BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 12, 14) 1 Name __________________________________ Homework packet #2 – due prior to exam two – If the homework is not turned in prior to the exam you will get a 0 on your exam NOTE: For exams- in addition to the words you define for your homework you will also need to know any bolded or italicized words contained in your assigned readings. Week 4/5 Braun chapter 2 pages 15-31, Braun chapter 7 I. Define the following terms: A. Atrophy: B. Hypertrophy: C. Hyperplasia: D. Metaplasia: E. Dysplasia: F. Senescence: G. Hypoxic injury: H. Necrosis: I. Apoptosis: J. Differentiation: K. Anaplasia: L. Metastasis: M. Carcinogen: True/False - If the answer is false write in the correction needed to make it true. 1. Cells are able to adapt to changes in work demands or threats to survival by changing their size, number, and type. 2. Apoptic cell death and necrotic cell death are both pathologic forms of cell death that is unregulated and invariably injurious to the cell organism. 3. Prolonged exposure to cold increases blood viscosity and induces vasoconstriction. 4. All mechanisms of cell injury (hypoxia, mechanical forces, extremes of temperature, electrical injuries, etc.) lead to irreversible cellular damage with cell destruction or death. 5. Cancer is a disorder of altered cell differentiation and growth. 6. Cell differentiation is the process whereby proliferating cells are transformed into different and more specialized cell types.

BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook … · BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 13, 15) 8 6. Cell differentiation is the process whereby

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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 12, 14)


Name __________________________________

Homework packet #2 – due prior to exam two – If the homework is not turned in prior to the exam you

will get a 0 on your exam

NOTE: For exams- in addition to the words you define for your homework you will also need to know any

bolded or italicized words contained in your assigned readings.

Week 4/5 – Braun chapter 2 pages 15-31, Braun chapter 7

I. Define the following terms:

A. Atrophy:

B. Hypertrophy:

C. Hyperplasia:

D. Metaplasia:

E. Dysplasia:

F. Senescence:

G. Hypoxic injury:

H. Necrosis:

I. Apoptosis:

J. Differentiation:

K. Anaplasia:

L. Metastasis:

M. Carcinogen:

True/False - If the answer is false write in the correction needed to make it true.

1. Cells are able to adapt to changes in work demands or threats to survival by changing their size, number, and type.

2. Apoptic cell death and necrotic cell death are both pathologic forms of cell death that is

unregulated and invariably injurious to the cell organism.

3. Prolonged exposure to cold increases blood viscosity and induces vasoconstriction.

4. All mechanisms of cell injury (hypoxia, mechanical forces, extremes of temperature, electrical injuries, etc.) lead to irreversible cellular damage with cell destruction or death.

5. Cancer is a disorder of altered cell differentiation and growth.

6. Cell differentiation is the process whereby proliferating cells are transformed into different and

more specialized cell types.

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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 12, 14)


7. Benign neoplasms are less differentiated tumors that grow in a crab-like manner to invade

surrounding tissues, have cells that break loose and travel to distant sites to form metastases,

and inevitably cause suffering and death unless their growth can be controlled through



1. Atrophy is the ________________ in the size of a tissue organ resulting from a decrease in the size of the individual cells or in the number of cells.

2. ______________ is the term utilized for programmed cell death or cell suicide.

3. ______________ refers to cell death in an organ or tissue that is still part of a living person.

4. _______________ represents a reversible change in which one adult cell type is replaced by another adult cell type.

5. The process of ______________ a tumor involves the microscopic examination of cancer cells

to determine their level of differentiation and the number of mitoses.

Multiple “guess” -

On page 31-32 of your Braun text there are “Practice Exam Questions” - Complete those – List your

answers here:

1- ____

2- ____

3- ____

4- ____

5- ____

6- _____

7- _____

8- _____

9- _____

10- _____

11- _____

12- _____

Week 5/6 –

I. Define these terms:

A. –itis:

B. Inflammation:

C. Endothelial cells:

D. Thrombocytes:

E. Leukocytes:

F. Phagocytosis:

G. Angiogenesis:

H. Opsonization:

I. Abscess:

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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 13, 15)


J. Pyrexia:

K. Pyrogens:

L. Piloerection:

True/False -If the answer is false write in the correction needed to make it true.

1. Acute inflammation is the immediate and early response to an injurious agent and occurs in

two phases; the vascular phase and the cellular phase.

2. Chronic inflammation is self-perpetuating and may last for weeks, months, or even years.

3. Erythrocytes play a central role in the physiology of inflammation.

4. Vasoconstriction occurs during the vascular stage of inflammation.

5. Fever is a pathologic response to bacterial and viral infection and has no positive outcome on


6. The formation of granulation tissue involves the creation of new capillaries.

7. A large surface wound is likely to heal by the process of primary intention.


1. The ______________ signs of inflammation are known as redness, swelling, heat, pain, and

loss of function.

2. Histamine, serotonin, cytokines, bradykinin, arachidonic acid, and platelet-activating factor

are _____________ of inflammation.

3. Body temperature is regulated by the thermoregulatory center in the ________________.

4. ____________, or pyrexia, represents an increase in body temperature due to resetting of

the hypothalamic thermoregulatory set point as the result of endogenous pyrogens released

from host macrophages or endothelial cells.

5. _____________ refers to heat transfer through the circulation of air currents.

6. When regeneration cannot occur, healing by replacement with a connective tissue occurs, a

process that terminates in ______________ formation.

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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 13, 15)


7. The term _____________ factor is generally applied to small hormone like proteins that

increase cell size and cell division.

8. An abnormality in healing by scar tissue repair is the formation of _____________, which are

benign tumor-like masses caused by excess production of scar tissue.

Multiple “guess” -

On page 64-65 of your Braun text there are “Practice Exam Questions” - Complete those – List your

answers here:

1- ____

2- ____

3- ____

4- ____

5- ____

6- _____

7- _____

8- _____

9- ______

10- ______

Week 6/7 – Braun chapter 4 & Lewis pages 211-232 & 241-248

Define these terms:

A. Immunity:

B. Innate immunity:

C. Antigen:

D. Central lymph organs:

E. Peripheral lymph tissues/organs:

F. Immunization:

G. Active immunity:

H. Passive immunity:

I. Graft:

J. Donor:

K. Recipient:




True/False -If the answer is false write in the correction needed to make it true.

1. Active immunity is acquired through immunization or actually having the disease.

2. T lymphocytes are responsible for humoral immunity.

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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 13, 15)


3. Adaptive immunity (also called acquired immunity) refers to immunity that is

acquired through previous exposure to infectious and other foreign agents.

4. The thyroid gland plays a central role in the immune response.

5. Passive immunity represents a type of immunity that is transferred from another

source, such as in utero transfer of antibodies from mother to infant.


1. __________ immunity (also called natural or native immunity) consists of cellular and

biochemical defenses that are in place before infection and respond rapidly to it.

2. There are five classes of _____________: IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, and IgE, each with a different

role in the immune defense strategy.

3. The ____________, a large secondary lymphoid organ located high in the left abdominal

cavity, filters antigens from the blood and is important in the response to systemic infections.

4. Substances that are foreign to the host and can stimulate an immune response are known as


5. ____________ is the class of immunoglobulin that is involved in allergic and hypersensitivity


True/False -If the answer is false write in the correction needed to make it true.

1. Allergic rhinitis is a systemic, life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction.

2. Virtually any food can produce an allergic reaction.

3. An HIV-infected person can only transmit the virus when symptoms are present and the

antibody test is positive.


1. Type __________ hypersensitivity responses result from immune responses to exogenous

and endogenous antigens that produce inflammation and cause tissue damage.

2. The _____________ test, a test in which purified protein derivative is injected under the

skin, is an example of a delayed-type hypersensitivity.

3. Rheumatoid arthritis, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, ulcerative colitis, and myasthenia

gravis are all examples of probable ______________ diseases.

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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 13, 15)


4. The HIV-infected person is at risk for many _______________ infections, potentially affecting

the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, and the nervous system.

Multiple “guess” -

On page 97-99 of your Braun text there are “Practice Exam Questions” - Complete those – List your

answers here:

1- ____

2- ____

3- ____

4- ____

5- ____

6- _____

7- _____

8- _____

9- _____

10- _____

11- _____

12- _____

13- _____

14- _____

15- _____

Final item: Create a simple flow chart or a pictured diagram of the inflammatory and immune response

to a splinter entering your hand. The splinter has strep present on it. Make this so YOU understand what


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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 13, 15)


Answers: I suggest – strongly- that you complete the homework through reading and then compare with

the answers listed below. The purpose of this assignment is to increase your learning – use it to your


Week 4/5 – Braun chapter 2 pages 15-31

II. Define the following terms:

A. Atrophy: cells become smaller with a lower (but adequate) level of functioning

B. Hypertrophy: increase in cell size and functioning tissue mass

C. Hyperplasia: increase in the number of cells in an organ or tissue

D. Metaplasia: replacement of one cell type for another

E. Dysplasia: disorganized cell growth that results in cells that vary in size, shape, and


F. Senescence: process or condition of aging

G. Hypoxic injury: Lack of oxygen in the tissues leading to altered cell metabolism and


H. Necrosis: Localized tissue death that occurs in groups of cells or part of a structure or

organ in response to disease or injury.

I. Apoptosis: Mechanism of programmed cell death, marked by shrinkage of the cell,

condensation of chromatin, formation of cytoplasmic blebs, and fragmentation of the cell

into membrane-bound bodies eliminated by phagocytosis. No inflammatory response

J. Differentiation: process of specialization where new cells acquire the structure and

function of the cells they are replacing.

K. Anaplasia: poorly or undifferentiated cells

L. Metastasis: development of secondary tumor in a distant location from the primary


M. Carcinogen: any agent capable of causing cancer

True/False - If the answer is false write in the correction needed to make it true. 1. Cells are able to adapt to changes in work demands or threats to survival by changing their size,

number, and type. T

2. Apoptic cell death and necrotic cell death are both pathologic forms of cell death that is unregulated and invariably injurious to the cell organism. F only necrotic death fits this

3. Prolonged exposure to cold increases blood viscosity and induces vasoconstriction. T

4. All mechanisms of cell injury (hypoxia, mechanical forces, extremes of temperature, electrical

injuries, etc.) lead to irreversible cellular damage with cell destruction or death. F some can be reversible

5. Cancer is a disorder of altered cell differentiation and growth. T

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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 13, 15)


6. Cell differentiation is the process whereby proliferating cells are transformed into different and

more specialized cell types. T

7. Benign neoplasms are less differentiated tumors that grow in a crab-like manner to invade

surrounding tissues, have cells that break loose and travel to distant sites to form metastases,

and inevitably cause suffering and death unless their growth can be controlled through

treatment. F describes malignant or cancerous neoplasms


1. Atrophy is the __decrease_______ in the size of a tissue organ resulting from a decrease in the size of the individual cells or in the number of cells.

2. __Apoptosis____________ is the term utilized for programmed cell death or cell suicide.

3. _Necrosis________ refers to cell death in an organ or tissue that is still part of a living


4. __Metaplasia_______ represents a reversible change in which one adult cell type is replaced by another adult cell type.

5. The process of __gradiing_____ a tumor involves the microscopic examination of cancer cells to determine their level of differentiation and the number of mitoses

Multiple “guess” -

On page 31-32 of your Braun text there are “Practice Exam Questions” - Complete those – List your

answers here:

1- _d___

2- _a___

3- _a___

4- _c___

5- _c___

6- __c___

7- __c___

8- __b___

9- ___a__

10- __c___

11- __d___

12- __b___

Week 5/6 – Lewis chapter 13 & Braun chapter 3

8. Define these terms:

A. –itis: Indicates the presence of inflammation.

B. Inflammation: the response of body tissue to immune reactions, injury, or ischemic


C. Endothelial cells: simple squamous epithelium of the blood vessels.

D. Thrombocytes: or platelets. Cell fragments that participate in hemostasis.

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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 13, 15)


E. Leukocytes: white blood cells including; neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils (mast cells),

macrophages. Major cellular components of inflammatory response.

F. Phagocytosis: engulfment of cell fragments or foreign cells by WBCs.

G. Angiogenesis: formation of new blood vessels during tissue repair.

H. Opsonization: enhanced binding or activating of a phagocyte due to the presence of an

antibody or complement protein from the immune system.

I. Abscess: localized area containing purulent exudates with a central necrosed core

surrounded by neutrophils. Body walls off offending agent – usually requires surgery to

remove or drain.

J. Pyrexia: fever- elevation of core body temperature caused by cytokine induced upward

displacement of set point in hypothalamus.

K. Pyrogens: substances that trigger a fever response

L. Piloerection: goose bumps due to contraction of piloerector muscles attached to hair


True/False -If the answer is false write in the correction needed to make it true.

1. Acute inflammation is the immediate and early response to an injurious agent and occurs in

two phases; the vascular phase and the cellular phase. T

2. Chronic inflammation is self-perpetuating and may last for weeks, months, or even years. T

3. Erythrocytes play a central role in the physiology of inflammation. F neutrophils

4. Vasoconstriction occurs during the vascular stage of inflammation. F vasiodilation

5. Fever is a pathologic response to bacterial and viral infection and has no positive outcome on

illness. F Fever can occur with any inflammatory response and can create a less than ideal

environment for pathogens.

6. The formation of granulation tissue involves the creation of new capillaries. T

7. A large surface wound is likely to heal by the process of primary intention. F secondary



9. The __cardinal_ signs of inflammation are known as redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of


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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 13, 15)


10. Histamine, serotonin, cytokines, bradykinin, arachidonic acid, and platelet-activating factor

are __mediators__________ of inflammation.

11. Body temperature is regulated by the thermoregulatory center in the _hyothalamus_____.

12. _fever______, or pyrexia, represents an increase in body temperature due to resetting of the

hypothalamic thermoregulatory set point as the result of endogenous pyrogens released

from host macrophages or endothelial cells.

13. When regeneration cannot occur, healing by replacement with a connective tissue occurs, a

process that terminates in _scar______ formation.

14. The term __growth_______ factor is generally applied to small hormonelike proteins that

increase cell size and cell division.

15. An abnormality in healing by scar tissue repair is the formation of __keloid_____, which are

benign tumorlike masses caused by excess production of scar tissue.

Multiple “guess” -

On page 64-65 of your Braun text there are “Practice Exam Questions” - Complete those – List your

answers here:

1- _b____

2- _d____

3- __a___

4- __c____

5- __d___

6- __b___

7- __a___

8- _d____

9- __c___

10- ___b___

Week 6/7 – Braun chapter 4 & Lewis pages 211-232 & 241-248

Define these terms:

A. Immunity: Protection from infectious disease

B. Innate immunity: physical, chemical, molecular, cellular defenses in place BEFORE

infection begins; functions as a barrier to microbes.

C. Adaptive immunity: (aka: specific, acquired)uses focused recognition followed by

amplified response; highly effective.

D. Antigen: substance that elicits an adaptive immune response.

E. Central lymph organs: bone marrow and thymus; location for production and maturation

of immune cells.

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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 13, 15)


F. Peripheral lymph tissues/organs: lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, appendix, peyer patches,

lymph tissue in GI, reproductive, respiratory tracts.

G. MALT: mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues

H. Immunization: ability to respond to an antigen after the administration of a vaccination.

The development of active immunity through vaccination.

I. Active immunity: specific protection acquired through exposure to antigens (either

through vaccinations or having the disease); usually lasts a life-time.

J. Passive immunity: protection transferred from another source; most common one is from

mom to baby, but can occur in other forms.

K. Graft: cells, tissues, organs from one person placed into another.

L. Donor: Person giving the tissue, organs, or cells to another

M. Recipient: Individual who is receiving the graft

N. HLA: human leukocyte antigens; serve as markers to recognize ‘self’ from non-self cells.

O. Pandemic: a disease which effects a large portion of the populations of the world.

P. HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus

Q. AIDS: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

True/False -If the answer is false write in the correction needed to make it true.

6. Active immunity is acquired through immunization or actually having the disease. T

7. T lymphocytes are responsible for humoral immunity. F cell mediated

8. Adaptive immunity (also called acquired immunity) refers to immunity that is

acquired through previous exposure to infectious and other foreign agents. T

9. The thyroid gland plays a central role in the immune response. F thymus, spleen,

bone marrow

10. Passive immunity represents a type of immunity that is transferred from another

source, such as in utero transfer of antibodies from mother to infant. T


6. __Innate________ immunity (also called natural or native immunity) consists of cellular and

biochemical defenses that are in place before infection and respond rapidly to it.

7. There are five classes of _Immunoglobulins_: IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, and IgE, each with a different

role in the immune defense strategy.

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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2 (Plus Lewis workbook chapters 13, 15)


8. The __spleen__________, a large secondary lymphoid organ located high in the left

abdominal cavity, filters antigens from the blood and is important in the response to systemic


9. Substances that are foreign to the host and can stimulate an immune response are known as


10. __IgE__________ is the class of immunoglobulin that is involved in allergic and

hypersensitivity reactions.

True/False -If the answer is false write in the correction needed to make it true.

4. Allergic rhinitis is a systemic, life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction. F not life threatening

5. Virtually any food can produce an allergic reaction. T

6. An HIV-infected person can only transmit the virus when symptoms are present and the

antibody test is positive. F can transmit anytime.


5. Type ___I_______ hypersensitivity responses result from immune responses to exogenous

and endogenous antigens that produce inflammation and cause tissue damage.

6. The __tuberculin___ test, a test in which purified protein derivative is injected under the

skin, is an example of a delayed-type hypersensitivity.

7. Rheumatoid arthritis, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, ulcerative colitis, and myasthenia

gravis are all examples of probable _autoimmune______ diseases.

8. The HIV-infected person is at risk for many __opportunistic_____ infections, potentially

affecting the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, and the nervous system.

Multiple “guess” -

On page 97-99 of your Braun text there are “Practice Exam Questions” - Complete those – List your

answers here:

1- __a__

2- __b__

3- _c___

4- __b__

5- __d__

6- __a___

7- __a___

8- __c___

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BIO 240 Patho I - Homework unit 2


9- __d___

10- __b___

11- __c___

12- ___a__

13- __a___

14- __c___

15- ___d__