Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013

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  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013


    Autumn Term 2013

    Welcome to all the new Recep-

    tion children. It is fantastic to

    have them all. We have already

    spent happy playtimes playing

    with them and seen some of theirwork in sharing assembly. We

    think all the new children think it

    is wonderful at Bickerton as

    whenever we see them they al-

    ways have nice big smiles on

    their faces.

    We asked Mrs Tudor what her

    new children were like, Class

    one are very helpful, happy, set-

    tled, kind to each other and fullof mischief.

    We would also like to welcome

    the other children who have

    joined us this year: in Class 3 we

    have Luke Madeley and Calum

    Rodway; in Class 4 we have

    Chap Adams and Class 5 Ruth


    All of our teachers and other staffare always so lovely to all chil-

    dren who are new. We all do our

    best to make them feel a part and

    welcomeI think we have all


    New Little

    LearnersThe Day the Royal

    Navy Visited

    BY TRISTAN WEETCHThe whole school started this terms

    topic on the sea with a visit from the

    Navy .

    Eva Carman told us all about what

    Class 2 did. Dan and Beth came wear-

    ing their full uniform. They told us

    about their uniform and showed us thebadge on their arm which showed some

    wings. This was because they were en-

    gineers in the Navy.

    They check and fix the planes. We then

    all tried on their hats. It was good fun

    and Mrs Vaughan and Mrs Shone said

    that we looked good in it. It looked

    very big on some of us!

    Next we went outside into the play

    ground and Beth taught us how to

    march like they do in the Navy. We

    had to march together and stop when

    she shouted Halt!. We werent very

    good at it at the beginning, but we got

    better. Beth and Dan told us we were

    really good by the end.

    We then had great fun playing a game

    where we had to pretend to fix the

    plane, clean the plane and best of allfly the plane.

    Each class enjoyed the visit from the

    Naval Engineers and learnt a lot at the

    start of their new topic.

    By Ellie Lunt-Lloyd and

    Dylan Cotgreave

  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013




    SadoodbyesSadly last term both Mrs Boothby and Mrs Kirk

    left. We had a special assembly for both of them

    and we gave them gifts.

    In her leaving assembly Mrs B. came in with a box

    ready to put on her head, so people didnt see her

    crying. We found this funny!

    Ross and Jacob were fantastic presenters leading

    us through amongst other things, Who wants to be aMillionaire? where of course all the answers were

    Mrs B. and making us all laugh with a dance. We

    couldnt let her cry the whole time!

    We also sang a spe-

    cial song and the

    Year 6 girls danced

    to itthis did make

    Mrs B. cry!

    We presented cards

    and gifts to both of

    them so hopefully

    they will not forget


    Mrs B. gave us a bench to remember her by (and the

    Staff were treated too!)thank you Mrs B. We will

    never forget either of you and hope you both have agood time. (It has been good to have Mrs Kirk back

    with us on supply recently and Mrs B. is settling into

    her new school and enjoying the new challenges. She

    misses us all though. The Editor)

  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013



    Danny has the

    Fergus Factor

    Last years School

    Councillors bought us

    lots of toys and games

    to play with from the

    money you all gave at

    Cookie Day. We have

    both indoor games for

    wet play and outdoor


    The marble runs have

    been particularly popu-


    Everyone has enjoyed

    playing with all the

    games, so thank you

    last years School


    At Bickerton we have an award called

    the Fergus Factor which is awarded to a

    pupil who is has been abrilliant person orwho has worked extremely hard in les-

    sonssomeone who shows the amazing

    spirit of Fergus.

    This award was set up in memory of Fer-

    gus Hunter, a pupil at Bickerton who

    showed amazing spirit and courage after

    he became very ill. He always had

    a smile on his face, was determined to

    carry on and became an example to us all.

    Last term the Fergus Factor was awarded

    to Danny Mosford. We asked Danny how

    he felt when he received the award.

    I felt so happy and excited and very

    proud of myself. I did not think it would

    be me and it was a total surprise.

    Well done Danny, you deserve it!

    We wonder who will be the next Bicker-

    ton pupil to earn this special award.




    Toys and


    Oliver in Class 5 has been performing

    The Turn of the Screw. Tom, William

    and Sophie have been to watch it and said

    it was brilliant. It is a ghost story from the

    Shakespeare novel, Much Ado about

    Nothing. Oliver also had a treat -watch-

    ing the play himself! He absolutely lovedit! Oliver has already got his next play

    ready: Accrington Pals. He is looking

    forward to that as well. Well done Oliver!

    Oliver stars again!

  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013




    This year we have another group of amazing SchoolCouncillors. The School Council is run brilliantly by

    Mrs Tudor and Miss Gittins. These children all im-

    pressed their class-mates who voted for them to repre-

    sent the year. The Juniors also had to give a speech

    before votes were cast.

    Here is the amazing team:

    Year 1: Alex Lightfoot and Molly Barber

    Year 2: Ava Dilworth and Angus Adamson

    Year 3: Jack Tompkins and Ruby Cotgreave

    Year 4: Bob Vaughan and Millie Smith

    Year 5: Rachel Johnson and Matty Bailey

    Year 6: Issie Harman and Sebastian Armstrong

    They have had their first meeting and have already

    thought of some super events for the school. Mrs

    Vaughan asked Rachel if she could share some of the

    ideas, but she responded by saying Its a surprisewait and see. If anyone has any ideas for the school,

    please let any of these fantastic School Councillors

    know and they will bring them to the next meeting.



    Once again the love-

    ly librarians are

    back Issie, Sasha,Sophie and Zoe.

    They are going to

    make the library tidy,

    there are going to be

    lots of competitions

    and lots of new books.

    The competitions are

    based on colouring

    and puzzles or writingstories. They are go-

    ing to make the li-

    brary tidy and fun.

    There is going to be

    puzzles in the library

    like word searches

    and crosswords. They

    have a meeting every

    week to make the li-

    brary more appealing

    and better. Mrs

    Chesworth said: I amreally looking forward

    to working with the

    new librarians. They

    are full of fantastic

    ideas which will bene-

    fit the school. The

    librarians will be vis-

    iting three libraries

    one at Bishop Heber,one in Whitchurch

    and the education li-

    brary in Winsford.

    (see article later in

    the magazine)

    Thank you

    Mrs Chesworth.




  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013



    lass 4 have had great Wednesday afernoons doingForest Schools. They have been up Bickerton Hillwith Jason their guide. They have had lots of fun

    planning things such as building a village of dens!We began by making shelters by using plasc. We

    made them by pung rope between two trees,hanging the plasc over and then ed the edges.

    We got in a right tangle

    when we tangled our-

    selves up and we had to

    try and get back into a

    circle.Even the rain didnt stop the fun as a big parachute

    was put up keeping everyone dry.

    While under the parachute the class looked at peo-

    ples lanterns that they had made and what had

    been found in the scavenger hunt.

    The scavenge hunt brought up

    treasures such as mushrooms,

    dierent types of bark, animal

    footprints and holes and Callumfound a grasshopper.

    One week they built

    dens and carried on with

    the ones that were al-

    ready started. Gardens

    and res were built

    around the dens. Thensome of the class went

    on a scavenger hunt and

    some of them learnt

    some knots.

    The lanterns were made by using scks, string and

    back in class we put on ssue paper.

    We asked Bob what he thought about Forest

    Schools: It was brilliant fun especially when Jasons

    son and daughter came because they helped us nd

    more things and we had great fun breaking down

    the dens. But it was sad to see them go.



  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013



    DIRTY DELAMEREYear 3 and year 4 went on an amazing

    trip to Fox Howl, Delamere! When we first

    arrived, Stella, our fantastic guide, took us

    on a walk around Delamere Forest, where wediscovered Wood Sorrel (Wood Sorrel is a

    type of edible plant with heart-shaped

    leaves). We also found out lots of other in-

    teresting things.

    Jack Tompkins, Year 3, jumped into a wet,muddy puddle and his face was plastered in

    mud; he fell over in it! Jack was moaning for

    the rest of the day; even when he was in

    dry clothes, he was still moaning!

    We slept in epic bunk beds the boys bed-

    room had red and yellow stripes on the wall

    paper, while the girls had a sheep on theirwall paper with a purple back round.

    Food there is delicious especially the bacon

    (Breakfast), Tuna sandwiches (Lunch) and

    Curry (Dinner). The trip to Delamere was

    brilliant, loads of people said that they re-

    ally enjoyed it.


  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013




    On Friday 13thNovember, Class 1 had a special

    visitor. It was our old friend Kipper, backagain! Class 1 had a big Birthday party for him

    which they needed to plan for and set up. On the

    morning of the party, Kipper was sent to hisGrans for an early present opening session.

    The children all worked

    very hard with the prepara-

    tions, including making

    Birthday cards with lovely

    neat writing inside for him .

    They also had to make

    crispy chocolate cakes,

    with a secret ingredient,

    syrup which made thecakes really sticky. (Dont

    tell any oneThe Editor!)

    Everyone loved them. Also they made strawberry

    jelly, just to make it right! They found it tough to

    tear out of the jelly block.

    They made a HUGE banner for the party, which

    was very colourful and amazing party hats which

    were so pretty!

    To make the party yummy, everyone brought in

    some snacks like crisps and vegetables. Mrs Latham

    said that it was the healthiest party that she had ever

    been to!!!!

    There was lots of excitement as Kipper arrived at

    about 11 oclock and this year he was 5


    A HUGE box

    arrived which

    was full of balls

    that was given to

    Class 1 from


    After that the party start-ed!!!! It was FAB and eve-

    ryone loved partying! Kip-

    pers cake was very yum-



    On our field we haveour own Bickerton

    Buzzard. He likes to

    come in the late evening

    and early morning. Mrs

    Parsons calls the Buz-

    zard Monty. He likes tosit on the climbing

    frame and the school


    See if you can spot him




  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013



    The librarians set two

    competitions -a colour-

    ing one for infants and

    designing a spooky book

    cover for juniors. Win-

    ners got a big packet of

    sweets obviously Hal-

    loween themed.

    We announced the win-

    ners in sharing assembly.

    They were Y6-Lucy

    Bourne, Y5-Chap Ad-

    ams, Y4-Emily Fowles,

    Y3-Ruby Cotgreave, Y2-

    Ciaran Dunne Y1-

    George Nield and Re-

    ception-Beatrice Cundy.

    Also everybody who

    entered got a mini packet

    of sweets - an amazing

    60 people entered! It was

    a very hard decision.

    Our next event will be to

    write a winter poem

    which will be presented

    in the Junior library. Sad-

    ly this time it is only for

    the Juniors. So we hope

    you enjoy this upcoming

    event as much as you did

    the spooky competition.

    Thank you for everybody

    who enteredyour crea-

    tions were amazing.




    There is a new amazing gang of reporters in Bickertonfor the magazine. Heres a bit about them:

    Sophie wanted to join the Magazine because she enjoys it and

    loves taking part of it.Likes: Everything

    Molly wanted to join the magazine because she loves reading the

    magazine and wants to be a part of it.

    Likes: Lego Harry Potter. Dislikes: Sprouts

    Dylan wanted to join the magazine because he wants to be part

    of the Bickerton Bulletin.

    Likes: International Rugby. Dislikes: Beetroot

    Rachel wanted to join because she wants to be part of it.

    Likes: Animals, chocolate and fun. Dislikes: Cabbage, Maths

    and Sprouts

    Gemma wanted to join because she wanted to be part of some-

    thing big.

    Likes: Horse riding and Chocolate. Dislikes: Spiders and


    Tristan wanted to have his name on the page.

    Likes: Football. Dislikes: Sprouts and mustard.

    Sasha did it last year so she wanted to do it again because it was

    so fun.

    Likes: Chocolate. Dislikes: Spiders

    Ellie wanted to join because she wanted to learn different skills

    and all her friends said it was amazing.

    Likes: Her bike. Dislikes: Spiders

    Billy wanted to join because when he looked at the magazine he

    admired it and wanted to do it.

    Likes: Sweets. Dislikes: Baked Beans .

    Lily wanted to join because she has always loved Englishand writing reports.

    Likes: Horses. Dislikes: Beetroot and Cabbage

    Christy wanted to join because everyone was saying that it was

    fantastic so she really wanted to join.Likes: Pizza. Dislikes: Maths and Cabbage

    So there are the amazing magazine reporters who this year are

    going to make a brilliant Bickerton Bulletin. If there is anything

    you would like adding to the magazine please let one of these re-

    porters knowit is after all, your magazine.

    Magnificent Magazine


    Freya Davies has spent a

    long time working with

    Mrs Chesworth doing

    the Rapid Reading to

    help her with her work.

    She has now completed

    the course having put a lot

    of her own time into it too

    and she has done reallywell.

    We spoke with Freya and

    we asked her some ques-tions;

    Have you enjoyed it? YesI have really enjoyed it and

    it was really fun

    Are you a lot more confi-

    dent? Yes I am a lot more

    confident in my work and a

    lot better as well

    Has it been hard work?

    Yes it has been hard work,

    especially when the com-

    puter didnt work!

    Has it been worth doing?

    Yes it was definitely

    worth doing.

    Mrs Chesworth said What

    a star! Freya has been a

    delight to work with and

    her reading skills have

    come on leaps and bounds.

    Over the last 18 months she

    has worked exceptionally

    hard with me at school and

    with her family at home.

    Freyas determination to

    succeed has certainly paidoff.

    Well done Freyayou are

    a star and we are all really

    proud of you.




  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013


  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013



    Years 1, 2 and 3 went to

    the SeaQuarium in Rhyl and

    the beach as part of their


    The SeaQuarium was very in-

    teresting and they were intro-

    duced to sea creatures from

    different sea habitats. They

    had a talk

    w h e r e

    they even

    st rokedstar fish.

    The children were fascinated

    by sting ray eggs known as

    mermaid purses (The teachers

    were amazed too as we

    thought it was a type of sea-

    weed!). They also felt a lob-

    ster shell. Some of the fish

    they looked at were zebra

    fish and clown fish. There

    were also sharks and a big

    tunnel they could walk through

    where all the fish were around


    One of

    the really

    fun things


    to Maisy

    Tudor who told us all about the

    trip was running with the seals.

    They also went on the beach

    and were digging a giant castle

    and making other sculptures us-

    ing the natural things around.

    The giant castle even had a so-

    fa on it and Maisie wanted to go

    to sleep. The weather was so

    nice they even had sandwiches

    on the beach. Maisie said that

    she had a really fun time.


  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013



    On the Tuesday before the end of the half term our schoolhad Pirate day. There were lots of different pirates present:

    Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain Hook, Mr Smee and lots of

    other truly amazing pirates.

    Class 1,2,3 and 4 did a treasure hunt in the Nature area and onthe Field and they had to follow all the clues to find the edible

    gold!!!! Classes 1,2 and 3 also had to save favourite buddies

    from their classes which had been taken by the Pirates. If they

    didn't solve the clues before midday then Bickerton Bear,

    Squarky and Monkey would have had to face a life on the seas

    with the Pirates. Thankfully, at the last minute the clues were

    solved, the map completed and the buddies discovered!

    Class 5 did projects on piratesMrs Chapman let us choose

    how we presented it. Some children did raps, songs, poems

    and quizzes for their class mates to enjoy.

    Everyone enjoyed the fun day with lots of Pirate activities and

    we would love to have it again!!!!!!


  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013


    Class 1 have been busy with their new topic

    Ice and Snow!!!They have really enjoyed doing allsorts of interesting work. For example Class 1 really en-

    joyed it when Blue came in, Blue is a polar bear, who wore

    a blue scarf.

    They also enjoyed it when Mrs Latham got the sparkly

    white play dough out, They said they had a brilliant time

    making all kinds of shapes out of that. Class 1 tried to make

    polar bears but it was a bit too tricky.

    Also they had been making pictures with potatoes, the pic-ture made a penguin, when they had finished their hands

    were covered in paint Mrs Tudor told them to go and wash

    their hands.

    Class 1 have been making jumping jellyfish with paper

    plates, cellophane and finally bubble wrap. They really en-

    joyed making these funny creatures!!! They have also en-joyed making snails out of paper plates and decorated them

    with pens and crayons. They look brilliant you should go

    and see them!

    Class 1 have had a blasting time doing lots of different

    things with Mrs Tudor and Mrs Latham, thank you for let-

    ting them do so much fun things.



    Class 2 have enjoyed looking at lighthouses, crea-

    tures in the sea and more recently Ice and Snow.They have loved building igloos, exploring the properties ofice and water and finding out about Penguins, Walruses,Polar bears and Beluga Whales.

    Making stained glass biscuits was fun as well as the chal-lenge to float a stone and build the best boat! They also saw

    what happened when salt was added to ice. They loved be-ing real scientists when they tried to find out which mate-rial stopped you slipping and which mopped up water thebest.

    Class 2 have got some amazing displays which they lovedproducing work for!!! They have a Pirate Stew display, oneon ice and snow with tube penguins and symmetrical paint-ed penguins-some ended up with double-headed penguins(!) and some had symmetrical twins! The tube penguinseven had googly eyes! Class 2 have also produced a SIMP-

    LY amazing Display based on The Lighthouse Keeper!The Lighthouse display is on the largest display.One of the really popular things in Class 2 is the Kaplathey have loved making lighthouses, bridges and igloos outof it. It seems that the challenge is to make the tallest igloo

    or lighthouse!

  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013


  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013



    Once the teachers were children too! We asked

    them what their best and worst memories of prima-

    ry school were!

    Mrs Tudor (Class 1 and Deputy Head )

    Best: My Infant teacher.

    Worst: First day a boy called Steven

    who stole my dinner money!

    Mrs Latham (Assistant in Class 1)

    Best: Meeting new friendsWorst: We kept moving.

    Mrs Vaughan (Class 2)

    Best: Learning about history

    Worst: Semolina with pink raspberry


    Mrs Shone (Assistant in Class 1)

    Best: The Christmas party

    Worst: The visit of the Nit nurse

    Mr Rich (Class 3)

    Best: Break time, football and Cricket.

    Worst: Having to do homework.

    Miss Gittins (Class 4)

    Best: Going on tripsWorst: School dinners.

    Mrs Tedham (Class 5)

    Best: Being the main part in the school


    Worst: Having to drink milkfrozen

    in the winter and sour in the summer.

    Mrs Chapman (Class 5)

    Best: Playing Rounders.

    Worst: The uniform which was a

    yucky bottle green.

    Mrs Chesworth (Assistant in Classes 5

    and 4)

    Best: Playing Hockey.

    Worst: Sewing.

    Mr Sweetnam (Head teacher)

    Best: Roly Poly Jam Pudding

    Worst: The outdoor toilets.



  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013


    Mrs Weaver (Reception)

    Best: School Dinners

    Worst: The Nit nurses

    Mrs Parsons (PE teacher and Assis-

    tant in Class 1)

    Best: Being Captain of the Dean-


    Worst: Nothing (loved it)

    Mr Innis (Caretaker)

    Best: Playing football.

    Worst: The playground was too


    Mrs Jenkins (cook)

    Best: The uniform

    Worst: The Nit nurse

    Mrs Billington ( Midday Assistant)

    Best: P.E lessons

    Worst: Exams and the dentist.

    Mrs Carr (Midday Assistant)

    Best: Swimming lessons.

    Worst: Injuries.

    Mrs Holmes (Music Teacher)

    Best : Playing chime bars.Worst: Slipping on ice in year one.

    Mrs Clay ( Music teacher.)Best: Playing in playground

    Worst: Being scared of the big chil-


    Emily (Piano teacher)

    Best: Going on first residential

    Worst: Cutting my knee when play-

    ing football

    Ian (Guitar teacher)

    Best: Delamere

    Worst: When I was sick in class.

    Revd Anthony Dutton (Curate)

    Best: Lake District walking trip.

    Worst: Going to school on the firstday.

    Canon Ian Davenport (Rector)

    Best: Being in the school choir.

    Worst: Being left at the school gate

    from the very first day of school be-

    cause parents were not allowed in



  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013



    Every year from 20th-31st October

    there is a PYO Pumpkin week at one of

    our local farms. AND a little bit after

    that-till Halloween! We always have a huge

    selection of pumpkins and it is always

    great fun. We had lots of visitors from

    Bickerton School this year!

    We got an interview from one of theirhelpers, Maisy:

    What did you think about the pumpkins?

    They were very fun and you got to have a

    look for your perfect pumpkin-you couldnt

    leave if you didnt!

    What did you mainly do at the pumpkins?

    I took wheelbarrows back up on the quad


    Were there any funny bits?Yes, there were two top funny bits.

    What were they?

    Well, Molly started me giggling by walking

    round in socks-then she fell into the saw-

    dust lucky dip-it was in an old bathtub!

    Next one?

    Uncle Gary has this little video camera and

    he attached it to a wheelbarrows wheel

    and ran through the maze-the solution tothe winding paths!

    We look forward to more pumpkin fun next




    On the 9thof October the parents thought that

    they were going back to school but in fact they

    had a really fun evening which was so different

    to school! Ruth Robson held the evening which was

    for adults and they were talking about how to help

    children to read and spell. It was held in the schoolhall and they played lots of practical games.

    One of the games was called the plural game where

    they were given words such as pen or church and

    they had to see a pattern: pen would be pens and

    church would be churches. The parents found out

    that you could tell if you added es or s by the

    number of syllables!

    Ruth also told the parents the story of the little

    red hen with lots of fun actions and EVERYONEjoined in. They

    were also told a

    story that they had

    never heard before

    called Monkey see,

    Monkey do and

    Ruth got the adults

    to tell the person

    next to them thestory and then they had to draw it on a storyboard.

    It was funny because the adults got REALLY, RE-

    ALLY competitive when playing a game about con-

    traction. The parents really enjoyed the evening.

    Mrs Vaughan said; It was good to see the parents

    enjoying spelling and reading and it was a fantastic

    e v e n i n g

    e n j o y e d

    by all.





    If you are wondering where the quizzes, puz-

    zles and jokes have gone from the magazine,

    then wonder no more. You can find them on

    the school website, so you can download as

    many as you want for you and your friends.

  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013


    Bickerton is, as usual, hosting some

    afterschool clubs like :

    Magazine club run by Mrs Vaughan!

    Mr Sweetnam is doing a fab gymnas-

    tics club on Monday.

    Football is hosted by Mrs Parsons and

    Mr Rich on Tuesday, while

    Mrs Chapman does a fab cake club.

    Mrs Parsons and Mrs Chesworth aredoing a Netball club for Y3-Y6 on


    Mrs Tedham is doing Choir on Thurs-

    day during lunch.

    Finally, Mark is doing Basketball on


    Lots of children are enjoying doing

    these clubs-we hope you are doing at

    least one of them!




    B l u e i s C h e s t e r R a c e c o u r s e s

    M a s c o t f o r 2 1 s t N o v e m b e r - 5 t h

    J a n u a r y b e c a u s e t h e y a r e p u t -

    t i n g o n a w i n t e r w o n d e r l a n df e s t i v a l ! B l u e

    c a m e t o v i s i t

    C l a s s e s 1 & 2 a n d

    t h e p e r s o n w h o

    c a m e w i t h B l u e

    t o l d t h e c h i l -

    d r e n w h a t t h e y

    c a n s e a t W i n t e r

    W o n d e r l a n d :

    S a n t a a n d h i s

    g r o t t o ( w i t h r e a l r e i n d e e r ! ) , a

    s p e c i a l C h r i s t m a s s h o p p i n g

    m a r k e t , t h e 3 D M o v i e r o o m , A

    W r i t e a l e t t e r t o S a n t a r o o m , M r s S a n t a s S t o r y r o o m ,

    a c h a n c e t o d i n e w i t h t h e

    W i n t e r y C h a r a c t e r s a n d a

    F a i r g r o u n d a n d r i d e s !

    E v e r y b o d y w h o m e t B l u e g o t t o

    h a v e t h e i r p i c t u r e t a k e n , a s

    w e l l a s m a k i n g a v e r y h a p p y

    f r i e n d s h i p w i t h o u r w i n t e r y

    f r i e n d , B l u e !



  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013


    Brilliant Bikers!On Monday and Tuesday the 4th and 5th the

    Year 5s took part in Bike Ability. We tested

    our skills on our bikes by going round and round in

    a orderly fashion, controlling our ride.

    Next we did a slow race which we found really dif-

    ficultmost of us just went too fast but somewere clever and went round in small circles. We

    learnt how to get past a parked car which very

    tricky as it was a real car that we were practicing

    on!! But eventually we mastered it.

    After that we went on the road. Most of us were

    quite scared, but there was nothing to worry

    about! We moved on to the road outside the

    school and we had to cycle from the school to asign and when we got to the sign we had to do a U-

    turn in the middle of the road with no help or

    signs saying cyclists in training! We were looked

    after and safe though. It was very hard but we

    got there in the end.

    After that we did a couple of challenges which in-

    cluded keeping up with the person in front and

    many more little challenges. We completed the

    course and our homework, and all received a cer-

    tificate and

    badge to

    show we had

    passed. It

    was a fab

    and useful

    experience !



    Its this time of year

    again -the Harvest is

    back and this year Class4 performed a play, and

    Class 3 did the prayers.

    The play that Class 4 per-

    formed was about poor

    people in other countries

    and how they struggle to

    get food enough food to

    feed their families.

    The play then showed us

    how organisations and

    individuals are showing

    these people how they

    can improve their lives by

    planting seeds, growing

    crops and digging fertiliz-er into fields.

    Canon Davenport then

    gave a talk and we sung

    our Harvest songs. It was

    another lovely Harvest





    On the 4th-7

    thof Novem-

    ber we had our annual

    book fair. There was a

    huge amount of books for

    all ages to choose from.

    Everybody came along at

    the end at of the school

    day and really enjoyed

    picking their own books.

    There was a lovely buzz

    and atmosphere as people


    There were other thingsto buy as well including

    stationery sets, pencil cas-

    es and bookmarks.

    The profit made was a

    whopping 281. Out

    of the profit we bought

    some new books for the


    The librarians chose some

    including: You Dont

    Know Me, The Look,

    The Wombles and Da-

    vid Walliams new book

    Demon Dentist.

    Thank you for anybody

    who attended. You didthe school a big favour

    and we hope you are en-

    joying reading your




  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013



    At Bickerton we have a

    scrumptious variety of

    school dinners. For exam-

    ple chicken curry and rice,

    fish, roast dinner, jacket

    potatoes, tomato and

    cheese pasta, sausage rolls,pizza, turkey, quiche and

    loads more and the deserts

    [the list is even longer of

    course]: Ice cream, crum-

    ble and custard, flap jack,

    strawberry mouse, bis-

    cuits, chocolate cake, jelly,

    chocolate angel delight

    and a whole load more.

    In fact theres so much

    yummy choice its not sur-

    prising that most children

    have at least one school

    dinner every week.

    All the meat veg and fish

    are all produced locally

    and one of the local Butch-

    ers are Barrows of Bol-

    lington. Mrs Jenkins works

    hard making the food from

    scratch (just like homecooking!)

    As Mrs Jenkins prepares

    our lunch delicious smells

    float through the school.

    By lunch our tummies are

    rumbling and our taste

    buds ready! A few of our

    favourites are Chocolate

    flapjack, Fruit crumble,

    pizza, raspberry ripple ice

    cream roll and roasts on a



    Class 4 ran into the hall when the music people

    arrived. They introduced themselves as Incredible

    Ian and Magnificent Matt. We worked on building

    up a piece by doing each layer which was then

    saved onto the computer, until all layers were final-

    ly put together at the end. It was so clever and

    sounded really good.

    They helped us to make a

    drumming sound with tap-

    ping our knees to make a

    Bass drum, clapping our

    hands to make a Middle

    drum and making a Tss

    Noise to be a Symbol.

    We thought that Matt and

    Ian were very good and

    we even played I GottaFeeling to the whole

    school + PARENTS!!!

    (It sounded amazingThe


    Everybody in the school has been rushing

    off to larks not to get shoes,but to getshoe BOXES! Its that time of year again

    when Father Christmas gets stuck up the

    chimney CHRISTMAS!

    Some children in other parts of the world

    dont get presents like we do so we send

    them shoeboxes full of things to do, toys and

    useful objects (e.g. Hairbrush, clips, tooth-

    brush, toothpaste). This year we got 58 shoe-

    boxes! Well done, and thank you everyone.






  • 8/12/2019 Bickerton Bulletin Autumn 2013




    We are taught an amazing range of sports at Bickerton

    Primary School and enter many tournaments and compe-

    titions. We also have a brilliant, and dedicated P.E teacher

    called Mrs Parsons, who teaches everyone how to do them.

    In lessons Mrs Parsons teaches us how to do netball amongst

    other sports. She sometimes enters us into competitions. Mrs

    Chesworth runs a netball club with her too. We also do TagRugby which is a sport that Juniors do mostly. It is when

    there are two teams all wearing tags; each team has to get the

    tags off the opposite team. We go to tournaments for Tag

    Rugby: Years 5 and 6 do one tournament and Years 3 and 4

    do the other.

    Mrs Parsons and Mr Rich do a football club for people that

    want to learn how to play football. We dont normally play

    football as a P.E sport -it is mainly a club sport but we do go

    to football events.

    Mrs Parsons and Mrs Chesworth (What would Mrs Parsons

    do without Mrs Chesworth?) take children to many events

    such as Cross Country, Orienteering, Deanary, Sports Hall,

    Handball and Rounder's.

    Mr Sweetnam takes a Junior class to Whitchurch swimmingbaths to learn how to swim each term and he enters us into

    the swimming tournament.

    We have lessons in Dance, Rounders, Hockey and Gym too,

    and Mr Sweetnam has a Gym club.

    We also have other teachers in to teach us sports such as

    Cricket, Tennis and Basketball.

    This year for the first time Bickerton went toHeber High School, to do a big cross country

    race. There were 10 other schools, and we came


    The year 5s and 6s had to run 1,200 meters (thats

    the main field and the rugby field.) Whereas the

    year 3s and 4s only had to run the main field.

    Lucky them!!!!!!! (It still looked a long way !The Editor)It was hard work, but we were all cheered as we

    came over the line.



    Tag rugby was really good. We scored over 10 tries intotal; we were also really good at defending. Everyone

    who took part did really well.

    Our Year 6 and 5 team were fantastic -they scored tries

    like bull dogs, and we even came 3 rd. The Year 3 and 4team had to play in the pouring rain but still managed to

    play exceptionally well.

    We had such a good experience with Mums and Dads

    cheering us on. It was a really good day to remember

    with all thanks to our two wonderful coaches Mrs Par-

    sons and Mrs Chesworth.






    Mrs Parsons, Mrs Chesworth and Mr

    Sweetnam took a group of children to a hock-

    ey tournament. The children were split into two

    teams and they really enjoyed playing.

    One of the teams won one and drew one, and the

    other team lost one and drew one. They didnt

    get into the finals but they all had a really good

    In Basketball we played against 7 other

    schools and we played really well as a team and

    had great fun.

    We won 3, drew 2, and lost 1. We lost to Tatten-

    hall 3 : 2, so even that was close!

    One memorable and amazing moment was when