Agenda PC Meeting June 2020 Page 1 of 4 1 BIDFORD ON AVON PARISH COUNCIL In the County of Warwickshire For the health and well-being of our Parish Councillors, staff and local community as a result of the current national emergency due to COVID-19 and following government guidelines, all Parish Council meetings will be held remotely until further notice. Bidford-on-Avon Parish Council will be using Zoom to facilitate the holding of meetings and these will be recorded Should any resident wish to submit a question to the Parish Council please email this to the Clerk at [email protected] no later than 12.00 pm on Friday 26 th June 2020 Should any resident wish to participate in the Zoom meeting (please be aware that, as in any Parish Council Meeting, your participation is limited to Item 4 on the Agenda) this is the link to the meeting Join Zoom Meeting Elisabeth Uggerloese is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Parish Council Meeting Time: Jun 29, 2020 07:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87228818556?pwd=Qlg0SDdGOFA3R1NIS0xwa W9HeXgvdz09 Meeting ID: 872 2881 8556 Password: 795783 One tap mobile +441314601196,,87228818556#,,,,0#,,795783# United Kingdom

BIDFORD ON AVON PARISH COUNCIL+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 872 2881 8556

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Page 1: BIDFORD ON AVON PARISH COUNCIL+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 872 2881 8556

Agenda PC Meeting June 2020

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In the County of Warwickshire

For the health and well-being of our Parish Councillors, staff and local community as a result of the current national emergency due to COVID-19 and following government guidelines, all Parish Council meetings will be held remotely until further notice. Bidford-on-Avon Parish Council will be using Zoom to facilitate the holding of meetings and these will be recorded Should any resident wish to submit a question to the Parish Council please email this to the Clerk at [email protected] no later than 12.00 pm on Friday 26th June 2020 Should any resident wish to participate in the Zoom meeting (please be aware that, as in any Parish Council Meeting, your participation is limited to Item 4 on the Agenda) this is the link to the meeting Join Zoom Meeting Elisabeth Uggerloese is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Parish Council Meeting Time: Jun 29, 2020 07:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87228818556?pwd=Qlg0SDdGOFA3R1NIS0xwaW9HeXgvdz09 Meeting ID: 872 2881 8556 Password: 795783 One tap mobile +441314601196,,87228818556#,,,,0#,,795783# United Kingdom

Page 2: BIDFORD ON AVON PARISH COUNCIL+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 872 2881 8556

Agenda PC Meeting June 2020

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+442030512874,,87228818556#,,,,0#,,795783# United Kingdom Dial by your location +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 872 2881 8556 Password: 795783 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdNpGnNlhH

To all Members of the Parish Council You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council to be held via Zoom Video Conference on Monday 29th June 2020 @ 7.30 pm to transact the following business 24th June 2020

Elisabeth Uggerløse Clerk to the Parish Council


1. To receive and accept apologies 2. To receive any Declaration of Interest on Items on the Agenda

i. All members of the Council are respectfully reminded that in order to comply with the Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council on 18th December 2017, if any matter arises during the meeting in which they have declared an Interest, which could be personal or prejudicial, they should declare so and leave the room.

ii. Written requests for Dispensations for DPI should be received by the Clerk no more than 24 hours prior to the meeting. Dispensations will be granted as appropriate

3. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held via Zoom on 18th May 2020

4. Public Forum due to the current COVID 19 emergency this meeting is being held virtually. If you have an issue you would like Council to consider, it would

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Agenda PC Meeting June 2020

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be appreciated if you could email it to the Clerk at [email protected] no later than 12.00 pm on Friday 26th June 2020

5. Report from County Councillor (written report circulated) 6. Report from District Councillors (written report circulated) 7. Clerk’s report 8. To consider and approve the following grant applications:

i. Bidford Bowling Club To replace the heating in the clubhouse to a more modern and efficient one and renew the sprinkler of the watering system. Accounts provided Cost/Grant £ 2,675.00 Recommendation from the Amenities WG is to award the full amount as Covid 19 has meant the club has had to close during its season

ii. Broom Christmas Lights For the Christmas Tree Lights 2020 – 2019 was the inaugural year and proved to be very popular with the local residents. Plans to fund raise to cover this year with a “Decades Through Peace Time Ball” scheduled for 20th June had to be abandoned due to Covid 19 Grant £430 Recommendation from the Amenities WG is to award the full amount as their fund raising opportunity had to be cancelled due to Covid 19

9. To consider and approve the cost of purchasing and installing Speed Activated Lights in Barton. Report based on a survey carried out with Barton residents circulated. Recommendation that council approve the recommended style as it is based on a survey carried out in Barton with an excellent response.

10. To consider the renewal of the Parish Council photocopier/printer/scanner machine. Report circulated.

11. To consider the current situation regarding the proposed 30 mph speed limit on Salford Road (as agreed at the Planning Committee meeting that approved the development of 150 dwellings on Land to the north of 18 Salford Road) as well as the need for a pedestrian crossing.

12. To consider a response to the Police Crime Commissioner following an unsatisfactory response to questions raised in respect of numbers of police officers following 2 years’ increased Police Precept.

13. To consider resident’s request to clear the overgrown alley way at Blenheim Close of all trees and shrubs to make it too open an area for teenagers to gather.

14. To receive a verbal report regarding “Brighter Bidford” 15. To consider the following planning applications:

i. 20/00928/FUL Mr and Mrs Adam Downey + Dobrowolaska, 20 Wilkes Way, B50 4QA Single storey rear extension Link to application https://apps.stratford.gov.uk/eplanning/AppDetail.aspx?appkey=Q87TJTPM0MG00

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16. To approve i. Accounts for May 2020 (circulated)

ii. Payments for June 2020 (circulated)

Due to the sensitive nature of this item, the Council may resolve to exclude the public (Public Bodies (Admissions of Meetings Act) 1960 s1(2) 17. To consider and approve the recommendation from the Youth & Community

WG regarding the setting up and maintenance of the Parish Council website to ensure it is access compliant, as legally required from 12th Sept. 2020, as well as reflecting the vibrancy of the Council and the local community. Report circulated

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PC Mins. May 20 Page 1 of 5



In the County of Warwickshire

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 18th May 2020 @ 7.30 pm via Zoom PRESENT Chairman Cllr. Knight, Chairman of the Council

Cllrs. Atkins, Cullum, Deacon, Fleming, Hiscocks, Keeley, Meredith, Taylor and Williams

Also present: District Cllr Fleming and Pemberton

4 members of the public

In attendance: Mrs E. Uggerløse, Clerk to the Parish Council 1. TO RECEIVE AND ACCEPT APOLOGIES

There were no apologies

2. TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATION OF INTEREST IN ITEMS ON THE AGENDA i. All members of the Council are respectfully reminded that in order to comply

with the Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council on 18th December 2017, if any matter arises during the meeting in which they have declared an Interest, which could be personal or prejudicial, they should declare so and leave the room. Cllr Cullum declared an interest in Item 10 as she is a member of the Banner Group

ii. Written requests for Dispensations for DPI should be received by the Clerk no more than 24 hours prior to the meeting. Dispensations will be granted as appropriate. None required

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3. TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 27TH APRIL 2020 Cllr Deacon proposed the Minutes be accepted as being accurate RESOLVED that the Minutes be accepted and will be signed by the Chairman at the first physical meeting of the Council

4. TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF: i. The COVID 19 Telephone Meeting held on 18th March 2020

ii. The email held March Parish Council Meeting held on 30th March 2020 It should be noted that the resolutions made at these two meetings were confirmed at the Parish Council Meeting held on 27th April 2020 and the resolutions duly minuted. At the request of the Chairman, the Clerk explained the reason behind this item which was to ensure there was a record of meetings being held in March, during the Covid 19 Emergency but before the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 came Into force. Cllr Deacon proposed the Minutes of both meeting be accepted as being accurate RESOLVED that the Minutes be accepted and will be signed by the Chairman at the first physical meeting of the Council

5. PUBLIC FORUM i. Brighter Bidford – resident was keen for the local community to be

involved. Many had some brilliant ideas of what could be done so could the Council ensure it was well advertised. Also, please ensure the trees on the roundabout are not felled.

ii. Trees – a residents had emailed expressing her concern about trees being felled on the roundabout. The Clerk had replied that this was not the case and that the Council had a policy of replacing every felled tree. Asked to clarify how many trees had been replanted, the Clerk advised as follows

• Poplar felled at Millers Bank, Broom had been replaced by 3 saplings

• Trees felled on the Pleck had been replaced • Due to Covid 19 Council had been unable to plant the

105 sapling received from the Woodlands Trust. They will be duly planted on the border of Bidford Youth Club and the Allotments

6. REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLOR Cllr Brain was unable to attend but sent a report which is attached and forms an integral part of these Minutes


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i. Cllr Fleming referred to the ongoing corresponding he is having with Warwickshire County Council regarding the concerns of local parents regarding School Bus Transport

ii. Cllr Pemberton had sent a written report which is attached and forms a integral part of these Minutes. The Chairman of the Council advised that these will be considered by the Emergency WG who will revert to Council with any proposals. Cllr Pemberton also added that Stratford on Avon DC will be starting virtual Planning Committee meetings in June and wanted the Parish Council to be aware of this.

8. TO APPROVE THE DATES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS FOR THE PERIOD JUNE 2020 TO MAY 2021 These had been circulated. There was a proposal that the meeting that traditionally is held at Broom Village Hall in November, be held in either September or October when it is not quite as cold or dark. The Clerk had been asked to find out if the Village Hall was available those dates: she had and they were. After some discussion, the proposal to change the month from November to September, was put to a vote. RESOLVED by 2 votes in favour, 5 against and 2 abstentions not to change the month when the meeting takes place in Broom Village Hall: the meeting will continue to take place in November.

9. TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE THAT COUNCIL SET ASIDE £25,000 FUNDING TOWARDS A “BRIGHTER BIDFORD”. Improvements to brighten up Bidford-on-Avon as well as Barton, Broom and Marlcliff for the well-being of the community during and after the COVID 19 pandemic and to enhance the environment in the longer term. Report circulated The proposal had been put forward by the Youth & Community WG and was supported by Council. There was a discussion as to the amount being set aside, whether it should be up to £25,000 or even increased to £30,000. There was also a discussion as to who should lead the project. Following these discussion it was proposed:

• The Project should be led by the Chairmen of the three Working Groups, namely Amenities, Business Development and Youth & Community RESOLVED to approve this by a unanimous vote

• Local community participation was essential to the success of this project and this should be widely advertised and proposals/suggestions invited RESOLVED to approve this by a unanimous vote

• An amount of £25,000 should be ring fenced for this project. The amount could be increased in the future if necessary and if approved by Council RESOLVED to approve this by a unanimous vote

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10. TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE GRANT APPLICATION FROM THE BANNER GROUP FOR AN AMOUNT OF £800 TO ENABLE THEM TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF BANNERS IN THE HIGH STREET DURING THE COVID 19 PERIOD AND AFTER. FEEDBACK SUGGESTS THE BANNERS HELP TO INCREASE THE FOOTFALL OF THE HIGH STREET. The Recommendation from the Amenities WG is to approve the grant. Cllr. Cullum had declared an interest in this item and did not participate in the discussion. Councillors agreed that the banners had been a huge success and had definitely brightened up the High Street and were very popular with local residents. RESOLVED by a unanimous vote to award the grant of £800

11. TO NOTE THE REPLIES RECEIVED FROM WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL TO THE PARISH COUNCIL’S REQUESTS IN RESPECT OF THE HONEYBOURNE CROSSROAD. Report circulated (Ref. PC Mins. April 2020/Item 7) Council note the replies that advised that WCC could not approve any of the proposal put forward by the Parish Council, as they were contrary to current guidelines. RESOLVED to note and to monitor the situation once the new signage is in place.

12. TO NOTE UPDATE FROM WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL REGARDING THE SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORT RAISED BY THE PARISH COUNCIL. Report circulated The Clerk gave a short verbal update advising that WCC would be considering the appeals and replying to parent end of this week or next. The Clerk had requested the Parish Council be kept updated of any progress made. RESOLVED to note the updates


i. 20/00844/OUT – Mr Tim Drew, Peter Drew Contracts Ltd, 2 Bidford Road, Broom Outline application for the demolition of existing warehouses and erection of up to ten dwellings. Link to application: https://apps.stratford.gov.uk/eplanning/AppDetail.aspx?appkey=Q7G78EPMN3F00 Resolved : Object due to the following reasons:

• Contrary to Policy H1 of the NDP – it is outside the Village Boundary. All areas outside of the Village Boundary are classed as countryside. New housing development in the countryside will be limited to dwellings for rural workers, replacement dwellings and new housing development supported by Policy H2.

• Contrary to Policy H3 – Promoting an appropriate mix

of houses: the proposed mix of 7 x 5 bedrooms and 3 x

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PC Mins. May 20 Page 5 of 5

4 bedrooms does not meet the requirements of either

SDC’s Core Strategy or the Bidford-on-Avon NDP ii. 20/00941/FUL – Mrs Deborah Andrews, 3 Warner Court, B50 4FP

Proposed ground floor rear lean to extension to kitchen Link to application https://apps.stratford.gov.uk/eplanning/AppDetail.aspx?appkey=Q8D1D9PM0MG00 Resolved: No Objection

iii. 20/00998/FUL – Mr and Mrs Owen, 20 Icknield Close B50 4BZ First floor side extension above existing single storey to create a bedroom with en-suite. Link to application https://apps.stratford.gov.uk/eplanning/AppDetail.aspx?appkey=Q8RT33PMKTB00 Resolved: No Objection

iv. 20/01051/FUL – Mr S Walker, 35 Victoria Road, B50 4AR Single storey rear extension. Link to the application https://apps.stratford.gov.uk/eplanning/AppDetail.aspx?appkey=Q92RKYPMMBN00 Resolved: No Objection

RESOLVED to note all 4 responses. Virtual Planning Meetings to start taking place from June

14. TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE i. Completed accounts for the month of April 2020

These had been circulated One query was raised: was the Parish Council eligible for an exemption of Business Rates under COVID 19. The Clerk to look into this and revert RESOLVED they should be accepted and approved

ii. To approve payments to be made in May 2020 List of payments to be made by BACS had been circulated.

The total amount for the payment list is £4,380.37 as per the enclosed RESOLVED to approve payment

The meeting closed at approx. 8.15 pm

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In the County of Warwickshire

Item 6 – County Councillor Report

The week we celebrated VE Day , although not the way we wanted to celebrate in lockdown. That was a time of extreme crisis and sadly we are experiencing a similar crisis with Covid-19. We overcame that crisis and I’m sure we will beat this one and come out stronger, but it will take time. We in the UK are unique in a crisis as it brings the best out in people with community spirit and volunteering coming naturally. I’ve found it difficult to focus on other matters these last few weeks, that seem less relevant than normal, whilst many of us are suffering in so many different ways from this current crisis and from lockdown caused by Covid-19. I have personally been in self isolation since 11th March due to my age and my underlying medical conditions, which puts me in the vulnerable group, but my work carries on unabated as much of my work can be done by email, Facebook, WhatsApp or Zoom. Also WCC continue to have daily briefings which are extremely helpful.

VOLUNTEERS WEEK 1st June to 7th June 2020

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Volunteers’ Week is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering. My personal gratitude, thanks and appreciation must go to the people who live in my division and the wider hinterland for their continued selfless efforts either as NHS and Emergency Service workers or the many community volunteers for keeping us safe and supplied with our daily essentials. Recently I have approved several grant applications from within my division including two for Bidford with the Main focus on Covid-19. Hopeful these grants will help voluntary groups support the families and especially the elderly who are in need. Just a chat across the garden fence , phone call or by social media in some cases is all that’s required, although other essentials such as food stuffs are very important where individual’s are in permanent lockdown. My close families personal involvement, which I’m proud of includes:- Working from home for Stratford on Avon District Council. Working as a nurse at Warwick Hospital Working as a Nursery Assistant for essential workers children Working as Hospital Maintenance Supervisor NHS. Collecting and delivering shopping. Home to School Transport- I know Elisabeth , Councillor Cargill and myself are continuing to fight for a favourable outcome for the many families in Bidford on Avon , which exceeds 40. I know you’ve received an email today as we have, which doesn’t give much information. Elisabeth will update you. WCC News release worth a read at at www.warwickshire.gov.uk


Sent from my iPad

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In the County of Warwickshire

Item 7 – District Councillor Report – Cllr Pemberton

▪ Business rates grant – approx. 200 businesses have yet to claim. SDC has been reaching out but have now enlisted help of members to contact businesses in their wards to prompt them to claim. It would be helpful if PC can also remind businesses to claim.

▪ Discretionary rates grants – wider scheme announced last week. HMG has given very broad guidance but SDC and all other authorities have to establish acceptance criteria, amounts that can be claimed and process. We are talking to neighbouring DC’s to ensure some consistency of approach and expect payments to begin before end of the month

▪ Council tax hardship scheme – Councils’ have been waiting for guidance and a new IT module to operationalise this but HMG has now decided it is in the ‘too difficult box’ and left us to set our own scheme up. We need to ensure payments do not create problems for new UC claimant’s and hope to be ready to apply credits to C Tax accounts early in June

▪ Stratford town re-opening - plans being discussed and we also need to consider MRC’s so need a steer from PC as to what, if any, additional measures you would want in lace to support social distancing so that we have bespoke solutions that fit each communities needs

▪ Economic Recovery Group being established with industry and commerce input to guide SDC plans

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Item 9) Barton Speed Activated LED Signs – June 2020

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In the County of Warwickshire

Item 9) Barton Speed Activated LED signs

REPORT ON BARTON LED SPEED SIGN SURVEY - JUNE 21ST 2020 Surveys were e-mailed or delivered to all residents living in Barton and there was a very high response rate of 47 survey entries in total. Where someone in a household replied on behalf of more than one resident, results were entered into the online results as two individual replies. Responses returned on were also entered into the online survey results. Barton Sign Survey Results (for full results see PDF document) SUMMARY: In favour of sign(s):

• 91% of residents would like to see LED speed feedback signs in Barton. 3 residents were against, and 1 was unsure.

Type of sign:

• 80% of residents would like 2 permanently placed signs at both ends of the village.

• Over 70% of residents would like signs that alternate between showing speed and messages saying “Thank You” or “Slow down”

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Item 9) Barton Speed Activated LED Signs – June 2020

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• 49% of residents would like signs that alternate between speed and a programmable message e.g. “Slow Flood” .

• 34% would like signs that log vehicle speed data (but no details of the vehicles)

Additional Comments:

• 11 residents commented that signs were a great idea and/or that they had seen signs being effective in other locations.

• 1 resident wanted more statistical information about the effectiveness of speed signs.

• 2 of the residents who were against speed signs said they believed that the 2 bends in the village were sufficient to naturally slow down traffic and the look of the signs would be detrimental.

• 7 residents had suggestions for further traffic calming measures such as 20mph limit, a 30mph limit outside Barton Car Park, chicanes and road narrowing.

• 1 resident asked who would change the text etc. Bearing in mind the responses overwhelmingly in favour of 2 LED speed feedback signs for Barton and taking on board the rural nature of the village, my recommendation is as follows: Recommendation: 2 LED feedback signs are purchased for Barton, to be permanently placed at each end of the village for a budget of up to £8,000 in total PLUS the cost of installing 2 tall posts to support them. LED Sign Choices (see Excel Spreadsheet) The most appropriate signs appear to be the M-SID VARIO and the EV12 FM. Compact Colour changes Alternate between speed and message – e.g. Thank You and Slow Down Messages are programmable: e.g. Closed Flood Data logging is included via Bluetooth.


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Item 9) Barton Speed Activated LED signs


*** Optional

Features voted for by residents


Unit Price x 2 £4,990 £6,500 £3,990 £4,790 £5,400 £3,296.36 £4,314.54 £5,078.18

Data Speed data Included Included £500 £500 Included Included Included Included

Solar panel x 2 Environment vs theft risk £798 £798 £950 £950 Included £1,305.00 £1,305.00 £1,305.00

Battery connecting leads £96 £96

Lockable mounting pack/fixing plate £90 £90 Included Included £249.14 £249.14 £249.14

Delivery £69 £69 £45 £45 £45 £85.00 £85 £85

Total per sign £6,043.00 £7,553.00 £5,485.00 £6,285.00 £5,445.00 £4,935.50 £5,953.68 £6,717.32

TOTAL Incl VAT For 2 signs £7,251.60 £9,063.60 £6,582.00 £7,542.00 £6,534.00 £5,922.60 £7,144.42 £8,060.78


2 digit LED display Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Size of whole display 63.4 x 54.4 cms 63.4 x 84.4 cms 63 x 68cms 53.5 x 74 cms 74 x 59 cms 56 x 41cms 63.4 x 78.6 cms 64.3 x 84.4cms

LED colour change e.g. red/green Y Y No Y Y Y Y Y

LED protection mask Visibility in bright sunlight Y Y No Y Y Y

Battery level indicator Y Y ?

Data logging/storage Get statistics Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Stealth mode Can cover sign but still get data Y No No No No No Y

Smile function Smiley/sad face Y Y No Y Y No Y Y

Thank you/Slow Down Y Y No Y Y No No

LED text editor e.g. SLOW FLOOD Y Y No No Y No No Y

Speed limit function Prevents speed competition Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Bidirectional measurement Y Y Y Y

Timer Y Y Y Y

USB flash drive compatible *** *** Y Y *** ***

Bluetooth communication Y Y *** *** Y *** Y Y

E-mail communication *** *** *** ***

Manual parameter setting *** *** *** ***

Different parameter per time/day Y Y

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1 / 5

91.49% 43

6.38% 3

2.13% 1

Q1 Would you like to see LED speed feedback signs in Barton?Answered: 47 Skipped: 0

Total Respondents: 47



Not sure

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%




Not sure

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2 / 5

17.02% 8

8.51% 4

70.21% 33

48.94% 23

12.77% 6

34.04% 16

6.38% 3

Q2 If signs were installed what would you like them to do if the budgetallows. Tick all that you think would be good to have in an ideal world.

Answered: 47 Skipped: 0

Total Respondents: 47

Speed onlywith colour...

Alternatingwith smiley ...

Alternatingwith "Thank...

Alternatingwith message...

Large signshowing spee...

Logs data forvehicle spee...

None - I don'twant LED spe...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Speed only with colour changes between amber or green and red according to speed.

Alternating with smiley or sad face depending on speed

Alternating with "Thank you" or "Slow Down" depending on speed

Alternating with message that's programmable e.g. "Slow Flood"

Large sign showing speed AND face/message at the same time.

Logs data for vehicle speeds (but no details of the vehicles themselves)

None - I don't want LED speed signs in Barton

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3 / 5

80.43% 37

10.87% 5

2.17% 1

6.52% 3

Q3 If Barton has LED speed signs please tick which statement you agreewith most.

Answered: 46 Skipped: 1


2 permanentlyplaced signs...

1 signmoveable to ...

Not sure


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


2 permanently placed signs at both ends of the village

1 sign moveable to 2 or 3 different posts (so drivers don't get used to one position)

Not sure


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4 / 5

Q4 Name: (Optional) Answered: 37 Skipped: 10

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5 / 5

Q5 Any other comments? Answered: 23 Skipped: 24

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4 Item 10

Renewal of photocopier/printer/scanner

Make Quarterly cost Mono Colour

CANON iR ADV C3525i (current)£74.43 0.45 p 1.85p cost remains the same for a further 2 x years

CANON iR ADV C3725i£97.40 0.5p 2.08p Same machine as current but newer version

TOSHIBA e-Studio 2515AC£291.00 0.32p 3.2p

Current lease expires end July 2020

Only 2 companies have quoted - others have been asked to send quotes by email but have not done so.

New machines based on a 3 year lease

Toshiba machine via Majestic

Recommendation: to opt for Option 2 - the newer version of the Canon estimated to cost £100 more p.a.