Bheema Thesis

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    Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of the degree of

    Masters in Business Administration









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    Report On

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    I here by declare that the project report titledFactors affecting the choice of retail diamond

    jewellery in Indore is carried out by me for the partial fulfillment of MBA and is submitted to IIPM,

    HYDERABAD and not submitted this to any other University/ Institute for any degree.

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    This is to inform that the thesis topic " Factors affecting the choice of retail diamond jewellery inIndore ".as proposed by you,has been approved. This email is an official confirmation that youwould bedoing your thesis work under the guidance of Mr.Kapil Jaseja. Make it acomprehensiveand complete work;the primary objective of a thesis should be value additiontothe existing knowledge base.Please ensure that the objectives as stated byyou in your synopsisare met using the appropriate research design and methodology.

    Remember to register yourself with Mrs Kanchan Yadav,attheacademicsdepartment by giving details about your specialization and batch details andget for

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    Lastly, also please do remember to communicate with the thesis department andany and all otherthesis related affairs at [email protected] disregard the earlieremail ids that you have corresponded with.


    Prof Debapriyo

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    This is certify that the thesisFactors affecting the choice of retail diamond jewellery in Hyderabad

    submitted by Y BHEEMA REDDY for the award of master of business administration degree by the IIPM,

    INDORE, is his original work and it has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree

    diploma associate ship, fellowship or any other similar title and it represents wholly his independent


    Signature of the Faculty Supervisor

    Name: Kapil jaseja

    Designation: Director

    Center: Indore

    Signature of the Center head

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    The credit of completion of the Management Thesis I report Factors affecting the choice of retail

    diamond jewellery in Indore not only relies on me, the credit goes to all the persons who stood behind

    me to do this project. The project will be incomplete if I wont convey my regards to all those people.

    I express my deepest gratefulness to Mr Debapriyo, Faculty guide

    The support he gave me at various stages of the project was invaluable.

    I thankMr. Kapil Jaseja, for his continuous support to the students.

    I sincerely thank all my friends, and also the employees who are working at Tanishq outlet

    the information shared by them was very valuable in putting up this report.

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    1. Introduction .1

    2. Objectives..5

    3. Scope of the study.....5

    4. Research and methodology ..6

    5. Limitation..7

    6. Investing India..8

    7. Indian Jewellery Retail..14

    8. Organized Retailer.21

    9. Review Of Literature.....24

    10.Analysis & Interpretation...31






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    The Indian gems and jewellery industry is one of the fastest growing segments in the Indian

    economy with an annual growth rate of approximately 15 per cent. The domestic market is

    estimated to be around US$ 16.1 billion and the All India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation,

    a nodal agency representing 300,000 jewellers across the country, expects it to grow to US$ 25.2

    billion in two to three years. The country is also the largest consumer of gold in the world. It

    consumes nearly 800 tonnes of gold that accounts for 20 per cent of world gold consumption, of

    which nearly 600 tonnes go into making jewellery. India is also emerging as the world's largest

    trading centre for gold targeting US$ 16 billion by 2010. The industry has the best skilled

    manpower for designing and producing high volumes of exquisite jewellery at low labour costs.

    Let us at first take a look at the evolution of the Indian Gold Market. India was never in dearth of

    Gold Reserves. History had been a witness of the fact that India was always self sufficient in all

    its natural resources and more so in case of gold. It was this abundance in availability of such

    precious metals that lured foreign invaders from all parts of the globe as well as from time to

    time to come to India and plunder as much of it as was possible for them to do. However there

    were a significant number of such intruders who, after entering the country, fell for the land and

    its cultural heritage which eventually led them to settle and establish their

    empire in India .

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    As a inevitable consequence of the lavish livelihood exhibited by the Indian rulers, the Gold

    reserves in India gradually diminished. The arrival of the British in the hierarchy in the middle of

    the eighteenth century announced the decline of India's Gold Reserves even further. The colonial

    status given to India by the British crippled the economy which once boasted of its wealth in

    gold. Huge quantities of the precious metal was carried to England right after their extraction. As

    a result a major proportion of India's Gold Reserves was 'vanishing' without even entering into

    the economy.

    By the time India gained independence, a huge vacuum had already been created as far as Gold

    Reserves in India was concerned. Slowly, after several decades have gone by India has finally

    started to fill up the vacuum in a big way. After reaching a new height in the form of 8 % growth

    in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the year 2005-06, India is being recognized as one of the

    fastest emerging economies of the world. India's growing prospects can also be noticed in the

    gold market as well. India is viewed as the largest consumer of gold in recent times. According

    to the figures presented by the estimates of the World Gold Council (WGC), India's total demand

    for gold in the year 2001 was 243.2 tonnes which comprised 26.2 % of the total world demand.

    India, the largest democracy in the world, with its consistent growth/performance and

    abundant skilled manpower provides enormous opportunities for investment, both domestic and

    foreign. India is the fourth largest economy in terms of Purchase Power Parity and the tenth most

    industrialized country in the world. Major initiatives such as industrial decontrol, simplification

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    of investment procedures, enactment of competition law, liberalization of trade policy, full

    commitment to safeguarding intellectual property rights, financial sector reforms, liberalization

    of exchange regulations etc., have been taken, which provide a liberal, attractive, and investor

    friendly investment climate.

    The Government of India reviews the foreign direct investment (FDI) policy on an ongoing

    basis. Important policy initiatives taken in the recent past include raising FDI equity limit in

    domestic airlines sector to 49 per cent and placing it under the automatic route; allowing FDI up

    to 100 per cent under the automatic route for the development of townships, housing, built-up

    infrastructure and construction development projects; procedural simplification for approval of

    proposals for new joint ventures, technology collaborations with existing joint ventures,

    technology transfer/trade marks agreement in India and transfer of shares from existing Indian

    companies. The manual, 'India: FDI Policy and Procedures', is aimed at providing investors up-

    to-date information on the policies and procedures relating to FDI.

    The growing rate of internet users in India Provides a developing market prospects to the

    retailers to concentrate on Internet retailing. Internet retailing is the one of the critical issues of

    Retiling sector in India. Because customers love Internet retailing for so many reasons,

    comparison shopping, saving time, eases of purchase.

    Today, India is having highest growing population of youth segment in the world and the

    users of Internet tremendously increased. Customers have created an attitude of getting anything

    on the table. So they are interested in online retailing.

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    For Indian people jewellery is one of the major sources of investment. The attitudes of

    Indian consumers Jewellery purchasing are interconnected with culture. But now organized

    retailers wants to break the concept of trust based purchasing in jewellery. The next stage of this

    retailing is to be an online retailing.

    Normally Indian people are not much aware of internet retailing especially in jewelry

    retailing because Indian people strongly believe in human touch and Trust among the retailers.

    At present online jewellery retailing have grown so strong in India but its having highest

    compounded growth rate because of growing population and increasing individual level of

    income and technology growth of the country.

    So in this study we are focusing on online purchasing behavior of customers, factors

    influencing consumers while purchase jewelry on internet and Online retailers perceptions about

    consumers expectations, consumers expectations. As in the final result of this study would help

    to get a clear idea about consumers expectations, evaluations and management perceptions

    about consumers expectations and develop right strategy to enhance online jewellery retailing.

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    Research Design

    Objective of the Study:

    To identify the buying motivation and concerned factors while consumers to

    select jewellery retailers.

    To study about consumers purchasing behaviors.

    Scope of the Study:

    The gems and jewellery industry occupies an important position in the

    Indian economy. It is a leading foreign exchange earner and also one of the fastest

    growing industries in the country.

    The two major segments of the sector in India are gold jewellery and


    This study is about find out the most influencing factors while consumers to

    select jewellery retailers and create suitable plan based on results obtained from research.

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    Research methodology:

    Research Design:

    The research is carried out by the method of description of various problem. So

    the research was taken as descriptive method.

    Sources of data collection:

    Secondary data:

    The secondary data for this study has been collected from the internet. The data collected

    includes identification of online services offered by major jewellery brands in India.

    Primary data

    The data has been collected from the respondents through the personal interview

    Method of data collection

    Personal interviews with the retailer service providers of respective jewellery brands. And

    Personal interviews with the jewelry consumer purchasers.

    Sampling unit:

    The consumers of internet retailing offered by major jewellery brands in Indore.

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    Sampling Technique

    Here the Judgmental sampling method has been adopted under the non-probability sampling


    Sampling size

    The number of qualified respondents of this study is 100.

    Limitations of this Study:

    It cant be assured that this study is applicable for all other cities.

    The no of respondents were limited to 100

    The respondents are only jewellery consumers.

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    Tanishq: a sparkling journey

    The Tanishq saga began in the early 1990s, primarily fuelled by the fabled Tata

    entrepreneurial spirit and partly forced by circumstance.

    The splendid Titan watches success story was already up and running, and happened to need

    more foreign exchange to purchase the imported components and machines required to keep up

    with the burgeoning watch production. But with India going through a foreign exchange crisis,

    there was no help coming in, forcing Titan to search for a business that would earn them the

    required foreign currency.

    The first precision engineered watch, Tanishq created with 103 diamonds and pure 18 carat gold.

    Indian-made jewellery was already a big foreign currency earner and being strongly supported

    by the central government, and also happened to be a very good fit with the watch business as

    articles of adornment.The best known brand names in both Europe and America had watches and

    jewellery together, offering further proof that the two industries are intrinsically linked.

    It was a business with a huge wealth potential and it added a very feminine offering to Tatas

    long line of products that appealed mostly to the opposite gender. It also called for an

    organization that inspired trust and had high order design, manufacturing, marketing and

    retailing skills, and Tata fit the bill on all accounts.

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    A revolution in Gold Purity Standards across the country.

    Tanishq was coined from a combination of Tata/Tamil Nadu and Nishq (meaning a necklace

    of gold coins) and, again, from Tan, meaning body and Ishq, meaning love.

    It was launched in 1994 as a range of jewellery and jewellery watches meant for the European &

    American markets. But things began to change globally around this time, and the West entered a

    protracted period of slow economic growth followed by recession. Supplying jewellery to the

    Americans & Europeans suddenly no longer seemed an attractive proposition.

    Initially, the criticism for Titans foray into jewellery was loud and often bitter. Eventually,

    however, the critics were silenced. Tanishq, today, is perhaps the only major Tata brand with a

    strong appeal for women. Very importantly, Tanishq has brought to the market a whole new

    standard of business ethics and product reliability, in the process bringing about a transformation

    in the manner in which jewellery is bought and sold in India.

    It has created a revolution in the Indian jewellery trade and in jewellery buying behaviour, and

    continues to set new parameters of excellence for others to follow.

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    The recent, 22000 sqft showroom at Usman Road, Chennai.

    The Indian market, on the other hand, opened its doors to the world, and was now flooded with

    foreign currency. By the time Tanishq established its manufacturing facility and entered the

    market, the premises on which the project was based had altered substantially.

    Foreign currency was no longer an issue, import licences were easy to obtain and the global

    demand-supply equation for jewellery had shifted in favour of buyers. Tanishq, therefore,

    switched tracks and shifted its focus to the Indian market and develop a somewhat grandiose

    vision of the brand as a composite avatar of Cartier, Tiffany, Esprit, and Ernest Jones all rolled in


    Tanishq Diamond

    Finding your perfect piece of diamond jewelry is an exhilarating and unique experience. As with

    any significant purchase, it is important that you make an educated decision.Cut and crafted with

    utmost care, Tanishq diamonds come with a certificate of authenticity, stating the caratage,

    colour and clarity of the stone, to enable you to know exactly what you are paying for.No

    gemstone expresses human emotions more powerfully than a diamond and Tanishq transforms

    these precious stones into breathtaking masterpieces, each unique and splendid in design. When

    it comes to diamonds at Tanishq you will be spoilt for choice from many collections we have to


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    Cut, Color, Carat & Clarity

    The 4Cs are used throughout the world to classify the rarity of diamonds. Diamonds with the

    combination of the highest 4Cs ratings are more rare, and consequently more expensive. Light is

    the element that ignites a diamond's brilliance and fire. Its interplay with each of the 4Cs will

    help explain why one diamond can appear more beautiful than another. The good news is that

    you don't need to buy the rarest diamond to find one whose beauty speaks to you.

    Cut is the only one of the 4Cs of diamonds that is influenced by the human hand. The rest (color,

    clarity and carat) are created naturally as diamonds form in the earth. At Tanishq we ensure that

    the most ideal cut diamonds are used, so that the facets when arranged in precise proportions

    maximize brilliance and sparkle.

    Tanishq diamonds are certified by its own team of skilled gemologists or diamond graders,

    experts trained at GIA. The authenticity of each diamond is based on the GIA(Gemological

    Institute of America) standard, the highest measure for diamond grading in the world. When

    exchanged Tanishq provides you with the current value of diamonds, hence giving you the

    benefit of appreciation over a period of time.

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    Investing India

    The gold market is undergoing radical change with investments in Europe and US taking

    a lead over the traditional market Jewelry in India. While Indian Jewelry is still the worlds

    biggest consumer, the market seems more diverse now. The Gold ETF (GLD) has become the

    biggest market mover and there has been heavy demand for coins and bars. If this fundamental

    change in consumer/investor choices continues, Gold could see a significant upward movement

    in price in the short to medium term, and even a $1200/ounce is likely. It remains to be seen how

    this change in behavior would continue after the end of this crisis (in 3-5 years). If it is a

    permanent change, it is good for the gold industry as it gives a far wider/diverse base and

    removes the quirkiness associated with Indian marriage seasons and domestic economy.

    Indian consumption is the only bright aspect in the Jewelry scene, as Jewelry consumption of rest

    of the world has gone down the toilet. This is most likely due to the fact that the world recession

    has not come to India so far. However, Jewelry consumption could significantly tank once the

    reality sinks in and Indian market goes faces economic winds.

    In October 2008, when gold was below 700, I claimed that the metal will significantly go up.

    And it has significantly gone up. But, I am moving to a neutral territory now. My personal

    opinion is that $1000 is a good price for gold in the current scenario, but if there are new

    surprises from financial markets, then we should cross $1200. Once the crisis is over and when

    people start getting out of gold to stocks and homes, gold could fall to the sub-700 range. In

    short, it is still a good investment for short to medium investors, and long term investors might

    want to book profits now at around $950-1000.

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    1. One of the biggest Individual gainer is the Gold ETF GLD. It has more than 1000

    tonnes of gold in its management and has become a great market mover of the

    underlying (it is now the tail wagging the dog).

    Since the start of Jan 2008, GLD has had a more substantial lead in gold

    holdings than similar ETFs.

    Gold Investment in Europe has skyrocketed (by over 10 times) in the 2008.

    Europe is now the biggest net retail investor in gold, while Vietnam and US

    were leading this space till 2006.

    In the US, gold investments declined in 2007 from 2006 and then strongly

    rebounded in 2008. Now, over 75 tons are consumed for investment purposes

    in the US

    More people are buying gold for investment purposes than for other


    Bar and coin sales have grown more than twofold since last year, while sales

    of Jewelry (biggest consumer) went down 6%


    While Gold prices were choppy in 2008, measured in Dollars, gold prices

    were more stable and smooth than measured in Euros.

    1. India is still the worlds biggest consumer at 147 tons in Q4, followed by China, Europe

    and the US (Figure 6). It had briefly ceded its lead to the US last year and now got it back

    with a bang. It consumes 21% of world gold.

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    Indian Jewelry consumption more than doubled in Q4 2008 compared to Q4

    2007, while for Turkey it went down by 57%.

    The US exports far more gold than it imports.

    While Gold prices were choppy in 2008, measured in Dollars, gold prices

    were more stable and smooth than measured in Euros (Figure 0).

    1. India is still the worlds biggest consumer at 147 tons in Q4, followed by

    China, Europe and the US. It had briefly ceded its lead to the US last year and

    now got it back with a bang. It consumes 21% of world gold.

    The US exports far more gold than it imports.

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    The central banks have dramatically reduced their sales (-27%) and bar and coin sales have

    grown by 247%. Mine production is almost unchanged at ~630 tons/year, while there is a

    significant bump in old gold scrap. It is pretty likely that people are bringing up junk and cashing

    in on the bullish markets.

    World Gold Supply and Demand Statistics:

    Demand Characteristic:

    It is interesting to note that electronics and industrial usage has come down. Either they have

    made significant technological progress to reduce the need for gold in their manufacturing

    processes, or it is an indicator for a fundamental demand collapse in world markets for those

    products. It is bad for the global economy, but for gold it is not that much of a problem given that

    they consume a small portion of annual consumption. World mints are running out of coin

    supply as consumers and investors are pounding them to get a hand at the most secure thing in

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    the world. Jewelry sales have come down a bit, and are more of an indicator that consumers are

    tightening their belts in US, and there are some fundamental alterations in consumer trends in

    India, where many girls prefer platinum these days. It has not impacted gold sales in India that

    much, but is of concern over the long term.

    Gold Holdings in the ETF-GLD

    The worlds biggest Gold ETF fund (to keep it simple, assume that it buys gold for its

    warehouses and sells shares on its store) has been seeing a huge increase in their assets. Holding

    gold as an ETF is the most cost effective thing, as trading costs are very minimal and you dont

    need to worry about assaying and value estimation, security, etc. While the end of the world

    pessimists might be reluctant to use an ETF for their most secure investment, for most practical

    investors this is the way to go. It might make some sense to have gold in bars and coin for

    emergency situations. GLD is the most heavily traded ETF and it has been buying gold in

    gobbles and now hold more than a 1000 tonnes of gold (worth about 30 billion USD). GLDs

    asset increase has coincided exactly with the increase in gold price and thus it is reasonable to

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    assume that Gold is mainly moved by this .

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    Indian Jewellery Retail:

    India and diamonds are the best known combination throughout the diamond industry. Though

    India was known to have diamond mines many centuries ago - the fabulous Kohinoor is an

    Indian diamond - it has virtually no mines today. However, India has continued to maintain its

    tradition of diamond cutting and thousands of people are involved in this skilled occupation.

    Today, with its cut and polished diamonds, colored gemstones, gold jewellery, pearls, non-gold

    jewellery and fashion jewellery, India accounts for almost 50% of the international market. The

    gems and jewellery sector contributes nearly 55% of the worlds net exports of cut and polished

    diamonds in value, 90% in terms of pieces and 80% in terms of carats. Every 11 of 12 diamonds

    sold around the globe are processed in India, irrespective of where these are mined. With the

    right policy and regulatory framework, India could establish itself as a brand in the international

    Gems & Jewellery market, increase employment and create new breed of entrepreneurship.

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    Apart form being the worlds largest diamond processing (cutting and polishing) country with an

    80 per cent share in world market Indias favorable trade policies have made India the hub for

    gems and jewellery. The burgeoning retail industry in India is instrumental in innovatively

    marketing and branding diamonds and traditional jewellery, making inroads in this sector and

    contributing to the nations economy.

    The Indian consumer has lately become the focus of every retailer's eye, proof being the

    international brands flocking in to set up franchises in India. Economic boom coupled with retail

    sales explosion has made a smooth pathway for all those who understand the art of retail in India.

    Due to the Economic boom in the country, India is emerging as a very big Consumer Market for

    jewellery and other luxury products and offering a very lucrative opportunity for major brands to

    establish presence in the Indian market. The booming domestic market along with export

    advantage of the industry and the Government's decision to allow foreign direct investment of up

    to 51 per cent in single brand retail stores has attracted a large number of players to the sector.

    Players like Reliance, pantaloons, Wal-Mart, etc have already set up shops in India. The Reliance

    group plans to spend $5 billion in new retail formats including malls and combined service and

    retail formats along the evolving Indian highway system. Global behemoth Wal-Mart has also

    officially entered India with a strategic tie-up with the Bharti group. Wal-Mart will provide the

    back-end services such as sourcing and supply-chain management for the Bharti groups planned

    retail formats across the country as well as an initiative to supply the countless small,

    convenience stores that dot the countryside all across India- reaching out directly to the


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    Branded jewellery is the new mantra in the market, having rapidly acquired a niche over the past

    few years. Increasing purchasing power and disposable incomes of Indias middle class has

    resulted in consumption growth of this industry by about 11 per cent in the five-year period

    preceding 2006-07. Add to that the insatiable Indian craving for gems and jewellery, and the

    demand will skyrocket to US$ 20 billion by 2010 and US$ 30 billion in 2015, according to

    industry experts. Focused marketing creating awareness and demand for the products, innovative

    product range creating excitement and expanding the category as well as transparency and

    adherence to best practices will help build consumer confidence.

    The surprising thing about retail investment is that about 20 per cent of retail effort in a

    planned manneris targeted at rural areas, which is defined as towns with a population of less

    than a million. India has seen a significant growth in disposable incomes as a result of the

    economic growth that it has been enjoying. This income is spread in the rural areas also.

    According to the Tata Statistical Outline of India 2005-06, around 60 per cent of the rural

    income is from north and east. Depending on the size of the market, retailers work with multiple

    formatscurrently they are partnering with local jewellers and these jewellers retail their brands,

    commonly known as the shop in shop. These stores would carry a merchandise mix and are in

    the range from 600- to 1,000 square feet.

    Retailers are also looking at mobile store concepts and thinking of innovative ways to connect to

    the consumer. Brand building, and creating brand identity is the focus of every retailer in India at

    present. Indian retailers see a huge jewellery consumer market in India but there is a slight

    speculation that they might soon face stiff competition from within as well as from international

    brands who are rapidly setting up chain stores.

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    India consumes nearly 800 tonnes of gold accounting for about 20 per cent of the world gold

    consumption. Out of which nearly 600 tonnes goes into making jewellery. According to The

    World Gold Council (WGC) total gold supply in the second quarter this year stood (Q2FY08) at

    840 tonnes, whereas the demand was 944 tonnes. A study by KPMG reveals the Indian jewellery

    market to be US$ 13.5 billion in fiscal 2006-07, accounting for 8.3 per cent of world jewellery

    sales. However the export of diamond-studded jewellery from India is merely 4 per cent of the

    total export of gems and jewellery worth US$ 18.06 billion. Since the demand of diamond-

    studded jewellery among Indian consumers has risen sharply, the industry should focus on the

    domestic market. Diamantaires, in Surat's US$ 11.29 billion diamond industry, are eyeing

    jewellery manufacturing in a major way, after DTC has decided to prune supply of rough

    diamonds to India. If India becomes a manufacturing hub for jewellery as well as a consumption

    market it will just prove Indias strength in both sectors.

    The government has offered some concession to the industry by lowering import duty on

    platinum from US$ 13.82 per 10 gms to US$ 5.03 exempting rough colored precious gems

    stones from customs duty at the first stage itself, instead of claiming reimbursements later.

    Rough, semi-precious stones are already exempt, a move aimed at further promoting the exports

    of studded jewellery and platinum jewellery. Duty-free import of consumables for metals other

    than gold and platinum up to 2 per cent of f.o.b. value of exports and duty-free import

    entitlement for rejected jewellery up to 2 per cent of f.o.b. value of exports. There is increased

    duty-free import of commercial samples of jewellery to US$ 2.50 and import of gold of 18 carat

    and above under the replenishment scheme.

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    The Indian retail scene is set to flourish and there is no looking back for those who know how to

    sell jewellery to a Indian women, since jewellery is a part of Indian tradition and customs.

    Indian organized retail market is growing at a fast pace due to the boom in the India retail

    industry. In 2005, the retail industry in India amounted to Rs 10,000 billion accounting for about

    10% to the country's GDP. The organized retail market in India out of this total market

    accounted for Rs 350 billion which is about 3.5% of the total revenues.

    Retail market in the Indian organized sector is expected to cross Rs 1000 billion by 2010.

    Traditionally the retail industry in India was largely unorganized, comprising of drug stores,

    medium, and small grocery stores. Most of the organized retailing in India have started recently

    and is concentrating mainly in metropolitan cities.

    The growth in the Indian organized retail market is mainly due to the change in the consumers

    behavior. This change has come in the consumer due to increased income, changing lifestyles,

    and patterns of demography which are favorable. Now the consumer wants to shop at a place

    where he can get food, entertainment, and shopping all under one roof.

    Retail market in the organized sector in India is growing can be seen from the fact that 1500

    supermarkets, 325 departmental stores, and 300 new malls are being built. Many Indian

    companies are entering the Indian retail market which is giving Indian organized retail market

    a boost. One such company is the Reliance Industries Limited. It plans to invest US$ 6 billion in

    the Indian retail market by opening 1000 hypermarkets and 1500 supermarkets.

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    Pantaloons is another Indian company which plans to increase its retail space to 30 million

    square feet with an investment of US$ 1 billion. Bharti Telecoms an Indian company is in talks

    with Tesco a global giant for a 750 million joint venture. A number of global retail giants such

    as Wal-Mart, Carrefour, and Metro AG are also planning to set up shop in India. Indian

    organized retail market will definitely grow as a result of all this investments.

    Gems & Jewellery

    Gems and Jewellery sales and marketing received a facelift with theadvent of the supermarket

    culture. As organized retail in India progresses to the next lap, Sad anand Subramanian checks

    for Diamond World with some precious Industry players about their preparedness and strategy to

    achieve maximum mileage.

    As India reacts to a retail revolution, the hitherto sober gems and jewellery industry seems to

    have jumped on the bandwagon with a clear plan of action. The industry has already made a

    mark by capturing 3 per cent of the organized retail space thanks to the leadership shown by a

    handful of companies prepared to dazzle the world. While organized retail under this segment

    impressively grows at over 50 per cent annually, deliberations are on to arrive at what the

    industry in general must do to keep the customer perennially delighted. The gems and jewellery

    market in India is estimated to be about Rs.80,000 crore and the topmost agenda is to adopt the

    right strategy to accelerate its growth keeping in mind current global dynamics. For now the

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    industry faces keen competition from other luxury goods such as electronic innovations and

    other personal accessories

    The Indian gems and jewellery industry is one of the fastest growing segments in the Indian

    economy with an annual growth rate of approximately 15 per cent.

    The domestic market is estimated to be around US$ 16.1 billion and the All India Gems and

    Jewellery Trade Federation, a nodal agency representing 300,000 jewellers across the country,

    expects it to grow to US$ 25.2 billion in two to three years.

    The country is also the largest consumer of gold in the world. It consumes nearly 800 tonnes of

    gold that accounts for 20 per cent of world gold consumption, of which nearly 600 tonnes go into

    making jewellery.

    India is also emerging as the world's largest trading centre for gold targeting US$ 16 billion by

    2010. The industry has the best skilled manpower for designing and producing high volumes of

    exquisite jewellery at low labour costs.


    India is the largest diamond cutting and polishing centre in the worldthe industry enjoys 60 per

    cent value share, 82 per cent carat share and 95 per cent share of the world market in terms of

    number of pieces. In other words, nearly 9 out of 10 diamonds sold worldwide are cut and

    polished in India. India exported cut and polished diamonds worth US$ 14.18 billion in 2007-08.

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    Due to the Indian consumers attraction for diamond for its high aspirational store value, Rio

    Tinto has launched pink diamond for the first time in India on the occasion of its 20th

    anniversary in the country.

    Organized Retailers

    Branded Jewellery:-

    The journey of branded jewellery in India has been full of trials and tribulations. Branded

    jewelers have had to coax consumers out of buying jewellery from their family jewelers to

    trusting a product bought off the shelves. Furthermore, Indian consumers gravitate towards 22K

    gold and have little tolerance to gold below 22K. Almost all branded jewellery is made from 18k

    gold, which is an international standard. Finally, Indians purchase jewellery as an investment

    option and hence are not overly concerned by designs, which is the USP

    of branded jewellery.

    Riding the Indian economic wave is a class of Nouveau Riche Indians.

    Apart from possessing greater purchasing power, the Nouveau Riche

    Indians are more adventurous and willing to try newer and trendier

    products. Suddenly demand for branded jewellery in India is picking up

    pace, driven predominantly by the Nouveau Riche Indians

    The branded jewellery industry in India is poised for a period of sustained growth. A number of

    individual players in the branded jewellery sector are recording close to 80 percent growth rate.

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    Growth prospects for the Indian economy are extremely bright which would translate to greater

    sales of branded jewellery.

    The retail boom has spawned a large number of brands in the jewellery segment over the past

    year with many more to come. These players have been aggressively and extensively focusing on

    developing strong brands and large retail operations. Gitanjali Gems Ltd is one of India's leading

    fully integrated jewellery groups. Gitanjali itself boasts of around 25 jewellery brands.

    Organized Jewellery Retail in India:

    India along with China is one of the fastest

    growing economies of the world. In addition to

    high GDP growth, India is the second most

    populous nation in the world. Both these factors

    work in favor of retail. Understandably, the AT

    Kearney Global Retail Development Index

    2008 (GRDI) placed India on top of its emerging retail destination chart. The GRDI analyzes

    various parameters that are conducive to organized retail and ranks new markets to help retailers

    make strategic investments.

    About, 96% of Indian Jewellery Market is unorganized. The unorganized sector represents

    300,000 traditional retailers or Family jewelers who are present only in one town. The

    organized sector accounts to only 4 percent. However, Reliance, Tanishq and other Luxury

    goods companies are exceptions to an otherwise unorganized sector. They represent the future of

    jewellery retail in India

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    Reliance is set to compete with Tatas jewellery arm Tanishq. Tanishq with 100 stores in over 53

    cities is currently Indias first and largest jewellery retail store. According to analysts at

    Technopak Advisors Indian jewellery market is poised to grow at 15 percent annually, while

    branded jewellery is pegged to grow at 30 percent.

    Luxury goods companies, which until recently had a very limited presence in India, are eagerly

    seizing the opportunity to sell exclusive jewellery to rich Indians. Tiffany, Dolce Vita, Bvlgari,

    Chopard, Cartier and Harry Winston have a presence in India. Other international players such as

    Thailand-based Pranda Jewelry and Christian Dior are said to be foraying into the Indian

    jewellery retail sector soon.

    Malls and Online Shopping:

    Organized retail, branded jewellery and online

    shopping are going to be the biggest growth areas

    for jewellery retail. Jewellery retailers have taken

    notice of this opportunity and more retailers are

    taking the organized retail approach, introducing

    brands and creating a channel for online shopping.

    According to ASSOCHAM, the current size of the retail jewellery trade in India is worth Rs

    1,12,000 crore. The jewellery market has been undergoing a gradual metamorphosis and plain

    gold is giving way to diamonds, platinum and colored gemstones. The current trend also reveals

    a shift in the buying pattern where the family jeweler is being replaced by branded jewellery


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    This literature on consumer online purchasing decisions has mainly concentrated on identifying

    the factors which affect the willingness of consumers purchase jewellery on internet this study

    A study on internet retailing of major jewellery brands in India is focus on online jewellery

    retailing and consumers perceptions & Experience about online jewellery retailing.

    The classic consumer purchasing decision-making theory can be characterized as a continuum

    extending from routine problem-solving behaviors, through to limited problem-solving behaviors

    and then towards extensive problem-solving behaviors

    [Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL. 6, NO.2, 2005].

    In traditionally consumer select the jewellery retailer based on the trust before services offered

    by the online service providers.

    The traditional framework for analysis of the buyer decision process is a five-step model. Given

    the model, the consumer progresses firstly from a state of felt deprivation (problem recognition),

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    to the search for information on problem solutions. The information gathered provides the basis

    for the evaluation of alternatives. The development and comparison of purchasing evaluation

    criteria result in the actual decision to buy. Finally, post-purchase behavior is critical in the

    marketing perspective, as it eventually affects consumers perception of

    satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the product/service. This classic five stage model comprises the

    essence of consumer behavior under most contexts.

    (Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL. 6, NO.2, 2005)

    New product development (NPD) and planning has assumed a heightened level of importance in the

    modern world as organizations recognize the need to improve the NPD process and its outcomes (Allen

    1993, Power 1993). In this part of the paper, the new product development literature will be reviewed

    specifically that relating to the actual process of NPD. The section begins by exploring the nature of

    innovation and what innovation is considered to be. The section then discusses what constitutes a new

    product and the role extensions play. Next, the benefits & opportunities and the costs & risks of NPD for

    organizations are presented. This is followed by a review of the evolution of generations of NPD

    modelsthe generic (sequential) and various extension NPD models (stage-gate, fuzzy-gate, rugby,

    activity blocks, multiple convergent processing, continuous learning, QFD, return maps, chaos approach)

    that appear in the literature. Key NPD success factors are then profiled. The section concludes with a

    summary and evaluation of the NPD models, including a table indicating the usefulness of each model

    for NRCD.

    As a myriad of uses and applications of retail meat price data exist, the quantification of the

    shortcomings in the collection and reporting of the historical retail meat price data becomes an all-

    encompassing task. Detecting the shortcomings in the current retail price data and making

    suggestions for improvements begins with an examination of some of the applications of retail

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    meat price data. To limit the scope of this study, only those applications of retail meat price data

    as they apply to the process of academic research and policy analysis were considered. Past and

    present research efforts will, therefore, provide the basis for a critical evaluation of the usability,

    efficiency, and accuracy of retail meat price data.

    Over the last 30 years, problems within the beef industry have necessitated changing the focus of

    research efforts. As the research focus has changed, so have the data needed to conduct the

    research. Table 2.1 is a summary of the main policy issues that have received attention over the

    last three decades within the beef industry as well as the data needs associated with these issues.

    During the 1980s and into the early 1990s, emphasis was placed on understanding the dramatic

    changes and shifts in the demand for beef. Much of the literature focused on modeling demand

    and developing econometric models of demand shifts to better identify and explain all the

    factors that effect demand. (Brester and Wohlgenant, 1991; Capps and Nayga, 1990; Lusk, Fox,

    Schroeder, Mintert and Koohmaraie, 1999; Purcell, 1998). Many of these research efforts

    examined demand shifts in terms of price changes, demand elasticities, and other measures of

    price. These research efforts served to focus attention on the effect of retail demand changes on

    the farm-to-retail price spread for beef and the derived demand for beef cattle at the farm level.

    Wohlgenant and Mullen (1987) and Bessler and Akleman (1998) focused on issues of price spreads in an

    attempt to quantify the effects of various shifts in the demand and supply on, the retail-to-farm price

    ratio, derived demand elasticities, and ultimately, the farmers share of retail food expenditures.

    Researchers also started examining the issues of simultaneity and structural change, particularly as the

    latter emerged as a driver of the U.S. demand for meat (Eales and Unnevehr, 1993). With this research,

    researchers tried to account for apparent shifts in demand due to structural changes in supply. An

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    example of such changes in supply that shifted the supply curves for meat steadily outward are increased

    pork and broiler feed efficiency, higher beef carcass dressed weights, and the beef herd liquidation

    following feed price escalations in the early 1970s. Such factors would have contributed to a false

    appearance of demand growth, when the converse was true in some meat industries, particularly in the

    beef sector.

    Another prominent issue that came to light in the 1990s is price asymmetry (Goodwin and Holt, 1999 ;

    Assam, 1999; Paul, 1998). That farm level prices have not kept up with changing prices at the retail level

    led to research into this area as observers questioned the extent to which retail-level shocks are realized at

    the farm level. An overall concern in this area is whether pricing patterns in food markets are cost or

    demand driven. Since both prices and costs are involved, understanding both these aspects is

    critical. In all aspects of the research topics and policy issues receiving prominence in the beef industry

    over the last couple of decades, meat price data are an important input in the research process (Table 2.1).

    The price data requirements may vary, but often the data needs include the price of beef at the farm,

    wholesale, or retail level, or the price of substitute meats at the retail level. Weekly beef prices

    producer prices, wholesale prices for boxed beef cutouts, retail beef prices are typically favored.

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    Competitive advantage of Indian jewellery industry:

    The factors leading to the Indian jewellery industrys growth are many. A near

    dominance in diamonds and colored stones, manufacturing excellence, forward looking

    entrepreneurs, liberalized government policies and an extensive international marketing network

    has helped India establish itself as one of the leading jewellery centers in the world. Moreover,

    its high consumption of gold, steady inflow of silver and growing interest in platinum enable

    India to develop the entire range of jewellery, in plain metal and studded, that caters to the

    desires of every market

    The Indian jewellery industry is having competitive advantage in the world market due to its low

    cost of production and availability of skilled labor. The Indian diamond industry has acquired

    leadership position in cutting and polishing of rough diamonds. India has the worlds largest

    cutting and polishing industry, employing around 8,00,000 people (constituting 94 per cent of

    global workers) with more than 500 hi-tech laser machines. The industry is well supported by

    government policies and the banking sector - around 50 banks provide nearly US$ 3 billion

    credit to Indian diamond industry.

    (Numerical source from

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    Precious Metals are used in Indian jewellery market:


    The current consumption of gold in India is estimated at over 900 tones, used mostly in 20 / 22

    carat jewellery. Nearly 95 per cent of gold is used to manufacture gold jewellery in the domestic

    markets and the remaining 5 percent is exported. Gold consumption in India is primarily aimed

    at investment.

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    India annually consumes around 4,000 tones of silver. Silver jewellery and other articles for

    personal use, especially in the rural areas, account for the bulk of the sales. India is also the third

    largest industrial user of silver in the world, after the US and Japan.


    Platinum or white gold, targeted at the premium jewellery segment, is gaining preference of

    designers and consumers globally. While Indias share in the global platinum jewellery market is

    growing by 19 per cent annually, it continues to be is less than one per cent in the global

    platinum jewellery market. Given the global growth and the maturing of the Indian market to

    international trends, this represents an area for potential growth in India.


    Indias gemstone industry has been growing due to the popularity Of gemstone-studded

    jewellery across the globe, with an estimated turnover at US$ 0.220.26 billion. Jewellery

    The Indian jewellery market is one of the largest in the world. The Indian market size at US$ 13

    billion is second only to the US market of US$ 40 billion and is followed by China at US$ 11


    (Source: Indian brand Equity foundation,

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    Analysis and Interpretation

    Confirmable Analysis

    An analysis is made for a sample based on the processes followed for indenting at World of

    Titan, the factors involved, the area in which the store is located, etc are also analyzed. The

    Survey was conducted for Store managers, Store officers and Franchisee owners.

    The sample is collected for 12 respondents (12 WOT Stores in Indore) and the analysis is drawn

    for the questions. The Responses were varied from store to store as some were managed by the

    franchisee themselves, few are flagship stores of TITAN, and others are being headed by the

    store managers. The indenting followed by each store is varied based on experience. To avoid

    biased answers, a Questionnaire has been drafted with close ended Questions and given to the

    respondents to fill up.

    As each stores response is important, and to understand the positioning of these stores in terms

    of the indenting processes, SPSS Statistics 17.0 software has been used to draw up analysis. MS

    Excel has also been used for summing up the solution for each question and draw up a chart.

    Certain marks provided for each preferences and choices.

    Results were ranked based on maximum marks obtained.

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    Usual Purchase Place:

    SL Particulars Total No.Of.Respodent

    1Traditional Jewellery

    Purchaser100 57

    2Retail Store

    purchaser100 43


    The most of the people buying the product Traditional Gold smith and 43% people are buying

    retail show room


    Gold Smith



    Retail store





    Usual Purchase


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    Important Factors:

    SL Particulars Total No.Of.Respodent

    1 Design 100 17

    2 Price 100 93 Purity 100 9

    4 Brand Image 100 14

    5 Ambience 100 6


    100 14

    7 variety 100 8

    8 Display 100 8

    9 Service 100 9

    10family and friendsinfluence

    100 6


    Consumer are given to mostly imporatant factors for buying, in this analysis find out the result

    Design,Brand image, family and friends




    Important Factors

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    What is that you purchase the most?


    The people mostly buying the product 22k Gold and Hall mark gold

    22K gold


    hall mark gold













    SL Particulars Total No.Of.Respodent

    1 22K gold 100 33

    2hall markgold

    100 27

    3 Platinum 100 4

    4 Silver 100 14

    5 Diamond 100 9

    6 Pearl 100 10

    7 Others 100 3

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    What are the most frequently purchased product?

    SL Particulars Total No.Of.Respodent

    1 Ring 100 23

    2 Earring 100 173 chain 100 16

    4 Necklace/Pendent 100 19

    5 Bracelet 100 10

    6 Matching sets 100 8

    7 others 100 7


    Mostly and regularly buying ring and chain, earring.










    Matching sets





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    What are your design preferences?

    SL Particulars Total No.Of.Respodent

    1 Basic 100 26

    2 Classical 100 223 Modern 100 28


    100 24


    All Jewellery consumer now a days prefer modern and ultra modern.






    Ultra Modern



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    What are the main occasions you buy?

    SL Particulars Total No.Of.Respodent

    1 Birthday 100 27

    2 Festival/New Year 100 20

    3 Self-gratification 100 17

    4 Wedding/engagement 100 33

    5 Others 100 3


    People are buying gold now a days for only wedding and birthday occasions.














    Main occasions

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    How many times you purchase in a year?

    SL Particulars Total No.Of.Respodent

    1 Zero 100 0

    2 once 100 63 Twice 100 8

    4 Three 100 12

    5 Four 100 21

    6 Five 100 25

    7more thanfive timesa year

    100 28


    They are buying gold more than five times in one year and middle class people buying four












    more than five

    times a year



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    What is the range you are mostly concerned when purchasing?

    SL Particulars Total No.Of.Respodent

    1High price &high quality 100 23

    2High price &low quality 100 0

    3Medium price& high quality 100 42

    4Medium price& low quality 100 13

    5Low price &high quality 100 16

    6Low price &low quality 100 6


    People wanted in medium price high quality mostly prefer and like them also our self

    High price &

    high quality


    High price &

    low quality


    Medium price &

    high quality


    Medium price &

    low quality


    Low price &

    high quality


    Low price & low




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    What promotional activities influence your purchase?

    SL Particulars Total No.Of.Respodent

    1 Magazines 100 20

    2 Newspaper 100 14

    3 Radio 100 17

    4 TV 100 28

    5 Internet 100 3

    6Word ofmouth

    100 15

    7 others 100 3


    In jewellery retailers for increase our sales some promotional activity. According to people

    mostly heard TV, Radio, Newspaper











    Word of mouth



    3% Promotional

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    What range of products do you like to purchase?

    SL Particulars Total No.Of.Respodent

    1 Rs.25,000 100 17


    People are buying Rs.10, 000 to Rs.25, 000 in this rate



    Range Of Products

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    Most of the consumers to select jewellery shop based on the quality assurance of

    product given by retailers.

    Only higher- end consumers are purchasing jewellery in jewellery specialty and

    organized retailers.

    Most of the middle class and upper middle class people purchase jewellery from

    family retailers.

    The most important promotional tool for jewellery retailers are T.V media &


    Word of mouth concept followed by traditional families and some of the

    youngsters influenced by their friends.

    The main motivating factor of Madurai consumers are purchase jewellery for


    Most frequently purchased product is ring.

    The most people choose traditional gold smith because the retail show room now

    only entire the market so people are would like traditional gold smith.

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    Suggestion and Conclusion

    Based on our research we divided consumers in to Floating people of Madurai, Madurai natives,

    Female office workers and teenage girls, Business class people.

    Designed different 4ps of different consumers.


    Mainly at the Exhibition Hall that provides an interesting environment for

    visitors and customers. The customers should be served with free food and drinks to encourage

    them to stay longer and purchase more merchandise.


    Make available products of all price ranges.


    Make available products and services according to customer needs. Some jewellery should be

    designed with Madurai traditional manner.


    Distribute cash coupons to stimulate customer visits and spending, and to encourage repeat


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    Indore Natives:

    Place: retail shop should be in specialty areas and bazaar areas.

    Price: Make available products of all price ranges.

    Product: Make available products of all designs and varieties.

    Promotion: Advertise in all local T.V channels and radio. Create positive impression and

    believes about the shop among Madurai people by utilize word of mouth concept.

    Female office workers and teenage girls:

    Place: Organized and jewellery specialty stores should have a simple decoration that gives

    customers a sense of freedom to shop.

    Price: Range from hundreds to thousands rupees .

    Product: Emphasize on innovative and fashionable designs. Diamond and gemstones

    merchandise should be as trendy as possible.

    Promotion: Distribute membership cards to enhance brand loyalty and stimulate repeat

    purchases; other promotional activities; advertisement in ladies magazines with coupons;

    partnership with other merchants such as cosmetics retail shops and fitnesscentres.

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    Business class people:

    Place: Retail shops should be close to hotels or exhibition venues.

    Price: High starting from thousands of rupees.

    Product: Top ten sales products; small size and easy to carry

    Promotion: Partnership with hotels or service departments; advertising on the magazines, leaflets

    and intranets of hotels.

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    Jewellery is also one of the investment avenues.

    It is easily converted in to money.

    Retailer should focuses on quality assurance of their product.

    Consumers attitude towards jewellery slightly deviate, investment into fashion and


    Because most of female office workers and teenage girls taking decisions


    So retailers should focuses on the new fashions and use advanced technology while

    manufacturing products.

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    Thesis ID: HYD/MKT/7080

    The Topic of the study: Factors affecting the choice of retail diamond jewellery in Indore

    Date when the Guide was consulted:

    The outcome of the discussion:

    The guide discussed the company profile in detail.

    The Progress of the Thesis:

    The introductory chapter was formulated.

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    Thesis ID: HYD/MKT/7080

    The Topic of the study: Factors affecting the choice of retail diamond jewellery in Indore

    Date when the Guide was consulted:

    The outcome of the discussion:

    Guide threw a light on the retail diamond jwellery segment in Indore,

    The Progress of the Thesis:

    Online Jewel purchasing pattern of the Indore consumers was also discussed in the next session

    the methodology for doing the research would be sketched out.

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    Thesis ID: HYD/MKT/7080

    The Topic of the study: Factors affecting the choice of retail diamond jewellery in Indore

    Date when the Guide was consulted:

    The outcome of the discussion:

    Research methodology was formulated

    The Progress of the Thesis:

    The questionnaire of the thesis is being prepared and will be shown to the guide to collect data.

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    Thesis ID: HYD/MKT/7080

    The Topic of the study: Factors affecting the choice of retail diamond jewellery in


    Date when the Guide was consulted:

    The outcome of the discussion:

    The external guide has suggested me to collect the information about the jwelley market in indre

    and their buying behavior towards the diamond jwellery.

    The Progress of the Thesis:

    What are the outcomes of Investing in jwellery market in jwellery market in india was discussed

    in detail with the guide also threw a light on the demand for diamond jwellery in india

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    Thesis ID: HYD/MKT/PGP7080The Topic of the study: Factors affecting the choice of retail diamond jewellery in Indore

    Date when the Guide was consulted:

    The outcome of the discussion:

    The guide is very much satisfied with the result and has suggested a few changes which have

    been included in the thesis

    The Progress of the Thesis:

    The Primary research required for the topic has been completed and now the next step is to

    prepare a rough draft and present to the guide for final review

  • 7/31/2019 Bheema Thesis




    Thesis ID: HYD/MKT/7080

    The Topic of the study: Factors affecting the choice of retail diamond jewellery in


    Date when the Guide was consulted:

    The outcome of the discussion:

    The thesis has been approved by the guide .

    The Progress of the Thesis: