BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE First International Vaiñëava University CASE FOR SUPPORT In partnership with UNIVERSITY OF WALES L A M P E T E R BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE Capital Campaign 2008-13

BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE Case for Support 20… · Bhaktivedanta College strives to help students develop a high level of moral and personal character while offering an excellent education

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Page 1: BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE Case for Support 20… · Bhaktivedanta College strives to help students develop a high level of moral and personal character while offering an excellent education

BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE First International Vaiñëava University


In partnership withUNIVERSITY OF WALESL A M P E T E R

BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE Capital Campaign 2008-13

Page 2: BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE Case for Support 20… · Bhaktivedanta College strives to help students develop a high level of moral and personal character while offering an excellent education

”Human life is meant for cultivation of

spiritual knowledge, in eternal relation-

ship with the Supreme Personality of God-

head, and the executive heads of all states and all planets are obliged

to impart this lesson to the citizens by educa-

tion, culture and devo-tion.” (Bhagavad-gétä

4.1, purport)- Çréla Prabhupäda

Beginning to fulfil one of Çréla Prabhupäda’s cherished desires

COMPLETING ISKCON’S FIRST VAIÑËAVA COLLEGE“Your idea for the scholastic institution is a very good idea. Now we have so many books, almost 50 books of 400 pages, so this institution can be affili-ated with some nearby university. Then the students will get their Bachelors and post-graduate degrees, Ph.D.” - Letter from Çréla Prabhupäda, 11 September 1975

BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE IS:UNIQUE It is the only ISKCON institution offering English B.A. courses in Vaiñëava theol-ogy and practice. Bhaktivedanta College is also presently developing a currucilum for a B.A. course in Business Administration.

COMPREHENSIVE It covers various fields of human knowledge with reference to Vedic texts.

INTERNATIONAL Devotees, mainly from our second generation, are feeling the need for systematic, accredited education. Courses taught in English attract students from all over the world. Currently, students represent more than 20 countries.

SUPPORTIVE OF ITS STUDENTS The College nurtures and supports its students in academic, personal, and spiritual development.

ORIENTED TOWARDS HUMAN VALUES The outstanding personal qualities of those in the first graduating class, and the yearly increase in applications, indicate our success.

EXEMPLARY This campus will be the model for future programs of its kind around the world.

ACCREDITED The current undergraduate programme is accredited by the University of Wales Lampeter, one of the oldest universities in the United Kingdom. At present, the de-gree, as well as the credits for each course, is officially recognized by 45 countries.

FULFILLING EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Devotees aspire for education in a Kåñëa conscious environment. Çréla Prabh-upäda often referred to the decadent atmosphere of today’s educational institu

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“Our first business is to preach to the devo-tees and to maintain the highest standard of Vaiñëava education.” (letter to Hådayänanda Gosvämé, 1972)- Çréla Prabhupäda

tions. Bhaktivedanta College students are living in the devotional atmosphere of Räòhadesh, following the temple programmes, doing devotional service, and study-ing Vaiñëava philosophy, and within the next year or two, a course in Leadership and Management will also be available. All this serves to nurture and protect the students’ faith and spiritual development.

RESPONDING TO ISKCON’S URGENT NEEDSMany of ISKCON’s first-generation preachers, teachers, leaders, and managers will withdraw from frontline service within the next 10 to 15 years. ISKCON’s crucial need is to educate future preachers, teachers, leaders, and managers. ISKCON’s growth thus depends largely on a greater number of devotees taking responsibility for Çréla Prabhupäda’s mission.

IN NEED OF A CAMPUS To date, Bhaktivedanta College rents library facilities and two classrooms, as well as living facilities for students, teachers, and staff members from the Räòhadesh community. The College also rents an office and apartments in the neighbour-hood. These facilities will accommodate neither the growing number of students in the upcoming undergraduate programme (school-year 2009-10) nor the planned leadership and management department.

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPALThe world situation is compelling. Modern society is in ur-gent need of re-spiritualization. Present leadership cannot offer a positive alternative; as Çréla Prabhupäda repeatedly asserted, Kåñëa consciousness is the only remedy. Bhaktive-danta College can equip new leaders and train teachers who will inspire future generations of children and adults in this science of self-realization. This is Çréla Prabhupäda’s legacy and our responsibility.

In this regard, by 2010, Bhaktivedanta College plans to offer a distance learning Bachelor’s degree in Business Administra-tion, and as soon as the facilities allow, on site also. The course

is tentatively titled ‘Spiritual Economy and Management’. A Masters’ degree in both Vaiñëava Theology and Business Administration is also scheduled. All degrees will be fully accredited. In order to make this possible, additional accommodation, as well as a school building are required.

Please take advantage of this unique opportunity to make the operation and ex-pansion of Bhaktivedanta College sustainable. Your generous contribution will help maintain and promote Vedic wisdom worldwide.

Time is crucial, as more second-generation devotees are looking for a systematic education to support their contribution to Çréla Prabhupäda’s mission. The devotees need a protected environment in which to develop their knowledge of and faith in Vedic scripture.

If you are interested, these pages explain how you may assist in manifesting this vision. 3 3

Yadunandana däsa, College Principal

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VISIONBhaktivedanta College strives to help students develop a high level of moral and personal character while offering an excellent education in Vedic knowledge, as well as other relevant subjects. Our aim is to equip our graduates with skills relevant to today’s changing world and thus enable them to make a significant contribution to society.

MISSIONTo achieve its vision, Bhaktivedanta College:

• Provides a range of courses – philosophical, vocational, and devo-tional – through which students can develop their potential with confidence and according to their propensities.

• Functions as a centre of excellence for the practice and teaching of Vaiñëavism and leadership.

• Nurtures and supports students in their personal and spiritual de-velopment.

• Trains students to become effective preachers, teachers, leaders and managers in Prabhupäda’s mission.

By contributing to Bhaktivedanta College, our patrons and donors may en-hance their own spiritual progress and support the establishment of Kåñëa con-scious education.

“For the present you should continue go-

ing to school because education is impor-

tant. Without educa-tion nobody has any

social position and all our students in Kåñëa

Consciousness are expected to be preach-ers. So preachers must have sufficient educa-tion because they have to meet with so many

opposing elements. Education should be

continued at the same time chanting should be continued. There

will be no difficulty.” (letter to Indirä and

Ekäyané — San Fran-cisco, 17 December 1967)

- Çréla Prabhupäda



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Bhaktivedanta College opened in 2002, and since 2004, it has been of-fering a B.A. degree in Vaiñëava The-ology, accredited by the University of Wales Lampeter. The degree is based on the Bologna agreement of the Eu-ropean Union, which has thus far been signed by forty-five countries.

In the first year, the curriculum has been tailored to give students the breadth and depth necessary for a solid basis in teaching and outreach work. The College combines formal aca-demic courses, ministerial study, and devotional training. Upon successful completion of the first year, students receive a Theological Certificate, and earn 120 academic credits.

The second year offers the same three strands of modules. There is however, a greater emphasis on the theological and philosophical strand, enabling students to further learn the intrica-cies of Vaiñëava philosophy. Their concentrated study and practice pro-vides students with a depth of under-standing that facilitates their skills in addressing and teaching virtually any audience. This leads to the accredita-tion of a Diploma in Vaiñëava Studies. The credits earned in the Certificate and Diploma programs are equivalent to two years of undergraduate study.

The third year specializes in an aca-demic understanding of Vaiñëava scri-ptures. This aims to enable students, under a directed program of research, to enlarge their knowledge and under-standing of the Vaiñëava tradition.

“Courses at Bhaktive-danta College such as Vaiñëava Vedänta, ISKCON History, and Sanskrit for Scriptural Study have greatly broadened my perspec-tive on Kåñëa con-sciousness and deep-ened my appreciation for our rich tradition. Teacher Training, Congregational Devel-opment, Communica-tions, and Leadership and Management so-lidified essential skills for me and taught me to effectively and efficiently apply them in devotional service. Western Philosophy, World Religions, and Ethics introduced me to the fascinating world of philosophical and spiritual dialec-tic and gave me some orientation in the great traditions.”- Kåñëa-kumära Däsa,Canada

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• Classical and Medieval Philosophy

• History of ISKCON• Introduction to

Ethics• Introduction to

Hinduism• Sanskrit for

Scriptural Study• Vaiñëava Vedanta• World Religions

• Bhakti-rasämåta-sindhu

• ISKCON and Society

• Readings from the Äcäryas

• Reason and Revelation: The Enlightenment and Religion

• Ñaö Sandarbha• Science and Religion • The Epics: Rämäyaëa

and Mahäbhärata• Vedas and Upaniñads

• Canonical Textual Study: Bhägavata Puräëa

• Canonical Textual Study: Çré Caitanya-caritämåita

• Contemporary Social Issues in ISKCON

• Dissertation Module• Introduction to

Kavya • Modern Hindu

Trends and Teachers• Ñaò-darçana

THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY - list the courses

• Communications Course

• Congregational Development

• Counseling and Life Skills

• Interfaith• Teacher Training I

• Clear Thinking, Strong Speaking

• Health for Devotees• Leadership and

Management• Meeting Skills• Care for Devotees• Preaching Project


• Mediation • Preaching Project

Module • Systemic Work for

Organisations• Teacher Training II


• Introspective Saìgas• Prabhupäda Retreat• Retreat on Inner Truth• Çrémad-Bhägavatam

First Canto

• Introspective Saìgas• Reflections on

Caitanya-caritämåita • Çrémad-Bhägavatam,

Second Canto

• Introspective Saìgas • Japa Retreat• Çrémad-Bhägavatam,

Third Canto

Year 2 Year 3Year 1


Year 2 Year 3Year 1

Year 2 Year 3Year 1





• •

• • •

• •

• •

• • • •

Courses are open for everyone.


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“Bhaktivedanta Col-lege is an open secret.

And although its glories are well known, it often

unfolds deeper and deeper meanings. This

makes the students become immersed in the precious heritage

of our spiritual tradi-tion and become well-

equipped participants in its continuation. Another wonderful

feature of the College is the association, both with our teachers, who

are learned, experi-enced, and munificent

Vaiñëavas, and with our fellow students,

who are dedicated to their studies and

friendly and supportive toward one another. I felt blessed and hon-

ored to be a part of this project, which has an essential role in Çréla

Prabhupäda’s society.”- Anupäma Däsé,


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“Çréla Prabhupäda spent ‘a lifetime in preparation’ before ac-complishing his Guru Mahäräja’s mission. I feel that I received a preparation for a life time from Bhaktive-danta College.”- Nåtya Kiçoré Däsé,Israel

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ADDITIONAL OFERINGBhaktivedanta College also provides on site voca-tional courses upon request. To date, on site courses have been hosted in Germany, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Argentina, Chile, and Peru.

Bhaktivedanta College provides Bhakti-çästré cour-ses and a training program for new devotees enti-tled ‘Introduction to Kåñëa consciousness.’ These courses are taught mainly by upper level students, offering them opportunities to practice and rein-force their own skills.

THE STUDENT BODYThirty students between the ages of seventeen and forty-five are studying during the 2008/2009 school year. They come from Argentina, the U.S.A, Ca-nada, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Esto-nia, Iran, Russia, India, New Zealand, and, Taiwan.

In June 2007 and in June 2008, the first thirteen students graduated and received Bachelor of The-ology degrees. Their exceptional personal qualities and continued successes demonstrate that the combi-nation of academic studies and devotional activities has a positive impact. Students educated in this envi-ronment become mature, responsible, and focused.

While a number of these students are continuing their studies abroad, others have taken up frontline services within ISKCON. Aravindäkña Däsa is the first graduate from Bhaktivedanta College to take up a post as temple president (in Antwerp). Bhak-taväsa Govinda Däsa was recently elected vice-presi-dent at the Wroclaw temple in Poland. Both graduates are also delivering educational programmes based on what they have learned at Bhaktivedanta College.

THE FACULTYFaculty members are experienced and expert. Many of those teaching the academic courses have a Ph.D. or M.A. degree. Bhaktivedanta College also maintains a symbiotic relationship with the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, an independent institu-tion officially recognized by Oxford University.

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“The College helped me look at ISKCON’s

legacy in the broader contexts of Indian and

Western philosophy, and from the socio-

logical and interfaith points of view. I gained

confidence, courage, and the tools to become

more active and ef-fective in my Kåñëa

consciousness.”- Våndädevé Däsé,


8 8

LIST OF ALL FACULTY MEMBERS:Hanumän Däsa, Ph.D. (University of Barcelona)Janakéram Däsa, Ph.D. (Oxford University)Kåñëa Kñetra Däsa, Ph.D. (Oxford)Rädhika-Ramaëa Däsa, Ph.D. (Oxford)Çeña Däsa, Juris Doctor (UCLA School of Law) Urmilä Däsé, Ph.D. (University of North Carolina)

Anupäma Däsé, M.A. (Jesuit College, Zagreb)Anurädhä Däsé, M.St. (Oxford)Braja Bihari Däsa, M.A. (Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia)Dvijamaëi Däsa, M.A. (Uppsala University) Gopal Hari Däsa M.A. (Oxford University)Gopénätha-äcärya Däsa, M.A. (University of Gent)Kåñëa-lélä Däsé, M.Ed. (Columbia University)Kumäré-priyä Däsé, M.A. (Cambridge University)Praëava Däsa, M.A. (University of Gothenburg)Räsamaëòala Däsa, M.A. (University of Warwick) Yadunandana Däsa, B.Th. (Postgraduate Diploma University of Wales Lampeter)

Äbäla Däsé, B.A. (Oxford Brookes University)Hanumat-preñaka Svämé, B.A. (University of California)Jaya Bhadrä Däsé, B.Th. (University of Wales Lampeter)Kartamaña Delaney, B.A. (University of Florida)Lakñmémoëi Däsé, B.A. (SUNY, Buffalo)Léläçuka Däsa, B.Th. (University of Wales Lampeter)Mahendra Däsa, B.Sc. (London School of Economics)Merudevé Däsé, B.A.Prahlädänanda Svämé, B.A.Sudevé Däsé, B.Th. (University of Wales Lampeter)Tattvavit Däsa, B.A. (University of Minnesota)

Akhaëòadhé DäsaAnüttama Däsa Ätmänanda DäsaKadamba Känana Svämé Kripamoya Däsa Pürëacandra Gosvämé Çaunaka Åñi DäsaSmita Kåñëa Svämé

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EDUCATIONAL STANDARDSBhaktivedanta College, through its accreditation-partnership with University of Wales Lampeter, is subject to the quality assurance of the UK’s educational system. The curriculum and its execution are monitored by the University of Wales Lampeter and an external examiner, who offer feedback concerning ev-ery academic course. The Lampeter moderator and administrator of the pro-gramme, the external examiner, and the directors of Bhaktivedanta College meet twice a year.

STUDENT LIFERäòhadesh, set in a hilly, forested area of Belgium, provides an ideal environ-ment for study. In addition to their studies; students follow the Radhadesh tem-ple morning program, care for teachers, maintain classroom cleanliness, offer transportation services, and lecture in the temple, at Näma Hattas, as well as at university programs; they also go on Harinäma and do book distribution. For recreation, students sing bhajans in the temple, perform dramas for festivals. organise film evenings, play soccer and go swimming. As Bhaktivedanta Col-lege expands, it is becoming obvious that there is a need for common rooms, a sports field, and a gym hall.

BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE IN THE NEAR FUTUREBhaktivedanta College’s Leadership and Management department is scheduled to open, at the latest, in 2010. The college will then offer a course entitled ‘Spiritual Economics and Management’. Those who successfully complete this course will be awarded a B.A. degree in Business Administration. The course will first be offered in a distance learning format, and as soon as the necessary facilities, i.e. additional classrooms and living facilities, as well as a bigger li-brary are available, the course will also be offered on site. Accreditation of this program is presently being negotiated with various universities. In response to several requests from ISKCON’s educational institutions, Bhaktivedanta Col-lege is also researching the possibility of an educational partnership that will sponsor a teaching degree

“The college’s academ-ic facet opened a whole new world to me and gave me opportunities to integrate spiritual education with univer-sity recognition. The courses also provided a stronger foundation for spiritual life and practical training for the outside world.”- Gopéçvaré Däsé,Ireland


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“Çréla Prabhupäda personally asked me to

support Vaiñëava schol-arship and culture, so I

am very happy to join this team of dedicated

devotees to fulfill Çréla Prabhupäda’s mission

in this way. Without investing in educa-

tion, we are failing our younger generation. By investing in education,

we inspire them and empower them.”

- Ambaréña Däsa,College Trustee


Today’s world is characterized by escalating financial crises, the breakdown of social order, a growing inequality between wealth and opportunity, and the deg-radation of standards in fields ranging from education to popular entertain-ment. There is anxiety about the future, widespread environmental despolia-tion, and a growing polarization within society. The emerging realization is that the existing order of things now requires radical surgery.

There is acute change on yet another level: According to the London Times, “The line between business and spiritual life is becoming increasingly blurred.” The emerging mega trend of this integration is being blessed by academia in the form of conferences, courses and new centres at many highly ranked universi-ties like Harvard Business School, New Orleans Loyola University, Santa Clara University, the University of New Haven, Columbia University Business School, Stanford Grad School of Business, and the University of Notre Dame, Indiana.

No institution is so far offering a degree in Spiritual Economics.

Belgium’s Bhaktivedanta College, taking note of this phenomenon and the knowledge Srila Prabhupada has given, is also preparing a Business Adminis-tration course that highlights the connection between spiritual principles and business.

The program

The course, which offers a degree in Business Administration, has a strong fo-cus on the underlying values or universal spiritual principles that can guide managers to create individual and collective success. It offers insights into self-sufficiency and regional economy networks combined with instruction in entre-preneurship and general business topics. The course envisions in fact an alter-native way of life, enables at the same time graduates to be engaged in nowadays business as the bachelor will be recognised as business administration.

The program delivery

The program will be delivered in distance learning (online) and supported by Webinar, online seminar given by the tutors allowing students to participate and interact with the tutor online. Devotees and non-devotees will participate in this program. The main target group for non-devotees is young people in-clined to healthy living, yoga, alternative life style and spirituality.

The program will be offered to devotees on site as soon as the facilities of the new campus allow to host additional students.

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Year 1:1.1 Spiritual Principles

1.2 Principles behind Social Development

1.3 Management Based on Bhagavad-Gita

1.4 Ideal Human Relationships and Team-building

1.5 Microeconomics

1.6 Principles of Business Success

1.7 Accounting for Decision-making

1.8 Marketing Management

Year 2:2.1 Ethics

2.2 Healthy Living

2.3 Critical Thinking

2.4 Self-sufficiency

2.5 Macro and International Economics

2.6 Working with Volunteers

2.7 Financial Management

2.8 Business Law

Year 3:3.1 Statistics

3.2 Small Business and Entrepreneurship

3.3 The Local Economy Network

3.4 Project Management

3.5 Management and Organisation

3.6 Personal Finance

3.7 Strategic Management

3.8 Final Thesis

Bhaktivedanta College is convinced to spread Srila Prabhupada’s message with this program to a wider audience. Many devotees see that Srila Prabhupada’s request to establish self-sufficient farm communities with a simple lifestyle is answer to the challenges of the actual financial crisis and its impact on the life of many in the near future.

“My year at Bhaktive-danta College was illu-minating and fulfilling in many respects. I learned a lot about myself and how I func-tion in spiritual and social life. I gained many helpful tools for my future profession in social work. Overcom-ing the challenges of balancing studies with following temple pro-grams was empower-ing. Definitely a school for life! I recommend it to a wide variety of devotees.” - Maìgala Candrikä Däsé,College SecretarySlovenia

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FUTURE AFFILIATESBhaktivedanta College in Räòhadesh is envisioned as a prototype for future colleges of its kind. We intend to open our first affiliate campus in India. Our aspiration is that other countries will eventually follow, with the projected priority of a college that teaches in the Spanish language.


The study of theology is meant to en-hance one’s awareness of and sensitiv-ity to religious values. In addition, one may develop an appreciation for the similarities and differences of religious beliefs and practices across cultures. The graduate may acquire skills rel-evant to a variety of careers.

The extensive study of Vaiñëava tradi-tions gives the student valuable tools for presenting Kåñëa consciousness in the more educated segments of society. The exploration of Vaiñëava history and schools of thought enables a grad-uate to reconcile various viewpoints in regard to Vaiñëava conclusions.

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“I can think of several reasons that

devotees should attend Bhaktivedanta Coll-

ege: to practice Kåñëa consciousness in a

devotional atmosphere and to learn to ap-

preciate and encour-age others in spiritual life; to increase their

acquaintance with var-ious fields of knowl-edge and to sharpen their analytical and

communication skills for considerate and effective preaching;

to receive guidance; and to learn to take

responsibility for their lives, their vocation,

and their contributions to their communities.”- Bhakta Re’em Stern,


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SKILLSThe study of Vaiñëava theology facili-tates the development of a core set of skills sought by employers in a wide range of occupational settings.


• Taking a reasoned approach to problem solving

• Critically gathering and analyzing information from various sources

• Integrating cross-cultural thought

• Analyzing new ideas


• Awareness of individual and cul-tural differences and appreciation of diversity

• Leadership and organizational skills

• Eloquence in expressing points of view

• Sensitivity for social, political and cultural etiquette


• Listen objectively and empathi-cally

• Write effectively

• Transmit complex information ac-curately

• Speak in public

13 13

“Bhaktivedanta Col-lege gives a devotee an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Kåñëa consciousness on a personal level and to communicate it to others in a much more mature way. Apart from offering academic training, the college plays an essential role in the personal spiri-tual growth of its stu-dents. Real education has pure devotional service as its goal. One may desire to obtain a Bachelor’s degree, but that in itself will be insufficient. We have to strive for a higher goal, that is, we have to be committed to pure devotional service.”- Kadamba Känana Svämé, Teacher at Bhaktivedanta College

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WHAT DO STUDENTS DO WITH A DEGREE IN THEOLOGY?Bhaktivedanta College offers its students excellent prospects for a lifelong vo-cation within ISKCON or the satisfaction of a valuable career within main-stream society.

Within ISKCON students can:• Effectively preach and teach different audiences

• Effectively represent ISKCON and Prabhupäda in intellectual, inter-faith and political forums

• Become a temple administrator

• Work with ISKCON Communications on the local, national or interna-tional level

• Work for the BBT

• Teach in ISKCON educational institutions and temples (Primary and Sec-ondary, new devotee training, Bhakti-çästré, Bhaktivaibhäva, VTE courses)

• Offer pastoral care

• Become a congregational development director

• Become a mediator or arbitrator

In mainstream society:• Pursue an academic career as a teacher or college professor

• Work as a counselor or in pastoral care and chaplaincy

• Become a social worker or volunteer coordinator

• Work as paralegal or hospital administrator

• Work in the media and communications (as a journalist or writer)

• Become a public policy manager or analyst

• Work as a fundraiser or consultant in a nonprofit organization


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“For me, it is a privi-lege and an exciting

challenge to introduce our Bhaktivedanta

College students to the philosophical world

of Vaiñëava Vedänta. The experiences of

both teacher and students are a happy

mix of the best of both worlds—enlivening

academic engagement and devotional pur-

pose.” - Kåñëa Kñetra Däsa,

Teacher at Bhaktivedanta College

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The Board of TrusteesThe Board of Trustees is an international group of exceptional people who meet annually to review the strategy of Bhaktivedanta College and supervise the activi-ties of the Board of Directors.

• Ambaréña Däsa: the great-grandson of Henry Ford and trustee member of the Ford Motor Company, a driving force behind the temple project in Mäyäpura

• Anüttama Däsa: ISKCON’s Minister of Communications, GBC and the Temple President in Washington D.C. He and his wife, Rukmiëé däsé, have provided schol-arships for several students, and have also sponsored the development of various curriculum.

• Braja Bihäré Däsa: has lived in India for twenty years with his family. He holds a Master’s degree in Conflict Transformation and Organizational Leadership, and is the founder of ISKCON Resolve. He has been teaching mediation and related courses at the College for many years.

• Giriräja Swami: GBC and an ISKCON initiating guru

• Hådaya Caitanya Däsa, GBC, Euro-GBC and Temple President of Räòhadesh

• Léläçuka Däsa, the secretary of the GBC Executive Committee

• Mahäprabhu Däsa He has made significant contributions to the College library and is the founder of the Hindu Forum in Belgium and Europe

• Rädhänätha Swami: a spiritual leader in ISKCON, active in India, Europe and the USA.

• Rukmiëé Däsé: CEO of As Kindred Spirits.

• Çaunaka Åñi Däsa: director of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies and a mem-ber of the executive committee of ISKCON’s Ministry for Educational Develop-ment (MED)

Trustee Meeting, July 2007

“The College has been an essential prepara-tion for my future. I received a holistic edu-cation, providing me with the skills to make a contribution both to ISKCON and society at large.” - Kumäré-priya Däsé,Washington, D.C.

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“In the devotional atmosphere of Bhak-tivedanta College, I received the best of both worlds: spiri-

tual nourishment and academic training.

The spirit of devotion let me feel the pulse of a living tradition and

provided access to a higher understanding that is inaccessible in

a merely academic set-ting. The ample prac-

tice I received in verbal and written communi-

cation, critical think-ing, and overall analy-

sis was most helpful.”- Yugala-kiçora Däsa,


16 16

Patrons’ CouncilA Patrons’ Council is being formed to offer consultation and advice to the Board of Trustees. Ten to sixteen distinguished devotees with different backgrounds will be invited to sit on this council.

Board of DirectorsBhaktivedanta College is building a strong management team. The Board of Direc-tors comprises highly qualified and dedicated individuals. Currently serving are:-

• Yadunandana Däsa, the Principal and Course Director, was born in 1963 in Spain. He has been active in education on various levels for twenty years and has held responsibilities in several non-profit organisations in Spain. He is doing graduate work in Indic Studies through the University of Wales Lampeter.

• Jaya Kåñëa Däsa is the Administrative Director. He was born in 1952 in Switzer-land. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and has worked for twenty-five years in various private companies. Just before his retirement, he was the Sales Director and Deputy General Manager for SAP Switzerland.

• Mahendra Däsa, the Assistant Course Director, was born 1972, in Bulgaria. He holds a B.A. in philosophy from Sofia University and a B.Sc. in Information Systems and Management from the London School of Economics. He is now a part-time graduate student in management at De Montfort University in Leic-ester.

• Lakñmémoëi Däsé is the Dean of Students. She was born 1948, in Brooklyn, New York. She holds a BA in clinical psychology from SUNY at Buffalo, and was the principal of a secondary school for teenage girls for almost thirty years. She has been involved with ISKCON education on various levels since 1974, and is pres-ently a member of ISKCON’s Ministry of Educational Development.

• Déna Dayäla Däsa is the Office Manager and Fundraising Officer. Born in Croa-tia in 1976, he has done service for Bhaktivedanta College since he started study-ing there, in 2004. He earned a Bachelor of Theology degree and also holds a B.A. in Information Systems and Organization. He is doing a distant-learning MBA with the University of Wales. He is the secretary of the Euro GBC.

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“One reason that I am inspired to serve at Bhaktivedanta College is the team of wonderful devotees developing the col-lege and training the students. Another is that I am inclined to remain connected to ISKCON’s educational development. The pro-cess of education is the backbone of ISKCON, on all levels, and I have always felt that whatever little good thing I can do becomes many times more valu-able if I teach many others to do it.”- Lakñmémoëi Däsé,Dean of Students

17 17

Development 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


First graduates - accredited Bachelor

of Theology

Launch distance learning Bachelor

of Business Admin.

Launch Masters' of Theology


Construction of Teachers and Staff


Construction of School Building

Construcion of Students Dormitories

School Building

Construcion of Students Dormitories


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GROWTH OF THE COLLEGEConsidering the current growth of the College, and bearing in mind the additional and enhanced programmes to be offered, the number of teachers, staff and students is expected to increase to around 85 by the academic year, 2012-13.

It is also important that the College be allowed to develop to its full potential so that it will be recognised as a world-class institution with enormous significance for ISKCON, the academic world and society.

Keeping up with this growth in teaching facilities, amenities and accommodation is an enormous challenge, and one, that is the subject of this campaign for investment in the expansion of the College.

WHY DOES BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE NEED A CAMPUS?Bhaktivedanta College presently occupies 50% of the men’s and 80% of the ladies’ äçrama in the main temple building at Radhadesh. These facilities accommodate this school year’s thirty students (2008-09), but will be insufficient for the forty students expected in the school-year 2009-10. Moreover Bhaktivedanta College must move out of its present office and the apartments rented from a neighbour in December 2008, and the present library must be emptied in February 2009 at the latest. There are no facilities for year-around rent in the area, as the villagers prefer to rent to tourists.

The facilities needed for the actual programme as well as the needs of the intended Leadership and Management department requires student, teacher and staff dor-mitories, as well as additional classrooms, and a bigger library.






















Number of Students,Teachers & Staff

Teachers & StaffStudents


18 18

“Bhaktivedanta College is perhaps my greatest

hope for ISKCON and the present and future

followers of Çréla Prabh-upäda. Students receive an education not to be found at any college or university. Radhadesh is a perfect setting: the serious, sublime devo-

tional association there is rarely found in ISKCON communities. It is a place

made holy by the devo-tees’ consciousness. Çréla Prabhupäda very much

wanted his followers to be trained and educated in the arts and sciences of devotional service. This project will achieve this

aim by offering the aca-demic and value-based education that devotees need to make personal

contributions within the ISKCON world and also

outside of it.”- Rukmiëé Däsé ,College

TrusteeWashington, D.C.

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GOVARDHAN BUILDING – TEACHERS AND STAFF DORMITORYBhaktivedanta College’s first build-ing is the dormitory for teachers and staff, which will temporally host students as well.

The building consists of two sec-tions. The main building includes six double-room apartments, four studios, and five single rooms. All rooms can be accessed separately, and a maximum of thirty-two dev-otees can be hosted. The annexe building contains four offices on the ground floor, which will eventually be used for classrooms. The student library is on the first floor. Launder-ing and storage rooms are located in the basement of the annexe building

“While bhakti is transcendental to all material limitations, the principle of yukta-vairägya requires that we engage all energies in the service of the Lord. Thus the minds of our young devotees need to be trained and enriched through edu-cation in a Vaiñëava environment. Without such training, we limit the development of our society and its next generation. To provide funds for scholarships for the youngest and brightest members of Çréla Prabhupäda’s family is a great ser-vice to him, the Vai-ñëava community, and the world.- Anüttama Däsa, GBC and ISKCON Communications Director, Teacher at Bhaktivedanta College

19 19

Construction of the Govardhan building started in October 2007. The status of the building in Octo-ber 2008 construction

Layout Teachers & Staff Dormitory # Staff &

Teachers Students Net Area in m2

Total Net Area in m2

One room apartments 3 3 23.8 71.40

Two room apartments 7 4 20 35 245.00

Single rooms for stu-dent accommodation 5 5 13.3 66.50

Single rooms used as offices 2 13.3 26.60

Double rooms used as offices 2 16.2 32.40

Internet room 1 16.6 16.60

Library 1 67.2 67.20

Washing, drying, stor-age, technical room 1 79.8 79.80

Total Net Area 7 25 605.50

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“If we wish to invest in the future of ISK-

CON, we must invest in the education of its

members. ISKCON is now embarking on a serious educational

endeavor. I whole-heartedly support

Bhaktivedanta College and wish to encourage

ISKCON at large to join me.”

- Çacénandana Svämé,Teacher at

Bhaktivedanta College

20 20


Bhaktivedanta College’s campus will consist of three buildings and sports-fields.

The capital campaign for Bhaktivedanta College consists of three phases. The first phase covers the construction of the Govardhan building and goes from 2007 to 2009.

The Rädhä Kuëòa building (school building) will be the goal of the second phase and will go from 2009 to 2011.

The Çyäma Kuëòa Building (student dormitories) will be the third phase of the capital campaign and is planned to start in 2011.

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21 21

Investment October 14, 2008








Doors, inside carpentry

Floor, tiles






Machines, installations

Gardening, road

Waste water treatment plant



VAT 21 %


Fundraising costs, interests, 6%

Total Govardhan Building

545’640 €24’000 €

300 €3’500 €

37’000 €26’000 €28’500 €50’000 €51’500 €58’500 €48’000 €17’000 €12’000 €25’000 €25’000 €25’000 €

9’500 €30’000 €34’000 €6’000 €

107’268 €1’163’708 €

69’822 €

1’233’530 €

Govardhan Building: Teachers & Staff Dormitory

“The subjects taught at Bhaktivedanta College aren’t merely formulaic. Ample time is given to introspec-tion and reflection on the applications of the learning in real life. This is something new for ISKCON. It is an exciting development and one that I feel should be experienced by many more mem-bers.”- Kripamoya Däsa,Teacher at Bhaktivedanta College

The budget of the Govardhan building is 1.233.500 Euros.

The construction of the building has so far been financed by loans and by three main donors:

• Unnamed donor from the United States 108’000 €• Mahaprabhu Däsa, Räòhadesh 108’000 €• Jaya Kåñëa Däsa 108’000 €

The budget for the Rädhä-kuëòa building including the sports-field is 2.400.000 Euros, and may vary widely based on the future economic development.

The Çyäma-kuëòa building is budgeted for an amount of 2.080.000 Euros and may also be influenced highly by future economic developments.

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Gift range chart for the capital campaign 2007-2009:

DONORS’ RECOGNITIONNamingAll gifts are greatly appreciated. All donors who would like to be mentioned will be listed on the website, published in the Bhaktivedanta College newsletter, and in the Donors’ report. For those whose gift is equal to or greater than the amount listed, we would be happy to name any of the items listed below in honour of a donor or a donor’s family member:

Patrons Donors who contribute € 108.000 or more will be offered a position as patron of Bhaktivedanta College and an opportunity to be a member of the Patrons’ Council.We will be happy to offer guest accommodations to patrons visiting Räòhadesh.

BenefactorsDonors who contribute more than € 58.000 will be recognized as ‘Benefactors’.We will be happy to offer guest accommodations to Benefactors visiting Räòhadesh.

General informationWe will annually offer a flower-outfit to Çré-Çré Rädhä-Gopénätha, at the Räòhadesh Temple in honour of our Patrons, Benefactors and other donors. The names of the donors will be announced and prayers will be offered in their name.

Donations are paid to a campaign account and used for defined purpose only. If, for any reason whatever, the project is not realized, Bhaktivedanta College will return the donation.

Please, take advantage of a unique opportunity to support this outstanding project.

Govardhan BuildingLevel of Giving # Donors Total Cumulative

308’000 € 1 308’000 € 308’000 €

108’000 € 5 540’000 € 848’000 €

58’000 € 4 232’000 € 1’080’000 €

28’000 € 6 168’000 € 1’248’000 €

Total 16 1’248’000 € 1’248’000 €

22 22

“I am very proud of our partnership. One would

struggle to find ISKCON studies in British or Eu-ropean universities, and

therefore we are privileged to host your programme, which adds to the diver-sity of our department.

The beauty of teaching in actual, vibrant communi-ties like this is that people can learn in their confes-sional environment and

benefit the communal life without compromising

academic requirements. You have a team of capa-

ble people working here. Your college is headed

by qualified, innovative scholars, and you have

highly capable, expert tu-tors. You have strong and sound management and a communal leadership

team that benefits the life of the college and the

movement.”- Dr. Minna Shkul,

Assistant Director of Open Learning Theology

& Religious Studies,University of Wales


Govardhan Building Value Donation

Library & Internet room 225’000 € 308’000 €

Two-room apartments 82’000 € 108’000 €

One-room apartments 56’000 € 58’000 €

Single rooms 35’000 € 28’000 €

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SUMMARYBhaktivedanta College is the first, and currently the only attempt organized by senior devotees and Vaiñëava scholars to maintain an institution offering members and supporters of ISKCON the opportunity to study the Vaiñëava tradition (and in the future the new program “Spiritual Economics and Man-agement”) in English. Each student has an exceptional opportunity to live in a devotional atmosphere while simultaneously earning a university degree from an accredited university, i.e. Lampeter, Wales.

The word ‘education’ derives from the Latin educare, “to lead.” In our tradition, we use the word äcärya, “one who leads, or educates, by example.” Çréla Prabh-upäda often commented that because universities do not teach the science of the soul, their education is equivalent to so many zeroes; by placing Lord Kåñëa, the One, in front of all the zeroes, a university will perfect education. Bhak-tivedanta College aspires to foster students who understand that One and will teach others about Him.

The profound insights of Vedic knowledge, culture and devotion have the pow-er to restore serenity and sanity to mankind. Bhaktivedanta College can equip new leaders and train teachers who will inspire future generations of children and adults in this science of self-realization. This is Çréla Prabhupäda’s legacy and our responsibility

Çréla Prabhupäda compared Western material advancement to a blind man, and India’s rich spiritual heritage to a lame man. Working together both can achieve unprecedented success.

We are offering you a unique opportunity to take part in this outstanding proj-ect. Please consider the potential impact your contribution to this Capital Cam-paign 2009-2013 will have in establishing Kåñëa consciousness and promoting Vedic culture.

Räòhadesh, December, 2008 23 23

“The ISKCON Min-istry of Educational Development offers its blessings and support to Bhaktivedanta Col-lege and the important initiative it represents. The College offers the most effective, system-atic, and comprehen-sive educational pro-gramme in ISKCON today. Education is our future.” - Çeña Däsa,GBC Minister of Education,Teacher at Bhaktivedanta College

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BHAKTIVEDANTA COLLEGE Petite Somme 2, 6940 Durbuy, Belgium Telephone +32 (0) 86 32 32 77 Email [email protected] www.bhaktivedantacollege.com