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ceremony given to the Anuriidhapura ruler by the powerful Indian monarch must have

made a deep impression on the other petty leaders of the country. The introduction of

this glamorous ceremony to the Anuriidhapura court in place of the early ritual to

indicate· the accession of a new ruler, must have added to the growing prestige of the

Anuriidhapura ruler. Further, the consecration ceremony helped to attach a dynastic

basis to the ruler in the island which seems to have been absent at an earlier date. Hence,

along with the consecration ceremony various high notions of kingship made their way

to Sri Lanka, and though somewhat modified to suit Buddhist ideologies, they

nevertheless exerted a powerful influence on the institution of kingship. 180

Further, after third century B.C, there is no evidence to prove that the Ksatriya

maiden or Brahmans were directly involved in the coronation ceremony. The ministers

or high officers had often engaged in this functions. e.g prince Thulatthana himself was

consecrated by the ministers.181 King Sanghatissa was consecrated by his two ministers,

. king Sanghabodhi and Gothlibhaya who performed the ceremony. 182 King Mahlisena's

Abhi~eka was carried out by the Thera Sanghamitta, who came from South India.183

According to these instances, though, the Briihmanas were living at that time in the

island, their power was not higher than that of the ~atriyas.

5.4.2 Water festival and consecration.

Water festival was one major part of the coronation ceremony since 3rd century

B.C. King Devlinampiya Tissa himself arranged a water festival for the dwellers in the

180 Hettiarachchy, op.cit., 1972, p. 33. 181 Mahiivamsa, Ch. XXXIII, V 18. 182 /bid., Ch. XXXVI, V. 63. 183 Ibid., Ch. XXXVII, V. 2.

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VediclndexofNameand Subject Vol. I, II, 1958. ed. A A Macdonell and A B. Keith,

Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass

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