Bin Ladens Die in Air Crash

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Bin Ladens Die in Air Crash

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  • F r i d a y , 3 1 J u l y 2 0 1 5


    On 31 July 2015, at least three members of the family of Osama bin Laden were killed

    when their private jet crashed in Southern England.

    Blackbushe Airport crashed jet kills Bin Ladens

    Osama bin Laden's father Mohammed bin Laden was killed in a plane crash in 1967.

    Osama bin Laden's brother Salem bin Laden was killed in a plane crash in 1988.

    Salem is believed to have worked for the CIA during the Iran-Contra affair.

    Osama is believed to have worked for the Jewish mafia in the narcotics trade, and to have

    worked for the CIA.

    The bin Ladens are suspected of being crypto-Jews.

    The bin Ladens - billionaire 'crypto-Jews' and close friends of the Bush family. Osama


    The plane which crashed on 31 July 2015 was registered in Saudi Arabia and had originated

    in Milan, Italy.

  • The pilot and three passengers on the private jet died when it attempted to land at

    Blackbushe Airport in Hampshire, and ploughed into parked cars instead, The Mirror


    Osama Bin Laden's stepmother and sister are reportedly among the four people killed.

    Unconfirmed reports claim Bin Laden's sister Sana may have also died in the crash.

    Osama's son Omar and wife

    Sana bin Laden, Osama's sister, is believed to be from Charlestown, MA.

    Sana bin Laden graduated from Wheelock College in Boston and once organized a Saudi

    festival at the Children's Museum in Boston.

    Abdullah bin Laden, a younger brother of Osama's, was a 1994 graduate of Harvard Law

    School and had offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

    Several bin Ladens attended Tufts University, near Boston.

    Two bin Ladens - Mohammed and Nawaf - owned units in the Flagship Wharf condominium

    complex in Charlestown Navy Yard on Boston Harbor.

    Wafah Binladin, a graduate of Columbia Law School, lived in a $6,000-a-month rented loft

    in New York's fashionable SoHo. She has been partial to Manhattan nightspots such as

    Lotus, the Mercer Kitchen, and Pravda.

    Kameron bin Laden, a cousin of Osama's in his thirties, has frequented Manhattan

    nightspots and spent as much as $30,000 in one day on designer clothes at Prada's Fifth

    Avenue boutique.

    Khalil Binladin once owned a sprawling twenty-acre estate in Winter Garden, Florida, near



    Omar bin Laden is one of the sons of Osama bin Laden.

    Omar has written a memoir, with the help of an American called Jean Sasson.

    The memoir has the appearance of CIA propaganda.

    John R. MacArthur, the publisher of Harper's magazine, has called Jean Sasson "a

    propagandist for hire."

    (Bin Laden Figure is not Osama bin Laden)

    According to Prof David Ray Griffin, Jean Sasson's 1991 book, The Rape of Kuwait, helped

    create American support for the US invasion of Iraq.

    (Bin Laden Figure is not Osama bin Laden)

    Osama bin Laden, at Oxford, far right. (THE BIN LADEN FAMILY/ OSAMA BIN LADEN)

    Reportedly, from 1991 to 1996, Omar was with Osama in Sudan, and then in 1996 Omar

    traveled with Osama to Afghanistan.

    Reportedly, Omar left Osama and his group in 2000.

    Omar now lives in Qatar.

    Omar married Zaina, a British grandmother nearly twice his age.

    In July 2010, it was reported that Omar had mental problems.

    Zaina split with Omar and Omar entered a mental hospital.

  • Osama bin Laden's neice. (THE BIN LADEN FAMILY/ OSAMA BIN LADEN)

    On 20 January 2010, at Rolling Stone, Guy Lawson wrote about Osama's Prodigal Son

    In Syria, Lawson and Omar visit a nightclub called Les Caves de Boys where Moslems drink

    whiskey and watch Russian strippers.

    According to Lawson, Omar, as a child in Afghanistan, befriended the teenage sons of men

    who plotted bombings.

    According to Omar's memoir, one of Omar's closest friends was raped by a group of men.

    "The rapists added insult to the attack and injury by snapping photographs of the young

    man during and after the rape," Omar writes in his memoir.

    According to the memoir, Ayman al-Zawahri, Osama's top deputy, got hold of the photos

    and concluded that Omar's young friend was gay.

    According to the memoir, Omar's young friend was dragged into a room with Zawahri, who

    shot him in the head.

    Omar tells Rolling Stone: "No one could control me. That is why my father was always

    taking me with him. I was his chosen son. I was my father's favorite."

    Omar bin Laden and wife (THE BIN LADEN FAMILY /OSAMA BIN LADEN)

  • In 1996, aged 15, Omar was reportedly still in Afghanistan.

    Meanwhile, according to Rolling Stone, "his cousins in Jeddah had Jet Skis and weekend

    trips to London and Beirut; they had whiskey, women, freedom."

    After the US invasion of Afghanistan, videotapes were allegedly found in Osama's base.

    Allegedly, the videos showed puppies being painfully killed to test chemical weapons.

    According to Omar's memoir, the puppies had been born to Omar's favorite dog.

    In his memoir, Omar says he wept when he learned that his puppies had been killed.

    This smells like CIA propaganda bullshit.


    Omar makes it clear that not everything in his memoir is accurate!

    According to the memoir, Omar confronts Osama about suicide bombers.

    According to Rolling Stone: "Omar appears confused. 'It says that in the book?... It was not

    like that," he insists... In Omar's world, it appears, it is possible to be misquoted in your

    own autobiography."

    Rolling Stone and Omar travel to Beirut

    Omar's uncle owns the Hard Rock Cafe on the Corniche.

  • Salem bin Laden (The bin Laden Family).

    Quoting a French intelligence report posted by PBS Frontline, The New Yorker reports,

    During the nineteen-eighties, when the Reagan administration secretly arranged for an

    estimated $34 million to be funneled through Saudi Arabia to the Contras in Nicaragua,

    [Osamas eldest brother] Salem bin Laden aided in this cause.

    [PBS Frontline, 2001; New Yorker, 11/5/2001]