BF4F Social media strategy GK Segwabanyane 1 1. INTRODUCTION An analysis on BF4F campaign holistically was done with placing emphasis on the social media strategy. This social media strategy seeks to understand the current situation of this campaign (Grauman, Koekemoer, 2011), specifically the content and usage of Twitter and Facebook amongst University of Johannesburg students and that is done through field research and focus groups (see appendix B). The outcome of this strategy illustrates what the target audience appreciates and wants from the campaign; this then informed the decision of the omnipresence and extreme continuity strategies to solve the problem to ensure maximum student engagement and changing the power to them as content managers. To unpack this, the current situational analysis will be discussed as well as the social network strategy and implementation thereof. 2. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS A questionnaire with both open-ended and close-ended questions was designed to discover the current situation of BF4F in the minds of students (see Appendix B). 100 questionnaires were sent out with each campus having 25 questionnaires to get an understanding of student’s view on BF4F and their preferred content on the social networks. Furthermore four focus groups were established (see Appendix C) to discuss the same content as the questionnaires however there were no restrictions to the questions as some questions lead to other discussions within the scope of BF4F. The focus groups were held in informal environments, mostly student centers and around the university campuses. A summary of the finding is illustrated using a bar graph and pie chart to demonstrate the number of student’s views on each category, see below;

BF4F Social Media Strategy

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BF4F Social media strategy

GK Segwabanyane 1


An analysis on BF4F campaign holistically was done with placing emphasis on the

social media strategy. This social media strategy seeks to understand the current

situation of this campaign (Grauman, Koekemoer, 2011), specifically the content

and usage of Twitter and Facebook amongst University of Johannesburg students

and that is done through field research and focus groups (see appendix B). The

outcome of this strategy illustrates what the target audience appreciates and wants

from the campaign; this then informed the decision of the omnipresence and

extreme continuity strategies to solve the problem to ensure maximum student

engagement and changing the power to them as content managers. To unpack this,

the current situational analysis will be discussed as well as the social network

strategy and implementation thereof.


A questionnaire with both open-ended and close-ended questions was designed to

discover the current situation of BF4F in the minds of students (see Appendix B).

100 questionnaires were sent out with each campus having 25 questionnaires to get

an understanding of student’s view on BF4F and their preferred content on the

social networks. Furthermore four focus groups were established (see Appendix C)

to discuss the same content as the questionnaires however there were no

restrictions to the questions as some questions lead to other discussions within the

scope of BF4F. The focus groups were held in informal environments, mostly

student centers and around the university campuses. A summary of the finding is

illustrated using a bar graph and pie chart to demonstrate the number of student’s

views on each category, see below;

BF4F Social media strategy

GK Segwabanyane 2













Knowledge onBF4F

Willingness toassociate with it


The Know on BF4F

1st years


Post Graduate



18% 12%



Media Content

Inspirational content

Current Affairs discussions

UJ Students Success stories

UJ initiatives

University Support structures

general fun content (humour)

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GK Segwabanyane 3


3.1 The Parameters

This is an analysis of the brief, the objectives that the social media strategy

seeks to achieve. The fundamental objective of this is to ensure increased

usage of the social networks that is an increase in social network interactivity. In

addition ensure relevant communication to students and finally to involve

students in the content of BF4F social communities.

3.2 Media Objectives

This showcases the campaign in environments that demonstrate how BF4F fits

into the target lives. In addition to communicate BF4F at usage occasion; that is

through content that benefits them, the relevancy that the content would have on

target audience. To establish supporting mediums to advertise the social

networks, this will be deliberated further under the strategy and implementation.

3.3 The Landscape

It is important to scrutinize the trends within the said domain so that it may guide

one’s media strategy. One trend that has been predicted in 2014 is ‘internet of

caring things’; the audience appreciate value added communication, tips on how

they can better themselves or even save money (trendwatching, 2014). In

addition there is a global brain, in 2014 consumers will become more global,

local, flattering and cosmopolitan; which means that global discussions amongst

consumers will emerge from all corners of the globe through social mediums

(trendwatching, 2014). With these two communication trends in mind and also

analyzing our target market, it will be of outmost importance to engage with

them in such a manner, this will be elaborated more on the strategy.

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3.4 Target Audience

This is who the campaign is aimed at, what sort of attitudes or behavior needs to be

changed in order to achieve the set objectives. A deeper understanding of what media the

target market consumes and how they consume it also needs to be grasped. The target

audience is University of Johannesburg students, for the purpose of this strategy an

archetype has be selected to assist in answering the questions listed above on attitudes,

behavior, media choice and usage. ‘The know-how Digital Natives: net generation’ this is a

person who was born during or after the general introduction of digital technologies and

through interacting with digital technology from an early age, has a greater understanding

of its concepts. Alternatively, this term can describe people born during or after the 2000s,

as the digital age began at that time; but in most cases, the term focuses on people who

grew up with the technology that became prevalent in the latter part of the 20th century and

continues to evolve today, they understand the value of digital technology and uses this to

seek out opportunities for implementing it with a view to make an impact. They also

characterized by their use of smartphones as it is the first thing the digital consumer looks

at when he or she wakes up in the morning; he or she takes it everywhere and looks at it

several times an hour (CHARTON, 2014). Digital natives’ characteristics include:

They want freedom in everything they do, from freedom of choice to freedom

of expression.

They love to customize, personalize.

They are the new scrutinizers.

They look for corporate integrity and openness when deciding what to buy

and where to work. .

They want entertainment and play in their work, education, and social life.

They are the collaboration and relationship generation on social networks

They have a need for speed – and not just in video games.

They are innovators

Enjoy media snacking; that is using different media at the same time (e.g.

listening to music, being on twitter and simultaneously surfing the net.

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These characteristics suggest that digital natives want communication that is

personalized to them; they operate on a target market of one hence they don’t

believe in being categorized. This poses a challenge to marketers as it can be a

crisis to speak to individuals in isolation however this can be curbed by ensuring

that the content of the message is customized to what they want to hear and

using the individual centralized words to get their attention.

3.5 The Strategy

This is the section where everything discussed above comes together. All

details regarding the strategy in detail (Williams, 2011). Two strategies are

selected for social mediums, the Omnipresence strategy and extreme continuity


3.5.1 Omnipresence Strategy

A full broadside that will cause a social media storm, especially when the

prime objective is to achieve a widespread and instant popularization of

the service, in this case the BF4F campaign. Three social media platforms

will be utilized; Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Facebook is the leading

site with 9.6 million users in South Africa while Twitter has 5.5 Million

users (Meier, 2013). BF4F Twitter and Facebook pages will have the

same strategy and will be used simultaneously, to achieve this; the twitter

account and Facebook page will be linked to ensure consistency and


As discussed above on the media content, students selected what content

they want to discuss on social networks. Therefore as they will be the

audience targeted, it is of high importance to centralize the content to

them. Several topics will be discussed on Twitter and Facebook to ensure

a holistic student experience including;

Motivational quotes, phrases, real life scenario’s to inspire students

to reach their full potential, to prepare them for the brightest future

and embody the qualities of a UJ graduate. This will fall under the

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inspirational content; this is will take up 23% of the content on

BF4F pages.

Current Affairs: An analysis and discussions on what’s happening

in the country and globally, this is promote the quality of being

knowledgeable, being a global citizen, broadminded and promote

leadership qualities, this will form 8% of the BF4F content.

UJ Success stories: Give coverage on UJ students that are

succeeding in their own right. The university success stories will

also be discussed on this platform, the objective of this is to ensure

that students draw motivation from their fellow colleagues and

show support in their endeavors. This is to work on the UJ

graduate quality of being smart and agile. 18% of the BF4F content

will cover this.

UJ Initiatives: To ensure that students know about the initiatives

that the university is working on. This includes faculty events, book

reviews, and charity events and so on. This content will take12% of

the pages.

UJ Support Structures: To ensure that students know and utilize

the services of different support structures within the university;

from ADC, Psycad, campus health, People with disabilities, IOHA,

etc. This category will make up 13% of the content on the pages.

General fun content: To make the pages interesting, students will

be encouraged to come up with topic they would like to discuss,

they will help increase engagement and also give them control of

what they want to discuss and their own time. In addition this

category also includes pictures taken at events to encourage

students to tag themselves on our Facebook page hence bring

awareness of the page. This portion will have 26% coverage. An

insert on the latest fashion per season will also be included as well

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as health related information. Inclusion of this will ensure diversity

and open-minded approach to also bring about entertainment,

including comedy. It also support the communication 2014 trend

‘internet of caring things’, sharing this information confirms that we

are genuinely concerned about our students

LinkedIn has 2.7 million users, with 1.5 million groups, 3 million company pages

and 50% percent of users have undergraduate qualifications (Meier, 2013). This

is a great platform to discuss career development related topics. This will serve as

a notification platform of employment opportunities, online workshops on CV

writing, interview skills, and managing and positioning oneself as a brand. To

achieve this and to ensure that accurate and reliable information is put up, we will

be working with Psycad career center on this, mostly on the content. By posting

such will show students that we care about them and want to advance them in

their career path.

3.5.2 Extreme Continuity

This strategy often implies the usage of a single medium however can be used

to support the main strategy. It promotes continuity of the strategy. Such

continuity would involve the monopolization of a certain position, time channel,

and plan to safeguard rentless support for the campaign. The constant updating

of the creative message itself, ensuring that it remains fresh and intriguing; this

will mainly be used for both twitter and Facebook. This strategy will be used as

support strategy for the omnipresence strategy hence more media will be used

to achieve awareness of the Facebook and Twitter pages. The use of print

media (UJ Observer and posters), UJFM and promotional T-shirts will be used,

see below the implementation of both these strategies.


This outlines which media platforms will be used, how they will be used, timing

of the activity and the execution of the medium (Williams, 2011). This section

also covers the budget needed to implement the two strategies.

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As outlined the main objectives of this social media strategy is to ensure

increased usage of the social networks that is an increase in social network

interactivity. In addition ensure relevant communication to students and finally to

involve students in the content of BF4F social communities. To achieve these,

several media platforms will be used, the first awareness campaign is a flash

mob with students wearing BF4F T-shirts in 4 campuses, therefore the media to

be used will include the UJ Observer to add an A6 advert promoting BF4F,

request UJFM DJ’s to announce this flash mob details. In addition taking

pictures of students during university events and encouraging them to tag

themselves on the pictures will also help gain popularity for the event. To ensure

vibrancy, 4-5 posts will be done daily. At this point, no budget is needed to

execute this; the T-shirts needed for the flash mob will be taken from the ones

we have in the store room.


To ensure that the strategy works, it needs to be monitored and evaluated. This

monitoring and evaluation will be done for all social networks used. For Twitter

and Facebook, special attention will be given to the number of views a particular

post has, the number of likes and retweets per post or tweet. In addition as the

objective is to increase activity, the number of people commenting is of high

importance. An increase in these will then prove that the strategy is working.

With Regards to LinkedIn the number of views per day will be considered, so is

the connections and the daily comments and messages from our connections.


This social media strategy is done to help BF4F achieve its objectives of

warranting increased usage of the social networks that is an increase in social

network interactivity. In addition ensure relevant communication to students and

finally to involve students in the content of BF4F social communities. The current

situational analysis was done to understand the current dynamics and those

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GK Segwabanyane 9

then guided the strategy. Research on the BF4F was done as well as the

preferred content on social networks was done. The results illustrated that

mostly postgraduates have heard of BF4F, whereas the knowledge of it on first

years and seniors is very low. The most preferred content is general fun topics,

inspirational content, UJ success stories and UJ support structures information.

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Charton, D. (2014). 8Four trends to shape the marketing and communications

landscape in 2014. http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/423/110691.html

(Accessed 10 March 2014)

Grauman, M, Koekemoer, L. (2011). Digital media. In The nuts ‘n bolts of media

planning. Edited by Belter, L: CTP printers Cape Town

Meier, G. (2013). The state of social media in South Africa 2013.


2013(Accessed 10 March 2014)

Trend Watching. (2014). "instant communication power by letting you post your

thoughts to the web whenever the urge strikes”.

h21ttp://trendwatching.com/trends/GENERATION_C.htm (Accessed 12 March


Williams, R. (2011). Media Strategy. In The nuts ‘n bolts of media planning. Edited

by Belter, L: CTP printers Cape Town

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Appendix A: Summary of the Social Media Strategy



Increase Usage

Relevant Content

Target Market


Starting point

Situational analysis

Target market





Media Objectives


The internet of caring things

Global brain

Target Audience

UJ Students

Archetype: Digital Natives


Digital natives want

brands to

communicate with

them not at them

and in a platform of

their choice at their

own convenience

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Media Type


and Twitter




with students in a

platform they

comfortable in

Extreme Continuity


Media Type

Facebook and





Awareness and

involvement of

students in the

medium used

Implementation Guidelines

Daily interactions with students on Facebook and


Make them content managers

Poster features on UJ Observer as a supporting

medium for the social networks

Flash mob with students wearing BF4F T-shirts in

student center areas to encourage students to

follow, like and engage with them on social


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Appendix B: Questionnaire

UJ BF4F Questionnaire

Please answer the following questions by either ticking or crossing on the applicable

answer. Please also elaborate when required to do so.

First year student Senior Student Post Graduate

1. Do know or have heard of UJ BF4F campaign?

Yes NO

If yes, where? ______________________________________________________

2. Are you active on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn)?

Yes No

3. What activities do you normally do when you logged in?



4. Do you like or follow pages on Twitter and Facebook and if yes, what do you look for





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5. Now that I have explained to you what BF4F is, which topics would you like to read

and talk about?

Fun Topic (Jokes,etc) UJ Initiatives UJ Events

Current Affairs Fellow UJ students achievements

Inspirational content UJ Facilities

Other ____________________________________________________________

6. UJ BF4F wants to create a LinkedIn account and upload career related material, do

you think it will be beneficial to UJ students?

Thank you for taking time to answer this questionnaire, all the best with your studies.

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Appendix C: Focus Group questions

UJ BF4F Focus group interview

1. How many of you have heard or know about UJ BF4F campaign?

2. Where do you know about it?

3. Are you active on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn)?

4. What activities do you normally do when you logged in online?

5. Do you like or follow pages on Twitter and Facebook?

6. When following or liking a page online, what do you look for in them?

7. Now that I have explained to you what BF4F is, which topics would you like to read

and talk about?

8. UJ BF4F wants to create a LinkedIn account and upload career related material, do

you think it will be beneficial to UJ students and why?

Thank you for taking time to be part of this focus group, all the best with your studies.