355 Bibliography 1. Abetti G (1948 and 1963) Storia dell’Astronomia. Vallecchi Editore 2. Armitage A (1991) Copernicus and modern astronomy. Dover Publications Inc. 3. Böhm CA (1989) Storia dell’Astronomia—dalla meccanica celeste al Big Bang. Franco Muzzio Editore 4. Brunier S, Lagrange A-M (2002) Les Grands Observatoires du monde. Bordas 5. de La Cotardière P, Ferlet R (eds) (1999) Various Authors, Le grand livre du Ciel—Comprendre l’astronomie du 21e siècle. Bordas 6. Couper H, Henbest N (2007) The history of astronomy. Firefly Books 7. Daumas M (ed) (1957) Histoire de la science. Gallimard 8. Davies JK (1997) Astronomy from space, The design and operation of orbiting observatories. Wiley 9. Dicati R (2010) Storia dell’Astronomia attraverso i francobolli. Aracne Editrice 10. Dicati R (2008) Osservatori astronomici: un itinerario filatelico, Prima parte, l’Astronomia, 293, Marzo 2008; Seconda parte, l’Astronomia, 294, Aprile 2008 11. Dicati R (2008) Radiotelescopi e filatelia, l’Astrofilo, 1, Dicembre 2008 12. Djebbar A (2002) Storia della scienza araba—Il patrimonio intellettuale dell’Islam. Raffaello Cortina Editore 13. Dorschner J, Friedemann C, Marx S, Pfau W (1975) Astronomy, a popular history. Almark Publishing 14. Dreyer JLE (1970) Storia dell’astronomia da Talete a Keplero. Feltrinelli Editore 15. Evans DS (1988) Under the capricorn—a history of Southern hemisphere astronomy. Adam Hilger 16. Evans J (1998) The history and practice of ancient astronomy. Oxford University Press 17. Fazio M, Giuliani V (2008) Storia della Fisica attraverso i francobolli. Aracne Editrice 18. Foukal PV (1990) Solar astrophysics. Wiley Interscience 19. Gribbin J (1998, 2005) Astronomia e Cosmologia. Garzanti 20. Harrison E (2000) Cosmology—The science of the universe, 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press 21. Haynes R, Haynes R, Malin D, McGee R (1996) Explorers of the Southern sky—a history of Australian astronomy. Cambridge University Press 22. Sir Heath TL (1991) Greek Astronomy. Dover Publications Inc. 23. Heilbronner E, Miller FA (1998) A philatelic ramble through chemistry. Wiley-VCH 24. Henbest N, Marten M (1996) The new astronomy, 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press, 1983 25. Hockey T (Editor-in-Chief) (2007) Biographical encyclopedia of astronomers, vol 2. Springer 26. Hoskin M (ed) (1997) Cambridge Illustrated history—astronomy. Cambridge University Press 27. Hourihane C (ed) (2007) Time in the medieval world. Princeton University R. Dicati, Stamping Through Astronomy, DOI 10.1007/978-88-470-2829-6, © Springer-Verlag Italia 2013

Bibliography - CERN · 2014. 7. 18. · 56. Norton OR (2002) The Cambridge encyclopedia of meteorites. Cambridge University Press 57. Pannekoek A (1989) A history of astronomy. Dover

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1. Abetti G (1948 and 1963) Storia dell’Astronomia. Vallecchi Editore2. Armitage A (1991) Copernicus and modern astronomy. Dover Publications Inc.3. Böhm CA (1989) Storia dell’Astronomia—dalla meccanica celeste al Big Bang. Franco Muzzio

Editore4. Brunier S, Lagrange A-M (2002) Les Grands Observatoires du monde. Bordas5. de La Cotardière P, Ferlet R (eds) (1999) Various Authors, Le grand livre du Ciel—Comprendre

l’astronomie du 21e siècle. Bordas6. Couper H, Henbest N (2007) The history of astronomy. Firefly Books7. Daumas M (ed) (1957) Histoire de la science. Gallimard8. Davies JK (1997) Astronomy from space, The design and operation of orbiting observatories.

Wiley9. Dicati R (2010) Storia dell’Astronomia attraverso i francobolli. Aracne Editrice10. Dicati R (2008) Osservatori astronomici: un itinerario filatelico, Prima parte, l’Astronomia, 293,

Marzo 2008; Seconda parte, l’Astronomia, 294, Aprile 200811. Dicati R (2008) Radiotelescopi e filatelia, l’Astrofilo, 1, Dicembre 200812. Djebbar A (2002) Storia della scienza araba—Il patrimonio intellettuale dell’Islam. Raffaello

Cortina Editore13. Dorschner J, Friedemann C, Marx S, Pfau W (1975) Astronomy, a popular history. Almark

Publishing14. Dreyer JLE (1970) Storia dell’astronomia da Talete a Keplero. Feltrinelli Editore15. Evans DS (1988) Under the capricorn—a history of Southern hemisphere astronomy. Adam

Hilger16. Evans J (1998) The history and practice of ancient astronomy. Oxford University Press17. Fazio M, Giuliani V (2008) Storia della Fisica attraverso i francobolli. Aracne Editrice18. Foukal PV (1990) Solar astrophysics. Wiley Interscience19. Gribbin J (1998, 2005) Astronomia e Cosmologia. Garzanti20. Harrison E (2000) Cosmology—The science of the universe, 2nd edn. Cambridge University

Press21. Haynes R, Haynes R, Malin D, McGee R (1996) Explorers of the Southern sky—a history of

Australian astronomy. Cambridge University Press22. Sir Heath TL (1991) Greek Astronomy. Dover Publications Inc.23. Heilbronner E, Miller FA (1998) A philatelic ramble through chemistry. Wiley-VCH24. Henbest N, Marten M (1996) The new astronomy, 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press, 198325. Hockey T (Editor-in-Chief) (2007) Biographical encyclopedia of astronomers, vol 2. Springer26. Hoskin M (ed) (1997) Cambridge Illustrated history—astronomy. Cambridge University Press27. Hourihane C (ed) (2007) Time in the medieval world. Princeton University

R. Dicati, Stamping Through Astronomy, DOI 10.1007/978-88-470-2829-6, © Springer-Verlag Italia 2013

Page 2: Bibliography - CERN · 2014. 7. 18. · 56. Norton OR (2002) The Cambridge encyclopedia of meteorites. Cambridge University Press 57. Pannekoek A (1989) A history of astronomy. Dover

356 Bibliography

28. Kelly DH, Milone EF (2005) Exploring ancient skies, An encyclopedic survey of archeoastro-nomy. Springer

29. Joffe M (1958) La conquista delle stelle. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore30. King HC (1979) The history of the telescope. Dover31. Krisciunas K (1988) Astronomical centers of the world. Cambridge University Press32. Lachièze-Rey M, Luminet J-P (1998) Figures du ciel. Seuil/Bibliothèque nationale de France33. de La Cotardière P, Ferlet R (ed) (1999) Various Authors, Le grand livre du Ciel—Comprendre

l’astronomie du 21e siècle. Bordas34. Lang KR (2000) The sun from space. Springer35. Lankford J (ed) (1997) History of astronomy—an encyclopedia. Garland Publishing36. Longair M (2006) The cosmic century—a history of astrophysics and cosmology. Cambridge

University Press37. McFadden L-A, Weissman P (2006) Torrence Johnson, Linda Versteeg-Buschman (a cura di),

Encyclopedia of the solar system, 2nd edn. Academic Press38. Maffei P (1984, 1987) La cometa di Halley. EST Mondadori39. Marx S, Pfau W (1982) Observatories of the world. Blandford40. Migliavacca R (1976) Storia dell’astronomia. Mursia41. Mitton S (1976) Exploring the galaxies. Faber42. Mitton S (ed) The Cambridge encyclopedia of astronomy. Trewin Copplestone Publishing43. Moore P (1974) The story of astronomy—New edition. MacDonald & Jane’s44. Moore P (2000) The data book of astronomy. Institute of Physics Publishing45. Moore P (1970, 1981) The atlas of the universe. Mitchell Beazley46. Moore P (1984) The new atlas of the universe. Mitchell Beazley47. Moore P (1997) Eyes in the universe—the story of the telescope. Springer48. Moore P, Hunt G (1983) The atlas of the solar system. Mitchell Beazley49. Müller P (1992) Sternwarten in bildern. Springer50. Murdin P (Editor-in-Chief) (2001) Encyclopedia of astronomy and astrophysics, vol 4. Institute

of Physics Publishing51. Murdin P (2009) Secrets of the universe. Thames & Hudson52. McCluskey SC (1998) Astronomies and cultures in early Medieval Europe. Cambridge Univer-

sity Press53. Nasr SH (1977) Scienza e civiltà nell’Islam. Feltrinelli Editore54. Needham J (1985) Scienza e civiltà in Cina, vol. 3, La matematica e le scienze del cielo e della

Terra—I. Matematica e Astronomia—Einaudi Editore55. North J (2008) Cosmos: an illustrated history of astronomy and cosmology. University of

Chicago Press56. Norton OR (2002) The Cambridge encyclopedia of meteorites. Cambridge University Press57. Pannekoek A (1989) A history of astronomy. Dover58. Pecker J-C (2001) Understanding the heavens, thirty centuries of astronomical ideas from an-

cient thinking to modern cosmology. Springer59. Ridpath I (General ed.) (2001) Collins encyclopedia of the universe. Harper Collins publishers60. Walker C (ed) (1996) L’astronomia prima del telescopio. Edizioni Dedalo61. Schilling G (2011) Atlas of astronomical discoveries. Springer62. Sharov AS, Novikov ID (1993) Edwin Hubble, the discoverer of the big bang universe. Cambridge

University Press63. Singer C (1997) A short history of science. Dover64. Spitzer L Jr (1982) Searching between the stars. Yale University Press65. Unsöld A, Baschek B (2002) The new cosmos, 5th edn. Springer66. Wilson A (1987) Solar system log. Jane’s

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67. Wilson R (1997) Astronomy through the ages—the story of the human attempt to understand the Universe. Taylor&Francis

68. Wilson RJ (2001) Stamping through mathematics. Springer69. Zimmermann R (2000) The chronological encyclopedia of discoveries in space. Orix Press70. Zombeck MV (2007) Handbook of space astronomy and astrophysics, 3rd edn. Cambridge

University Press

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AAbbe, Ernst, 7.14Aberration of light, 171Abu Simbel, 4, 1.4Academy of Lincei, 122Adams, John Couch, 209-10, 8.4, 216AFIS (Italian Trustee Administration in

Somalia), 1.2AGILE, 11.29, 353d’Ailly, Pierre, 89, 4.6Airy, George, 6.23, 8.4, 209Akerman, Anders, 7.20Albatenius (Al-Battani), 66Albertus Magnus, 3.17, 75Alcuin, 74Ale’s Stones (Sweden), 2, 1.3Alexandria of Egypt, 50-1, 2.29Alexander the Great, 30-1, 50, 2.29Alfonso of Castilla (the Wise), 65, 67, 3.9, 94Alphonsine Tables, 65, 84, 111Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haitham), 62, 3.6Almagest, 52, 62, 64, 3.6, 3.14, 73, 75, 84, 91, 97Alpetragius (Al-Bitruji), 3.11Altazimuth mount, 7.13, 298, 10.27, 302, 334Amalthea, 216Ambartsumian, Viktor, 285, 10.17Ambrose of Milan (Saint), 73, 3.15Anaxagoras of Clazomene, 41, 2.21Anaximander of Miletus, 36, 38Anaximenes of Miletus, 36, 2.17, 38Angel, Roger, 298Ångström, Anders Jonas, 251ANS, 343, 11.22

Antikythera mechanism, 50, 2.28Antoniadi, Eugène Michel, 214Aperture synthesis, 320, 11.5-7Aphelion, 115, 145, 8.4, 216, 218, 227Apianus (Peter Bienewitz), 2.31, 88, 4.5, 222Apollo 16 (Lunar mission), 330, 11.15, 348Apollo-Soyuz, 331, 11.14Apollonius of Perga, 47Arago, François Jean Dominique, 7.18, 9.14-5,

192Aratus, 2.32, 57Archimedes, 2.26, 48, 2.28, 51Ariel, 198, 216Ariel (UK satellites), 11.21, 216, 11.23, 341, 343Aristarchus of Samos, 39, 2.26, 47-8Aristotle, 41, 2.22-4, 44-5, 47, 50, 52, 65-7, 3.13,

75, 3.17, 104, 109-10, 120, 222, 229, 262

Armillary sphere, 24, 2.5-6, 26, 29, 49, 2.27, 52, 58, 64, 3.13-6, 84, 4.7, 92-4, 4.9-11, 4.27-8

Arrhenius, Svante, 224, 8.13Artificial satellites, 2.11, 315, 11.1Aryabhatta, 31, 2.11Arzachel, 65, 3.9Asteroids, 204, 8.1-3, 205-6, 214, 218-21, 230,

309, 324Achilles, 206Apophis, 8.2Ceres, 8.1, 204, 218, 220Chang, 8.3Dactyl, 205Eros, 204, 8.2, 206


R. Dicati, Stamping Through Astronomy, DOI 10.1007/978-88-470-2829-6, © Springer-Verlag Italia 2013

The numbers refer to pages of text and to the figures. The figure numbers in boldface indicate that the entry is associated with an image of a stamp or postal document.

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Eureka, 207, 8.3Gaspra, 205, 8.2Golevka, 11.11Helvetia, 8.3Hesperia, 211Hygeria, 218Ida, 205, 8.2Juno, 2.20, 204Lutetia, 8.3Mathilde, 8.2Pallas, 204, 218Patroclus, 206Steins, 8.2Trojans, 206-7, 8.3Vesta, 204, 218

Astroblemes, 8.21Astrolabe, 49, 63, 3.6, 3.9-10, 67, 3.13, 3.15-6,

75, 4.7, 4.11, 97, 4.27Astrology, 19n, 20, 2.16, 73, 88Astro-F (Akari), 334, 11.19Astron, 333, 11.17Astronomical Unit (AU), 154, 158, 204Astro (Japanese satellites), 334, 11.19, 11.23Astronomical clocks

Besançon Cathedral, 4.2Town Hall, Prague, 4.2

Astronomical observatories (see Observatories)Augustine of Hippo, 73, 3.15Augustus Caesar, 58-9, 3.2Aurora, 2.5, 29, 257, 9.14-6, 261, 330, 11.5-6Autumnal equinox, 1.2Auzout, Adrien, 135, 181Averroes, 66, 3.11Avicenna, 63, 3.7

BBaade, Walter, 275Babylon, 2.1Babylonian astronomy, 19-20Baily, Francis, 248, 9.9, 9.11Balestilha (see Cross staff)Balloon Astronomy, 11.31Banks, Joseph, 158, 6.15Barnard, Edward Emerson, 193, 216, 8.8Bayer, Johann, 1.12, 7.20Bayeux (Tapestry of), 3.19, 222Bede the Venerable, 73-4Beer, Wilhelm Wolff, 210

Bell, Jocelyn, 321Belopolskii, Aristarkh A., 215, 8.8Berkeley, Gorge, 145, 6.8Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm, 190, 7.17Beth Alpha (Israel), 1.7Bethe, Hans Albrecht, 288, 10.18Bhaskara, 31Bienewitz, Peter (see Apianus)Big Bang, 10.7-8, 273, 276-7, 289, 291, 10.20-1,

293, 339Bignami, Giovanni Fabrizio, 346Biot, Jean Baptiste, 231Al-Biruni, 62, 3.5-6Al-Bitruji (Alpetragius), 3.11Black holes, 10.11, 10.17, 293, 10.21, 321, 339,

343, 345Black body, 240-3Black dwarf, 291Blazars, 352-3Bode, Johann Elert, 176, 7.20Boethius, Severinus, 73Bohr, Niels, 266, 10.1, 11.21Bok, Bart Jan, 285Boltzmann, Ludwig, 243, 9.3Bonassola, 2.2Bond, George Phillips, 215Bond, William Cranch, 215, 8.8Borda, Jean-Charles de, 161, 6.19Boscovich, Roger, 153, 160, 7.2, 7.14Botticelli, 3.15Bouger, Pierre, 159, 6.18Bouvard, Alexis, 207Bowen, Ira S., 285Bradley, James, 172, 190, 7.17Brahmagupta, 31Bredichin, Feodor A., 8.8, 8.13, 224Brunelleschi, Filippo, 86Bruno, Giordano, 4.24, 109Buffon, G. Louis Leclerc de, 6.11, 153Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm, 240Burgi, Justus, 110, 4.25Burnight, T.R., 339Bylica, Marcin, 85, 4.4

CCacciatore, Niccolò, 7.20Caesar, Caius Julius, 3.1, 58Calcidius, 73


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Caldwell catalogue, 8.12Calendar, 2, 9, 11, 20-1, 58, 62Callanish, 2, 4, 1.3Callippus, 88Callisto, 5.6Campbell, John, 6.21Campo del Cielo (meteorites), 231, 8.21Cannon, Annie Jump, 244Capella Martianus, 73, 3.15Carlini, Francesco, 211Carnac (France), 2, 1.3Carnegie, Andrew, 271, 10.5Carrington, Richard C., 250Carte du Ciel, 7.22, 194Cassegrain, Laurent, 7.1, 171, 7.4Cassini, Gian Domenico, 5.15-6, 134, 6.12Cassini division, 5.16, 138, 8.8Cassini-Huygens (spacecraft), 5.15, 8.8, 11.28Cassiodorus, 73, 3.16Catherine I of Russia, 185Celestial sphere, 1.2, 2.30, 78, 92, 104, 4.20,

4.29, 147, 191, 7.20, 330Cellarius, Andreas, 4.19-20, 7.9Celsius, Anders, 159, 6.17Centaurus A, 11.6Centaurus X-3, 341Cepheids, 247n, 272, 10.6, 275Cherenkov, Pavel A., 11.30Cerenkov radiation, 11.30Cesi, Federico, 122CFHT (Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope),

10.30, 306, 333, 11.18Chaldeans, 19Challis, James, 209Chamber of Curiosities (St. Petersburg), 185,

7.15, 8.20Chandra (satellite), 11.9, 337, 11.24-5Chandra Sekhar, Samanta, 31, 2.11Chandrasekar, Subrahmanyan, 10.20, 291,

11.24Charles II of England, 169Charlemagne, 3.15, 74Charon, 217Chichén Itza, 33, 2.13, 2.14Chinese astronomy, 23-4, 2.7, 8.3Chladni, Ernst, 230Chrétien, Henri, 7.1Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 57, 3.1Clark, Alvan, 7.14, 211, 282

Clavius, Christopher, 89, 4.6, 4.7Coal Sack, 4.15COBE, 10.7, 277, 11.19, 339Colombo, Cristoforo, 86, 4.11, 97Comets, 2.5, 29, 47, 57, 3.13, 147, 6.7, 6.10,

7.22, 8.3, 8.8, 218-9, 221-2, 8.12-6, 224-5, 8.16, 9.18, 327, 330, 335, 11.20

Arend-Roland, 8.15, 10.25Bradfield, 8.14Encke, 8.12, 222, 231Giacobini-Zinner, 8.15Hale-Bopp, 8.12, 226Halley, 20, 2.2, 3.13, 78, 3.19, 4.4, 87, 6.22,

6.7, 11.16, 7.18, 221-2, 8.12-4, 224, 226Hyakutake, 345Ikeya-Seki, 8.16Kohoutek, 331, 11.14, 11.15Shoemaker-Levy, 225, 8.16Swift-Tuttle, 229, 8.17Tago-Sato-Kosaka, 330Tempel, 224West, 331, 8.15, 11.15

Comte, Auguste, 239, 9.1Compton (satellite GRO), 337, 345, 11.29Concordia Base (Antarctica), 11.18Constellations, 1.2, 7, 11-7, 2.3, 22

Andromeda, 1.11, 1.13, 4.18Aquarius, 1.10, 1.13Aquila, 3.14, 7.20Argo Navis, 1.14Aries, 1.10, 1.12, 3.14, 4.18Auriga, 8.12Bootes, 11-2, 34, 2.15Cancer, 1.10, 3.14Capricorn, 1.10, 1.13, 1.14, 3.14Carina, 1.14Cassiopeia, 11, 1.13-4, 111-2, 4.26, 10.25Centaurus, 7.17Cepheus, 1.13, 9.6Cetus, 11, 1.13Cignus, 1.11Crux Australis (Southern Cross), 7.17, 7.19,

9.4, 11.18Dolphin, 7.20Draco, 2.2Gemini, 1.10, 307Grus, 7.20Hercules, 11, 1.14Hydra, 11


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362 Index

Leo, 1.10, 1.12Libra, 1.10Lynx, 2.2Lupus, 4.26Lyra, 7.17Orion, 1.1, 1.2, 11, 34, 36, 2.15, 3.14, 9.4, 339Pegasus, 1.11, 1.13, 4.18Perseus, 11, 1.13Pisces, 1.10, 1.13, 4.18Piscis Austrinus, 7.20Puppis, 1.14Sagittarius, 1.2, 1.10, 1.12, 1.14Scorpius, 1.10, 11.21Southern Cross, 1.2, 4.2, 4.15, 7.19Taurus, 1.10, 3.14Ursa Major, 1.2, 1.12, 1.14, 2.2, 3.15, 4.2,

4.14, 98, 9.6, 10.25Ursa Minor, 2.2, 2.16, 3.15, 4.14Vela, 1.14Virgo, 1.10, 1.11, 2.27

Cook, James, 6.13, 157, 6.15, 6.20-1, 9.15Cooke, Thomas, 8.7Copernicus, Nicholas, 4.9, 4.16-23, 4.29-30,

101-7, 7.3Copernicus 500 (Intercosmos 9), 11.8Coronagraph, 261, 9.17Coronelli, Vincenzo, 7.20COS-B, 346Cosimo II of Medici, 120Cosmic Background Microwave Radiation, 277,

11.19, 339Cosmos (Soviet satellites), 341, 11.27Christian IV of Denmark, 135Christian V of Denmark, 138Cross-staff, 4.12, 97Cusanus, Nicholas, 4.2Cuzco, 2.14Cygnus Loop, 11.21

DDaguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé, 192, 7.18d’ Alembert, Jean-Baptiste, 149-50, 6.10Dalton, John, 265Dalmatin, Herman, 3.16Dante Alighieri, 66, 75, 3.18Danti, Ignazio, 89, 4.6Darius (King of Persia), 4-5, 1.4d’Arrest, Heinrich Ludwig, 209D’Arturo, Guido Horn, 299

Davis, John, 97, 4.13Davis, Ray, 289De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, 2.26,

101, 103, 122, 4.20Deep Space Network, 11.7Deferent, 47, 2.25, 52, 55, 100-1Deimos, 214De La Rue, Warren, 250Delisle, Joseph-Nicolas, 185Delporte, Eugène, 1.12Democritus of Abdera, 39, 2.20Dendera Zodiac, 22, 2.3Descartes, René, 147, 6.8Detre Laszlo, 10.30Digges, Thomas, 4.23, 109Al-Din, Taqi, 3.13Dione, 138Dollond, John, 183, 7.13Domus Aurea, 3.3Donati, Giovanni Battista, 222, 224Doppler, Christian, 244, 9.5Doppler effect, 244-5, 272Draper, Henry, 192Draper, William, 193Dresden (celestial globe), 64, 3.8Dresden codex, 33, 2.13Dreyer, J.L.E., 104, 7.21Du Bridge, Lee, 294Dürer, 2.32, 4.3Dwarf planets, 219-21Dymond, Joseph, 158

EEarthshine, 4.4, 88East, 1.2Eclipses, 20, 24, 2.21, 9.7-11, 10.3Ecliptic, 1.2, 11, 23, 49, 52, 69Eddington, Arthur, 10.3, 270Edgeworth, Kenneth Essex, 218Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, 204, 216-9, 8.10Egyptian astronomy, 2.16Egyptian calendar, 20-2Egyptian pyramids, 1.4, 2.3Einasto, Jaan, 10.6Einstein, Albert, v, 265-6, 10.1-4, 10.18Einstein (HEAO 2), 341, 11.23Electromagnetic spectrum, 9.16, 315, 11.1Empedocles of Agrigento, 2.16, 2.18, 39, 2.22Enceladus, 177

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Encke, Johann Franz, 209, 215, 8.8, 8.12Ensisheim meteorite, 229Ephesus, 2.18Epicurus, 47, 87-8Epicycle, 2.25, 47-8, 52, 55, 66, 3.11, 100-1, 104,

110, 4.30Equant, 55Equatorial armillary sphere, 24-5, 4.27, 4.28Equinoxes, 1, 32, 1.8

Autumn Equinox, 1, 1.2Spring Equinox, 1, 1.2

Eratosthenes, 2.30, 51, 92, 5.12, 159Eris, 218, 220ESRO, 341Euclid, 51, 2.30, 3.16Eudoxus of Cnidus, 43, 2.23Euler, Leonard, 4.4, 6.10, 151Europa, 5.6EUVE, 331EUVT, 11.14, 331Evershed, John, 9.16Evpatoria, 11.7EXOSAT, 11.23, 343-4Explorer (satellites), 11.22, 341, 345, 346, 348

FAl-Farabi, 65-6, 3.11Al-Farghani, 3.6Farnese Atlas, 3.3, 59Faye, Hervè, 251Frederick II of Denmark, 120Ferdinand II of Medici, 120Fernandez, Julio, 218Fernel, Jean François, 159Fizeau, Hippolyte, 244Flammarion, Camille, 8.6, 214Flamsteed, John, 145, 6.6-7, 166, 6.22, 169, 7.3,

7.10, 190, 194Florence (cathedral), 4.4Folon, Michel, 10.31Fontana, Francesco, 126Fornax A, 11.8Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon, 192, 7.24, 199Four elements, 39, 2.18-9, 42Fowler, William, 10.20Fracastoro, Girolamo, 88-9, 4.5Fraunhofer, Joseph von, 184, 7.11, 7.14-5, 239Fraunhofer lines, 240, 253, 9.1-2French Academy of Sciences, 157, 159, 7.18

Friedman, Alexander, 272Friedman, Herbert, 339FUSE, 331, 11.15

GG043.3-00.2, supernova remnant, 11.26G1.9 +0.3, supernova remnant, 11.25Galaxies 10.4, 2.30-9, 10.6-7, 10.9-10, 10.17,

272, 277-81, 293-4Andromeda (M31), 129, 7.21, 272, 10.6, 275,

278, 10.10, 11.8ESO 97-G13, 10.11ESO 350-40 Cartwheel, 10.10IC 342, 7.21Large Magellanic Cloud, 10.10, 10.17, 289,

10.36, 11.15, 333M32, 10.10M33, 272, 10.16M51, 2.7, 7.8, 7.18, 196, 7.23M64, 10.10M81, 10.10, 11.20M83, 10.10M100, 10.37M101, 10.10NGC 1300, 10.10NGC 1316, 7.21NGC 2997, 10.10NGC 3115, 10.10NGC 4038/4039, 7.21NGC 4594, 10.10NGC 5128, 11.6NGC 6946, 8.5NGC 7742, 10.11Seyfert Galaxies, 10.11, 341Small Magellanic Cloud, 10.6

Galex, 11.16Galilean satellites, 5.6, 5.9, 5.17, 6.21, 165Galileo Galilei, vii, 1.12, 119-20, 5.1-8, 7.19Galileo (spacecraft), 205, 8.3Galle, Johann Gottfried, 209Gamma Astronomy, 345, 349Gamma ray burst (GRB), 347-9Gamow, George, 276Ganimede, 5.6Gassendi, Pierre, 126, 5.9, 9.15Gauss, Karl Friedrich, 203, 8.1, 8.9Geminga, 346Gemini North Telescope, 307Gemini South Telescope, 302

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General Relativity, 269, 274, 293GEO600, 293George III, 176Gerona (Tapestry of the Creation), 3.21Gerson, Levi ben, 27, 67, 3.11Giabir Ibn Aflah, 3.9Giacconi, Riccardo, 289, 339Giant Magellan Telescope, 10.5Gilbert of Aurillac, 3.15, 75Ginga, 11.23Giotto da Bondone, 3.19, 78, 8.12Giotto (Halley comet probe), 222, 8.12-3Giove (town of Italy), 1.1Giza, 2, 1.4GLAST (Fermi satellite), 11.29, 353Globular cluster, 10.6Gmunden, Johannes von, 4.1, 84Gnomon, 1.8, 11, 22, 2.4, 26, 2.10, 31, 86Godin, Louis, 159, 6.18Goldstone, 11.7, 11.11-2Goodricke, John, 247Granat, 11.28GranTeCan, 307Gravitational lenses, 10.4, 309Gravitational waves, 293Green, Charles, 158, 6.15Greenwich Mean Time, 6.23Gregorian Calendar, 89, 4.8Gregorian telescopes, 172, 7.2Gregory, James, 171Gregory XIII (Pope), 89, 4.6Gregory of Tours, 3.16Grimaldi, Francesco Maria, 129, 5.12, 131Guericke, Otto Von, 5.9, 147, 6.8Guo Shoujing, 24, 2.5-6, 4.28

HHabermel, Erasmus, 4.27Hadley, John, 6.20-1, 172Hadrian, 3.3al-Haitham Ibn (see Alhazen)Hakucho, 11.23Hale, George Ellery, 9.16, 258, 271Hall, Asaph, 8.6, 214Hall, Chester Moore, 183Hallerstein, F. A. Haller von, 2.9, 29Halley, Edmond, 6.4, 144-5, 6.6-7, 6.12, 6.22,

172, 7.10Harding, Karl Ludwig, 7.8

Haro, Guillermo, 10.30Harriot, Thomas, 126, 5.10Harrison, John, 6.21, 166Hathor (Isis Sothis), 21, 2.3Haumea, 221Hawking, Stephen, 10.21HEAO (astronomical satellites), 343, 11.23,

11.27, 349Heliacal rising, 21Heliometer, 7.14Heliopolis, 2.3, 22Helios, 1.5, 7, 1.7Helios 1 e 2, 11.27Hell, Maximilian, 6.13, 157Helmholtz, Hermann Von, 254, 9.12Henderson, Thomas James, 190Henry of Portugal, 4.11, 95, 4.12Henry, Paul and Prosper, 194Heraclides Ponticus, 114Heraclitus, 2.16, 38, 2.18, 2.22Hercules X-1, 341Herschel, Caroline Lucretia, 175, 7.5-6Herschel, John, 7.21, 9.9Herschel (orbiting telescope), 11.20Herschel, William, 153, 174, 7.5-9, 7.23, 9.9Hertz, Heinrich, 9.3, 314-5, 11.2Hertzsprung, Ejnar, 244, 9.4Hertzsprung-Russell (diagram), 244, 9.4, 289Hesiod, 34, 36, 2.15Hess (gamma ray observatory), 11.30Hess, Victor Franz, 11.30Hevelius, Jan, 126, 1.14, 5.10-2, 5.14, 7.20Hewish, Antony, 11.6Hexe, 11.23Hildegard of Bingen, 75, 3.18Hipparchus of Nicaea, 48, 2.27-8Hipparchus, astrometric satellite, 48, 2.27, 11.8Hoag, Arthur Allen, 10.11Hoang-Ti, 23Hoba West (meteorite), 8.22Hodgson, R., 257Homer, 34, 2.15, 83Hooke, Robert, 138, 5.16, 6.20Hooker, John, 271Hourglass, 97, 4.14Hsu Kuang-ch’i (see Xu Guangqi)Hubble classification of galaxies, 10.9Hubble, Edwin Powell, 272, 10.6, 10.9, 284,

294, 10.22


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Hubble Space Telescope, 10.15, 10.17, 10.22, 10.35-7, 309, 11.8, 11.16, 11.18, 11.20, 333, 337

Huggins, William, 245, 250, 279, 10.13Humboldt, Alexander von, 8.17, 257, 9.14Huygens, Christian, 5.5, 131, 5.13-5, 131,

134-5, 172, 183Hyades, 34Hyperion, 198, 215Hypernova, 10.19, 349

IIapetus, 138IAU (International Astronomical Union),

218, 8.11ICE (spacecraft), 8.15IGY (International Geophysical Year), 8.17,

9.8, 11.3Index Catalogs (IC), 7.21Indian astronomy, 30-1, 2.11, 61Infrared Astronomy, 333-9Integral, 11.29International Date Line, 6.23International Year of the Quiet Sun, 9.16, 258, 11.8Io, 5.6, 120, 5.17, 138, 309IRAS, 334-5, 339, 11.19Iris, 2.17Isidore of Seville, 73Isis Sothis (see Hathor)ISO, 334, 337IUE, 11.15-6, 333

JJacob’s staff, 27, 67, 3.11Jacobus Kaptein Telescope, 307James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, 10.30Jang Yeong-sil, 2.10Jansky, Karl, 268, 11.3Janssen, Pierre Louis Cesar, 251Janssen, Sacharias, 119Jantar Mantar, 31, 69, 2.11Jeans, James Hopwood, 154John Paul II (Pope), 5.8Jones, Harold Spencer, 204, 8.2Juan, Jorge, 159, 6.18Julian date, 4.7Juno, 2.20

Jupiter, 1.6, 5.16-7, 6.21, 8.16, 43, 52, 88, 111, 120, 126, 135, 138, 145, 152, 165, 203-7, 216, 220, 225, 227, 309, 321

JWST, 11.20

KKalendae, 11Kamal, 97, 4.13Kant, Emmanuel, 6.11, 153Kaptein, Jacobus (telescope), 307al-Kashani, 3.13Kendall, Larcum, 169, 6.20Kepler, Johannes, viii, 4.4, 4.26, 4.29-31, 5.17,

6.9, 114-5Kepler’s laws, 109, 4.30, 6.9, 115, 118, 147, 154Khayyam, Omar, 62, 3.7, 63Al-Khwarizmi, 62, 3.5, 63, 3.16Al-Kindi, 62, 3.5, 65Kirchhoff, Gustav, 9.2, 240Kirkwood, Daniel, 229Kokino (Macedonia), 1.8Koshiba, Masatoshi, 289Koyré, Alexandre, 104KRT-10, 11.7Kuiper, Gerard Peter, 8.10, 218Kulik, Leonid Alekseevič, 231, 8.18K’uo, Shen, 2.6, 26Ali Kuscu (Ali Qushji), 3.13

LLacaille, Nicolas Louis de, 1.12, 1.14, 4.15,

10.15La Condamine, Charles Marie de, 159, 6.17-8Lactantius, 73Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, 149-50, 6.10Lalande, Josephe-Jerome de, 157Landau, Lev Davidovič, 10.21Langley, Samuel P., 9.17, 261Langrenus, Michael Florent Van, 5.12Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 152, 6.11, 11.29Lassell, William, 7.23, 198, 210, 215Lavoisier, Antoine, 229Leavitt, Henrietta Swan, 10.6Lebedev, Pyotr Nikolayevich, 8.13, 224Lecomte, Louis, 24Legendre, Adrien-Marie, 161Leicester (National Space Center), 184


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Lemaitre, Georges, 272, 274, 10.7Leonardo da Vinci, 4.4, 87-8Leoni, Ottavio, 5.3Leucippus, 39Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph, 8.4, 209-10, 216Leviathan telescope, 196, 7.23, 200Liberal Arts, 3.15, 3.17, 57, 73, 75Lick, James, 271Liebig, Justus von, 198, 7.24LIGO, 293Lilio Ghiraldi, Antonio and Luigi, 89, 4.6-7Lipperhey, Hans, 119, 5.3LISA, 293, 10.21Lockyer, Norman, 250, 253-4Lomonosov, Mikhail V., 6.10, 153, 6.13, 157, 7.15Lorentz (tranformations), 10.2Louis XIV, 134-5Lowell, Percival, 211, 8.6, 214, 216Lulle, Raymond, 3.17Luna 2 (lunar spacecraft), 5.12Lunar and lunisolar calendars, 11, 20Lunar craters, 5.12Lunar eclipses, 27, 41, 2.21, 48Lunar maps, 5.12Lunation, 1.9, 11Luther, Martin, 108Light Year, 190-1, 272n, 275, 277-9, 10.10-1, 282,

10.13, 284, 10.36, 324, 11.26, 349Lyot, Bernard F., 9.13, 261, 9.17

MMach, Ernst, 145Madler, Johann Heinrich, 210Madrasa, 3.8, 64-5, 67-8, 3.12Maestlin, Michel, 88, 107, 115Magellan, Ferdinand, 98, 4.15Magellan (Venus probe), 11.11-2Magellanic Clouds, 99, 302Magnitude, 49Al Magriti, 62, 3.7Maimonides, 66-7, 3.11Makemake, 221Maksutov Telescope, 10.24Maldonado, Pedro Vicente, 160, 6.18Manco Kapac, 2.14Manilius, 2.32Al-Mansur, 61Marci, Johannes Marcus, 140, 6.3Mariner astrolabe (see Nautical astrolabe)

Mars, 1.6, 2.2, 126, 5.13, 134-5, 5.16, 7.7, 154, 176, 203-4, 210-4, 8.3, 8.5-6, 8.22, 271, 309, 324

Mars Express, 324Mars Observer, 11.27Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, 11.12Marsis, 324Martinsloch (Switzerland), 1.8Maskeline, Nevil, 166Matejko Jan, 4.20-1Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis M. de, 159, 6.17Mayan astronomy, 32-3Mayan calendar, 2.12, 33, 2.13Mayer, Tobias, 166Maxwell, James Clerk, 153, 215, 243, 9.3,

10.2, 11.2Méchain, Pierre, 222Mendelsohn, Erich, 9.13Mercury, 1.6, 2.2, 43, 52, 74, 126, 155, 203, 214,

220, 255, 269, 324, 11.12Meridian circle, 1.12, 7.21, 7.27Merz, Georg, 211Messier, Charles, 179, 222, 8.12Meteors, 47, 211, 221, 229, 230, 324, 8.17Meteorites, 230-1, 8.19-23Meteoroids, 8.1, 201, 231Michelangelo Buonarroti, 9.8Michelson, Albert, 10.1, 265Mignard, Nicolas, 1.2Milky Way, 2.5, 2.7, 32, 120, 176, 179, 188, 193,

278-9, 282, 316-7, 349, 11.25Mimas, 177Minkoswki, Rudolph, 10.14MIR, 11.23Miranda, 218Mithra, 1.5, 7Moon, 1.6, 2.12, 41, 7.18, 297, 307Moon (movements), 1, 1.1, 1.2, 7Moon (phases), 1.9, 38Morley, Edward, 265Moscow University, 8.11Mural quadrant, 7.10al-Mu’ayyad Urdi, 64

NN 49, supernova remnant, 10.36N 63A, supernova remnant, 10.36Nansouty, Charles de, 304Nautical astrolabe, 4.12-3, 97, 6.21


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NEAR (Spacecraft), 204, 8.2Nebra sky disc (Germany), 1.8Nebulae, 129, 153, 174-5, 177, 179, 196, 222,

266, 272, 277, 279-87, 309Cat’s Eye (NGC 6543), 7.8, 282, 10.13Carina, 285, 10.15Cone (NGC2264 in Monoceros), 10.23Crab, 2.5, 10.15, 11.6, 11.21, 321, 339, 346Cygnus, 11.8Dumbell, 10.13Eagle, 10.15-7, 285Eskimo Nebula (C39), 10.13Helix, 7.8, 10.13Horsehead, 7.8, 10.13, 10.15, 285, 11.10Lagoon, 285M2-9, 10.14M17 (Omega Sagittarii), 10.15, 11.19M42 (Orion), 7.23, 10.13M57 Ring Nebula, Lyra, 2.7, 7.8, 10.13M78, 10.16Mz3 (Ant Nebula), 10.14NGC 604, 10.16NGC 3132 (the South Ring), 7.21NGC 6751, 10.14Owl, 10.13Rosette, 285, 10.23Saturn Nebula (C55), 10.13Trifid, 10.15Vela, 11.23, 346-7W49B, 11.26

Nebular hypothesis of Laplace, 153Neolithic representations of the cosmos, 1.8Nereid, 210, 218Nero, 57, 3.3Neptune, 1.6, 7.23, 8.4, 198, 204, 207-10, 216,

218, 220-1, 239, 282Neutrino astronomy, 289Neutron stars, 10.20-1, 293, 321, 339, 349Newgrange, 1.3, 2Newton, Isaac, v, viii, 1.14, 6.1-5, 6.7, 6.21, 141,

147-9, 7.1, 7.7, 159Newton (XMM satellite), 11.24, 345Newtonian telescope, 7.1, 172NGC 661, 10.17NGO, 10.21New General Catalogue, 7.21Nicholas I, Tsar, 186Niépce, Joseph N., 191, 7.18Night sky, 12, 58, 147, 184, 211, 262, 270Nile, 21, 2.3

Nocturnal, 98, 4.14Nonius (Pedro Nunes), 4.13, 83North, 1.2North celestial pole, 1, 184, 2.5, 2.16NOT (Nordic Optical Telescope), 307Novara, Domenico Maria, 4.17NRL, 327-8, 339N-type galaxies, 10.11Nuremberg Chronicle, 222

OOAO (astronomical satellites), 328-9, 11.13OAO 3 (Copernicus), 4.30, 330Obelisk (Heliopolis), 2.3Obelisk (Vatican), 2.4Obelisk (Montecitorio), 2.4Oberon, 176Obliquity of the ecliptic, 62Observatories

Alma Ata, 10.24Arcetri, 9.13, 298Armagh, 184, 7.14Assy-Turgen Observatory, 10.34Athens, 8.7, 215Ajuda (Lisbon), 7.16Baldone (Riga), 10.24Beijing, 2.6, 2.9, 29-30Belgrade, 7.2, 7.27Berlino-Babelsberg, 299, 10.25Birr, 196Bogotà, 7.26Bohyunsan, 11.18, 333-4Bologna, 7.14Bonn, 194Bosscha, 10.10, 10.24Brazil (National Observatory), 11.21Brussels, 10.10, 10.25Budapest (Konkoly), 10.30Bucharest, 7.27Byurakan, 10.17, 11.9Cagigal Naval Observatory (Caracas), 7.26Calar Alto, 8.16, 10.31Cambridge, 8.7Canary Islands, 7.14, 10.31, 304, 307Cape Town, 7.21, 7.26Catania, 255Cerro Calan, 10.24Cerro Chajnantor (see Tokyo Atacama



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Cerro Pachon, 302Cerro Tololo, 302, 10.28, 10.32Chomsongdae, 2.7, 2.10, 30, 2.11Collegio Romano, 122, 211, 244, 9.11Copenhagen, 135, 5.16, 138Cordoba, 194, 7.26Crimea, 9.13, 10.25Dominion, 10.6Dorpat (Tartu), 184-5, 190, 7.15Dunsink (Dublino), 184-5, 7.14Ebre, 9.13Einsteinturm, Potsdam, 9.13El Leoncito, 10.29El Roble, 10.24ESO (La Silla), 302, 10.28ESO VLT (Cerro Paranal), 10.20, 10.32, 292Flagstaff, 8.6Florence, 7.14Fraunhofer Institute, Capri, 9.13Gaocheng, 2.6, 24Göttingen, 222Greenwich, 145, 6.6-7, 6.22-3, 7.3, 7.10, 169Hamburg, 8.11, 10.23, 10.25Harvard (Cambridge), 10.6Haute Provence, 199, 7.25Helsinki, 7.16, 7.21Helwan, 2.3, 8.14Herstmonceux Castle, 10.31IRAIT (Antarctica), 11.18Istanbul, 3.13, 94Italian National Observatory “Galileo”, 8.5,

10.30Johannesburg, 7.26Kassel, 110Kew, 250-1Kiev, 1.12, 8.7Kiso, 10.23Kitt Peak, 302Kodaikanal, 261Königsberg, 190La Plata, 10.28Lick, 271Mauna Kea, 10.30, 304-6, 333, 11.18Meragha, 3.7, 64Meudon, 214, 255, 9.13Mexico’s National Astronomical Observatory,

10.30Milan Brera, 7.14, 8.5, 211Mount Locke, 10.34

Mount Palomar, 10.22, 293-4Mount Wilson, 9.13, 10.5, 272Moscow, 9.13Naples Observatory of Capodimonte, 7.14, 10.34Nice, 8.6, 212Nuremberg, 4.3, 94Okayama, 9.4, 10.30Ondrejov, 8.11Padua, 182, 7.14Palermo, 7.14, 182, 194, 203, 8.1, 7.20Paris, 5.15, 7.22, 7.24-5, 138, 169, 184, 194,

199, 255Pic du Midi, 9.17, 261, 304, 10.30Pico de Teide, 307Pierre, Auger, 11.21Potsdam, 255, 9.13Pulkovo, 186, 7.14, 188, 7.16, 194, 211, 217,

224, 11.4Purple Mountain Observatory (Nanjing), 8.3Qattameya, 2.3Roque de los Muchachos, 10.31, 307Rome, 7.14Sacramento Peak, 9.13SALT, 10.10, 307, 10.34Samarkand, 67-8, 3.12-3Shamakhy, 3.8, 10.30Siding Spring, 10.28-9, 302South African Astronomical Observatory, 10.28Steward (Mount Graham), 298Stierneborg (Hven), 4.26-8, 114Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope, 11.9Tautenberg, 10.23Terskol Astrophysical Observatory, 10.30THEMIS, 9.13Tokyo, 9.4, 10.25Tokyo Atacama Observatory, 11.18Tonantzintla, vii, 10.10, 10.30Turin, 7.14Urania (Berlin), 204Uraneburg (Gdansk), 5.11, 129Uraniborg (Hven), 4.26-7, 112Vatican (Castelgandolfo), 7.22, 10.26-7, 298Vatican (Monte Graham), 10.27, 298Vilnius, 7.13, 9.13Yerkes, 271Washington Naval Observatory, 214Zelenchukskaya, 298, 10.27Xinglong (Beijing), 10.33

Occhialini, Giuseppe, 349, 11.29


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Octant, 6.21OGO (Orbiting Geophysical Observatory), 331,

11.15Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm, 204Olson, Roberta, 78Oort (cloud), 204, 218, 224, 226Oort, Jan H., 224, 8.16Opik, Ernst, 224, 8.16Orion (UV telescopes), 11.16, 333Osiander, Andreas, 104OSO (Orbiting Solar Observatories), 11.13,

330, 11.21, 341, 11.23, 347Ovid, 3.1, 57

PPacioli Luca, 4.11Palenque, 2.14, 33Palitzsch, Johann Georg, 6.7Pallas, Peter Simon, 8.20Parmenides of Elea, 39, 2.18Parsec, 272Parsons, William (Earl of Rosse), 196, 279Pasachoff, J.M., 78Paul III (Pope), 104Paul V (Pope), 122Penzias, Arno, 276Perihelion, 115, 149, 210, 214, 218, 222, 227, 269Perrin, Jean Baptiste, 288, 10.18Perrotin, Henri Joseph Anastase, 212Perseids, 8.17, 229Peter the Great (Tsar), 185Petzval, Josef, 7.18, 193Peuerbach, Georg, 84Phaeton, 2.20Philolaus of Croton, 39, 2.26Philoponus John, 3.10Phobos, 8.6, 214Photography, 191-3, 216, 248, 253, 7.18Piazzi, Giuseppe, 194, 203-4, 8.1, 7.20Picard, Jean, 138, 181, 7.10Pickering, William Henry, 216Pico della Mirandola, 4.4, 88Pigafetta, Antonio, 99, 4.15Pingré, Gui, 6.13Pinzon, Vincente Yanez, 4.15Pioneer Venus, 11.11, 348Pirog, 11.30Pisano, Nicola and Giovanni, 3.20Plancius, Petrus, 7.20

Planck, Max, 263, 10.1Planck Surveyor, 11.20Planets, 1.6, 19, 2.2, 22-3, 31-2, 39, 43-4, 2.25,

2.28, 2.31, 3.11, 3.17-8, 75, 88, 93, 100-1, 104, 109, 114-5, 131, 134, 138, 144, 147, 150-5, 174, 206, 8.14, 214, 219, 239-40, 254, 9.18, 262-3, 269, 282

Planetoids, 8.1, 204, 218Planetarium, 1.11, 10.25Planetary nebulae, 177, 179, 266, 282-5, 309Planman, Anders, 158Plato, 41-5, 73, 2.22-3Pleiades, 1.8, 9, 34, 2.15, 3.14, 7.8, 10.17, 121,

285, 11.20Pluto, 1.6, 8.9-10, 216-7, 219-21, 309Plutoids, 221Polaris (star), 98Poliziano, Angelo, 3.17Pons, Jean Louis, 222Pope-Hennessy, John, 78Posidonius, 57, 2.28PostEurop, vii, 5.16Precession of the equinoxes, 2.27, 152, 7.20Pre-Columbian America Astronomy, 32-4Prime Meridian, 6.23Prognoz (satellites), 333, 11.17, 11.27Protostars, 291, 345Ptah (Egyptian god), 1.4Ptolemy, 1.12, 31, 50, 2.30-2, 52, 57, 62-5, 69,

73, 75, 3.14, 3.16-7, 84-6, 4.9, 93-4, 99, 104, 107, 111, 7.20

Pulsars, 321, 346, 352Puppis A, supernova remnant, 11.23Pythagoras, 2.18, 2.20, 39, 2.22

Qal-Qasim, 62Quadrant, 4.7, 4.12, 29, 4.14, 49, 64, 67, 97,

4.26, 166, 181, 7.10Quasars, 11.9, 294, 309, 324, 339, 345, 353Quetelet, Adolf, 8.17, 229

RRa, 5Radar, 324, 11.11Radar Astronomy, 324Radio Astronomy, 279, 297, 315-7, 11.2, 320-1,

11.7, 324, 11.9-10


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Radio Astronomy ObservatoriesALMA, 5.7, 11.10Arecibo, 317, 11.3, 11.7, 11.11-2Argentine Institute of Radio Astronomy, 11.3ATCA Narrabri, 11.5Cambridge radio interferometer, 11.5Dwingeloo, 317Effelsberg, 11.4, 317, 11.8Evpatoria, 11.11-2GMWRT, India, 11.6Green Bank, 11.4, 317Hartebeesthoek, 11.4Haystack, 11.11Jimarca (Peru), 11.3Jodrell Bank, 7.14, 11.3, 317, 11.5Karoo Array Telescope, 11.5Kashima, 11.11LOFAR, 320, 11.7Mauritius, 11.6-7Medicina, 11.6, 320Metsähovi, 11.9Nancay, 11.3-4, 320Nobeyama, 11.9-10Ondrejov, 11.3Ooty, 11.6, 320Orgov, 11.9Parkes, 4.30, 11.3, 317Pulkovo, 11.3-4Puschino, 320RATAN-600, 11.4, 320VLA, 320, 11.5, 11.10, 11.25VLBA, 320Yerbes, 11.8

Rainbow, 2.17, 6.3Raja Jai Singh Sawa, 31Ramsay, William, 9.11, 253Ramsden, Jesse, 182Ramses II, 4Ranger 9 (lunar spacecraft), 3.9Raphael, 2.17-8, 2.22, 2.30al-Rashid, Harun, 61Refractor telescope, 7.12Regiomontanus (Johannes Muller), 4.3, 84-5,

89, 94, 100Reinhold, Erasmus, 107Reinhold, Johann, 4.25Relay 1 satellite, 1.14Reni Guido, 5.1Rhea, 138Rheticus, Georg Joachim, 4.18, 104

Ribera, Diego, 2.26Ricci, Matteo, 27, 2.8, 28Riccioli, Giovanni Battista, 5.12, 130Ritchey, George, 7.1Rockets, 11.1, 315, 327, 11.21-2, 333, 353Roman calendar, 58Röentgen, Wilhelm, 339, 11.21Rosat, 11.9, 345, 11.23Rosse (Lord, see Parsons)Rossi, Bruno, 339Rothmann, Christoph, 107Royal Society, 145, 157, 6.20, 171Rømer, Ole, 5.17, 138Rudolph II, 4.27Russell, H. Norris, 244Russian Academy of Sciences, 159, 185Rutherford, Ernest, 265, 10.1Rutherford, Lewis M., 251Ryle, Martin, 11.5, 320, 11.6

SSacrobosco, Johannes, 3.16, 75, 4.7Sagittarius A, 279Saha, Meghnad, 266, 10.1Salyut (space stations), 11.7, 11.15-6, 333Santucci, Antonio, 4.10Saros cycle, 20, 6.6-7Saturn, 1.6, 5.13, 337, 5.15-6, 7.8, 7.23, 8.8,

11.16SAX, 349Scaliger, Joseph Justus, 4.7Schall, Johann A. von Bell, 2.9, 28Schiaparelli Giovanni, 8.5-6, 211, 8.17Schmidt, Bernhard, 10.23, 294-5Schmidt, Johann Friedrich Julius, 215Schmidt, Otto, 6.11, 154Schmidt Telescope, 10.23-4, 294Schöner, Johannes, 104Schroeter, Johann, 215Schwabe, Samuel Heinrich, 251, 9.14Schwarzschild, Karl, 224SCO X-1, 339, 11.21Seasons, 2, 1.2, 1.7-8, 2.3, 22, 24, 36, 50, 59,

2.11-2, 3.3, 176, 3.20-1Secchi, Angelo, 211, 243-4, 251, 254, 9.11Sedna, 218, 8.10, 220Segner, Janos A., 5.12Seismometer (Su Song), 2.6Selene, 1.5


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Seneca, Annaeus Lucius, 57, 89, 3.1, 140, 6.3, 222Sextant, 4.26, 6.21Seyfert, Carl, 10.11Seyfert galaxies, 10.11SHARAD (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter), 11.12Short, James, 172, 7.2, 183Signe (gamma satellite), 11.27Sikhote-Alin (meteorite), 231, 8.19Seismometer (China), 2.6, 25Sixtus IV (Pope), 89Skylab, 330-1, 11.14-5Slipher, Vesto Melvin, 272SN 1987A, 289, 333, 11.17, 11.23Snellius, Willebrordus, 159Socrates, 41-2, 2.22SOHO, 9.14, 11.13Sol Invictus, 1.5, 7Solar calendar, 11Solar corona, 7.18, 226, 9.8-9, 9.13, 9.16-7, 261Solar chromosphere, 248, 2.15-6, 254, 316Solar disc, 5, 1.5, 258Solar eclipse, 28, 41, 2.21Solar flares, 317, 349, 9.16Solar Keops bark, 1.5Solar Maximum Mission (SMS), 11.27, 349Solar photosphere, 248Solar prominences, 9.8, 9.11, 253, 258Solar System, 1.6, 126, 147, 151-4, 196, 203-4, 9.18Solar wind, 224Solrad, 11.27Solstices, 1South, 1.2, 1-3Soyuz, 333Space Telescope, 10.10Space-Time, 10.2, 268-9, 10.4Spectroheliograph, 9.16, 258, 271Spitzer, Lyman Jr., 337, 11.20Spitzer (satellite), 11.9, 337, 11.20Sporer, Gustav, 251Sputnik, 2.6, 10.12Stefan, Josef, 243, 9.3Steinheil, K.A., 199Stone of the Sun, 2.13Starry sky, 1, 1.1, 99Stars2MASS1207-3932, 10.20

61 Cygni, 190α Centauri (Rigel Kentaurus), 190, 7.17β Centauri (Agena, Hadar), 7.17γ Draconis, 190

δ Cephei, 247, 9.6δ Geminorum, 216ε Crucis, 9.4η Carinae, 10.19λ Herculis, 176Aldebaran, 3.14Algol, 247, 343Al Natih (El Nath), 3.14Altair, 2.2, 7.20Al Tarf, 3.14Antares, 244Arcturus, 34, 261Betelgeuse, 244Capella, 261Castor, 240Deneb, 2.2, 12Deneb al Gedi, 3.14Hercules X-1, 341HZ43 (dwarf star), 331Mizar, 246, 9.6Pollux, 240, 261Procyon, 240Proxima Centauri, 7.17Rigel, 3.14, 9.4, 244Rotanev, 7.20Sualocin, 7.20Shaula, 3.14Sirius, 21, 2.3, 34, 2.15, 240, 245, 241Sirius B, 284Spica, 2.27, 247Al Tarf, 3.14V838 Mon, 10.36Vega, 2.2, 186, 190, 7.17

Štefánik, Milan Rastislav, 9.13Stellar associations, 285, 10.17Stellar populations, 275, 10.10, 281Stewart, Balfour, 250Stonehenge, 2, 1.4Stone of the Sun, 2.13STS 31 (Space Shuttle), 10.35Stratoscope, 11.31Struve, Otto, 188Struve, Wilhelm Gustav, 163, 6.19, 186, 188,

7.16-7, 8.8Stukeley, William, 6.5Subaru telescope, 11.18Sub-millimetre astronomy, 11.31Su Song, 2.6, 25, 2.7Al-Sufi, 2.32, 3.14Summer Solstice, 4, 1.8


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Summer Triangle, 2.2Sun (god), 1.5, 7, 1.6Sun, 1.6, 31, 203-4, 209-10, 214, 216, 218-9, 222-

4, 229, 239, 9.18, 11.1, 11.8, 11.14Sun (movements), 1, 1.1, 1.8Sundial, 1.8, 11, 2.10, 3.4, 86Sunset, 1.1Sunspots, 2.5, 58, 120, 129, 5.10, 246, 253, 255,

257-8, 9.16, 262Supernovae, 10.7, 10.19-20, 297, 309, 10.36, 321Suetonius, 3.3Swedenborg, Emanuel, 153, 6.11Swift (Gamma Astronomy satellite), 11.29, 353Syene (Aswan), 51, 2.30Sylvester II, 75Synodic month, 11

TTabulae Prutenicae, 107Tacchini, Pietro, 251, 9.11, 255TAU X-1, 339, 11.21TD-1, 333Tektites, 8.21Telstar, 1.14Tenma, 11.23Teotihuacan, 2.14Terrestrial planets, 204Tethys, 138Thales of Miletus, 36, 2.16, 38Thollon, Louis, 212Thomas Aquinas (Saint), 75, 3.17Thomson, Joseph John, 265, 10.1Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin), 254, 9.12Tiahuanacu, 2.14Tiberias Hammath (Israel), 1.7Timocharis, 49, 51Titania, 176Titan, 5.13, 218, 324, 11.12Titius, Johann, 203Titius-Bode law, 203Toledan Tables, 65Tombaugh, Clyde, 216, 8.9-10Torquetum, 4.3, 88Torricelli, Evangelista, 5.9, 126Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo, 85-6, 4.4Tousey, Richard, 327Tower of the Winds, 3.2Trans-Neptunian objects, 218

1992 QB, 218

1994JQ11, 2181994 VK8, 218

Transits of Mercury, 155, 6.12Transits of Venus, 154-8, 6.12-5Triquetrum, 4.3, 4.18Triton, 7.23, 198, 210, 216Tropical year, 11, 86Trundholm Sun chariot, 1.5, 7Tsu Ch’ung Chi, 2.6Tunguska, 231, 8.18al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din, 64, 3.8Tutmotis III, 22Tycho Brahe, 4.9, 94, 109-10, 4.26-8, 115,

181, 190

UUhuru, 341, 343, 11.22UKIRT, 10.30Ulloa, Antonio, 159, 6.18Ultraviolet Astronomy, 326-7Ulugh Begh, 67-9, 3.12-3Ulysses, 9.14Umbriel, 198, 216University of Bologna, 135, 3.16UPU (Universal Postal Union), 1.2Urania, 2.29, 3.2-3, 58Uranometria (Bayer), 1.12, 7.20Uranographia (Bode), 7.20Uranus, 1.6, 176, 7.5-6, 7.9, 7.23, 198, 203, 207,

209-10, 216, 218, 239, 282, 330Urban VIII (Pope), 123Urey, Harold C., 6.11

VV2, 11.1, 327, 339, 11.21Varahamihira, 31Varro, Marcus Terentius, 57, 3.1Vaucouleurs, Gérard de, 10.10Vaussenat, Celestin Xavier, 304Vela Hotel (satellites), 347Vela Supernova Remnant, 10.23, 11.23Venera (Venus probes), 11.11, 11.27Venus, 1.6, 2.2, 32, 6.10, 6.13, 321, 324,

11.11-2, 348Verbiest, Ferdinand, 2.9, 29Vernal equinox, 1.2Vespucci, Amerigo, 99, 4.15Viking (spacecrafts), 271, 10.4


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Virgil, 3.1, 57VIRGO, 293VLBI, 320Vogel, Hermann. C., 247Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet, 142Vopel, Caspar, 4.11Voyager, 8.4, 210, 8.8, 11.15

WW44, supernova remnant, 11.9Wales, William, 158Walther, Bernhard, 84Wang Xun, 2.6Water clock (Su Song), 2.6Water clock (Jang Yeong-sil), 2.10Watzelrode, Lucas, 101Week (days of the week), 2.2Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich, 288West, 1.2Wheeler, John, 11.29Whipple, Fred L., 224, 8.13White dwarfs, 244, 344, 339, 10.20Widmanstatten, Alois Joseph, 8.18Wien, Wilhelm, 242, 9.3Wilhelm IV of Hesse, 110Wilson, Robert W., 276Winter Solstice, 1.3, 1, 1.8, 2, 4, 9, 36, 92WISE, 334Witt, Carl Gustav, 204WMAP, 339Wolf, Max, 193Wollaston, William, 239

Wright, Thomas, 179Würzburg-Riese radio telescopes, 11.3, 271

XX-ray Astronomy, 339, 11.21, 341, 343, 345, 349X ray bursts, 11.22-3, 343Xu Guangqi, 2.8, 28

YYerkes, Charles Tyson, 271Young, Charles A., 251Yuzhe, Chang, 8.3

ZZacuto, Abraham, 4.12, 97Zeeman, Pieter, 9.5, 246Zeiss, Carl, 7.14Zeiss (Telescope manufacturer), 7.14, 10.25Zeno of Citium, 2.24, 47Zhang Heng, 24, 2.6Zhang Sui, 2.6Ziggurat, 19, 2.1Zodiac, 1.7-8, 11-2, 1.14Zodiacal light, 63Zodiacal signs, 3.3, 3.17, 3.20Zollner, Friedrich, 251Zoroaster, 2.30Zucchi, Niccolò, 171Zwicky, Fritz, 10.10
