BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc

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  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc


    Question Booklet No.

    10P/241131To be fil led lip by the calldidate by blue/black ball-point pen)

    Roll No. LI_..L_L _L _L L_ L_ L_ .J

    Serial No. of Answer Sheet .............................................Day and Date .................................................................. . ( Signature of Invigilator )

    INSTRUCTIONS TO C NDID TES(Use only blue/black ball-point pen in the space above and on both sides of the Answer Sheet)1. Within 10 minutes of the issue of the Question Booklet, check the Question Booklet to ensure that itcontains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing. In case of faultyQuestion Booklet bring it to the notice of the Superintendentllnvigilators immediately to obtain afresh Question Booklet.2 Do not bring any loose paper, written or blank, inside the Examination Hall except theAdmit Cardwithout its envelope.3. A separate Answer Sheet is given. It should not be folded or mutilated. A second Answer Sheetshall not be provided. Only the Answer Sheet will be evaluated.4 Write your Roll Number and Serial Number of he Answer Sheet by pen in the space prvided above.5. On the front page o he Answer Sheet, write by pelt your Roll Number in lI,e space provided at

    tl,e top and by darkening the circles at the bottom. Also , wherever applicable, write tlie QuestionBooklet Number and the Set Number in appropriate places.6. No overwriting is allowed in the elltriel o f Roll No., Question Booklet no. ami Set no. if any). on OMR sheet and Roll No. aJUI OMR sheet no. on tlie Queston Booklet.1. Any change in the aforesaid entries is to be verified by the invigilator, otherwise it will be takenas unfairmeans. .8. Each question in this Booklet is followed by four alternative answers. For each question, youare to record the correct option on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle in thecorrespondirrg row o the Answer Sheet, by pen as mentioned in the guidelines given on thefirst page o he Answer Sheet.9. For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet. If you darken more than one circleor darken a circle partiallYI the answer will be treated as incorrect.10. Note that the answer once filled in ink cannot be changed. f you do not wish to attempt aquestion, leave all the circles in the corresponding row blank (such question will be awardedzero marks),11. For rough work. use the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the end of thisBooklet.12. Deposit both the Question Booklet and the Answer Slteet at the end of the Test.13 You are not permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test.14. If a candidate attempts to use any form of unfair means, he/she shall be liable to such punishment asthe University may determine and impose on him/her.

    rorrt f.rW il3If.

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc


    10P/241/31. . . . r ~ t l o n s : 1S0

    ~ ~ ~ 1 : 1 S 0Ful l Marks: 45

    N:45Note: (1) Attempt as many questions as you can. Each question carries 3

    ThreeI marks. One mark wtll be deducted for e ch incorrectanswer Zero mark will be awarded for each unattemptedquestion.aU'>Tt ilf"", >I?iY IIT l

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc




  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    05. Who is the chairman of the Planning Commission in India?(1) Prime Minister (2) Finance Minister(3) Home Minister (4) Planning Minister'1m t awW "" 31>118;1 ,,; R ~ ?(1) ~ > I ; j l i 5 l (2) m ft(3) ~ ~ j 5 l (4) ft

    06. Who said that non alignment was immoral _(1 ) Truman (2) Dulles(3) Churchill (4 ) Stalin'-W flnif.t f'I; " - 8;l

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc




  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc




    Who propounded the theory of power elite?( I osca (2) Pareto(3) C. Wright Mills (4) Sartori'ITf

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    f.rTI 11'IR'I>'

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc


    1) a:IT'l'f;R 'f""I(3) q ( I l I ~ ~ 1

    (2) oRt mo \ll'li(OI(4) ~ l


    19 Head quarters of the International Court of Justice is located at :(1) New York (2) London(3) Paris (4) Hague

    3 1 ' < 1 d e l ~ 4 1 ~ 1 ( I ~ & l l ( ' l ~ 1I < 31 fq; 1 1 ojil "2

    7 P T O

    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    21. Who supports power theory in International politics?(I) Wilson (2) Kaplan(3) Morgenthau (4) SimonlFtHft] l (1",;jIm it ~ ' ' ' ' -.>T ~ " ' ' ' ' I i .'Ift;j t ?(1) f"'(,Hl1(3) l i M 1 ' ~

    (2) %;111(4) lCll$li1

    22. Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism . I t was stated by :(1) Bernstein (2) Lenin(3) Gramsci (4) Trotsky"lClml""loIiG ' t , 1 ' 4 1 ~ 111> \ ",i4 """ $I'''> II tl fiI;if.t (1 fi .. (II1 if; 1 it. a l I 8 l ~ i . f ; t ?(1) ~ m ' 1 ' '

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    : o 1 < R i l i l ~ 'i'IllRT ~ 31f>mU qir ~ 1T'l it "i1' 1 ;;mIT ~ ?(1) '11'IR'" 3 1 f ~ (2) 31f>ll A 1l: fi ~ I Q I 1 ( ~ f l R ; ) ott r q : i l q d l - . m ~ ?(1) -.:['ft t (2) ~(3) d * ~ ' l d (4) ott ~

    26. Everything for the state nothing against the state, nothing outsidethe state . The view is supported by(1) Marxists (2) Liberals(3) Fascists (4) Utilitarians

    ~ ~

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    ~ 2) l 0 ~ 0 V : 03) m 4) ' Iff i l

    29 Which one of the following is not a state in India(1 ) Arunachal Pradesh 2) Mizoram3) Lakshadweep 4) Nagalandf.l '1 f

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    (1) Wl < i I q ; ~ q l awlrT(3) m awlrT (2) f.1qfi11 awlrT(4) awlrT

    31 Who is known as father of Liberalism?(1) Hobbes (2) Locke (3) Rousseau (4) Hegelil

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc


    10P 241 31


  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    ''''IT' liT fm; *7 " IW 1IitI -(1)

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    40 Federal system of government was accepted to India for the fIrst timeby:(1) Government of India Act, 1919(2) Government of India Act, 1935(3) Cabinet Mission Plan 1946(4) Contribution of India 1950"IlI ij;- (iblli' -rn:R 'I1t wfl >ll {1( F.fie 31fto ~ f i l : g l I l l ; R : , 1935 ij;- ilRT3) M ' 4 ~ < '

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc


    43 Which out of the following is ot correctly matched?A B(1) M.N. Roy

    (2) Swami Dayanand(3) J L Nehru(4) M.K. Gandhi

    f 1 i f < ' l f ~ l l d -q 'Iih WM t ?31'

    (1 ) '

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    46 Head quarters of UNESCO is located at(I) Rome (2) Paris (3) Hague (4) London

    ' L ~ I 'liT 'j@1

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    50. Who has given an elitist explanation of Political parties?(1) Lincoln 2) Barke 3) McIverfoI>if.t (I I.nflj , lit a:IT l l'1'lIi

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    qfij i\; lit 11' qfR

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    58 Planning Commission was instituted in the year

    am < 1ft IQ'11 lll 'l'f it < 1ft ft :(1 ) 1949 (2) 1950 (3) 1951 (4) 195259 Who is regarded as the father of Public administration?

    (1 ) Wilson (2) Willoughby (3) White (4) Gulick"ffiq;- "1'1 ;;r;rq;- f

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    62 Who supported proportional representation for success of democracy?1) Bentham3) Macpherson

    (2) J.S. Mill4) Laski

    ' I ' l i d ~ qi\ Ii1'liMdl i t W< illljQlm'li 1lfuf. f'T

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc


    lfi 'Ii'1' 4 ~ i l l f ~ l l : :(1) mrsm ' ' liT (j( q -;@ t l(2) ' ' qft

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    (1) < ' l 1 ~3) '1g

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    t w: I t w: II it fi:ffiR q:;f IlRft

    B. f{qf1q:; 2 i I (1 111m 'ITI'R ffl'llHI it t :(1) i (2) 'Ifffi(3) ( I 1 \ l ~ ( I (4) 1lfm

    3 P T O

    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    72 In which of the Schedules of the Indian Constitution subjects allottedto Municipalities are stated:'lRffi' l @lm'[ q, j if llI{Qlf

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    I Of; II if fi:ffiR 'l'< i q;j ( 1 ~ I ~ a l if mit :fffiG I fffiG IIA. ;;ftq;j Of; 3 f ~ 1. 3 1 j , i j ~ 25

    B. 31f'l0l1fik1 q;j , d ~ a l Of; 3 f ~ 2 3 ~ 2 9C. , d ~ a l Of; 3 f ~ 3. 3 ~ ~ 19D. (1i'1'R1i.1i 3 f ~ 4 3 1 j , i j ~ 21

    A B C D1) 1 2 3 42) 4 3 1 2

    (3) 4 3 2 14) 3 4 1 2

    75 Which of the following is accepted as the fundamental principle indeciding the foreign policy of a Country ?1) International morality (2) World Public opinion

    (3) National interest (4) Balance of powerf.I"'I it if f'. >m \T""l q;j f q ~ ~ I ; f I R 1 ~ f.r'1f

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    77 How many states are involved in the MandaI theory of inter-staterelations?

    (1) 9 (2) 10 (3) (4) 1278 The bloodless revolution of 688 took place in the country :

    1) France 2) England 3) U.S.A. 4) Russia688 qij { i R I ~ 1 1 sorf.

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    1 r ~ = 'IT i : ; f t (3) foR lj"jft (4) \lgqRi

    83 Who is the author of the book entitled Politics and Administration ?1) Warner 2) Goodnow 3) Waldo 4) Urbick

    ' q j f < ' l f ~ i . R " I 1 l : " S I { S f A f . I ~ ~ I ' I ' CiiT i ?(1) CIR'R (2) 2

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    86 Who is a supporter of formal organisation theory of publicadministration ?(1) Henry Fayol (2) F.W. Taylor(3) Max Weber (4) Elton Mayof.\1:;f t \'t

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    89 The heart of administration is the management of programmesdesigned to serve the general welfare . Who said this?(1) Paul H. Appleby (2) J D Millett(3) M. Fayol (4) W H Newman

    ~ 14,.;,;r ' i i i ;;j) lMI"1 011 1 ' it am ~ m ~ l I f l 1 ' i i iWill U "" ' I ?( 1 1ffi1 v:"'l. q:cq (1 q j (2) ito t fl:ffiG(3) '11 "'lfii\ 1 : < 61>1>11 ' l f l ~ 1 ' it +>1lq11qit ?(1) 1947 (2) 1948 (3) 1949


    (4) 1951

    (4) 1950


    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    95 Kyoto Protocol that took place in Japan in 1997 is related to problemsconcerning:(1) Human right (2) Environment(3) Feminism (4) International peacef

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    1947 it lffiW:T q;jj:m q ;r 3 l " ' l ~ < >t.r IT ?1) ol01R'f0 2) 'Iffi'1

    4) , < , o ~ o l'li>n100 The Interim Government consisting of leaders of different Indianpolitical parties was formed in the year:

    (1) 1945 (2) 1946 (3) 1947 (4) 1948

    (1) 1945 it (2) 1946 it (3) 1947 it (4) 1948 it101 Who is the author of the book entitled India's Constitution in themaking ?

    (1) B.r. Ambedkar3) B.N. Rao

    1) , oamo i>t

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    ~ VII t i'iR ft;rm t

    3 l j ~ < ; 39(b) (I'lT (c), < > i j ~ < ; 14 "('fa:"fl :

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    "q'jfctf"if(' .[11MI 'I1l1'I> 1ft 1ft ?1 -;ffi1:R '1J1'R i\ 2) :eft. "U m : 1ft "'I

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    110 Janata Parti government at the centre in the year 1977 was led by :(1) Moraraji Desai(3) Chandra Shekhar

    (2) Jaya Prakash Narayan(4) Jagjivan Ram977 t t ;;r:'[(fT l1if 'lit ~ H , " I{ 'liT -.if. %

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc




  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    118. The statement that in order to achieve noble end purity of means isnecessary is associated with :(I) Kauti1ya (2) Manu(3) J.L. Nehru (4) M.K. Gandhi

    ~ l i R fiI> d ~ ~ ~ ' m& ' full: W1 f < l10) ~ o ~ o ~

    119. Three-member Election Commission came into existence in :

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    122 Who founded the Indian Association in 876 ?(1) A.O. Hume (2) S.N. Banerji(3) W.C. Banerji (4) R.B. Ghosh1876 it .fiiM1 1 i ; * ; l r { l q : ~ H 'lit +'1jq1 I fif.t'lit ?1) ,

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    126 Who was the Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the ConstituentAssembly?(1) J.L. Nehru (2) B.B. Patel(3) B.R. Ambedkar (4) Gopalaswami Ayangar4r'l 'IR 'II qft ll>S < ~ 1 1 ~ 1(3) mo "iI"Ijl'



  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    130 Who is the author of the book entitled Development Administration ?(1) Amresh Awasthi (2) S.R. Maheshwari(3) R. Basil (4) Mohita Bhattacharya

    ~ E \ q i \ . . " , 4 ' ' 1 f o \ < : { ~ I ' \ ' ' 'II'I' > IiI ~ ~ ?(1) 3l'Wft (2) ~ o o l f { o 4 1 ~ ~ < H l(3) o3lf{o ~ (4) ' 1 ~ l i l I 4

    131 Mach List I with List- II and select right answer with the help of thecode:List I List II

    A. Part XV of the Constitution 1. Emergency provisionsB. Part XVI of the Constitution 2. Official LanguageC. Part XVII of the Consitution 3 Special provisions regardingcertain classesD. Part XVIII of the Consitutition 4. ElectionsCode:

    A B C D(1) 3 4 1 2(2) 4 3 2 1(3) 1 2 3 4(4) 2 1 4 3

    I II f'i:l"('IR ornt ~ f2: q,'j < " ~ I ~ c t l rm ~ ' l f 0 1 ~ :~ ftorR IIA mE >TR 1JT1 15 1. 3lT'm 0'I"ii"lB mE >TR 1JT1 16 2 ' ' 'C mE >TR 1JT1 17 3 ~ r i f ~ ~ i i ~ ~D

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    132 Under which article of the Constitution Governor has the power toissue ordinance during recess of legislature?(1) Article 209 (2) Article 210 (3) Article 212 (4) Article 213Ufc "TR ~ flR:r 61:1 < ~ (I ' IQI(1 q r.'lI'1

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    135. Who among the folJowing accepted historical method?(1) Plato (2) Aristotle (3) Hobbes (4) Rousseau

    F . , ' ~ f l I t ~ fiIR:Pt ~ I F < 1 i f i q; ) l Rl ?(l) Q.iIi\ (2) (3) (4)

    136. Who among the following is a utilitarian thinker?(1) Rousseau (2) J.S. Mill (3) Green (4) Locke

    R ' ~ f l I t i\' a llitfildlClI

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    f'I;B 'liT WI""" ~ \ 4 < n ~ QUllcll < >IT 3l"' l:l QUllcll B{'hl{r qft f'l:iltldlaTI q;)f'l< lldl i ?(1) (4) 'IT

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    144 Who said that history without politics has no fruit?(1) Seeley (2) Garner (3) Ashirvatham (4) Laski~ 1%Wt f

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc



    148. Who among the following is a pluriist(1) Hobbes (2) Green (3) Laski (4) LockeF-1"1F

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc


    ROUGHWORK q q;p;f




    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc


    (p r gfW." it; 1f'T1f 3ITrT 3'iR-t(SI ' iT lJilliq; = anq{Uj-'r3 'l< iR it '"'" """'"'8. """-glWib, i f"' ;"; """ t; ."., 4lbfiiilib ; " r r ft;j '1# i .,.;,,; """ it; 4lbfiiilib ; " r r it; Wrr .arrqibT ; " r r - r ( 7 ibT 1I..,f.itd rff,Rr it; l/T1R ft;j '1# ' [ i f ibT ; " r r - r ( 7 it; 1lfl'1 rrr '1#fmff t; 3f3lITr ~ it ""'" i

    9. it 3'iR it fulrT 3 i R - ~ r J q ; , it 31'fu'l 'r3' iT m -..l',

    12. m it 6'1

  • 8/12/2019 BHU PET 2010 M.a. Politicalsc


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