J !J !l 'J ·1 1988 Isl Session, Slst Legislature, New Brunswick, 37 Elizabeth II, 1988 BILL AQt:AClJLTURE ACT HO'.\. IJOlGLAS YOl''.\G .'LAW llBRAR'( 1 '.UNIVERSITY OF NEW SRL!'lSWICK I• session 51' Legislature, Nouveau-Brunswick, 37 Elizabeth II, 1988 PROJET DE LOI LOI SLR VAQUAClJLTt:RE I:HO ..... IJOLGLAS YOl ,c;

BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

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Page 1: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

J !J !l 'J ·1 1988

Isl Session, Slst Legislature, New Brunswick,

37 Elizabeth II, 1988



HO'.\. IJOlGLAS YOl''.\G


.'LAW llBRAR'(


I• session 51' Legislature, Nouveau-Brunswick, 37 Elizabeth II, 1988



I:HO ..... IJOLGLAS YOl ,c;

Page 2: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

Aquaculture Act

Her l\!1ajesty, by and \vith the advice and consent of the Legislati\e .-\sse1nbly of Ne\\' Bruns\\·icl-., enacts as follo\\'S:

In this /\ct

"aquacultural produce" rncans aquatic plants and anirr1al'i rai<>cd or being rai.-,cd by aquaculture;

"'aquai..:ulturc"' 1ncans the cultivation of aqua1ic plants and anlrr1ab, but does not include the culti­\·ation of aquatic plant-, and anirna\<, in a labora­tory for experi1nental purposes or in an aquarium;

"aquaculture lease" rncan'i a lea'ic is-;ucd under section 25;

"'aquaculture licence" rncans an aquaculture li­cence is-.ucd under section 6, and include"> a renev•al or an an1cndrnent of 'iuch a licence;

·'aquaculture occupation pern1it" 111cans an aq­uaculture occupation pcnnit is.'>ued under '>CCtion 26;

"aquaculture site" n1ean'> a 'iitc, '>pccificd in an aquaculture licence. at \\·hiL·h aquaL·tiliurL' i-.. to be carried on, ic., carried on or ,.,,.a.., carried on:

Loi sur !'aquaculture

Sa l\.·1ajestC, sur l'avis ct Ju conscnten1ent de l' Assemb\Ce \Cgis\ati\·c du Nou\·eau-Brunsv-.·ick, decretc:

Dan<> la prCsente Joi

«aquaculture» dCsignc la culture des plantes et animaux aquatique~ n1ais nc s'entend pas de la culture des plantes et animaux aquatiques dans un laboratoire pour fins experi1nentales ou dans un aquariu1n;

«autori<sation d'occupation aquacole)> designe une autorisation d'occupation aquacole ctelivrCe en vertu de !'article 26;

«bail aquacolc» dCsignc un bail Je\ivre en \'ertu de !'article 25:

«cau)) -,'entcnd Cga\en1ent de l'cau doucc, de l'eau saumci1re et de \'eau de mer pro\·cnant des marCcs ou non;

((inspccteur» dC..,igne une pcr~onne nomrnCc au po.-,te <l'insrccteur en vcrtu de \'article .+O:

«.\1ini-,trc)) dC-,ignc le n1ini'>trc de' Peche-. et de !'i\quacu!1urc ct ..,·cntcnd Cgal...:n1ent Jc-. pcrc.,onncc., qu'il dl'..,ignc pour le reprC'>entcr:

Page 3: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

"aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va­ter as their natural habitat at all ')tages of their life cycles;

"designated aquaculture land" rr1can') land un­der the administration and control of the ~fini'>ter that has been designated by the \lini-.rer under section 24 as aquaculture land;

"inspector" means a per11on appointed as an in­spector under section 40;

"land" includes land covered by \\atcr, both tidal and non-tidal, and the vvater column superjacent to it;

"lessee" 111eans the holder of an aquaculture lease;

"licensee" means the holder of an aquaculture licence;

"Minister" means the .\finister of Fi'ihe-ric'i and Aquaculture and includes person5 designated b.Y the Minister to act on the ~inister's behalf:

"permit tee" means the llolder of an aquaculture occupation permit;

"person" includes a co-opcrati\c a'>50ciation in­corporated under or to \\'hich the Co-opera1h·e As­sociations Act applie'i:

"prescribed" 1neans prescribed b~ thl.? regula­tions;

"Regi'itrar'' 1ncan . .., the person appointed a'> Reg­istrar under 'iCction 38;

"strain" means aquatic plants or anirnalo, lhJt possess or ha\e been bred to pos'ie-.s <ipeL·ial geneti­cally determined characteristic<i 1ha1 Ji..,1ingui'>h the1n fron1 other rnernbers of the ..,arnc '-Pi..'CiL".,;

"\vatcr" include-, fre'ih, bracki<ih and 111arinc \\a­ter, both tidal and non-tidal.


((pern1is d'aquaculturc» JC\igne un per111i.'> J'a­quaculture ctelivrC en\ crtu de !'article 6 ct.'> 'en tend Cgalcmcnt d'un renou\·ellcn1enc ou d'une 1nodifica­tion de cc permi-'>;

(<pcr'->onnc» <i'cntcnd Cgale111cn1 J'unc as.'>ocia­tion cooperative cons1ituee en corporal ion en vercu de ou as<iujeitic a la Loi sur lf'5 associations coo/Jt'­rative:,;

«plantes ct anin1aux aquatique'i)) designc de.-. p/an1e5 e1 dco,; ani1naux, ~i. l'exclu\ion des cspCce.'> en voie de dC\cloppen1cnt, qui one l'cau corn1ne !cur habitat nature! durant touie-. le'> phases de !curs cycles de \'ic;

«prencur a bail)) dCo,;ignc le JCtcntcur d'un bail aquacolc;

«prc'><..:rit» cte . .,igne prc.<icrit par rl"glemencs;

((produit aqua~olc» dCsignc le-, plantc-. et an1-n1au\ aquatiqucs ClcvCo,; ou l'tant Clc\0':i en aquacul­ture;

«rcgi\trairc>) cJCsignc unc pi..?r\onne non1111<..;c au poscc de rcgi'>trairc en \l'rtu de l'anlc!c 38;

«site aquacolc)) dCsignc un site, indiqu(· Jan-. un pcrmi<i d'aquacu!turc, oil l'aquaculrurc a CtC prati­quCc, c'>! pratiquCc ou '>Cra pr at iquCc;

(<.<iou<..:he» dC<iignc le'> plantc'> ou anin1au\ aquari­L-1 UC'i q ll i pO<.,'i('Jcn [ OU q LI i on l l;[ 0 c ]L'\ Cs pour ]10<.,'>C­dcr de'> i.::aractCri..,tiquc'> ..,pCciak·.., gL'lll~liqucn1cnt

dCterrnin~e-. qui lcs di'>ling:ucnt cil''> auirc'> r11cn1brl'-" de la n1Cn1c e<.,pCcc;

«tcrrL'» _.,·cntcnd L·ga!ctlll'lll dL' la 1crrc cou\·crrc par l'cau pnJ\L'llJ.111 Jc.., n1an.?·c.., (ll! non. ain'>i quc !J colonnc Ll'l·au qui !a coiffc:

«(L'rrc <l4Ual'll[C J('<.,ign0cn J1..·..,iglll' la !CITC pJa..:0c <.,OLJ<., l'adn1ini\tra1ion cl le L'Onlrl)lL' du \lini..,1rc. laqucllc !LTrc a Ctl· d0 . ..,ignt.:·c par 11..' \fini..,1rc co111111c tcrrc aquaco!c en \CJ'{U de l'ar!iL·k· ~-L

Page 4: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

2 Nothing in this t\ct or the regulation'i autho­rizes any interference \Vith the navigation of navi­gable \\'alers.

3 Thi~ Act and the regulations do not aprly to, and a provi<;ion of this i\ct or the regulacion'i doe~ not apply to,

(a) a person or cl as<., of persons,

(h) an aquaculture site or class of aquaculture site~.

(c) an acti\'ity or class of acti\'itics, or

(d) aquatic plant'i or anin1ab or \!rains of aquatic plant'> or ani1nals

exen1ptcd by the regulations fro111 the application of this Act and the regulations, or fro in the applica­tion of the rro\'ision of thi.., 1\ct or the regulation~.

4 A person \vho doe-; not hold an aquaculture licence shall not carry on aquaculture.

5( 1 ) A per-. on \\ho "·i <.,hes to carry on aq ua1._-u l 1 u re 1nay' apply to the Regi'itrar for an aquaculture li­cence.

5(::!) J\ person\\ ho l\ applying for an aquaculture licence ... hall pay the prc'icribcd application rec to the Regi~trar at the tin1c the application j.., 111adc.

5(3) A per-,on \\ho ic, arplying fur an aquaculture licence c,hal! rro\·ide to the Rcg:i,1rar th1._· i11forn1a­tion required by or in accordance \\ith till' ri:gula­tionc,.

5(4) /\ pcr1.,on \\ho j.., applying for ;111 aqual·ulture

liccn1._'C -;hal\ l·on1ply \\ith thl' !1._'l"lll" and Cl1nditionc,


«titulaire d'autori~a1ionn dC.;;;igne le dttenteur d'unc autorisation d'occupation aquacolc;

«titulaire de pcrn1i'i)) designc le dCtenteur d'un permi~ d'aquaculture.

2 Rien dan1., la prt'ientc Joi ou le-. rCglements n'au­torise unc i1nn1i\tion dans la na\'iga1ion des eaux navigables.

3 La prCsente Joi et Jes reg\e1ncnts ainsi que \'une des.cs ou de leur1., dispositions ne <;'appliquent pas

a) a une personne ou une categoric de per­sonnes,

b) a un -.ite aquacole ou une categoric de sites aquacole'i,

c) a unc acti\'itC ou une catCg:orie d'activitt'.:s, OU

c/) 3 des p\anteS OU aninlJU\ aquatiqUCS OU

leurs souches

exen1ptCs par reglcn1ents de !'application de la prC­sente Joi et des reglements Ou de \'application de l'une de ~es ou de \curs dispositions.

4 Quiconque ne detient pas un perrr1is d'aquacul­turc ne peut pratiquer \'aquaculture.

5( I} Quiconque \ eut praliquer \'aquaculture peut faire la den1ande au rcgic,traire pour un pern1i~


5(2) Quiconque fail la dcn1andc rour un pern1i'i d'aquaculture doit payer au regiqraire le-. droit~ de den1ande pre-.crits au n1on1ent de la den1ande.

5(~) Quiconquc fair la dernande pour un pennis d'aquaculture doit fournir au rcgi...,trairc Jes rensci­gncn1entc, requi" par rCg!c111ent<., ou conforn1C1nent atL\ rCglen1ents.

5(-l) Quiconque fail !a dernande pour un perrni-; <l'aquaculturc <loit '>C conforn1cr aux n10Jalit~'i ct

Page 5: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

established by or in accordance \\ ith the regula­tions.

6( I) The Registrar, on being satisfied that the ap­plicant has fulfilled all of the requirements of this Act and the regulations in relation to an application for an aquaculture licence, may is.'>ue to the appli­cant an aquaculture licence.

6(2) The Registrar may, in accordance \\.:ith the regulations, refuse to issue an aquaculture licence.

7(1) A licensee may apply to the Registrar for a rene\val oft he licensee's aquaculture licence.

7(2) A licensee v-.'ho is applying for a rene\val of the licensee's aquaculture licence shall pay the pre­scribed application fee to the Registrar at the time the application is made.

7(3) A licensee who is applying for a renewal of the licensee's aquaculture licence shall provide to the Registrar the information required by or 111

accordance with the regulations.

7(4) A licensee v-.·ho is applying for a rcne\\·al of the licensee's aquaculture licence shall comply' v-.1ith the terms and conditions established by or in ac­cordance \vith the regulations.

8(1) The Rcgi5trar, on being satisfied that the li­censee has fulfilled all of the requirernent<:. or this Act and the regulations in relation co an application for a renewal of the licensee's aquaculture licence, 1nay rene\\' the aquaculture licence.

8(2) The Registrar may, in accordance \\·ith the regulation">, refuse to renc\\' an aquaculcurc licence.

9(1) /\ liccn5ee may apply to the Rcgi<.,trar to ha\·e the licensee\ aquaculture licence anlL'nded.

9(2) ,I\ licensee \\·ho is aprlying to ha\L' the li­cen)ee's aquaculture licence an1cnded -.h3I] pay the pre<.,cribcd application fee to the Regi-.trar at the tin1e the appliCation j.., 1nadc.


condition-. etablie<., par rCg!c1ncnt.<., OU conforrnC­rnent aux reglen1cnt-..

6( I) Le registraire peut dCli\ rcr au den1andcur un pern1is d'aqu<.tculturc dCs qu'il C'>I con\·aincu quc le de1nandeur a re1npli toute.., ]e<., C\.igence<., de la prC­-.en!e Joi et des rCg!crnent'> rclati\l:.., a la dernandc d'un pcrmi.-. d'aquaculture.

6(2) Le rcgistrairc peut, conforrnCrnent au:x rCgle­n1enr s, refuser de dCli vrer un rcrrn i 'i d 'aquaculture.

7( I) Le titulaire de perrni-. pcut demander au re~ gistraire un rcnouvellen1erll de son pennis d'aqua­culturc .

7(2) Le titulairc de pern1i5 qui fait unc dcrnande de renou\·ellen1ent Jc son rcrn1i1i d'aquaculture doit payer au regi-.trairc le-, droit"> de den1andc pre\­crits au n1on1ent de la dcn1ande.

7(3) Le titulairc de pern1i<; qui fail unc den1ande de renOLJ\cllernent de ">Ot1 pern1i_., d'aquaculture doit fournirau registraire !e.'> rcn">cignc111ents requis par rCglen1ents ou conforn1C1nent au\ rCglcrncnt>i.

7(4) Le titulaire de pcrn1i<; qui fait unc dcn1ande de renouvellcn1ent de <.,on pcrn1i\ d'aquaculturc doit <;e confonncr aux rnodalitC<., ct condition\ Cta­blie<; par rCglerncnt-. ou confon11Cn1ent aux rCglc­rr1ents.

8( I) Le registraire pcut rcnoLJ\Tlcr un pcrn1i\ d'a­quaculturc JC<; qu'il eq con\·aincu quc le titulairc du pcrn1i., J rcn1pli 1outc\ Jc., c\.igcncc<., de la prC­>ienle Joi ct des rCglcn1cnt-. rclati\C<., ;_)la dcn1ande de rcnOU\ cllerncnt d'un penni\ d'aquaL'Ulturc.

8(2) l .c rcgi5traire pcut, conforn1Cr11cnt au\ rCglc­rnent\, rcfu\cr de rcn<HJ\elcr un pcrini"> d'aquai..:ul-1 urc.

9(1) l.c titulairc de penni-. pcut dc1nander au rc­gi-.trairc de 111odifier ..,on pcrn1i\ d'aquacu!turc.

9(2) I .I.' tiru!airc de pcnni-. qui rail la detnandL' de n1odifica1ion de \Oil pcrn1i\ d'aquaculturc doil payer au rcgi\lraire le<., droit-. de tk·n1ande prL'..,crit" au n1onlL'lll de la dcrnanck'.

Page 6: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

9(3) A licen .... cc \\hO i-. arplying to ha\C the li­censee'.'> aquaculture licence an1cnJcd ...,hall pro\'iJc to the Regi<itrar the inforn1ation rcquin:J by or in accordance \vith the rcgula1ion'>.

9(4) ;\ licensee \\ho is applying to ha\c 1he li­censee's aquaculture licence an1cnJcJ '>hall con1ply \\'ith the tern1'> anJ conJition'> C'itabli-,hed hy or in accordance \\'ith the regulation..,.

10(1) The Regi-.trar, on being sati-.ficd that the licensee has fulfilled all of the rcquircn1en1-, of this Act and the regulation-, in relation to an arplication to have an aquaculture licence a1ncnded, n1ay an1end the aquaculture licence.

10(2) The Regi<.;trar rnay, in accordance \\'ith the regulations, refu-,e to a1ncnd an aquaculture li­cence.

11 Upon issuing, rcllC\\'ing or a1ncnding an aqua­culture licence, the Registrar rnay, in addition to any tenn.., and condition-. ci;;tabli-.hcd by or in ac­cordance \vith the regulation<;, n1akc the licence '!ubject to tcrn1<i anJ conditions in relation to

(a) adherence to an aquaculture site de\'c\op­n1ent plan appro\cd by the Rcgi.\trar,

(!>) standard-; relating to aquaculiurc ..,ite utili­zation, r.,tocking densitic'i and production,

(C) lncasure\ { 0 be ta ken In !lli 11i111 i;c I he ri" h. of cnvironn1cnt al degradation,

(d) 111ca..,ure.., 10 he !ah.en to pre\L'lll the e..,capc Of a(jU3CU\tllra[ [lrOdlll"l'.,

(e) 1nea.,ure.., to be taken to 111inin1i1ethL' ri-,k of di'iCLL<.,c, para ... i1e-,. lo\in.., or con1an1i11ant'i <,prcading to L)thl'r aquaculturL' ..,ill'"·

(f) tllL'<l'iUrL'" In bv t<tl-.L'll to t.'11\llrt..' l·on1pliancc \\ith appliL·;:1blc hL'allh. gradL' and gL'lll'lil· ...iand­arJ..,, and


9(3) Le titulaire de permi'i qui fait la den1ande de 1nodification de -.on pcrn1is d'aquaculture doit fournir au rcgi<..trairc le<> rcn~cignc1nent'l rcqui~ par r0glcn1cnt.., ou conforn1Cn1cnt aux ri:glernents.

9(4) Le titulaire de penni.., qui fait la de1nande de 1nodificatio11 de ~on pcrini.., d'aquaculture doit se confonni..:r au\ 111odalitC-. ct conditions Ctablic'i par rl·glc111cntr., ou confon11C1ncnt aux rCglcn1cnts.

10(1) Le rcgistraire peut n1odificr un permis d'a­quaculture dCs qu'il est con\aincu que le titulaire du pern1is a rcn1pli toutcs les exigence.., de la prC­~entc Joi et de-, rCglen1cn1-. rclati\C'o 3. la dc1nande de n1odification d'un pern1is d'aqua<.:ulture.

10(2) Le rcgi'itrairc peut, conforn1Cment au" r\:>­glcn1ent'i, rcfu<ier de 111odificr un pern1i\ d'aquacul­turc.

11 I or<., de la JClivrancc, du rcnou\'e\lcment ou de la modification J'un pern1is d'aquaculturc, le re­gistraire pcut, en plus des n1odali1Cs ct condition<> Ctablies par rfglen1cnts ou conforrnCmcnt au:x rC­glcments, a-,sujettir le pcrn1is a des modalitCs Cl

conditiono.; rclati\en1cnt

a) :'t l'adhCsion au plan de dC\eloppement d'un site aquacolc approu\·C par le regii;;traire,

h) <lll\ llOrtllC"> relati\'CS <i ]'utilisation, JU:\ Jcn­sitCS des stock-, ct 3. la production d'un site aqua~ co le.

C) au\ lllC..,UrC.., 3. prcnJrc pour rnini111i-.cr IC\

risque.., dL' JC-gradation 0colo_!:!iquc.

d) au\ lllC\LlrC'i ~l prcndrc rour prC\'cnir !e-, fuitc.., de-, produit1., aquaco\e..,,

£') <lU\ rllC\Url'S ;} prendrc J10Uf n1ini111i-.cr le\ risquc.., de rropagat ion de 111aladie. Jc.., rara-.i­tc..,, to\inc\ ou conta111ina111.., au\ autrc-., -.i1e-, aquaL·o]e..,,

/) aux tnc-.,urc.., ~-t prcndrc pour .., ·;i..,..,urer de la confon11it0 au\ norn1c-., Jc ..,ant0, Lk' l']as-,e ct de g0nL·tiquL' appli..:ahlc">, l'l

Page 7: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

(g) any other matter the Registrar considers necessary for the purposes of this .A.ct and the regulations.

12 An aquaculture licence is subject to the terrns and conditions established by or in accordance \.vi th the regulations and to the tern1s and conditions imposed by the Registrar under section 11.

13 A licensee shall not assign or transfer an aqua­culture licence.

14(1) The Registrar shall nor issue, rene\.\' or amend an aquaculture licence in relation to an aq­uaculture site on other than designated aquaculture land unless the applicant is the O\vncr or lessee of the aquaculture site and has a right to occupy the site.

14(2) The Registrar shall specify in an aquacul­ture licence the site at v.·hicl1 aquaculture is to be carried on under the licence.

14(3) A licensee shall not carry on aquaculture at a site other than the one specified under subsection (2) in the licensee's aquaculture licence.

14(4) A licensee shall at all times display the li­censee's aquaculture licence in a conspicuou'i place at the site specified under subsection (2) in the licence.

15(1) An aquaculture licence i'i \al id for ten years or for such shorter period as is specified by the Registrar in the licence.

15(2) The term of an aquaculture licence -.hall nor extend beyond the period of tin1e during \\·hich the licensee has a right to occupy the ,ire '>pecified under subsection 14(2) in the licence.

16(1) The Registrar shall specify in an aquacul­ture licence the species and strains of aquatic plant'> and anin1als that are to be cultivated under the licence.

16(2) A licensee shall not cultivate <.,pecic-, or strains of aquatic plants and anin1ah other than


g) a route autrc rnatiCre quc le rcgistraire cs­time nCccs<.,aire aux fin.-, de la prCscnte loi ct des reglen1ents.

12 Un pcrmi_-, d'aquaL'ulturc c-.1 a\\U_ictti aux 1110-dalitCs ct coildition-, Ctablic_-, par rCgh:111cnts ou conl"orn1C111cnt au.\ rCglc1ncnt<., ain'li qu'aux 1noda­litCs ct conditions i1npo'ICC'I par le rcgistrairc en vcrtu de !'article l I.

13 Le titulairc de pcrrni-,. nc pcut cCder ni tran<..fC­rer un pern1is d'aquaculture.

14(1) Le rcgi.'ltrairc ne pcut dCli\rer, renouvelcr ni modifier un permis d'acquaculture relatif a Lill <..itc aquacolc autre qu'une tern~ aquacolc dCsignCc sauf si le dcn1andcur e<.,t le propriC1airc ou le prencur J. bail du site aquacolc ct a le droit de l'occupcr.

14(2) Le regi."'1rairc doit indiquer au pcrn1i-. d'a­quacu It u re le -.ire aq uacole ol1 I' aquaculture scra pratiquee en vertu du pennis.

14(3) Le titulaire de pcrn1i'> nc pcut pratiqucr l'a­quacult urc 3 un '>ill' autrc quc le site indiquC cl son perm is d'aquaculture en vcrtu du paragraphc (2).

14(4) Le titulaire de pcrn1i'> doit en tout tc111p-. allichcr '1011 pcr111i.'1 d'aquaculturc a unc place bien en vue au <..itc aquacolc indiquC au pcrn1i-. en vcrtu du paragraphe (2).

15( I) Un pern1i-. d'aquaculturc C'll \'alidc pour dix an<.. ou pour une pCriodc n1oindre tcllc qu'indiquCc au pern1i'> par le rcgi•;trairc.

15(2) Le tcrn1c d'un pcnni'> d'aquaculturc nc .,·c­tcnd pa'.'. au dcl~l de la rCriodc durant laqucllc le titulairc du pern1i'> a le droit d\)L'CUpcr le -.itc in­diquC au pcrtni'I L'll \Crill du paragraphc 1--l-(2).

16(1) Le registrairc doit indiquer au pcrmi-"' d'a­quaculturc le' c'ipCce'i ct -.ouchc.;, de<.. plan!C'i ct anin1aux aquatiquc'> qui 'l('ront cul!i\.·Cc-. en vertu du pernli'I.

16(2) I _e titulairc de pcrn1i-. doit 'IC li111itcr ~t ne culti\ er quc le.<., C'>pCcc'> ou 'IO\IChL'" de plantc-. ct

Page 8: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

tho-.c -,pcciriLd u1H..l~r .... ub-,ectinn ( l) in the lii..:Ln"ce':., aquaculture licence.

16(3) The \lini1.,1er 1113.y direct a licen.-,ec to dL­\troy Or OthCJ"\\'i"C di\pO-,C of, in aL"l..'Orda!lCC \\'ith thL direction or the \lini ... tcr, aqualiL' plant-, and anin1a\s in the po.,..,c.,.,ion of a \iccn1.,i...·c that arc not or the <;pecie" or "train<., "J1ccificd under -,ub"cL·1ion (I) in thL \iccn-,ec'-.. aquaculture liL·cnL'L'.

16(4) .1\ liccn1.,ee -,hall in1n1cdi~1tc\y L'On1p\~ \\'ith direc1ion<; of the \lini.,tcr under thi" <;L'L'tion.

16(5) i\\\ aquacu\tura\ produce of thc .... pi...'1.:ii...·-, and <.,train-. \pecificd in an aquaculture liceni...·c, \\'hilc contained \\'ilhin the boundaric1., of the aquaculture -,itc, arc the c'\c\u-,i\C pcr.,onal projlL'rt~ D!. the li­censee until -,old. lraded, transferred 01 othcr\\·i1.,c dir.;po.,ed of by the \iCLJl...,Ce.

17(1) /\ liccn .... ci.: ... hall prcpari: and 1naintain the book.,, recorJ...,, account\ and other docutllL'lll\ re­quired by 01 in a..:cordance \\ ith the reg_u\ation'>.

17(2) t\ liccn-,L'c ... hall for\\ard tu the Kcgi-,1rar the inforn1atinn. bcio\...-,, record". account-, and other docunicnt-, required by or in accorJancL' \\-ith 1he regulation.,, at 1hc tiinc" and in tllL 1·or111-, required b:'--· the regulation ....

18 A liccn.,cc .;,ha\\ 1naintain the healrh, genetic and grade '-.tandard-, for aquaeultural produce c"­tah\i.,hed by or in accordance \vi1h the rcg.ul:.uion.,_

19( l) ,1\ licen ... cc -.hall in11nediatel~ report to the '.\-Iini'>tcr or to an in<.,pcctor the e,;i-,[L'!lCC or di-,casc Or para.,ite.,, or the pre-,cn<:e ol' !O'\in-, or i..:ontan1i­nant" at lhL lici...·n-;ce·.., aquaculturi...· -,i1c.

19(2) 11" .;,atir.;fied on rca-.onahle ground" that dis­ease, pa ra-,it <.:\, t o...:i ll'> or cont a1n i nant.., ~lrL p re-,cnt, !he l\tinister rnay direct a liccn-,Le to ta1'e -;uch n1easurc" a-, the \lini-,tcr con1.,idcr" ncce-,-..ary to


anin1aux aquatique.., indiquCe1., ~1 \On pcrn1is d'a­quaculturc en \Crtu du parag_raphc ( l).

16(3) Le \lini.,trc pcut or<lonncr a un titulairc de pern11" de dCtruirc ou au1ren1cnt Clin1inL'r confor­n1Cn1cnt ~l -.c .... dircc!i\C" \e1., plante-, ct anin1au' aquatiquc-, en po1.,-,c-,-..ion du ti1ulairc Uc pcrn1i'> qui n'appanienncnt pa" aux c"pCcc-, ou "ouches indi­quCc1., au pcrrni-, en \Crtu du paragraphc (I).

16{-l) Le titulaire de pcrn1i" doit -,e conforn1cr i1nn1Cdiaternent au'\ Jirccti\'e'i du \lini ... tre en \·ertu du prC ... ent article.

16{5) Tou-, Jc..., produit" aquaco\c.., Jc-, c-,pCcc" ct

souchc" indiquCcs dans un pcrn1i-. d'aquaculture, contL'1H1 ... dan<.. le" lin1i1e-, du "i1c aquacole appar-1ienncnt e'\c\u..,i\ cnll..'llt au ti1u!airc Ju pcrn1i" ju"­qu'~1 \cur \C!ltc, C(hang_c. tran..,fcrt ou au1rc alinCation par le 1i1ulaire du pcnni-,.

17{1) Le titulaire Jc pcrn1i-, doit preparer ct con<,cr\cr \c-, \\\re .... do.,-,ier". (on1p1e ... ct autrc~ d.o­cun1cnt" rcqui-, par rl·g!crnent:-. ou (Onforn1Cn1ent au'\ r0g!crnent"-

17(~) Le litulairc de pern1i..., doll. Jan-, le" dC\ai-. ct cn \a fonnc rcqui .... par rCg.lcn1en1-,, Cll\ oycr au regi1.,­trairc IL'" ren .... cigncn1ent-,, li\fL'"· do-,-.icr-,, con1ptc'i ct autrc ... docu111cnts rcqui-, par rCg!c1ncnt1., ou l'Onforn1Cn1ent ~Hl'\ r0glcn1cnt".

18 Le titulaire Jc pcrn1i'i Joit n1aintenir le-; nor­n1c" Jc 1.,antC. de cla"·"c ct de gCnCtiquc des prod ult" aquaL·o\c1., Ct3blic-, par rCglc1ne111 ... ou conforn1C­n1cn1 au...: r0glc111Lnt . .,.

19(1) Le ritulaire de pern1i" doit in1n1Cdiatcn1ent \'airc rapport au :"-.tini.,trc nu ~l un in-,pecteur "ur l'c:-..i.,tcn..:i...~ dc n1aladie ou de" para-,ilc'> ou sur la pn2'iClli...'i...' de-, to'\i!lC" OU CO!ll<llllillant-, fl SOil <.,j[C aquacolc.

19(2) Si le \lini.-.tre, en "e ba ... ant -;ur de" n101it\ rai-,onnab\c:-., c-.t (011\'ain....:u de la prCr.;cnce de n1a­ladic, de" par;:i-;itc..,, to'\inc .... nu (On1a111inant-., ii pL'Ut ordonnt?r au titu!airc de pern1i<.. de prendrc des

Page 9: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

pre\·ent the spread of the disea'ie, para'iitc,,, to.\ ins or cuntan1inant.':>.

19(3) ·rhe \fini:'ller under 'iUb\L'L'tion (2) inay rJi­rect a licen.'iee 10 quarantine or to dt''i!roy or othcr­\\'isc dispose of aquncultural prodUL'C, in accordance\\ irh the direction of rhc \Jini'-fl'r.

19(4) !\ licen'iec :-.hall ir11r11cdiatcl_1, con1pl} \\'ith directions ot rile .\fini\ter under rhir., <.,ecrion.

20 ;\licensee :-.hall har\c'it the aquacultural pro­duce cuhi\ated under the- licen<ice\, aquaculi ure licence in accordaricc \\ith the regularion'-.

21(1) The Registrar rnay su'ipcnJ ur rc\ohc an aquaculture licence if the Rcgi_'->trar i-., '->ari-.ficd that

(a) the licensee has rnade a rahc -.tate1ncn1 in applying for the licence or for a renC\\al or amendment of rhe licence, or in any inforrna· tion, book, record, account or or her docurnent furnished b_1, !he licensee under tlli~ :-\cl or the regulatton-",

(b) the licensee \·iol:itc\, or fail\ nr rcfu-.L''-> to con1ply \\ilh. a tern1 or condition ro \\hich the licence is subject.

(c} the licensee \-iolares, or fai!'i or rcfu'-.e\ 10

comply \\·ith, a pro\·ision ofthi'i :\ct or the rcg.u­lations,

(r/) the licen'ice doe-; not,[() !he \ati\l''-ll'lion or the Rcgi<;trar, shO\\-Jue diligence in fulfilling the tcrn1s and conditions co \Vhich the licence i'i \Ub­

ject and in con1p!ying \\ith the pro\ i\ion-.. of thi'i Act and the rcgu!ation'-., or

(e) che liceni,,ec L"Ca\cs to ha\ ca right to occup~ rhc site specified under 'illb">cction l-1-(2) in the licence.


nle'iurc\ nCce-..'iaire\ pour prC\L'flir la propagation de n1aladic, de-. para.-.itc\, to\inc'-> ou L·o1Han1inarH\.

19(3) Le \lini..,!rc PL'ut, en \Crru du paragraphc (2), ordonncr i1 un ti1ulairc de pcrini\ de rncllrL' L'll quarantainc, de d0truirL' ou autrcn1e111 d'Clirnincr un produi1 aquaco!c, L'Onforrn0n1cn1 ~·, \C'i dirccti­\ l'\.

19(.f) l_L' 1i1ulairc de pL'rn11~ do11 -.c L'Onfonncr i1n111l·Jiarcrncnt au\ i11\! ructillll'i du \Jini.\lrc L'll \Crltl du prL'\L'111 article.

20 LL' 1itlllairL'de PL'r111i" doi1 rC'-·ollL'I IL'~ produit~ aquaL·ole~ L'Ulli\0\ en \LTtll de -.on pcr111i<.., cfaqua­culiurc L'O!lt"ornlL~n1c111 cllJ\. reglcrnL'llt\.

2.1( I) Le fL'gi~trairc pl'ul \U\pl'ndrc ou n.?,·oqucr un pcrrni-. d'aquaculturc-. 'i! C\I L'Oll\ aincu (jllL'

o) k· ritulairL' du pl'rrni~ a fail unc faus\L' dCcla­ratinn \Oil dan'i \<I dcr11a11ck' de pcrini'-.. dl' fL'llOU­\Cllen1cnr ou Jc rnodificatinn Jc perrni:-., -.oit Jan~ Jc-. rc11\ci~u1c111cnt\, Ii\ re-., dO'-'iiCr\, con1p1c~ nu autrc~ dOL'tr1nc1Jt-. qu'il a fourni~ en \Crill Jl' I<! prl''-l'llle Joi ou dL'" rc~!c1nL'lll\,

hJ ll' tirulairc de pcrn1i" '-'nfrcint 1111e de\ 111oda­litC'- nu cnnditinn'i <tl!\CjttC/k'\ k' pcrn1i\ c-.1 '-l\\U­

jL'lli ou n1anque ou rcfU'iC ck·\ 'y conforincr,

C) le titulairc Uc pcnl1i\ cnrrL'inr tine dii,,po\i­tion d'-' la pn_'<..,cnte Joi ou de-. rl·gk·1ncn!'i ou n1c111-quc ou rcfu<..,e LIL'-. 'y confornier,

rf) le tirulairl' de pcnni~ nc "'-' rnontrc pa'-., ;"1 Ja '-.ati\faction du rcgi'itrairc, \Uffi-.an11ncnt dili­gL'll! lnr'-.qu'il ~·<1gi! de rL'111plir le" n1odalitC'i ct condi1io11-. au\qucllc\ Jc pcr1ni' d'aquaL'u!ture C\t a-.-.uje11i. ai11.'-.i que dL' ~L' L\H1forn1cr au\ di'i­ro~ition\ Jl· la prL·'->c111e Joi L'l dL'\ rcgk·n1c11t'-, ou

e) k' 1itulairL' de pcrn1i\ L'C\\C d'~l\oir le droit d'c)CL'LlPCr le 'iilc aqucico!c indiqu0 au pcrn1i.-. L'll \Crill Ju paragraphl' 14(2).

Page 10: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

21(2) The Rcgi'itrar 111Jy re\okc an aquaculture licence on surrender of the licence by the licen-;ec.

22( l) An in<ipector n1ay al any rca...,onah!c tin1e enter and in'ipect any \Chicle. trailer or boat and any place or pre111i<ie...,, C\cept a priYatc d\\Tlling, that the inspector ha'> rea-,on to he!ic\e arc heing u\ed for or in connection \\-ith aquJ(,,.'ulturc.

22(2) For th<.: purpo"e" of in..,pection. an in..,pcctor n1ay open and in\pCL't any containL'r that t hL' in..,pce­tor ha'i rea'ion to ht?lie\C (,,.-ontain.., aquatic rlant<i or anin1als.

22(1) Before or after attcn1p1in1; to el'fect cn1ry under thi'i <;ection. an in..,pcL·tor n1ay apply for an L'ntry \\'arrant in accorJance \\ith the l-nlf~r IJ(1r­

rants Act.

22(4) i\11 in<.,pector n1ay at any tln1e fL'quirc a !icen\Ce to rroduo..:L' fnr in'ipcction, or for the pur­JlOS<.: or obtJinin~ Cl)pic-.. or C\tract..,, an~ record\, book'i, account" or other docun1en1-.. rL·lating. to aquaculture or tu the aquaculture 'lite.

22(5) /\ lio..:cn-,ee -..hall in1n1ediatcly on dc1nc1nd by an in-.pcctor pruduce the rccorth, hooh.-,. account~ and othcrdocun1ent-, rL'la1ing to aquaL'tilturc and to the aquaL'ulture -..ire requirL·d by an in"!lL'L'tnr under thi'i \Cction.

22(6) /\n in..,pector Illa) require a liccn..,ee to pro­\·idc :-.uch <.,an1plc" and to carr~ out -,uch !L"'l" a-.. the in'ipcctor -.pecifiL''-·

22(7) ;\ licenc,cc <.,hall proYidc the .... an1ple-. and carry out the tL''-l'- required by an in..,p-cctor under thi~ section.

22(8) ;\n in<.,pCL'lOr 11li1Y

(a) during an ill\[lL\.'.!ion under thi" '-Cl'Iion,

(h) during a -..carch au1hnri1ed under the .'-;u111-111ar_1' ('on 1·ict ions .·1 ct, or


21(2) l.c rcgi..,traire peut rC\'oqucr un pern1i" d'a­quaculture \or" de -,a rt:nli'ie par le titulaire dt? pcr-1ni-..

22( I) lJn in-.,peL'ICUr peut a tout 1non1ent rai'iOJl~

nable cntrcr dan'i tout vChicule, ren1orque ou ha­teau ct dan" 1out cndroit ou loL'al. <.,auf une n1ai-,on d'habitatinn pri\0c, ct l'in-;rcctcr. !or<.,q_u'il c:-.t fondC <l croirc ~l \cur u~age pour ]'3quacu\ture OU

rclatif a \'aquacuhurc.

22(2) /\U\ fin.., d'in'ipection, un in..,pcctcur pcut ou\Tlr ct in..,recter tout contcnant qu'il e"t fon<lC ~1

croire quc dt:'-> plantc" ou ani1nau\ aquatique" -;' y trOUYent.

22(3) .\\ant ou aprC-. a\·oir tcntC J\:ntrcr en \'Crtu du prC~cnt article. un in'ipectcur pcut Je111ander un 1nanda1 d'entrCe conforn1Cn1cnt a la Loi sur /es 11/Gfl(/Ul.\ d'enfr(;("'.

22(-l) L·n in..,rcctcur peut en tout ternp" obliger un titulaire de pcrn1i" de produirc pour in..,pection ou pour obtcntion de L'Opie'i ou d'e\trJil\, tous do..,­'iicr..,, \i\fC"i, con1plc<., ou autre-, docu1ncnt" relatiL-. i\ l'aquaL·u!turc ou au ..,itc aquaco!c.

22(5) l_c titulairc de pcr1ni" Joit. a la dcn1andc d'un in..,rcc1cur, produire in1111Cdia1crnent le\ do<:i­'iicr..,, li\rC'-. con1ptc'i ct autrc" docun1en~<., relatil\ ;_1

!'aquaculture ct au 'iitc acquacole e'\igC.., par \'in"­pcetcur en \Crlu du pr0'icnt article.

22(6) L:n in;.,pectcur peut t?'\igL'r qu 'un ritulairc de pcrn1i;., fourni-,-.,e de'i Cchantillon;., ct cffcctuc des tcst'i tc\.., qu'i\ le.., indiquc.

22(7) Le litulairc Uc pern1i'i doi1 !"ournir !e~ (\:han­tiilons ct elleL'tucr Jc.., tc'it" rL'qui" par un in'ipectcur en ,·ertu du prC-.cn1 article.

a) pt:nclant une in..,pcction en \crtu du pr0">cnt article,

hJ pendant une pcrqui:..itinn autori..,Ce en \\?rtu de la I oi .\11r fe\-fJO//r.\1titc.\ \on1111oirc\, ou

Page 11: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

(c) other\\i'\c in accordance \\ilh rhc .'J111n111ary Con 1'ic1 ions ,1 cl,

seize any book.. record, account. docunlL'lll, con­tainer or aquatic plant or anin1al that the in..,rector belie\·es on rea'ionable ground-. n1a~ afford C\'i­dencc of rhc cornn1i-"'iion of an offL'llCL'.

23(1) No rer-.on -.hall 'icl!. dc.,1roy or othcr\vi-.e dispose of aquacult ural prod ucc. including pan-. or portion-; of aquacultural produci..', in\\ hiL·h di-.easc, parasite.-., to.\in-. or contan1ina11t" arl' prc..,cnt ex­cept in accordance\\ ith the direction ot rhc \lini-.­u:r.

23(2) \io person 'ihal! tran.-.rcr or tran..,rort li\'C aquacu!tural rroducc fron1 one hod~ of\\ aier or aquacu!tur..: -.ire in rile Pro\'incc to another in the Pro\'incc L"\CCpl in accordanCL' \\ ith thL' rL'gulations or in accorcL11h.:c \\'ith a prior \\Tit1cn appro\al of the ,\'fini.-.,tcr.

23(3) No per-.on 'iha!I introduce Ii\ c aquacultural produce to a body of \\'ater or aqua .... ·ulrurc "ite in the Pro\ince C\L'ept in accordancL' \\ith rhc regula­tions or in accordance \\·ith a prior\\ rittcn appro\ al of the '.'v1ini<;1cr.

23(4) No pcr-.on -,hall ha\'C ro..,-,c..,..,iun or li\'e aquatic plant'i or anin1als dircct!Y or indirectly for the purpo'ie:. of aquaculture other than in accord­ance \Vith the regulation-. or in accordari...:c \\ith a prior\\ rittcn 3pprO\ al of the \1ini..,ll'r.

23(5) The \lini'itcr may g:i\'C direction" and ar­proval.-. for the purpo'iC'i of thi-. 'it:i..:rion and 111ay make the d ircction'i and appro\ a]., -.ubjc .... ·t !o 'iUL'h tcrn1s and condition.;, a-; the .\lini">tL'r L'on-.idL·r., ad­\isable for the n1aintenanL'C of llcalth, gcnctic and grade standard-..

23(6) A pcr;;;on to \\·ho in the \ lini'>lL'r ~i\ c~ a di­rection or an apprO\ al under thi., -.ecrion -.hall con1-ply \Vi th the tern1'i and condition-. lo \\ hich the direction or appro\ al is 'iubjcc!.


cJ a u1 rcn1c n I, c n con fonn i r 0 a\ L'L' la 1. oi <i·ur le<i /JOU r.s 1 fl I e.s so 11 lflla ire.'.,

-.ai..,ir tout Ii\ re, do..,..,!cr, con1plc, docunlL'lll, L'ontc­nan! nu p!an!L' nu anirnal aqu<triquc qui pcut, '>L'lon 'iOll a\ j<., fondC 'iUr dl''i 11101il\ r;1i-.1)!1nahlc'i, offrir la prL'Ll\L' LJU'unc infraction a 0t0 1..'0r11n1i.-.c.

23(!) .'\'ul nL' j)L'UI \C!H.lrL'. dctruirL' ni aulrc1nent 0Jin1incr un produit aquaL·olc, y L'on1pri-. le'> panic-. ou portion-. d'un produit agricolL', ol1 la n1aladic, le-. para'iilL''>, IO.\illL'\ ou con1ar11inanl<., -.on! prC­"L' n t". -. au I "' il "L' L·o n for 111 l'. ,·1 I a di rL'L·t i \ L' d u !\ 1 in i-. ~ f rL'.

2J(2l '.\u! !lL' pcut !ran..,fCrcr ni tran-.por!L'r un produit dqttaL·olc \'i\ctnt da11-. un 1.:orp-. d'cau ou un 'iite aquai:ok' Jan" !a pro\ in1..'L' ~1 un au!rL' corp" J'eau ou un aurrL' 'iitc aquaL·olc dan" la pro\'JnL'L', -.auf "'il -.(' conforrnc au\ rL'gk'lllL'lll'- ou c't unL' ap­prohaiion prCal<1hlc 0L'rill' du \lini'itrc.

23(3) .\.iul ne rcut introJuirc un produit aquacolc \ i \ant Jan'> u 11 corp-. cJ' c<t u ou u n "i 1 c aq llaL·nlL' LL111 '> !a prO\ i llL'C. <.,all r .. ' i I ... c COii for Ill(' ll ll \ rCg !c Ill crll 'i nu ;_\ llllC dflprobatiOll prl'a]ahic L'LTitc du \Ji11i'ilfC.

23(-0 '.\ul nc flL'll! a\oir L'll "a po-.-.L',.,ion Jc-. p!anrc" ou anin1<1u\ ~tquatiljlll'" pour 1'111'> dirCL'll'" ou inJircctc'i J'aquaculturc, "aur ..,·ii '>L' co11forn1c ~lll\ rcgk'IllL'lll'> ou ~1 unc approhtt!ion pr0alahlC" CL'rirc du \lini-.trL'.

2J(5) Le .\lini-.1rc pcul <lonncr Jc.., Jirccti\'L'<., L't approbation., au\ fin' du prL'-.crl! article cl Jc-.., a'>-"ll­jl'ttir ~1 dL''> n1od;.tli10" ct condition' qu'il C'itin1c i.,ouhairablL''> pour !c 111ai111icn dL'" norrnL'-. dl' "'-lllll', dL' g0n0tiquc ct de clas..,L'.

23(6) LllL' pcr..,onnc :1 qui ]L' \lini..,trc donnc unc dirccti\L' ou unc approhalion en \L'r!LJ du pr0"1L'll! articlL' Joi! -.c L·onforrncr au\ 1noLittlirL''i Cl L'.ondi­tion.., aU\CjUL'l!c-. la dircc!i\L' ou l'approbation c-.t a<.,'ilJjL'l!iL'.

Page 12: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

24 The \'1ini<.,ter 1nay designate land that i-, under the Minister's adn1ini-.,1ration anJ control a<., aqua­culture land.

25(\) Upon application the !\:linister n1ay, in ac­cordance \\ith thi.: regulations, lC3'iC dc-..ignatcJ aq­uaculture land for thl' purpo-.,cs of aquai..:ulturc.

25(2) The \lini'-.ter n1ay, in addition to any terms. covenants and i..:ondition-. established by or in ac­cordance \Vith the regulations, 1nake an aquacul­ture lca-.e 'iub_icct to -;uch t\.Tn11.,, CO\'Cl1J.!1l'- and condition-; a-. the \lini-..ter con-.idcr-; appropriate.

25(3) i\n aquaculture lea-..c

(a) is not a-...;;ig.nablc or tran'ifcrahlc. unlc-.,'i the r-..1ini:-.ter gi\C<.; prior \\Titten con-.,cnt to the a<.:.­:-.ignrncnt or tran-;fcr,

(b) -..hall be for a period not C.'\cecding ti:n )'Car'i,

(c) shall be at a ri.:nt -..ct hy or in al·l·ordance \Vi th the rcgulat ion<., or. \\'here there i-.. no appli­cable reguL11ion, at a rent -.,ct by thi.: \lini'itcr having regard to the rental\ aluc or -,i111i\ar land on the open rnarl-.;l·t, and

(d) -,hall hi.: -,uhject to the 1crr11:-., l'O\cnan1-; and conditions c-,rah\i<ihcd hy or in accordance \\'ith the regulation'> and to the tcrn1:-., CO\enants and condition-, iinpo<icd h~ the \1ini-,tcr under :-.ub­<.;cction (2).

25(4) The \lini.;,ter <..hall no! i-..-;uc an aquaculture lca-,e unlcs-, the applii.:ant for thl' !ca"l' ha-, pro­vided, to the <,ati-,fai.:tion or the \tini'>tcr, a cenifi­(atc Of SUf\ cy Of I he ]and to he covered h~ ! he lease.

25(5) Subject to <..uh...,el·tion-.. (6) and (7), an aqua­culture lca-.e con,·cy-, the right to the e\c]u-.,i\C U'>C of the land CO\ered hy the \ca"l'.

25(6) .!\.n aquacu!turl' !ca'><: doc-, not con\cy a right to any n1inl~., or 111incral-, in, on or under the land.


24 Le \lini-.tre peut dC-.igner con1111c tcrrc aqua­cole unc tern: qui ...,c trouve sou-, -.,on aJrninistration ct contr()le.

25( 1) Le \lini<..trc pcut, conrorr11Cn1cnt au:\ rCgle-1nents, -.,ur dcn1ande. donner a hail une tcrrc aqua­colc JC-.,ign0c au'\ fin-., d'aquaculture.

25(2) Le \lini<itrc peut, en plu-., de-. 111odalitCs, cngagen1ent-., ct condition<i Ctah\i-, par rCglcn1en1.;; ou conl'orn1Cn1ent au-..: rCglcrncnt.;,, a.;;r.;uje11ir un bail aqun..:olc ~t Jc-.. n1oda!i1C-... engagcn1cn1-.. et condition'> qu'il c<..tin1e appropriC-,.

25(3) l'n hail aquarnlc

aJ ne pcut Ctrc cCdC ni tran-,fCr0 "auf <ii le \lini'i­trc a donnC un i..:on'>cn1c1ncnt Ccrit prCalablc ~t \J i.:c-;<.;ion nu au tran-..rert,

h) doit C.·tre pour unc pCrioJc ne dCpas<.;ant pa-, di-..: an-;.

c) doit procurer un loycr fi'\C par rCg.lernent'> ou confonn0111ent aux rCglcn1cnt-, ou lor.;,qu'il n'c\i-,toe pa-, de rCg!c111ent aprlicab\e, un lo~cr l'i\0 par k· \lini.<.,1rc qui doit tenir cornpte de la valeur locati\C de-., tcrrc-, "c1nblab\e.., -..c trou\ant 'illr le n1archC ordinaire, ct

</) doi1 l:tri.: a...,-,u_ietti au\ 1110J3litC<.., cngag.c­n1i.:nt-, et i.:ondition-., Ctah\i-, par rCg.len1cn1-, ou conforrnCrncnt au'\ r0gli.:n1i.:n1-,, ain-.,i qu'au'\ rno­dalitCi.,, l~ng.a~cn1l'Ilt'I ct condition-., in1po-.0-, rar le \lini-,trc en \Crill du parag.r~1rhi.: (2).

25(4) Li.: \lini'>trc nc pcut d~·\i, rcr un hail aqua­co!e quc ...,j le dcn1andcur du bail a fourni, ~1 la '>ati-,fac1ion du \tinistrc. un 1.:crtificat d'arpcnlag.c Jc la lCITC qui rail ['ob_ict du hJi\.

25(5) Sous rCscr\e de-, parag.raphi.:-., (6) ct (7), un bail aquacoli.: lran<ifCrc le droit ~1 l'u...,agc e-..:clu<iif de !a tcrrc qui rail !'ohjct du bail.

25(6) L,'n bail aquacolc nc 1ran-,1·crl· pa-, un droit au\ n1inc-, ou n1inCrau'\ qui -,i.: trOU\ cnt -,ur, dan-, ou \Oll'i la tC!TC.

Page 13: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

25(7) 1\n aquaculture lea-.e n1ay n1aJ...e rrovi-.ion for a'-cess through and O\·cr the land by adjacent landO\\'Ilers.

26(1) Upon application the \tini'-.ter niay, in ac­cordance\\ ith the regulation.'>, i'i-..,uc an aquacu!t urc occupation pcrn1it authorizing a pcr..,on ro occupy and use 'ipccified dc'iignatcd aqL1~h.:ulturL' land.

26(2) The .\lini'itcr may, in addition 10 an) tcrrn.-,, co\'enants and condition'i c'itabli'ihcd by or in ac­cordance \\ith the regulations, n1aJ...c an aquacul­ture occupation permit -.ubject 10 such tcrrns, covenants and conditions a-, the \Iini ... rer L.'Ollsider-. appropriate.

26(3) An aquaculture occupation pcrrnir

(a) is not as5ignable or I ran..,ferab!e,

(b) shall be for a period not e\ceeding three years,

(c) 5hall be at a rent fixed by or in ac'-·ordance \Vith the regulation_'> or, v • .-here there j.., no appli­cable regulation, at a rent set by the \linistcr having regard to the occupational and u ... c \·a!uc of sirnilar !and on the oncn n1arJ...et. and

(d) -.hall be -,uhjel'.t to tern1'>, co\cnant'> and condition'i C'itablistlcd hy or in aCL.'Ordancc \\'ith the regulation-. and to the tcrn1s, CO\CllJllt'> and condition'> in1po-,ed by the \lini ... 1er under '>Ub­section (2).

27(1) fhe .\linister may canl'.el an aquaculture lease or an aquaculture ocl'.uparion rcr111i1 if

(aJ the !e-.'iec or the pcrinitlcc ha.., n1aJe a faJ.i.,c 'itatement in applying for the lca..,c or pcrrni1.

(/J) the ICS'ieL' Or the J)L'l"tlli[!CC \ io!atL'-., Or i'aiJ'> or rcfu.'-.es to corn ply \\·ith a tern1. L'O\ L'!lant or condition to\\ hich the ll'asc or pL·rinit i-., ... ubjcct,


25(7) L:n bail aquacolL' pcut prC\oir des dispo..,i­tion_.., '>Ur !'accCs au rerrain ou <.i. tra\ er.., le terrain pour Jc.., propriCtairc" de IL'rrain'> adjacent'>.

26( I) Le .\tini'>trc pcut. ..,ur dcn1andc er confor-111Cn1cnt au\ rCglcnicnts, dCli\ rcr unc aurori<iarion d'ol'.cupation aquacole autori..,a1ll unc pcr...,01u1c ~1

OL'CllfJt.:r Cl il Ulili'>CI" UllC lL'ITC aqUaL'O!C d0sig:n0c Cl


26(2) Le \1ini..,1rc pLul, en p[u.., des n1odalicCs, enga~l'lllL!l1'> er L'<HHJition.., Ct~1h!i.., par rCglcn1cnt-, ou conforn1Cn1cnt au\ rCglcn1cn1 .... a'>sujcttir unc aurori ... arion J'occupation aquacolc a de" 1nodali­tC\, cngage1nents ct L.·on<lition'> LJU'il C'>!in1c arpro­priC'>.

h) dnit 0! re pour unc p0riodc nc di..;pa-,..,ant pa'> troi'> an~,

c; doit procurer u11 loycr fi\0 par rl·g!cn1cnl'> ou conforn1Cn1cnt au.\ rCglcnIL'lll'> ou. lorsqu'il n'c\i'>IL' ]la'> de rCg_lc111cnt ;ippliL·ab!c, un loycr fi\0 p~1r le .\linis1rc qui doi1 !L'llir con1ptc de la \alcur de l'occupation ct LIL' !'u-.,agc de'> !Lrre.., '>Crl1blablc.., "L' trou\anl '>llr le rnarchC ordinairc. ,., cl; doit 0tfL' a .... ..,ujcuic au\ r11odalitl·.,, cngagc­n1cnt'> ct '--onditi(Hl'> Crahli'> f)Jr rl'glcn1cnt<, ou L'Onfnn11C111ent au\ rCglcn1cnt..,, Jin..,i qu'au\ 1110-Jalitl'"· L'11gagc1ncnl'> cl L'Ondirion'> in1po'>l''> par le .\lini ... rrc en \L'l"[U Uu pc1.ragraphc (~).

27(1) Le .\Iini..,rre pcur annulcr un hail aquaco!c ou unc autori'>ation J'ocL·upation ~iquaL·olL'

ii) -.,i le prcncur it hail nu k· tiiulairc d'autori.,a­tion a fait UllL' fall'>"ol' dCclaration dan.., sa dc-111andL de hail ou d'aurori..,;_uion.

/J; ..,j k· rrcncur ~1 h~1il ou k· titulairl' d'autori..,a­tion cnfr('int unc r11oda!itl·. un c11gagcn1c111 ou une l'011di1ion au\qLH.::!.., le hail ou J'autori\ation C'>f a..,..,ujctti, ou n1a11quc ou rcru..,c d'-' ..,·y co11for­rllL'r,

Page 14: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

(c) the lessee or pern1i1tce ,·iolatcs or fail., or refu<.,C'i to con1p\y \\ith a pro,·i.,ion or thi.., .-\l't or the regulation">,

{d) the \e<.,sce or the pcrn1i11ce docs not, to the satisfaction of the \linister, shO\\' due diligence in fulfilling. a tern1, co,cnant or condition to \\·hich the !ea<;,c or pcrn1it i'i 'iuhjcct, or

(e) the lessee or the pcrn1ittcc .:ca'>C"> 10 hold an aquaculture licence in relation to the land CO\'­

ercd by the lea-,e or pennit.

27(2) 'fhe \fini-.1cr n1ay cancel an aquaculture lease or an aquaculture occupation pern1i1 on '>Ur­render of the lea'ie or perrnit hy the \e..,see or perinit­tee.

28( I) 1\n applicant for an aquaculture licence or a licensee \\'ho i.;, di..,.;,ati<.,fied \\'ith a dcci.;,ion of the Registrar under 1hi'> ,.\-.:t or the regulation.., n1ay appeal the deci<..ion to the "'.\linistcr in accordance \\·ith the regulation<;.

28(2) /-\ deci'iinn or direction of the \lini...icr un­<ler this .A-.:t or the regulations i<., final and '-'l)!ll'lu­-;i\'c and, c-.cept on the ground.., of an e\l'e"" of jurisdiction or denial of natural ju...iicc, ..,hall not be questioned or rc\ie\\l'J in any court, and no order <;hall be n1ade or pro..:ccding.., taken in any court. \\hethcr by \\'<l)' of injunc1ion, Jcc!aratory judg­n1cnt, order on judicial re\ iC\\' or other\\ i'-l' toque">­tion, re\ie\\. prohibit or rc-,train the \1ini-,1er.

29(1) Except for the purpose-. of the adn1ini<..tra­tion and cnfon.:cn1cnt of thi<., /\ct a1K! thl' rl·gu\a­tions, all inforn1a1ion, book-,, record-,, account<.. and docun1c!lt.'> obtained by the i\lini">ll'r, the Rcgi'>­trar or an inspector under thi-, ;\ct and the regula­tion<.,, or hy a pcr<..on ernploycd hy or au1hori1cd to act on hchalf of the \linister, the Rcgi..,lrar or an in<;pcctor for an~ of thl' purpO'>I.'"> of !hi-, .\..:1, arc confidential.

C) ..,j !c preneur 3. hail OU le ti!ulaire d'autori<..a­tion cnfreint unc di-;po">ition de la prC-.entc Joi ou des rCg\cn1cnt..., ou 111Jnque ou rcfu<.,e de <..'y con rorn1cr.

r/) -,i le prl'llCUr 3. hai\ OU \e titu]Jirc J'autorisa­tion ne '-.l' 1nontre pas, de !\t\i.., du \tini">trc, suffi-,an1nll'lll diligent pour -,c conforn1cr a une n1odali1C, un cngagc111ent ou unc ..:ondition au\­que\'i le bail ou l'au1orisation est a-. ... ujelli, ou

e) \i ]e prencur 3. bail OU Jc tituiairc d'autori'-.a­tion cc..,..,c de dCtcnir un pcrr11i'> d'aquaculture conccrnant la terrc qui fait \'objct du pcrn1i-, ou de \'autorisation.

27(2) Le \lini1,1re pcut annulcr un bail aquacole OU une autori<.,ation d'occupation aqual'Oie 3 \a renli'ie du bail OU de ]'autori;.,ation par !c prcneur 3. bail ou lc titulaire d'autnri'ia1ion.

28( I) lJn de111andeur de pcr111i-, d'aquaculture ou un titulaire de pcrn1is qui n'est pa<., ;.,ati-.fait d'unc dCcision du regiqrairc rendue en 'ertu de la pre­scntc Joi pcut intcrjcrcr appcl aupr0'i du \lini1.,tre confor111Cn1cnt au\ rCgle1nent').

28(2) Unc dCl·i-,ion ou unc Jire.:ti\C Ju i\linistre en vcn u de la prC'>l'll t e Joi e'>t d0fin i 1 i' c ct ;.,ans appel ct ellc nc peut Ctrc conte;.,tCc ou r0' i<;,ee par une cour -;auf pour e\c('<; de juridiction ou JCni Jc ju-,tice naturc\lc cl aucunc cour ne peut rcndre unc ordon­nancc n i Ct re ..,ai"> ie d · u nc procCd u re \ i -,ant, par 'oie d'injonction. de jugc1nent dCc\aratoire, d'ordon~ nanl'l' en rC\J..,ion judiciaire au pi1r tout autre 1noyen, a contc<,ter, rC\ i\CI", gCncr OU li1niter le \ti­nistre.

29( I) Saur au\ fins d'applica1ion ct d'e\ecution de la prC<.,cntc Joi ct Jc-, rCgli.:n1c111-,, ..,ont ..:onfidcn­tie\-, tou.., le-, rc11-,cignen1cnt">, li\ re;.,, do<.,<.,iers, l'On1p1c-, cl Jncun1cn1-. obtl'llll'i <.,oit pi1r le \lini;.,tre, le rcgi'>!rairc ou un in-,pCl'tcur en \l'rtll de la prC-1.,cnte Joi ct de-, rCg.!cn1ent'i, -,oit par unc pcrsonnc c1nployCcou autorl1.,Ce par le \lini..,tre pour le reprC­<.,cn1cr, ou par le rcgi'>trairc ou par un in..,pcL·tcur pour !c..., fin'> Jc la prC..,entc loi.

Page 15: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

29(2) [.\cept for the purpo-.e ... or the ad1nini'itra­tion and enforcen1ent of thi'i i\l't and rhe regula­tions, no person shall

(a) cornrnunicate or alto\\' 10 be con11nunicated to another person any inforn1ation ob1~1incd un­der this .!\ct or the regulation<.,, or

(b) al!o\v any pcr'ion to in'ipel·t any book, re­cord. account or docu1nent obtained under this ,1\ct or th<: regulation).

JO( I) .A. per..,on \\·ho \·iolatl') or fail) or n:fu-.es to con1ply \\ irh 'iubsection 14( 4) or\\ ith a pro\ i-,ion of the regulations com111its an offence and i-. liable on summary cOn\'iction 10 a fine of not le'i'- than fifty dollar~ and not more than one hundred dol!ar-. and in default or payment i.-. liable, in the ca~c or an indi\idua!, to impri-.onn1ent in acl·ordance \\·ith subsection 31(3) of the S11n11nury c··onriction_\ .-let or, in the ca5e of a per'ion other than an indi\·idual, to distress and sale in accordance \\ith -.ection 35 of the S11n11nary Con\'ict;ons .4ct.

30(2) .I\ person \\·ho \·iolate~ or fail, or refuse-. to

comply \\'ith subsection 17(1) or 1...,(2) or \\·ho \io­lates or fails or refuses to co111pl> \\ith a 1ern1 or condition of an aquaculture lil"Ctli.,"l' 1.,·on1n1i1.., an offence and is liable on sun1111ary con\ ic1ion to a

fine or not less than fifty dollar\ and not n1orc than t\-VO hundred and fifty dollar\ anJ in default Of payrncnt i'i liable, in the ca-.c of an indi\ iduaL to in1pri'ionment in accordance \vilh "ubc.,ection 31(3) oft he Sun1n1a1~1· ('011 \'ic1 ions ,.-1 ('/ or, in r he case or a person other than an indi\ idual, to di'-!rcv., Jnd -.ale in accordance \\'ith 'lCction 35 ofthl' s·111111J1a1:r C'on­vfr·tions .4 ct.

30(3) ,A,, per~on \\·ho \·io!atc.., or fail" {1r rcru-.l'" lo comply \\ith 'iCCtion 4, sub<;cction J.+(3). 16(2) or 16(4), section 20 or 'iUh'>cction 22(~) or 22(7) l·on1-1nits an offeni..:e and i--. liable on c.,u111111ary 1.,·011\ le­t ion to a fine of 1101 Je<.;s than one l1u11dred dollar-. and not more than one thousand dollcu·, and in default of ra>n1cnr j.., liable, in the l·;1,1.,' ot an inJi-


29(2) Saur au\ fin-. d'applil·arion ct d'c.\Ccution de la rrC-.entc Joi et de.., rL'gle111cn1..,, nu[ nc pcut

aJ co111111uniqucr nu pcrn1ct1rc quc -.oicn! l'Or11111uniqu0-. ;_\ l!lll' p1,_'r,011111..' le.., I"l'll\l'ig_nc-111ent-. obtenuc., en \crru di.? !a pr0-.cntc Joi ou de-, r~gJelllCll!S, OU

/J) pcrinctlrc ;"1 unc j)l'fc.,on!ll' J'c\an1iner tout !i\ re, Jo-...,icr, cornptc ou docu111c111 ohtenu en \Crill dl' la prl'c.,cnre !oi ou dl'" rL'glcn1cnt'I.

30( 1) Quil'OllLJlll' l'llfrl'int I;__' para~raphc 14(4) ou unc di-.po..,i1ion des rCgle1nerll'-. ou 1nanquc ou rc­ru..,c de'> 'y COJ1forn1cr, C01llll1l'I UllC infraction ct e<.,! pa.;,siblc, -.ur d0claration -,01111naire de culpabilirC. d'une arncndc d'au 111oin" ci11qu~1111c dollar'> Cl d'au plu_.., l'Clll dollars. ct ;"1 dCfaut de paic111ent. est pa-.c.,i­blc. en cas d'unc pcr-.onlll' ph~ "iquc, d'unc pcinc d'en1pri,onncn1e111 conforr11Cn11.,·11r au paragraphc ] 1(3) de la Loi sur le.s /)(>lfr_>uire> >01111naire.\ ou. c11 Ca'i Li'Ulle pcr'iOlltlC autre qu'une per:-ionne [lh)''li­quc. J'unc ..;aisie c1 \enre l·ont'orn1L;r11cnt {1 l'arric!c 35 de la !_oi q1r It\ /JO!lr\ll!fl',\ ~u1111J1uires.

30(2) ()uiconque cnfrl'i111 le parcif'raphe 17( 1) ou 17(2) {l\l 111anquc ou rcfu,c de,·> co11(or111cr. uu cnfrcin1 une 111odali10 ou 1..·011di1io11 d'un pern1i" d'aquaculiurc ou 111;111quc nu rct'u'-l' Jc-. 'y confor-111cr, con1n1c1 unc infraction ct e-,1 pav·,ih!e, \Ur

d0claralion -.on1n1airc de culpabili!C, d'unc an1cndc d'au 111oi11-. l·inquantc dollar-. 1,_'l d'<iu plu-. dell\ cent cin<.Juantc dol!arc., ct ;_"1 dl;faul d-c paicrnl'nt, c..,t pa..,..,i­htc, en ..:a-, U'unc pcr..,onnc plly,1ql!l'. d'unc peinc d'cn1rri,onnc111cn1 conforrn0111c111 ;1u paragraphc 31 (3) de la Loi ~ur /es JJOl!r\11ircs \Ollllllaircs, ou en ca-. d'unc J)l'rc.,onne <!LJ!rc qu'unc pcr,onnc phy..,i­que, d'unc ,aisic ct \'L'!lll' cont"orn1L'n1ent <.l l'articlc 35 de la 1_01 sur le.\ JJOl!r\11ire\ <.u1J1111oire\.

30(3) ()t1il·o11qul' l'llfl'l'int l'arri..:k· 4. Jc parags<.t­phc 1-l(J), 16(2) ou 16(4). J'artii.,·]c 20 ou le paragra­phi.: 22(:') ou 22(7) ou enl·orc. rnanqlll' ou refu-.c dl' -.·y conforrncr, con11nc1 U!ll' infraction cl c<.,1 pa.-...,i­ble. ~ur d0l·lara1in11 ,0111111airc di.: -:ulpahili10, d'unt.' an1endl' d'au 111oin-. l"Clll dollar" ct d'au plu.., 111illc dollar-, cl ~-1 dl·fau1 Lk' paicn1e1ll. l''-I pa-...,1h!c. en C<h

Page 16: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

\ idual, to in1pri-,onn1cnt in aL'Corda!lL'L' \\it h -,ub\L'C­tion 31(3) of the Sununary C'onrictions .-let or, in the case of a pcr'>on other than an indi\ idua\, to Ji<.,trcss and sale in accordancl' \\ith section 35 of the .()'11111111a1y ('0111·ictions "let.

30(4) .A. per..,on \\ho\ iolatcs or faib or n.:ru-,e" to con1ply \\ith '>CCtion 18. -,ub'iection 19{1) or 19(-J.), section 23 or -,uh-,cction 29L~.) conHnit'i an l)ffcncc and i.;; liable on "llllHllary C011\'ict ion to a fine Of not IL'"" than one thou-,and dollar . .., and not 1norc than l\\Cllty-fi\C thOLI<.,3JH.\ doJ\ar<., and in Jc!'auli oi' pay­lllC!ll is liable, in thl..' case of an indi\ 1Jual. to in1-pri..,onn1t:nt in accordanL\.' \\'ith 'illb'-L'1.:tion J 1(3) of the .)'11111111a1-_i· ('onrictions .Acf or, in thi.: ca-,c of a pcr.,on other than an indi\·idual, to di-,1ri.:-,-, and -,ale in accordance\\ ith -,cction 35 or the .)'11111111ury ('on­\'ic1io11s <'le!.

31(1) :\ pcr-,on \\ho i..., the cn1ployer or prin1.:ipal Of a plT<.,O!l \\hU, in the COUr-,e Of ClllJl\O~!llCllt Or agency, con1111it-, or i.., othl'r\\'i'ic a party 10 an of­fence under 1hi-, . .\i.:t, j.., a part) to the orreni.:c, and ll1a) bL' L'har~L'd \\ ith, LOll\ iL'll'd Of and -,elltC!lCl'd for the offL'n,_·c. unk'"" the cn1ployi.:r lH principal c...iabli-,hl'-,

(a) that tlll..'c111plo~LTOrprincipa!did no! knO\\ of or con..,ent to the act or on1is'iion of the cn1-p\oycc or agent, and

(h) thJt the cn1ploycr or principal c\cr .. :i-,cd all due diligenCL' 10 prl'\'t'nt the act or 0111i .... ..,\on of the cn1ployct: or agent.

31(2) .1\ per..,on \\ho. being an officer or dirl'c!or of a corporation that con1111it\ or i'> othL'r\\i<,c a party to an offence under thi-, .. \cl. dirl..'i.:1'>. au1ho­ri1_c\, a ... .,e1ll.., to or acquic'>CC'> in the act or on1i-,..,ion of thL' L'Orpor;:uion, i'i a party 10 tlh: off1,,_'llL'L' and 111ay he chargi.:d \\ith. convicted of and ..,entl'nccd for the offcni.:c.


d'unc pcr'ionni.: phy'liquc, d'unc peinc d'c1npri\on­ncn1cnt confortnt.'.111cnt au paragraphe 31 (3) de !a Loi sur /es pour.suites so111111aire5, ou l'l1 ca<, d' unc pcr<.,onne autrL' qu'unL' pcr-,onnc ph~'iiqul', d'unt: <,ai-,ic l't \i..'ntc confon11Cn1cnt J. \'arti1..'le 35 de la roi sur /es pour\uitl!\ so111111aire.~.

30(4) Quii.:onquc enrrcint l'anii.:lc IX, le raragra­phc 19(\) ou Jl)(-J.), ['article 23 ou le paragraphc 29(2) ou t:ni.:orc, 1nanquc ou refu-,i.: dl' ..,·~ confor-1ncr, con1111ct une infraction ct e'it pa'i'>ibll..', \Ur dCc larat ion -,0111 n1ai re de cu! pa bi lit C. Li' u ne an1cndl' d'au n1oin-, 1nillc dollar<., l't d'au rhh \ ingt-cinq n1illc do!lar'i ct ~1 dCfaut de paie1ncnt, e-'>l pa-,-,ih!e, en e<I'i d'unc pl..'r.,onnc phy'>iCJUL', d'unc peini.: d'l'n1-pri-'>onncn1en1 confon11C111ent au paragraphc 31(3) Jc la !_oi .'ill/' Ii!\ po11r\11ite.\ _so111111c11res. ou en ca;., d'unc pcr ... l)illlL' autrc qu'unc p1,,_T..,l)ll!lC ph~'iiquc, d'unl' 'iai-,ic l'l \Cllli..' i.:onfor111Cn11,,_'tll :1 l'articli.: 35 de la l.oi .\Ur /e_\ poursuih'S .\01n1naire1,.

31( I) L\;n1plo~cur ou le con1111i.:ttant J'unl' per­son111.: qui, au cnur-, de -,on c111ploi nu dl' -.a rcprC­:-.cntalion. i.:on11ne1 unc infraction ou e...r autrcinent partil' ~1 unc infraction prC\ uc ~1 la prC ... cnte Joi, C'il unc panic it l'infrai.:tion ct peut 0trc aci.:u'>C de \'in­fraction. en 0trc dcL·!arC L'OUpablc Cl '-C \Oir in1po~er unc sentence pour Cl'tte infrai.:tion .... auf "i \'ern­p\oyL'ur ou le L'0111n1cttant Ct ab lit

a) qu'i\ 11';1 pa-, CtC au courant dc !'Jell' ou de \'0111i-,-,ion de \'en1ployl· ou du rcprC'icntant ou n'~ a pa-, l'On..,enti, l't

/J) qu'i! a c'l..'ri.:0 1outc diligi.::ni.:c rcqui-;e pour prC\cnir l'ai.:tl' ou 1'0111i<,'iion de l'L'lllployC ou du rl'prC-,t:ntanl.

31(2) C)uii.:onqlll'. Ctant un dirigL'ant ou un adn1i­ni'>tratcur d'unl' corporation qui ...:0111111ct une in­rraction OU ('-,\ autrc111ent partiC 3 llllL' infraction prC\ uc ~1 la prC..,i.:nte loi, dirigc, autori"c l'actc ou l'u111i-,..,il)l1 de !a corpora1ion. ou ~ COll'-L'lll ou y

Jcquie'iL'I..', c-,r panic ~1 l'infrai.:tion i.:! peut Ctrl' ac­cu-,e de \'infrai.:1io11, en L·trL' dCclarl' l..'lHtpah!c ct -,c \'oi r in1po-,cr u nc '>Cllt L'l!L'L' pour '--.L't t L' i 11 fraL'l ion.

Page 17: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

31(3) A .. per.;,on \\·ho aid'i or abet"> ano!hcr rcr<;on in con1n1itting or othcr\\'i'ie being. a party to an offence under thi"> .i\ct i."I a party 10 the offence and Illa)' be charg.ed \\'ith, con\·icted of and ">erllcnced for the o ffcnce.

31(4) .A.. pcr<.,on at \\'ho">c in.">ligarion another rcr­son cornmit'l or is othcr\vise a rarty to an offence under thi'i .!\ct is a party to the offence and 111ay be charged\\ ith, con\ icted of and ..,cntenl'Cd for the offence.

31(5) For the purro'.'.c of cstabli;,hing thar a per­son is a party to an offence under thi-, :-\ct, it i-. not necessary that any per.;,on other thJn the pcr-.on charged .-,hould ha\e been -.pecifical!~ identified, charged or con\ icted as ha\'ing cornn1ittcd or othcr­\Vise been a party to the offence, and it j.., ..,uffil·ient to cstablir.;h as a n1atccr of c\·idencc

(a) that an offence has been l'On1r11i1ted by

some person, or

(b) that a pcr5011 \\ho cannoc bl· con\ ictcd of an offence ha-, done <.,on1eching \\ hi1..'IL if done by a person liable to con\·iction, \\ ould ha\ e con<.,ti­tuted an offence.

32 \\-'here a\ io!ation or or a failure or reru ... a] to comply\\ ith a pro\·i-.ion of thi-. /\Cl or the regula­tions or \vi th a tenn or condi1io11 of an aquaculture licence continues for in ore than one day,! he PL'r-..on com1nits a "eparare offence for L'ach day 1l1at the violation, failure or refusal continue.,.

33(1) \\'here, in the opinion of a judge. a defend­ant ha<i con1miucd an offence under thi-.. :\l·t for financial ad\antage or ro a\·oid the finanl·ial bur­den of con1p!iance \\ith thi_.., /\ct, the _iudgl· r11ay, notv,·ithscanding the n1axin1un1 fine "et under ..,cc­tion JO,


31(3) Quiconquc aide ou cncourag:c unc autrc pcr-..onnc :1 con1111c!trc unc infraction ou autrc111cnl ;_\ Ctre partic ~1 unc infral'tinn prC\UC ~l la prC-..cntc Joi, cq une partic ;_'1 l'infraL·tion L'l rcut Ctrc acl·u-..L· de cclti.: infraction, en Ctrl' dCclar0 coupablc cl .,c \Oir iinro-.er unc -,cntcncc pour •• :ct!e infraction.

31(-+l C)uiconquL'. par '>Oil in-..tiga1ion, incite unc aurrc pcr-..onnc J co1nn1ettrc unc infr<h:tion ou au­trcn1crH ~1 Ctrc panic i1 unL' infraction prC\ UL' ;'1 la pr0-..l'!llc loi, c-..i unc p~1rtic ~1 !'infraction ct peut 0trL' accL!'>C de l'L'l!C infraL·tion, en Ct re dL'l·lar0 coupablc ct \C \Oir irnpO'-,CJ' une '>Cll[CllCC pour CCC!C infrac­tion.

31(5) .-\u\ fin-.. d'Ctablir qt1'u11c Pl'r..,onnc c<.,l par­tic ~1 unc infraction prC\ uc ~1 la prC-.cntc Joi, i! n'c-,t pa.., 11Cc('-....,airc LJllC quL·lqu·un d'autrc quc !'accu..,0 ait C!L' "PCL'ifiqul'lllcnt itk·111ifi0, '-1L'Cu'>0 ou d0c!ar0 coupabil' d'a\·oir co111n1i.., l'infracrinn ou d\1\oir l;tC autrc111e11t panic ,·1 J'inrraction. ct ii c-..i .... urti-.ant d'0tahlir ;'1 titre de prL'U\C

(I) qu'unc infraction a 010 cur11n1i'>c par qul·l­qu'un, ou

/J; qu'tinl' pcr.,on!lL' qui nc f)L'lll l·trl' d0clarCc .:uupctl'"'lc d'unc inrractio11 a 1·ait lJlll'iquc cho-..c qui. (ai1 rar UtlL' pcr-.onllL' pl)U\ ant en Ctrc d0-clarel' coupahlc, aurait c(ln-..tituC unc i111'ral·1iun.

32 Lor-..qu'unc \iolation d'unc di..,po..,ition de la pn.'.\ellll" loi OU de .... rCglL'llll'llt\ OU d 'ttllL' 1nodalit0 OU condition d'un pcrrni" d"aquacultlHl'. nu un nian­quc ou un refu-. de" 'y cont'ornll'f "l' pour'>Uil pcn­d~1111 rill'> d'une .·1ournl·c, la pl'l''>llllllC qui le con1111ct, L'01n1net unc infraction d1-..1irlL'll' pour cha­qucjournCc ol1 la\ iolatio11, k' n1ttnquc nu le rcfu.., -..c pour..,uii.

33(1) I or..,quc, de l'a\·j., d'un jugc, un dl·fcnJcur a con11ni.., unc infraction prl·\ uc a la pr0-..cn!t-' Joi pour un <l\ ant age p0cuniairL' ou pour 0\ it LT k' far­dcau pCt-·uniairL' qu'erllraillL' l'ob"l'r\ arion dl' la prl''-,Clltc loi, ll' ju~c peut, nonoh-..ia111 l'an1cndc 1na\irnalc fi\0c en \Crill dl' l'artick· JO,

Page 18: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

(o) where the offence \\-a'> con1111ittcd for fi­nancial adYantagL', irnpose -.uch fine as \\ill en­<iurc that no financial ad,·antage is gained fro111 the con1n1i-..-.ion of thl' o!TcnLT, or

(h) \vherc the offen..:l' \va-. con1n1itted to a\·oid the financia! burden of co111pliancl' \\ith thi.., Ac\, in1posc :-iu..:h fine a'> i-. appropriate in the circu 111-.t an cc-..

33(2) 1\ judge _<..hall not i111pose a fine under -.uh­..,ection (1) un]c..,.., 1hc prosecutor has, before the 1i1nc '>tat<:d in the -.,un1111on'> or appcaran..:c no1icc ror the dcfcndant to appear In court, notified 1he defendant tha1 a fine under subsection (I) \\ill be sought if the defendant i.., con\·ictcd.

3~ The t'.'lini..,ter i-. rc..,pon<.,iblc for the adn1ini-.,tra­tion or thi'> r\..:1 and the regulation'> an<l Illa~ Jc-,ig­natc pcr<.,on:-i to act on the '.\lini..,tcr\ behalf.

3.S 1-hc .\linii..,tcr n1ay undertake .-,u..:h publi..: con­<.,u\tation in relation to aquaculture a ... the \lini..,ter con-.idcrs appropria1c.

36 Thc \lini..,tcr, \\ith the appro,al of the Licutena11t-CJ0,crnor in (."ou11ci\, n1a:;. l'ntLT into agrcc1nents \\ ith ( ·anada, a pro\ incial gn\ crnn1ent or a person for an_\ purpo ... e related to thi-., :\cl and the regulation-,.

37( I) The t'.lini-,1l'I n1ay eqabli-,h aLh j..,ory corn­n1ittcc.., to ad\i-.,e 1hc \lini'>lcr genera\]~ in relation to aquaculturc and in rclation to the i'>'>Uance of aquaculture lea-,e-. and aquaculture occupancy pcr-1nit-., and to ad\i<.,e th-c Regi'>lrar in rcla1ion to the i-.suancc, rcnC\\a\ and a1nl'Hdn1cnt of aljuaculture liccncer.;.

37(2) The \tini'>ler n1ay pay '>uch a!lo\\ancc.., and c'pen'ie" a:-. rnay be authori1ed by the regulation-. to rx:r'>Oll'> \vho <.,er\l' on ad\i-.or\' ..:01nn1ittcc-., e ... tab­li<..hcd under 1hi'> 'iection.

38 The r-..tini_;.,ter -.hall appoint a pcr...,on e1nployed in tile Dcpanmcm ol fi\Jm·ic' aml :\yuaculturc "'


a) i1npo-,cr unc a1nende tclle qu'aucun a\a!l­tage pCcuniaire nc rC<.iu!te de la pcrpCtration de !'infraction. lor'>que !'infraction a Ct0 co1nn1i'iC pour un a\an1age pCcuniaire, ou

h) in1po..,er u11e an1cnde 3.ppropriCe dan-, !c<.; circnn-.tancc-.,, lor'>quc ]'infraction a CtC conuni..,c pour 0\itcr le fardeau pCcuniairc qu'cntrainL' l'nb'>er\·ation de la prC-,ente loi.

33(2) L! n jugc ne peut pa-. irnpo'icr unc arncnde en vcrtu du paragraphe (I) a n1oin-. que le pour<..ui\'ant n'ait, a\ ant la date rnentionnCc i la -.,onHnation OU <1 la citation a ..:0111paraltrc du dC!'endl'Ur de, ant la cour, a\i'>C le dCfendcur qu'une a1ncnde en \'Crill <lu paragraphc (I) -.era den1andCe -,i le dCfendeur e-.t dCclarC coupablc.

34 Le \lini-.1re c-,t rc-.pon-.ab!c de \'appli..:ation de la prC-,cntc loi cl de-. rCglc1nent'> er peut dC-.igncr de<.. pcrr.;onnc-., pour ll' 1-cprC-,cntcr.

35 Le \lini'-.lrc pcut faire des i..:on'>tdtatinns publi­que'> relaii\C'- ~1 \'aquaculture tel\e.;, qu'il \c-, e-.rirne appropriCc-.,.

36 I.I..' \liniqrc pcut. a\'ec !'approbation du lil'Utcnant-gou\crncur en cnn'icil, l'Onclure dcr.; ac­eordc, a\ c..: k· c·anada. un gou\crncrnent rro\ incial OU unc per'>OllllC pour toutc fin relati\ CJ. \a prC-,ente !oi ct au\ rCg:\en1e11tr.;.

37( I ) ( _e \ 1 in i ... t re peu t 01 a blir de'i L'Orn it('" l'On\ul­ta ti f-, pour !c con-.eil!cr de fayon gCnCralc sur le-. que-.tiOn<., relati\ C'> <i ['aquacu!turecl 3 la dt\i\'r3.!1Ce dc-, ball\ aquacolc'> ct Jes autori'>ation-, J'occupa­tio11 aquacu\c, ain'ii quc pour con ... eillcr le rcgir.;­trairc ..,ur k·.., quc'>lion-., rclati\l''- 3 la dCli\Tancc, au renou\ellcrnent ct i1 la rnodificat ion de.., pcrn1is d 'a­quaculture.

37(2) Le \lini'>tre pcut \er..,cr Jc-., a!locatioll'> ct re111hour.;,er des dCpcn-.e'> autori-.,Ce-, par r(>g_\en1c1ll<; aux pcr..,onnc:-i qui "iiCgcnt aux con1ih . .;.., conr.;u\tatif.., Ctahli:-i en \l'rtu du prC-,cnt artiL'k'.

38 1.c \linistrc doit nonHlll'r unc per-.onnc cn1-ployCc au n1ini'ltCrc dl.'."i PCch\.'.:-i i.:1 de l'.-\4ual'Ulturc

Page 19: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

the Regi'ltrar for the purpo..,es or thi.., :.\C[ and the regulations.

39 The Regir.;trar shall maintain copie.., and re­cords of aquaculture licences. aqUJL'Uitun: lea_<.,cs and aquaculture occupation pcrn1it'i, and such other docurncnt'> as the J\1inisi:cr 1nay require.

40(1) The \1ini5cer may appoint pcr,on.., a:-. in­spectors for the purpo<;es of this .i\ct and 1hc regula­tions.

40(2) 1\n inspector in carrying our the dutic'i of an inspector under this 1\ct and the regulation_.., has and may e_\crci'>e all the po\\Crs and duties of a peace officer.

41 No action for dan1at:!CS lies Jg_ain-,t the Prov­ince, the \tinister, a per:..on designatt:cl to act on behalf of the \1ini5tcr, the Rcgi:-.trJr, an in-.,rector, an advi<;ory con1n1incc or a rnen1her of an Jd\'isory committee \\·i1h re'ipcct to anything done or pur­ported to be done, or \virh resrcct ro any1hing on1itted, under thi-, .A.ct or the regulation'-.

42(1) The Licutenant-CiO\ernor in ('ounci! n1ay make regulations

(u) prer.;cribing fee5 payable under this .. :\ct and lhe rcgulationr.;;

(b) respecting royalties payable in relation lo an aquaculture licence;

(l) respecting forn1s for use under thic., .-\ct and the regulations;

(ri) exen1pting pcr'ions, c]a<;1,e" ol rcr-.,ons. aq­uaculture sites, classes of aquaculture sites, activities, c!a s.-,es of act i \·it ie1,, aquJt ic pl ant" and anirnal<; and \trains or aquatic plant.., and ani­mals fron1 the application of thi<i :\L'l and the regulations or fro1n the application of any rro\'i­sion of this .-:\ct or the regulation<.,;


au rHJ<.,!C de rcgislrairc pour !c" rin" de la prC:-.cntc Joi ct dco., rCglen1ents.

39 l_c registrairc doit conscr\cr de.;; copie:-. ct dos­.;;iers de-., [1Crr11is d'aquacu[turc. de". ball\ aquaco]C'i, de-, au1orl1,atlon-., d'ocL·upation aquacolc ct d'au­trc'> docurncnt-., quc le .\lini,1rc pcur C.\igcr.

40( I l Le \1inistre peut 11on1n1cr dc'i pcr.'>onnco., aux posies d'ino.,pcctct1r.'> au\ rin-, de la pr0o.,cntc Joi ct deo., rC~lcn1cnts.

40(.2) Lor_<., de !'cxcrclcc dc1, foncrion.'> d'in1,pcc­tcur en\ crcu de !a pn.?-.,cntc loi ct dc-. r('glcrncnt:-., un in'ipcctcur a 1ou-, Jc.., pott\oir-, ct fonctions J'un agent de la pai\ ct i! pcu1 !c'i C\L'rcer tou-.,.

41 ~ul!c action en donJtnagc-,-intCrCts nc rcut 0trc intL'lllL'L' contrc la pro\ince. lc \linislrc <HJ unc rersonne dl;\ignl·c pour le rcprC-,cntcr, le rl'g.is­trairL'. un in-'>pcctcur, un co111i1C L'on1,ul1a1if ou un n1crnhre d'un con1itC co111,ulta1if rour L'c qui a trait ;:'1 quclquc cho1,e qui a CtC i'ait l)tJ prC-.,cntC con1111c te!, ou encore, ~1 quclquc L'hO'>L' qui a l;t0 on1i-., en \ ertu de la rrC-.,ente loi OU de-., r0¥lcn1cnC\.

..f2( I l Le lieutenant-gou\·ernL'Ur en co1L'>cil rcut Ctahlir de-. r0_!!lcn1L'll!s

ll} [lrc;.,cri\'a11t lc1, droiL'- pa~~!b]L'" ell \Crill Jc Ja prC..,cnte Joi et de_<., rCglcn1cnt;.,;

h; cnnL'crnant lc'i redc\ance-, payables relati\'e­n1cn! ~I tlll f1Cr111i\ d'aqUJCUJturc:

c) conccrnant le<.; forn1u]c\ 3. utili'>cr en \'Crill de la prC,entc Joi cc de"' rCg:lcn1cnt'>:

r!J C\en1rta111 !cs p1.:r'>Olllll''>. le-, L'atl·goric'> de rcr1,onne'>, le\ sites aquaco!t:-,, le'> L·atCgoric1, de o.,itc-, aquacok·-.,, !cs Jcli\ it Cs ct Jc-., cat0g.orics d'acti\ itC..,, ain'>i que le-, pl ante'> ct ani111au\ aquatique" Cl !cs souche.., de p!ante'> L'l d'ani­rnau\ aquatiqucs de l'arpliL·ation Jc la prC-,ente Joi et de'> rl·g_le1ncnt.., ou de I' application de !'unc quclconqUL' de _..,c-., ou de leur'i di,po1,itions:

Page 20: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

(e) establishing classes of aquaculture licences aquaculture lea-.es and aquaculture occupation permits;

(.f) respecting the niethod of allocating aqua­culture licences;

(g) rc:,pecting the preparation of, modification of and adherence to site development plans in relation to aquaculture sites;

(h) respecting the information that is to be pro­vided to the Registrar by a person "·ho is apply­ing for an aquaculture licence;

(i) respecting the tern1s and conditions to be complied \vi th by a person \\'ho is applying for an aquaculture licence;

(j) respecting the grounds on \vhich the Regis­trar may refuse to issue an aquaculture licence;

(k) respecting the information that is to be pro­vided to the Registrar by a licensee \vho i-. apply­ing for a rene\\·al of the licensee's aquaculture licence;

(/) respecting the tern1s and condition-; to be complied \Vith by a licensee who is applying for a rene\\1al of the licensee's aquaculture licence;

(111) respecting the grounds on which the Rcgis-1rar 1nay refu<;e to rene\\' an aquaculture licence;

(n) respecting the information to be pro\·ided to the Regi\trar by a licensee \\:ho is applying to have the licensee\ aquaculture licence an1cnded;

(o) respecting the terrns and conditions to be con1plied \Vith by a licensee \vho is applying to have the I iccnsee ·.., aquaculture licence an1ended:

(p) respecting the ground'> on \Vhich the Regis­trar 1nay refu<.,e to amend an aquaculture licence;


e) etablissant le-. catCgories de permis d'aqua­culture, bau:\ aquaco\e'i et autorisation-. d'occu­pation aquacole;

.f) concernant la mCthode d'attribution des pern1is d'aquaculture;

g) concernant la prCparation e1 la niodification des plans de dCveloppcment de sites relatifs aux sites aquacoles, ainsi que !'adhesion aces plans;

h) concernant \cs renseignements qu'une per~ sonnc qui fait la demande pour un permis d'a­quaculture doit fournir au registraire;

i) concernant \es 1nodalites ct conditions aux­que\les une per\onne qui fait la den1ande pour un pcrmis d'aquaculture doit se conformer;

j) concernant \cs motifs par lesquels le regis~ traire peut refuser de dClivrer un permis d'aqua­culture;

k) concernant !es renscignements qu'un titu­laire de permis qui fait la demande de renouve\­lement de son permis d'aquaculture doit fournir au registraire;

{) concernant \cs niodalites et conditions aux­que\les un titulaire de pcrmis qui fait la den1ande de renou,·e!le111ent de son permis d'aquaculture doit se conforn1er;

111) concernant !es motifs par lesquels le regis­traire peut refuser de rcnouvc\cr un penni'> d'a­quaculturc;

n) concernant \e"i rcnseignement'i qu'un titu­lairc de pern1i-. qui fait la den1ande de 1nodifica­tion de .,on pern1is d'aquaculturt: doit fournir au registraire;

o) concernant \cs modalitC<., et conditions aux­que\les un titulairc de pern1i-; qui falt la den1andc de 1nodification de '>Oil pcrn1is d'aquaculture doit '>C con forn1cr;

p) concernant le'.-. 1no1ifs par le'ique\o; le rcgi-.­trairc peut rcfu'ier de n1odifier un pern1i-; d'<:1-quaculturc;

Page 21: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

(q) respecting the tern1s and conditions to \Vhich an aquaculture licence i.., 'iubject;

(r) respecting the book Ii, records, accounts and other document..., to be prepared and n1aintained by a licensee;

(.s) respecting the inforrnation, boo~..,, records, accounts and other documents to be for,varded by a licensee to the Registrar, and the tin1es at \Vhich and the forms in \vhich they are to be provided;

(I) respecting health <tandards for aquacultural produce;

(u) respecting genetic standards for aquacultural produce;

(v) respecting grade s!andard"i for aquacultural produce;

(iv; respecting the quarantine of aquacultural produce;

(x) respecting the harvesting of aquacultural produce;

(v) respecting the destruction or dispo-.al of aquatic plants and animals and aquacultural produce, including parts or portions;

(z) respecting the transport, tran..,fer and intro­duction of aquatic plants and ani1nal.-, and aquacultural produce;

(aa) respecting the posse_..,sion of ll\L' aqua1ic plants and animals for the purpo..,es of aquacul­ture;

(hb) respecting the n1c1hod ofalloca1ing c.Jc..,i!!­nated aquaculture land for tl1c purro..,c.., or aq­uaculture;

(cc) rC<.,pCCtill? the 'illr\cying of de<.,ignatcd aq­uaculture land;


q) concernant le.., n1odali1C.., et condition-. au\­qul'llc.., un pcrrni-. d'aquacul!urc c..,t a-...,ujctti;

r) concernant le-. li\.Te\, do_..,-,[cr-., con1ptc_.., ct autre_.., docurnent.., qu'un titulairc de pcrn1i:-. doit prCparcr ct cort..,erver;

S) concernant le . .., rcn . ..,cigncrncnt..,, livre . ..,, dos­siero.;, con1pte.., et autres docu111cnt'i qu'un titu­lalre de pern1is doit envoyer au rcgistraire ainsi que Jes c.JClai.s ct lcs forn1ulc_.., d'cnvoi qui sont ;1 pre\ oir;

t) concernant le-. norrncs de -.antC pour le . .., pro­duits aquacoles;

u) conccrnant !es nornH.'"' de g0nc.~tiquc pour les produits aquacolcs;

v) concernant le<., nor111cs de c[a,.., . ..,e pour le-, produits aquacolc\;

ii') concernant la quarantainc des produits aquacoles;

x) conccrnant la r0coltc de" produit.., aquaco­les;

y) conccrnant la dc_..,truction ou l'Cli111ination des plantes cl ani111au\ aquatiquL.., ct de_.., pro­duits aquacoles, y con1prio.; leur"> part'> ou por­tions;

:,) conccrnant le lran.<.,port, le tran'ifcrt Cl l'in­troJuL'tion de.., plantc-. et a11i1nat1\ aquatiquc:-. ct Jc.., produi!s aquacolc..,;

aa) conccrnant la pO-"''>C'>..,ion de-. plantc\ ct ani­n1au\ aquatique<., vivanL.., pour fin-. d\1quacul­l urc;

h/J) conL·crnant la 1110thodc c.J'a11ribu1ion de'.-. tcrrc_-. aquacolc-. dCsii;n0c_-. pour fin-. d'aquacul­turc;

cc) l'OllL'Crnanl !'arpcn!<lg.L' dL'" tcrrcs aquai..:o­

lc'> d0'>ign0cs;

Page 22: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

(dd) respecting the conduct of aquaculture on designated aquaculture land~

(ee) respecting the leasing of designated aqua­culture land, including the ground.':> on \Yhich the Minister n1ay refuse to issue an aquaculture lease;

(/Jj respecting rent payable in relation to an aquaculture lease;

(gK) respecting the terms, covenants and con­ditions to \\·hich an aquaculture lease is subject;

(hh) re5pecting the issuance of aquaculture oc­cupation permits in relation to designated aqua­culture land, including the grounds on \Vhich the Registrar may refuse to i.':>sue an aquaculture occupation permit;

(ii) respecting the rent payable in relation to an aquaculture occupation pern1it;

(jj) respecting the tern1s, covenants and condi­tions to \\'hich an aquaculture occupation permit is subject;

(kk) respecting appeals frorr1 deci'iion.-. of the Registrar under chi5 ,t\ct and the regulations in­cluding the grounds for appeal, the procedures on appeal, the effect of a decision of rhe Regis­trar pending the outcon1e of an appeal and the po\vers and authority of the ~Jini.-.ter in relation to the appeal;

(//) respecting a!IO\\·ancc.'> and c\pCll'>C'> pay­able to persons \\·ho ... er\·e on advi<;or~ comn1it­tees.

42(2) Regulation.;; in relation to aquaculture li­cences, aquaculrurc !ca<.,.cs and aquaculture OL'cupa­tion pcrn1it\ n1ay L'Ontain different pro\ i-.,ion-. for different cLi..,..,L . .., nf -.,ucfl !icc!lL'C'>, lca-.c-. and rer­n1its.

..t3 ,\'ec I ion 68 . ./ r~l 1 he .1·iu 111111ar_1 · ( ·0111·icri011.\ .·I ct, chapter .\·-15 oj' the lle1·i.\Ct/ .\·1a111te\, JfJ7J, i.\ re­

pea/e(f an{f /he/f1/!01t·i11K i\ su/J.\1itured:


dd) concernant la fa\:on de dirigcr !'aquacul­ture sur Jes terrcs aquacoles dCsignCes;

ee) concernant le bail des terres aquacoles dCsi­gnCes, y compris Jes 1notifs par lesquels le l\-1inis­tre peut refuser de dC!hTcr un bail aquacole;

ff) concernant le loyer payable relativement a un bail aquacole;

gg) concernant !cs 1nodalires, engagements et conditions auxquels un bail aquacole est assu­jetti;

hh) concernant Ia dClivrance des autorisations d'occupation aquacole rclati\·ement aux terres aquacoles dCsignCes, y con1pris les motifs par lesquels le registrairc peut refuser de delivrer une au1orisation d'occupation aquacole;

ii) concernant le loyer payable relativement a une autorisation d'occupation aquacole;

jj) concernant Jes modalicC11, engagements et conditions auxquels une autorisation d'occupa­tion aquacole est assujettie;

kk) conccrnant !es appels des decisions du re­gistraire en vertu de la presence Joi et des regle­ments, y compris Jes motifs d'appel, le11 procedures d'appel, l'effet d'unc decision du rcgir.,traire durant !'appe! ainsi que Jes pouvoirs et autoritCs du :'\'linistrc concernanc l'appel.

//) conccrnant les al!o.:ations e1 dCpense.;; paya­bles aux personnes qui siegent au.\ consei!s consult at ifs.

42(2) Le-. rCg!en1ent.r., re!atifs au\ pern1ir., J'aqua­culturc, baux aquacole-. er autori-.arion_.., J'oc.:upa-1 ion aquaco!e Pl'U\l'llt -.:ontenir Jifft?rl'llfC'i di-.po-.ition<i pour ditlCrcn1e-. -.:at!.?gorie-. de tel'i pcr­n1is, baux et autori.-.ations .

43 /_'article 68.4 tie /a roi .\Ur /es pour~uite.\ SOl1l-

111aires, chatJitre .s·-15 ties l.ois rerisie,\ de 1973, e.\( ahroJ;:f et re1111J/ace pllr ce qui suit:

Page 23: BILL PROJET DE LOI - University of New Brunswick · "aquatic plants and anin1al'i" rneans plants and anirnals, excluding emergent species, that have \Va ter as their natural habitat

68.4 Not\\ithscanding section 68.3, sub<.,cction.<., 68.1(1) to (4) and 5ections 69 to 72 apply in relation to a .... earch of or <.,eizure fron1 any land. building, pren1i~es or other place, container or con\ cyan cc in respect of an offence under

(a) the Aquaculture Act,

(b) the Fish Inspection Act,

(c) the Fish Processing Ac!,

(d) the Gasoline and Motive Fuel Tax Ac!,

(e) the Parks Act,

(f) the Re\'enue Adtninistration /-1.ct, and

(g) the .Salvage Dealers Licensing ,·let.

44 This .4ct or any provision o.f it comes into force on a da_r or days to be fixed hy proclamation.

68.4 Nonob..,tant !'article 6t'._1,, ]L'.., para~raphc">

68.l(l) ~t (-l) ct le-. article-., 69 ~1 72 -,'aprliqucnt rclati\'CrllL'llt £1 unc pcrqui"iition ou unc -.ai.'>il' d'unc tern:. d'un bitinlL'llt, de locau_\. ou d'au\rc cndroit, d'un contcnant ou d'un 111oycn dl' transport <.,C rapportant ~1 unc infrac1ion

a) a la Luisurl'tu;uaculrure.

bJ a la Loi sur l'in.s1u'clio11 de /HJis-son,

c) i1 la l.oi s-ur IC! trairen1e11! du /Jofsson,

<I) a la l.oi de la /axe Sltr I 'essence el le.~ carhu­ranrs,

e) a la Loi s11r /es /hfl"C'i,

.f) 3 Ja /_of <,·ur /'tuf!nfni.'\'/rafion t/Jf l'<!\'Cllf/, Ct

.'<!.) a la Loi sur !es licences rte hrocanrcurs.

44 I.a prt?sente Joi ou /'une quelconque de ses £/isposition.\ entre en rigueur ir la date ou aux dates Jixies par proc/a111atio11.