It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3 Bible Point When envy does simmer, love grows dimmer. Bible Verse Love does not envy. I Corinthians 13:4 Bible Story Pharisees Jealous of Jesus Mark 15:10 Dog Breed Bedlington Terrier Supplies Old, dirty clothes Shovel Hard hat (Kit) Stuffed dog Six brown paper grocery bags Newspaper Duct tape Dog bone Blindfolds Pieces of paper wadded up into balls (two per child) Copies of role playing cards (page 9) Bedlington Terriers were used in the mines to get rid of rats. They look like soft, cuddly animals but can actually be aggressive. They do not like to share their master with any other animal. They are possessive and jealous. Envy can make us look like one of these terriers. On the outside, we may seem soft and cuddly, but on the inside envy can be eating us up. We can actually be aggressive on the inside. This kind of character trait does not represent the love that Jesus calls us to show to one another.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3


Bible Point When envy does simmer, love grows dimmer.

Bible Verse Love does not envy. I Corinthians 13:4

Bible Story Pharisees Jealous of Jesus Mark 15:10

Dog Breed Bedlington Terrier

Supplies ♦ Old, dirty clothes ♦ Shovel ♦ Hard hat (Kit) ♦ Stuffed dog ♦ Six brown paper

grocery bags ♦ Newspaper

♦ Duct tape ♦ Dog bone ♦ Blindfolds ♦ Pieces of paper wadded up into

balls (two per child) ♦ Copies of role playing cards (page


Bedlington Terriers were used in the mines to get rid of rats. They look like soft, cuddly animals but can actually be aggressive.

They do not like to share their master with any other animal. They are possessive and jealous.

Envy can make us look like one of these terriers. On the outside, we may seem soft and cuddly, but on the inside envy can be eating us up. We can actually be aggressive on the inside.

This kind of character trait does not represent the love that Jesus calls us to show to one another.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3


Deputy Catch U. Dog Supplies: None (Sound of fighting dogs.

Catch U Dawg comes in looking rattled and disheveled.) Whoa! That was one big dogfight. Whew (wipes forehead). You get two dogs jealous of each other and you’ve got one big problem. Actually, before I ran into the dogfight, I was looking for a really unusual dog. Sometimes this dog is mistaken for a lamb. It is called a Bedlington Terrier (show picture). It is covered in white curls with a big fluff on top of its head. And it ears have a big of fluff on the end. Talk about a jealous dog! This dog doesn’t want to share its master with any other animal. You put another pet in the same house and you’ve got one big problem. (Fighting dogs sound again.) Not again! I just broke it up. Back into battle I go.

Puppet Song “I’ll Do My Best”, from Splash by Go Fish, 2003.

When we focus on the Lord and not others, we do not fall into the trap of being jealous of others.

Miner Supplies: Old, dirty clothes, shovel, hard hat Good day to you! I

suppose you wonder what I’m doing in these filthy clothes. I’m a miner. I work underground digging and picking. And no I’m not talking about digging and picking my nose! It is dangerous work down in the mine. Hard work. Dark work. But the thing I hate the most about it is the RATS! I saw the picture of that dog your dogcatcher was talking about. The dog looks all white and fluffy and cuddly. Looks just plain cute. But you know what? That dog can be ferocious. Yep, it can. You look like you don’t believe me. Why, that is how they get rid of the rats in the mine. In come the white, fluffy Bedlington Terriers and out go the rats. They don’t call them terriers for nothing; they strike terror in them rats! I was thinking on that whole deal. And I had a thought worth sharing with you. Envy and jealousy make us like that. We might look all sweet and pretty on the outside. But inside, if we are simmering with envy, we are ferocious. Before long that envy is going to come out. Then watch out! I’d best be getting back to work. You have a good day now.






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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3


Bible Story Pharisees Jealous of Jesus Mark 15:10

Supplies: Stuffed dog, six brown paper grocery bags, newspaper, duct tape Alternate: Instead of making blocks out of grocery bags, you can use lunch bags or wooden blocks. Anything similar will work. Preparation: Make blocks out of the grocery bags by stuffing them with newspaper and taping them with duct tape. I need two volunteers. I want you to take these blocks and build a pyramid with them. (When they have finished, place the stuffed dog on top.) Have you ever heard the term “top dog?” What do you think it means? (In charge, the best.) What do you think would happen to the dog if we started pulling blocks out? Let’s try it. (Ask someone to come up front and pull out a block. If the dog doesn’t fall, then have someone else pull another block.) Back in Jesus’ day there were people who were considered “top dogs.” They liked being in charge. They liked making sure people followed their rules. And they liked the fact that people looked up to them. They were considered the best.

These people were called Pharisees. Have you ever heard of Pharisees? The Pharisees were a group of men during Jesus’ days that were teachers of the law.

They made sure that everyone followed the law. They also made up a lot of rules that God did not intend to be rules. Have you ever felt like your parents or maybe your teachers had too many rules? You should have lived during the time of the Pharisees! For instance, a tailor could not carry a needle on Sunday because he might be tempted to use it. No work was allowed on Sundays.

When Jesus came long, his teachings started pulling the blocks out from under the Pharisees. He taught about living the right way through a relationship with God. The people were flocking to hear him. No longer were the Pharisees “top dog.” And they did not like it. They became jealous of Jesus. They accused Jesus of breaking laws. They tried to trick Him with questions, hoping He would say the wrong things. They even sent spies to listen to Jesus. They would wait to see if they could catch Jesus saying the wrong things. They, also, made fun of Jesus. They complained about whom he hung out with. All the while, the jealousy that was simmering in their hearts began to grow. Until one day, they devised a plan. They would get rid of Him. They had Jesus arrested and handed over to the authorities. The Bible says that one of these authorities, Pilate, “knew that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him because they were jealous.” (Mark 15:10 NIVR) Pilate wanted to let Jesus go but the chief priests would have nothing of this. It started as a small feeling of envy in their hearts. Instead of learning from





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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3


Jesus, they let the envy simmer. And as it grew and their deeds became more evil, it surfaced into an ugly act. The sad thing was they saw the same miracles that everyone else saw. They heard the same teaching. They actually were in the presence of Jesus. Can you imagine that? However, they were so jealous of Jesus that they never got to really know Jesus. They missed out on knowing the Messiah because they were so blinded by envy. Have you felt twinges of envy before? Do you envy your friends if they have a nicer house, nicer clothes or better toys? Or perhaps you have been jealous before when a new kid moves into the neighborhood and everyone gives that kid lots of attention. We are going to pray and I want you to search your heart. Are you jealous of anyone? If so, ask God to help you overcome the jealousy. You do not want to let it continue to simmer. When you do let jealousy stay in your heart, it leads you to have attitudes and do things that you wouldn’t normally do.

Prayer Spend time praying about jealousy and envy. Give the children a chance to confess any jealousy they have to God and to ask Him to help them overcome it.

Dog House Supplies: Dog bone I need someone to come

and check the doghouse out. (Choose someone to come up and get the object out of the doghouse.) What is in the doghouse today? (A dog bone.) Dogs love these! Have you ever seen two dogs fight over one of these? They will growl and snarl. They will start a tug of war over the bone. They might even snap at one another or bite one another. You should never try to take a dog bone away from a dog. That is a good way to get bit. Dogs are very protective of their food. They are jealous of any other dogs trying to get their bone. They want the bone all to themselves. Do you get jealous when other people have a toy you want? Do you get jealous if you have someone come to your home and they play with your toys? It is hard sometimes not to get jealous of other people’s possessions. One way not to be jealous is to be glad for them that they have something nice. That is showing real love. Also, if you keep your eyes on Jesus and think about what he wants from you, you will not get jealous of other people. You will not have time! Let’s say the point of the day: When envy simmers, love grows dimmer!






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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3


Dog Training Supplies: Blindfolds, pieces of paper wadded up into balls (2 per child)

Scatter the wadded up paper on the floor. Divide the kids into teams of two. Depending on the size of your group, you may want to do this activity with a few pairs at a time. If you have a large enough area and enough blindfolds, have everyone do this at once. Today we are going into training to learn how to rid the mine of rats. You will pretend to be Bedlington Terriers and the pieces of paper on the floor are going to be the rats. Since the mine is dark, you are going to be blindfolded when it is your turn to find the rats. Your partner will help you out by telling you which way to go. Your partner can only tell you commands like go, stop, pick up, turn, right, left, etc. You will have one minute to see how many “rats” you can pick up. Blindfold one partner and let the other one guide the partner to the pieces of paper by using commands. Be sure to time them for one minute. Was that a hard activity to do? Why? (Blindfolded) When we are jealous, we are also blinded. When jealousy starts taking over our hearts, we do not see people or situations how they really are. For instance, a new boy comes to your school. He gets a part in the school play that you really wanted. You become jealous of him. Because of your jealousy, it will be hard to make friends with him and get to know him. You will miss out on having a friendship.

Obedience School Supplies: Role playing cards (page 9) Divide the children into groups and let them role

play the following situations:

1. You have a best friend that you play with almost every day. A new kid moves into the neighborhood and your best friend plays with the new kid. You are beginning to feel jealous.

2. Your brother gets asked to go to an

amusement park by a school friend. You do not get asked. You have always wanted to go the park. It just does not seem fair. Your brother always seems to get asked to go places You are jealous.

3. Your friend rides by on a brand new

scooter. You don’t even have a scooter. You think to yourself, “All I have is an old hand-me-down bicycle from my sister.” You wish you had brand new things like your friend. As you think about it, you start to envy your friend’s toys.


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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3


Doggie Bag Puppy Chow

Supplies: ¾ cups peanut butter, 1 cup chocolate chips, ¼ cup butter, 8 cups Crispix® cereal, 2 cups powdered sugar **Allergy Warning: peanut butter** Melt the peanut butter, chocolate chips and butter together. Pour the cereal into a large bowl. Pour the peanut butter/chocolate chip mixture over the cereal and stir well. Pour the cereal mixture into a large bag and add the powdered sugar. Shake the bag to coat the cereal evenly.

Memory verse

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy.

I Corinthians 13:4

Supplies: Copies of dog bones (page 10), lunch bag Cut out the dog bones. Place them in a bag. Have the kids take turns drawing a bone out of the bag. When all the bones are gone, the kids work together to put the bones in the correct order.

Craft Supplies: Dog bone (biscuit), brown or black felt, wiggly

eyes, glue, small black pom-pom, red yarn

Cut two ear shapes out of felt. Glue them onto the dog bone (at the end of the bone with the bone being held in a vertical position). Place the eyes between the ears and glue them to the bone. Place the pom-pom below the eyes for the nose. Cut a piece of yarn for the mouth and glue it on below the nose. Cut pieces of felt for the paws and glue them to the bottom of the bone. You can also get creative and add a collar and dog tag from the felt. Discuss what you learned during the doghouse time about dogs and their dog bones.

Game Doggie Doggie Where is Your Bone?

Supplies: Dog bone (or other object similar such as a sponge) Sit in a big circle. One person is the dog and sit in the middle. The bone is put beside the dog. The dog goes to sleep and the teacher motions to a child to creep up to the dog and take his bone. Everyone puts their hands behind their backs, pretending to hold the bone. The dog "wakes" up and has three guesses to try to find out who took his bone. For younger children, a rhyme that goes with this game is: Doggie, doggie where's your bone? Somebody stole it from your home. Wake up doggie.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3


Deputy Catch U. Dog (Sound of fighting dogs. Catch U Dawg comes in looking rattled and disheveled.) Whoa! That was one big dogfight. Whew (wipes forehead). You get two dogs jealous of each other and you’ve got one big problem. Actually, before I ran into the dogfight, I was looking for a really unusual dog. Sometimes this dog is mistaken for a lamb. It is called a Bedlington Terrier (show picture). It is covered in white curls with a big fluff on top of its head. And its ears have a big of fluff on the end. Talk about a jealous dog! This dog doesn’t want to share its master with any other animal. You put another pet in the same house and you’ve got one big problem. (Fighting dogs sound again.) Not again! I just broke it up. Back into battle I go.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3



Good day to you! I suppose you wonder what I’m doing in these filthy clothes. I’m a miner. I work underground digging and picking. And no I’m not talking about digging and picking my nose! It is dangerous work down in the mine. Hard work. Dark work. But the thing I hate the most about it is the RATS! I saw the picture of that dog your dogcatcher was talking about. The dog looks all white and fluffy and cuddly. Looks just plain cute. But you know what? That dog can be ferocious. Yep, it can. You look like you don’t believe me. Why, that is how they get rid of the rats in the mine. In come the white, fluffy Bedlington Terriers and out go the rats. They don’t call them terriers for nothing; they strike terror in them rats! I was thinking on that whole deal. And I had a thought worth sharing with you. Envy and jealousy make us like that. We might look all sweet and pretty on the outside. But inside, if we are simmering with envy, we are ferocious. Before long that envy is going to come out. Then watch out! I’d best be getting back to work. You have a good day now.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3


Role Playing Cards You have a best friend that you play with almost every day. A new kid moves into the neighborhood and your best friend plays with the new kid. You are beginning to feel jealous. Your brother gets asked to go to an amusement park by a school friend. You do not get asked. You have always wanted to go the park. It just does not seem fair. Your brother always seems to get asked to go places. You are jealous.

Your friend rides by on a brand new scooter. You don’t even have a scooter. You think to yourself, “All I have is an old hand-me-down bicycle from my sister.” You wish you had brand new things like your friend. As you think about it, you start to envy your friend’s toys.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3


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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3


Bible Point When envy does simmer, love grows dimmer.

Bible Verse Love is patient, love it kind. It does not envy. I Corinthians 13:4

Bible Story

Pharisees Jealous of Jesus Mark 15:10

Dog Breed Bedlington Terrier

Family Fun Play the game Mouse Trap®. If you don’t own the game, devise a fun trap. Take turns being the rat and getting trapped.


Name a time when you have been envious of someone else. How did it hurt you? Is there anyone you know that you are envious of? Why? What can you do to help overcome the envy?

Bedlington Terriers were used by coal miners in

England to get rid of rats from the mines.

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It’s A Dogs Life Lesson 3