Bibliographyl 1. Ahlfors, L. V., Invariant operators and integral representations in hyperbolic space, Math. Scand., 36 (1975), 27-43. 2. Alain, P. N. D., On the representations of the groups SO(3), 0(2,1) and M(2) defined in terms of Lame, Mathieu and parabolic functions, Rep. Math. Phys., 11 (1977), 17-36. 3. Alcaras, J. A. C. and Vanagas, V., The polynomial-type analysis of SU(3) group-theoretical quantities, J. Math. Phys., 28 (1987), 1995-2006. 4. Alisauskas, S. J., Relations between spaces ofrepresentations and the Wigner- Racah calculus for compact groups, Sov. J. Part. Nucl., 14 (1983), 563-597. 5. Alisauskas, S. J., Jucys, A.-A. A., and Jucys, A. P., On the symmetric tensor operators of the unitary group, J. Math. Phys., 13 (1972), 1329-1336. 6. Andrews, G. E., Applications of basic hypergeometric functions, SIAM Rew., 16 (1974), 441-484. 7. Andrews, G. E. and Askey, R., Classical orthogonal polynomials, Lect. Notes Math., 1171 (1985), 36-62. 8. Andrews, M. and Gunson, J., Complex angular momenta and many-particle states, J. Math. Phys., 5 (1964), 1391-1401. 9. Askey, R. (ed), Theory and Application of Special Functions, Academic Press, New York, 1975. 10. Askey, R., Summability of Jacobi series, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 179 (1971), 71-84. 11. Askey, R., Jacobi's generating function for Jacobi polynomials, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 71 (1978), 243-246. 12. Askey, R., The q-gamma and q-beta functions, Applicable Analysis, 8 (1978), 125-141. 13. Askey, R., An integral of products of Legendre functions and a Clebsch- Gordan sum, Lett. Math. Phys., 6 (1982), 299-302. 14. Askey, R., Two integrals of Ramanujan, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 85 (1982), 192-194. 15. Askey, R., Continuous Hahn polynomials, J. Phys. A, 18 (1985), 1017-1019. 16. Askey, R. and Fitch, J., Integral representations for Jacobi polynomials and some applications, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 26 (1969), 411-437. 17. Askey, R. and Gasper, G., Linearization of the product of Jacobi polynomials. III, Canad. J. Math., 23 (1971), 332-338. 1 This list continues the bibliography of the first volume. 577

Bibliographyl978-94-017-2883-6/1.pdf · Bibliographyl 1. Ahlfors, L. V., Invariant operators and integral representations in hyperbolic space, Math. Scand., 36 (1975), 27-43. 2. Alain,

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Page 1: Bibliographyl978-94-017-2883-6/1.pdf · Bibliographyl 1. Ahlfors, L. V., Invariant operators and integral representations in hyperbolic space, Math. Scand., 36 (1975), 27-43. 2. Alain,


1. Ahlfors, L. V., Invariant operators and integral representations in hyperbolic space, Math. Scand., 36 (1975), 27-43.

2. Alain, P. N. D., On the representations of the groups SO(3), 0(2,1) and M(2) defined in terms of Lame, Mathieu and parabolic functions, Rep. Math. Phys., 11 (1977), 17-36.

3. Alcaras, J. A. C. and Vanagas, V., The polynomial-type analysis of SU(3) group-theoretical quantities, J. Math. Phys., 28 (1987), 1995-2006.

4. Alisauskas, S. J., Relations between spaces ofrepresentations and the Wigner­Racah calculus for compact groups, Sov. J. Part. Nucl., 14 (1983), 563-597.

5. Alisauskas, S. J., Jucys, A.-A. A., and Jucys, A. P., On the symmetric tensor operators of the unitary group, J. Math. Phys., 13 (1972), 1329-1336.

6. Andrews, G. E., Applications of basic hypergeometric functions, SIAM Rew., 16 (1974), 441-484.

7. Andrews, G. E. and Askey, R., Classical orthogonal polynomials, Lect. Notes Math., 1171 (1985), 36-62.

8. Andrews, M. and Gunson, J., Complex angular momenta and many-particle states, J. Math. Phys., 5 (1964), 1391-1401.

9. Askey, R. (ed), Theory and Application of Special Functions, Academic Press, New York, 1975.

10. Askey, R., Summability of Jacobi series, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 179 (1971), 71-84.

11. Askey, R., Jacobi's generating function for Jacobi polynomials, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 71 (1978), 243-246.

12. Askey, R., The q-gamma and q-beta functions, Applicable Analysis, 8 (1978), 125-141.

13. Askey, R., An integral of products of Legendre functions and a Clebsch­Gordan sum, Lett. Math. Phys., 6 (1982), 299-302.

14. Askey, R., Two integrals of Ramanujan, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 85 (1982), 192-194.

15. Askey, R., Continuous Hahn polynomials, J. Phys. A, 18 (1985), 1017-1019.

16. Askey, R. and Fitch, J., Integral representations for Jacobi polynomials and some applications, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 26 (1969), 411-437.

17. Askey, R. and Gasper, G., Linearization of the product of Jacobi polynomials. III, Canad. J. Math., 23 (1971), 332-338.

1 This list continues the bibliography of the first volume.


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Subject Index Analog of the Poisson formula 191,217

the Rodrigues formula 55


{a:::'M} 193

{ARM} 194

{B:Me } 194

Beta-function of a field K 549

Canonical decomposition of a polynomial 30


bispherical 12

hyperbolic 15

orispherical 13

polyspherical 13

spherical 10

Decomposition of SOo(n - 1,1),

Bruhat 17

Gauss 17

Iwasawa 13

Dirichlet problem 466

Extension of a field, 553

quadratic 553

Field of p-adic numbers 540


Dougall 93

Poisson 457 Schempp 452

Stirling 126

Function, basic hypergeometric 510

Bessel, generalization 101

p-adic 558

of the second kind 568


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Subject Index

Chebyshev 51

of the second kind 51

Geganbauer 73

of the second kind 74

harmonic 28

O-harmonic 28

Kpq-spherical 207,324

Laguerre 344

of the second kind 344

Legendre, generalization 101

sinc 461

Galois field 505

Gamma-function of a field K 546

Graph, 487

connected 488

homogeneous 488

Group of automorphisms for N n 425

characters 537

motions of the plane K ( ..;r) 557

units 543


Chevalley 507

completely disconnected 540

periodic 540

symmetric 482

O(2N,q) 506

O(2N + 1, q) 506

O(2N + 2,q,e) 506

SL(2,K) 565

Sp(2N, q) 505

U(2N, q2) 506

U(2N + l,q2) 506

Harish-Chandra c-function 92


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Integral elements of a field 542

Johnson metric 491

Limit of spheres, projective 126

Maijer G-functions 245


Gauss 124

invariant on H+-1 23

HO- 1 288

H~q 24


invariant on 8 n - 1 22

80-1 287

80(n) 22


80o(n - 1,1) 23

U(n) 288

annihilation 434

creation 434

lowering 86,319

L-y 464

raising 86, 319

Weil-Brezin 457

p-adic numbers, 540

modulus 542


Gegenbauer, generalization 101

harmonic on H(n, It) 471

C 288

R 28

orthogonal on the disk 356

Subject index

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Subject Index

q-Krawtchouk 513

affine 514

q-Hahn 511

q-Eberlane 513 C!.Q,P) 473

Projection of a polynomial, harmonic 30

Representation of the Heisenberg group 410

10(00) 146

IS0(n -1) 31

IS0o(n - 2, 1) 32

lU(n - 1) 303

0(00) 134

Sn 482

SL(n, K) 565,571

SO(n) 27

SOo(n - 1,1) 28

SOo(p, q) 39, 43

Sp(n) 396

U(n) 292

U(n - 1,1) 298

Sections of a cone 15, 18

Symplectic space 425

T -coefficients 229


Bochner 178

Carleson 73, 346

Funk-Heeke 170


Fock-Mehler 189

generalized 187

Fourier-Bessel 183

Gauss-Weierstrasse, imaginary 433


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List of the Most Important Notations

Table of Contents Volume 1

Chapter 1: Elements of the Theory of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras 1.0. Preliminary Information from Algebra, Topology, and Functional Analysis 1.1. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras 1.2. Homogeneous Spaces with Semisimple Groups of Motions

Chapter 2: Group Representations and Harmonic Analysis on Groups 2.1. Representations of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras 2.2. Basic Concepts of the Theory of Representations 2.3. Harmonic Analysis on Groups and on Homogeneous Spaces

Chapter 3: Commutative Groups and Elementary Functions. The Group of Linear Transformations of the Straight Line and the Gamma-Function. Hypergeometric Functions

3.1. Representations of One-Dimensional Commutative Lie Groups and Elementary Functions 3.2. The Groups SO(2) and R, Fourier Series and Integrals 3.3. Fourier Transform in the Complex Domain. Mellin and Laplace Transforms 3.4. Representations of the Group of Linear Transforms of the Straight Line and the Gamma­

Function 3.5. Hypergeometric Functions and Their Properties

Chapter 4: Representations of the Groups of Motions of Euclidean and Pseudo-Euclidean Planes, and Cylindrical Functions

4.1. Representations of the Group [SO(2) and Bessel Functions with Integral Index 4.2. Representations of the Group [SO(l.1), Macdonald and Hankel Functions 4.3. Functional Relations for Cylindrical Functions 4.4. Quasi-Regular Representations of the Groups [SO(2), [SO(I,1) and Integral Transforms

Chapter 5: Representations of Groups of Third Order Triangular Matrices. the Confluent Hypergeometric Function, and Related Polynomials and Functions

5.1. Representations of the Group of Third Order Real Triangular Matrices 5.2. Functional Relations for Whittaker Functions 5.3. Functional Relations for the Confluerlt Hypergeometric Function and for Parabolic Cylinder

Functions 5.4. Integrals Involving Whittaker Functions and Parabolic Cylinder Functions 5.5. Representations of the Group of Complex Third Order Triangular Matrices. Laguerre and

Charlier Polynomials

Chapter 6: Representations of the Groups SU(2). SU(l ,1) and Related Special Functions: Legendre, Jacobi, Chebyshev Polynomials and Functions, Gegenbauer, Krawtchouk, Meixner Polynomials

6.1. The Groups SU(2) and SU(I,I) 6.2. Finite Dimensional Irreducible Representations of the Groups GL(2, C) and SU(2)

Page 33: Bibliographyl978-94-017-2883-6/1.pdf · Bibliographyl 1. Ahlfors, L. V., Invariant operators and integral representations in hyperbolic space, Math. Scand., 36 (1975), 27-43. 2. Alain,

6.3. Matrix Elements of the Representations T, of the Group SL(2. C) and Jacobi. Gegenbauer and Legendre Polynomials

6.4. Representations of the Group SU(1.I) 6.5. Matrix Elements of Representations of SU(I.I). Jacobi and Legendre Functions 6.6. Addition Theorems and Multiplication Fonnulas 6.7. Generating Functions and Recurrence Fonnulas 6.8. Matrix Elements of Representations of SU(2) and SU(I.I) as Functions of Column Index.

Krawtchouk and Meixner Polynomials 6.9. Characters of Representations of SU(2) and Chebyshev Polynomials 6.10. Expansion of Functions on the Group SU(2)

Chapter 7: Representations of the Groups SU(1.1) and SL(2. R) in Mixed Bases. The Hypergeomeuic Function

7.1. The Realization of Representations T. in the Space of Functions on the Straight Line 7.2. Calculation of the Kernels of Representations R. 7.3. Functional Relations for the Hypergeometric Function 7.4. Special Functions Connected with the Hypergeometric Function 7.5. The MeUin Transfonn and Addition Fonnulas for the Hypergeometric Function 7.6. The Kernels K33(>',P;Xig) and Hankel Functions 7.7. The Kernels ~'(>',Jl;Xig). i '# j. and Special Functions 7.8. Hannonic Analysis on the Group SL(2. R) and Integral Transfonns

Chapter 8: Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients. Racah Coefficients. and Special Functions 8.1. Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients of the Group SU(2) 8.2. Properties of CGC's of the Group SU(2) 8.3. CGC's. the Hypergeometric Function 3Fi . .. ;1) and Jacobi Polynomials 8.4. Racah Coefficients of SU(2) and the Hypergeometric Function .F3(' .. ;1) 8.5. Hahn and Racah Polynomials 8.6. Clebsch-Gordan and Racah Coefficients of the Group S and Orthogonal Polynomials 8.7. Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients of the Group SL(2. R)


Subject Index

Page 34: Bibliographyl978-94-017-2883-6/1.pdf · Bibliographyl 1. Ahlfors, L. V., Invariant operators and integral representations in hyperbolic space, Math. Scand., 36 (1975), 27-43. 2. Alain,

Table of Contents Volume 3

Chapter 14: Quantum Groups, q-Orthogonal Polynomials and Basic Hypergeometric Functions 14.1. 14.2. 14.3.

14.4. 14.5. 14.6. 14.7. 14.8. 14.9.

Chapter 15: 15.I. 15.2. 15.3.

Chapter 16: 16.1. 16.2.

q-Analysis and Basic Hypergeometric Functions Hopf Algebras, Their Representations and Corepresentations Representations of the Quantum Algebra U (s/~) and Its Clebsch-Gordan Coeffi-q M

cients Matrix Elements of Representations of Uq(S!2)

Racah Coefficients of the Algebra UqCS!2) . Representations of the Quantum Algebra Uq(s[2) and q-Orthogonal Polynomials q-Askey-Wilson Polynomials and Their Special Cases Analysis on the Qu~tum Group SLi2, C) and Little q-Jacobi Polynomials Representations of the Quantum Group SUi2) on Quantum Spheres and q-Or­thogonal Polynomials

Semisimple Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces Decompositions of Semisimple Lie Algebras and Groups Homogeneous Spaces with Semisimple Motion Groups Invariant Metrics, Measures, and Differential Operators

Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups and Their Matrix Elements Irreducible Finite Dimensional Representations of Lie Groups The Principal Series Representations of Classical Lie Groups and Their Matrix Elements

16.3. Hypergeometric Functions of Many Variables and Representations of the Group GL(n, R )

Chapter 17: Group Representations and Special Functions of a Matrix Argument 17.1. Elementary Functions of a Matrix Argument. Gamma-Function and Beta-Function 17.2. Zonal Spherical Functions and Characters 17.3. Zonal and Intertwining Polynomials 17.4. Hypergeometric Functions of a Matrix Argument

Chapter 18: Representations in the Gel 'fand-Tsetlin Basis and Special Functions 18.1. Infinitesimal Operators of Representations of the Groups U(n) and SO(n) 18.2. CIebsch-Gordan Coefficients for the Gel 'fand-Tsetlin Basis 18.3. Matrix Elements of Representations of the Group GL(n, C) and General Beta­


Page 35: Bibliographyl978-94-017-2883-6/1.pdf · Bibliographyl 1. Ahlfors, L. V., Invariant operators and integral representations in hyperbolic space, Math. Scand., 36 (1975), 27-43. 2. Alain,

18.4. Representations of U(n) in the Gel'fand-Tsetlin Basis and Special Functions 18.5. Matrix Elements of Representations of the Groups U(n-l, I), IU(n-l) in the

Gel'fand-Tsetlin Basis

18.6. Representations of the Groups SO(n), SOo(n-l, 1), ISO(n-l) and Special Functions with Matrix Indices

18.7. Orthogonal Polynomials of Many Discrete and Continuous Variables

Chapter 19: Modular Forms, Theta Functions and Representations of Affine Lie Algebras 19.1. Modular Forms 19.2. Theta Functions 19.3. Theta Functions and the Decomposition of Quasi-Regular Representation of the

Heisenberg Group on the Cube 19.4. Affine Lie Algebras 19.5. Representations of Affine Lie Algebras and Their Characters 19.6. Characters of Representations of the Affine Lie Algebras and Combinatorial

Identities 19.7. Characters of Representations and Theta Functions 19.8. The String Function 19.9. Reduction of Representations of an Affine Lie Algebra onto a Subalgebra and Heeke

Modular Forms


Subject Index