Bhattiprolu Relic Casket Inscription.docx

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  • 8/19/2019 Bhattiprolu Relic Casket Inscription.docx


     Topic:Bhattiprolu Relic



    Subject: Epigraphy

    CIA II Assignment


    Deepika Iyer – 009

    MA AIC Part 1

    Inscribed lid of stone reli uar

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    Project Report On

    Bhattiprolu Relic Casket Inscription


    Deepika Iyer – 009

    MA AIC Part 1

    Under the Guidance of:

    Prof. Siddhi Deshpande

    paper su!"itted under the partial fulfill"ent for the su!ject

    #pi$raph% for S#S'#R (

    St. Xaviers College Autonomous, Mumai

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    I !oul" like to #irstly t$ank Pro#. Si""$i Des$pan"e #or giving me an opportunity to get

    insig$t in t$e #iel" o# t$e #pi$raph% and learn and understand a!out inscriptions. I !oul"

    like to t$ank my %lassmates #or t$eir support. I !oul" like to t$ank t$e lirarian an" sta## 

    memers #or $elping me getting re#eren%es. I !oul" also like to t$ank my #rien"s an" #amily

    !$o $ave $elpe" me %olle%tively.

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    'a!le of Content

    Sr *o. Content Pa$e *o.

    1 &$attiprolu 'eli% Casket Ins%ription(



    + ime Perio" -

    Content 10

    / Di##eren%e et!een As$okan Ins%ription an" &$attiprolu ins%ription 1*

    * Ar%$aeologists an" pigrap$ist !$o stu"ie" &$attiprolu Ins%ription 1-

    - Paleograp$i% C$anges 1

    Con%lusion +1

    2 &iliograp$y ++

    *otes on Illustrations

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    Sr *o. Illustrations Pa$e *o.

    1 Ins%ription 1

    + Ins%ription + 2

    Ins%ription 9

    / Paleograp$i% C$anges 1 1* Paleograp$i% C$anges + 12

    - Paleograp$i% C$anges 19

    Paleograp$i% C$anges / +0

    Bhattiprolu Relic Casket Inscription


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    &$attiprolu is %onsi"ere" as a $oly village in 3untur Distri%t o# An"$ra Pra"es$. It is +2 4m

    #rom enali an" appro5imately 1* minutes "rive #rom 'epalle or neary enali6'epalle

    rail!ay station.  &$attiprolu, !as earlier kno!n as Pragatipura 7 Pratipalapura 8an an%ient

    &u""$ist to!n. $is sa%re" pla%e $as its roots in t$e #amous Sala 4ing"om era: pre%e"e"

    An"$ra Satava$ana.

    &u""$ist moun"s !ere provin%ially prominent as ;ikramarkakota Dia. $e stupa !as


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    5%avations t$at starte" in t$e year 120 y &os!ell, Sir @alter lliot, 'oert Se!ell,

    Ale5an"er 'ea, &u$ler %ontinue" till 19-9 an" !ere %arrie" out y '. Sura$manyam.

    A%%or"ing to &u$ler, t$e &$attiprolu ins%ription $ol"s an interme"iate position et!een t$e

    alp$aets o# As$okan "i%ts on one si"e an" t$e ins%riptions o# at$igump$a, Banag$at an"

    &$ara$ut6orana. It is %losely allie" to #irst t$an to t$e se%on". n t$is proo#, t$ey %annot

     pla%e" later t$an +00 &.C., ut may e some!$at earlier.

    I# t$is estimate is %orre%t, t$eir %$ara%ters prove, in"ee" it is a proale y #a%ts %onne%te" to

    !it$ As$okan "i%ts t$at "uring t$e r" %entury &.C. several !ell marke" varieties o# t$e

    Sout$ Maurya alp$aet e5iste": it represents a system !$i%$ must $ave $a" a longer $istory.

    &ut &os!ell o# ast In"ia Company in 120 #irst e5%avate" t$e stupa, "ating a%k to r"Century &C an" surroun"ing stru%tures to /t$ Century &C, !$ere $e #oun" one o# t$e an%ient

    to!ns an" stupa. In 129+ !$en e5%avations !ere un"ertaken y Ale5an"er 'ea, t$ree %arve"

    stone reli% %askets en%losing %rystal %askets, reli%s o# &u""$a an" =e!els !ere #oun".

    $e stupa !as #oun" to e /0 meters in "iameter !it$ an a""itional asement o# +./ meters

    !i"e running all aroun". $e most signi#i%ant "is%overy is t$e %rystal reli% %asket o# sarira

    "$atu o# t$e &u""$a #rom t$e %entral mass o# t$e stupas. $e Ma$a%$aitya 8great stupa

    remains o# a large pillare" $all, a large group o# ruine" votive stupas !it$ several images o# 

    &u""$a, a stone re%epta%le %ontaining %opper vessel, !$i%$ in turn, %ontaine" t!o more, a

    silver %asket an" !it$in it, a gol" %asket en%losing ea"s o# one an" %rystal !ere #oun".

    &ut some state t$at t$e stupas "ate a%k to e#ore t$e eginning o# %ommon era. In t$e mi""le

    o# se%on" %entury &. C.


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    Inscription -.

    1. 3ot$i

    +. iranavag$ava

    . ;uEgalako 4aEla$o

    /. ;isako $orasisi*. Samano "alo

    -. Apaka . S$amu"o

    . Amiga $Eo 4uro

    2. Satug$o Potako PEoto Alinaka

    9. ;aEruno PigalaEko 4os$ako

    10. Suto Papo 4a$erak$oE 3aEeEko

    11. Samana"Eas$o &$ara"o

    1+. "alo $oratiso iso

    1. 3ilano am$o

    1/. Pu"ara 8J &Euo

    1*. 3alavata . . 8J anako1-. 3osalakanam 4uro

    1. Hpos$at$aputo Htaro

    12. 4ara$aputo KKE

    'ranslation of inscription -

    F$e Committee 8%onsists o# ( iranavag$ava 8iranyavyag$rapa" ;ugalaka

    8H"garaka, 4ala$a, ;isaka 8;isvaka, $orasisi 8St$aulasirs$i, Samana 8Sramana, "ala,

    Apaka, S$amu"a 8Samu"ra, Anuga$a 8Anugra$a, 4ura, Satug$a 8Satrug$na, Potaka, Pota,

    Alinaka 8AlinakaJ, ;aruna, Pigalaka 8Pingalaka, 4os$aka 84ausikaJ, Suta, Papa,

    84a$erak$a J 84uerakaJ, 3aleka 8J, Samaina"Eas$a 8Sramana"asa, &$ara"a 8&$arata,

    "ala 8Au"araJ $oratisa 8St$aulatis$ya, isa 8is$ya, 3ilana 83lana, am$a L&ua.. .

    anaka, o# t$e 3osalakas 83osalaka, 4ura, t$e son o# Hpos$at$a, 8Hposat$a, Htara 8Httara,

    t$e son o# 4ara$a.

    8Bos. III6; are in%ise" on t$e top stone o# t$e se%on" %asket, an" Bo. Ill iu a %entral "is%,

    lineJ 1611 running lengt$!ise, lines1+61 rea"t$!ise on t$e le#t, an" lines 1/612

     rea"t$!ise on t$e rig$t.

    Inscription .

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    Samano C$ag$anaEputo Htaro Aramutara . O IIE

    'ranslation of inscription 1

    F Samana 8Sramana, t$e son o# C$ag$arna 8J ag$anya J. Htara 8Httara

    O O O O

    8In%ise" on t$e rim o# t$e lo!er stone o# t$e se%on" %asket, outsi"e t$e Bo. ;I, t$e letters

     eing turne" t$e ot$er !ay.

    Inscription 2.

    1. Begama.

    +. ;a%$$o C$ag$o

    . eto am$o iso

    /. 'eto A%$ino S$a$iko

    *. Ak$ag$o 4elo 4eso Ma$o

    -. Seto C$$a"iko k$aulo

    . Sonutaro Samano

    2. Samana"as$o Samako

    9. 4amuko C$itako IIE

    'ranslation of inscription 2

    F$e memers o# t$e guil" 8are(6 ;a%$$a 8;atsa, C$ag$a 8C$anga J, eta 8ayanta,

    am$a, isa 8is$ya, 'eta 8'aivata A%$ina 8A%$irna J, S$a$ika 8Sa$ika, Ak$ag$a

    8Aks$ag$na, 4ela, 4esa 84esa, Ma$a 8Mag$a, Seta 8SvaitraJ, C$$a"ika 8C$$an"ika J,

    k$aula, Sonutara 8Suvarnottara, Samana 8Sramana, Samana"as$a 8Sramana"asa ,

    Samaka 8Syamaka, 4amuka, C$itaka 8C$itraka.

    8In%ise" on t$e upper stone o# t$e t$ir" %asket.

    Inscription 3.

    Ara$a"inanam got$iya ma=usa %$a s$amEugo %$a IE tena kama yena

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    4uirako ra=a amkEi KKE

    'ranslation of inscription 3

    F &y t$e Committee o# t$e venerale Ara$a"ina 8Ar$a""atta, !as given a %asket an" a o5.

    $e !ork 8is y $im, y !$om 4ing 4uiraka 84ueraka %ause" t$e %arving to e "one.F

    8In%ise" on t$e rim o# t$e lo!er stone o# t$e t$ir" %asket.

    Inscription (4.

    1. Matugamasa BamE"apura$i

    +. Suvanama$a

    . Samanu"esanam %$a

    /. 3ilanakerasa ayasaka

    *. SaEt$iya

    -. go$iya a6ga "anar$KKE

    'ranslation of inscription (4

    F An A6ga,Ngi#t y t$e !omen #rom Ban"apura 8J an" y t$e Sramaneras #rom

    Suvanama$a, in t$e Ayasakasat$i gol" o# 3il"nakera 8J.F

    $e arrangement o# t$e lines o# t$is ins%ription seems to e #i5e", #irst y t$e %$a a#ter 

    Samanu"esanam an" se%on"ly y "anam. $e latter !or" in all proaility %on%lu"es t$e

    ins%ription an" t$e #ormer s$o!s, t$at line is pre%e"e" y somet$ing else. Bevert$eless t$e

    e5a%t meaning remains os%ure, as t$e !or" imme"iately pre%e"ing "anam is mutilate" an"

    t$ose #rom gilanakerasa "o!n to go$iya, t$oug$ plain enoug$, are #or me at least,

    ine5pli%ale !it$ any %ertainty.

    8In%ise" on t$e si"es o# a $e5agonal pie%e o# %rystal, #oun" insi"e one o# t$e o5es.

    Difference !et)een shokan Inscription and Bhattiprolu inscription

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    $e s%ript !as !ritten on t$e urn %ontaining &u""$as reli%s. !enty t$ree symols !ere

    i"enti#ie" in &$attiprolu s%ript. $e symols #or ga an" sa are similar to Mauryan &ra$mi.

    &$a an" "a resemle t$ose o# t$e mo"ern elugu s%ript. @e %an note t$at !$ile t$e s%ript

    #oun" in &$attiprolu !as similar to t$e Asokan &ra$mi, it !as lo%ali

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    $e Asokan &ra$mi ins%riptions, $o!ever, #ollo! a single ort$ograp$i% system !$i%$ is

    "i##erent #rom t$e amil systems as !ell as t$e &$attiprolu system. $e &$attiprolu system

    %an e vie!e" as an improvement over t$e amil6&ra$mi I system an" it also e5iste" si"e y

    si"e !it$ t$e ot$er systems.

    A%%or"ing to Iravat$am Ma$a"evan I may say t$at !$ile in t$e Asokan s%ript i# you !rite

    t$e letter #or F4,F it $as to e rea" as 4a, it in%lu"es t$e vo!el Fa,F in t$e &$attiprolu variety

    t$is is not so, it is more alp$aeti% an" you $ave to a"" a sign to s$o! t$at t$e FaF is present.

    $is is t$e %ase !it$ regar" to t$e amil %ave ins%riptionsE. So my solution attra%te" !i"e

    attention, an" e%ause o# t$e "e%ip$erment !e !ere ale to rea" t$e names o# t$e Pan"ian

    4ing, Bertun%$e

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    @e oserve #ollo!ing %$anges in paleograp$y

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    @e #in" a lot o# arguments !it$ respe%t to &$attiprolu reli% %asket ins%ription, !$ere some

    >uestion aout numer o# ins%riptions are more t$an %ounte" one, some >uestion aout

    reliaility o# t$e %ontent. #ten it is %onsi"ere" t$at to improve a e5isting treatment is mu%$

    easier t$an %reating an original treatment. )iterary !orks %annot e %onsi"ere" as #inal,

    t$oug$ numer o# treatments may e %on"u%te" even y a repute" s%$olar. 5%avations an"

    #urt$er stu"ies !oul" e only possile solution #or ins%riptions, espe%ially #or t$e an%ient


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