Spoken words – 24 minutes 35 minutes for songs and raps Background Snark – A heated hat that is made out of wood pulp from virgin forests that uses batteries and microchips for quick access downloading and instant communication with your friends while keeping up with the latest trends and fashions. (Manufacturing requires a lot of trees and minerals from mining) (An adult voice speaks to audience to introduce the cast of characters listed below using a spot light and voice over (God like or Mother Nature) to help the audience have a clear understanding of who they are.) Cast of Characters Elder: This person represents the wisdom and knowledge of the past. She reminds us of how things were and what we have lost. She feels deep sadness over the loss of forest and habitat and hopes that sharing her knowledge will help us learn a new way. Students: A group of kids. They represent the future. They are innocent and want to know what happened to the forest. They are the ones that may have to find the solution in the end. They are super smart and find that the answer does indeed lie within them. Ecologist: Grew up in a well off family in suburban Canada. Spent a lot of time in the woods and developed friendships with indigenous communities. Dedicated their life to protecting wild places. Developers: Inventor and producer of the snark. He or she grew up as a poor boy in a different country where his/her family had to flee from oppressive forces. He/she wanted to be successful and out of poverty. He/she wanted his/her children to have a better life. He will have two different investors that help grow the empire. Investors: These two jumped in when the company was still new but starting to take off. They helped to make Snarks and P’Looters Inc. an international company.) The Politicians – (Must be wearing suits! Even the women – maybe big shoulder pads.) They favor economic growth, free

Big P'Looter Inc and the Council of Beings

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A play co-written by Jennifer Gallays, Elizabeth Bekolay, and Jordan Schultz for an ArtsSmarts Project in 2015. Copyright Jennifer Gallays 2015. All rights reserved.

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Spoken words 24 minutes35 minutes for songs and rapsBackgroundSnark A heated hat that is made out of wood pulp from virgin forests that uses batteries and microchips for quick access downloading and instant communication with your friends while keeping up with the latest trends and fashions. (Manufacturing requires a lot of trees and minerals from mining)

(An adult voice speaks to audience to introduce the cast of characters listed below using a spot light and voice over (God like or Mother Nature) to help the audience have a clear understanding of who they are.)Cast of Characters Elder: This person represents the wisdom and knowledge of the past. She reminds us of how things were and what we have lost. She feels deep sadness over the loss of forest and habitat and hopes that sharing her knowledge will help us learn a new way.Students: A group of kids. They represent the future. They are innocent and want to know what happened to the forest. They are the ones that may have to find the solution in the end. They are super smart and find that the answer does indeed lie within them.Ecologist: Grew up in a well off family in suburban Canada. Spent a lot of time in the woods and developed friendships with indigenous communities. Dedicated their life to protecting wild places.Developers: Inventor and producer of the snark. He or she grew up as a poor boy in a different country where his/her family had to flee from oppressive forces. He/she wanted to be successful and out of poverty. He/she wanted his/her children to have a better life. He will have two different investors that help grow the empire.Investors: These two jumped in when the company was still new but starting to take off. They helped to make Snarks and PLooters Inc. an international company.)The Politicians (Must be wearing suits! Even the women maybe big shoulder pads.) They favor economic growth, free trade and corporate interests. They are friends with the developer.

(****)This symbol represents a pause. The more stars, the longer the pause.Mendel Art GalleryUse projector to project a gallery of photos on the screen. Students visiting and looking at pictures of the boreal forest before and after industrial development (Snark production).One contemplative student notices an old woman sitting with tears in her eyes. He sits beside her and looks at the photo she is looking at. (photo?) Without looking at the boy the woman begins to speak.

Elder: turns to address audience moves to center stage, during this address they must use gestures and point out the Big PLooter Inc. on the backdrop.When I was young we lived off the land. The land sustained us. The forest was our home. All the creatures, plants and stones were our relatives. We still see it like that; its just that now most of them are gone. The snark makers came and displaced my people and the animals so they could cut the trees and mine the minerals in the ground. (****)We lost everything we had known. Some people decided to work for the company; they felt they had no other choice. I almost did too, until I had a dream and was visited by the (slow with gestures) council of beings. They reminded me of how it was when I was a child. When I awoke from that dream I made a decision. I decided that I would not profit from this loss and instead would fight for the trees and the animals that called the forest home.

Student #1: walks toward Elder angles off toward elder and audience.What was the forest like before? And what is this (emphasize) council of beings?

Elder: with a sparkle and a smileOh I am so happy you asked. Close your eyes and Ill take you on a journey. Elder and students walk down stage left.

Song: In the Beginning by grade 7 classFlute players, singers, and dancers take placesSong is light and airy flutes and piano. Song is about a time of balance in the ecosystem.[lights on singers, flutes, and dancers. Singers and flutes to be miced]

Song ends, dancers, exit, flutes and singers stay in place. [Lights off of singers and flutes and onto elder and boy]

Student #2: Where is the council of beings now?Elder: They are still here, trying to speak to each person...some people dream of them and think its just a dream. Every species has a spirit, as long as the species still exists. But, the council is getting smaller with each species that is lost.Student #3: I dont understand. Why would anyone let this happen? Who was responsible for this?Elder: Pointing across stageYou see across the street? There is a coffee shop where you may find some people who can tell you more. Ask them. Their story is important for our understanding. Uses both hands to gesture to the wider audienceStudent #1: Ok, I will, thank you. He starts to walk away towards the coffee shop down stage right.Elder: One more thing (****) pay attention to your dreams. And if you are ever not sure of something...just ask (gestures) them. Ask the council.The kids nods their heads and makes their way to the coffee shop. [Play audio clip: Who will save our waters Haida Raid 3 song very short snippet] As he walks over slow motion animal spirit dancers move about him unseen.

The coffee shopA table and chairs are set up with coffee cups.In the coffee shop he finds a small group of people drinking fair trade organic coffee and chatting casually about family and pensions. Sitting at the table we see The Developer, The Ecologist, and The Politician.[Light on the table and one on the students as they walk over]The students walk into the caf (mimes opening a door with bell sound effect) and look around. They arent sure which table to approach. They rub their eyes in disbelief as they see an animal spirit (masked dancer) mysteriously dance around the Developer. The people in the coffee shop dont notice.The students shyly approaches the table.

Student #1: (awkwardly) Excuse me. We were talking to a woman who told us that someone here could tell us what happened to the forest.Ecologist: You have come to the right place. We remember the forest well and can tell all about what happened to it, but (****) are you sure you want to know? Its a complicated story and it might be better to just leave it in the past.Student #2: We know that people and animals use to live there in harmony.Student #3: We saw the pictures. We saw what happened. Student #2: We were wondering why?Developer: Thank you my friend (to the ecologist), but I should really tell my part of the story first. Sit down kids (with a hearty laugh) it will be a long one. I grew up with nothing and wanted, more than anything, to be successful. I was living far away and it wasnt a safe place to be.

Spinning black and white thing on the screen to show that we have moved back in time. Young developer enters stage left and walks to center. Old developer at the coffee shop continues to speak from the side. We have now moved from 2055 back to 2015.Developer: It was 2015, and an era when technological advances were happening faster and faster as each day went by. I was young, full of creative ideas, and hungry to earn a living. When I came across the forest I just knew this was where I would make my fortune.While the old developer is speaking, his former self comes forward on stage. He will brush his sleeves off and straighten his tie and hat. This will be done in an exaggerated and deliberate way. The developer from the past and present need to have something to look the same glasses, a hat, vest, suspenders, or bow tie something that signifies this is the same person.

Young developer: (addresses the audience) So I came here...with a head full of dreams. The forest was glorious: trees as far as the eye could see. I didnt see the problem with using some trees to make something that was needed, something that could help me to earn an honest living.You see, I invented the snark! (slowly, with huge emphasis)

Business Partner #1: Enter center stage right wearing a snark, shakes Developers hand and keeps talking. Removes snark to share with audience while talking. Exaggerated enthusiasm. Sounds like an infomercial.It was amazing. A heated hat that is made out of wood pulp from virgin forests that uses batteries and microchips for quick access downloading and instant communication with your friends while keeping up with the latest trends and fashions. Business Partner #2: Enter stage left, shakes the other two developers hands and continues to speak. Also exaggerated like an infomercial.We knew that once people saw his/her invention that theyd all want one, and there were plenty of trees and minerals here. Soon he/she needed some business partners, a factory and employees just to keep up with the demand. In no time business was booming!

Song: Building the Machine by grade 8 class [Lights on dancers and machine. Coffee shop is darkened, but stays down stage left.][At end of song, lights go off of stage, and only light coffee shop and garbage pile.]

Young Developer: We (use gestures to ensure that the audience picks up on Seussian word) biggered and biggered as the demand started to grow, but then we needed to find more ways to continue to grow. Sales became stagnant and our share-holders were demanding more. Business Partner #1: We decided that what we needed to do was bring out a new and improved edition. Tada! Introducing version 2.0.Business Partner #2: New and improved, offering something never seen before. Its no longer a hat, but a lifestyle: the promise of the happiest, easiest, safest life imaginable.Young Developer: We did see the pitfalls of creating a new an improved version. What do we do with the old version?Business Partner #1: Who cares?Business Partner #2: Not our problem!Young Developer: With his hand up to his mouth, to keep the partners from hearing, and to the audience. Honestly, I did feel a little bit guilty about all that waste, but when the money is awesome its hard to worry about waste!

Action on stage freezes. Everyone is statue like while we go back to the coffee shop.

Coffee ShopEcologist: It happened so quickly. Many of us didnt realize what was happening to the forest. Weve always had some development. Where do you think the wood for homes, furniture, and paper come from? The Boreal Forest can stand some development because of the deep layers of soil built up over thousands of years. The soil sustains so much life. If we do things in balance it can regrow and recover, (****) but thats not what happened.Developer: (cutting off the Ecologist) It was a very exciting time, a time of dreams coming true and goals being met. We grew the business from an idea in my head to an international success. Pretty soon we had demand from around the world. Do you have any idea how many jobs we created?Ecologist: It was at that time we met. I decided I had to speak to him (use name ) myself to try and explain the ecosystem, the balance, (****) but he just wouldnt listen.Developer: ( To the audience like they dont want the students and ecologist to hear.)She/He wasnt the only one. (uses thumb to point to ecologist) I started to be visited by visions, apparitions you might call them. Animals from the forest started to appear in my daydreams, night dreams, and when I would least expect it.[Lower lights on coffee shop bring lights up center stage. Young developer slouched in a chair tossing a crumpled paper from hand to hand. Unknown to him a spirit animal has entered up stage right and come behind him. Play music from the Theremin. The movements embody the animals and are dance like. Dressed in black with mask. The animal makes its way the side of the young developer and starts to speak.]Owl: (clears throat) Excuse me sir.Young Developer: (startles, almost falls out of chair. Rubs eyes in disbelief.) This is a dream. Im not awake! Ill pinch myself. Its not working. You pinch me. (offers arm to owl pinches arm.) OWW!Owl: I am the owl. I speak for the trees at the top of my lungs. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. I speak for the trees, which you seem to be chopping as fast as you please.Younger Developer: (looking around for a candid camera) Oh, did Kevin in accounting put you up to this? Haha, hes always trying to pull a prank over on me. Good one. Good one.Owl: Sir, I am begging you please at the top of my beak. We live in the trees and your help we now seek. The trees are our home. Without the trees the deer will have moved away, and the wolves will have to follow. Without the trees, the beaver and her family will also need to move. Sir, you dont seem to understand that this is our home. We all rely on each other and the trees. Its all in balance and you and your tree thwacker, are making a mess, a disaster that puts our existence here in grave danger.Young Developer: (Laughs a big belly laugh. Turns to look out a fake window. Gestures to the forest.) I know Kevin put you up to this. Look at that forest. It goes on for miles. Theres plenty of room over there for a bunch of forest animals. (Points out the window.)[Lights on stage go down and come back up on the coffee shop.]

Developer: To audience like he was before this scene. I ignored these visions and dreams. And I kept on biggering and biggering my factory.Student #3: I still dont understand. You needed the whole forest for snarks? Student #2: Those are butt ugly, who would have wanted one? To the other students and the audience. Can you imagine that OUR PARENTS actually wore those?Student #1: Ya, exactly how did you convince people to buy one and wear it on their heads and think they were cool?Developer: Why it was easy boy! We did this by convincing people that they needed our snarks, and we did it well!

[Lower lights on the coffee shop and bring up the lights on the stage.]

Young Developer: Convincing people to wear a snark wont actually be that hard. People have never seen the likes of this technology before. Investor #1: And it is a time where everyone already wants the latest technology. Apple recently just set the bar high with the iPhone and others are racing to catch up. Investor #2: Google just invented the driverless car and Google glass. The world is watching and eager to have the latest gadget.Young Developer: The snark has it all. It can do everything Apple and Google have accomplished and more!Investor #1: We will hire the best advertising agency in Saskatoon! They will be instrumental in creating the perfect ads to go viral. We can take the Internet and social media by storm!Investor #2: The ad agency must be crafty and help us make people believe that they NEED a snark. Its pure genius!Three well dressed advertisers enter stage right they are the kick off to the song and fashion show. Their purpose is to explain the goal of advertising.Ad person #1: There are mainly three ways to get people to buy into your ad. You can appeal to their emotions: what they love, what they hate and what they fear. (slowly with emphasis)Ad person #2: We will design an ad campaign that will appeal to the consumers logic, emotions and values, and their desire to feel they can rely on and trust the snark line of products. When we employ these techniques in our advertisements to convince the consumer that they need the snark, B.P.s sales will sky rocket!Ad person #3: And we must get the snark company, Big PLooters Inc, to see that they needed to continue to develop new and improved snarks if they ever hope to keep their sales continually climbing. A snark cannot just be a one-time investment.

Song: Sing Center Stage(Still to be developed. This will be done by Mrs. Reschny and her class with Mikes help.)

The garbage pile will get bigger at this point. Another papier-mch piece could come out.

[Lights down on stage while stage is cleared of dancers and singers. Lights up on coffee shop Stage is set up for short skits.]Ecologist: The rate of development really started to take off after the adverting created the buying frenzy. The waste that was created, with no plan for how to deal with it, was so frustrating and maddening. We started to do some calculations and realized that within one year, the number of snarks purchased was enough to circle the globe 12 times, and with each new addition, those snarks just ended up thrown away in the garbage. People were so into the latest craze that they werent thinking about the consequences for the environment. It never occurred to most people to think about where the snarks came from, or where they ended up. People just didnt think twice about the fact that there is no such thing as throwing something away. Away. It still exists. It seemed like no one was listening.[Lights down on coffee shop and up on the skits. Light will be used to highlight each little skit.]These will be created by the grade 7 students. One of the last mini-skits can be a mother asking what to do will all of the old snarks and deciding to toss them because they have become useless and are taking up too much room.[Center Right lights on two girls chatting]Girl #1: Did you hear about the latest Snark?Girl #2: I know, can you believe it? It comes with (this will need to come from the kids)Girl #1: Im going after school today to get it. I cant wait![Lights go out and go on Centre Up- Two boys are chatting]Boy #1: It was amazing! I didnt know where my keys were and then I pressed this button on my snark and bang! Just like that it told me where they were!Boy #2: That is amazing! I heard that the next version will actually be able to do all your work for you. You can just put it one, watch Netflix through telepathy, and the snark takes care of all of your work! When that comes out, Im going to be first in line!

[Lights off on stage. Light back on the coffee shop. Stage is cleared and the bedroom scene is created]

Student #3: Wow! You worked really hard. I think I remember finding an old dusty snark in my parents attic. I wondered what it was for and why they had kept it.Developer: We worked day and night! Some people got very rich, but for many people, our company helped them to have a very nice way of life. Many were able to own houses, put their kids into expensive activities, put their kids through college or university, and even save for retirement. Our company did a lot of good things for a lot of families. People need good jobs and we provided them.Student #1: (Struggling to understand- play this up with gestures) So, (****) the people all decided that they wanted snarks instead of the forest because of advertising?Student #2: Look at the size of that garbage pile. Was there no way to reuse or recycle them?Developer: Actually kids, even though this all seems grand, youre right. We should have worried about waste but that takes time and money. We were using the forest at a ridiculous rate. The number of snarks hitting the garbage was enough to circle the globe many times over. Do you think that I meant for this to happen? Its hard to predict the consequences of a good idea. I started to have troubling dreams. They haunted me and I wanted them to stop. They nagged at me.[Light goes down on the coffee shop and comes up on the stage.]Young developer is in bed and is visited by bear. Bear enters up stage left and almost moves as if in a dance. The spirit flute or piano lightly plays the chorus of Some Nights in background. Bear makes his way to the foot of the bed. Touches the foot of the developer.]Developer: (startles awake. Rubs eyes in disbelief.) Oh, not you again. What do you want this time? Im sleeping here. (Rolls to side and puts pillow on head.)Bear: (moves to back side of bed and faces audience. Uses bear paw to lift pillow.)(Uses developers name) _______________, the council of beings has asked me to pay you another visit. Our numbers are down and weve moved and moved and moved again. Our habitat is shrinking and we are running out of places to go. We beg of you, please, please stop cutting the trees. The air has so much smogulous smog, and the river is filled with glupity glup. What will be left for our children, for your children and grand children?Developer: The last time you were here I agreed to start replanting the trees, didnt I? What more do you want? The tree planting was actually a pretty good idea. More jobs. It helped grow the economy. See its a win-win for everyone.Bear: Your interference with nature at such a fast pace cannot be fixed by planting a few thousand trees on land that was scraped clean of all of the life giving soil. There are better ways. The ecologists know. The ecologists have some of the answers.Developer: Pfff. You think Id listen to them? I say black: they say white. I say this: they say that. We cant agree on anything!Bear: You must find a way. Its not too late. Its not too late. Its not too late. (This line repeats as the bear exits up stage left. Spirit flutes or piano lightly plays Some nights. )Developer: (lightly sings to music) What do I stand for? I dont know anymore. (This exactly line needs to be figured out.)[Lights go down on stage and back onto the coffee shop.]

Ecologist: Not everybody was okay with the development. Kids, youre only hearing one part of the story. Many of us fought against the mines and the deforestation, trying to convince the public and the government that we needed the boreal forest to be intact. Some of us spent years studying the forest and the people, plants, and animals who called the forest home. But money is powerful!Student #2: So what did YOU do to stop this?Ecologist: When the development began, we shared our knowledge with anyone who would listen. We began to see the changes, what was once a healthy habitat for thousands of species became an eroded landscape. What was once a carbon sink that would stabilize the climate became a source of greenhouse gasses, furthering the effects of climate change. We began to lose species and the people of the forest lost their way of life, their culture. I was there with them.

[Lights down on the coffee shop and lights back on center stage.]Song: Impact Song/Poetry

[Lights down on the stage and up on the coffee shop.]Politician: Ok, ok...There might by chance be some truth in the scientific facts presented by the tree hugger ecologists, however, development is essential, why without a healthy economy based on businesses like this we wouldnt be here right now drinking coffee, eating kids and sending bananas to school.Student #3: You mean eating bananas right?Politician: yeah, yeah, thats what I said! All Im saying is that nobody here is perfect. Student #1: Sorry sir/madam, who are you and what was your role in all of this?Politician: Oh, sorry. Im Thomas Taxcutter, and I used to be the premier of this province. My role was to help grow our economy. Business creates jobs, jobs bring in the people, people mean more taxes to pay for things like schools, roads, hospitals: things we all need.Ecologist: While I cant disagree with that, I do think you missed a key element. Some believed that the government was also supposed to help protect the land, the air, and the water for future generations. Politician: You saw it from only one side. I had to see all sides and try to keep a balance.Ecologist: True, but there are examples out there of very good and balanced ways to live. Im not perfect either; Im just happy that we can now be sitting around the same table and not at war with each other. There was a time when this wasnt so.

Scene #___: The political protest(project the legislature on the screen. Politicians are at a podium center stage left and a group of protestors are center stage right. They are holding protest signs. These signs have a clear message: Save the forest.) The inner conflict can come in here with the Some Nights song.Protestors: (chanting) Save the Trees, Save the TreesPolitician: (raises hands to quiet crowd) People, people, what is it that you want us to do? The snark company has complied with all of the rules and has provided decent wages and jobs for thousands of people.Protestors: (At this point random issues can be yelled out from the group of protestors. This needs to be chaotic enough that its not productive but clear enough that our audience can hear each protest.) Save the trees! Clean air to breathe! Clean water to drink! Protect the medicines found in the forest!David Suzuki: (steps out from protestors to have his say. Raises his hands to hush the crowd.)Politicians #1: (to the other politicians with him) Is that David Suzuki? How did they get him here? (to David Suzuki) Yes, you there, are you David Suzuki?David Suzuki: As many of you know, I have been touring on my Blue Dot tour in an effort to help citizens to establish laws that make clean air and clean water a legal right. What this group of ordinary citizens is asking, demanding, should already be their legal right. We should be leaving the air, water, trees in a condition that is better than how it was left to us! (Hear! Hear! From the protestors)Politician #2: Thats true. We have enough clean air and water. This is Canada for heaven sake!Politician #1: (points to a guy, with a guitar and a sign that says: If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear?) Yes, guy with the sign, Bruce Cockburn, is it?Bruce Cockburn: (to be said in an overly poetic, yet rock star cool way very similar to the song) I see them cut and move along, cut and move along. Take out trees. Take out wildlife at a rate of species every single day. To disappear forever. (awkward moment silence as everyone looks at him.) What? Havent you guys heard my song? I wrote it in 1988.Protestor near Bruce: Uh, sir, that was 27 years ago.Protestor next to Bruce: Dude, most of us are only 13. We have NO IDEA who you are.(Enter stage right a protestor carrying a sign that says Save the CBC!)CBC Protestor: Save the CBC! Save the cbc(looses volume as everyone turns to look at them.)Protestor near CBC person: Hey man I saw that protest on the other side of the Legislature around that way. )points off stage in direction they came from.)Politician #1: (to other politician and to audience) Oh no, another one! (points to a long haired guy also with a guitar)(Two tv reporters run from middle down stage left towards the crowd. One carries a big tv camera made from cardboard, the other a microphone.)Reporter: Neil Young! Neil Young! Can you tell us why you are here, Neil?!Protestor: The tar sands are the next province over!(Enter Paul McCartney singing a song and playing the guitar. Hes playing ticket to ride.)Paul McCartney: (singing) I think Im gonna be sad. I think its today.Protestor: Its Sir Paul McCartney trying to save seals?Reporter: Good grief! Somebody tell him hes come a little far inland!(Freeze action)[Dim lights on stage, light on coffee shop]

Old Politician: Celebrities! They are our worst nightmare. They hear about an issue and jet in to check it out drumming up a media storm. Suddenly all kinds of people hear about a small group protesting and then things really get hairy.Student #2: Do protests ever work? Did this one help at all?Old Politician: Peaceful protest is a part of democracy. Its one way for the will of the people to be known. Sometimes a large protest can send a really strong message. I remember that day well because it turned into an all out battle of words.(lights go down on the coffee shop and action resumes on stage. Move into rap battle Mike will choreograph the movement from the protest into position to have the rap off.)

Song: Rap Battle Conflict between grade 7 and 8(This song will show the conflict and push and pull between development and no development. It will be created by Jordan, Elizabeth and students. It will be choreographed by Mike and students )(Lower lights on stage and light coffee shop)Student #1: I think we are starting to see what happened to the forest. Student #3: Didnt you feel guilty? Didnt you see or understand what you were doing?Old Developer: (nodding head) At first, not at all. There wasnt really any guilt it was just excitement. Imagine having your idea come to life and become an international sensation. Imagine being rich beyond your wildest expectations. Would you give that up because a few people had concerns about a forest that seemed endless?Student #2: YES! You couldnt pay me enough! (shakes his head sadly)Old Developer: Wait, wait I was conflicted. I did question what we are doing, and now with age. Well, lets just say that if I could go back in time. Well, Id do things differently. Better.[Lights go down on the coffee shop and back up on stage.]Song: Some Nights (Mrs. Reschny to develop. We will have to decide how we stage this.)

[Lights back on coffee shop]Waitress: (walks up to group she is wearing an apron) Hey all, its closing time. Were ready to lock up. Ecologist: Oh, look at the time. I better get home to my family. Thanks for all of your questions. It was an interesting afternoon reflecting on the past. I think that if we could go back, we might do it differently. Old Developer: True, true. I would likely have done some things differently.(everyone gets up from the table. They say their good byes. The ecologist, developer, and politician all leave off stage right(?). The students all pretend to go through a door and head onto center stage.

Student #1: You know, if they had made the snark in a way that it could have been updated, that would have saved on trees and minerals.Students #2: Totally! They could have also had a way to collect the old snarks and recycle the materials into new snarks or other items.Student #3: They should have also set aside huge tracts of land for the animals that live in the forest. Their migratory patterns should have been considered.Student #1: Replanting trees into an area where all the earth has been scraped away also doesnt work well. Its too bad that they didnt consider the symbiotic relationship of the organisms in the ground to the trees. There is more biodiversity in the soil than any other part of the forest.(Spirit animals start to move in on them in a mystical way. There should be a chime in the background to signal that this is a magical experience. Students notice the animals and start to hold onto each other as if they are frightened.)(These animals can be changed. While this exchange happens the chorus of Some Nights will play in the background on flute.)Wolf: There is no need to fear us, we come to you in spirit. Beaver: We believe that you are the solution. Students together: Who, us?Eagle: Every 100 years, when the moon is just right, we have the magical power to help the two legs travel through time. That time is now.Student #3: Travel in time? Besides the impossibility, what could we possibly do?Moose: You have many of the solutions to change the outcome of this snark story. We see it inside you.Moose to student #1: You have a mind for technology and innovation. You can help the people of 2015 to see that technology must be created in ways to ensure that it lasts and can be updated indefinitely. Beaver to student #2: You are creative and full of ingenuity. You must go back and show them that there are ways to reuse and reduce the amount of materials needed.Wolf to student #3: You have a mind for development and design. You must show the people the importance of developing clean energy and designing ways to be more sustainable.Moose to entire group: Above all else, you must convince them that they have to find balance. (This group travels back in time. Mike will help choreograph what the movement looks like and it will be supported by the back in time swirl and magical sound. Once the students are there, they will silently act out taking the garbage pile, creating a machine (the machine is the same student created machine from the previous scene but maybe tweaked a bit.) and doing things right. We will project wind turbines, solar panels, tree planting, and regeneration. Use a blue bin from Loraas to symbolize recycling?The Ancestors Song will be played live by Brian while this action happens.(At the end of the song, the three students stand together and the rest of the cast stands where they are)Student #1: The solutions may be complicated, but they are within reach. It requires that we decide to care.Student #2: Alternative energies, reduce, reuse, recycle these are things that can actually make a difference. Student #3: In the words of Dr. Seuss: Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothings going to get better. Its not.Young Developer to audience: [steps forward]You have brains in your headYou have feet in your shoesYou can steer yourselfAny direction you choose.

Old Developers: [stands beside young developer]And thats what we did. These students allowed us to see the future through their eyes. With their insight and input we examined our company and decided on ways to make changes that allowed us to find balance. We put the environment before profits and became an industry leader. The coolest part was, we were still able to make a profit.

Finale song BorealEntire cast sings/plays Boreal.

Credits and outro song: Feather Fur and Fin for our bowing and final dance.Groups for Feather Fur and Fin:Young developer/InvestorsAdvertisers and PoliticiansElder and StudentsAnimalsProtestorsCoffee Shop CharactersMusic PlayersSingersAnyone else?

Work ancestors song by Paul Di Geuseppe this needs to be worked into the playSilent actingBoreal song that was to be finaleFeather fur and fin also near the endKinnie Starr Haida Raid 3 Save Our Waters