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acquired R&D facilities, 21-3, 25-6, 35-6,94-5, 105, 167

age of subsidiary, 58,77-8, 149, 159, 164-5, 167, 171

agglomeration, 43-4, 49, 67 Ahlburg, D. A., 170-1 Alexander, I. A., 146 applied research, 26, 28-30, 32-3,

47-50, 69,75-6, 81, 135, 165, 188-91, 194

Australia, 2, 108, 169-74, 183-4

Bartlett, C. A., 7, 10 basic research, 28-30, 32-3, 48-50,

66, 69, 72, 75-6, 81, 123, 135, 150, 165, 188-9, 191

Behrman, I. N., 4, 11-2,25-8, 30-1, 34, 36,46, 59, 68, 77, 92-6, 105

Belgium, 168-9 Bennett, I., 132 Berenbeirn, R. E., 97-104, 106-7 Berkova, Z., 159 Bones, H. P., 184 Bonin, B., 121, 128-9, 132 Bourgault, P. L., 132 Brada, I. C., 180 Brash, D. T., 2, 108, 169-71 Brasil, 177-8 Brech, M., 184 Britton, I, N. H., 184 Buckley, P. I., 159 Burstall, M., 9


Caliendo, I., 131 Canada, 2, 4, 9, 33, 108-9, 115,

122, 124-9, 131, 134-51, 178, 183-4

Caves, R. E., 40, 45-6, 51, 65, 69, 71-2, 76, 88, 137

Chen, E. K. Y., 174-5 Chenoy, K. M., 13, 185 Chung, W. K., 13 collaborative R&D, 33-4 communication and control

systems, 39, 96-7, 105 company-funded R&D, 32-3, 73 Connor, I. M., 177 Conway, H. A., 132 coordination of R&D, 30, 39, 47,

56,91-7, 105, 112, 120, 195 Cordell, A. 1.,53,83,87, 111,

131-2,178-9 corporate R&D, role of, 96-7, 105 corporate technology units, 24 cost structure ofR& D, 31-2 Creamer, D. B., 3-4, 12, 28-33,

72 Crookell, H., 131-2 customer-funded R&D, 73

Daly, D. I., 184 Davies, G., 185 D'Cruz, I., 132 development, 2,28-30,32-3,48,

75, 111-4, 135, 161, 163, 165, 188-91, 194


direct placement of R&D units, 25-6,28,94-5

Duerr, M., 9, 105 Dunning, J, H., 2, 9, 72, 87,99,

108, 151-3, 155-9, 185, 196

economies of scale in R&D, 4, 38-43,45-6, 60, 65, 67, 69, 72-6,79-83

Etemad, H., 78, 124-8, 132 Evans, P., 87, 178 exports, 45-6, 54, 60-6, 68, 74-5,

79-83, 86-7, 113, 116, 121, 130, 167, 172, 175, 183-4, 187, 189, 194

Fairchild, L. G., 177 Fernlund, I., 105 finance of R&D, 29, 32-3, 153-4,

173 Fischer, W. A., 4, 11-2,25-8,30-

1, 34, 36, 46, 59, 68, 77, 92-6,105

Forsythe, D. J. C., 162-3 France, 5,21 Frankl, R., 138

Gannicott, K., 173 Germany, 21, 30 Ghoshal, S., 7, 10 Giddy, I. H., 7 Gilmore, J. M., 184 global technology units, 23-4 Globerman, S., 138, 146, 173,

184 Graham, M. B. W., 105 Grandstrand, 0.,105

HAkanson, L., 31, 36, 71, 88, 105, 166-8

Hamill, J., 131, 184 Hanson, W. T., 105 Harrigan, K. R., 10 Haug, P., 111, 165 Hewitt, G., 37-8, 40, 50, 53-9,

66, 71-2, 77, 82-3, 88, 147-9 Hirschey, R. C., 40, 45-6, 51, 65,

69, 71-2, 76, 88


home-market MNEs, 26-8, 46, 59, 77

Hong Kong, 175 Hood, N., 111, 131, 160-5, 184 HOrnell, E., 166-7 host-market MNEs, 26-8,77,

105, 110 Howe, J. D., 146-9 Hymer, S., 6, 10

India, 21,176-7, 185 indigenous technology units, 22-4 innovation, 2, 5-7,49-50,54-5,

69, 72, 78, 81, 110, 112-4, 118, 121, 130, 135, 150, 165, 178, 188, 194

international interdependent labs, 111-7, 120-1, 133, 163-5, 190-1, 195

intra-group trade, 46, 59-66, 88, 122, 129

Ireland, 160-2

Japan, 5,24, 30, 33,170 joint ventures, R&D in, 33-4, 98

Knickerbocker, F. T., 9 Kramer, R. J., 7, 36 Kumar, N., 176, 185

Lall, S., 43,47-52, 60-1, 63, 66-9,71,76,87-8, 176, 185

licensing, 22, 52-3, 66-8, 113-4, 172-3

Lecraw, D. J., 175-6 Levitt, T., 10 Lithwick, N. H., 136-7, 184 locally integrated labs, 111-5,

117, 121, 133, 163, 165, 168, 188, 190-1, 194-5

MacCharles, D. C., 184 McFetridge, D. G., 146-9 McGuinness, N. W., 132, 146 Malecki, E. J., 10 Mansfield, E., 40, 42, 45-6, 51,

68, 71, 76, 87-8 Mendez, J. A., 180


Meredith, L., 184 Mexico, 177-8 Moses, F. A, 180 Mueller, W. F., 177

Netherlands, 3 Newbould, G. D., 159 New Zealand, 170

oligopoly and international R&D, 5

Ondrack, D. A., 131, 149-50 overseas production and R&D, 4,

20,44-8, 54, 60-1, 65, 68-9, 74-5, 78-83, 86-9, 190

Parry, T. G., 171-3 patents, 78, 124-8 Pearce, R. D., 72, 87, 196 Perron, B., 121, 128-9, 132 Philippines, 33 Porter, M. E., 7 Poynter, T. A, 131-2 process adaptation, 6, 27, 45, 51-

8,65,77,81-2,94, 111, 118, 120, 130, 159, 175

product adaptation, 6, 26-27, 44, 51-3,56,76-7,81-2, 111, 118, 120, 130, 159, 161, 163, 169, 175, 189-91, 194

product cycle, 5-8, 22, 54, 69, 82, 129, 189

Pugel, T. A, 180

Ranga Chand, U. K., 184 rationalised product subsidiary,

117, 119-22, 129, 132, 190 regional product mandate, 7, 122,

128-9, 167-8 R&D-intensity, 4, 20-1, 48-50,

58, 60, 66, 69, 75-6, 79-83, 86-9

Robinson, H. J., 177 Romeo, A, 40, 42, 45-6, 51, 68,

71,76,87-8 Ronstadt, R. C., 4, 7, 11-2, 21-6,

36,44,53-4,77,83, 131, 167, 185

royalties, 51-3, 60, 66-7 Rugman, AM., 132, 184


Safarian, A E., 2, 108, 134-7, 184

Samuels son, H. F., 166, 185 Scotland, 162-6 security of technology, 2, 124 Seguin-Dulude, L., 78, 124-8,

132 Sharp, M., 184 Shepherd, D., 35 Silberston, A, 35 size of firm and overseas R&D,

74, 78, 82-3, 86-8, 136, 147 Smith, T. G., 177 South Africa, 170 Steele, L. W., 105 Steuer, M. D., 131 Stopford, J. M., 53-4, 83, 89 Strange, R., 35 Stubenitsky, F., 3 Sweden, 166-8, 183 Switzerland, 24, 30, 33 subsidised research, 32-3, 73, 116,

123, 131, 147, 149-50, 172-3, 183

support laboratory, 111-5, 117, 119-20, 133, 163, 165, 168, 188-90, 194-5

technological dependence, 109-10, 120, 133

technology transfer units,21-4, 44

teletext, 7 Terpstra, V., 9, 36 Thomas, I., 185 Thomas, L. J., 68 truncated miniature replica

subsidiary, 117-22, 190

UK, 2, 5, 7, 108, 151-66 USA, 5, 178-82

Vahlne, J. E., 166-7 Van Den Bulcke, D., 168-9 Van Rumker, R, 105


Vernon, R., 5, 7, 54, 69, 81

wage costs in R&D, 31-2, 116, 153

Wales, 185 Watson, J. F., 171-3 Wells, L. T., 53-4, 83 Wex., S., 131-2 White, R. E., 131 Wolf, B. M., 132 world market MNE, 26-8 world product mandate, 7, 9, 59,

77, 109, 114-8, 121-32, 136, 149-50, 167, 190-1

Young, S., 111, 131, 160-5, 184

Zander, U., 36, 105