Bi Year 6 Paper 1 Sns

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  • 8/12/2019 Bi Year 6 Paper 1 Sns


    Questions 1 4

    Choose the best word to complete the sentence.Pilih perkataanyang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

    1. The __________________ carries its young in its pouch.

    A rabbit

    B monkey

    C kangaroo

    D chimpanzee

    2. Bread becomes ________________ after two weeks.

    A stale

    B fresh

    C warm

    D frozen

    3. We should always greet others with a _____________________________.

    A cry

    B smile

    C frown

    D punch

    4. At the hotel, the __________________ carried my luggage to my room.

    A receptionist

    B cashier

    C cleaner

    D porter

  • 8/12/2019 Bi Year 6 Paper 1 Sns


    Questions 5 -7

    Read the text and choose the best phrasefor each of the pictures given.Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai katayang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

    Marinas school is having CleanlinessDay campaign. She is collecting

    ________(5)________ while Siti, her best friend, is putting aside

    the ______(6)________ to be recycled. Next, they are going to

    arrange the ________(7)__________at the back of their classroom.

    5. A some old bags

    B some old suitcases

    C some old cardboxes

    D some used paperbags

    6 A pile of old newspapers

    B pack of old newspapers

    C bunch of old newspapers

    D stack of old newspapers

    7 A vase of flowers

    B stalks of flowers

    C clusters of flowers

    D bouquet of flowers

  • 8/12/2019 Bi Year 6 Paper 1 Sns


    Questions 8 10

    Choose the bestanswer for each of the pictures given.Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi setiap jawapan yang diberi.




    Questions 11 -15

    Choose the bestanswer to fill the situation shown in the picture.

    Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.


    A The butcher is sharpening the knife.

    B The butcher is throwing the knife.

    C The butcher is keeping the knife.

    D The butcher is cutting the knife.

    A The waiter is giving the man his change.

    B The waiter is giving the man the menu.

    C The waiter is taking down the order.

    D The waiter is serving the drink.

    A The boys are lost in the city.

    B The boys are walking in a field.

    C The boys are trekking in the jungle.

    D The boys are admiring the beautiful birds.

    A Do I need to take another bus from here?

    B Is this the correct bus to Taman Ceria?

    C Does this bus go to Taman Ceria?

    D Is the bus fare RM3.00?

  • 8/12/2019 Bi Year 6 Paper 1 Sns






    A I am hungry.

    B I will lend you my racquet.

    C I dont want to watch a movie.

    D I have not done my homework.

    A Please switch on the fan.

    B Please do not go out now.

    C Are you very busy now?

    D Do you want to go out?

    A You are right.

    B It fell on its own.

    C It was an accident

    D Yes, the vase is broken.

    A I am very thirsty.

    B I would like to order now.

    C The apple juice is delicious.

    D I would like to have a glass of carrot juice.