. 2. Into what Universe is expanding into? Space is also brought during expansion. 3. What was big bang? Quantum mechanical fluctuations. If the big bang had been one in a million times more powerful, No life could have developed. If it had been 2% less powerful, only Hydrogen would be there. No world. If the gravitational forces were less by a hair ( Very small ) Sun could not have ignited nor stars. These are the 3 constants from a list of 200 parameters precisely chosen for life to survive. Behaviour of small particles like electrons and bigger ones like table, chair etc are not the same. Likewise, the behaviour of earth to Universe. We can be accurate with knowing how a machine works. Not on what is really in this Universe and what is it’s nature? Nobody knows. People say God did it. Chapter 2: What are these living creatures? Chemical foundation and cellular organisation? Biophysical metabolism? Oxidation? Carbohydrates, Lipids and amino acids? Life is much more than that. Ether, Space-Time, String Theory and Bubble theory , 100s of unseen dimensions are all mere speculations. Theory of everything can not be proven, without any scientific basis. How the laws of the world first created the observer before operating these principles? The first person? If there were no life, No consciousness, can this universe be existing? We forcefully tell there will be Universe even if not seen, Heard or thought by us. But this idea is a thought and require an organism to think. Even when you are blind or dead you believe world will exist. Not so.

Bio Centrism

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The futuristic theory in a nutshell

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  • BIOCENTRISMChapter 1 : Childish Replies:

    1. What happened before big bang? Time started only after big bang. Nothing happened before that.2. Into what Universe is expanding into? Space is also brought during expansion.3. What was big bang? Quantum mechanical fluctuations.

    If the big bang had been one in a million times more powerful, No life could have developed. If it had been 2% less powerful, only Hydrogen would be there. No world. If the gravitational forces were less by a hair ( Very small ) Sun could not have ignited nor stars.

    These are the 3 constants from a list of 200 parameters precisely chosen for life to survive. Behaviour of small particles like electrons and bigger ones like table, chair etc are not the same. Likewise, the behaviour of earth to Universe.

    We can be accurate with knowing how a machine works. Not on what is really in this Universe and what is its nature? Nobody knows. People say God did it.

    Chapter 2: What are these living creatures?

    Chemical foundation and cellular organisation? Biophysical metabolism? Oxidation? Carbohydrates, Lipids and amino acids? Life is much more than that.

    Ether, Space-Time, String Theory and Bubble theory , 100s of unseen dimensions are all mere speculations. Theory of everything can not be proven, without any scientific basis.

    How the laws of the world first created the observer before operating these principles? The first person?

    If there were no life, No consciousness, can this universe be existing?

    We forcefully tell there will be Universe even if not seen, Heard or thought by us. But this idea is a thought and require an organism to think.

    Even when you are blind or dead you believe world will exist. Not so.

  • Chapter 3 :

    A falling tree produces only air puffs, No sound is attached to it. Require a living organism to sense.

    A lamp emits packets of electromagnetic energy . Neither electricity nor magnetism has any intrinsic visual properties. Require a living organism to sense.

    Touch is created by repulsion of electrons in the outer shell of organism touching and object. Require a living organism to sense.

    Taste caused by chemical reaction ( Electron transfer ) and Smell ( Stimulation by electrons ) also Require a living organism to sense.

    The First Principle of Biocentrism :

    What we perceive as Reality is a process that involves our Consciousness.

    Chapter 4: DNA experiment, Dragonfly,

    Chapter 5

    Where is this Universe Located? Conventionally we think what ever enclosed within our skin is we and those outside is not me.A double amputee does not feel he has diminished in size. A head with brain and an artificial body will also feel self.

    Sense of unity, All Universe is alive, Love is at the centre of everything, Deep and profound peace.

    In the absence of consciousness, no mental activity. Where and What will exist ?

    Actual physical perception of visual images happen at the back of brain. Here the outside world resides. Everything. Everything resides in mind or brain. Mental activity. Mind decides action few seconds before limbs act.

    Second principle of Biocentrism

    Our External and Internal perceptions are inextricably intertwined. Both are different sides of the same coin and can not be separated.

  • Chapter 6:

    Accept consciousness which has no beginning and no end.

    Chapter 7:

    People do count when deriving physics laws. Quantum uncertainty, Variation of speed of light,

    EPR Correlation:

    Separate particles of wave function influence each other. Entangled pair. If one particle collapses wave and become a particle with up spin, the pair irrespective of the distance of separation also becomes particle but with down spin instantaneously.

    Connectedness between twins irrespective of distance, Complementarity, Wave function collapse. Communication between them,

    Noticed for small particles, not for larger ones because their wave function is small.

    They are waves of probability, Not a wave of matter that exists, poses for a photograph as a particle and is aware of your intention.

    Third principle of Biocentrism:

    The behaviour of subatomic particles, indeed all particles and objects, is inextricably linked to the presence of an Observer. Without the presence of a conscious observer, they at best exist in an undetermined state of probability waves.

    Chapter 8:

    Double silt experiments continued. Interference observed.

    Fourth Principle of Biocentrism:

    Without consciousness, matter dwells in an undetermined state of probability. Any Universe that could have preceded consciousness only existed in a probability state.

  • Chapter 9:

    Oxygen is a product in nuclear fusion. But what about Carbon? 3 Helium neuclei colliding at the same microsecond influenced by a strong force of mysterious origin.

    Electro magnetism constant 1/137, In physics, the fine-structure constant, also known as Sommerfeld's constant, commonly denoted (the Greek letter ), is a fundamental physical constant characterizing the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles. It is related to the elementary charge (the electromagnetic coupling constant) e, which characterizes the strength of the coupling of an elementary charged particle with the electromagnetic field, by the formula 40c = e2. Being a dimensionless quantity, it has the same numerical value in all systems of units. Arnold Sommerfeld introduced the fine-structure constant in 1916. Like ( 3.14) this factor is 1/137. Who wrote this number?

    Anthropic Principle is the philosophical consideration that observations of the physical Universe must be compatible with the conscious and sapient life that observes it. If this universe is created by life, then no universe that did not allow for life could exist.

    The fifth principle of Biocentrism:

    The very structure of the Universe is explainable only through Biocentrism. The universe is fine tuned for life which makes perfect sense as life creates the universe, not the other way around. The universe is simply the complete Spatio Temporal logic of the self.

    Chapter 10:

    Our sense of forward motion of time is really only the result of an unreflective participation in a world of infinite activities and outcomes that only seem to result in a smooth continuous path. Except entropy, like melting of ice in soda, time is not required anywhere. With the theory of random molecular motion, time looses sense. Conceived to be having a forward motion. No backward. If backward motion were to happen, a serious car accident involving death of people happened will reverse. The dead will become live and the car back. Ridiculous.

    Past exists as ideas in mind which themselves are solely neuro electrical events occurring strictly in the present moment. Future also is a mental anticipation that occurs at present . Where is time?

    Zenos arrow. Though appear to be travelling, was at rest at different places and a series of separate events. We stitch them mentally to conceive the idea of travel. It is the mind that animates the still frames of the spatial world . Space can be defined as position locked in the mental frame. So travel in space is Oxymoron, conveys opposite idea. Motion is created in our mind using still frames. When mind stops, motion stops. There is neither time nor motion without life.

  • In quantum mechanics all particles of matter and energy can also be described as waves. And waves have an unusual property: An infinite number of them can exist in the same location. If time and space are one day shown to consist of quanta, the quanta could all exist piled together in a single dimensionless point.

    According to physics, your life is described by a series of slices of your worm; you as a baby, you as you ate breakfast this morning, you as you started reading this sentence and so on, with each slice existing motionless in its respective time. We generate times flow by thinking that the same self that ate breakfast this morning also started reading this sentence.

    Reality is not there with definite properties waiting to be discovered but actually comes into being depending upon the actions of the observer.

    Time is at best a ledger where events are recorded. Not a forward moving continuum was as described by Newton, Einstein.

    But imagine existence like a sound recording in a CD. Where ever targeted, the particular music stored is played. This is called present. The preceding music in the CD is past and one that follows is future.

    But time does not exist in the universe independent of life that notices it.

    The Sixth principle of Biocentrism:

    Time does not have a real existence outside of animal sense perception. It is the process by which we perceive changes in this Universe.

  • Chapter 11:

    Whether space is there? Obviously, We walk, live d do all things in space will be a childish reply. Generally we conceive space and time as eternal external realities. They appear to encompass and bind all experiences. We move , grasp a glass of water all in space. The idea that we created space and time and we are not subjected to time or space goes against common sense.

    Yet we intuitively know that space or time is not a thing we can grab and put it in a shelf. We can not see, feel, touch, taste or smell space or time. They are not physical or fundamentally real. They are conceptual.

    A set of spoons and forks arranged in a dining table. We recognize them as separate entities separated by space.

    When we see a riotously changing pattern of light. The patterns have no individual names and keep mutating. They are not cognized as separate entities because they exist outside our normal boxy system of categorization. In cognizing this phenomenon, space too vanishes because an object and it's surroundings go together. It requires a more direct perception than cognition employing habitual conceptions that are decidedly learnt, not inherent.

    If we travel at the speed of light, the size of object diminishes. Biocentrism shows space is a mental projection , a tool of life to get experience. Space is not merely a container without walls. If we take out all objects, and life, what would be space then?

  • Empty space is not empty.

    Distances between objects are not bedrock.

    Quantum theory casts doubts on whether distant individual items are separated at all

    We see separations between objects because we are trained to draw boundaries.

    At the speed of light, space seems to shrink and the entire universe is a few steps from one end to other.

    Hence space does not have inherent structure and is not external .

    If one eliminates space and time from this universe, where is this external objective universe without space or time?

    Seventh Principle of Biocentrism:

    Space like time is not an object or a thing. Space is another form of our animal understanding and does not have an independentreality. We carry space and time around with us like turtles with shells. Thus there is no absolute self existing matrix in which physical events occur independent of life .

  • Principle of Biocentrism :

    1. What we perceive as Reality is a process that involves our Consciousness (Purusha + Maya?) Saraswathi = Consciousness?

    2. Our External and Internal perceptions are inextricably intertwined. Both are different sides of the same coin and can not beseparated. (Maya? Viksheba, Avarana Sakthi? ) Saraswathi Internal, Lakshmi External?

    3. The behaviour of subatomic particles, indeed all particles and objects, is inextricably linked to the presence of an Observer. Without the presence of a conscious observer, they at best exist in an undetermined state of probability waves. (Maya?)Saraswathi = Consciousness?

    4. Without consciousness, matter dwells in an undetermined state of probability. Any Universe that could have preceded consciousness only existed in a probability state. ( Maya?) Saraswathi = Consciousness?

    5. The very structure of the Universe is explainable only through Biocentrism. The universe is fine tuned for life which makes perfect sense as life creates the universe, not the other way around. The universe is simply the complete Spatio Temporal logic of the self. ( Purusha came first? ) Saraswathi = Consciousness?

    6. Time does not have a real existence outside of animal sense perception. It is the process by which we perceive changes in this Universe. ( Purusha Transcends Time? )

    7. Space like time is not an object or a thing. Space is another form of our animal understanding and does not have an independentreality. We carry space and time around with us like turtles with shells. Thus there is no absolute self existing matrix in which physical events occur independent of life . ( Purusha Transcends Space? )

  • Chapter 12 : How he got a job in MIT

    Chapter 13 :

    Greeks logic Hare never overtakes tortoise, 1+1=3 etc, Na reacts violently, Cl is poisonous but NaCl required by body,Superposition

    Chapter 14:

    Death of fire fighter, In the larger scheme of things he was alive and dead like Quantum experiment where the wave pass through both holes simultaneously. It was not this or that, bur both.

    If reality is created by consciousness, can this consciousness be extinguished?

    Chapter 15:

    Neurons and not atoms lie as the bedrock and base of our observer determined world. The circuitry of these cells in brain contains the logic of space and time. They are the neuro correlate of the mind and connect to the peripheral nervous system and body. Act like DVD player sending signals to TV. When we read a book, the paper in which it is printed is not perceived. It is already contained in the logic. A correlative reality encompasses everything, with only language providing separation between external and internal. Is this matrix of neurons and atoms fashioned in the energy filled mind?

    We see the finished work Viz the Universe. We do not see how things stand in community with each other as part of a real whole Can be seen when all senses are One.

    Chapter 16:

    Even animals are capable of self awareness. How did big bang happen? What is big bang? What was before that? . What is the nature of dark energy ? What is the nature of dark matter? How did life arise? How did consciousness arise? What is the nature of consciousness? What is the fate of this universe? Why are the 200 constants? Why there are exactly four fundamental forceiz Gravity, Electro Magnetic, Strong , Weak? Answer is Not known in science.The strong interaction is very strong, and is responsible for holding the nuclei of atoms together. The electromagnetic force causes electric and magnetic effects. It can be attractive or repulsive, The weak force is responsible for radioactive decay and neutrino interactions. The gravitational force is weak,. attractive, and acts between any two pieces of matter in the Universe since mass is its source.

  • Christianity does not speak on this, Vedanta speaks clearly,

    Consciousness and physical universe are inter related, Neither of them are unreal, they are correlative.

    Solipsism that a single consciousness in the universe, may or may not be true.

    Chapter 17:

    Whether this big bang is one time affair or will repeat after the universe dies or whether there is a parallel universe No one knows. God is not stupid or act randomly. Science fiction and movies explained, Hope biocentrism will catch up.

    Chapter 18:

    Consciousness is never explained scientifically. The functions of Consciousness include

    The ability to discriminate, categorize, and react to environmental stimuli.

    The Integration of information by a cognitive system

    The reportability of mental states

    The ability of system to access its own internal states

    The focus of attention

    The deliberate control of behaviour

    The difference between wakefulness and sleep.

    Even if resolved, they can not actually describe or tell what is consciousness. Why we perceive pleasure or pain ? Why a subjective

    experience emerges from a physical process? Consciousness or sentience enters during 3rd month of pregnancy as per hindus.

    How can you say the AC or fridge transform into a wave of probability in your absence and make them present when you consciously see?

    Is it neurons that convert the information in a DVD, animate and project in your brain as TV? Do our neurons act on the electro magnetic

    impulse from surroundings and convert them to TV, Fridge etc instantly?

  • Photons or electro magnetic energy arrives from sun, bombards objects and reflects which is caught by brain , delivering force to trillions of atoms arranged in several millions of cone shaped cells that rapidly fire in permutations too fast for any computer to calculate. Then in the brain the world appears. Light which does not have any colour of its own appear as a magical potpourri of shapes and hues. Further, parallel processing snaking through neutral networks at one third speed of sound makes sense of it all.

    All the sensations are experienced inside the mind alone. Nothing exists outside. None are Out there except by the convention of language. Everything we observe is the direct interaction of energy with mind. Any thing that we do not directly observe exist only as potential, probability waves.

    The moon has a definite existence only when it is pulled out of probability. And into the observers web of consciousness. In any event, the space between its atoms is so huge , It is as correct to call the moon empty space as to call it an object. There is truly nothing solid above it at all , It is just more brain stuff.

    You can never see it in probability condition , but you can not see something that does not yet exist. It is futile.

    But mind has the capacity and you see through dreams larger objects and create a world of your own. In deep sleep, when we are totally disconnected with world, space and time where are we? Below the level of conscious thought, we can conceive unconsciousneutral states. But these mental faculties themselves apart from their relation to our consciousness can not be said to exist in space and time any more than a rock or tree.

    Does any boundary exist? There is always a possibility of being all. How can it be true? How it is managed? We have already seen how a single particle be there at two places at once? How deceptive is the space that separates them and makes them solitary?

    There are cause effect linkages between any two organisms. All these times, places and occasions are now and here.

    Chapter 19:

    Attachment to life and fear of death is universal concern. Does the mind dies along with body? The walls ofspace and time looks solid and unable to break. Religion tells about life after death. How do they know? Physicists tell energy is never lost. But can weexperience the sense of life? But biocentrism tells when a body dies, it dies in all is still inescapably life matrix.

    But why are we here? The mathematical possibility of our consciousness ending is Zero. Because consciousness like love or universe is eternal. Our inability to remember infinite time is meaningless because memory is a particularly limited and selective circuit.

  • Eternity is not perpetual existence in time without end. Rather it resides outside the realm of time altogether. When a person identifies himself only with the body, and consider universe as external, death is imminent. His false and limited sense of being also will die. But if he believes in soul, life after death may be possible.

    Since we are energy, we can not go away on death . Nowhere to go.

    Chapter 20:

    Dependence of physical experiments on the state of consciousness. Whether a large object like a chair collapses its superposition and be at a single place or be at more places is yet to be seen.

    Artificial Intelligence require algorithm to employ time and develop a sense of space. If that happens, will reveal on modalities of time and space to be conscious dependant.

    Brain which decides which hand to raise seconds before consciously we act suggest a free will of brain independent of consciousness.

    Role of consciousness in a Grand Unified Theory.