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Bibliography Archives and Documents

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Soldiers' Deputies (subtitle varies), I9I7. lzvestiia ispolnitel'nogo komiteta obshchestvennykh organizatsii g. Irkutska, Irkutsk,

I9I7. lzvestiia kronshtadtskogo soveta, Kronstadt, I 9 I 7. Izvestiia moskovskogo soveta rabochikh i soldatskikh deputatov, Moscow, I9I 7· lzvestiia revoliutsionnoi nedeli, published by the Committee of Petrograd

Journalists, 27 Feb.-5 Mar. I9I7. Letopis' revoliutsii, I vol., Berlin-Petrograd-Moscow, I923. Moskovskii metallist, Moscow, I 9 I 7. Mysl' zheleznodorozhnika, I9I7. Novaia zhizn', I9I 7· Novoe vremia, I 9 I 7. Pravda, organ of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, 5 Mar.-

5 July I9I7. Published subsequently in I9I7 as: Listok 'Pravdy', 6 July; Rabochii i Soldat, 23 July-g Aug.; Proletarii, I3 Aug.-24 Aug.; Rabochii, 25 Aug.-2 Sep.; Rabochii Put'., 3 Sep.-26 Oct.; Pravda, 27 Oct.

Proletarskaia revoliutsiia, journal of the history of the October Revolution and the Russian Communist Party, published by the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party, Moscow, I92I-36.

Rabochaia gazeta, central organ of the Russian Social Democratic Party (Menshevik), I9I 7·

Rech', organ of the Constitutional Democratic Party, I9I7. Russkaia volia, I 9 I 7. Russkiia vedomosti, Moscow, I9I7. Russkoe slovo, Moscow, I9I7. Soldatskaia pravda, I 9 I 7. Sotsial-demokrat, Moscow, 1917.

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The Times, London, I9I7. Trud, I9I7·


Vestnik putei soobshcheniia, organ of the People's Commissariat of Communi­cation, I9I8.

Vestnik vremennogo pravitel'stva, daily official newspaper of the Provisional Government, I9I7.

Vlast' naroda, Moscow, I9I7. Volia naroda, organ of the right Socialist Revolutionaries, I 9 I 7.

Selected Articles

Anisimova-Slesareva, A. G., 'Bor'ba za moskovskuiu telefonnuiu stantsiiu', in Suiazisty v bor'be za vlast' sovetov (Moscow, I964) pp. 62-5.

Augustine, W. R., 'Russia's Railwaymen, July-October I9I7', in Slavic Review (I965) pp. 666-79.

Avdeev, N., 'Bolshevistkaia rabota vo flote i armii nakanune fevral'skoi revoliutsii', in Proletarskaia revoliutsiia, no. 6 (I924).

Baburin, N. N., 'V bor'be roslo nashe revoliutsionnoe samoznanie', in Sviazisty v bor' be za vlast' sovetov.

Bilyk, P. (ed.), 'V tsarskoi armii nakanune fevral'skoi burzhuazo-demo­kraticheskoi revoliutsii', in Krasnyi arkhiv, val. 8I (I937) pp. I05-20.

Bonnin, G., 'Les bolcheviques et !'argent allemand pendant la premiere guerre mondiale', in Revue Historique (Jan.-Mar. I965) pp. IOI-26.

Chernyshev, I. I., 'Pod znamia velikogo oktiabria', in Sviazisty v bor'be za vlast' sovetov.

Dando, W. A., 'A Map of the Election to the Russian Constituent Assembly of 19I7', in Slavic Review, val. 25, no. 2 (I966) ·pp. 3I4-19.

Dewhirst, M., 'L'historiographie sovietique recente et l'histoire de la revolution', in Cahiers du Monde russe et soviitique (Oct.-Dec. 1964).

'Fevral'skaia revoliutsiia 1917 gada', in Krasnyi arkhiv, val. 21 (1927) pp. 3-78; val. 22 (1927) pp. 3-70.

'Fevral'skaia revoliutsiia v Baltiiskom flote (Iz dnevnika I. I. Rengartena)', in Krasnyi arkhiv, val. 32 (1929) pp. 99-I24.

'Fevral'skaia revoliutsiia v Petrograde', in Krasnyi arkhiv, val. 41-2 (1930) pp. 62-102.

Genikina, E., 'Pervye dni oktiabr'skoi revoliutsii 1917 g.', in Proletarskaia revoliutsiia, no. 3 (I 940).

Golubev, I. P., 'Krasnogvardeitsy-zheleznodorozhniki', in V bor'be za oktiabr' v Belorussii ina zapadnomfronte (Minsk, I957).

Grazkin, D., 'Soldatskaia gazeta', in Letopis' velikogo oktiabria, aprel'-oktiabr' 1917 (Moscow, I958).

Kadlubovsky, K. Ia., 'Sviazisty Petrograda v bor'be za vlast' sovetov', in Sviazisty v bor' be za vlast' sovetov.

Katkov, G. M., 'German Foreign Office Documents on Financial Support to the Bolsheviks in I9I 7', in International Affairs, val. 32, no. 2 (Apr. I956) pp. 18I-9.

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Khodeev, M. V., 'Po puti, ukazannomu Leninym', in Sviazisty v bor'be za vlast' sovetov. .

'Kommissia po inostrannym delam', in Byloe, vol. 6, no. I2 (I9I8). Kondratiev, A., 'Vospominaniia o podpolnoi rabote v Petrograde Peter­

burgskoi organizatsii RSDRP (b) v period I9I4-I7 gg.', in Krasnaia Letopis', vol. 7 (I923) pp. 3o-74.

Kuchkin, A., 'Krest'ianskii s'ezd', in Letopis' velikogo oktiabria (Moscow, I958).

Lasswell, H. D., 'Agitation', in The Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, vol. I (New York, I930).

--, 'Communications Research and Politics', in Douglas Waples (ed.), Print, Radio and Film in a Democrar:J (Chicago, I 942).

--, 'Propaganda', in The Enr:Jclopedia of the Social Sciences, vol. I2 (New York, I934)·

Leiberov, I. P., 'Statechnaia bor'ba petrogradskogo proletaria ta v period per­voi mirovoi voiny', in Istoriia rabochego klassa Leningrada (Moscow, I963).

'Oktiabr' na fronte', in Krasf!Yi arkhiv, vol. 23 ( I927) pp. I49-94; vol. 24 (I927) pp. 7I-I07·

Parsons, T., 'Propaganda and Social Control', in Psychiatry, vol. 5, no. 4 (I942).

Piatnitsky, 0., 'Iz moei raboty v moskovskom komitete', in the collection of articles entitled Otfevralia k oktiabriu (Moscow, I923).

Pogrebinsky, A. P., 'Sels'koe khoziaistvo i prodovol'stvennyi vopros v Rossii v gody pervoi mirovoi voiny', in Istoricheskie zapiski, vol. 3I (Moscow, I950).

Pokrovsky, M. N. (ed.), 'Ekonomicheskoe polozhenie rossii pered re­voliutsiei', in Krasnyi arkhiv, vol. IO (I925) pp. 6g-g4.

'Prodovol'stvennoe polozhenie v Moskve v marte-iiune I9I7 goda', in Krasnyi arkhiv, vol. 8I (I937) pp. I28-46.

Rapoport, S., 'Posle perevorota 25-go oktiabria I9I7 goda', in Arkhiv russkoi revoliutsii, vol. 8 (I 923).

Remezova, T. A., 'Sovety krest'ianskikh deputatov v I9 I 7 g.', in Istoricheskie zapiski (I950) pp. I5-I9.

Romanov, B. (ed.), 'Finansovoe polozhenie rossii pered oktiabr'skoi re-voliutsiei', in Krasnyi arkhiv, vol. 25 (I927) pp. 3-33·

'Russkaia armiia nakanune revoliutsii', in Byloe, no. I (I9I8) pp. I5I-7. Salzirn, E. M., 'Ot fevralia k oktabriu', in Sviazisty v bor'be za vlast' sovetov. Selitsky, V. I., 'Nekotorye voprosy bor'by petrogradskikh rabochikh za

kontrol' nad proizvodstvom v period mirnogo razvitiia revoliutsii (mart­iun' I9I7 g.)', in Istoriia rabochego klassa Leningrada (Leningrad, I963).

Sviridov, A. A., 'Proletariat Petrograda v bor'be za rabochii kontrol' v period organizatsii shturma', in Uchenye zapiski L.G.P.I. im. A. I. Gertsena, vol. 102 (Leningrad, I955).

Tarasov, A. A., 'U provoda Lenina', in Sviazisty v bor'be za vlast' sovetov. Telegin, P. N., 'Sovet piatnadsati revoliutsionnykh sviazistov Kharkova',

in Sviazisty v bor'be za vlast' sovetov. Tobolin, I. (ed.), 'Iul'skie dni v Petrograde', in Krasnyi arkhiv, vol. 23 (I927)

pp. I-63; vol. 24 (I927) pp. 3-70.

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Tseretelli, 1., 'Nakanune iiul'skogo vosstaniia', in Novyi zhurnal, vol. 50 (1957) pp. 198-219; vol. 51 (1957) pp. 12cr-46; vol. 52 (1958) pp. 162-98.

Vladimirova, V. (ed.), 'Bol'shevizatsiia fronta v prediiul'skie dni 1917 g.', in Krasnyi arkhiv, vol. 58 ( 1933) pp. 86-IOO.

Volin, M. N., 'Formirovanie klassovogo soznaniia', in Sviazisty v bor'be za vlast' sovetov.

Ziglin, R., 'Radio Broadcasting in the Soviet Union', in Annals of the Ameri­can Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 177 (1935).

Zubavnikov, N. S., 'V bor'be za vlast' sovetov', in Sviazisty v bor'be za vlast' sovetov.

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Index Agriculture, Ministry of, 100 Alekseev, General, 16, 34, 93 Alexander II, Tsar, 4 Alexandra, Empress, 173, 174 'All Power to the Soviets' slogan, 143-4,

195, 204 Allies and the Russian Revolution, The

(Warth), 155n Allilueva, A., 173n Almedingen, E. M., 175n Anarchists, 44 Anisimova-Slesareva, A. G., Son Antonov-Saratovsky, V. P., 151 n, 210n,

202, 211 n Anweiler, 0., 114n, 2ogn, 210n Aprel' skii krizis (Sidorov), 16 n, 152 n April Theses (Lenin), g6, 117, 143, 202 Aral Sea, 3 Archangel, S; Pravda in, 122 Arendt, Hannah, 1g6n, 210 arms supply, 95, 105 Army: and Order No. 1, 16; and

Kornilov affair, 21, 3 7-40, 54, 55, 63-4, 6S, 124, 159; and railway mili­tancy, 42-3; desertions from, 72, 74, g6-7, 173-4, 1SS; and October coup, 77, 7S-So, 179; food and supplies for, Sg, g2-7; shortages and decline of morale, 92-7, 109, 160-3; Bolsheviks and,g3, 139,156-7,159-64,166,172, 205; equipment crisis, 94-5; military committees,g3,97, 15S, 159;pressand propaganda among, 122, 125, 126, 12S-g, 134-5, 13S, 154-64; political commissars, 159; measures to restore morale, 15S-g; peasants and, 166, 173-4

Aronshtam (railway committee organ­iser), 25-6, 66

Astrakhan, Kh., 11 7 n Astrakhan, rail service to Nizhnii

Novgorod, 3 Avilov, N. P., People's Commissar of

Posts and Telegraph, So

Baburin, N. N., 73, S1 Bagatrion, Prince, 39 Baku, 2; telephone links, 59 n; oil in-

dustry, go; early unrest, 199 Baltic Fleet, 129, 1S2, Igg, 205 Biliakov, A. L., 47 Black Hundreds, 43, SS Black Sea, 3, I 99 Blok, Alexander, I7I, I73 Bogorodsko-Glukhovsk, 204 Boiko- Pavlov, D. I., I26n, 202n Bokhara, I 32 Bologoe rail junction, 33 Bolshevik Revolution, The (Carr), 51 n,

65n, 107n Bolsheviks: in rail depots, I o, 20, 21,

23-4, 53, 66; minority in Vikzhel, 22; growing influence among rail­waymen, 23-6, 45-30, 66; conflict with Vikzhel, 24-5, 27, 45, 51-4; and Kornilov revolt, 38-g, 55; en­couragement of rail militancy, 39-40; and rail strike, 43-4, 56; tactics in gaining control over rail­waymen, 44-50, 53; and October coup, 46-55, 68, 76-82, I37, 163-4, I77-So, 198-205; brief coalition with Social Revolutionaries, 52; attitude to railmen, 55; and posts and telegraph, 64-S, 6g, 72, 73-4, 76-82 ; and telephone, 7 5; Army supporters, 93, I39, financial policy, 106; and the press, 1 I 5-30, 133-g, 206; in Constituent Asembly, I39, I63, 164, I77, 196; and propaganda, I45, I47, 150-3, I56-7, I59-79, 172, I8o; and the Army, I56-7, I59-64, 166, I72, 205; and peasants, 164-70, 207; use of city workers as agitators, I67-g; and rumours, 170, I75; claim to inherited sovereignty and public support, I77-So, I93; and factory workers, I S3, I S4, 1S7; opposed to evacuation of Petrograd, 18S; cen-

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Bolsheviks (cont.) tralist theory of revolutionary stra­tegy, 189, 191-7; and Moscow, 197-9, 1103, 205; and the provinces, 201-14; letters from local organs, 206-7

Bol' shevistkie organizatsii Ukrainy ••• , 109n

Bonch-Bruevich, V. D., 81 n, 154n bread shortage, 86, 100 Brinton, C., 154n, 170n Britain and propaganda, 155-6 Browder, R. P., 62, 63 n, 191 n, 212 n Brown, J, A, C., 141 n Bublikov, A., Commissar in charge of

transport, 21, 34, 61 Bubnov, Andrei, 79n Buchanan, Sir George, 208 Budnikov, V. P., 117n, 118n, 119n,

I25n, I26n, I29n, I30n, I36n Buxhoevden, Baroness, I75

Carr, E. H., 51 n, 6sn, I07n, I40, ISO Caucasus, least affected by Bolshevik

propaganda, 163 Central Land Committee, 213 centralist theories, 1 89, I 9 I -7 Chamberlin, w. H., 79n Chekov, Anton, 59n Cheremisov, General, 82 Cheremkhovsky coalfields, disorders

at, 13 Chernyshev, I. I., 67 Chkeidze, N. S., 4I Chugaeva, D. A., I63n Churchill, Winston, I57 cinema and propaganda, I 53-4 coalfields, 2, 13 commissars, I47; rail, 36, 48-9; Army,

159; replacement of, 212-13 Communications, Commissar of, 53 Constituent Assembly: and railmen's

pay claims, 30; as arbiter of future Government, 51, 64, 71, Igi; elect­ions to (Nov. 1917), I39, 163, I64, I77, I89, 196, 197n, 210; peasants' ignorance of, 164-5

consumer goods, 89; price rises, 90-2 Cossacks, 50, 205 Coup tNtat bolsheviste, Le (Oldenbourg),


Dalyssk, propaganda in, 168 Dan, Theodore, ix, 133 Daniels, R. V., 77 n Danilov, S., 5 n Decomposition de l' Armle et du Pouvior,

La (Denikin), I45n Delo naroda, 42 n, 46n, 116, 132, 176 Den', 98n, ro6n, 108n

Denikin, General A. I., 158; on press and propaganda, I44-5

Derevenskaia bednota, 13 7 Deriuzhinsky, V. F., 113n Dickinson, T., 153 n Dno, 33, 39, 48, Donets Basin: coalfields, 2; rail traffic,

5, 8; lack of fuel, 8g; Bolshevik majority in, 205

Donetskii prolerarii, I 26 n Dukhonin, General, 81-2 Duma, 2 I ; Provisional Committee of,

6o, 64, I5o; and October coup, 78 Dzerzhinsky, F.E.: and control of

railways, 44; and October coup, 79 n

Economic Rehabilitation of Russia, Society for the, I s8

Egorova, A. G., 167n x68n Ehrenburg, Ilia, Io8 Eisenstein, Serge, I 54 Ekaterinburg: Bolshevik cell in rail

depot, 23; Red Guard, 40; under­ground press, I I 6; and news of revo­lution, 204

Ekaterinoslav, 67 Ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii ••. , 70 n,

92n, 94n Engelhardt, N., usn Erykalov, E., 161 n Ezhov (inspector oflmperial trains), 33

Faberge, K., 5 factory committees, 103-5 Fainsod, M., xg6n Ferro, M., 70n film industry, and propaganda, 153-4 financial policy, 105-7 Fingerit, E. M., 115n First Tears of Revolution (Ehren burg),

I08n Fischer, Fritz, 120n Five-Year Plan for railways (I 91 7), 7 food shortages, 86---8, 91-4; price rises,

87 Food Supply, State Committee on, 100 food-supply committees, IOD-2 Formirovanie klassovogo soznaniia (Volin),

68n France and propaganda, 155 Francis, D., 75,n 175n From the February Revolution to the

October Revolution (Il'in-Genevsky), 127n, 128n, Il!gn, 130n, 135n

Frunze, M., I6o fuel shortage, 8g Futrell, M., 8n, Ion, 182 n

Gar, A., 41

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Garvi, P., 137n Germany: railways, 4, 7; capture of

Riga, 12, 1S1; financial aid to Bolsheviks, 120; propaganda, 156-7

Germany and the Revolution in Russia, I915-1918 (ed. Zeman), 157n

Gimpelson, E. G. G., 211 n Goebbels, Josef, on propaganda, 143,

I4S, 151 Golder, F. A., 71 n Golas pravdy, 126 Golovine, N., Ssn, 92n, 94n, 95n Golubev, I. P., 40 Gordeenko, Ia., 1Sn Gorky, Maxim, 119, 132, 142 grain, 2; transport of, 3, S3, 93; fixed

prices, 90-1; state monopoly, 97-9 Grazkin, D., 12Sn, 129n Guchkov, A. 1., Minister of War, 34,

64, 127, IsS, 159· !60, !62 Gurko, General B., and railways, 7, 9 Gusev, T., Moscow rail commissar, 49,


Harcave, S. S., 114n Hart-Davis, R., 156n Helsingfors: telephone links, 59 n;

Bolshevik newspapers in, 125, 129-30; agitators in, 160 163, 166

History rif the National Economy rif Russia (Liashchenko), 105n

History rif the Russian Revolution, The (Trotsky), 6on, 196n, 197

Hughes telegraph system, sS, 63 Hunter, H., 6n

lgnat'ev, G. S., 49n, 19Sn Il'in-Genevsky, A. F., 64n, 75n, 163

175n; and Soldatskaia pravda, 127-S, 135; and Volna (The Wave), 129-30

'independent republics', 201 industry, 2; shortage of manufactured

goods, S9-91; price rises, 90-2; peas­ants in, 91, 167, 1S3; arms supply, 95. ws; factory committees, 103-s; unemployment, 104; unrest in, 105, 109; workers' support for press, uS-20; and propaganda, 167-9

Irkutsk, 39; late news of revolution, 202 iron and steel industry, 2 Iskra, 6g, 115 lstoriia vtoroi russkoi revoliutsii (Miliukov),

3Sn Iul'skii krizis 1917 goda (Znamensky),

75n Ivanov, General, 33 I vanovo-Voznesensk: first Soviet in,

114, 199, 204; and news of revol­ution, 203

/zvestiia, 21 n, 64n, 70n, 9Sn, non; on state control of manufactures, 110; founding of, 132-3

/zvestiia ispolnitel' no go komiteta •.• , 13 n /zvestiia kronshtadtskogo so veta, 169 n

Jacobins, 154, 170, 195 Jones, Stinton, S6n, 133 journalism, see press Journey into the Past (Maisky), xii n July Days, 26, 6S, 75, 121, 135, 171,

!S2, 203, 204, 214 Junker regiment, 77, 7S, 79, So

Kadet party, 54, 64; and press, 122, 123, 124, 131; and Kornilov re­volt, 124-5; support from localities, 190

Kadlubovsky, K. Ya., 67n; and first Bolshevik cell in post office, 66, 77; and October coup, 77, 7S, S1

Kaganovich, L., 160 Kaimin', Ia., S6n, 1S5n Kak bol' sheviki zakhvatili vlast' (Mel'

gunov), 47n, 4Sn, 54n Kamchatka peninsula, 202 Kamenev, L. B., 117n; and railways,

51-2; and Pravda, 124 Kapital, Das (Marx), 113 Katkov, G., 97n, 133 Katz, D., 141 n Kazan', 50, 174; rail strike committee,

43; Bolshevik post cell in, 67 Keep,J. L., 69n, 79n, 176n Keksgol'msky regiment, 77, 7S Kennan, G. F., 12n Kerensky, Alexander, x, 61, 107, 10S,

127, 15S, 175, 191, 202; and Korn­ilov revolt, 36-S, 63-4, 124, 159; and rail strike, 41-2, 53; and Bolshevik October coup, 47-8, 50, 52, 53, 76, 7S-g, S1-2, 94, 14S; and use of tele­graph, 62-4, 78-9; his Order No. S on soldiers' rights, 134, 162; and oratory, 149-50; and Army morale, 15S-9, 16o-I; proposed evacuation of Petrograd, 1S7-S; and 'independ­ent republics', 201 ; on Soviets, 2oS, 211

Kharkov: Bolshevik cell in rail depot, 23; telephone link with Moscow, 59; worker-controlled communications, 71-2, So; underground press, 115; Bolshevik newspapers in, 125

Kherson: and transport, 4; governor's distortion of news, 200; swing to left in, 201

Khodeev, M. V., Son Kiev: Bolshevik cell in rail depot, 23;

first governmental telephone net-

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work, 59; and telephone network, 63; underground press, 1 16

Knox, Brigadier-General Sir Alfred, 85 n, 93, 112

Konspekt lektsii o narodnom i gosudar­stvennom khoziastve (Witte), 11 n

Kornilov, General L. G.: rebellion, 9, 21, 37-40, 54· 55. 6g-4, 68, 124, 159; and restoration of Army morale, 158-1 59, Krasnoiarsk, 1 52 ; Bolshevik cell in rail depot, 23; and rail strike, 43; and news of revolution, 204

Krasnyi Arkhiv, 4n, 16n, 147n, 157n, 16on, 162n

Krest' ianskii s" ezd (Kuchkin), 207 n Kronstadt, 75, 122; Bolshevik news­

papers in, 125; agitators in, 16o; sailors' control of Soviet, 1 82; 'independent republic', 209

Kronshtadskaia pravda (Golos pravdy), 126 Krupskaia, N. K., 67, 115n Krylenko, N. V., Commissar for War,

82 Kubetsk, propaganda in, 168 Kuchkin, A., 207 n Kursk: Bolsheviks in rail depot, 24,

and in post office, 67

Lang, D. M., 96n Lasswell, H. D., 156n, 157n Laue, T. H. von, 112n, 167n Lebedev, N. A., 153n Lefebvre, G., 173 Leiberov, I. P., 87 n, 18gn, 184n, 187 n Lenin, V. I., and rail workers, 43-4,

45· 50-g, 55; and anarchism, 44; Vikzhel opposition, 50-3; and over­throw of Kerensky, 5§, 76, 79, So; and post and telegraph, 57, 58n, 65, 69, 71, 73-5, 76, Bo, I Ion; Siberian exile, 58 n; 'defeatist' attitude to war, 96, 106, 202; his April Theses, 96, 1 1 7, 202; handing over of land to peasants, 97; on capitalist sabo­tage of production, 108; on state control, 1 1 o; and the press, 1 1 1, 1 15, I 16-18, I 19, 121, 123-5, 131-2, 138, 144; interest in Pravda, 116-18, 121, 123, 124, 126; use of propaganda, 138, 142-4, 145, 147, 153, 154, 165, 166, 190; and rumours, 173, 175; links with Germany, 175; restrains earlier attempt at uprising, 177, 184; urges defence of Petrograd, 188; centralist theory, 192-6; on role of Petrograd, 193--6, 205; rejects 'All Power to the Soviets' slogan, 204

Lenin v oktiabre-vospominaniia (Ulian­ova), 118n

Letters from Afar (Lenin), 11 7 n, 1 24

Levitas, I., wn, 115n Liashchenko, P. I., 105, 166 n, 183 n Liberty Loan, 106 Liddell, R. S., 74n Lincoln, Abraham, 145 Listok pravdy' (Pravda), I36 literacy, I II-I2, I8g Liubovich, A.M., 77, 8I Lomonosov, Iu. V., 34n Lomov, A., 79n, I84n, I85n Lozinsky, Z., 87 n Lukomsky, A., 95 n L'vov, V. N., 63; on railway com­

mission, 44

Maisky, Ivan, xii Malitsky, A. L., Chairman of Vikzhel,

4I, 46 Malyshev, S. V., I38-9 manufactured goods: shortage, 8g--9I;

price rises, 9 I Marx, Karl, I I3 Maslov, S. L., 78 Maynard, Sir John, I02 Mel'gunov, S. P., 47n, 54, 77n, 78n,

79n, 109n, I6on, I74n, I82n, I88, 200n

Meller, V. L., 18gn Memoirs qf the Russian Revolution

(Lukomsky), 95n Memories and Impressions of War and

Revolution in Russia I9I4-I9I7 (Gurko), 7 n

Memories of Lenin (Krupskaia), 115 n Mensheviks: in Vikzhel, 20, 22, 26, 51;

post and telegraph, 66, 7 1, 73; press, 116, 122, 126, 131

Mezhraionstsy, among railmen, 22, 23

Michelson, A. M., 59n, 7on, Io6n, I07n

Mikhailov, I., 32 n Military Revolutionary Committee,

47, 48-9, 55. 78, 81, 137. 197. I99 Miliukov, P. N., g8n, I33-4; Foreign

Minister, 96n; and Kornilov revolt, 124

Miliutin, V. P., 1 14 n Miller (Moscow post office director),

71 Minsk, 4I; railmen in Red Guard

brigades, 40; Pravda in, 1 22 Mitel'man, M., 104n Mogilev: military headquarters at, 9,

33, 34, g8, 47, 79, 2oo; news of revo­lution, 200

Morse telegragh, 58, 81 Moscow, 2, 12, 119; as rail hub, 4, 15,

20, 24, 50; Bolshevik cells in rail de­pots, 10, 23-4, 26, 40, 49, 53; spread

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INDEX 233 Moscow (cont.)

of revolution, 15, 197-214; railway organisations, 19-20, 24-7; rail strikes, 30, 41, 47; October revo­lutionary action on railways, 49-50, 51, 52, 53; Tsarist telephone system, 59; post and telegraph in October coup, 71, 79-80; food shortage, 100; printers' Soviet, 114; press in, 115-16, 122, 125; differences from Petrograd, 198; andjulyDays,203-4; Moscow Soviet, 16; railway Soviet in, 24-5, 28, 66; and railmen's po­litical action, 35; Bolshevik majority in, 205

Moscow-Brest line, 20 Moscow-Kazan' line: unrest on, 30,

35, 43; Red Guard, so Moscow-Kursk line, 36, 49; Red

Guard, 40 Moskalev, M.A., 115n Moskovskii metallist, 168 n Murmansk, 8 Murom, 43 My Mission to Russia and Other Diplo­

matic Memories (Buchanan), 208n My Russian Memoirs (Pares), 14n, 123 n,

I46n, I73n Mysl' zheleznodorozhnika, 32 n

Na proletarskikh stupeniakh (Malyshev), I39n

Naglovsky, -, 46n Narchuk, V. 1., I28 Navy, 75; press and propaganda

among, I22, I29-30; Bolsheviks in, I29, 163, 182, 205; and July Days, 182

Nekrasov, N, V .. Minister of Ways and Communications, I9, 23, 25, 30, 32, 36,37,38

Nevel'sk, propaganda in, r68 Nevsky, V., I I4n, I27 newspapers, see press Nicholas II, I74; October Manifesto,

I o; and railwaymen's political action, 33-4; abdication, 34, 37

Nikitin, A. M., Minister of Post and Telegraph, 42, 62

Nikolaev railway, 5, 35, 39, 43 Nikolaevsk, 200 Nizhnii Novgorod, 8o; passenger ser­

vice to Astrakhan, 3; telephone links, 59 n; food shortage, 93; transport problem, 165; and news of revolution 204; close links between soldiers and peasantry, 205

Nogin, V. P., 198 Nolde, Baron B. E., 85 n non-centralist theories, I 89, I 93-5

Northern Underground, The (Futrell), 8n, I82 n

Novaia zhizn', 28 n, I32 Novgorotsev, P. J., 146n Novoe vremia, I I 4 Novyi Lessner factory, Petrograd, I 79

October Manifesto (I905), 10, 20 'O~tober in the Provinces' (Keep), I76n Octobrists, I31 Odessa, I22 Okhrana (secret police), 66; and rail­

way control, 9 Okopnaia pravda (Trench Pravda), I 28-9,

I36 Oktiabr' I9I7 goda v Moskve (Ignat'ev),

49n, I98n Oktiabr' skoe vooruzhennoe vosstanie v

Petro grade ( Sidorov), 4 7 n, 53 n, I47n

Ol'minsky, M., I25 Omsk, 72, 8I On Revolution (Arendt), 196n On the Russian Front (Liddell), 74n On Slogans (Lenin), 144n oratory in propaganda, I48-5I, I65 Origins rif Bolshevism, The (Dan), ixn Orlia, I30 Orlov, 21 I Owen, L., 7on, 88n

Pankratov, A. M., I83 n paper currency, 107 Pares, Sir Benard, 14n I23, I46; on

slogans, 152-3; and rumours, 172, 175; on strikes, 185-6 Paustovsky, Konstantin, 14n, 6on, 95n, 172n; on provincial reactions, 1 o, 200

Peasant Deputies, Second Congress of, 52 peasants: interference with railway

wood supply, 12-13, 16; increased demand for food and manufactured goods, 85-6; holding back of sup­plies, 87 ; harassing of land owners, 88; in industry, 91, 167, 183; in Army, 97, r66; opposition to grain monopoly, 98-9; profiteering, 107, and propaganda, 143, I64-70; ignor­ance and apathy, 164-5; and Social­ist Revolutionaries, 164, 166, 189, 209; links with soldiers, I 66, 205; and news of revolution, 200-1; party workers, 207; Soviets, 207, 209

People's Commissars, Council of, 52, 53, 82

Peredol'sky station, 47 Personal Example, League of, I 46 Peshekhonov, A. V., Minister of Food,

31 n; and grain monopoly, 98

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Peter-Paul fortress, I50 Petrograd, 3, I2, 29, 85; spread of revo­

lution from, I5-16, 67, 197-214; Bolshevik cells in rail depots, 23; rail strikes, 30, 41, 46; railmen's political action, 33-4; July Days in, 37, 68, 75, 121, 126, 162, 171, 182, 203; Kornilov rebellion, 37-g, 63, 68, 205; railmen in October coup, 47-9, 51, 55; isolation of, 48, 49, 51, 55, 87, 181-2; post and telegraph, 6o, 61, 62, 64-8; telecommunications in October coup, 76-g, 8o-81; food crisis, 86-7, 1 oo, 181, 187; proposed evacuation, 108, 187-8; minority groups in, 109; press in, 1 I5, I 16-25, 127-9, 135-7; storming of Peter-Paul fortress, 150; propaganda, 151-3, 155, 157, 159-61; and rumours, 170-4; and the provinces, 176-214; as centre of revolution, 1 76-Bo, 1 8g, 192-7; distinctive qualities, 18o-8; geographical position, I8I; vulner­ability in war, 181-2; industrial population, I83-4; revolutionary activity, 185-8; centralist theories, 189-97; liaison with provincial organs, 206-14. See also St Petersburg

Petrograd Soviet, 21, 27, 32, 61, 62, 185; its Order No. I, I6, 93, I6I; and railmen's political action, 33-4, 37-g; as second arm of Dual Govern­ment, 64, 177-8; use of telephone, 75; and coal shortage, go; 'defeatists' in, 97; opposition to evacuation, Io8, 188; and Izvestiia, 132-3; Order No. 8, 162; Bolshevik majority in, 177, 195; vacillation, 194; structure and power of, 208-g

petroleum, 2, go Petropovlovsky, E. S., 153 n Piatnitsky, 0., 203 n Piatnitsky (railway committee organ­

iser), 25-6, 50, 66 Pis' ma trudiashchikhsia k Leninu, 73 n,

75n Planson, V., 41 Plekhanov, G. V., 143, 144, 195 Pod stiagom proletarskoi bor' by (Antonov-

Saratovsky), I5I n, 201 n Podvoisky, N. I., I27 Pogrebinsky, A. P., 87n Pokrovsky, M. N., 92 n, 133 n Polnoe sobranie zakonov, sobranie vtoroe, 4 n Polovtsov,GeneralP.A.,6I, 138, 15on,

151 n, I58n Popov, A. S., 59n Posledniie novosti, 1 58 n Posle perevorota 25-go oktiabria 1917 g,

(Rapoport), 54n, I97n

Post and Telegraph Journal, 61 Post and Telegraph Tribune, 66 Post and Telegraph Workers, All­

Russian Congress (May 1917), 70 post and telegraph service: in late

Tsarist period, 57-6o; telephone, 59, 75, 78-g; Provisional Government and, 6o-64; establishment of new Ministry of Posts and Telegraph, 6 I; in Kornilov rebellion, 63; Bolsheviks and, 64-8, 6g, 72, 73-4, 76-82; work­ing conditions, 6g-7o; wages, 70; revenue, 70; Soviet of Workers, 71; political content of mail, 73-5; in October coup, 76-82; and spread of propaganda, 1 44

posters in propaganda, 153 Posts and Telegraph, Ministry of, 61-2,

65, 70, 8o Potemkin mutiny, Igg Pravda, I 28, I 59; early years, 1 1 5-1 6;

Lenin's interest in, I 16-18, I2I 124, 126; distribution and finance, II 8-20; circulation, 120-3; layout and style, 123; policy, 123-4; sabotage of, 134. 135-6

press: up to I917, III-I6; Tsarist censorship, I 12-13, I7I; Bolshevik, II5-30, 133-g, 206; Lenin's ideal of, II5, II6, 121; freedom of, II6; and the Army, I22, 125, 126, 128-g, 134-5, I38; style of, 123 127, 133; key role of, 123-5; non-Bolshevik, 130-3; inter-party rivalry, 133-9; military censorship, 135; persecution of, 135-7; and propaganda, 1 38-9

price increases, 87, go-g2, 183 printers, I 14; under Soviet control,

133-4 Private Railways, Council of, 36-7 Privolzhskaia pravda, I26 Prqfsoiuzy Rossii v pervye gody revo-

liutsii (Garvi), 137 n Proletarii, 125, 136 Proletarskaia mysl', 109 n Proletarskaia revoliutsiia, II 7 n, 150 n propaganda: Lenin's use of, 128, 142-4,

145, 147, I53, 154, 165, 166, 1go; defined, 141-2; essentials of, 142-4; Goebbels and, 143, 148, 151; Tsarist, 144; Bolsheviks and, 145, 147, 150-3, 156-7, 159-70, 172, I78, 18o; Provisional Government and, 146-8, 150, 157-g, 16o; instruments of, 148-54; and the Army, I54-64; Allied, 1 55-6, I6o; German, 156-7; and commissars and Army com­mittees, 1 58-g; sailors and, 163; and peasants, 164-70; and rumours, 170-5

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INDEX 235 Propaganda in International Politics (Carr),

140 Propaganda and Special Expeditions,

Special Fund for, 120 Protocol of the All-Russian Conference of

Social Workers (Aug. 1917), 35n, 37n Protokoly tsentral' no go komiteta RSDRP

(b), 43n Provisional Government: and rail

chaos, II-12, 14, 15; on spread of revolution by railways, 16; as right wing of Dual Government, 21; and Vikzhel, 22-3; attempt to suppress left wing (July Days), 26, 68, 75, 205; and railmen's economic de­mands, 27-33, 41-6; and appoint­ment of rail Commissars, 36; and Kornilov revolt, 37-8, 63; October coup against, 46-55, 68, 76-82, 137, 160, 163-4, 177-80, 198-205; and post and telegraph, 60-4, 68, 76-82; and telephone, 7 5; and river traffic, 84; and supply shortage, 89, 9o-92, 96-110; attempts to fix prices, 90-1 ; grain monopoly, 97-9; food-ration­ing, 100; food-supply committees, 100-2; fiscal measures, 105-7; pro­posal to evacuate Petrograd, 108, 187-8; freedom of press, Il6, n8, 134; ban on delivery of Bolshevik newspapers to front, I25, I26, I34, I35-6; press support for, I3I-9; and propaganda, I46-8, ISO, I57-9; and rumours I47, 175; law to keep deserters off railways, I 74; removal of dangerous elements in Petrograd, 187-8; andthe provinces, I go-I, 207,

209, 2I 1- I4; disappearance oflocal administration, 2I I-I3

Prozorovsky, Prince, I I 3 n Pskov, 33, 34, 4I; garrison's resistance

to railways, 42; and news of revolu­tion, 200

Public Safety, Committee of, 49 Pushkareva, L., I 7 n Putilov, A., I58 Putilov factory, Petrograd, 39, 48, 69,

95, 104, I I9, I27, I69, I85

Rabochaia Gazeta, I I6, I32 Rabochii (Pravda), I36 Rabochii i soldat (Pravda), I 36 Rabochii klass i rabochee dvizhenie v

Rossii v rgr7 g., 17 n, 22 n, 43 n Rabochiiput', 105n, I2I, I22, I23, I36,

I37, I48 n Rachis (Zoshchenko), 66n radio, 59 Radkey, 0., I66n I75n, I89, I90n

Railway Union, All-Russian, 23, 3I, 48; demands of, 36

Railway Workers, All-Russian Union of, and I905 strike, I9-20

Railway Workers and Workshop Men, Union of: Bolsheviks' dominating influence, 23-6, 27; conflict with Vikzhel, 24-5, 27, 53

Railwaymen, All-Russian Congress: (April I9I7), I8, 22, 30; (July­Aug. I9I7), 22, 23, 3I; (Jan.-Feb. I9I8), 52

railways: building of, 4-5, 6-7, I I ; traffic, 5, 6, 7-8; speeds, 5; inade­quacy in wartime, 7-II, 28, 83; division of administrative responsi­bility, 9; unrest among workers, IO, 27-33; strikes, 10, I2, I9-20, 30, 35, 40-4, 46, 48, s6; breakdown of system, ll-I6, 83; as channel of revolution, IS-I6; la,bour force, I7-I9, 65; social composition, I7-I8; wages, I8-I9; 27, 30; pay claims, I9, 27-33, 40-4, 46; organisations, I9-27; growing Bolshevik influence, 23-6, 39-40, 43-50, 54, 66; working conditions, 32-3; political action, 33-56; and Tsar's abdication, 33-4; Commissars, 36, 48-9; and crushing of Kornilov revolt, 37--9, 55; mili­tancy, 39-40; and October coup, 46-50, 55; workers in Red Guard, 50; use of control over communica­tions to oppose Lenin, 5I-4; new organisation, 52; as postal services, 58; and supply breakdown, 83; and spread of propaganda, I 41, 144

RaionTI)Ie sovery Petrograda v I9I7 g., 29n

Rapoport, S. A., 54n, 197n Rasputin, G. I73, I74 Razlozhenie armii v rgr7 goda ( ed.

Pokrovsky and Y akovlev), 92 n, 93 n Rech', 38n, I23, I24, I32 Red Archives, The (ed. Vulliamy), I3n,

I02n Red Guard, 40, 43, 49, so, 77, 8I, Io5,

179, I85 Reed, ] ohn, 50 n Remezova, T. A., 209n Reval: telephone links, 59 n; under­

ground press, I I 5; Bolshevik news­papers in, I25, I3o; agitators in, I6o

'Revival of Pravda in I9I7, The' (Frank and Kirkham), I I6n

Riazan': telephone links, 59 n; sup­pression of Bolshevik literature, I 34

Riga: fall of, I 2, 86, I 8 I ; Bolshevik post cell in, 67; Bolshevik newspapers in, I25, I28, I3o; evacuation, I8I, 184

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river transport, 2, 3, 4, 83-4, 93 road transport, 3, 4, 84 Robins, Colonel 'I 56 Rodzianko, President of Duma, 33-4,

200 Ross, H. M., 6n Rudnev (Moscow post Soviet organ­

iser), 71 rumours, 1 70-5 Russkiia vedomosti, 8g n, go n, 1 03 n,

112n, 135n, 171 n Russkaia volia, 1 3 7 Russkoe slovo, 203 n Rybinsk rail line, 35 Rykshinsk, 168

St Petersburg (later Petrograd, q.v.), 2, 145; Nikolaev railway to Moscow, 5; telephone system, 59; illiteracy in, 112; printers, 114; 1905 revolution, 114, 199

Salzirn, E. M., 66, 67n, 68n, 77n Samara, 39; Bolshevik post cell in, 67;

Bolshevik newspaper in, 126; rivalry with Saratov Bolsheviks, 201 Sara­tov, 166; railway union, 20; Bolshe­vik cell in rail depot, 23; rivalry with Samara Bolsheviks, 201

Savinkov (Assistant Minister of War), 37

Sazonov, I., 117n Sbornik tsirkuliarov •.. , 2 1 3 n Schapiro, L., 51 n, 197n sea routes, 3 Selitsky, V. I., 95n Sel' skii vestnik, 1 17 Selsko-khoziaistvennye rabochie voina

(Miliutin), 1 14n Sestrovetsky Armaments Works, 1 o 5 n Shingarev, A. I., Minister of Finance,

103 Shliapnikov, A. G., on railway com-

mission, 44-5, 52 n Shubin, I. A., 84n Shulgin, V., 75n Siberia: coalfields, 2; railway, 4-5, 8 ·

postal system, 58n; late news of revolution, 202

Sidorchuk, E. P., 126n, 202n Sketch of the History if Russian Censorship

... (Engelhardt), 113 n slogans in propaganda, 144, 151-3, 195 Slow Approach if Thunder (Paustovsky),

IOn, 6on, 95n Smolensk, 146; reactionary parish com­

mittee, 164; rarityofBolsheviks in, 1 g6 Smolny, 79n Sobranie uzakonenii i rasporiazhenii pravitel'

stva, g8n, 107n, 134n

Sochineniia (Lenin), 6gn, 76n, 117n, 118n, 166n

Social Democrats and the St Petersburg Labour Movement I88s-I896, The (Pipes), 145n

Socialist-Populists, 22 Socialist Revolutionaries (S.R.s): on

railways, 20, 22, 23-4, 25, 26, 40, 42, 51; brief coalition with Bolsheviks, 52; post and telegraph, 66, 71, 73, 8o; press, 116, 122, 128-g, 131; slogan of, 151; in Constituent Assembly, 163, 164, 177, 178-g, 189; support of peasants, 164, 166, 189, 209; non­centralist policy, 1 8g; decline in localities, 1 8g-go

Soldatskaia pravda, 1 1 7, 1 26-8, I 35, I 59 Solov'ev, D. E., 48 Sotsial-demokrat, 1 Ign, 122, 125 Sovety v periode voennogo kommunizma

(Antonov-Saratovsky), 211 n Soviet and Front Line Organisations,

All-Russian Congress (June 1917), 160-1

Soviets, passim; Second Congress of (Oct. 1917), 3, 27, 51, 65, 88, 178, 186; Workers' and Soldiers', 15, 201, 209; railmen and, 26-7; post and tele­graph workers, 71 ; first one in Ivanovo-Voznesensk, 114, 199, 204; Lenin's support for, 143, 193, 195-6; and majority principle, 1 g6; struc­ture of, 208-10; Bolshevik minority in, 208; collapse of, 210-11

Spiridovich, A. I., 33 n Stalin, Josef, 82, 117n; and control of

railways, 44, 45; and Pravda, 124 Stalin, partiia o kino, 154 n Stanislavsky, Konstantin, 153 Stankevich, V. B., 133 State and Revolution (Lenin), 44, II on Steklov, Yu, M., 133 Stepanov, Z. V., 39n, 105n Stevedores, Union of, 84 Stevens Commission, 12 Stockholm, Pravda in, 123 Stolypin, P. A., 6 strikes, 184; rail, 10, 12, 19-20, 30, 35,

40-4, 46, 48, 56, 8g; general (1905), 10, 17, 20, 30; postal, 6g

Struggle against Counter-Revolution, Committee for, 38

Strumilin, s., 5n, I7n, I8n Sukhanov, N. N., 34, 75, 79 n, 132, 133,

134, 143n, 150, 171n, 179n, 186 supplies: effect of inadequate i.ransport,

83-5, 93; increased demand, 85-6, 92-7; food shortages, 86-8, 9 I -4; shortage of manufactured goods, 89-91; 'scissors' problem of price

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INDEX 237 rises, go-2; collapse of war effort, 92-7; military equipment, 93, 94-6; ineffective measures, 97-105; state grain monopoly, 97-g; bread-ration­ing, 100; food-supply committees, 100-2; zemstvo system, 102 ; factory committees, 1 03-5; fiscal measures, 105-7; economic and social collapse, 107-10

Sviridov, A. A., 104n

Taniaev, A., II n, 18n, 1gn, 22n, 27n, 32n, 35n, 36n, 39n

Tarasov, A. A., 72n, 81 n Tashkent: rail workshops, 31; shortage

of supplies, 204 Tasks of the Proletariat in Our Revolution

(Lenin), 194 Tasks of Russian Social-Democrats, The

(Lenin), 193 n taxation, 106 Telegin, P. N., 72 n telegraph, telephone, see post and tele­

graph service Tereshchehko, M. 1., Minister of

Foreign Affairs, 42 theatre and propaganda, 153 Thompson, Colonel W. B., 157 Tiflis: telephone links, 59 n; confisca­

tion of Pravda, I 34 Tomsk, 12, 13; and rail strike, 43;

Bolshevik post cell in, 67 Trans-Siberian Railway, 4-5, 8, 152,

199; bottleneck at Tomsk, 12, 13; strikes on, 30, 43

Trekhalevsk, 168 Trotsky, Lev. 52, 6o, 145n, 171n, 187;

and control of railways, 44, 47, 51, and October coup, 147, 178-g, 188; his oratory, 150-1; and leading role ofPetrograd, 177, 192, 196, 197, 198; and centralist policy, 196; on rela­tions between party and Soviet, 208

Trud ,I 17 Tsaritsyn, 'independent republic' in,

201 Tseretelli, I. G., Minister of Posts and

Telegraph, 61-2, 67 Tver as telecommunications centre, 68

U telifona (Chekov), 59n Ukraine: iron and steel industry, 2;

telegraph network, 63; Bolshevik majority in, 205

Ulianova, M. I., 117 unemployment, 104 Urals, Bolshevik majority in, 205

V. bor' be roslo nashe revoliutsionnoe samoz­nanie (Baburin), 73 n

Vannikov (Omsk head of telegraph), 72 Vasiliev, N., 19n, 28n Vassiliev, A. T., gn, 105n Velikaia voina i ferval' skaia revoliutsiia

(Spiridovich), 33 n Vestnik vremennogo pravitel' stva, 103 n,

134n, 159n, 162n Viatsk, 4 Vikzhedor (Bolshevik-controlled rail

executive body), 52, 53-4 Vikzhel (All-Russian Executive Com­

mittee of Railway Workers), 152; formation of, 22; conflict with Bolsheviks, 24-5, 27, 45, 51-4; and economic demands, 28, 30, 31, 46; and Kornilov revolt, 38-9; and rail strike, 40-42, 46; recognised by Provisional Government, 46; opposi­tion to Lenin and call for coalition, 51-2; replaced by Vikzhedor, 52; weaknesses of, 53; accused of treachery, 54

Vilno, railway union, 20 Vitebsk: Pravda in, 122; propaganda in,

168-9 Vladivostok, 1 2; and Trans-Siberian

Railway, 4, 8; Bolshevik newspaper in, 126; late news of revolution, 202

Volga river, 2; transport on, 3, 83, 84, 93

V olgograd, 20 1 Volin, M. N., 67-8 Voroshilov, K., 160 Vospominaniia, 1914-1919 (Stankevich),

133n Vospominaniia o fevral' skoi revoliutsii

(Tseretelli), 62 n Voznesensky, A. N., 203n Vulliamy, C. E., 13n, 16n, 102n, q6n

164n, 190n, 20on, 201n, 212n Vyborg, 125

Walpole, Hugh, on British propaganda, 155-6

Warsaw: railway union, 20; evacuation 96

Ways and Communications, Ministry of, 7, 9, 19, 23, 32, 35, 37, 39

What is to be Done? (Lenin), 144n, 192 Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 171, 175 Witte, Count, 1 1 Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, Soviet

of, 15; Kherson, 201; alignments within, 209; All-Russian Conference (Mar. 1917), 210

Yakovlev, Ya. A., 92 n, 133 n Yakutsk, 126 Yaroslavl', 32 Yenisei river, 2

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Yurenev, P, P., Minister of Ways and Communications, 37, 3B

Zagorsky, S. 0., 7 n, 11 n Zakavkazskaia railway, 43 Zapiski o revoliutsii (Sukhanov), 179n Zaslavsky, B., 117n, 119n, 122n Zeman, Z. A. B., 157n, 15Bn zemliachestva, 167-9 zemstvo system, 102, 146 Zheleznodorozhniki i revoliutsiia, 23 n, 24 n

25n, 26n, 49n, son, 54n -?,heleznodorozhniki v russkoi revoliutsii

rgrJ-20 gg. (Naglovsky), 46n Zhmotova, T. P., 71 n, Bon Zimin (railway committee organiser),

25,49 Zinoviev, G. Y., and railways, 51-2 Znamensky, 0. N., 75n, 152n, 204n,

205ll Zoshchenko, M., 65 n Zubavnikov, N. S., Bon