BI260 Exercise Virtual

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  • 7/29/2019 BI260 Exercise Virtual


  • 7/29/2019 BI260 Exercise Virtual



  • 7/29/2019 BI260 Exercise Virtual




    System Data

    SAP BusinessObjects Analysis,Edition for MS Office - GeneralInformation

    Exercise 1: Set Default Style Set and Navigation Within The Design Panel

    Exercise 2: Further Navigation Options

    Exercise 3: Working With Hierarchies

    Exercise 4: Adding a Char

    Exercise 5: Conditional Formatting

    Exercise 6: Filtering By Measures

    Exercise 7: Using Formulas to Add Additional Information

    Exercise 8: Change Variables in the Prompts, Add Calculations and use CurrencyTranslation

    Exercise 9: Insert Filter Components and use Pause Refresh

    Exercise 10: Create PowerPoint Slides and Work with Analysis PowerPoint

  • 7/29/2019 BI260 Exercise Virtual



    System data:

    System: M11Client: 900User: BI260Password: welcome

    BOE: http://localhost:8080/dswsbobje/services/SessionUser: demoPassword: welcomeAuthentication: Enterprise

    (Advanced) Analysis, Edition for MS Office General


    Elements of the (Advanced) Analysis , edi tion for MSOffice Design Panel

    Avai lab le FieldsAll measures, dimensions, hierarchies and attributes thatare available in the data source

    ColumnsFields that are displayed in the Columns of the table

    RowsFields that are displayed in the Rows of the table

    Background FilterFields by which data is filtered, but that are not displayedin the table

  • 7/29/2019 BI260 Exercise Virtual



  • 7/29/2019 BI260 Exercise Virtual



    Exercise 1: Set Default Style Set and Navigation Within The

    Design Panel

    This Exercise explains how to set your own d efault style for (Advanced) Analysis, Edition for MS Office andnavigate within the data using th e new (Advanced) Analysis , Edition fo r MS Office Design Panel only. Allnavigation should be done within the Design Panel.

    01. Start Analysis, Edition for MS Office and insert the QueryAAO Sales Analysis 01 [T_AAO_QUERY01] starting incellA1.

    Click on Start ->Programs ->SAP BusinessObjects Advanced Analysis ->Advanced Analysis for Microsoft Excelto start

    Click onAdvanced Analys is

    Click in CellA1

    Check if the (Advanced) Analysis, Edition for MS Office Ribbon is already activated, if not click on it.

    Click on Insert and choose Select Data Source

    Log on to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise (you could also skip the BOE logon, if you dont want to save theworkbook into BOE).

    In the Show Connections Dropdown box choose User Defined / Local. This setting will show you the systemsthat are listed in the SAP Logon.Choose the SystemM11 and click on next.

    Activate the Folders Tab and select Roles. You will see the queries assigned to your role.Select the queryAAO Sales Analys is 01 [T_AAO_QUERY01] and click on OK

    02. Apply new Style Set and set it as default.

    Click on Styles >Apply Style Set

    Choose SAP Tradeshow Plus (Default) and Set as Default.

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    03. Open the Design Panel.

    Click on the Display Button in the Ribbon.

    Analysis Here you can see and change the actual navigation status

    Information Here you can see information for the embedded data source or the workbook itself

    Components Here you can see the structural view either from the data source or the worksheet perspective

    04. To start with the data navigation switch to theAnalysi sTab

    The following navigation steps should only use theAnalys is Tab. Other navigational features will be handled later.

    05. Add Sales Organisation to the drilldown

    Use drag & drop to add Sales Organisation to the Rows area. Make sure to position Sales Organisation next tothe Division. See how the data in the table changes.

    06. Change the orderof Division and Sales Organisation

    Within the rows area drag the Division underneath the Sales Organisation.

    07. Change the order of the Measures in the same way. Define Sales Oder Item as the first measure.

    Expand the Measures in the Columns area

    Adjust the order of the measures using drag & drop to make Sales Order Item the first element

    In the table you should see the following result:

    08. Filter the Sales Organisation to the values Germany Frankfurt and USA Philadelphia using Drag&Drop

    In the Available Data Source Fields open the little sign in front ofSales Organisation to display the dimensionmembers.

    Select Germany Frankfurt and USA Philadelphia together using the CTRL Key and drag both elements into theRows area.

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    The filter icon next to the Sales Organization indicates that you have selected filter values.

    09. Move Sales Organisation from the Rows to the Background Filterarea. What happens in the table?

    Sales Organisation is removed from the table but the filter elements are still valid.

    10. Use the Filter By Members option from the context menu for Division to perform the following filter options:

    - display divisions Pumps, Motorcycles and High Tech- displayall divisions except Pumps- displayall divisions

    Click on the right mouse button onDivision to open the context menu. Choose the option Filter By Members toperform your filtering.

    Display the divisions Pumps, Motorcycles and High Tech

    In the filter dialog deselect the Select All field and then select the divisions you want to display. You can see the

    activated filtering in the rows area

    Display all divisions except Pumps

    In the filter dialog select the Select Al l field and then deselect the divisions you do not want to display.

    Display all divisions again In the filter dialog select the Select Al l field again.

    You can see that the filter icon next to Division disappears

    11. Remove Division from drill down, add Sales Organisation into the rows. Also remove its filter.

    Drag & drop the Division out of the Rows area into the Available Data Source Fields

    Drag & drop the Sales Organisation from the Filter to the Rows area

    Use the context menu for Sales Organisation and choose the option Select All Members to remove the filterelements

    12. Display the attributes Company Code and Statist. Curr. for Sales Organisation

    In the Available Data Source Fields expand Sales Organisation and expand the Attributes node

    Select Company Code and Statist. Curr. using the CTRL key and drag them into the rows area

    13. Save your Workbook

    If you like you can save the workbook on the N: drive with the name Workbook 1

    Alternatively, you could save the workbook via in the BOE.

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    Exercise 2: Further Navigation Options

    This exercise explains how to navigate within the data combin ing the use of the new (Advanced) AnalysisDesign Panel and the CrossTab itself.

    01. Create a New Workbook with the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 01 [T_AAO_QUERY01] starting in cell A1.

    Click on Insert

    You can choose the QueryAAO Sales Analysis 01 from the history by simply clicking on it.

    The query will be opened in a new workbook starting in cell A1 of the first worksheet.

    02. Change the order of the measures and move Sales Order Item to the first position.

    Mark the Cell D1 by clicking on it, then start drag & drop on the cell border, and move it to the left of Sales VolumeEUR

    A little red bar will help you to find the position

    03. Add Sales Organisation into the drilldown

    Drag the Sales Organisation out of the Design Panel into the grid next to Division.

    Make sure to drop it into the row where Division is located. Again the red bar will help you.

    04. Change the orderof Division and Sales Organisation

    Click into the Cell C2 and drag & drop the cell to the left ofDivision

    Again make sure to drop it into the same row where Division is located. Again the red bar will help you.

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    05. Replace Division bySold-toPartyCountry

    Drag Sold-toPartyCountry out of the design panel directly onto to the Division into the grid.

    Make sure to let it fall into the row where the Division is located. The red box indicates that you will replace theobject.

    06. Filter Sold-toPartyCountry onGermany using drag & drop and the Design Panel

    Click into a cell where you find the value Germany in (e.g. cell D5 =Germany or also possible C5 =DE). Drag thecell border onto the Sold-toPartyCountry in the Row area of the Design Panel

    The result will look like this

    07. Display the attributes Company Code and Statist. Curr. for Sales Organisation

    Open Sales Organisation and theAtt ributes node in the Available Data Source Fields

    Select Company Code and Statist. Curr. using the CTRL key and drag them together directly onto SalesOrganisation in the table

    08. Save your Workbook

    If you like you can save the workbook on the N: drive with the name Workbook 2

    Alternatively, you could save the workbook via in the BOE.

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    Exercise 3: Working With Hierarchies

    This Exercise explains how to work with hierarch ies. In the first step you wi ll use hierarchies that are stored inthe master data of a dimension. In the second step you will use the function Compact Display inRows/Columns to display multiple dimensions in a single h ierarchy.

    01. Create a New Workbook with the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 02 [T_AAO_QUERY02] starting in cell A1.

    Click on the Office Button and select New

    Check if the (Advanced) Analysis Ribbon is already activated, if not click on it. Click on Insert and choose Select Data Source

    Activate the Folders Tab and select Roles. You will see the queries assigned to your role.Select theAAO Sales Analys is 02 [T_AAO_QUERY02] and click on OK

    02. Take a look at the displayed data

    In theAvai lable Data Sou rce Fields you can see that the hierarchy Material c lass is displayed in bold letters.This indicates that the hierarchy is the default hierarchy as defined in the backend system (in this case: in the BWQuery definition).

    You can drill up and down the hierarchy by opening and closing the [ - ] and [ + ] elements in the worksheet cells.

    03. Hide Level 2 of the hierarchy.Click in cellA2 onMaterial and choose Hierarchy > Show Levels in the Ribbon and de-select Level 2.

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    Compare the result before and after that action.

    Before After

    04. Exchange the current hierarchy on Material with the Product Hierarchy fo r material MARA hierarchy.

    Open the Material folder in the Design Panel

    You can see the available hierarchies and you can drag the Product Hierarchy for material MARA onto theMaterial in the Rows area.

    05. Filter/Deselect the hierarchy members that you do not want to see any more. Please deselect (Machines >)Components (Pumps) and ( Lighting > ) Bulbs

    Select the Material and choose Filter > Filter By Members from the menu. De-select the hierarchy nodes that youdo not want to see. Compare your settings with the following screen. Take a look at the difference between theicons of Machines and Lightning while you deselect the nodes below.

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    node and all sub-nodes are selected

    not all sub-nodes are selected

    06. Display Material in a non-hierarchical manner (flat presentation). You can use the menu or the Design Panel.

    In the Design Panel, drag the entryFlat Presentation onto Material.

    07. Add Sold-toPartyCountry, Region (State, and Sold-toParty in front of the Material. Activate the option MergeHierarchies on Rows

    Add Sold-toPartyCountry , Region (State, and Sold-toParty in front of the Material

    The table will be very quite extensive and might be a little bit confusing.

    To make the data better readable activate the Compact Display in Rows option in the Hierarchy menu.

    You will see the data in a more convenient way. You can use the [ - ] and [ + ] elements to open and close the


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    08. Remove the filter from the measures and add Calendar Yearto the Columns. Activate the option CompactDisplay in Columns

    Choose the Select All Members option from the context menu for the measures.

    Add Calendar Year/Month into the columns

    Select a cell out of the columns area in the table (e.g. cell C1) and activate the Compact Display in Columns outof the Hierarchy menu

    You can now expand a measure to see the single years below. The query is filtered to 01.2001 to 12.2003 that iswhy you cannot see other years.



    09. Save your Workbook

    If you like you can save the workbook on the N: drive with the name Workbook 3

    Alternatively, you could save the workbook via in the BOE.

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    Exercise 4: Adding a Chart

    This Exercise explains how to add a dynamic chart to your workbook.

    01. Create a New Workbook with the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 03 [T_AAO_QUERY03] starting in cell A1.

    Click on the Office Button and select New

    Check if the (Advanced) Analysis Ribbon is already activated, if not click on it.

    Click on Insert and choose Select Data Source

    Activate the Folders Tab and select Roles. You will see the queries assigned to your role.Select theAAO Sales Analys is 03 [T_AAO_QUERY03] and click on OK

    02. Display the data from the table as a chart

    Click on the Chart Button.

    03. Display the data as anArea-Chart and format it in the way you like

    Select Change Series Chart Type from the context menu of the chart.

    SelectArea at the left side of the screen and then select the 4th

    chart from the left.

    Use the Chart-Tools in the Ribbon to format the chart according to your needs. You can use the Design, Layoutand Format Tab to define your formatting.

    04. Navigate within the data to see the changes in your chart.

    Exchange Sold-topartyCountry with Division Exchange Division with Calendar year/Month

    Exchange Calendar year/Month with Sales Organization

    Remove the measure Incoming Orders from the drilldown

    05. Save your Workbook

    If you like you can save the workbook on the N: drive with the name Workbook 4 Group ## (Replace ##with thelast two digits of you UserID

    Alternatively, you could save the workbook via in the BOE.

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    Exercise 5: Conditional Formatting

    This Exercise explains how to work with Conditional Formatting.

    01. Create a New Workbook with the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 01 [T_AAO_QUERY01] starting in cell A1.

    Click on the Office Button and select New

    Check if the (Advanced) Analysis Ribbon is already activated, if not click on it.

    Click on Insert and you can choose the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 01 from the history.The query will be opened in a new workbook starting in cell A1 of the first worksheet.

    02. Define a drilldown by Sold-toPartyCountry and Sales Organization in the rows

    03. Define a Conditional Formatting setting to highlight the values ofSales Volume EUR that are greater than50.000 in green. This setting should only be valid for Germany and should not inc lude the result of the SalesOrganisation.

    Choose Conditional Formatting and than New

    Type in the name High Sales Volume Germany

    Select the measure Sales Volume EUR and choose Value as Format

    In the Definition Tab choose a green colour, select Greater Than and enter the value 50000

    Click onAdd

    Go to the Selection Tab and scroll down to Sold-toPartyCountry. Select Members from the dropdown list. Clickon the icon at the end of the row and select Germany.

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    For Sales Organization selectMembers from the dropdown box.If you do not change that setting the result for all Sales Organizations in Germany will be coloured as well.

    Click on OK

    04. Define a Conditional Formatting setting to colour the cell background ofSales Oder Item less than 100 in red.

    This setting should be valid for all Countries and only the result of the Sales Organisation.

    To define a conditional formatting for Sales Oder Item click into according column (F) first

    Choose Conditional Formatting and than New

    Enter Low Sales Order Item in the name input box.

    Select the measure Sales Order Item and choose Background as Format

    In the Definition Tab choose a red colour, select Less Than and enter the value 100

    Click onAdd

    Go to the Selection Tab. Change Sold-toPartyCountry to Members and Sales Organization to Total. Click on OK

    05. Save your Workbook

    If you like you can save the workbook on the N: drive with the name Workbook 5

    Alternatively, you could save the workbook via in the BOE.

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    Exercise 6: Filtering By Measure

    This Exercise explains how to filter your data by measure values.

    01. Create a New Workbook with the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 01 [T_AAO_QUERY01] starting in cell A1.

    Click on the Office Button and select New

    Check if the (Advanced) Analysis Ribbon is already activated, if not click on it.

    Click on Insert and you can choose the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 01 from the history.

    The query will be opened in a new workbook starting in cell A1 of the first worksheet

    02. Filter on rows with more than 10.000.000 EUR Sales Volume

    Open the context menu for the measure Sales Volume EUR (Cell C1)choose Filter By Measure > All Dimensions Independently > Edit

    Make sure that the measure Sales Volume EUR is selected in the dropdown box.

    Choose Greater than, enter the value 10000000 and click onAdd and confirm the dialog with OK.

    You can see the active filters of measures in the Design Panel on the Information Tab. If you cannot find theinformation there make sure to position your cursor (selected cell) within the result area or choose the query namein the Information for dropdown box.

    03. Filter on rows with more than 10.000.000 EUR Sales VolumeAND more than 500 Sales Order Item

    Open the context menu for Sales Order Item (Cell D1)choose Filter By Measure > All Dimensions Independently > Edit

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    Make sure that the measure Sales Order Item is selected in the dropdown box

    Choose Greater than, enter the value 500 and click onAddIn the dialog you see two rules defined:

    The result will look like this:

    04. Change your filter by measure to show divisions with more than 10.000.000 EUR Sales Volume OR more than 500Sales Order Item

    Choose Filter By Measure > All Dimensions Independently > Edit

    Change the setting of the combination logic to OR

    The result will look like this:

    Compare the results of this step with the one before

    05. Save your Workbook

    If you like you can save the workbook on the N: drive with the name Workbook 6

    Alternatively, you could save the workbook via in the BOE.

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    Exercise 7: Using Formulas To Add Additional Information

    This Exercise explains how to use formulas to add addi tional elements to enhance the layout of yourworkbook.

    01. Create a New Workbook with the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 01 [T_AAO_QUERY01] starting in cell A1.

    Click on the Office Button and select New

    Check if the (Advanced) Analysis Ribbon is already activated, if not click on it.

    Click on Insert and you can choose the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 01 from the history.The query will be opened in a new workbook starting in cell A1 of the first worksheet

    02. As you can see in the result view below we need the table starting in cell D1 but we have it already starting in A1.Move the table so that it starts in cell D1.

    Open the Components Tab in the Design Panel

    Expand the nodeAAO Sales Analys is 01 so that you can see CrossTab1 as the child component.

    Select Move To from the context menu ofCrossTab1

    In the following dialog enter the new location ofCrossTab1 (Sheet1!$D$1)

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    03.Find out the Alias name of the Data Source that is used in the Pioneer formulas that will be used later in thisexercise.

    Select the Components Tab in the Design Panel

    Select theAAO Sales An alys is 01 node

    In the lower part of the screen you find the Formula Alias (DS_1)

    The first Data Source added to the workbook will get the alias DS_1, the next one will get DS_2 and so on. If youdont like this generic formula alias you can change it with the button at the end of the row.

    04. Use the Info Field button to create your first formula. Display theData Source Name in cell A1.

    Click in CellA1

    Click on the button Info Field and select Data Source Name

    As a result you will see the name of the query with a label in front in the cells A1 and B1. To understand thetechnique behind take a closer look into the cells A1 and B1.

    In cell A1 you find the formula =SAPGet I nf oLabel ( "Dat aSourceName")

    In cell B1 you find the formula =SAPGet Sour ceI nf o( "DS_1" ; "Dat aSourceName")

    Both formulas (SAPGet I nf oLabel and SAPGet SourceI nf o) are reading the parameter DataSourceName

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    05. Try to add the Key Date into the cells A2 and B2 only by using formulas (not the menu).The Parameter used in the formula for the Key Date is KeyDate.

    Click in CellA2

    Enter the formula =SAPGetInfoLabel("KeyDate")manually to generate the label

    Click in Cell B2

    Instead of typing the formula, you can also use the Excel Formula editor by clicking on the icon on theFormulas ribbon

    In the Category field choose the (Advanced) Analysis

    Select SAPGetSourceInfo formula in the list and click OK

    In the upcoming screen you simply define the arguments that are needed for the formula as shown below

    In the field Source Alias type in: DS_1In the field Property Name type in: KeyDate

    After you closed the dialog the result of the formula (eg. 40414,08333) looks a little bit strange. Select cell B2 andchoose Format cells in the context menu. Select Date on the left hand side of the dialog and click on OK [thosemanual steps wont be necessary in the final product version].

    06. Add the Last Data Update of the Data Source into the cells A3 and B3 using the Design Panel .

    Open the Information Tab within the Design Panel

    In the top of the Tab choose Information for AAO Sales Analysis 01

    In the first Information area you find the Last Data Update field Simply use drag & drop to insert this information into cellA3

    Pioneer automatically generates the formulas you need to display the userCell A3: =SAPGet I nf oLabel ( "Last Dat aUpdat e")Cell B3: =SAPGet Sour ceI nf o( "DS_1"; "Last Dat aUpdat e")

    07. Insert the Info Field Effective Filters into Cell A5

    Select cellA5

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    Click on the button Info Field and choose the entry Effective Filters

    At first glance you might see no change in your workbook.

    When you take a closer look you will find the formula =SAPDynGenEf f ect i veFi l ter s( "DS_1") in cell A5

    08. Define a filter for the Sales Organisation = Germany Frankfu rt and the Sold-toPartyCountry = Germany andUnited States

    Take a look at Exercise 1 again if you cant remember how to define a filter using the Design Panel.

    09. Check the result of your Effective Filters defined in Step 7.

    In the sheet you will see the effective filters in the cells A5 to B6

    When you take a look at the formulas behind the cells A5 to B6 you will notice that the formula changed a little bitand is now displayed as {=SAPLi st Of Ef f ect i veFi l t ers ( "DS_1") }

    The { } indicates that there is an array used in the background to display the filters in a generic and dynamic way.

    [The display of the Effective Filter is depended on the setting of the member display. If the member is set to displayText the Effective Filter also shows Text. If the member is set to display Key the Effective Filter also shows Key.

    If the member is set to display both Text and Key the Effective Filters will show the first entry. In this example themember is set to display Key and Text the Effective Filters shows Key only because Key is the first entry.]

    10. Save your Workbook

    If you like you can save the workbook on the N: drive with the name Workbook 7

    Alternatively, you could save the workbook via in the BOE.

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    Exercise 8: Change Variables in the Prompts, Add

    Calculations and use Currency Translation

    This Exercise explains how to change the variable values using the prompt, add calculations of data in yourworkbook and change data with different currencies.

    01. Create a New Workbook with the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 07 [T_AAO_QUERY07] starting in cell A1.

    Click on the Office Button and select New Check if the (Advanced) Analysis Ribbon is already activated, if not click on it.

    Click on Insert and choose Select Data Source

    Activate the Folders Tab and select Roles. You will see the queries assigned to your role.Select theAAO Sales Analys is 07 [T_AAO_QUERY07] and click on OK

    02. Change the Variable Value to display other Divisions

    The workbook shows initially 3 measures, Sales Volume, Sales Volume Motorcycles and Sales Volume Pumps

    Click on the Prompts

    In the Specify Value for Prompts open the little sign behind Division 3 (single value) to display the members.

    Select Retail >OK >OK

    03. InsertCalculation Percentage Share for Sales Volume Pumps ofSales Volume

    Click on Sales Volume Pumps (Cell E1) first and then use CTRL key +Click on Sales Volume (Cell C1)

    Now both Sales Volume Pumps and Sales Volume are marked in the workbook

    Click on Calculations >Add Calculation > Percentage Share

    A new Column Sales Volume Pumps%_ASales Volume is created on column F.

    Right Click on the new Measure Sales Volume Pumps%_ASales Volume and selectNumber Format

    Choose 0.0 (1 Decimal Places) for Decimal Places > OK

    [The sequence of clicking the measures determines how the Calculations are performed. If you click first on SalesVolume and then Sales Volume Pumps the percentage share is calculated as Sales Volume%_ASales VolumePumps]

    04. Add Rank Numberfor Sales Volume

    Move the Cursor to Sales Volume

    Click on Calculations >Add Dynamic Calcu lat ion >Rank Number

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    A new Column Rank Number: Sales Volume beside Sale Volume is created.

    Check the result.

    05. Change the Currency to USD

    Click on Measures > Currency Translation

    Choose USD American Dollarfor Target Currency andAverage Rate Current Date for Currency ConversionType.

    Check the result.

    06. Save your Workbook

    If you like you can save the workbook on the N: drive with the name Workbook 8

    Alternatively, you could save the workbook via in the BOE.

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    Exercise 9: Insert Filter Components and use Pause Refresh

    This Exercise explains how to insert Filter Components in the workbook and use Pause Refresh to re-freshdata at one step.

    01. Create a New Workbook with the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 01 [T_AAO_QUERY01] starting in cell A1.

    Click on the Office Button and select New

    Check if the (Advanced) Analysis Ribbon is already activated, if not click on it.

    Click on Insert and you can choose the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 01 from the history.The query will be opened in a new workbook starting in cell A1 of the first worksheet

    02. Move the CrossTab to Cell A5 and Activate Pause Refresh.

    Move the CrossTab to Cell A5. (Take a look at Exercise 7 again if you cant remember how to move the CrossTabto other Cells)

    Click on the Pause Refresh Button in the Ribbon.

    03. Insert Filter Components and Select Filter Values

    Move Cursor to Cell A2

    Click on Filter>Division

    Click on the sign to get the member list. SelectCross-Division , Motorcycles and Vehicles from the list.

    Move Cursor to Cell A3 Click on Filter>Calendar Year/Month

    Click on the sign to get the member list. Select the Member only fro m 01.2002 to 12.2002.

    04. De-activate Pause Refresh

    Click on Pause Refresh and check how the data changes in the CrossTab.

    05. Save your Workbook

    If you like you can save the workbook on the N: drive with the name Workbook 9

    Alternatively, you could save the workbook via in the BOE.

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    Exercise 10: Create PowerPoint Slides and Work with

    Analysis PowerPoint

    This exercise explains how to export the workbook to MS PowerPoint and work wi th the Analysis PowerPoint.

    01. Create a New Workbook with the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 02 [T_AAO_QUERY02] starting in cell A1.

    Click on the Office Button and select New

    Check if the (Advanced) Analysis Ribbon is already activated, if not click on it. Click on Insert and you can choose the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 02 from the history.

    The query will be opened in a new workbook starting in cell A1 of the first worksheet

    02. Exchange the display Hierarchy and Create anAnalysis PowerPoint Slide with the workbook.

    Exchange the current hierarchy Material class on Material with the Product Hierarchy for material MARAhierarchy (Take a look at Exercise 3 again if you cant remember how to exchange the hierarchy)

    Click on Create Slide

    The PowerPoint Application is opened and you need to enter the User and Password first.

    03. Move to other Slide Page and Expand Hierarchy

    Click on (Advanced) Analysis >Move To

    Choose 1 for Slide

    Click on Slide 1 and move the Cursor to the ROOT Node.

    Click on Hierarchy >Expand Node to Level >Level 2

    04. Split Table across Slides and change the Design

    Click on (Advanced) Analysis >Split / Abbreviate

    Choose 8 for the Maximum number of rows and Split table across multiple slides

    In the information area it shows This inserts 1 slides into the presentation

    05. Insert a new Data Source and create a Chart

    Move the Cursor to the CrossTab in Slide 3

    Click on Home >New Slide to create a new Slide

    Click on Slide 3

    Click on (Advanced) Analysis >Insert and choose the QueryAAO Sales Analys is 02 from the history Click OK in the Fit Table Prompt

    Click on (Advanced) Analysis >Chart

    Click on Move To and choose 4 for SlideCheck the results

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  • 7/29/2019 BI260 Exercise Virtual


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