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  • 8/11/2019 bhim




    Study of Performance Appraisal System


    Dabur Pt! "td!

    Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Of Degree in Master of

    Business Administration

    Sunder Deep Institute Of Management Technology

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    Submited to# Submited by

    Ms! Ric$a %uls$rest$a Smita Rai

    MBA 3rdSem

    Roll No.0724070046


  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    This is to certify that the project work done on Study of Performance

    Appraisal System and its Effectiveness in an organization by S!TA

    "A! in partial fulfillment of the re#uirement for the award of the degree of

    $A is a bonafide work carried out by him%her under my supervision &

    guidance' This work has not been submitted any where else for any

    other degree%diploma as per my knowledge'

  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    This project ill accomplish to !"dersta"d ho the people i"teract ith tech"olo#$

    sa%$ prod!cts a"d if the$ are read$ for doi"# all the tradi"# thro!#h "et. The project

    also helps i" !"dersta"di"# the tre"d of the scripts of the partic!lar sector & 'a"(i"#

    sector ) i" differe"t mar(et co"ditio".

    To mai"tai" a"d cope !p ith the #roi"# competitio" from the %ario!s o"li"e

    tradi"# pro%iders* +a'!r P%t. ,td. "eeds to fi"d pote"tial clie"ts* also the "e

    i"%estors a"d satisf$ there "eeds.

    The Broad o'jecti%e of the project is to e-!ipped the trai"ees ith all the -!alit$

    hich is esse"tial to face a"$ circ!msta"ces hich ca" arise hile pro%idi"#

    All these steps help me to !"dersta"d ho to cope !p ith differe"t t$pes of people

    a"d there di%ersified "eed a"d satisfactio" le%el.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    *SMITA RAI( st!de"t of MBA 3rdSem here '$ declare that the project e"titled

    )Performance Appraisal System in Dabur Pt! "td!*is m$ ori#i"al or( a"d the

    same has "ot 'ee" s!'mitted to a"$ other "stit!te / "i%ersit$ for the aard of a"$

    de#ree. The s!##estio"s #i%e" '$ s!per%isor ha%e 'ee" d!l$ i"corporated i" this


    Smita Rai

  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    M$ si"cere tha"(s to Ms.Richa !"der hose a'le #!ida"ce a"d (i"d

    cooperatio" as a'le to complete the project or( titled ,Study of

    Performance Appraisal System in Dabur Pt! "td!, .

    o!ld also li(e to tha"( Mr. Siddharth Mali(* "it Ma"a#er* +a'!r "dia

    ,td. for #!idi"# me.

    Also* do tha"( a"d remem'er m$ frie"ds for their effort a"d helpi"# ha"d.

    1%er$ effort has 'ee" made to e"ha"ce the -!alit$ of or(. oe%er* oe the

    sole respo"si'ilit$ of the shortcomi"#* if a"$* i" the st!d$.


  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    hapter 5 "trod!ctio"

    hapter 25 'jecti%e a"d Methodolo#$ of the St!d$

    hapter 35 r#a"iatio" Profile

    hapter 45 Performa"ce Appraisal8 Theoretical Re%ie

    hapter 95 Performa"ce Appraisal S$stem i"

    +a'!r "dia ,td.

    hapter 65 A"al$sis a"d "terpretatio" of +ata

    hapter 75 o"cl!sio" a"d S!##estio"s

    hapter : A""e;!re

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    &-APTER .


  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    &-APTER .


    Study of Performance Appraisal System and Its

    Effectieness in an Or/ani0ation


    T$e $istory of performance appraisal is 1uite brief!

    ts roots i" the earl$ 20th ce"t!r$ ca" 'e traced to Ta$lor

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    caref!ll$ str!ct!red s$stem of appraisal* people ill te"d to j!d#e the or(

    performa"ce of others* i"cl!di"# s!'ordi"ates* "at!rall$* i"formall$ a"d


    The h!ma" i"cli"atio" to j!d#e ca" create serio!s moti%atio"al* ethical a"d

    le#al pro'lems i" the or(place. =itho!t a str!ct!red appraisal s$stem* there

    is little cha"ce of e"s!ri"# that the j!d#eme"ts made ill 'e laf!l* fair*

    defe"si'le a"d acc!rate.

    Performa"ce appraisal s$stems 'e#a" as simple methods of i"come

    j!stificatio". That is* appraisal as !sed to decide hether or "ot the salar$ or

    a#e of a" i"di%id!al emplo$ee as j!stified.

    The process as firml$ li"(ed to material o!tcomes. f a" emplo$ee

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    Cor e;ample* earl$ moti%atio"al researchers ere aare that differe"t people

    ith ro!#hl$ e-!al or( a'ilities co!ld 'e paid the same amo!"t of mo"e$

    a"d $et ha%e -!ite differe"t le%els of moti%atio" a"d performa"ce.

    These o'ser%atio"s ere co"firmed i" empirical st!dies. Pa$ rates ere

    importa"t* $es '!t the$ ere "ot the o"l$ eleme"t that had a" impact o"

    emplo$ee performa"ce. t as fo!"d that other iss!es* s!ch as morale a"d self8

    esteem* co!ld also ha%e a major i"fl!e"ce.

    As a res!lt* the traditio"al emphasis o" reard o!tcomes as pro#ressi%el$

    rejected. " the @90s i" the "ited States* the pote"tial !sef!l"ess of appraisal

    as tool for moti%atio" a"d de%elopme"t as #rad!all$ reco#"ied. The #e"eral

    model of performa"ce appraisal* as it is ("o" toda$* 'e#a" from that time.

    Modern Appraisal

    Performa"ce appraisal ma$ 'e defi"ed as a str!ct!red formal i"teractio"

    'etee" a s!'ordi"ate a"d s!per%isor* that !s!all$ ta(es the form of a periodic

    i"ter%ie &a""!al or i" hich the or( performa"ce of the s!'ordi"ate is

    e;ami"ed a"d disc!ssed* ith a %ie to ide"tif$i"# ea("esses a"d stre"#ths

    as ell as opport!"ities for impro%eme"t a"d s(ills de%elopme"t.

    " ma"$ or#a"iatio"s 8'!t "ot all 8appraisal res!lts are !sed* either directl$ or

    i"directl$* to help determi"e reard o!tcomes. That is* the appraisal res!lts are

    !sed to ide"tif$ the 'etter performi"# emplo$ees ho sho!ld #et the majorit$

    of a%aila'le merit pa$ i"creases* 'o"!ses a"d promotio"s.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    B$ the same to(e"* appraisal res!lts are !sed to ide"tif$ the poorer performers

    ho ma$ re-!ire some form of co!"seli"#* or i" e;treme cases* demotio"*

    dismissal or decreases i" pa$. &r#a"iatio"s "eed to 'e aare of las i" their

    co!"tr$ that mi#ht restrict their capacit$ to dismiss emplo$ees or decrease


    =hether this is a" appropriate !se of performa"ce appraisal 8the assi#"me"t

    a"d j!stificatio" of reards a"d pe"alties 8is a %er$ !"certai" a"d co"te"tio!s


    &ontroersy( &ontroersy

    Ce iss!es i" ma"a#eme"t stir !p more co"tro%ers$ tha" performa"ce


    There are ma"$ rep!ta'le so!rces 8researchers* ma"a#eme"t comme"tators*

    ps$chometricia"s 8ho ha%e e;pressed do!'ts a'o!t the %alidit$ a"d

    relia'ilit$ of the performa"ce appraisal process. Some ha%e e%e" s!##ested

    that the process is so i"here"tl$ flaed that it ma$ 'e impossi'le to perfect it

    &see +er%e"* @@0* for e;ample). At the other e;treme* there are ma"$ stro"#

    ad%ocates of performa"ce appraisal. Some %ie it as pote"tiall$ ... the most

    cr!cial aspect of or#a"iatio"al life &,arie* @@0).

    Betee" these to e;tremes lie %ario!s schools of 'elief. =hile all e"dorse

    the !se of performa"ce appraisal* there are ma"$ differe"t opi"io"s o" ho

    a"d he" to appl$ it*

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    There are those* for i"sta"ce* ho 'elie%e that performa"ce appraisal has

    ma"$ importa"t emplo$ee de%elopme"t !ses* '!t scor" a"$ attempt to li"( the

    process to reard o!tcomes 8s!ch as pa$ rises a"d promotio"s. This #ro!p

    'elie%es that the li"(a#e to reard o!tcomes red!ces or elimi"ates the

    de%elopme"tal %al!e of appraisals. Rather tha" a" opport!"it$ for

    co"str!cti%e re%ie a"d e"co!ra#eme"t* the reard8 li"(ed process is

    percei%ed as j!d#me"tal* p!"iti%e a"d harroi"#. Cor e;ample* ho ma"$

    people o!ld #ladl$ admit their or( pro'lems if* at the same time* the$

    ("e that their "e;t pa$ rise or a m!ch8a"ted promotio" as ridi"# o" a"

    appraisal res!ltD Eer$ li(el$* i" that sit!atio"* ma"$ people o!ld de"$ or

    do"pla$ their ea("esses.

    Nor is the desire to distort or de"$ the tr!th co"fi"ed to the perso" 'ei"#

    appraised. Ma"$ appraisers feel !"comforta'le ith the com'i"ed role of

    j!d#e a"d e;ec!tio"er.

    S!ch rel!cta"ce is "ot diffic!lt to !"dersta"d. Appraisers ofte" ("o their

    appraisees ell* a"d are t$picall$ i" a direct s!'ordi"ate8s!per%isor

    relatio"ship. The$ or( to#ether o" a dail$ 'asis a"d ma$* at times* mi;

    sociall$. S!##esti"# that a s!'ordi"ate "eeds to 'r!sh !p o" certai" or(

    s(ills is o"e thi"# #i%i"# a" appraisal res!lt that has the direct effect of

    "e#ati"# a promotio" is a"other.

    The res!lt ca" 'e rese"tme"t a"d serio!s morale dama#e* leadi"# to

    or(place disr!ptio"* so!red relatio"ships a"d prod!cti%it$ decli"es.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    " the other ha"d* there is a stro"# ri%al ar#!me"t hich claims that

    performa"ce appraisal m!st !"e-!i%ocall$ 'e li"(ed to reard o!tcomes. The

    ad%ocates of this approach sa$ that or#a"iatio"s m!st ha%e a process '$

    hich reards 8hich are "ot a" !"limited reso!rce 8ma$ 'e ope"l$ a"d fairl$

    distri'!ted to those most deser%i"# o" the 'asis of merit* effort a"d res!lts.

    There is a critical "eed for rem!"erati%e j!stice i" or#a"iatio"s. Performa"ce

    appraisal 8hate%er its practical flas 8is the o"l$ process a%aila'le to help

    achie%e fair* dece"t a"d co"siste"t reard o!tcomes. t has also 'ee" claimed

    that appraisees themsel%es are i"cli"ed to 'elie%e that appraisal res!lts sho!ld

    'e li"(ed directl$ to reard o!tcomes 8a"d are s!spicio!s a"d disappoi"ted

    he" told this is "ot the case. Rather tha" feeli"# relie%ed appraisees ma$

    s!spect that the$ are "ot 'ei"# told the hole tr!th* or that the appraisal

    process is a sham a"d aste of time.

    T$e "in2 to Re3ards

    Rece"t research &Ba""ister F Bal(i"* @@0) has reported that appraisees seem

    to ha%e #reater accepta"ce of the appraisal process* a"d feel more satisfied

    ith it* he" the process is directl$ li"(ed to reards. S!ch fi"di"#s are a

    serio!s challe"#e to those ho feel that appraisal res!lts a"d reard o!tcomes

    m!st 'e strictl$ isolated from each other. There is also a #ro!p ho ar#!es that

    the e%al!atio" of emplo$ees for reard p!rposes* a"d fra"( comm!"icatio"

    ith them a'o!t their performa"ce* are part of the 'asic respo"si'ilities of

    ma"a#eme"t. The practice of "ot disc!ssi"# reard iss!es hile appraisi"#

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    performa"ce is* sa$ critics* 'ased o" i"co"siste"t a"d m!ddled ideas of


    " ma"$ or#a"iatio"s* this i"co"siste"c$ is a##ra%ated '$ the practice of

    ha%i"# separate a#e a"d salar$ re%ies* i" hich merit rises a"d 'o"!ses are

    decided ar'itraril$* a"d ofte" secretl$* '$ s!per%isors a"d ma"a#ers.

    There are 'asicall$ three p!rposes to hich performa"ce appraisal ca" 'e p!t.

    Cirst* it ca" 'e !sed as a 'asis for reard allocatio". +ecisio" as to ho #ets

    salar$ i"crease* promotio"* a"d other reards are determi"ed '$ their

    performa"ce e%al!atio". Seco"d* these appraisals ca" 'e !sed for ide"tif$i"#

    areas here de%elopme"t efforts are "eeded. The performa"ce appraisal is a

    major tool for ide"tif$i"# deficie"cies i" i"di%id!als. Ci"all$ it ca" 'e !sed as

    a criterio" a#ai"st hich selectio" de%ices a"d de%elopme"t pro#rams are

    %alidated. As a (e$ i"p!t i"to ma"a#eme"t

  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    Si"ce or#a"isatio"s e;its to achie%e #oals* the de#ree of s!ccess that i"di%id!al

    emplo$ees ha%e i" reachi"# their i"di%id!al #oals is importa"t i" determi"i"#

    or#a"isatio" effecti%e"ess.

    Performa"ce s$stem is f!"dame"tall$* a feed 'ac( process* hich re-!ire

    s!stai"ed commitme"t. The cost of fail!re to pro%ide s!ch feed'ac( ma$ res!lt

    i" a loss of (e$ professio"al emplo$ees* the co"ti"!ed poor performa"ce of

    emplo$ees ho are "ot meeti"# performa"ce sta"dards a"d a loss of

    commitme"t '$ emplo$ees* i" s!m* the m$th that the emplo$ee ("o hat.

    the$ are doi"# itho!t ade-!ate feed'ac( from ma"a#eme"t ca" 'e a"

    e;pe"si%e fa"tas$.


    . 1sta'lishi"# Performa"ce Sta"dard

    2. omm!"icate Performa"ce e;pectatio"s to emplo$ees

    3. Meas!re act!al performa"ce

    4. ompare act!al performa"ce ith sta"dards

    9. +isc!ssio" ith the emplo$ees a"d ide"tificatio" de%elopme"t pro#rams

    to 'rid#e the #ap.

    6. "itiate actio"

  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    " #e"eral the appraisal s$stems ser%e a to fold p!rpose

    . To impro%e the or( performa"ce of emplo$ees '$ helpi"# them

    realie a"d !se their f!ll pote"tial i" carr$i"# o!t their firms missio".

    2. To pro%ide i"formatio" to emplo$ees a"d ma"a#ersfor !se i" ma(i"# *

    or( related decisio"s.

    More specificall$ appraisals ser%e the folloi"# p!rposes.

    a) Appraisals pro%ide feed'ac( to emplo$ees a"d help the. < ma"a#eme"t

    ide"tif$ the areas here de%elopme"t efforts are < "eeded to 'rid#e the

    #aps there'$ ser%i"# as %ehiclesforperso"al a"d career de%elopme"t.

    ') t helps ma"a#eme"t spot i"di%id!als ho ha%e specific s(ills so that

    their promotio"s/tra"sfer are i" li"e ith or#a"iatio"al re-!ireme"ts.

    c) Appraisal ser%e as a (e$ i"p!t for admi"isteri"# a formal or#a"isatio"

    reard a"d p!"ishme"t s$stem.

    d) The performa"ce s$stem ca" 'e !sed as a criterio" a#ai"st hich

    selectio" de%ices a"d de%elopme"t pro#rams are %alidated.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim




    Relia'ilit$5 The foremost re-!ireme"t of a so!"d s$stem is relia'ilit$. " this

    co"tact it refers to co"siste"c$ of j!d#eme"t. Cor a"$ #i%e" emplo$ee*

    appraisals made '$ raters or(i"# i"depe"de"tl$ of o"e a"other sho!ld a#ree

    closel$. B!t raters ith differe"t perspecti%e &e.#. s!per%isors* peers*

    s!'ordi"ates) ma$ see the same i"di%id!als jo' performa"ce %er$ differe"tl$.

    To pro%ide relia'le data* each rater m!st ha%e a" ade-!ate opport!"it$ to

    o'ser%e hat the emplo$ee has do"e a"d the co"ditio" !"der hich he or she

    has do"e it. B$ ma(i"# appraisal s$stem rele%a"t* se"siti%e a"d relia'le e

    ass!me the res!lti"# j!d#eme"t are %alid as ell.

    Accepta'ilit$5 " practice* accepta'ilit$ is the most importa"t re-!ireme"t of

    all* for it is tr!e that h!ma" reso!rces pro#ram m!st ha%e the s!pport of.

    those ho ill !se them. "fort!"atel$* ma"$ or#a"isatio"s do "ot p!t m!ch

    effort i"to #ar"eri"# the fro"t e"d s!pport a"d participatio" of those ho ill

    !se the appraisal s$stem. ltimatel$ it is ma"a#eme"t

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    Practicalit$5 This implies that appraisal i"str!me"ts are eas$ for ma"a#ers a"d

    emplo$ees to !"dersta"d a"d to !se.

    Cor $ears* perso""el specialists ha%e searched for the

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    rarel$ &a"d i"directl$ thr! ritte" reports). ere j!d#eme"t of peers pla$

    importa"t role. oe%er* there is a da"#er of pote"tial 'ias.

    S!'ordi"ates5 Appraisal '$ s!'ordi"ates ca" 'e !sef!l i"p!t to the immediate

    de%elopme"t. S!'ordi"ates ("o first ha"d the e;te"t to hich the s!per%isor

    act!all$ dele#ates* ho ell he comm!"icates* the t$pe of leadership he has

    a"d the e;te"t to hich he or she pla"s a"d or#amses.

    Self appraisal5 " o"e ha"d it impro%es the rate

  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    The traditio"al approach5 The o"e dime"sio"al model

    The Ho' +efi"e hat res!lts Performa"ce co"tact

    ha%e to e achie%ed

    +efi"e a set of (e$

    o'jecti%es a#ai"st the


    Acco!"ta'ilities i.e*


    Re%ie performa"ce

    a#ai"st the (e$


    " this model jo' e;pectatio"s are defi"ed i" terms of hat res!lts ha%e to 'e

    achie%ed. This model does"

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    A satisfactor$ performa"ce implies doi"# a jo' effecti%el$ a"d efficie"tl$* ith

    a mi"im!m de#ree of emplo$ee 8created disr!ptio"s. 1mplo$ees are

    performi"# ell he" the$ are prod!cti%e. >et prod!cti%it$ itself implies 'oth

    co"cer" for effecti%e"ess a"d efficie"c$. 1ffecti%e"ess refers to #oal

    accomplishme"t. 1fficie"c$ e%al!ates the ratio of i"p!ts co"s!med to o!tp!ts

    achie%ed. The #reater the o!tp!t for a #i%e" i"p!t* the more efficie"t the

    emplo$ees. Similarl$* if o!tp!t is a #i%e"* co"s!med to #et that o!tp!t res!lts i"

    #reater efficie"c$.

    There are 'asicall$ three p!rposes to hich performa"ce appraisal ca" 'e p!t.

    Cirst* it ca" 'e !sed as a 'asis for reard allocatio"s. +ecisio"s as to ho #ets

    salar$ i"creases* promotio"s* a"d other reards are determi"ed '$ their

    performa"ce e%al!atio". Seco"d* these appraisals ca" 'e !sed for ide"tif$i"#

    areas here de%elopme"t efforts are "eeded. Ma"a#eme"t "eeds to spot those

    i"di%id!als ho ha%e specific s(ill or ("oled#e deficie"cies. The

    performa"ce appraisal is a major tool for ide"tif$i"# these deficie"cies. Ci"all$*

    the performa"ce appraisal ca" 'e !sed as a criterio" a#ai"st hich selectio"

    de%ices a"d de%elopme"t pro#rams are %alidated.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    &$apter 8

    O9:E&TI6E AND

    MET-ODO"OG5 O' T-E


  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    &$apter 8


    .! Ob;ectie of t$e study

    This project aims at st!d$i"# the s$stem of performa"ce appraisal a"d its

    effecti%e"ess i" a" or#a"isatio". Performa"ce appraisal is the most si#"ifica"t

    a"d i"dispe"sa'le tool for the ma"a#eme"t as it pro%ide !sef!l i"formatio" for

    decisio" ma(i"# i" area of promotio" a"d compe"satio" re%ies.

    Th!s 'road o'jecti%es of the st!d$ i"cl!des5

    To ("o the prese"t s$stem of performa"ce appraisal

    To ("o the e;te"t of effecti%e"ess of the appraisal s$stem

    To ide"tif$ a"d ("o the area for impro%eme"t s$stem

    8! Sample of t$e study

    The pop!latio" co%ered for the prese"t st!d$ co"sisted of emplo$ee 'elo"#i"#

    to s!per%isor$ a"d the le%el a'o%e. Cor the p!rpose of this st!d$* s!r%e$

    co%ered the emplo$ee of +ABR N+A ,T+. falli"# !"der s!per%isor a"d

    the le%el a'o%e.

    The st!d$ co%ered a sample of 00 emplo$ee 'elo"#i"# to s!per%isor$ le%el

    a"d a'o%e.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    The project or( has 'ee" carried o!t i" three sta#es* a str!ct!red

    -!estio""aire ith o'jecti%e a"d -!estio" as comm!"icated tested a"d

    fi"alise. +!ri"# the seco"d sta#e* the -!estio""aire as admi"istered to the

    emplo$ees at +a'!r "dia ,td. '$ co"tacti"# them. The or( relati"# to data

    e"tr$ compilatio"* data a"al$sis a"d report riti"# co"stit!ted the third sta#e.

    "ter%ie i"de; as also !sed at some places to #et i"formatio" o" the project


    The details of the methodolo#$ adopted are prese"ted 'elo5

    T$e 4uestionnaire

    Ieepi"# i" %ie the o'jecti%e of the st!d$* -!estio""aire as desi#"ed a"d

    tested o" fe emplo$ees. After #etti"# the proper respo"se a"d sa"ctio" from

    the co"cer"ed departme"t the -!estio""aire as fi"alised.

    Response to 4uestionnaire

    " all @6 -!estio""aire ere #i%e" to emplo$ees falli"# i" the cate#or$ of

    s!per%isors a"d a'o%e. !t of hich 4: co!ld 'e collected 'ac( d!l$

    completed. The researcher i"di%id!all$ co"tacted the emplo$ees to #et

    respo"se o" the -!estio""aire.

    Data entry and analysis

    t has 'ee" a" !phill tas( to e"ter the e"ormo!s data recei%ed thro!#h the

    -!estio""aire hich co"sisted "earl$ 20 -!estio"s. Res#o"se to the descripti%e

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    -!estio"s tho!#h %er$ fe '!t as %al!a'le for the p!rpose of st!d$. e"ce

    these ere f!rther str!ct!red i" time ith the s$stem adopted for compilatio"

    a"d data a"al$sis.


    Ma"$ emplo$ees #a%e #!arded a"sers to some cr!cial -!estio"s.

    Some of them did "ot fill the -!estio""aire d!e to lac( of time

    Respo"se co!ld "ot 'e collected from the total sample selected.

    Some of the -!estio""aire co!ld "ot 'e completed d!e to reaso"s other tha"

    time factor.

    The co"fide"tialit$ of the s$stem created some pro'lem i" #etti"# i"formatio".

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


  • 8/11/2019 bhim



  • 8/11/2019 bhim




  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    &$apter >


    Si"ce or#a"isatio" e;ist to achie%e #oals* the de#ree of s!ccess that i"di%id!al

    emplo$ees ha%e i" reachi"# their i"di%id!als #oals is importa"t i"

    determi"i"# or#a"iatio"al effecti%e"ess. The assessme"t of ho s!ccessf!l

    emplo$ees ha%e 'ee" at meeti"# their i"di%id!al #oals* therefore* 'ecomes a

    critical part of RM. This leads !s to the topic of performa"ce appraisal.


    There are 'asicall$ three p!rposes to hich performa"ce appraisal ca" 'e p!t.

    Cirst* it ca" 'e !sed as a 'asis for reard allocatio"s. +ecisio"s as to

    ho #ets salar$ j"creases* promotio"s* a"d other reards are

    determi"ed '$ their performa"ce e%al!atio".

    Seco"d* these appraisals ca" 'e !sed for ide"tif$i"# areas here

    de%elopme"t efforts are "eeded. Ma"a#eme"t "eeds to spot those

    i"di%id!als ho ha%e specific s(ill or ("oled#e deficie"cies. The

    performa"ce appraisals is a major tool for ide"tif$i"# these


    Ci"all$ the performa"ce appraisal ca" 'e !sed as a criterio" a#ai"st

    hich selectio" de%ices a"d de%elopme"t pro#rams are %alidated. t is

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    o"e thi"# to sa$* for e;ample* that o!r selectio" process is s!ccessf!l i"

    differe"tiati"# satisfactor$ performers from !"satisfactor$ performers.


    Establis$ed performance standard

    &ommunicate performance eFpectations to employee

    Measure actual performance

    &ompare actual performance 3it$ standards

    Discuss t$e appraisal 3it$ t$e employees!

    If necessary( initiate t$e correctie action

    The appraisal process 'e#i"s ith the esta'lishme"t of performa"ce

    sta"dards. These sho!ld ha%e e%ol%ed o!t of jo' a"al$sis a"d the jo'

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    descriptio" disc!ssed !"der h!ma" reso!rce pla""i"#. These performa"ce

    sta"dards sho!ld also 'e clear a"d o'jecti%e e"o!#h to 'e !"derstood a"d

    meas!red. Too ofte"* these sta"dards are artic!lated i" some s!ch phrase as a

    f!ll da$

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    co"tri'!tio" a"d a'ilit$. The impressio" that s!'ordi"ates recei%e a'o!t their

    assessme"t has a stro"# impact o" their self8esteem a"d* %er$ importa"t* o"

    their s!'se-!e"t performa"ce.

    The fi"al step i" the appraisal is the i"itiatio" of correcti%e actio" he"

    "ecessar$. orrecti%e actio" ca"* 'e of to t$pes. "e is immediate a"d deals

    predomi"a"tl$ ith s$mptoms. The other is 'asic a"d del%es i"to ca!ses.

    mmediate correcti%e actio" ofte" descri'ed as p!tti"# o!t fires* hereas

    'asic correcti%e actio" #ets to the so!rce of de%iatio" a"d see(s to adj!st the

    differe"ce perma"e"tl$.

    mmediate actio" corrects somethi"# ri#ht "o a"d #ets thi"#s 'ac( o" trac(.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    &$apter B




  • 8/11/2019 bhim


  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    correcti%e actio" is i"itiated he" 'eha%io!r de%iates from the sta"dards

    esta'lished i" the #oal8setti"# phase. +a'!r !ses %er$ co"str!cti%e

    performa"ce appraisal process hile e%al!ati"# its emplo$ees. ts e%al!atio"

    is 'ased o" -!a"titati%eise a"d o'jecti%eise.

    ompa"$ set #oals to its emplo$ee '$ properl$ reporti"# ith its emplo$ees

    a"d the" e%al!ati"# them !pto hat e;te"t it has 'ee" achie%ed a"d if there is

    fail!re i" reachi"# the tar#et hat are the ca!ses or reaso"s 'ehi"d it.

    1%er$ e%al!ator has his or her o" %al!e s$stem hich acts as a sta"dard

    a#ai"st hich appraisals are made. Relati%e to the tr!e or act!al performa"ce

    a" i"di%id!al e;hi'its* some e%al!atorJ mar( hi#h a"d others lo. The former

    is referred to as positi%e le"ie"c$ error a"d the latter as "e#ati%e le"ie"c$

    error. =he" e%al!ators are positi%el$ le"ie"t i" their appraisal* a" i"di%id!al

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    collect 3 co"sec!ti%e o!tsta"di"# performa"ce i"to his/her credit) he /

    she #ets promoted.

    b! EFcellent 8f the performa"ce e%al!ated '$ the ma"a#eme"t t!r"s o!t to

    'e e;celle"t. f the emplo$ee performs i" s!ch a a$ as to collect 3

    co"sec!ti%e e;celle"t performa"ce i"to his/her credit* he/she #ets


    c! Good 8f the performa"ce e%al!ated '$ the ma"a#eme"t t!r"s o!t to 'e

    #ood. The ma"a#eme"t se"ds the emplo$ee to the trai"i"# pro#ramme

    to impro%e his/.her s(ill to perform form.

    d! 9elo3 aera/e 8f the performa"ce e%al!ated '$ the ma"a#eme"t t!r"s

    o!t to 'e 'elo a%era#e. A"d* if the emplo$ee collects 3 'elo a%era#e

    to his/her credit* the" he/she dismissed

    Duration of Appraisal System

    The time co"strai"ts e"a'les the emplo$ee to sho or project his/her

    capa'ilities i" term of performa"ce as per the d!ratio" alloed. " +a'!r "dia

    ,imited* the performa"ce appraisal s$stem is carried o!t a""!all$.


    The compa"$ pro%ides the a""!al feed'ac( to its emplo$ees a"d th!s* i" term

    'ri"# o!t the hi#hli#hts of the self assessme"t pro#ramme. This e"a'les the

    'etter comm!"icaito" 'etee" the ma"a#eme"t a"d emplo$ees ad th!s* helps

    i" promoti"# the '!si"ess f!t!re.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    There are mi;ed respo"ses from the feed'ac( '$ the emplo$ees. t has helped

    some of the emplo$ees i" moti%ati"# themsel%es hile those ho felt 'ad

    ere thoro!#hl$ comm!"icated a"d all the co"f!sio" a"d fail!re part ere

    disc!ssed ith emplo$ees.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    &$apter @


  • 8/11/2019 bhim




  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    &$apter @


    After collecti"# the data o" Performa"ce Appraisal S$stem data as

    A"al$ed a"d i"terpreted. The %ario!s topics co%ered for a"al$sis a"d

    i"terpretatio" of data are5 )

    .! Promotions

    A promotio" ma$ 'e defi"ed as a" !pard ad%a"ceme"t of a" emplo$ee i" a"

    or#a"isatio" to a"other jo'* hich comma"ds 'etter pa$/a#es* 'etter stat!s /

    presti#e a"d hi#her opport!"ities / challe"#es a"d respo"si'ilit$* a 'etter

    or(i"# e"%iro"me"t* ho!rs of or( a"d facilities etc.

    Promoters ha%e a sal!tar$ effect o" the satisfactio" of the promoted perso"

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    fit"ess. Tho!#h these #!ideli"es are "ot i" a ritte" format the s!per%isor a"d

    ma"a#er #et it at the time of appraisal from the perso""el departme"t.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    As per the #!ideli"es from the perso""el departme"t emplo$ees are to 'e

    promoted accordi"#l$. oe%er there is co"f!sio" amo"# the emplo$ee as

    these #!ideli"es are "ot 'ei"# e;plai"ed time to time* ma"$ are "ot aare of

    the e;isti"# promotio" polic$ i" the or#a"isatio".

    Respo"de"ts ere as(ed hether the promotio" is ell defi"ed i" the

    or#a"isatio". The respo"ses are #i%e" 'elo5


    Response Number Percenta/e

    >es 6 6.66

    No 92 94.6


  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    Respo"de"t ere also as(ed to s!##est a"$ cha"#e i" the polic$. The respo"ses

    ere as #i%e" 'elo5

    Response Number Percenta/e

    Merit "ot reco#"ied 20 20.:3

    +oes "ot defi"e career pla" 26 6.66

    Not i"te#rated ith '!si"ess 0 0

    etero#e"eit$ ithi" polic$ for 96 9:.:3

    differe"t positio"

    Majorit$ s!##ested for "o cha"#e i" the polic$. t seems the$ are satisfied ith

    the c!rre"t polic$.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    Ali/nin/ /oal

    Respo"de"t ere as(ed a'o!t the prese"t s$stem* does it help i" ali#"i"#

    i"di%id!al #oal ith those of the or#a"isatio". The respo"ses ere as #i%e"


    Response Number Percenta/e

    >es 44 49.:3

    No 2 2.9


  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    &areer Pro/ress

    areer pro#ress is somethi"# hich is co"ti"!o!s* ith the i"p!t from

    or#a"isatio" i" term of trai"i"#* feed'ac( a"d co!"selli"#. " toda$

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    !estio" as(ed as as follos5

    Are the iss!es li(e career pla""i"# a"d s!ccessio" pla""i"# a part of compa"$s


    The respo"ses to the a'o%e ere as #i%e" 'elo5

    Response Number Percenta/e

    >es 6 6.66

    No 44 49.:3

    a"t sa$ 36 37.9

    ere o"l$ 46K of the respo"de"t #a%e respo"se that it does "ot hile 3:K

    #a%e respo"se that there is "o career de%elopme"t pla" at all.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    Pro%idi"# feed'ac( pla$a co"str!cti%e role. t helps the emplo$ee ("o

    his/her ea("ess a"d stre"#th. Ceed'ac( pro%ides for the area of


    Respo"de"t ere as(ed a'o!t the fre-!e"c$ of feed'ac( 'ased o" their

    performa"ce. The respo"ses ere as #i%e" 'elo5

    Response Number Percenta/e

    Rarel$ 24 29

    " a fe occasio" 40 4.66

    Sometimes 24 29

    fte" : :.34

    Almost ala$s Nil Nil

    4 perce"t respo"ded that feed'ac( is pro%ided tho!#h o" a fe occasio". The

    fre-!e"c$ has to i"crease 'oth from the i"di%id!al a"d or#a"isatio" poi"t of

    %ie to (eep the i"di%id!al moti%ated for or( i" li"e ith the or#a"isatio"al


  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    Remedial measure

    Based o" the performa"ce the remedial meas!res are ta(e" to do aa$ ith

    ea("ess if a"$ a"d '!ild o" the stre"#th a"d add to the e;isti"# capa'ilit$

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    Respo"se o" the remedial meas!re ere as #i%e" 'elo5

    Response Number Percenta/e

    Ho' rotatio" 44 49.:3

    Se"t to trai"i"# pro#ramme 40 4.66

    o!"selled 2 2.9

    A"$ other Nil Nil

    No"e Nil Nil

    ere the respo"se ere 'oth for jo' rotatio" a"d trai"i"# pro#ramme. +!ri"#

    the co!rse it as felt that more trai"i"# i"p!t is to 'e pro%ided to the emplo$ee

    to o%ercome the ea("ess a"d impro%e !po" the e;isti"# capa'ilit$ of the


  • 8/11/2019 bhim




    Respo"de"t ere as(ed ether the promotio" polic$ is li"(ed ith the

    performa"ce appraisal s$stem

    The respo"ses ere as #i%e" 'elo5

    Response Number Percenta/e

    (es )* )+',)

    -o ,. ,/'0)

    a"t sa$ 4 4.9:

    Majorit$ respo"se ere that promotio" polic$ is li"(ed ith the performa"ce

    appraisal s$stem.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    .! Stren/t$ 8+a'!r "dia ,imited is the first "dia" major compa"$ hich

    came !p ith the idea of A$!r%edic co"cept i" %ario!s famil$ a"d health

    care prod!cts. mostl$ hate%er i"#redie"ts it !ses i" its prod!ct are

    e;tracted from "at!re as it has %er$ less s$"thetic chemical co"stit!e"ts

    !sed i" its prod!ct a"d so it does "ot has a"$ threat of side effect. As it has

    its prod!ct i" major areas %i. famil$* health care a"d i" food di%isio" it ca"

    easil$ has lar#er share of mar(et. B$ this performa"ce appraisal s$stem act

    as moti%ati"# factor for its emplo$ees to a #reat e;te"t '$ i"creasi"# their

    efficie"c$ a"d s(ills. Cor e;ample* if e see +a'!r ,al +!"t Ma"ja"* it is


  • 8/11/2019 bhim


  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    &$apter C

  • 8/11/2019 bhim




  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    &$apter C



    The a"al$sis a"d i"terpretatio" of data o" st!d$ of performa"ce appraisal a"d

    its effecti%e"ess i" a" or#a"isatio" led to the folloi"# co"cl!sio"s5

    The promotio" r!le tho!#h defi"ed "eed to 'e comm!"icated to e%er$

    emplo$ee 'efore appraisal process is do"e a"d also j!stif$ the promotio" as

    a res!lt of the appraisal. That the promotio" polic$ folloed differs at

    differe"t positio" a"d cate#or$. A !"iformit$ has to 'e there i" the

    impleme"tatio" of promotio" polic$ at all le%els

    The process of performa"ce appraisal folloed i" +a'!r "dia ,td. at the

    s!per%isor$ a"d a'o%e le%el S to sa$ "ot #ood '!t of satisfactor$ le%el.

    The emplo$ees do "ot rate it %er$ #ood

    The appraisal o!tcome has to 'e !sed fre-!e"tl$ for the p!rpose of reard

    o" performi"# ell to#ether ith the feed'ac( o" the performa"ce. Also

    he" performa"ce #oes do" emplo$ee has to 'e #i%e" feed'ac( a"d

    moti%ated to do 'etter.

    The or#a"isatio" at prese"t does"

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    a fe occasio".

    Performa"ce appraisal i" +a'!r "dia ,td is do"e o" a" a""!al 'asis.

    More emphasis o" trai"i"# a"d jo' rotatio" as remedial meas!res.

    The mecha"ism of co!"selli"# pre8performa"ce a"d post performa"ce is

    "ot i" practice at the or#a"isatio" i" strict term. +!ri"#. the co!rse of st!d$

    s!##estio" came from the emplo$ee side for the "eed of co!"selli"#.


    The st!d$ !"derta(e" 'ri"# some i"teresti"# res!lt.

    Trai"i"# the Appraisee5 t is proposed that appraiser 'e trai"ed for clear

    !"dersta"di"# of the s$stem a"d its o'jecti%e a"d also co!"selled to 'e

    ho"est* fair* j!st* !"'iased i" appraisi"# the appralsee.

    Cactors/traits of e%al!atio"5 t is proposed that appraisee e%al!ated o"

    a'o%e factors/traits 'e #i%e" s!ita'le remar( or j!stificatio" for 'ei"# #i%e"

    differe"t -!a"titati%e #rade.

    Greater clarit$ has to 'e has to there i" terms of jo' respo"si'ilit$. This is

    possi'le he" the appraisal is do"e o" the 'asis of the descriptio".

    " the or#a"iatio"* performa"ce appraisal is do"e o" a" a""!al 'asis

    hich sho!ld 'e do"e !aterl$ to ma(e it more effecti%e.

    o"siste"c$ is dema"ded i" the promotio"al polic$. t sho!ld "ot cha"#e

    e%er$ $ear.

    Mo"etar$ differe"ce 'etee" to #rades sho!ld "ot 'e lar#e* it sho!ld 'e

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    moti%ati"# i" "at!re.

    Performa"ce appraisal s$stem sho!ld 'e made more tra"spare"t a"d


    Performa"ce feed'ac(5 The performa"ce feed'ac( sessio"s sho!ld 'e

    impro%ed hich o!ld res!lts i" i"creasi"# emplo$ee moti%atio" to

    impro%e performa"ce. The folloi"# co!ld 'e i"corporated.

    Pi" poi"t the pro'lem 'eha%io!r a"d ma(e s!re the emplo$ee is aare

    of it

    Ma(e s!re the emplo$ee !"dersta"ds the co"se-!e"ces of the pro'lem

    'eha%io!r. Get emplo$ee

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    " a" ope" appraisal the emplo$ee o!ld come to#ether to set the tar#ets* to

    !"dersta"d the m!t!al e;pectatio"s a"d s!pport to 'e pro%ided '$ the

    appraiser to the emplo$ee for achie%i"# m!t!all$ accepted #oals/tar#ets.

    Thro!#h this process of setti"# tar#ets the i"terperso"al relatio"ship 'etee"

    the appraiser a"d the emplo$ee o!ld impro%e.

    The ope" appraisal s$stem red!ces the hims a"d fa"cies of the appraiser. t

    promotes res!lt8orie"tatio" as it is 'ased o" performa"ce rather tha" o"

    perso"alit$ 'ased appraisal.

  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    a 4uestionnaire

    b 9iblio/rap$y

  • 8/11/2019 bhim




    .. s the promotio"al polic$ ell defi"ed i" $o!r or#a"iatio"D

    a. >es '. No c. ca"

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    c. ra"(i"# method. d. critical i"cide"t method

    e. a"$ other* (i"dl$ specif$

    .7. " $o!r opi"io" does it ide"tif$ the trai"i"# "eedsD

    a. to a lar#e e;te"t '. to some e;te"t c. ca"t sa$ d. "ot at all

    .:. s the promotio"al polic$ li"(ed ith the performa"ce appraisal s$stem

    a. $es '. "o c. ca"

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    a. ala$s '. ofte" c. rarel$ d. "e%er. e. ca"

  • 8/11/2019 bhim


    .:. =hat do $o! feel are the positi%es i" the perfoma"ce appraisal s$stem i" $o!r

    or#a"iatio"* Ii"dl$ me"tio"

    .@ =hat do $o! feel are the shortcomi"#s of the performa"ce appraisal s$stem

    'ei"# folloed i" $o!r or#a"iatio"* Ii"dl$ me"tio"

    .20. Cor ho lo"# ha%e $o! 'ee" or(i"# i" this or#a"isatio"

    .2. S!##estio" toards impro%i"# the performa"ce appraisal s$stem i" $o!r


  • 8/11/2019 bhim



    ) Clippo 1di"B.* Perso""el ma"a#eme"t* 1ditio" si;th* Tata Mc Gra ills*

    @:4* p.#. 2298230

    2) G!pta* .B.* !ma" Reso!rce Ma"a#eme"t* 1ditio" Cifth&Repri"t)*S!lta"

    ha"d a"d So"s* Ne +elhi 2006* P.G. 9.389.0

    3) Rao* P. S!''a*1sse"tials of !ma" Reso!rce Ma"a#eme"t a"d "d!strial

    Relatio"s1ditio" Seco"d* imala$a P!'lishi"# o!se* Ne +elhi 2009*



