BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CATALOGUES OF STAR POSITIONS B.M.Sevarlic, G.Teleki and G.Szadeczky-Kardoss Tht: pn:sent Bibliograph.\ contains list of 2087 catalogut:s and lists of star positions from tht: earliest times up to our days. Tht: goal wt:.sd bdore us was to indudc, if not all, then at least the morl' significant works of the kind. From thl' bibliographical and supplemental data it is possible to form - in most instances - an idea of the character of each st:parate catalogue or star list. Unfortunately, our informations arc not complde - dt:tails on somt: of the works art: missing- a rt:sult of our not being ablt: to directly study all catalogut:s and lists, being thus forced to conknt oursl'lves by the "second hand" information. In this wc had to on thl' following publications: - Astronomischer lahresbt:richt, - Rdl'rativni Zhurnal, - and Abstracts, - E.13.Knobl'l .. The Chronology of Star Catalogues", Mem. Royal Astronomi- cal London, 43. . f.Ristenpart . .skrncataloge und -Karten", in: der Astronomic, herausg.W.Valentiner, Dritter Hand, Zweite Abtcilung, Hreslau, 190 I, p.455. - A.Auwl'rs ,.Abgekiirtzte Bezeichungen fUr Sterncataloge", Astr.Nachr., 174,Nr4176,1907,p.369. - A.Kopff .. Abgekiirzte Bezeichung fUr Sterncataloge", Astr. Nachr., 248, Nr 5947,1933, p.333. - Geschichte des Fixsternhimmels, enthaltend die Sternorter der Kataloge des 18. und 19. !ahrhunderts, Abt.J und 2., Karsruht:, 1922-1936, Herlin, 1937 c 1966. - R.Schorr, W.Kruse, Index der Sternorterl900-1925 (Index I) Ikrgedorf, 1928, - A.Kahrstl'dt, Index der Sternorter 1925-1960 (Index Ill. Berlin, 1961-1966. - K.Heint:mann "Verzeichnis von Stl'rnkatalogen VerOff. des Astr.Rechen-lnstitut, Heidl'lberg, Nr 16, 1964. - W.Gliese "Preliminary List of Star Catalogues 1963-.1977" Manuscript. The catalogues arc arranged by equino.\es of star positions in them (when more than onc equinox is appearing in the catalogue, the last onc was applied). Where, by contrast, several catalogues arc given for the same equinox, thcir sequcnce was made to conform to their alphabetic abbreviated designations. The designations were . 69


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    B.M.Sevarlic, G.Teleki and G.Szadeczky-Kardoss

    Tht: pn:sent Bibliograph.\ contains th~' list of 2087 catalogut:s and lists of star positions from tht: earliest times up to our days. Tht: goal wt:.sd bdore us was to indudc, if not all, then at least the morl' significant works of the kind. From thl' bibliographical and supplemental data it is possible to form - in most instances - an idea of the character of each st:parate catalogue or star list. Unfortunately, our informations arc not complde - dt:tails on somt: of the works art: missing- a rt:sult of our not being ablt: to directly study all catalogut:s and lists, being thus forced to conknt oursl'lves by the "second hand" information. In this wc had to rel~ on thl' following publications:

    - Astronomischer lahresbt:richt, - Rdl'rativni Zhurnal, - Astronom~ and Astroph~'sics Abstracts, - E.13.Knobl'l .. The Chronology of Star Catalogues", Mem. Royal Astronomi-

    cal Socid~, London, 43. . f.Ristenpart . .skrncataloge und -Karten", in: Handw~rterbuch der

    Astronomic, herausg.W.Valentiner, Dritter Hand, Zweite Abtcilung, Hreslau, 190 I, p.455.

    - A.Auwl'rs ,.Abgekiirtzte Bezeichungen fUr Sterncataloge", Astr.Nachr., 174,Nr4176,1907,p.369.

    - A.Kopff .. Abgekiirzte Bezeichung fUr Sterncataloge", Astr. Nachr., 248, Nr 5947,1933, p.333.

    - Geschichte des Fixsternhimmels, enthaltend die Sternorter der Kataloge des 18. und 19. !ahrhunderts, Abt.J und 2., Karsruht:, 1922-1936, Herlin, 1937 c 1966.

    - R.Schorr, W.Kruse, Index der Sternorterl900-1925 (Index I) Ikrgedorf, 1928,

    - A.Kahrstl'dt, Index der Sternorter 1925-1960 (Index Ill. Berlin, 1961-1966. - K.Heint:mann "Verzeichnis von Stl'rnkatalogen 1900-196~", VerOff. des

    Astr.Rechen-lnstitut, Heidl'lberg, Nr 16, 1964. - W.Gliese "Preliminary List of Star Catalogues 1963-.1977" Manuscript.

    The catalogues arc arranged by equino.\es of star positions in them (when more than onc equinox is appearing in the catalogue, the last onc was applied). Where, by contrast, several catalogues arc given for the same equinox, thcir sequcnce was made to conform to their alphabetic abbreviated designations. The designations were

    . 69

  • given either according to thl' observatory where the catalogue was originating trom (see Table 1), or according to the publication where it appeared (see Table 2), after its author, or else some current familiar title of it was used. In view of thl' iumble in catalogue designations we met, the idea is suggesting itsdf to adopt, by an intcranati-onal agreement, an uniform s~ stem of designations.

    In catalogues, where corrections to the star positions are given, in most of cases no indication is given as to what equinox they are related - most probably they were given for the epoeh of observation. That is the reason of our applying catalogue equinoxes relative to which comparison is made, indicating this by asterics.

    In such cases where data on equinox are questionable, the likely equino.\ is followed by a question mark. In Appendix containing bibliographic data, catalogues are quoted which came to our knowledge only after the present list was concludL'd. There are also catalogues missing.equinox together. The indexes comprise data from this Appendix ~Iso.

    The notations are as follows: NO - number according to our list, equ. - equino.>; for the beginning of the year: equinox not rdated to the

    beginning of year is specially marked, t~ pe - F - fundamental catalogue (with its proper coordinate system),

    . C - derived catalogue (without its proper coordinate system), 0- obsl'rvational catalogue,

    OM - star list (Ourchmusterung), stars - number of stars, coord. - A - right ascension,

    o - declination dA - correction to right ascension, dD - correction to declination, N - north polar distance, S - south polar distance, B - longitude, L - latitude x,y - rectangular coordinates,

    Abbrevations - abbreviated name of catalogue or list, Bibliography - author (authors), title of the paper, data on publication. Following bibliographic data there arc, in the asteri.cs, some data characte-

    ristics of the catalogue or list. For technical reasons, which prevented us from using Russian titles, as well

    as for wider understanding, some of the West-European languages were used insetad. Contents of Appendices: Appendix A: Index of catalogues. and lists in alphabetic orUer of the

    abbreviated designation,


    Appendix B: Index of catalogues and lists according to observatories Appendix C: Index of catalogues and list according to authors. In indexes reference is made to our NOs.

  • Table

    Abb Abbadia Alb Albany Alg Alger Arc Arcetri (Firenze) Arm Armagh' (Dublin) ,Bab Babelsberg (Berlin) Bel Belgrade Berl Berlin Bes Besan~on

    1. Abbrevations for Observatories

    Hsrv Harvsrd (Cambridge) Ottk Ottakring Hbg Hamburg Ott. Ottaws Heid Heidelberg Oxf Oxford Hels Helsingfors (Hel- Pad Padovs

    sinki) Hgk Hongkong Hyder Hyderabad (Nizs-


    1'1(11 Palermo Par Paria Perth Perth


    Ir Irkutsk Kes Kesan

    Philsd Philadelphia Pols Po la

    Bgp Bergadorf (Hamburg) Bo Bonn Kbg K5nigsberg

    Kiel Kiel

    Polt Poltava Potsd Potadam

    Bor Borowiec Bord Bordesux Bresl . Braslsu Bro Brorfelde (copenha-

    gen) Bru Bruxelles Buc Bucurest Cats Catsnia Cbr Csmbridge (Eng.) Chark Kharkov Ci Cinclnnati ColLRom Roma (Collegio) Cord Cordoba Cp Cape of Good Hope Do Dorpat (Jurjew) Du Dunsink (Dublin) DuJ!h Durham Ed Edinburgh Eng Engelhardt (Kesan) Gf Gen~ve Gl Glssgow Gol Gor Gatt

    Goloseevo Gorkij Gattingen

    Gron Groningen Grw Greenwich'


    Kiew Kiev (Univ.) Kop Copenhagen Kri Christiania (Oslo) Krm KremsmUnster La 1'1 La Plata Lei Leiden Len Lick

    Lellillgr ad (Uni v. ) Lick

    Liss Lisbone W Leningrad Lpz Leipzig Lu Lund Ma Madraa

    (Tapada) (VNIIM)

    Mad Madisoll (Washburll) Me Melbourne Ml Milallo (Brera) Mo Moskva MOlls Molls (Univ.) Mosk Moskva (CNIIGAiK) MIl. Mfinchen Nap Napol1 (Capodimon te ) Neuch NeuchAtel Ni Nice Nlk Nikolajev Od Ousss

    Ptta Paramatta Pu Pulkovo Rad Radcliffe Rom Roma (Campidoglio) SanFer San Fernando SanLuis San Luis Sant Santiago Sto Stockholm Strb Strassbourg Syd Sydnsy Tas Tashkent Tok Tokyo Tor Torino (Pillo Tori-

    nase) Toul Toulouse Trst Trieste Turk Turku Uc Uccle (Bruxelles) Ups Uppsale Vat Vatican War Warszawa Waab Weshington Wien Wien lI'r Wroclaw

    y"le Yale ZB-Sa zB-sa (Shangal)


  • Table 2. Abbrevatioue ror Publ~ca~!2s!

    AA Astrono~ and ~trOp~sic8 !AS Astrono~ &Dd Astrop~sics.

    Supplement Series. .u.sp . Acta Astronomica Sinica.

    Peking ACirc Astronomicheskij Cirkuljar.

    Mosns AJ Astronomical Journal AL Astrop~sical Letters AN Astronomische Nachrichten APAE Astronomical Papers Prepared

    tor the Use ot the AI: ,rican Ephemeris and Nautical Alma-nac

    APST American Pbilosopbycal Society, Transactions

    Arc(Vol) Pubblicazioni dell'Osser-vetorio di Arcetri, Firenze

    ARIBM Astronomisches Rechen-Insti-tut, Heidelberg, M1tteilWl-gen. series A

    ARIBV Ve~ttentlichungen des Astronomischen Rechen-Insti-tuts zu Heidelberg

    AZh Astronomicheskij Zhurnal, Mosna

    BA Bull~tin Astronomique, Paris BAAA Boletin Asociacion Argentina

    de Astronomia, La Plata HAC Bulletin ot the Astronomical

    Institutes ot Czechoslovakia Bab(Vol) Ve~ttentlichungen der .

    Sternwarte in Babelsberg (Berlin)

    BAN Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands

    Bes(Vol) Annales de l'Observatoire de Besan~on

    Bgd(Vol) Mitteilungen der Hambur-ger Sternwarte in Berge-dort (Hamburg)

    Bo (No) ier8tfentlichungen der Universitltssternwarte zu Bonn


    Bresl(Vol) Ver8tt~tlichungen der ~ternwute, .Breslau

    Buc(Vol) Studii si Cereetar1 de AstrbJ:[()mi~ (Si Sdsmologie) Bucuresti

    Chark(Vo~) Annales de 1 Observato~ Astronomique de Kharkhov

    collRom(Vol) Memorie e Osservazioni del R.Osserv. Astronomico dell Collegio Romano,Roma

    Cord(Vol) Resultados del Observatorio Nacional Argentino

    CpAnn(Vol) Annals of the Cape Observa-t 0 17 .

    eR Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Paris

    CT Ciel et Terre, Bruxelles Do(Vol) Dorpater Beobachtungen Du(Vol) Astronomical Observations and

    Researches made at Dunsink Observato17 ot Trinity College

    EUg(No) Izvestija (Publication) Astronomicheskoj Observatorii im. V.P Engelhardta , Kasan

    EngB(No) Bjuleten (Bulletin) Astrono-micheskoj Observatorii im.V.





    P.Engelhardta. Kasan Izvestija Glavnoj Astronomi-cheskoj Observatorii AN USSR, Kiev (Goloseevo) Ver8ffentlichungen der Uni-versitltssternwarte zu Gattingen

    Publications ot the Astronomi-cal Laborator.7 at Groningen Royal Observator,r Bulletins (Greenwich; Cape)

    Harv(Vol) Annals of the Harvard Col-lege Observator.7, Cambridge, Mass.

    Hbg(No) Mitteilungen der Hamburger Sternwsrte

    Heid(Vol) Ver8ftentliohungen der Sternwarte zu Heidelberg-Ktlnigstuhl

  • Byder(Ho) Contributions from the Nizamiah Observatory. Hyderabad

    JO Journal des Observateurs Kas(Vol) Vereffentlichungen der

    UniversitltsSternwarte. Kasan

    Kbg(Ho) Astronomische Beobachtun-gen der Universitltsstern-warte, Kl5nigsberg Publikationen der Stern-warte in Kiel .


    KiewP(Ho) Publikacii Kievskoj Astronomicheskoj Obser-vatorii. Kiev

    KiewT(Vol) Trudy KievsKoj Astro-nomicheskoj Observato-rii. Kiev

    KiewV(No) Vestnik Kievsko~ Gos. Universiteta. K~ev

    Kop(No) Publikationerog"Mindre Meddelelserfra. K~enhavns Observatorium

    LaP1(Vol) Pub11cationes des Obser-vatorio Astronomico de Nacional de La Plata





    Annalen van de Sterre-wacht te Leiden.

    Lick Observatory Bulle-tin Bulletin de 1 Observa-toire Astronomique de Lisbonne (Tapada)

    Ver6ffen~lichungen der Universitltssternwarte. Leipzig

    Lu(Ho) Meddelangen franLunds Astronomiska Observatorium

    LuCirc(No) Lund Obsllrvatory Circu-lar

    Mad(Vol) Publications of the Wash-burn Observatory. Madison

    MNASSA Monthly Notes of the Astro-nomical Society of Southern Africa. Capetown

    MNRAS Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SOCiety. London

    Mo (Vol) Trudy Gosud.Astronomicheako-go Instituta im.Shternberga. Moskva

    KoS(No) SOobshchenija Gosud.Astrono-micheskogo Instituta im. Shternberga. Moskva

    MRAS Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical SOciety. London

    Mn(Vol) Vereffentlichungen der Stern-warte in MUnchen

    Hap(Vol) Osservatorio Astronomico di CapOdimonte. Memorie Astro-nomiche. Napoli

    NapC(Vol) Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte. Contributi Astronomici. Napoli

    ottk(Vol) Publikationen der v.Ku!fner-achen Sternwart6. Wien

    ottw(Vol) Publications of the Dominion Observatory. Ottawa

    Pal (Vol) Publicazioni dell'Osservato-riD Astronomico di Palermo

    PASP Publications of the AstronomicaL Society of the Pacific

    P~rth(Voi) Perth Meridian Observations PHap(No) Instituto Universitario Havale,

    Astronomia Generale e Sferica, Napoli, Pubblicazione

    Polt(Vol) Trudy Poltavskoj Gravimetri-cheskoj Observatorii,Poltava

    Pu(Vol) Trudy (Publication) Glavnoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii AN SSSR, Leningrad, Pulkovo

    PuB (Vol ,No) Izvestija (Bulletin) Glav. Astron.Observatorii AN SSSR. Leningrad,Pulkovo

    Tas(Vol) Trudy Tashkentskoj Astronomi-cheskoj Observatorii, Tashkent

    TasCirc(No) Cirkuljar Tashkentskoj Astronomicheskoj Observato-rii, Tashkent

    Tok(Vol) . Annals of the Tokyo Astrono-mical Observatory

    TokB(No) Tokyo Astronomical Bulletin Toul(Vol) Annales de l'Observatoire

    Astronomique et Meteorolo-gique de Toulouse


  • Tu(Vol) R.H.Tucker's papers in Publications of the Lick Observatory

    Uc(Vol) Annales de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique. Bruxel-les, Ucele'

    UcB(Vol)- Bulletin Astronomique de , l'Observatoire Royal de

    Belgique 1 Uccle Vat(Vol) Richerche Astronomiche.

    Specola Astronomica Vat i-cans

    VFGIH Ver6ffentlichungen des Finni-schen ~eodltischen Instituts, Helsinki


    USE Peremennye zvezdy (Verlnderliche Sterne Bulletin). Moskva

    Wash(Vol) Publications of the US Naval Observatory. Washing-ton

    Wien(Vol) Annalen der Universitlts-sternwarte. Wien

    Yale(Vol) Transactions of the Astro-nomical Observatory of Yale University. New Haven

    Ze-S~(Vol) Annales de l'Observatoire Astronomique de ze-s~. Shangai

  • NO equ. stars

    Abbrevation - Bibliograph~ type coord.

    1 -;68 47 Eud - Eudoxos. In: Brahe Tycho:'Historia'Coelestis -;52 D Augustac Vindelicorum, 1666 .I, p.~I. Extracted from

    the Astronomical Poem of Aratus .

    2 -28; 1S AT - Aristyllos and Timocharis." In: ptolemeus D Almagest (ed.Halma, 1816), lI, p.16.

    ; -128 1080 Hipp - Hipparchos. In: ~~les Tatiu,s "Ad Arati B,L Phoenomena qui liber falsoErathostheni seu l~

    Stellas omnes Hipparchus aSserit esse 1080 quae nimi-rum constellationes apparentes efficiunt".Petav1us, Uranologion, Lutatiae Parisiorum, 16;0", p.262, VI.

    4 + 97 Men - Menelaus. Catalogue said to be made from Hipparchus (see: Sedillot, J.). '

    5 +1;8 1025 pto .- ptolemeus Claudius. B,L 1515 Lichtenstein: Almagestum Cl. ptolomei; Pheludien

    sis Alexandrini, astronomorum principis, opus ingens ac nobile, omnes celorum motus continens. Felicibus astres eat in lucem Ducta Petri Lichtenstein,'Colo-niensis Germ~,Venetiis, 1515. 1528 Trapezuntius: Claudii ptolemaei Pheludiensis Alexandrini Almagestua, seumagnae constructionis mathematicae opus plane divinum, latina donatum linsu& ab Georgio Trapezuntio, per Lucam Gauricum Venetia, 1528. " 15;8 Gr,rnaeus: Kl. ptolemaios megales sintaxos bible Basileae,apud Johannem Walderum An 15;8. 1712 Halley: at the end of the third vol. of Hudson's Geographiae veteris Scriptores Graeci minores, Oxonia 1712. 1816 Halma: Composi~ion Mathematique du Claude ptole-mee, traduite pour la Rremi~re fois du Grec. en Fr~~ais sur les.ManuscriptsoriF.inaux de la Biblio-thaque Imperiale de PariS, par Halma. Paris, I, 181;, II.1816.

    6 pto-B 184;. Barly: The Catalogues, of FtololDY, Ulugh Bei~, Tycho Brahe, Halley, Hevelius,Deduced from the best Authorities. Memoires of the Royal Astronomical" Society, XIII, London, 184;, p.(1)-(78). 190'; J .L.Heiberg, 1898, 190;. Bibliotheca Teubneriana . 1911 K.Man1tius 196; O.Neugebauer: Ptolemeus: Handbuch der Astrono~e II, Deutsche Ubersetzung und erlKuternde Anmer~en von K.Man1tius. Vorwort und BericPti~~en von 0: Neugebauer, Leipzig, 196; (B.~.Teubner erlagsgesell-schaft), p.;2-64.

    7 p22,5' 240 AbouSed - Sedillot J.: Tables des longitudes et lati-C B,L tudes des 240 Etoiles pour le commencement de l'HegirE

    (jeudi, 15 Juill.t 1 midi. 622 de J.-C~. Traite des Instruments astronomiques'des Arabes, aris, 1834,140


  • NO equ. stars

    - -Bibliography tYDe coord. Abbrevation

    8 622,5 240 AbouKn - Aboul Hsssan. In: Knobel: The Chronology B,L of Star Catalogues. Memoires of the Royal Astronomi-

    cal Society, London, 1877, XLIII, p.64-74. -

    9 +B79 1.Sab B,L edition.

    - Albategnius. In the Sabeian Tables. First

    10 +911 2.Sab - Albategnius. In the Sabeian Tables. Second. :a,L edition.

    11 +938 20 AbCass - Aboul Cassim. Ali. _y~ven by Dr.Bernaru, B,L from an Oxford MS. In: Pbylosophical Transactions,

    1684, p.567. Placed reduced trom ~o~emeus.

    12 964 101B AlSuf - Abd-Al-Rahman Al-SUi. Description- des B,L ~toiles tixesp~~., par l'A~tronome Persan Abd-Al-

    Rahman Al-Sd!1~ Avec des notes far Schje11erup de deux I manuscri ts arabes de la B bliot~gue royale- de COJ)enh~e et de la Bibliodque imrc'rial. de St. ~'tersb~urg.St.-P6tersbourg; 1874 Comm. d. l'Acad. lmp~rialeJ. Plces trom ptol .,.; stars magnitude, newly determined.

    13 980 19 IbnAl - Ibn Al-Aalam. Given by Dr.Bernard in his B,L extracts trom the Oxford Manuscripts Philosophical

    Transactions, 1684. Places trom ptolemeus.

    14 996 18 Hat - Ibn-Junis. From the Hakemite Tables. Dr. B,L Bernard's extracts, Oxford Manuscripts, Ph1losophioaJ

    Transactions, 1684. ptolemy's latitudes

    15 1115 25 . Cot - Cothb-Eddin Schirazi. The Persian Tables B,t given by Chrysococca anonymously (published by

    Bullialdus "Astronomica Ph1lolaica") are attribut~d by Sedillot to his author. ptolemy's places reduced to the epoch 1115.

    16 1121 3' Tole - Arza~hel. Tabulae Toletanae (British Museum

    B:~ Har1eian Manuscripts 13 and 3647). ptolemy's places - A, reduced to 1121. 17 1233 ~i Ilk. - Nassir-Eddin al-Tusi. Prom the ~1kOanic B, Tables. Bernard's extracts trom Oxford. Manuscri:pts.-

    Philosophical Transactions, 1684. pto1e~'s lat1tudeE

    lB 252,j lO2~ Alt - Altonsine Tables. Tabulae Tabularum Ce1es~

    Bil tium Motuum Divi Altonsi Re~is Romanorum et Castelle Illustrissimi, Venetiis 149 ptolemy's Catalogue reduced too the Epoch 1251 years and 5 months. The tirst printed edition. Liecbtenstein 1518: Tabulae Astronomici Divi AltQmii Regis Romanorum et Caste11~, Liechtenstein Venetii~, 1518, Second edition. -

    19 1261 22 AbJal - Abd-Al-Jalil. Dr .Bernard' s extract trom B,L Oxford manuscripts. Philosophical Transactions, 1684-

    ptolemy's latitudes.


  • NO equ. tne

    20 1282

    21 1282

    22 1300

    23 1340

    24 1364

    25 1436

    26 1437 0

    27 1437 0'

    stars coord.

    180 D

    210 A

    77 B,L A,D 16


    47 B,L

    23 A,D

    101'8 B,L

    1018 B,L

    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    AbHas1 - Aboul Hhassan Ali. S6dillot"J ~ : Table de la Declinaison de 180 ttoiles pour la' fin de 1'ann6e 680 de 1'Heg1re. Trait6 des Instruments astro nomiques,des Arabes, Paris, 1834, 191. '

    AbHas~- Aboul Bbassan Ali. S6dillot,J.: Table 4es Co.as~endants dans ~a sph're droite de 210 6toi1es fixes l partir de 0 0' du Capricorne, poUr la fin lie 1'an 680 de 1'H6gire. Trait6 des Instruaents astro-nomiques des Arabes, Paris, 1834, 276, ,,'.

    Sac - Joannes de Sacrobosco. Spe'culum Astroldg1-ci, 1581, p.674. ptolomy's latitudes.

    Pers - Persian Tables (Pembroke). Dr. Bernard s extracts from the Oxford manuscripts. Philosophical TransactiOns, 1684. ptolo~'s latitudes. -

    Gass - Arnald'in Codex. Gassendi Opera Omnia, Lugduni 1658. IV; p.534. Quoted in a letter f~om Gassendi to Wendelinus, July 1636. ptole~'s latitu-des.

    Ilk2 - Shehabeddin of Aleppo. Dr.Bernard's 'eXtracts trom Oxford manuscripts. Presumably from'a later edition of the Ilkhanic Tables, Philosophical Transactions, 1684.

    UJ.uR - Ulugh Beigh. Tabulae long. ac lat.Stella-rum Fixarum ex observatione Ulugh Beighi, Tamarl,anis Magni Nepotis; Made from original observations at Samarcand. Translated, by Thos.Hyde, Oxonli, 1665.

    UluS - Ulugh ~1gh. Sharpe: Syntagma dissertati .. numquas olim doctrissilllus ThollU Hyde, S.T.P. separa-tim edidit. Accesserunt nonnu11a ejusdem opuscula hactenus inedita ete.etc. a Gregorio Shape, Oxonii, 1767, Second e~tion.

    28 1437 1018 UluB - Ulugh Beigh. Baily: The Catalogues of o B,L ptolemy, U1ugh Beigh, Tycho Brahe, Halley, Hevelius.

    Memoires of the Rolal Astronomical Society, London, 1843, XIII, p. (79)-(126).

    29 1440 9 CuRic - Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. In: ~ceioli: G,L Astronomiae Reformatae,1665, I, 2l7.

    30 1480 22 Dam - Ala-Eddin Ibn-Shatir. Dr.Bernard's extract B,A,D from Oxford manuscripts. The Damascus Tables. Philo:"

    sophieal Transactions, 1684.

    31 1501 C

    1022 B,L

    Alf - Alfonsine Tables (9auricus). Divi Alphonsi Rom~orum et Hispaniarum Regis, Astronomieae Tabulae in propriam integritatem restitutae, Parisiis, 1545. pto1o~'s Catalogue reduced by Gauricus from Al~onsinE Tables of Epoch 1252,4.


  • 78








    equ. stars tyoe coord. 1520 1022 1530 Bfro"

    C Ir'Arf L

    1534 302 C A,D

    1550 1022 C B,L

    1558 76 B,L A,D

    1580 26 o A,D

    1594 1034 B,L

    1594 368 B,L

    39 r--1595 900 B,L

    40 1601 777 o B,L

    41 1601 1005 B,L

    42 1601 1005 -B,L

    43 l60l? 136 C B,L

    44 1601 60 B,L

    45 1603

    46 1604 47 B,L

    Abbreva~ion - Bibliography

    Ko - Kopernikus Nikolaus. De revolutionibus orbium coelestium. Leipzig, 1965, reprint from 1543. p.46-62 Revised longitudes and latitudes from Ftolemy.

    AlTuz - Nassir-Eddin Al-TURi. Tabulae Stellarum Fixarum secundum motionem Declinationis et Ascensioni pro fine anni Hegirae purissimae 940 i.Chr.1533. Translated by HYde, published with his edition of UlughBeigh: Tabulae long ac lat , Oxonii, 1665. Appi - Appianus. Cosmographia Antve~iae, 1584, p. 251. Ftolemy's Catalogue reduced to 1550. Berg - Stadius. Tabulae Bergenses, 1560, p.2l5. "Verus ex observatione demonstratus Epilogismus".

    BraSj - Brane Tycho (Schjellerup). TychoBrahe's originalobservationer benyttede til Banebestemmelse af Cometen, 1580. In: "Copenhagen Dansk.Vid.Selsk. Skrif", 1856, IV, pt.l, p.l. Wil - William 4th, Landgrave of Hessen. IN: Brahe Tycho "Historia Coelestis", II, 1666, p.545. Reduced from the Hessian observations of the Landgrave of Hesse and Rothmann. WilFl - William 4th, Land~rave of Ressen. In: Flam-steed "Historia Coelestis Britannica", Londini, 1725, IIl. WilLac - William 4th, Landgrave of Ressen. In m~uscriptes, examined by Lacaille:"Ristoire de l'Acad6-I!lie", 1761, p.130. Bra - Brahe Tycho. Astronomiae Instauratae Progym-

    1 nasmata, Francofurti, 1610, p.257. From original Observations at Uranienberg. BraK - Brahe Tycho. In: Kepler, "Tabulae Rudolphi-nae", 1627. BraB - Brahe Tycho. In: Baily, "The Catalogues of Ftolemy, Ulugh Beigh, Tycho Brache, Ralley, Hevelius~ Memoirs of the Royal Astr. Society, London, 1843, XIP, p. (127). BarK - Bartsch James. A Catalogue of Southern stars reduced by Peter Theodore, ,,from the observations of Amerigo Vespucci and other navigators made in the ,. . southern hemisphere. In: Kepler "Tabulae Rudolphinae" 1627. PagaK .- Pag~. Compte de. From Kepler's "Tabulae Rudolphinae". In: "Tables Astronomiques", Paris,168l. Bodl - F.de Routman. Star Catalogue, 1603 (The earliest star catalogue for the southern hemisphere). Photographic reproduction of Bodleian copy.Oxford, 1927. ~~ Kep - J.Kepler. Catalogus quarundam Stellarum in constellationibus Serpentarii, Serpentis, et Scorpio-nis, quae a Tychone vel etiama Ftolemaeo omissae . sunt. Ill; "De Stella nova in pede Se'rpentarii", Pregee l606,p.'/

  • NO equ. type

    47 1620 C

    48 1621 C

    49 1625

    50 1

    51 1630

    52 1640

    53 1645

    54 1661 C

    55 1661

    56 1661

    57 1661 C

    58 1661 C

    59 1661 0

    60 1661 0

    61 167e 0

    62 167e

    stars cooI'd.

    401 A,D

    231 B,L

    360 B,L A,D 25 A


    1111 B,L

    303 B,L A,D 70

    B,L A,D

    1240 B,L

    1564 B,L A,D

    1564 B,L A,D

    387 B,L

    380 A,D

    127 . 'D

    62 A

    341 B,L


    I Abbrevation - Bibliography

    Org - David Origanus. Ephemerides novae annorum 36 incipjJl;ntes ab anno Christi 1595, Francofurti ad Viadium, 1599, p. 94. FIor - Vinc.H.Olivetanus. Places given according to the Tables of Alfonsus, Copernicus and Tycho. Tabulae Mediceae, in: "Tabulae Motuum Coelestium Universales~ Florentinae, 1647, p.266. Schil - Julius SChiller. Tabula Canonica praeci-puarum Coeli stellarum fixarum. In: "Coelum stel1arum Christianum", Augustae Vinde lic o rum , 1627, 0.131. Lans - Philip Lansberg. Catalogus XXV stel1arum fixarum summa cura a nobis observatarum una cum earuDI longitudine et latitudine ad initium annorum Christi. In: "Tabulae Motuum CoeJrstium perpetue", Middelburgi Zelandiae, 1632, p.l02. (Ep.1625) Bar - James ~artsch. Planisphaerum Stel1arum,

    2 Nprimbergae, 1661. Includes P.Theodore's southern stars. ~go - Andrea Argolius. Ephemerides ab anno 1640 ad annum 1700, Lugduni, 1659.

    Ric - G.B.Riccioli. Tabulae LXX fixarum a nobis observatarum. In: "Almagestum Novum", J.651. I, p.476.

    Gold - And. Goldmayer. Catalogue made from the ob-servations or Tycho, Kepler, and Christian Severin. In: "Praxis Compendiosa", 1661. Hevl - J.Hevelius. Catalogus stel1arum fixarum. In: "Prodromus Astronomiae", Gedani, 1690, p.143

    HevB - J.Hevelius. In: Baily "The Catalogues or Ptolemy, Ulugh Beighj Tycho BRahe, Halley, Hevelius". Memoires of the R01aJ. Astronomical So

  • 80

    equ. stars type coord.

    63 1683

    64 1688 o

    65 .... 1689 o

    66 1690

    67 1689 o

    68 1690 o

    69 1690 o

    70 1700 o

    71 1700 o

    72 1701? C

    92 B,L A,D

    352 A,D

    225 A,D





    238 B,L A,D

    25 B,L A,D

    335 B,L

    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    Chin - Chinese Catalogue. Catalogue of Stars, giving their Chinese names and European synonymes. In: "Bentley's Hindu Astronomy" taken f1'OmMorrison's Chinese Dictionary. On the Antiquity of the Surya siddhanta and the Formation of the astronomical Cycles therein contai-ned. Asiatic reasearches or transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences and literature of Asia, Calcutta, 1802, VI, p.540. Noell - Father Noel. Observationes Mathematicae et Pbysicae in India et China factae ab &DnO 1684 usque ad annum 1708, Prague, 1710, p.44. A Catalogue of all known southern stars, observed by the Jesuit College Expedition. Noe12 - Father Noel. Catalogue of southern stars

    made at Macao and Rachol by the Jesuit College Expedition to India and China. Acad des Sciences Mems., VII, 1729, p.841. BFl - John Flamsteed. An Account of the Rev. John Flamsteed,etc. to which is added his British Catalo-gue of stars corrected and enlarged by F.Baily, London, 1835, p.411. BaiFl_ John Flamsteed. Stellarum inerrantium catalo-guS Britannicus ad annum Christi completum 1689. From observations made at Greenwich in the years 1689-1719, published in vol.Il of nHist.Coestis". In: "Historia Coelestis Britannicae", Londini, 1725', III. PlBa1- Flamsteed (Baily). Catalogue of the position (in 1690) stars observed by Flamsteed but not inser-ted in his British Catalogue. Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, London, 1831, IV. FIHe - Flamsteed (Herschel Caroline). Catalogue of Stars taken from Mr.Flamsteed's observations contai-ned in the 2nd vol. of the "Historia Coelestis" and. not inserted in the British Catalogue. London, 1798. Conains 190 stars of doubtful RA and N.P.D., alr arranged in the order in which they occur in Flamsteed's observations. Mar - J.P.Maraldi. Catalogue reduced from the

    1 observations of l'Iaraldi at the Paris Observato-ry. In: nManfredi (BUst.) Ephemerides Motuum Coeles-tium", Bononiae, 1715. Mar - J.P.Maraldi. Catalogue reduced from the

    2 observations of i'Jaraldi at the Paris Observato-ry. In: "Manfredi (Eust.) Ephemerides Motuum Coeles-tium, Bononiae, 1715. HalHev - Halley (J.Hevelius). Catalogus illium Cl.Egmond Halleyi stellarum Australium. In: nProdro-, mus Astronomiae", Gedani J_ 1690 ~ p. 309. (Compiled from observations at St.~elena).

  • equ. stars type coord. Abbrevation - Bibliography

    73 1601 1701


    74 1701 C

    75 1701

    76 1701





    1661 1701


    1701 C


    1726 C

    81 1727

    82 1729

    83 ~8,5

    84 1740 C

    85 1740 o

    86 1740 o

    87 1741

    88 1741

    100 Bra2 A,D - T,rcho Brahe. Astronomiae Instauratae Progym-nasmata, Francofurti, 1610, p.2?6.

    1564 Hev2 - J.Heve1ius. Cata10gus ste11arum ad annum B,L Christi 1700 comp1etum. In: "Prodromus Astrono-miae", Gedani, 1690, p.269.

    17 LaHi1 B,L - Phi1ippe de la Hire. Tabulae Astronomicae Ludovici Magni. Second edition. Parisii, 1727,

    p.13. 64 LaHi2 - Phi1ippe de la Hire. Tabulae Astronomic~e A,D Ludovici Magni. Second edition. Parisii, 1727,

    101 B,L A,D

    1450 B,L

    140 B,L

    265 B,L A,D

    777 B,L

    14 B,L A,D

    6 D

    p.13. - G.B.Riccio1i. Astronomiae Reformatae, 1665, I, p.260.

    Ric5 - G.B.Riccio1i. "Cata10gus Fixarum Universa1is ad annum Christi 1700 comp1etumn Consists of st. q numbered in 4 classes: Astronomiae Reformatae, 166~

    Ba 12 Edmund Hal1ey. Astronomical Tables, with Pl ~epts for computing the places of the Sun

    etc., Lon~, 1752. HalSh - E.H~_ 'ey (Sharp,Abr.). Halley's Southern stars brought up ~o the later epoch by Abraham Sharp. In: F1amsteed's "H.l.:"'toria Coelestis Britannicae", Londini, 1725, Ill. Ledb - C.Ledbetter. A Catalogue of 777 Stars, recti fied to the Beginning of the year 1727.In: "Compleat System of Astronomy", London, 1728, 11, p.209. Man - E.11anfredi. Commentarii Bononiensi, 1731, I, p.604.

    LaCon - La Condamine. Declinationes quarumdam stel-1arum australium primae et secundae magni tudinis men-se Jun10 1738. Philosophical Transact1ons,1749, p.139

    144 Cas,a - JacquesCassini. Tables Astronomiques, 1740. B,L (From observat.ions of Cassini and other astronomers). A,D

    16 LeMol - Le Mounier. Observations de la Lune, du A Solei1 et des ttoiles Fixes. Paris, 1751, livre 1,

    p.VIII. 24 LeM02 - Le Monnier. Observations de la Lune, du

    A Solei1 et des ttoiles Fixes. Paris, 1754, livre 2, p.IlI.

    113 Hod - Laurentius D. Hode1. Cata10gus ste11arum B,L Leonis ad annum Christi 1740 comp1etum deductas. In:

    "Dissertatio Astronomica, De Conste11atione Leonis, praes.ide A.Celsio", Upsaliae, 1741.

    70 Tu1 - Andreas Tulenius. Cata10gus stel1arum Ariesti B,L In: "Dissertatio Astronomica! De Conste11atione Aries

    tis, pIlllside A.Celsio", Ho1l1U.ae, 1740.


  • 82

    .qu. stars tYDe coord.

    89 1745 4219 o



    1745 o

    1942 A.D

    92 1750 9766 o A.D





    1'750 o

    1750 c

    1750 o

    97 1750 c

    98 l75C '0

    99 l75C o

    100 175C o ,

    101 l75C o

    149 A.D

    398 A.D


    39~ A ....

    30? A.l

    37 A

    20 A


    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    Br45 - A.Auwers. Bearbeitung der BrSDey'schen Beobachtungen an den alten Maridianinstrumente~ der Greenwicher Sternwarte. Leipzig1Erster Band, 191~ Zwliiter Band, 1913; Dritter Band', 1';114. Br45Q - A.Auwers. Bearbeitung"der Bradley'schen

    Beobachtungen an den alten Meridianinstrumen-ten der Greenwicher Sternwarte. Dritter Band. 1914. Leipzig. Observations with quadrant. 1743-1753. CA - Abb6 de Lacaille. Coelum Australe Stelliterum seu observationes ad construendum stellarum Austra-lium Catalogum institutae in Africa ad Caput Bonae Spei. Parisiis. 1763. Lac - Abb6 de Lacaille. A Catalogue ot 9766 Stars in the Southern Hemisphere etc edited by the Bri-tish Association. 1847 (Catalogue reduced by Prot. Henderson. trom the zone observations published in "Coelum Australe Stelliterum. Parisiis. 1763" made with a telescope ot 1/2-inch apperture and 27 inches tocal length. trom August 6. 1751 to July 18. 1752). LacA - Lacaille (Argelander). Corrigierte Positio-nen in Lacaille's Catalog nach der Ausgabe der ~ritish Association. Bonn Astronomishen Beobachtun-gen. VII. 1869. p.245. LacD - Lacaille (Downing). Lacaille'. catalogue ot stars reduced by Downing. Astronomical Society. Monthly Notices. ~. London. 1888. p.322. 1.LacF - Abb6 de Lacaille. Principal Stars in north and south hemispheres. observed at Paris and at the Cape ot Good Hope. In: "Astronomiae Fundamenta". pa-risiis. 1757. p.(233). 2.LacF - Abb6 de Lacaille. Lacaille's Catalogue ot 398 Principal stars. etc by F.Baily. Memoirs ot the Royal Astr. Society. V. p.93. London. 1833. LacPrin - Abb6 de Lacaille. Catalogue des Principa-les ttoiles du Ciel. In: "EphlDftides des Mouvements C61estes". 1763 (Consists ot 152 northern stars ob-served in Paris. and 155 southern stars observed at the Cape ot Good Hope. From Astronomiae Fundamentae. Paris. 1757). " LacPow - Lacail1e (Powalky).Lacaille's Catalogue ot stars reduced by Powalky. U.S.Coast Survey. Report tor 1881-1882. app.2l. Washington. 1883. . LeM03 -Le Honnier. Observations de la Lune. du Solei1 et des ttoiles Fixes.Paris. 1759. 1ivre 3 (Consists ot stars in two classes: zodiacal stars. 189 and other stars 184). LeMo4 - Le Monnier. Observations de la Lune. du Solei1 et des Etoiles Fixes. Paris. 1773. 1ivre 4 (Supplement ot the Uatalogue ot 373 stars). Zan - Zanotti. In: Bologna Ephemeris (trom observa tions 1738-1750).

  • e~u. stars NO tTDe coord. Abbrevation - Bibliography

    102 1752 1935 Lac52 - Abb6 d, Lacai11e. Tables des Asc.Droites A.D et des dec1inaisons apparentes des ttoi1es Australes ren!erm6es dans le Tropique de Capricorne. In: Hemoires Acad.des sciences pour 1752. Paris, 1756 (includes 41 nebUlae).

    103 1755 3268 Br - Brad1ey (Auwers). Neue Reduction der Bradley'-o A,D schen Beobachtungen aus den Jahren 1750 bis 1762 von

    A.Auwers. Dritter Band, 1888. p.82, Petersburg. 104 1755 3222 BrFund - Brad1ey (Besse1). Fundamenta astronomiae

    o A.D pro Acno 1755, deducta ex observationibus viri incom-parabilis J.Brad1ey, Regiomonti. 1818.P.13J (From observations by Brad1ey at Greenwich, 1750-1762. redu ced by Besse1).

    105 1765 131 BrS - Brad1ey Zenithsector (In the annotation of D the catalogue Br 175~, observations 1727 to 1786.

    106 (17J5

    107 (1755) 0

    108 1755 0

    109 1756

    110 1756 c

    111 1756 0

    112 1756

    113 1760 0


    38 dA.dE


    998 A.D

    998 A.D

    45 A.D

    99~ B,L 387 B.L A.D

    declinations from 45 to 560). Neue Reduction, Band I. p.414. LeM05 - Le Monnier. Recuei1 de Tables Astronomiques 1776~ Vo1.I, p.203. (The Byades. Differences of RA and Vec1~nations fromoC Tau). LeM06 - Le Monnier. Recueil de Tables Astronomiques 1776, Vo1.I. p.205. (The Pleiades. Differences of RA and Declinacions from Alcyone). TM - Tobias folayer(Auwers). T.Mayer's Sternverzeich- . niss nach den Beobachtungen auf der G8ttingerStern-warte in den Jahren 1756 bis 1760 neu bearbeitet von A.Auwers, Leipzig. 1894. p.98. M - Tobias Ilayer. Fixarum Zodiacalium Catalogus Novus. Opera Inedita Tobiae Mayeri. Gottingae, 1775, I. p.49 (edited by G.C.Lichtenberg). MB - Tobias Mayer (Baily). Mayer's Catalogue of Stars, corrected and Enlarged together with a Compa-rison of the Places of the Greater Part of them, with those given by Bradley~ Hemoirs of the Astr.Society, London, 1831, IV. part 11. p. 403. MBsupp - Tobias Mayer (Baily). Supplementary Cata-

    logue of omitted Stars. In: Mayer's Catalogue of Stars Memoirs of the Astr. Society. London. 1831. IV. part 11. p.432. MDe1 - Tobias Mayer (Delambre). Connaissance des '.l!emps pour 1788. BrMas - J.Brad1ey (Mason). A Catalogue of the Pla-ces of 387 Fixed Stars in R.A., Decl., Long and Lat. Nautical Almanac for 1773. London 1771, App. p. 25.(Reduced by Chas.Mason from Bradley's observations The R.A.s of 15 of these stars were setted by compa-rison with the Sun about the Equinoxes from the mean of 1175 observations. These were the radical points by which the R.A.s of the ot~er stars were reduced).

    114 1760 389 BrHo - J.Bradley (Hornsby).' Hornsby. Bradley's o A.R Astronomical Observations. 1798. Vol.I.


  • 115













    equ. tyoe

    1745 1760


    1661 1761


    1764 o

    1764 C

    1765 C

    1765 o

    1770 o



    stars coord.

    218 ciA


    14 A,D

    376 A,N

    110 A

    515 A,D

    34 A,N

    224 A,N

    51 A,D

    270 A,D

    258 AtI:

    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    Mari - J.J.Marinonius. De astronomic a specula domes-tica et organico apparatu astronomico, Libri duo, Viennae Austriae, 1745. (The catalogue of stars, gi-ving differences of R.A., by transits from 8 fundamen tal stars, with the observed altitudes above the horizon of Vienna). Hev 3 - J.Hevelius. Tabula ascensionis et declina-

    tionis, Plurimarum Fixarum, ad intra scriptos Christi annos completos, cum earundem differentia. In "Prodromus Astronomiae", Gedani, 1690, p.321. Cass64 - Cassini de Th~. Mtmoires de Acad/mie des Sciences pour 1764, Paris, 1767, p.406 (r-lade with a 6-footh mural circle). CCFS - A Complete Catalogue of the Fixed Stars, with their respective places in the Heavens, as sett-led from the latest and most accurate observations made both at Home and Abroad. In: "Miscellanea scien-tifica Curiosa, London" (no date}.. IV, p.98 stars in the constellation Aries (66), V, p.126 stars in the constellation Taurus (141), VI, p.l64 stars in the constellation Gemini (87), VII, p. 182 stars in the constellation Cancer (82). Bernul - Bernoulli. Table de Difflrencesd'Ascensiom Droite pour 110 etoiles tiree des Gatalogues de M.Lacai11e, Bradley, Mayer et .Le folonnier. Recueil pour les Astronomes, 1776, Ill, p.122. LacZod - Lacaille (Bailly). Catalogue des 515 etoi-les zodiacales. Ephemerides des Mouvements Celestes, 1763, VI~ Paris (Lacaille's observations reduced by M .Bailly ). MaskI - Maskelyne. Tables for comput~ng the apparen places of the fixed stars, London, 1774, p.5 (The R.A. from observations in 1765 to 1769 of dirferences of R.A. with 0(; Aqlj r:.p.D.s from observations in 1765). MaskH - rjaskelyne - Hertzsprung. Raduction of r'iaske lyne's Jagttagelser af smaa stierner austillede i Aarene fra 1765 til 1785. ~benhavn, 1865, Danske Vid.Selsk. Skriffer (5) nat. og math.Atd. sjette (VI) bin d. (Observations at Greenwich). Bernu2 - Bernoulli. Tables d'ttoiles Circompolaires In: Recueil pour les Astronomes", Paris, 11, 1772, p.75 and Ill, Paris, 1776, p.l. ChrM - 'Christian Mayer. De novis in Coelo. Mannbeim 1779 (Observations in 1776-1778). Dar - A.Darquier. Observations Astronomiques faites A Toulouse, Paris, 1782 (A supplement to the British Catalogue for the Constellations Coma, Bootes Corona, Hercules, Lyra; contains only 49 stars of Flamsteed). Lal81 - J.Lalande.(Table of the Aberration and Nutation in R.A. anq Declinatio~ of 258 pri?cipal stars).~n: Conna~ssance des emps pour 1781 Par~s, 1778, p.223.

  • 127
















    equ. stars Abbrevation - Bibliography tyoe coord.

    1782 16 Pocz - Poczobut. Beobachtung des Sterne des Ponia-towski's Stier. Astronomische Jahrbuch fUr das Jahr 1785, Berlin, 1782, p.175.

    o A,D

    1784 C

    1784 C


    1785 o


    1786 C

    1786 C

    1'286 o


    1788 o


    1788 C


    1790 o

    1790 o


    2934 A,D

    Lac84 - Abb6 de Lacai1le. Connaissance des ~emps pour ~785. Paris, 1782. (Catalogue of Lacail-le's stars, n~t in F1amsteed's British Catalogue). F1Jea - F1amsteed (Jeaurat). Connaissance des Temps pour 1785. PariS, 1782, p.182 (F1amsteed's British Catalogue, reduced by Jeaurat to 1784). Ho - Hornsby. Resu1tate einer grossen Oxforder Reie 1774-1803. V.l'I.N,.LX, p.265 (Flamsteed's stars). 0x!1 - Th.Hornsby. Hornsby's Meridian Observations

    A made at the Radc1iffe Observatory 1774-1798. Non-systematic eorrections to Boss's Right Ascensions Red. by: H.Knox-Shaw, J.Jackson, and W.H. Robinson. Oxford, University Press, 1932, p.46.

    64 Jea - Jeaurat. Memoire de l'Acad. des Sciences 1779 A,D p.619 (Catalogue of stars in the Pleiades). 18 Monl - l~ontignot. Etat des Etoiles Fixes Nancy, D 1786. (Ptolemy's stars reduced and compared

    with places observed in 1786). 1022 Mon2 - Montignot. Etat des Etoiles au Second Siec1e B,L par C1aude Ptolemee, compar6 A la position des

    m~mes etoi1es en 1786. Nancy, 1786. OX! - Th.Hornsby. Hornsby's r'leridian Observations,

    D 2 made at the Radcliffe Observatory 1774-1798. Non-systematic corrections to tabular declinations. Red.by: H.Knox-Shaw, J.Jackson, and W.H.Robinson, Oxford, University Press, 1932, p.~.

    50 Fig - Edw.Pigott. Philosophical Transactions, 1786, A,D p.189. 138 Cass88 - Cassini. Dtc1inaisons moyennes des princi-D pales etoi1es au premier janvier 1788 d'apres

    les observations faites A l'Obs. ~. de Paris depuis 1778. jusqu'en 1790. Memoire de l'Acad. des Sciences 1789, p.139.

    400 Lac88 - Lacai11e (De1ambre). Connaissance des ~emps A,D pour 1788 (Lacai11e's stars, with the annual variations in R.A. and Declinations brought up to later epoch).

    36 POlO - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations for 1829-1822 A (Right Ascensions computed for the year 1788 by

    interpolation, compared with positions obtained for the same year by actual observations).

    33 CassB - Cassini. Connaissance des ~emps pour 1795, D p.211.

    174 D

    4673 A,D

    CassQ - Cassini. Dec1inaisons'moyennes , 1791~ Extrait des obs. astron. et phys., faites A l'Obser-vatoire, en 1791 (Observations in Paris). Fed - I.Fedorenko. Positions moyennes des etoi1e circumpolaires, dont 1es observations ont ete pub1iee p~~,J.Lala?de ect.Petersburg,1854 (Obs.at Paris,teo1 Ml.litaire)


  • equ. stars tY'De coord.

    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    143 1790 339 FedSupp - I.Fedorenko. Supplement du Catalogue pr~ce A.,D dent.St.petersbourg, 1854, p.137.

    144 1790 40 Fix1m - Fixlmi11er. Positiones Media Fixarum. Acta Astronomica Cremita-Styrae, Cremitanensis, 1791, p. 553.





















    1790 o

    1790 o

    1790 o

    1790 o

    179 o 1790 o

    1790 o

    1790 o






    179c o


    193 A,D

    34 D

    LalOe -J.La1ande (Oe1tzen,W.). Erg!nzungen zur His-toire Cl1este Fran~aise und einigen andern Sternkata-logem. Vienna Acad. Sitzungberichten, XII, p.911. Lal1 -J .Lalande. Connaissance des '.cemps pour 1793.

    350 Lal2 -J .Lalande. Connaissance des Temps pour 1794. D (Made with the mural circle at the Eco1e ~1ili-taire, Paris).

    1063 Lal3

    - J.La1ande. Connaissance des Temps pour 1795 D (Made with the 7~5 teet mural circle at the

    17 A

    1000 A

    tco1e Mi1itaire, PariS). Lal4 - J.La1ande. Connaissance des ~emps pour 1794 (R.A.s with the greatest precision). Lal

    5 - J.La1ande. Connaissance des ~emps pour 1797 (Circumpo1ar stars).


    - J.La1ande. Connaissance des ~emps pour 1799 1805.

    139 Lefr1 - J.La1ande. Connaissance des Temps pour 179~ A p.242 (northern stars). 150 Lefr2 - J .La1~de. Connaissance des ~'emps pour 179E

    A Paris, 1797-1798, p.294. (Fundamental stars ~or La1ande's Zone Cata10sue ot 45 000 stars) (Obs. at tco1e Mi1itaire, .Paris). .

    240 Lefr3

    - J .La1ande. Connaissance des 'lemps pour A l'annee de 1.R.VIII, Paris, 1799-1S01,p.297

    (Obs.at tco1e l'iilitaire, Paris). 6 Lefr4 - J.~Lalande. Se~ti~me Catalogue. ConnaissancE A des ~emps pour 1 annee X d.1.R., Paris, 18


    p.409. Lefr5 - J.La1ande. Connaissance des Temps pour 1791

    LeMo! Le Monnier. Memoire de L'Acad. des Science~ 1789, p.610 ( Praesepe).

    MaskII _ N.Maske1yne. in Wo11aston, Specimen of a General ~ata1ogue. London, 1789. Mas~O ,- N.Maske1yne. (1798) (Principal Stars).

    MVi. - T.Mayer, S.Vince, Astronomy, II, . 1797 (Reduced bl S.Vince from the Gottingen observa-tions 1756-1761). VidN1 - J.Vida1. Catalogue de Vida1-F1angergues. Connaissance des Temps pour l'AnXIV, Paris, 1804, p.311.

  • 162












    equ. stars tYDe coord.

    1790 24

    1790 4881 C A,N

    1790 7620 C A,N

    1790 2069 C B,L

    1792 39 C D

    1395 2~ A,D

    1395 14 D

    1695 34 D 1798 9

    C B,L 1799? 1588

    C 1699 882 A,D

    1800 5505 C A,D

    174 1800 501 o A.D

    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    VidN2 - J.Vidal. Catalogue de Vidal-Flangergues. Connaissance des ~emps pour l'an XV, Paris, 1804, p.2~8. WoFl - F.Wollaston. Flamsteed's British Catalogue, and De La Caille's Southern Catalogue arranged in the order of right ascension. In: "Specimen of a General Astronomical Catalogue", London, 1789 (Inclu-des 80 circumpolar stars from Hevelius, omitted by F1amsteed) WoGC - F.Wollaston. A General Uatalogue of Stars, Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, whose positions have been ascertained arranged in the order of right ascensions in their respective zones of N.P.D. In: "Specimen of a General Catalogue . ,London", 1789. (Consists of stars from the British Catalogue, 18cail le's three catalogues, T.Mayer's Zodiacal Stars and Bradley's 380 stars from Naut.Almanac ,177~. Nebulae and Clusters from Messier: Connaissance des Temps pour 1784 and Herschel). \-loZod -0 F. \'iollaston. Catalogue of Zodiacal Stars within 9 of Latitude on each side of the EcliptiC, arranged in the order of longitude. In: "Specimen of a General Astr. Catalogue , London, 1789 (from Flamsteed, De La Caille, Bradley and I"layer). Zal - Baron de Zach. Berliner Jahrbuch, suppl.II,

    1795, p.lll (reduced from Piazzi's observatio~ Mess - C.Messier. Observations et dessin de la grande et belle n~bu1euse de la centure d'Andromede. Mem. de l'Acad.des Sciences 1807(stars near the ne-bula M 31) Per - C.Perny. Connaissance des '.I:emps pour 1796" Ann~ IV, p.187 (Observations in Paris). Pi95 - G.Piazzi. Palermo observationes, V, p.207

    Lal98 - J.Lalande. 1796 (Stars from Maskelyne and 18lande). " MO~ - P.A.Mougin. Connaissance des 'J:emps , 1802

    (Catalogue of Precessions). VidS - J.Vida1. Catalogue de 887 ~toiles australes observ~es ~ Mirepoix et reduites au 12 niv8se de l'an 7. Connaissance des Temps, an XI, Paris 1807, p.264. ,Bod 0 - J.E.Bode. Catalogue de l'Ascension Droite et ~e la D{clinaison de 5505 I+,oiles, d'apres les observations de M. le Dr. Piazzi a Palerme. Berlin, 1805 (Contains also a Catalogue of ~72 Nebulae and Clusters, from the observations of ersche1. Nessier, Mechain and others). Cagn A.Cagno1i. Catalogue de 501 ~toiles, suivi des tables d'aberration et de nutation. (Observations 'at Paris, Verona, Mi1ano)


  • 88

    .qu. stars tn __ coord.

    175 1800

    176 1800

    177 1800 o

    473 A,D

    28 A,D

    6497 A,D

    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    cag~ - A.Cagno1i. Cata1ogo di ste11e borea1i. Soc. Ital.Mem., X, p.687, Modena, 1803 (Verbesse-

    rungen in Vo1.XI, p.676). Cagn2 - A.Cagno1i. Cata1ogo di ste11e austra1i.Soc.

    Ita1.Mem., X, p.687, Modena, 1804. D'Ag - L.P.D'Age1et. Reduction ot the observations ot Fixed Stars made by J.L.D'Age1et at Paris in 1783-1785 by B.A.Gould. Mem.ot the Nat.Ac.ot Arts and Sciences, Washington, I, 1866.

    178 1800 C

    38 Groo - S.Groombridge. Comp8~1son ot the N.P.D.-s

    179 1800

    180 1800 o

    181 1800

    182 1'800 o

    N ot 38 Principal Fixed Stars on the 1st ot January 1800, as determined by observations made at Greenwich Armagh, Palermo, Westbury, Dublin and Blackheath. In: "Edinburgh Transactions ot the Roy. Society", 1814, VII,part II, p.279.

    91 Hard -' K.L.Harding. Stern Verzeichniss. Zach.Nonatt A,D Correspondenz, XXVIII, p.310.

    71 H~l - K.L.Harding. Zach.Monatt.Correspondenz, A,D XXII, p.l64 (Observations in G5ttingen).

    Hard2 - K.L.Harding. Zeitschritt tUr Astronomie und verwandt. Wissenschatten, 1:" p.449. 12 He - Abbe Henry. Observations de que1ques ttoi1es.

    D In: "Nova Acta Petropo1itanae", 1801, XII, p.456 (Made with the mural quadrant at the Observator,T, St.Petersburg, in 1797 and 1798. The declinations pre suppose the instrumental error to be nil, and the latitude of the Observator,T to be known exactly).

    183 1800 47390 o l.D HC - J.Lalande. Histoire Celeste. I. Paris, An IX 1801 (Observations at Paris tco1e Mi1itaire). 184 1800 47390 o l.D

    185 1800 3082 A,N

    186 1800 3950

    187 1800 1504 C A,D

    188 1800 33 A,D

    189 1800 878 A,D

    Lal - J.La1ande (Bai1y). A Catalogue of those Stars in the "Histoire C61este" Fran~aise of J.de La1ande for which Tables of Reduction to the Epoch 1800 have been published by Prof.Schumacher, reduced by F.Bai1y V.A.G.,III, supp., 1~~ ~.X (Tables for reduction from Asten with "Neue HU1tstat.1n"). LalAr - J.La1ande (Arge1ander). Corrigierte Positio nen in La1ande's Cata10g nach der Ausgabe der British Association. In: Bonn Astronomsiche Beobachtungen, 1869, VII, p.2l3. t.lBO- J.La1ande (Bossert). Supplement A l'Histoire Celeste, etc. par M.J.Bossert. Paris teo1e Mi1itaire Ann. Memoirs, ~, 1892, p.Al. LalLa '- J.Lalande (Labaume). Catalogue des ttoi1es de l'Hist~ Celeste Fran~aise de M.J.Le Fran~ais, De Lalande, calcule pour 1 an 1800 par B.Labaume. Zach. Monat1. Correspondenz~ VII', 1822 (Does not include any of Piazzi's stars). ZS6 - Baron de Zach. Zach: Monat1. Correspon denz, Gotha, 1822, VII, p.29S'. 01t - Jabbo 01tmanns. Erstes Supplement zu Herm D.Piazzi's Stern Verzeichniss. Berlin Jahrbuch, su:gl. 1808, p.167.

  • NO equ. stars tY'O. coord. Abbrevation - Bibliography

    190 1800 84 OltZod - J.Oltmanns. Verzeiss der Llngen und Brei-B,L ten einiger Sterne tar den Antang des Jabres 1800.

    Berlin Jahrbuch, supp:J.. 1l:\08, p.224 (Zodiacal stars liable to occultation).

    :1,91 1800 6748 lPi - G.Piazzi. Praecipuarum stellarum inerrantium A,D positiones medi~e ineunte saeculo XIV ex observatio-

    nibus habitis in specula Panormitana ab anno 1792 ad annum 1802, Panormi, 1803 (Consists of a Catalogue ot 6354 stars, arranged in separate catalogues for each hour ot R.A. and a supplementar,y catalogue ot 740 stars ~t which 394 are not tound in the previous catalogue ).

    192 1800 7646 2Pi - G.Piazzi. Praecipuarum ste11arum inerrantium A,D positiones .edi&. ineunte saeculo XIX ex observatio-

    nibus habitis inSpecula Panormitana ab anno 1792 ad annum 1813. Panormi, 1814. V. V.A.G., ~ p.279. (For the original observations see "Ann en der K.K. Sternwarte der Wien, IV-XII, second series).

    193 1800 7646 2PiJu - G.Piazzi (Junk). Praecipuarum stel1arum A,D inerrantium positiones mediae ineunte saeculo XIX ex

    observationibus habitis in Specula Panormitana ab anno 1792 ad annum 1~13, Panormi, 1814. Faksimile-edition. Ed.W.Junk,N 4, Berlin, 1903. Ret. A.N., 392~ 164, 127.

    194 1800 28 PiPl - G.Piazzi. Berlin Jahrbuch, 1817, p.223 (Ple-A.D iades).

    195 1756- 45 P01 - J.Pond. Greenwich observations, 1828 (Catalo-1760 N gue ot interpolated N.P.D.s of 45 princi~al 1770-' stars between the observed places 1756 and 18 6).

    1780 1790-1800

    196 1800 29 P02 - J.Pond. From Observations at Greenwich bet-0 N ween 1800 and 1802, compared with observations at Palermo and Westbur,y during the same period and observations at Armagh in 1797. Phil.Trans., 1806, p.453.

    197 63 35 ptOB01 - ptolemy (Bode). Beobachtung and Beschrei-1800 B . bung der himmelischen Sphlre. Berlin und C Stettin, 1795, p.235 (ptolemy's longitudes reduced

    to 1800 and compared with Mayer's Catalogue, assuming the places in the Almagest to be tor epoch +63).

    198 138 1022 ptoB02 - ptolemy (Bode). Beobachtung and Beschreibun l~O B,L . der himmelischen SphDre. Berlin und Stettin, C 1795, p.90 (ptolemy's catalogue reduced to 1800 and

    compared with recent observations). 199 1800 259 Wo - F.Wol1aston. Fasciculus Astronomicus, contai-

    0 A,N ning observations of the Northern Circumpolar Region. Londo~~ 1800, p.234.(Observations at Chislehurst

    = 5~ 24;6 with meridian instrument Ramsden; from nov.l 92). '.

    200 1800 3~ ZaCT - Baron qe Zach. Connaissance des Temps, 1800.


  • NO equ. tYDe

    201 l~O

    202 1880

    203 1B80

    204 1800 o

    stars coord.

    28 A,D

    ~8l A

    345 A

    162 D

    789 A,D

    206 1800 1827 A

    207 1800 1250 D

    208 1801 17240 DU A,D

    209 1802 600 B,L

    210 1.802 36 A,N

    211 1802 ~6 C A,N

    212 1805 257~ 0 A.D

    Abbrevation - Bibliograpb3

    ZaVar - Baron de Zach. ObsE:'.ovations on Changeable Stars and Stars of Different \~olours. Edinburgh Phil. Journ., IX. Zach: Monatliche Correspondenz Gotha, 1822, VII. Z82 - Baron de Zach. Tabulae motuum solis novae,

    tixarum pra.ecipuarum catalogus novus. Gothae, 1792 (Catalogue of stars made from observations at Gotha 1787 to 1790). ZS3 - Baron de Zach. Fixarum praecipuarum catalogus

    novus ex observatione 1787-1790. Gotha, 1792, p.I. Z84 - Baron de Zach. Tabulae motuum solis novae, fixarum praecipuarum catalogus novus. Gothae, 1792. Zod - Catalogue of 1800 Zadiacal Stars for the Epoc of Jan.l. 1800, from the works of Piazzi, Bode, and others, by a Member of the Astronomical SOCiety ot London. Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine and Journal, LVIII, 1821, ~.114, ~67. LXII, 1823, p.47 (uncomple-ted). ZsZod1 - Baron de Zach. Tabulae specialis Aberratio-nis. Gothae, 1806, I. Right Ascensions trom: Stellarum Zodiacalium Catalogus Novus (stars arranged in order of signs). Gothae, l5~, p.XXXI. ZaZod2 - Baron de Zach. Tabulae specialis Aberratio-nis, Declinations from: Stellarum Zodiacalium Cata10gus novus. Observationibus in specula Electora-li Mannhemensi factis exhibens. p.LXXX. BodNeb - J.E.Bode. Description et COnnAiasance generale des constellations. Berlin.1801 (French and German. Contains catalogues of 14470 fixed stars, 421 double stars, 1802 nebulae, 212 clusters and ~35 double stars of doubtful position. Separate catalogue of the stars and nebulae in each constellation)." Chab - G.M.Chabrol. Connaissance des ~emps pour 180~.

    Mask02 - N.Maskelyne. The Mean Right Ascensions and N.P.D.-s of 36 Principal Fixed Stars tor the beginning of the year 1802. In: Greenwich Observation 1802 and Zach Tabulae specialis Aberrationis. Gotha, 1806. '. 01t2 - J~ltmanns. Recueil d'observations astrono-miques, par A.de Humboldt. PariS, 1810, I, p. 9 (Catalogue reduced by 01tmanns from Greenwich observa tions made in 1801 and 1802). BaV -' 'R. BaiTy (Valentiner). R.Barry's Fixternbea-bachtungen auf der gr. Sternwarte'-zu Mannheim bereeh-net und herausgegeben von Dr.W.Valentiner.I. Beobach-tungen am Passage-instrument im Jahre 1805. 41.-44. ter Jahresbericht des Mannhaimer Vereins fUr Natur-kunde, 1878.

    2l~ 180.5 2800 Ba - R.Barry. Fortsetzung des in Mannheim in den o A 1 Jahren 1806 und 1807 (unreduced).


  • equ. stars type coord. Abbrevation - Bibliography

    214 1805 ;600 Ba 2 - R.Barry. Beobachtungen am Mauer-quadranten aUI o D dem Jahre 1807. (unreduced). 215 1805 210 Bodo5 - J.E.Bode. Zweites Supplement aus der Herrn

    A,D D.Piazzi's Del Reale osservatorio di Pa1ermo.

    216 1805 o

    217 1805 0

    218 1805

    219 1805

    220 1805

    221 765-1772 779-1785 796-1801

    1180;-1807 C

    222 1809 0

    22; 118091

    224 1809 C

    225 1810 0

    Liber VI von mir entlehut. Berlin Jahrbuch. Supp1em. 1808, p.190 (see Astron.Jahrbuch 1810, p.2~).

    46 CaccF - N.Cacciatore (Auwers). Reduction der Beob. A der Fundamenta1sterne am Passage instrument der Stern-

    warte zu Pa1ermo 180;-1805 und Bestimmung der mitt1e-ren Hektaszensionen. Neue reducirt aus den Pa1ermita-ner Beobahctungen. Pub1. der Astr.Ges., Leipzi6, V, 1866 and Astron. Nachrichten, Altona 1865, Q2 (No: 1504), p.247. (from observations at Pa1ermo-r803-1805

    ;6 MaskIII - N.Maske1yne et Ass. Greenwich Observati~~ A IV at the end of Observations for 1807. See p.LXXVIII

    (from 1802 to 1807). 120 Pall - Del Reale Osservatorio di Pa1ermo. Liber A,D Sesto. pa1ermo. 1806. 100 Pa12 - Del Rea1e Osservatorio di Pa1ermo. Liber A,D Sesto. Palermo. 1806. 210 Pal; ~ Dei Reale Osservatorio di Pa1ermo. Liber A,D Sesto. Pa1ermo. 1806. ;6 MaskMa - N.Maskelyne (Maine). Catalogues of the

    A Concluded Mean Right Ascensions of Stars Compared with cL Ag1, arranged by the Rev.R.Maine.ln: Greenwich Observations, 1851. Appendix 11 (Maske1yne's Ledgers: of stars).

    47 A,D

    33 A

    9 B,L

    Bri09 - J.Brinkley. Irish Roy. Acad.Transactions, XII, 1813. (Observations in 1808-1809, with a 8-feet Ramsden Vertical Circle). Lal09 - J.La1ande. ConnaiF,ance des ~emps, an 15, 1807, p.378. Naut - Catalogue of the" Longitudes of 9 PrinCi~a1

    ~~~:~ ~~a~~et~i~~ieb~~i~!~e~.l~~~i~~ ~i:;~ac~ti~ '11;, p.162.

    Bal'lv - R.Barry (P.Moschnick). Roger Barry~ s Stern-verzeichnis nach den Beobachtungen am M~uerquadranten der Sternwarte zu MaBnheim in den'Jahren 1807 bis . 1811. Er9ter Teil: Sterne zwischen ~ktasze~ionen 2Qh und 24h und den Deklinationen +4 und -7 , Rostdc 1905.

    226 1810 14000 Ba 2. - R. Barry. Zonen am Bird' schen Mauerquadranten

    227 1810 424; o A,D

    , 1807-1811 (unreduced). Grb - S.Groombridge. A Catalogue of 4243 Circumpolaz Stars deduced from the observations of Stephen Groom-bridge. Edited by G.B.Airy. London~ 18;8 (observatioru at B1ackheath with Transit Circle ~roughton).


  • 92

    .qu. stars t:'roe coord Abbrevation - Bibliography

    228 1810 4243 Grb - F.W.D;yson, 1'I.G.Thackeray. New Reduction ot o A,D Groombridge's Circumpo1ar Catalogue for the Epoch

    1810 under the direction ot Sir W.H.M.Christie. Edin-burgh, 1905 (Observations at Blackheath, 'mean epoch 1808.0).






    1811 o

    232 1811 o

    233 1813 o

    234 1813 o

    235 1813 o

    236 1~13

    238 1814 o

    239 1815

    240 1815 o

    241 1815 o

    242 1815 o

    43 A,D

    8 A,D

    Ve - Domenico de Vecchi. Catalogo di 43 stelle pros-' sime a1 zenit dell' Osservatorio Florence. Annali deL Museo Imperiale, II, 1810. Z8S - Baron de Zach. L'Attraction ~s montagnes et ses etfets sur les fils aplomb ou ,sur le niveaux des instruments d'astronomie. II. Avfgnon, 1814, p. (4?4).

    30 Or - B.Oriani. Effemeridi Astr. di Mi1ano, 1815. D 1 Appendix, 1814, P.43. (Made from observations

    with a 3-foot rleDetitions circle at the Milan Observa tory).

    40 Or2 - B.Or ianl. Eftemeridi Astr. di Mi1ano, 181? D Appendix, 1816, p.25 (from mural circle ob~erva-

    47 N

    tions in Hilano). Bri - J.Brinkley. A Catalogue of N.P.D. of 47

    13 Principal Fixed Stars from 4ecent Observations Irish R.Acad. Transactions, XII, 1815 (nebst,Diffe-renzen gegen die ~eobachtungen von 1809).(Observation in Dublin).

    44 POl) - J.Pond. Philosophical Transactions, 1813, p. 'N ' 76 (From observations at Greenwich with the'

    84 N

    mural circle in 1812). 2Pol) - J.Pond. Philosophical Transactions, 1813, p~

    282 (Observations,at Greenwich in 1813). 30 Grw13 - J.Pond. Philosophical Transactions, 1815, N p.386 (Standard Greenwich Catalogue from


    192 A

    900 A


    984 D

    observations with the mural circle in 18143. ZaM - Baron de Zach. Verzeichiss der 22 Sternen. Ivionatliche Correspondenz, XXVIII. p.33 (Observations at i'larsei11e, 1 la Chapelette). str2 - F.G.W.Struve. Observationes Dorpatenses, I, 1814/15, p.45, Dorpat, 1817 (Observations with Dollan Transit Instrument). BeC- F.W.Besse1 (Cohn). K5nigsberger Beob., 1-6 Abth Rektaszensionen bereits von Cohn bearbeitet, K5nigp-berger Beobachtungen, )9 Abth. BeCl - F.Cohn. Bearbeitung von Besse1's Deobachtbn-, gen am Dolland'schen Mittagsfernrobre in den Jahren 1813-1819. K5nigsberger Beobachtungen, 2.2,18.99 BeC2 - F.Cohn. Bearbeitung von Besse1's Beobachtun-gen am Cary'schen Kreise. K5nigsb. Univ. Stw. Astr.Heobach., 40, 1904, p.91 (Mean epoch 1817).

    34 BeFI - F.W.Besse1. Dek1inationen am Cary'schen D Kreise. Astr. ~eobachtungen aut der K. Universitlts-

    sternwarte in KBnigsberg. 7 Abth., p.XXXII. K5nigs-berg, 1822.

  • equ. stars tYDe coord. Abbrevation - Bibliography

    243 1815 o

    244 1815 o

    245 1813 1814 1815

    246 1815 C

    247 1815 o

    248 1815 o




    1815 o

    1815 o

    1815 o

    253 1815

    254 1816 o 255 1816+


    256 1817 o

    257 1813-1818 o

    258 1819 o

    36 Be15F - F.W.Bessel. Berliner Ac.Abh., 1818/19, p. A 34 and Edinburgh Ph11.Journal, I, 1818 (from observations at K8nigsberg, 1814 to 1816). D015 - L.Boss. Nanuscriptcatalogue from Data in A Dorpat Observations, I, part 11. Appendix III of Vol.1 of Boss,B., General Catalogue, Washington, 1937.

    5 Lin - B.A.Lindenau. Berliner Astr. Jahrbuch 1818, p.247 (Star 61 Cyg and comparison stars tor Cyg).

    23 Lit15 - J.J.Litrow. Mittlere Poldistanzen fUr den N Anfang des Jahres 1815. Lindenau Zeitschrift

    fUr 1817, IV, p.85 (N.P.D.-s by Bessel, Piazzi, Pond and Oriani).

    36 MaskPo - N.Maskelyne (J.Pond). Greenwich Observa-A tions, 1811-1813 (Catalogue reduced by J.Pond from

    the latest observations of llaskelyne). 570 PdA - A.Auwers. Mittlere 6rter von 570 Sternen aus AID 1811-1819 angestellten Beobachtungen, abgeleitet von

    A.Auwers. Abhandlungen der Preuss. !kad. der Wissen-schaften, 1901, Berlin, 1902 (Observations at Green-wich). .

    44 p03 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1811-1813 N (from observations at Greenwich with the mural circle in 1812 and 1813).

    400 P04 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1814-1816 N (from observations at Greenwich, 1814-1816).Obs. Vol.I1 (Observations in 1814-1816 with mural circle Trollgh ton).

    54 schuml - H.C.Schumacher. De latitudine speculae D Hanhemiensis, Havniae, 1816 (Observations 01 ~8 Zenithstars with 10-foot Sisson Sector,on p.18; 36 H-stars with 8-foot Bird quadrant, on p.49).

    215 str l - F.G.W.Struve. Observations Dorpatenses 1814/ A 1815, I, p.65, Dorpat, 1817.

    A,D Tr - Companion to the Transit. London. 1815.

    Seeb - B.A.Lindenau. Berliner Astr. Jahrbuch 1818, p.247 (Observations at Seeberg).

    11 Lin2 - B.A.Lindenau (Encke). Rektascensionen im A Schwan. Lindenau-Bohnenberger, Zeitschrift fUr Astronomie, TUbingen, Ill, 1817, p.319.

    400 p017 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1814-1816, A,N Vol.II. 37 P018 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1820-1822, N Vol.IV (Catalogue corrected by a comparison of

    observations made in 1822 with those of 1812 and 1813 observotions with mural circle in 1815-1819).

    147 Km - D.Kmeth. Obs.astr. distantiarum a vertice, et A adscensionum rectarum stellarum quadrundam inerran-

    tium quas in specula Budensi et inst~tuit et in ca1-culum revocait D.Kmeth. Of en , 1823 ,Z.d.unreduced).


  • equ. stars tTOe coord. Abbrevation - Bibliography

    259 1820

    260 1820

    261 1820 o

    45 BeDH - F.W.Besse1 (W.DH11en). Neue Heduction der D KHnigsberger Dec1inatione, 1820. Acad.lmp.Nemoires.

    Hathem. et Physique, St.Petersbourgh, 1853, VII. BeD82 - 'd .DH11en. Recueil de N~moires. Observatoire

    D Centr.de Hussie, I, p.203, co1.B2. 36 BeFII - F.W.Besse1. Dek1inationen am Reichenbach' D schen Kreise~In: K5nigsberger Beobachtungen, K8nigs-

    berg, 1822, Abth.7, p.XXXIII and Edinburgh Phi1osophi ca1 Journal, VII.

    262 1800 13 BeWu - F.W.Besse1 (J.F.Wurm). LUnge und Breite der 1820 B,L Hauptsterne in der Plejaden tttr 1800 und 1820 aus den

    neuen Beseelschen Bestimmungen dieser Sterne Berech-net. Astr.Nachrichten, A1tona, 1825, 2 (NO.61), p.215

    263 1820 58,A Be20 - F.i~.Besse1. Circumpolarsterne. Right Ascen-59,D sions in: K5nigsberg, Astronomsiche Baobachtun-gen, Abt.VI, p.XV; declinations in: K5nigsberg, Astro nomische Beobachtungen, Abt.VII, p.XXIV.

    264 1820 7 BeGsm - F.W.Besse1. Sterne in den Zwi11ingen, die in









    1800 1820


    1800 1820 - 0 1820



    271 1820

    272 1820

    273 1820


    32 D


    519 B,L

    36 .I3,L A,D 35


    3396 A,D

    Greenwich zur Bestimmung des Co11imationsehlers benutzt waren. In: K5nigsberg, Astr. Beobachtungen, Abt.VIII, p.V. Brio - C.Broschi. Comentarii Astronomici de11a Spe-cola Rea1e di Napoli, 1824-26, I, parte II, p.1BB. (Catalogue made trom 2198 observations with 3-toot Mu1t.Circ1e ot Heichenbach). Cacc - N.Cacciatore. Posizione e movimenti propr. Del Real0 Osservatorio di Palermo, Libri VII, VIII e IX con Appendice: (Storia Celeste R.Osserv. di Paler-mo, 1, Libro IX, art.I). Palermo 182b. Catul - P.Catureg1i. Ephemerides Motuum Coe1estium, 1817 to 1822. Bo1ogna,1819 (Places from the New Palermo Catalogue). Catu2 - P.Catureg1i. Ephemerides Motuum Coe1estium, 1823 to 1828. Bologna, 1822.Appendlx (Places from the observations of Catureg1i and Fiazzi). GauF - C.F.Gauss. Beobachtung von 35 Fundamenta1-sternen am Reichenbach'schen Meridiankreise 1820.

    ,Briefvechse1 Gauss-Besse1, p.378 (Gauss's observa-tions at G5ttingen with meridian circle). Ingh - G.lnghirami. Metodo e Tavo1e per construire

    .un efemeride di occultazioni delle Fisse sotto la Luna. Firenze. 1826.

    58 KbgP1 - F.W.Besse1. K8nigsberger Beobachtungen, A VI.Abth., p.XV. 59 KbgP2 - F.\'I.Bessel. In K8nigsberger Beobachtungen, N 7.Abth., p.XXIV, Neue Aeduction der K5nigsber-

    ger Declinationen, 1820, von W.D511en in Acad.Imp. folemoires ~lathe'm. et Physique, VII, St.Petersbourg, 1853.

    36 Po20 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1817-1819. A

  • 274
















    equ. stars tY'De coord. Abbrevation - Bibliography

    17~~ 1784


    3~ P05 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1820-1822.



    1820 DM

    1821 o

    1821 o


    1822 C



    1822 o

    1822 o

    1822. o

    1813 1823 1823


    1823 o


    67 A,D

    25 L

    49 A

    64 A,D 504 A,D


    38 D

    37 N

    77 A,D


    43 N

    134 A,N

    Str - L.Struve. Bearbeitung der von W.Struve am Do110ndschen Durc~angsinstrument der Dorpater Stern-warte wHhrend der Jahre 1818-1822 angeste1ten Beobach tungen. Pub1.der Sternw. zu Jurjew (Dorpat), gg, Dor-pat, 1910. Str

    3 - F.G.W.Struve. Beobachtungen Struve's 1818-1821 in Vo1.I1 und III der Observationes Dorpa-

    tenses, we1che vie11eicht mit Str1 und Str2 ineinen Genera1kata1og zusammenzuzichen wHren. (unredu-ced) (71 Sterne eata10gisirt von Lefavour in Monthly Notices,XLII, p.423). StrPi - F.G.W.Struve. Dorpat Observationes~ Ill, 1822, p.VIII (Approximate places from Piazzi). Schum2 - R.C.Schumacher. De 1atitudine specu1ae Havniensis brevis disquisitio, A1tonae, 1827 (observations with Ramsden Zenithsector in 1820-1821) Wie~l - F.L.Mayer. rlesultaten der Beobachtungen am

    Passageninstrument, 1820-1823. Anna1en der ;:'. K.Sternwarte Wien, 7.Thei1, p.XXXIII. Bail - F.Bai1y. Astronomical Tables and Hemarks for

    the year 1822. London. 1822 (P1eiades). Bai2 - F.Bai1y. Astronomical ~ab1es and Remarks for the year 1822. London. 1822 (Stars observed by Brad1ey and Piazzi). Bai

    3 - F.Bai1y. Astronomical Tables and Remarks for

    o the year 1822. London. 1822 (All stars within 30 of equator). PoOl - J.Pond (C.F.R.01ufsen). 01ufsen's Reduction der Pond'schen Beobachtungen fUr 1822. Astr.Nachr., Atona, 1826 (No:73), p.1. .. P022 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1820-1822. (from observations at Greenwich Nov.1, 1821 to June 1, 1822). So - J.So1dner. Astronomische Beobachtungen ange-ste11t auf der K.Sternwarte zu Bogenhausen. 1820-1827 Teil I-V.


    Theil, Bri3

    - K.L.Littrow. Beobachtungen am Multip1ica-tions-Kreis. Anna1en K.K.Sternwarte Wien, 3.

    p.XV. - J.Brinkley. Philosophical Transactions, 1824 p.80.

    Cacc23 - N.Cacciatore. Osservazioni de11a Speco1a di Pa1ermo, 1830 (Observations in the zone _300 to +400 ). P023 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1823 (Result of observations from the beginning of Sept.1821 to the end of 1823).


  • 290
















    equ. stars t:voe coord.

    Abbrevation - Bibliography




    18~~ 1823 1823



    1824 0

    1824 DM





    1824 C

    1825 0

    72 Po23Sb A,N - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1823 (Subsidiary catalogue)

    60 P06 -A,N J .Po",d. Greenwich Observations, 1823.

    45 A,N


    - J .Pond. General va"tal.ogue .!:'oilosophica1 Tran-sactions, 1823, p.68 and Greenwich Observations,

    1820-1822. J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1820-1822.

    J.Pond. Philosophical Transactions, 1823,p.61

    20 Ftta - C.HUmker. Fortsetzung des Catalogs der S 23 mitt1eren SUd-po1ar-Distanzen der Sterne fUr

    Anfang 1823. Astr.t1achr., 1827 (No:102), 2, p.89. 53 Rn - C.Rttmker. Auszug aus einem Briefe des Km

    S HUmkers an 01bers in Bremen. Astr.Nachr., 1826 (No. 82), ~, p.163.

    46 Bri - J.Brinkley. A Catalogue in R.A. of 46 Prin-A 24 cipal Batrs, deduced from observations made at

    273 A,D

    35 D

    32 D

    68 A

    109 A,D

    56 D

    the Observatory, Trinity College, Dublin in 1823 and 1824. Astr.!~achr. (No.781, 1826, p.99 and Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, XIV. Fa

    l - F.Fallows. A Catalogue of nearly all the Prin cipal Fixed Stars between the Zenith of Cape

    Town C.G.H. and the south Pole. Phil.Trans., 1824, p. 457 (nAIl the Declinations must be diminished 4 se-conds" - note by F.Fallows to the Catalogue). D024 - F.G.W.Struve. Dorpat Observationes, 1830, V~ p.LVII. D024F - F.G.W.Struve. Declinationes stellarum 32 Fundamentalium. In: Stellarum Fixarum imprimis duplicium et multiplicium positiones Nediae ",Petro-poli, 1852, p.XXXIX. Str

    4 - F.G.\~.Struve. Ascensiones mediae stellarum' circumpolarium. In: Stellarum Fixarum imprimis

    duplicium et multipl1cium positiones I'lediae "Petro-poli, 1852, p.XXXXIII. Str

    5 - F .G.I" .Struve. Stellarum primarium 109 et tundamentalium et borealium positiones mediae

    In: Stellarum Fix.impr.dupl.et multo pOSe mediae ", Petropoli, 1852, p.XXXXVIII. st

    24 - O.Struve. Bestimmung der Constante ser Precession. Petersburg, 1842 (Zone -18 'to

    +780 ). Arg25

    _ F.Argelander. Declinationes Stellarum cir-cumpolarium et principa1ium. Observationes

    astronom. in spec.Univers litt. Fennicae tactae. To-mus I, A.A.Aboe, 1824, 1825, p.XXII, Helsingtors, 1830)

  • 306










    equ. stars type coord. Abbrevation - Bibliography

    1825 o

    1825 o

    1825 o

    1825 o


    36 BeFIII - F.W.Besse1. Verzeichnissder geraden Aufste-A gungen der 36 Fundamental-Bterne, Neuester Fundamenta

    cata1og. K5nigsberger Astr. Beobach., 10.Abth., P.X and Astr.Nachr.,1826,No 78 (Cbservations in 1820-1824

    27 A,D


    133 A,S

    48 A,N


    BeP1~ - F.W.Besse1. Verz~~chniss von 27 Sternen der P1ejaden aus K5ni~sber5er eridianbeobachtungen abge-1eitet. Astr.~achr., 1840, !7 (No 387), p.33 and Astronomische Untersuchungen. Brb - T.M.Brisbane. A Catalogue of 7385 Stars chief-ly in the southern Hemisphere prepared from Observa-tions made in the Year 1822-1826 at the Observatory at Paramatta, New South Wales , London, 1835 (at Sir Thomas Brisbane's Observatory; observations reduced by W.Richardson). BrbApp - T.M.Brisbane. A Catalogue of Stars, which have been observed either in Right ~~cension or South Polar Distance only or which the computer has not beer able to identify in the catalogues to which they are referred (p.248 des vorigen).

    Bri4 - J. Brinkley. On the (lUantity of the Pfecess10n of the Equinoxes as determined by certain Stars that appear to have no Proper Motion. Irish Acad.Roy. Transactions, XV, 1828. Bri25 - J.Brink1ey. rtesu1ts of the'App1ication of Captain Cater's Floating Collimator. Phi1. Trans.Roy.Society, London, 1826, Ill, p.307.

    1825175011 o

    BeZ - F.W.Besse1. Astronomische ~eobachtungen. Sie-bente bis siebzigste Abt., K5nigsberg, 1822-1835.

    1825 o

    1825 o

    1825 o

    1825 o

    194 A,D


    (Zones observations) KbgZo - F.W.Besse1. Orter von 194 Sternen fUr den Anfang 1825 (Nachricht von einer auf der K8nigsberger Stemwarte angefangenen a11gemeinen Beobachtun~en des Himme1s). Astr.Nachr., 1823, 1 (No 17), p.265 (Obser-vations in 1821). -KZA - A.Auwers. Vierzehn unbekannt geb1iebene K5nig sberger Zonen und Cata10g von 1309 darin Beobachteten Stemen fUr das Aequ.1825. ~lath.Abh.der K. Preuss.Ak. der ~Iissenschaften aus dem

  • equ. stars tyoe coord.

    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    317 1825 2840 Ftta - J.E.De Vos van oteenwijk. Catalogue of the o D declinations of 2840 southern stars mostly between

    -300 and the south pole for the equinox or 1825, ob-served with the mural circle at Paramatta N.S.W. by J.Dunlop and Ch. ROmker in the years IB23-1B28.Gro-ningen, 1923. Astr.Abhand1ungen, Erg~nzungshefte zu den Astr.Nachr.,4, No 7, 1923.

    31B 1825 274 8025 - J.So1dner. Aus den "Mitt1eren Positionen von 2112 k1eineren Sternen" etc. MUnchener Annalen XXXV, p.193, MUnchen, 1874 (beabsichtigt die MUnche-ner Sternwarte drei Cata10ge herzuste11en von denen dies er erste die Beobachtungen Soldner's 1B21 bis 1827 umfassen solI).

    319 1825 35 Str6 - F.G.W.Struve. Catalogus Ascensionum Rectarum A Stel1arum Fundamentalium ad justas aberrationes

    320 1825 35 A

    321 1825 46 o D

    322 1825 31085 o A,D

    323 1825 31085 o A,D

    324 1825 31445

    325 1826 63 o A,N

    326 1826 64 o A,N

    327 1826 40 o N

    328 1826 45 A,N


    et nutationes emendatum. In: Stellarum fixarum impr. dupl.et mult.positiones mediae , Petropoli, 1852, p. XXXXI. Str

    7 - F.G.W.Struve. Observationes Dorpatensis.1B30 VI, p.LXVIII.

    Tor - G.Plana. Torino Ac.R.Memorie, XXXII, p.464, IB28 (From Turin observations with the Reichenbach 3-foot circle in the years 1822 to 1825). 1of

    1 - F.W.Bessel (M.Weisse). Positiones stellarum fixarum in zonis Regiomontanis a Besselio inter

    -150 et +150 declinationis observatarum etc. auctore N. Weisse, Petropoli, 1846. (stars arran~ed and numbere< in hours of R.A.; reduced from the K8n1gsberg Zone Observations, 1821 to 1831). W1 (Junk) - ~l.\'ieisse. Positiones mediae stellarum fixarum in zonis Regiomontanis a Besselio inter -150 et +150 declinationis observatarum, ad annum 1825 reductae et in catalogum ordinatae. Jessu Academiae Imp. Petropolitanae edi curavit et praefa-tus est F.G.I'I.Struve, Petropoli, 1846. Facsimile-edition. Ed.Ii.Junk., No.6, Berlin, 1904. W2 - F.W.Bessel (M,Weisse). Positiones mediae stel-larum fixarum in zonis Regiomontanis a Besselio inter +150 et +45declinationis observatarum etc. auctore M.Weisse, Petropoli, 1863 (continuation of Bessel's K6nigsberg Zone Observations, 1821-1831). PoPrinc - J.Fond. Greenwich Observations, 1828,part 4 (The N.P.D.-s from observations with the mural circ les, l"iarch 1825 to I'larch 1828; mural circles Trough-ton and 'Jones). P026 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, X, 1826 (The R.A. from the Greenwich Catalogue of 1820; ob-servations in 1817-1821, IB23-1B26). 2P026 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1827 (cata-logue constructed from observed altitudes only Apr.l, 1825 to March 1, 1827). 3P026 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1825.

  • 329



    equ. stars tTDe coord.

    1826 o

    1826 o

    60 A,R

    40 N

    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    4Po26 - J.Pond. Greenwich Observations, 1826 (The R.A.s from Greenwich Catalogue of 1820). 5P026 - J Pond. Standard Catalogue from ~iura1 Circ1

    observations, 1825 to 1826. Appended are 21 additional stars, the N.P.D s of which ar~ not so exact. Greenwich Observations" 1826; Astr. Uachr.,,2, (No 119). .

    1826 C

    63 6Po26 - J.Pond. Results of Observations with the N two "lura1 Circles, in the years 1825 and 1826. Greenwich Observations, 1826; Astr.Nachr., ,2,(No 119) 1827, p.393.

    332 1827 D1tI

    253 Dunl27 - J.Dunlop. Approximate Places of Double Stars in the Southern Hemisphere, observed at

    Paramatta ip New South Wales. Memoires of the Astr. Society, London, 1829, Ill.

    333 1827 43 Gau27 - C.F.Gauss. ,Bestimmung der Breitendifferenz zwischen G8ttingen und Altona. G8ttingen, 1828 p.4.

    334 1827 38 Ha27 - P.A.Hansen. Bestimmung der Breitendifferenz zwischen G5ttingen und A1'tona. G!5ttingen, 1828, Abscbn.IV, p.76.

    335 1827 DM

    632 RaP - C.RUmker. Preliminary Catalogue of fixed stars intended for a prospectus of a catalogue of the stars in the southern hemisphere included within the Tropic ot Capricorn. Hamburgh, 1832.

    336 1827 51 SchwP - Schwerdt, F.M. Astronomische Beobachtungen D angeste11t auf der Sternwarte des Kg1.Lyzeums in

    Speyer von F.M. Schwerd. Zweite Abt Speyer, 1830, P.V.

    337 1828 65 Bi1 - G.Bianchi. Declinazioni di stelle. Ettemeridi





    D Astronomiche di Mi1ano per l'anno 1830, Mi1ano, 1829, p.1l4.

    1828 36 Bi1F - G.Bianchi. Dec1inazioni di ste11e. Appendice o D al1a Effemeridi Astronomiche di Mi1ano per

    l'anno 1830, Mi1ano, 1829, p.109.(Made with the 3-foot meridian circ~e of the Royal Observatory at Modena)

    1828 1394 Schw - F.M.Schwerd (W.A.Oe1tzen). Schwerd's Beobach-o tungen von Circumpo1arsternen in mitt1eren PositioneI

    1828.0. Denkschriften der Wiener Akademie, 1855, X, Wien, 1856.

    1828 93 WienLM28 - L.Mayer. Mitt1ere Orter fUr 1828.0. Annalen der K.K.Sternwarte Wien, ~, 1829, p.nx.

    1829 o


  • equ. stars tY'Oe coord.

    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    343 1829 o

    344 1829

    345 1830

    346 1830

    347 1830

    348 1830


    WienLM29 - L.Mayer. Annalen der K.K.Sternw&rte der Wien, 1830, X, I serie, p.LII (Fundamental stars observed in 1828 at Vienna Observator,y).

    45 Wien29F- J.J.Littrow. Memoirs of the Royal Astr. Soc N London, 1831, IV, p.328. -57 AJ22(93)Grw - S.C.Chandler. Fifty seven additional

    Chandler-Pond stars. Astr.Journal, 22, p.93, 1927. 29

    A,D 37


    196 A,D

    APS~ - E.P.Mason H.L.Smith. American Phil.Soc. Trans., 1841, VII (~elescopic stars in nebula h 1991) APST~ - E.P.Mason, H.L.Smith. American Phil.Soc.

    Trans., 1841, VII (Telescopic stars in nebula h 2008) APST~ - E.P.Mason, H.L.Smith. American Phil.Soc.

    Trans., 1841, VII (Telescopic stars in nebulae h 2092 and 2093)

    349 18030 _ 560 Arg - F.Argelander. DLX stelarum fixarum positiones A,D mediae, quas ex observationibus Aboae habitis deduxit

    Argelander. Helsingfors, 1835. 350 1830 53 ArgAk - F.Argelander. Verzeichniss der 65 am Aboer

    Meridiankreiss beobachtete Sterne. Berlin, 1833. Cata log zu den Akademischen Sternkarten. K5nigl.Akademie der Wissenschaten. .

    351 1830

    352 1830 2881 C A,D

    353 1830 C

    354 1830 1202 C A,D

    355 1830 727 o A,D

    356 1830 425 o


    ArgAnn - F.Argelattder. DLX stellarum fixarum positi ones mediae , Relsingfors, 1835. Annotationes, p.60. ABC - F.Baily. Catalogue of 2881 Principal Fixed Stars, reduced to Jan.l, 1830, computed at the expensl and under the direction-of the Astron.Society of Lon-don. With Tables. London, 1827. App. Memoires HAS, II (Consists of stars from the Catalogues ot Bradley, Piazzi and a few trom Lacaille and ~ach. For the inde of stars in the ABC giving the numbers according to constellations by Stattord, 1"lemoires of the Astr.Soc. London, V) Bai - F.Baily. Adress to Astronomical Observers

    4 relative to the Improvement and extension of thE ABC of 2881 Principal Stars. 1837. Bai - F.Baily. A Catalogue of all Stars tg the

    57th Mag. inclusive, situated within 10 of the Ecliptic. London, 1827. (Stars from ASC) Cbr - G.B.Air,y. First- Cambridge Catalgue. A Catalo-

    1 gue ot 727-stars deduced from observations made at the Cambridge Observator,y from 1828 to 1835. Roy. Astr.Soc .Mem., XI, 1840, p.2l and Astronomical Observ~ tions, 'Cambridge, 1829 1836, I-VII. Fa2 - F.Fallows (G.B.Airy). Results of the observa-tions made by the Rev.F.Fallows at the Royal Observator,y Cape of Good Hope in years 1829-31. Roy. Astr.Soc.l'lem., XIX, 1851, p.78. Einige Differenzen benachb&rter Sterne tinden sich ausserdem p.67 (Redu-ced by Airy; observations on Mural Circle of Jone).

  • 357



    equ. type 1830 o


    1830 o

    363 1830 DM

    364 1830



    367 368

    1830 o


    1830 1830 o

    369 1830 o

    370 1831? o



    1832 o


    stars coord.

    606 A,D

    41 A,D


    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    JSH - M.Jobnson. A Catalogue of 606 Principal Stars in the southern hemisphere deduced from observations made at the Observatory St.Helena from Nov.1829 to April 1833. London, 1835 (Observations on the 4-foot Mural Circle of Gilbert) JSHInt - M.Johnson. Auf p.24 der Einleitung zum vorigen befinden sich die Positionen von 41 n8rdli-chen Haupsternen. Pea - W.Pearson. Catalogue of 520 stars within 60 north and south of the Ecliptic observed at South Kilworth. Roy.Astr.Soc.Mem., XV, 1846, p.97.

    1112 Po - J.Pond." A Catalogue of 1112 Stars reduced from A,N observations made at the Royal Observatory Greenwich

    1816 to 1833. London, 1833. V. Greenwich Observations 1829, p.(IV).

    66 p030 - J.Pond (From Observations at Greenwich, 1816 A to 1834 inclusive). 66 2P030 - J Pond. Observatio"ns made at the Royal N Observatory Greenwich, for 1835 (from observa-

    tions 1825 to 1835). 720 Po29APP- J.Pond. Approximate right ascensions and A,N . north polar distance of 720 stars. Appendix

    to Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Obser-vatory Greenwich, Jan.-March 1829, London, 1829.

    125 Snow3

    - R.Snow. Catalogue of Right Ascensions of A 125 Stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astr.

    Soc., 22, p.556. 2874 StrPM - F.G.W.Struve. Stel1arum fixarum imprimis

    A,D duplicium et multiplicium positiones mediae pro epocha 1830.0 deductae ex observationibus meridianis annis 1822 ad 1843 in specula Dorpatensi institutis etc., Petropoli, 1852, p.235 (Observations of Struve and Preuss) .

    48 Str - F.G.W.Struve. Catalogi Generalis 48 loca A,D e emendata. Positiones Mediae Petropo1i, 1852,

    p.CXII. 45 WienLM30 - L.Mayer. l'lem.Roy.Astr.Soc.London, IV.

    1318 Wro - J.Wrottesley. A Catalogue of the R~A.'s of A 1318 stars contained in the ABC. Roy.Astr.Soc.14em.,

    London, X, p.157, 1838. (Observations at Blackheath). 55 WroSupp - J.Wrottes1ey. A Supplemental Catalogue

    A of the R.A.'s of 55 stars. Roy.Astr.Soc.Mem., London, XI, p.103, 1842 (Observations at B1ackheath).

    55 Snowl - R.Snow. Mean Right Ascensions of Fiftyfive A Unknown Stars, observed in 1831 (not to be


    7 A,t

    found, see: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astr.Soc., g, 114. Sended to the Society on June 8, 1832) Bu - A.L.Bush. Gradmessung in Ostpreussen, p.317 (Observations at K5nigsberg) Hen32 - T.Henderson. On the Positions of several Stars near the South Pole. Nemoirs of the Astr Soc London, VI, 1833.


  • 102

    qu. stars tY'O. coord. Abbrevation - Bibliography

    373 1833 172 CP33 - T.Henderson. Mean Declinations of 1?2 Prin-o D ci~al Fixed Stars for January 1,1833 from

    observat10ns made at the Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1832 an~ 1833. Astr.Nachr., 183?, !!, ~No 318), p.81.

    374 1833 174 D Hen - T.Hende~son. On the Declinations (and) the o 172 A Right Ascensions of the principal fixed stars deduced

    from observations made at the Observatory Cape of Good Hope in the years 1832 and 1833. Roy.Astr.Soc. Mem., X, 1838, p.49; XV, 1846, p.l29. (Right Asc. from I"eadows; observations on Jones Mural Circle)

    375 10833 66 p033 - J .Pond.Catalogue of the N.P.D.of 66 prin-N cipal stars from the latest observations at

    376 1,835

    Greenwich. Greenwich Observations, 1833 (Made from 33410 observations) .

    759 IbgZod- E.Luther. Beobachtungen von Zodiacalsternen A, D am Reichenbach' schen l'leridiankreise. KlSnigsberger

    Astr. Beobachtungen, 37. Abth.II, p.94, 1886. 377 1835 2000 ~ - J .Lamont. Zweiter der drei aus den "Mitt1e-

    ren Positionen v.2112 kleineren Sternen" etc., MUnchener Annalen, XXXV, p.193, 1874, zu bildenden Cataloge, umtassend die Beobachtungen Lamonts von 1828bis 1840. V. Observationes Monachienses, VII, p.l20; VIII, p.llO; IX,p.l29.

    378 1835 0

    379 1834 1835 0

    380 1835 0

    -381 1835


    382 183

  • equ. stars tTDe coord.

    Abbrevation - Bibliography

    385 1832. 1836

    386 1867

    387 1838

    389 1838

    390 1839

    391 1840

    Tay5 - T.G.Tay10r. Results of Astronomical Observa-tions made at Madras. 2. 1834-1839, Madras.

    80 Carl - F.Car1ini. Nuova determinazione della rifra-D zione. Effem.Astr. di Mi1ano, 1852, Appendix, 1851,

    p.49, p.1. 666 Bru38 - A.Quetelet. Catalogue des ~toi1es. Annales de l'Observatoire Roy.Bruxe11es, VIII, 1851,

    p.185. 158 Den38 - W.T.Denison. Ordonance Survey. Astronomical A,D Observations made with Ramsden's Zenith Sector

    London, 1842 (The A.R.-s and decl.s are for the epoch placed agai~t each star)

    208 K5ll - M.K5l1er. Extract from a letter from M.M.K8l A,D ler, Director of the Observatory at 1tremsmtinster, to

    F.Baily, Esqu., accompanying a Catalogue of 208 stars Roy.Astr.Soc.Mem., XII, 1842, p.372. Epps - J.Epps. The Cycle of celeste objects, conti-nued at the Hartwell Observatory to 1859. By vice-adm W.M.Smvth. London, 1860, p.18l.

    3256 Arg4V - F.G.A.Argelander. Uranometria Nova, Stellae A,D 'per Mediam Europeam Solis oculis conspicuae

    secundum veras Iucis Magnitudines e coelo ipso des-criptae. Berolini, 1843.

    392 1840 53 BePle~ - F.W.Bessel. Astronomische Untersuchungen, o A,D K8nigsberg, 1841 (Positions of the P1eiades determi-

    ned from measurements with the K8nigbserg heliometer)

    393 1840 62 Bu40-A.L.BuSh. Neue Untersuchung der Reductions-ele-D mente der Deklinationen und Bestimmung der



    1840 o

    1840 o

    396 1840

    397 1840 o


    1428 A,D

    398 1840 1439 o A,N

    Deklinationen der Fundamentalsterne von Herrn Geh. Rath und Ritter Bessel. Astr.Nachr. 1841. 18 (No 422) p.217; der Catalog findet sich p.234. --Chal40 - J .Challis. Cambridge Observations, 1-1, 1836-1843. CP40 - T.Maclear. The Cape Catalogue of Stars dedu-

    ced from observations made at the Royal Obser-vatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1834 to 1840 and reduced to the epoch 1840. Capetown, 1878 (observations with the old transit and mural circle of Jones in 1834-39 and mural circ1e'Greenwich of Jones in 1840, mean epoch 1838) , Ed - J.Halm. Neue,Reduction of Henderson's Catalogu for the Epoch l84:0.0 . Annals R.Obs.Edinburgh, g, 1906 GiW - J .M'.Gilliss. Catalogue of 1248 Stars observed between 1838-1842. Astronomical, Observations made at the Naval Observatory Washington. Washington, 1846. General-Catalogue p.593 (Catalogue made from observa-tions l October 1838 to July 1842, with the 5-foot trans1t instrument; old observatory) Grw40 - G.B.Airy. Catalogue of the Places of 1439 Stars referred to the first of January 1840, deduced from the Observations made at the Royal Obs. Greenwich~ .. from 18~6 January 1 to 1841 December 31. London, 11:)'1-3 (Obs.1n the zone - 3QO to +000 )


  • r-- equ. stars , NO tvoe coord.

    AbbreYation - Bibliography

    I 399 Ire Hen40 - T.Henderson. Edinburg Observations, 1-2, 1835-1843. 400 1840

    o Joh4O - M.Johson. Oxford