Beware of Seducing Spirits

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  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits


  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits



    Mark T. Barclay

  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits


    All scripture references are quoted from theKing James Version of the Holy Bible

    unless otherwise noted.

    Second EditionFirst rintin! "##$

    %SB& '(#))*'+(+$(,

    -opyri!ht "##$ Mark T. Barclay/ Authorublished by0 Mark Barclay Ministries

    aka Mark Barclay ublicationsAll 1i!hts 1eser2ed

    rinted in 3SA

    4rite0Mark Barclay Ministries

    .5. Bo6 $**/ Midland/ M% )*7)'('$**

  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits




    A 4ord From the Author

    -hapter " 8 The 9e2il:s Sly Techniques...............................................#

    -hapter + 8 The Spirit of ;orah.........................................................."$e?ebel........................................................+=

  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits



    Belie2e me/ folks/ as you read this book/ many thin!s will !othrou!h your mind. Some of you will think of yoursel2es and how theseseducin! spirits ha2e tried to minister to you. 5thers will think offriends and family members who once ser2ed the ord so well andfer2ently but now ha2e been turned o2er to !ossip/ talebearin!/ malice/strife/ and ealousy and are always accusin! the church leaders.

    lease beware et this book be a warnin! to you. % pray that thede2il and demons will be e6posed throu!h this writin!.

    There really are seducin!/ decei2in! spirits roamin! the earthwantin! to minister to you. 9on:t let the reli!ion and pride of Saul !eton you. 9on:t let the uprisin! and insolent spirit of ;orah !et on you.9on:t let the hatred and seduction of >e?ebel work a!ainst your leaders.9on:t let the ealous conspiracy spirit of Absalom !et on you. Shake

    them off and commune only with the Holy Spirit.

    % hope you will enoy this book. % ha2e spent many hoursmeditatin! and searchin! out the truths that you:ll find on these pa!es. %ha2e combined my study notes with the administrati2e notes % ha2e keptthrou!h the years ser2in! as a pastor.

    % must say that % ha2e personally encountered each of these spiritsas % ha2e dealt with leaders and members of local churches. Thou!h %:2efound that the name and blood of >esus are most so2erei!n/ it surprisesme that so many people cannot be helped because they !i2e in todemonic seduction.

    % pray this book will be a !reat stren!th to your life and ministry in-hrist. % write it by my own hand in obedience to the ord >esus. etthese words run around in your heart and either be a warnin! to you orset you free.


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  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits



    The heart of the author is one of humility/ yet the presentationherein is quite bold. %t is not the intention of the author to hurt anyonein any way with this writin! but to stir up those who ha2e been attackedby these spirits so they can free themsel2es.

    &ot one person anywhere in the body of -hrist has to !i2e heed to

    these spirits or their style of life. &o8not one

    The author plans to warn some readers/ inform others/ and e2en setsome free.

    This book is by far best read if one is like >esus8humble/ holy/and not a re2iler.

    This is not a book on demonolo!y.

    %t is a book about people who are close to bein! in trouble withod because of demon acti2ity or fleshly bad attitudes.


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  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits



    "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times someshall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, anddoctrines of devils;

    Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared witha hot iron "

    " Timothy )0"(+

    isten/ my friend/ before you read any further into this book/ lookat what 2erse 7 of this same chapter says. Many people say/

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    &owadays/ years later/ people yell

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    %he &evil's Sly %echni(ues

    Most -hristians do not try the spirits. %nstead/ they put the preacheron trial. They ha2e a trial and rip apart a man:s life/ ministry/ family/

    and reputation ust to brin! indictment a!ainst him. 9o you know howpeople ud!e a ministerJ By his fruitJ They say they do/ but really theydon:t. Most of them do not really care about his lon!e2ity or hisproducti2ity. The way modern -hristians ud!e leaders is by theirbelon!in!s. They don:t know them by their fruit or by their spirit but bythe car they dri2e/ home they own/ rin! they are wearin!/ or clothesthey ha2e. -ome on/ folks Cou and % know that it:s wron! to ud!e thisway. &ot only is it wron! to ud!e this way/ but the whole perspecti2ehas shifted from demon acti2ity to preacher acti2ity. How sad. % wonder

    how the ord puts up with such immaturity. Cou know/ don:t you/ thatthe de2il and his demons lo2e -hristians to be this wayJ Sure they do.4hile -hristians are watchin! all the smut and slander reports aboutdifferent ministers/ the de2il is !ardenin! in their backyard.

    et me remind you/ belie2er/ that the preacher is not your enemy oryour problem. Cour problem and your enemy is Satan8the accuser ofthe brethren and the father of lies. The scripture % quoted at thebe!innin! of this chapter told about seducin! spirits/ not seducin!

    people. The person you need to be worried about is you. The Bible sayshere that these seducin! spirits will cause some to depart KpurposelyabandonL the faith.

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    ord >esus -hrist. 1emember/ don:t be wrestlin! with anyone but yourad2ersary/ the de2il. Be sober.

    "$e soer, e vigilant; ecause your adversary the devil, as aroaring lion, walketh aout, seeking whom he may devour"

    " eter $0*

    Cour mind is in the arena of life that the de2il wants to penetrate.He wants to shoot burnin!/ fiery darts into your thinkin! processes andhinder and per2ert your communication with od and the brethren. Thede2il wants you to be in strife because that is where he operates best.He wants you to think and li2e impurely. He wants you to !i2e up and

    !o shipwreck. The de2il wants you to talk a!ainst and take bad actionsa!ainst your spiritual leaders. isten/ friend/ the de2il wants to seduceyou and per2ert you and decei2e you. 4atch out for him. 9on:t let himdo it. Be pure/ be spiritual/ act upri!htly/ and follow Bible standardsand !uidelines in your life. Cou won:t be sorry8no/ not e2er

    -heck out the followin! scriptures and meditate on them0

    "$ut if ye have itter envying and strife in your hearts, glorynot, and lie not against the truth

    %his wisdom descendeth not from aove, ut is earthly, sensual,devilish

    )or where envying and strife is, there is confusion and everyevil work"

    >ames =0")("7

    "-ove all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall e aleto (uench all the fiery darts of the wicked"

    Ephesians 70"7

    "+ut on the whole armour of od, that ye may e ale to standagainst the wiles of the devil"

    Ephesians 70""

    ".nto the pure all things are pure/ ut unto them that aredefiled and unelieving is nothing pure; ut even their mind andconscience is defiled"

    Titus "0"$

    "0hy do ye not understand my speech1 even ecause ye cannot

    hear my word2e are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye

    will do for he is a liar, and the father of it"

    John 8:!"

    " for the accuser of our rethren is cast down, which


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    %he &evil's Sly %echni(ues

    accused them efore our od day and night"

    R#$#%&(on 1):1*


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    ,Th# U-.(/(n0 &n In/o%#n S-(.(,

    &umbers "70"($'

    "Korah, son of !3har ecame insolent and rose up against

    4oses 0ith them were 567 !sraelite men, well8known communityleaders who had een appointed memers of the council

    %hey came as a group to oppose 4oses and -aron and said tothem, '2ou have gone too far9 %he whole community is holy, every

    one of them, and the *:& is with them 0hy then do you setyourselves aove the*:&'Sassemly1

    &umbers "70"(= K&%DL

    "4oses also said to Korah, 'Now listen, you *evites9

    !sn't it enough for you that the od of !srael has separated youfrom the rest of the !sraelite community and rought you near

    himself to do the work at the*:&'Staernacle and to stand eforethe community and minister to them1

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    who were offering the incense"

    &umbers "70=$ K&%DL

    "%he next day the whole !sraelite community grumled against

    4oses and -aron '2ou have killed the*:&'Speople,' they said"

    &umbers "70)" K&%DL

    "$ut when the assemly gathered in opposition to 4oses and-aron and turned toward the %ent of 4eeting, suddenly the cloud

    covered it and the glory of the*:&appeared

    %hen 4oses and -aron went to the front of the %ent of 4eeting,

    and the*:&said to 4oses,

    'et away from this assemly so ! can put an end to them atonce' -nd they fell facedown"

    &umbers "70)+()$ K&%DL

    These ha2e to be some of the most powerful 2erses in the Bible.They are so re2ealin! and remind us of the awesomeness of od. 4hatdid you feel when you read these scripturesJ 9id it remind you ofanythin! that:s happenin! todayJ 4hen % read this whole chapter/ % was

    really reminded of how people were back then8and how they stillremain the same today. %t:s really somethin! that all these years ha2eslipped by/ and yet humanity has impro2ed so little.

    4hen % meditated in this chapter of the Bible/ it caused me to lookmore closely at so many of our churches today. Both denominationaland independent churches ha2e plenty of people like ;orah and hisband of men. % ha2e been in enou!h church business meetin!s andboard meetin!s to know they resemble this Bible account of ;orah. %

    wonder if some church people read this ;orah account and then set outin their churches to duplicate it. %t has been a 2ery familiar spirit in therecent years. % hope you ne2er !et cau!ht up in it

    et:s look a little closer to see what we can learn about these thin! me draw your attention back to 2erses " and +. % really like the wordused in the &ew %nternational Dersion8insolent. 4ebster:s 9ictionarydefines this word as one who is oldly disrespectful in speech orehavior, impertinent, arrogantly contemptuous, overearing There

    are many -hristians today who seem to fit this description.;orah became insolent and rose up a!ainst Moses. This is what

    always happens when people !et insolent. They always rise a!ainstleaders. &o one lo2ed these people more than their pastor/ Moses/ andhis ri!ht(hand man/ Aaron. %n fact/ if Moses and Aaron wouldn:t ha2e


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    %he Spirit of Korah

    prayed for them so consistently/ they would ha2e been wiped outse2eral times8by od Himself. E2en so/ they turned a!ainst Moses

    and rose up a!ainst him with ;orah as their leader.4hy is it that e2eryone who !ets into trouble in their own heart has

    to blame the pastor or the churchJ 4ill there e2er be a time whenrebellious/ insolent people will take accountability for their ownsadness and actionsJ

    ook e2en closer now and see who ;orah !ot to side with him. %twasn:t the poor/ weak little lambs. %t was the leaders8+$' well(knownchurch leaders. But that is not all. They were also appointees and

    members of the council.

    >ust like today/ huhJ %f one ;orah in the midst of hundreds ofpeople becomes insolent and mouthy/ many of the other leaders oin inon the uprisal. Sheep do not do such thin!s

    4hy is it this wayJ 4hy can:t these people ust lea2e peacefullywith their belli!erent heartsJ 4hat possesses these people to causetrouble and collect a band of people with

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Moses 53T They wanted him out so they could be the authority andha2e the final word on all matters. 9o you know what is the funny part

    of thisJ ;orah moti2ated these men to do this e2il work/ and then afterit was done/ he would ha2e announced that he was !oin! to be the newMoses. This is the way it always works. 5ne man stirs up others a!ainstwhat they call a one(man show/ and after they !et rid of the one man/the ori!inator makes his sly announcement that it isn:t !oin! to be ateam effort anymore. % feel so 2ery sorry for these poor defiled anddecei2ed people.

    Derses * and # may help us understand some of the dri2e these

    people ha2e. Moses challen!ed them and reminded them that they hadbeen hand(selected by od to the ministry of helps and should be 2erysatisfied to be lay workers. %n 2erse "' Moses says/

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    %he Spirit of Korah

    2endetta a!ainst pastors and other ministers. 4hat a shame 4hat aministry/ huhJ8to !o around town defamin! and 2omitin! on e2eryone

    the trash you feel you must minister to them. Be a minister of li!ht/lo2e/ and -hrist/ not a 2icious whirlwind of strife and malice.

    % ha2e had different sheep and some !oats slip from the flock.4hen % call for them/ they do one of two thin!s. %f they are humble/holy/ clean sheep/ they come runnin! back to their fold. %f they ha2e aspirit like ;orah/ they say/ ected

    $ut they will not get very far ecause, as in the case of thosemen, their folly will e clear to everyone"

    5 Timothy =0*(# K&%DL" *overs of themselves, lovers of money, oastful, proud,

    ausive, disoedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

    without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self8control,rutal, not lovers of the good,

    treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather thanlovers of od"

    + Timothy =0+() K&%DL


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Th# +o.&h S-(.(


    ". Cou will not like your pastor:s style of leadership.

    +. Cou will think the con!re!ation is holy and the preacher is shaky.

    =. Cou will ha2e problems/ suspectin! the preacher is stealin! themoney.

    ). Cou will want to be a board member or in another leadershipposition so you can chan!e what you don:t like.

    $. Cou will watch and ud!e the preacher rather than obey the 4ordand help the people.

    7. Cou will band people to!ether a!ainst the pastor in home meetin!s/or you will start a petition of impeachment.

    ,. Cou will be!in to openly challen!e your spiritual leaders.

    *. Cou will think the anointin! has left/ and you will yell

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    %he Spirit of Korah

    Th# +o.&h S-(.(


    Ask yourself these questions0

    ". 9o % ha2e a hard time with my pastor ha2in! authorityJ

    +. 9o % feel he is unfair with the demand he puts on me to perform inspiritual thin!sJ

    =. 9o % often want to band with someone else and speak wron!a!ainst my pastorJ

    ). 9o % feel that

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    ,Th# S-(.( o7 H&.# &n S#2(on,

    The >e?ebel spirit is one that leads you to hatred. Cou will turnfrom your lo2e walk and be!in to de2our and seduce the holy leaders of

    the ord.Cou ladies/ especially/ watch out

    Te6t0 " ;in!s "*/ "#/ and +"

    Before we look into these scriptures/ let me remind you that we arenot doin! a study on certain Bible characters but on the spirits that ledand hindered them. Today many people read these Bible stories andwonder how anyone could be like ;orah/ Absalom/ or >e?ebel/ while

    they themsel2es may be obtainin! some of these e6act problems. 4iththis in mind/ let:s read on.

    ")or it was so, when Je3eel cut off the prophets of the*:&,that :adiah took an hundred prophets, and hid them y fifty in acave, and fed them with read and water"

    " ;in!s "*0)

    "0as it not told my lord what ! did when Je3eel slew theprophets of the *:&, how ! hid an hundred men of the *:&'S

    prophets y fifty in a cave, and fed them with read and water1"

    " ;in!s "*0"=

    "-nd -ha told Je3eel all that ?li>ah had done, and withalhow he had slain all the prophets with the sword

    %hen Je3eel sent a messenger unto ?li>ah, saying, So let thegods do to me, and more also, if ! make not thy life as the life of oneof them y to morrow aout this time"

    " ;in!s "#0"(+

    >e?ebel was a woman/ the wife of Ahab Kone of the most e2il kin!se2er to rei!nL. They truly deser2ed each other and made a !ood pair.KActually they were a 2ery adpair.L

    >e?ebel actually had no authority of her own. She was simply the


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    wife of one who had authority. Howe2er/ she consistently borrowed/stole/ and misused the kin!:s throne and his power.

    The spirit of this woman dro2e her to !et what she wanted nomatter what the cost. She couldn:t stand anyone to deny her or herhusband. She was 2ery power(thirsty and wicked.

    >e?ebel hated the prophets of od because they ser2ed differentlythan her. They prophesied to the people what od said/ so she wasthreatened by them. >e??y was a 2ery ner2ous/ shifty woman. Shewanted people to ser2e Baal/ not >eho2ah. As you well know/ od:smen don:t !o for this8not e2en if the !o2ernment decrees it. Finally the

    lady seduced her husband and other prophets and e2en be!an to slay thetrue prophets of the ord. >e?ebel could not stand to think that someonehad more fa2or than her.

    5ne day her husband asked a palace nei!hbor to sell him his well(kept 2ineyard. After all/ it was real close to the palace walls/ and hubbywanted it. Hey/ with this spirit/ whate2er hubby wants/ he can ha2e aslon! as it doesn:t cost her anythin!. >e??y went and put a letter out on&aboth/ the 2ineyard owner. Then two spies were dispatched to smut

    his name and brin! lies a!ainst him. The end result0 &aboth wasdra!!ed out of town and stoned. >e??y !ot the 2ineyard for hubby/ andthey went down to possess it. All was !oin! ust fine for the e2il crew/until Eliah and od . . . od directed Eliah to meet them at the2ineyard. Eliah met them/ and this is the outcome.

    " %hus saith the *:&, ah, e?ebel died alon! with Ahab/ but what do you suppose happened


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    %he Spirit of Je3eel

    to that dri2in! spirit that kept her in the flesh/ hatin! e2eryone andseekin! the chief seatsJ Cou:re ri!ht. %t:s roamin! around today wantin!

    to rest on you and make friends with you. % hope you aren:t thatdesperate for friends

    Today in the church world this spirit works desperately hard to !eton women. Satan wants to dri2e these women to rule o2er whate2erauthority their husband has.

    %:2e seen this >e??y spirit be!in to minister to women/ and theyslowly walk out of line/ !et out of order/ and be!in to hate and speakfilthy thin!s a!ainst the prophets or pastor. These women push for

    control8in the home/ marria!e/ church/ pulpit/ work8e2erywhere.They must be in char!e/ and they will kill the pastor:s reputation inorder to influence others. They constantly mutilate the pastor:sreputation as they put themsel2es up for positions and leadershipa2ailability.

    %t:s like the woman who said

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits


    E?ekiel =)0",("* K&%DL

    This is e6actly what demons want to use you to do. Eat what youenoy/ and ruin all the rest for e2erybody else. 9rink what is !ood foryou/ but speak bad about what you don:t like so no one else can enoy iteither. This is e6actly what they want you to do.


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    %he Spirit of Je3eel

    Th# J#5#9#% S-(.(


    ". %t mostly ministers to women.

    +. Cou will desire the

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Th# J#5#9#% S-(.(


    adies/ ask yoursel2es these questions0

    ". 9o % often want to shut the preacher:s mouthJ

    +. 9o % wrestle with !ifts and prophesies that % don:t deli2erJ

    =. 9o % always try to domineer and o2erpower my husband/ boss/pastor/ and friendsJ

    ). 9o % often turn from lo2e to hate or from support to opposition inmy relationship with my pastorJ

    $. 9o % !et hurt/ bitter/ or mad because % personally can:t be close/intimate friends with my pastorJ

    7. 9o % !et easily offended when % am corrected and because of thatstrike out a!ainst the leadershipJ

    ,. 9o % see myself out to !ain thin!s/ money/ presti!e/ position/ orpopularityJ

    %f you answered yes to any of these questions/ you are in troublewith od. Fast/ pray/ and !o for mature spiritual help from a reputableminister of the !ospel of -hrist.


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    ,Th# J#&%o2/ S-(.( o7 Con/-(.&4,

    The Absalom spirit is one that will lead you into realms ofealousy. Cou will be ealous of other belie2ers/ ministers/ and e2en

    family members. This spirit will cause you to be part of a conspiracya!ainst your spiritual leaders.

    Te6t0 + Samuel "$ and "*

    "-nd it came to pass after this, that -salom prepared himchariots and horses, and fifty men to run efore him

    -nd -salom rose up early, and stood eside the way of thegate/ and it was so, that when any man that had a controversy cameto the king for >udgment, then -salom called unto him, and said, :f

    what city art thou1 -nd he said, %hy servant is of one of the tries of!srael

    -nd -salom said unto him, See, thy matters are good andright; ut there is no man deputed of the king to hear thee

    -salom said moreover, :h that ! were made >udge in the land,that every man which hath any suit or cause might come unto me,and ! would do him >ustice9

    -nd it was so, that when any man came nigh to him to do himoeisance, he put forth his hand, and took him, and kissed him

    -nd on this manner did -salom to all !srael that came to theking for >udgment/ so -salom stole the hearts of the men of !srael"

    + Samuel "$0"(7

    This is pretty low. This is bad/ folks/ when a man will do thin!sthis bad behind his own father:s back ust to make himself look !ood.4hat a little rebel he was. Absalom would de!rade his own dad:sreputation by complainin! about his ability to ud!e and run thekin!dom. Absalom was e2en found embracin! and kissin! cheeks ofmen he wanted to !ain fa2or with. This is the ultimate of politicalmaneu2er8kissin! of cheeks

    Absalom actually worked on these people behind the kin!:s backuntil he stole their hearts. They be!an to belie2e Absalom and doubt


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    9a2id. They thou!ht Absalom was sweet and carin! and that 9a2id wasbold and hard.

    %:ll tell you/ friend/ many/ many people do this same e6act thin! inthe church today. This is especially true amon! assistant leaders. They!et ealous of the number one man/ so they politick the people towardthem and a!ainst their pastor. They !et ealous of the ministry thatpastor has/ and they try to ha2e one ust as !ood without payin! theprice. %t won:t work But this is what the Absalom spirit will dri2e youto do.

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    %he Spirit of -salom

    Today in our churches there are Absaloms who think they can kisscheeks and shake hands with e2eryone to !ain fa2or. They talk about

    the pastor and his inefficiency in office. They dream about themsel2esbecomin! pastors. %t:s the same spirit that was on Absalom. 5ne day/after they !ather enou!h ill(reputed men and women on their side/ theywill try to o2erthrow the pulpit/ e2en at the cost of splittin! the church.Cou know/ men like this really don:t care too much for anyone oranythin! but themsel2es. They are too power(hun!ry/ too presti!e(thirsty. %t:s sad to say/ but they will be left han!in! someday reali?in!that they ha2e reaped what they ha2e sown.

    9on:t let it be you. Stay away from these kinds of criminal bands.4atch out for Absalom.

    5h yes/ one more thin!0 4atch out for the pastor:s number onechief warrior/ because he:s waitin! for the day you han! yourself. Coumi!ht ust find that his lo2e and dedication to the pastor is stron!er thanyour ealousy and conspiracy.


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Th# A9/&%o3 S-(.(


    ". Cou will be!in to ud!e your own family members.

    +. Cou will be!in to wish you were in char!e.

    =. Cou will think and say/

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    %he Spirit of -salom

    Th# A9/&%o3 S-(.(


    Ask yourself these questions0

    ". 9o % feel my pastor is too hard or too strictJ

    +. 9o % often find the need to !o and share thin!s that bother me withother peopleJ

    =. 9o % try to band to!ether with people who ha2e the same problems% doJ

    ). Am % politickin!/ kissin! cheeks/ or lickin! the wounds of peoplewho ha2e hurt feelin!s and char!es a!ainst church leadershipJ

    $. 9o " e2er think or say/

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    ,Th# R#%(0(o2/ &n P.(#72% S-(.(,

    The Saulish spirit is one that leads you into self(centeredness andpride. Cou will end up in reli!ion/ and you will deny the power of true

    -hristianity.Te6t0 " Samuel # and +*

    " Saul, a choice young man, and a goodly/ and there was notamong the children of !srael a goodlier person than he/ from hisshoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people"

    " Samuel #:)

    "-nd when Samuel saw Saul, the*:&said unto him, $ehold

    the man whom ! spake to thee of9 this same shall reign over mypeople"

    " Samuel #0",

    % purposely started with these scriptures because % wanted you tosee that most bad/ spoiled/ and troubled -hristians all start out !ood/ust like Saul. He started out so !ood. He was a !ood person/ and odappointed him to be a ruler o2er His people. The rophet Samuel wasalso impressed by him/ so it started out well for Saul. This is the way it

    is for most people today. They start out fine. Their attitude is !ood/ andthey ser2e the ord well. Somehow/ throu!h the months or years/ theybe!in to !row weary or !et hurt or disappointed/ and then/ ust likeSaul/ they be!in to say and do bad thin!s.

    Saul somehow obtained a reli!ious spirit which slowly led himaway from the true presence of od. He be!an to challen!e the priestsand e2en offer his own sacrifices. He slowly came to the decision thathe didn:t need any priests at all in his life. %n fact/ he !rew so

    hardhearted and bitter that he refused to let the prophet minister to thesoldiers before enterin! battle. 5ne day he e2en referred to himself asthe sacrifice for od.

    There are people ust like this today. They follow these e6act steps.First they chan!e from Holy Spirit leadership to reli!ious(spirit


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    leadership. Then they be!in to !row bitter and hardhearted. Soon theyare pushin! the pastor out of the way and doin! their own ministry. %t

    won:t be lon! until their self(centeredness and pride will lift them sohi!h they will be worthless to od.

    "Samuel also said unto Saul, %he*:&sent me to anoint theeto e king over his people, over !srael/ now therefore hearken thou

    unto the voice of the words of the*:&"

    " Samuel "$0"

    "Now go and smite -malek, and utterly destroy all that theyhave, and spare them not; ut slay oth man and woman, infant and

    suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass"

    " Samuel "$0=

    "-nd Saul smote the -malekites from

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    %he Saulish Spirit

    % watch this happen quite often. eople know what to do to beobedient to -hrist/ but somehow they ust don:t obey. Then when they

    do sin/ they don:t see it. They accuse the prophet of bein! preudiced ortouchy. My friend you are in deep trouble when you sin and don:t e2enreali?e it. Cou are in bi!!er trouble when a spiritual leader points it outto you/ and you still make e6cuses for it or e2en deny you did it or saidit.

    ook at the 2erses below/ and see what Saul had to say about hissin.

    "-nd Saul said unto Samuel, 2ea, ! have oeyed the voice of the

    *:&, and have gone the way which the *:&sent me, and haverought -gag the king of -malek, and have utterly destroyed the-malekites

    $ut the people took of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the chief of thethings which should have een utterly destroyed, to sacrifice unto the

    *:&thy od in ilgal"

    " Samuel "$0+'(+"

    %sn:t that somethin!J Saul actually blamed his disobedience and

    poor leadership on the people. He said/

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    do well and be!in to ad2ance in the kin!dom of od. Soon/ they !etlifted up in themsel2es and be!in to make decisions on their own. They

    !et too bi! for their britches/ and then they disobey od.1emember this0 1eli!ion clouds your con2ictions/ and it dilutes

    your power in -hrist. ride always ustifies your feelin!s and actions/and it always lifts self up abo2e e2erythin! and e2eryone else.

    9o you know that some people are so deeply in trouble spirituallythat they turn a!ainst the priests KpastorsLJ That:s ri!ht That:s one ofthe stron!holds this Saulish spirit has on people. %t tells people that theydon:t need the spiritual leader and that they don:t need any help.

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    %he Saulish Spirit

    Saul sou!ht help from a witch.

    " Samuel ="0)(7

    Saul committed suicide.

    "-nd as Samuel turned aout to go away, he laid hold upon theskirt of his mantle, and it rent

    -nd Samuel said unto him, %he*:&hath rent the kingdom of!srael from thee this day, and hath given it to a neighour of thine,that is etter than thou"

    " Samuel "$0+,(+*

    This is so typical. Saul lashed out at the prophet. He actually renthis priestly/ or prophetic/ !arments. Cou know what happened to Saulfrom there.

    isten/ friends/ so many people today are ust like Saul. They startout so !ood and so humble. They seem to do so well for some time/ andthen it:s a downhill decline. They start out in ealousy/ then reli!iousacti2ity/ then puttin! down the priests/ then offerin! their own sacrifice/then throwin! a2elins/ then framin! their own lo2ed ones/ then

    rampa!in! the kin!dom like a tyrant out of control/ and so on.% hope you don:t end up like Saul. %t:s terrible to die as one who had

    ne2er been anointed. E2en worse is when you die with no anointin!because you did yourself in. K1ead + Sam. "0+".L

    This Saulish spirit wants to fellowship with you and ha2e acon2ersation with you. This demon wants to talk to your head. Cou!uard yourself biblically. @uit meditatin! in ne!ati2es/ and please don:tbe a trash collector.

    4hen reli!ion Kdiluted/ counterfeit -hristianityL comes your way/throw it out. 9on:t be your own priest. 4hen ealousy and pride rise upwithin you/ cast them down8tell them to !et lost

    % pray to od you will stay humble and obey Him.

    %t would be !ood for you not to ha2e a priest:s blood on your handsor in your record. 9on:t rent any mantles today


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Th# S&2%(/h S-(.(


    ". Always works on od:s chosen ones and their family members.

    +. %t will cause you to turn on your own helpers.

    =. Cou will be!in to be ealous of others: accomplishments.

    ). Cou will be!in to disobey od and not reali?e it.

    $. Cou will lash out toward the prophets when correction comes to

    you.7. Cou will play priest and be!in to handle your own sacraments.

    ,. Cou will harm od:s mantle and His priests.

    *. Cou will lose your humility and become arro!ant and ri!ht in yourown eyes.

    #. Cou will fear the people.


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    %he Saulish Spirit

    Th# S&2%(/h S-(.(


    Ask yourself these questions0

    ". 9o % !et ealous of other belie2ers or ministriesJ

    +. 9o % lash out at my leaders when % am correctedJ

    =. 9o % always ha2e to be confronted with my sin because % don:t seeit in timeJ

    ). 9o % make e6cuses for my sinful words and actionsJ$. 9o % often feel % could make it okay without any spiritual


    7. 9o % sometimes despise outbursts of worship like shouts/ dancin!/etc.J

    ,. 9o % often think more hi!hly of myself than % ou!htJ

    %f you answered yes to any of these questions/ you are in trouble

    with od. Fast/ pray/ and !o for mature spiritual help from a reputableminister of the !ospel of -hrist.


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    CHAPTER > Th(/ /-(.( ?(%% (n7%2#n# 4o2 o /#%% o2 4o2. %#.&n (# (n /2((#>

    "%hen one of the twelve, called Judas !scariot, went unto thechief priests,

    -nd said unto them, 0hat will ye give me, and ! will deliver himunto you1 -nd they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver

    -nd from that time he sought opportunity to etray him"

    Matthew +70")("7

    1emember that we are talkin! about the spirit that dro2e %scariot todo what he did. The man >udas died but the spirit that influenced him isstill on the earth. As % e6pose this demon in this chapter/ you will ha2eto admit that it is still ministerin! to church people today.

    >udas was chosen to be one of the twel2e but ne2er really seemedto be of the same spirit and heart of the others.

    He was often questionin! some of the thin!s that >esus did. He

    seemed to present a spiritual attitude that was hi!her than the others:and sometimes e2en hi!her than >esus:.

    "%hen Jesus six days efore the passover came to $ethany,where *a3arus was which had een dead, whom he raised from thedead

    %here they made him a supper; and 4artha served/ ut *a3aruswas one of them that sat at the tale with him

    %hen took 4ary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly,

    and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair/ andthe house was filled with the odour of the ointment

    %hen saith one of his disciples, Judas !scariot, Simon's son,which should etray him,

    0hy was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    given to the poor1"

    >ohn "+0"($

    %sn:t it somethin! that >udas displays that superficial spiritualityhere and 2oices his !reat care for the poor. This spirit always causespeople to be concerned about how the preacher uses the money anddisplays an e6tra concern for the people.

    He ust couldn:t stand the fact that someone was !i2in! thepreacher attention instead of !i2in! it to him. He wasn:t concerned forthe poor. This was an indictment a!ainst the character and inte!rity of>esus.

    4hen this demon be!ins to indoctrinate people/ they will becomemore and more suspicious of the preachers.

    E2entually they will openly challen!e the preachers: inte!rity.

    "$ut, ehold, the hand of him that etrayeth me is with me onthe tale

    -nd truly the Son of man goeth, as it was determined/ ut woeunto that man y whom he is etrayed9

    -nd they egan to en(uire among themselves, which of them itwas that should do this thing"

    L2=# )):)1")!

    ay 2ery close attention here as % re2eal to you one of the mostdeadly thin!s about this demon. This spirit made >udas an undetectableimitator and pretender.

    The other ele2en ne2er suspected >udas as a traitor. %n fact when

    >esus told the twel2e that there was a betrayer amon! them/ theycouldn:t fi!ure out who it was.

    This spirit will cause you to pretend to be a real -hristian so wellthat only you will know the difference. 4e see this e2ery day in thechurches of the :#'s.

    "0hen Jesus had thus said, he was trouled in spirit, andtestified, and said, Verily, verily, ! say unto you, that one of you shalletray me

    %hen the disciples looked one on another, doubting of whomhe spake.

    Now there was leaning on Jesus' osom one of his disciples,whom Jesus loved

    Simon +eter therefore eckoned to him, that he should ask who


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    %he !scariot Spirit

    it should e of whom he spake

    esus labeled >udas/ thetwel2e still didn:t really catch on. This is a si!n of ust how con2incin!>udas:s pretense was. E2en after >esus marked him in the face of them

    all/ they were still sort of disillusioned.This spirit will not only take control of the 2essel that yields to it/

    but it will also confuse and disillusion those around it. %t will make itreal difficult for a leader to e2er e6pose the betrayer because the othersmay want to side with or !o with him.

    % want you to see that all the time >udas was with >esus and underthat anointin! he seemed to fit ri!ht in/ but as soon as he was in anotheren2ironment/ he fit in there.

    This spirit will cause you to ha2e a dual personality and a dual2ocabulary8one when you are around the other -hristians and anotherwhen you are with the world or the reli!ious crowd. Cour 2alues will!et all misconstrued/ and you will make all the wron! choices/ causin!you to abandon

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    -nd he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and

    departed, and went and hanged himself.$

    M&h#? );:!"

    &otice in the scripture ust quoted that >udas repented but to thewron! people. He repented to the people he sinned with rather than thepeople he sinned a!ainst. % see many people practice this decei2in!form of repentance and really end up no better off than >udas.

    %n fact suicide has actually been predicted to be one of the topkillers of the end(time people. % wonder in many cases if it isn:t thissame spirit. Cou see/ feelin! bad about your sin isn:t enou!h. Cou must

    ha2e !odly sorrow if you are !oin! to really turn from it and find truerepentance. Cou must not only admit you sinned but !o to the peoplewhom you sinned a!ainst.

    The people >udas sinned with were not really the friends they madeon to be. They used him to the ma6/ and he didn:t e2en reali?e it.

    >udas was also 2ery sneaky. This spirit that influenced him madehim kind of slimy in the ways he sneaked around >esus and mocked the

    co2enant behind His back. %n fact he literally sold his pastor to the killercrowd for money. 9o you think there was a connection between thiskind of betrayal and the fact that >udas carried the money ba! for >esus:whole ministryJ

    "$ut Jesus said unto him, Judas, betraest thou the "on of

    man with a kiss% $

    uke ++0)*

    "-nd Judas also, which etrayed him, knew the place/ for Jesus

    ofttimes resorted thither with his disciples"

    >ohn "*0+

    All the time >udas was sellin! >esus he was still !oin! to all themeetin!s. %n fact >udas stayed to the 2ery esusfinally marked him.

    &otice that the betrayer actually pointed out >esus with a kiss. Thisis as low as you can !et. 1i!ht in front of the other disciples >udas

    kisses >esus so the enemy can take Him. This demon will !et stron!erand stron!er on you if you fellowship with it at all. %t will cause you to!et bolder about your co2ert acti2ities.

    &otice also that >udas knew ri!ht where >esus and His key menwould be. 4hen he was under that sweet anointin! of >esus/ he himself


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    %he !scariot Spirit

    at times felt the rush of the Spirit of od in his soul. Here he used thismemory of past intimacy as a weapon of hi!h treason.

    Bind this spirit and cast down e2ery thou!ht pertainin! to it. Bestron! and !odly when you are around those who ha2e alreadysuccumbed to its influence.


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Th# I/&.(o S-(.(


    ". This spirit will slowly cause you to ha2e a dual personality/ onewhen with -hristians and one when not.

    +. %t will make you a perfect pretender.

    =. %t will cause you to betray your leaders with a kiss.

    ). %t will cause you to question e2en the inte!rity of -hrist and His4ord.

    $. Cou will be responsible for the people around you whom youdecei2e.

    7. This spirit will cause you to be sneaky.

    ,. Cou will e2entually trade your walk with -hrist for money.

    *. Cou will want to repent but to the people you sinned with insteadof the ones you sinned a!ainst.

    #. This demon fellowships 2ery closely with the spirit of suicide.


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    %he !scariot Spirit

    Th# I/&.(o S-(.(


    Ask yourself these questions0

    ". 9o you e2er wonder why the other disciples always seem to bemore committed than youJ

    +. 9o you find yourself actin! less -hristian when you are aroundunsa2ed peopleJ

    =. 9oes money seem to be real important to youJ

    ). Are you ealous of your pastor and concerned about the amount ofattention that he !etsJ

    $. 9o you allow people to talk a!ainst your church and pastor in frontof you/ and do you say nothin! in their defenseJ

    7. 9oes anyone in your life really know what you are like in pri2ate/and do you try to a2oid them because of what they knowJ

    ,. 9o you repent to people you sin with instead of the ones you sina!ainstJ

    *. 9o you e2er fi!ht the thou!hts of suicideJ

    %f you answered yes to any of the abo2e questions/ you are introuble with od. Fast/ pray/ and !o for mature spiritual help from areputable minister of the !ospel of -hrist.


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  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits



    ,Th# Con&0(o2/ S-(.( o7 Un9#%(#7 &n Q2((n0,

    BEWARE > > > Th(/ /-(.( ?(%% &2/# 4o2 o o29 Go@ .#/(/ 4o2.%#.@ &n 2.n 9&= o E04->

    "$ehold, the*:&thy od hath set the land efore thee/ go upand possess it, as the*:&od of thy fathers hath said unto thee;fear not, neither e discouraged

    -nd ye came near unto me every one of you, and said, 0e willsend men efore us, and they shall search us out the land, and ringus word again y what way we must go up, and into what cities weshall come

    -nd the saying pleased me well/ and ! took twelve men of you,one of a trie/

    -nd they turned and went up into the mountain, and came untothe valley of ?shcol, and searched it out

    -nd they took of the fruit of the land in their hands, androught it down unto us, and rought us word again, and said, !t is

    a good land which the*:&our od doth give us

    Notwithstanding e would not go up, but rebelled against the

    commandment of the*ord your od/

    -nd e murmured in our tents, and said, $ecause the *:& hated us, he hath rought us forth out of the land of ?gypt, to deliverus into the hand of the -morites, to destroy us"

    D#2#.ono34 1:)1");

    The spirit of these ten spies is one that will cause you to die on thewron! side of the ri2er8the wron! side of the promises of od.

    These ten spies stirred up the whole con!re!ation to the de!ree that

    those walkin! in faith could not chan!e the people:s minds. -aleb/>oshua/ and Moses couldn:t e2en calm the crowd.

    5ne of the maor contentions of this demon is that it causes peopleto quit and e6pect od to do it all. 9on:t e2en try to tell me that thisspirit isn:t whisperin! to people today8yes/ e2en church people8in


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    fact maybe mostly church people.

    Cou see these ten spies were disturbed that they had wandered for a

    year/ and now they ha2e found the promise land ust to disco2er thatod wasn:t ust turnin! it o2er to them. They thou!ht that they had doneenou!h to inherit the promises. They were put out that od wasn:t ust!oin! to hand it to them.

    They reco!ni?ed that it was the land od promised/ but they wereafraid of the !iants and the fortified cities. >oshua and -aleb took it as ari!hteous challen!e and wanted to !o possess it.

    4hen you let this demon minister to you/ you become weak in faithand e6pect od to do it all.

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    %he Spirit of the %en Spies

    which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up theinhaitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of agreat stature

    -nd there we saw the giants, the sons of -nak, which come ofthe giants/ and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so wewere in their sight"

    N239#./ 1!:)"!!

    "-nd all the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried& and

    the people wept that night.

    -nd all the children of #srael murmured against 'oses andagainst -aron/ and the whole congregation said unto them, 0ouldod that we had died in the land of ?gypt9 or would od we haddied in this wilderness9

    -nd wherefore hath the*:&rought us unto this land, to fally the sword, that our wives and our children should e a prey1were it not etter for us to return into ?gypt1

    (nd the said one to another, Let us make a captain, and let

    us return into )gpt.$

    N239#./ 1:1"

    Beware of this anti(faith/ anti(coura!e spirit and those who areinfluenced by it. %f it !ets on you/ it will take you totally off course.


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Th# S-(.( o7 h# T#n S-(#/


    ". They were put out that od didn:t ust hand o2er their blessin!s.

    +. They were so disappointed that

  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits


    %he Spirit of the %en Spies

    Th# S-(.( o7 h# T#n S-(#/


    Ask yourself these questions0

    ". 9o you at times think that od should ust hand o2er His !oods toyou without you doin! anythin!J

    +. 9o you always look at the obstacles rather than od:s ability tohelp you o2ercome themJ

    =. 9o you e2er stir up others in order to pro2e your pointJ

    ). 9o you e2er rally a!ainst your leader in the ordJ

    $. 4ho looks bi!!er to you8your !iants or your odJ

    7. 9o you see yourself as less than how the 4ord sees youJ

    ,. 9o you reco!ni?e the promises of od but feel you will ne2er ha2ethem for yourselfJ

    *. 9o you feel your leader is not qualified to lead you into the

    promise landJ

    %f you answered yes to any of these questions/ you are in troublewith od. Fast/ pray/ and !o for mature spiritual help from a reputableminister of the !ospel of -hrist.


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  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits



    ,Th# S-(.( o7 h# Wo.%,

    BEWARE >>> Th(/ /-(.( (/ ?&n(n0 o 2/# 4o2 o #/#. h#

    -.#&h#. &n 0o 7o. h# ?o.%>

    "4arcus, -ristarchus,Demas,*ucas, m fellow*labourers.$

    Ph(%#3on )

    9emas was a fellow laborer of the Apostle aul. %t seems that heworked hand in hand with aul and was part of the apostolic companythat ourneyed around the world preachin! the !ospel and buildin! the-hurch.

    The Apostle aul by far had the most prominent ministry of theday/ so 9emas had a pretty hi!h spot in the -hurch world as he workedwith aul.

    ")or &emas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world,and is departed unto %hessalonica; #rescens to alatia, %itus unto&almatia"

    + Timothy )0"'

    aul described in the 2erses abo2e that 9emas was not with himanymore and in fact wasn:t e2en in the ministry anymore. 4hat is itbesides a demonic influence that can cause a man to lea2e such abeautiful position in life and cash in his eternityJ

    % want you to see the three thin!s that this spirit did in 9emas:s life.%t does the same thin!s today/ and it is easy to see in some churchmembers.

    First/ 9emas forsook aul. Forsakin! your pastor and !oin! with a

    stran!er on your own is always the first si!n of spiritual trouble of anykind.

    Second/ 9emas fell in lo2e KlustL with the world. 5nce you cast offrestraint you are done. %t:s ust a matter of time before you are of theworld once a!ain. 4hen you !row cold and !et your focus away from


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    the 2isionary in your life/ then you be!in to be attracted to the worldlythin!s. The ord once said to me that the attractions of the world are

    really ust distractions to the -hristian.Third/ 9emas departed. %t is only a matter of time before you

    depart once you take the other two steps. earn from 9emas/ and stayaway from this spirit. 9on:t let it !et on you/ and don:t fellowship withpeople who ha2e it.

    9emas died of course/ but the demon Satan assi!ned to his life todestroy him is still tryin! to duplicate its pattern on people today.

    ". %t coerces you to forsake your pastor.+. %t makes the thin!s of this world not only look attracti2e but seem

    feasible to ha2e and enoy.

    =. %t causes you to become bold in denial and actually depart from theministry od assi!ned you to.

    Bind it in >esus: name


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    %he Spirit of &emas

    Th# S-(.( o7 D#3&/


    ". This spirit will cause you to look at the world and its thin!s all thetime you are walkin! with -hrist.

    +. The lo2e for worldly thin!s will draw you away from the church.

    =. Cou will first forsake your preacher.

    ). Cou will e2entually depart from the ministry you are in2ol2ed inand !o for the world.

    $. The seducti2e power of this spirit will actually lead you into theworld that you once denounced.


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Th# S-(.( o7 D#3&/


    Ask yourself these questions0

    ". 9o you cra2e worldly thin!s instead of the thin!s of odJ

    +. 9o you ser2e in the church but feel somewhat put out because ofitJ

    =. 9o you e2er feel like od owes you somethin! and that He shouldreward you for your ser2iceJ

    ). 9oes prosperity only mean money and possessions to youJ

    $. 9o you feel the draw to pull away from the church and !o for the!oodsJ

    7. 9o you e2er feel like your pastor is holdin! you back orpostponin! your promotionJ

    ,. 9o you at times feel like the best thin! for you to do is depart andust !o for the possessions and promotions in the worldJ

    *. 9o you e2er !et ealous when others !et blessedJ

    %f you answered yes to any of these questions/ you are in troublewith od. Fast/ pray/ and !o for mature spiritual help from a reputableminister of the !ospel of -hrist.


  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits



    ,Th# S-(.( o7 G.## &n S#%7"/##=(n0,

    BEWARE > > > Th(/ /-(.( ?(%% 3&=# 4o2 /#%7"/##=(n0 &n /n#&=4> I?(%% &2/# 4o2 o 9# %#-.o2/ &n #$#n 2./# 4o2. h(%.#n>

    "$ut eha3i, the servant of ?lisha the man of od, said,$ehold, my master hath spared Naaman this Syrian, in not receiving

    at his hands that which he rought/ ut, as the *:& liveth, ! willrun after him, and take somewhat of him

    So eha3i followed after Naaman -nd when Naaman saw himrunning after him, he lighted down from the chariot to meet him, andsaid, !s all well1

    -nd he said, -ll is well ' master hath sent me, saying,$ehold, even now there e come to me from mount ?phraim twoyoung men of the sons of the prophets/ give them, ! pray thee, atalent of silver, and two changes of garments

    -nd Naaman said, $e content, take two talents -nd he urgedhim, and ound two talents of silver in two ags, with two changesof garments, and laid them upon two of his servants; and they arethem efore him

    -nd when he came to the tower, he took them from their hand,

    and bestowed them in the house! and he let the men go, and theydeparted

    $ut he went in, and stood efore his master -nd ?lisha said

    unto him, 0hence comest thou, eha3i1 -nd he said, +h servant

    went no whither.

    -nd he said unto him, 0ent not mine heart with thee, when theman turned again from his chariot to meet thee1 !s it a time toreceive money, and to receive garments, and oliveyards, andvineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and

    maidservants1%he lepros therefore of aaman shall cleave unto thee, and

    unto th seed for ever.-nd he went out from his presence a leper aswhite as snow"

    ) +(n0/ :)*");


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    This story has always ama?ed me. % could ne2er fi!ure out how onearth a man with this kind of fa2or and position could trade it all in for

    money.Elisha turned down the !eneral when he offered the prophet an

    offerin! for his ser2ices. The assistant/ eha?i/ somehow couldn:tunderstand this and decided he would reap the benefit. He chased downthe !eneral and lied to him. He told &aaman that Elisha had sent himand that he had chan!ed his mind about the offerin!. This is a prettyse2ere lie. yin! about what your leader says and misquotin! ormisinterpretin! him is part of the influence of this demon.

    eneral &aaman paid a pretty sum/ and his men deli2ered it toeha?i:s dwellin!. eha?i hid it there thinkin! somehow that theprophet would ne2er know what he did. % wonder what eha?i plannedto spend it on. He was with the prophet e2ery day. &o matter how hespent it/ Elisha would see the e2idence.

    % !uess eha?i lost track of the fact that his boss was a prophet.Elisha picked up his acti2ities in the spirit realm and actually toldeha?i that his spirit was with him when he sinned.

    4hen this spirit influences people/ it will cause them to sell outtheir leaders as well as their own soul. %t is a conni2in! and lyin! spirit.This spirit is 2ery close to the one on >udas %scariot.

    eha?i was the assistant minister to the number one ministry of hisday. He could ha2e easily inherited Elisha:s mantle ust like Elishainherited Eliah:s. %nstead he !a2e it all up to cheat and seek self(!ain.He became a leper/ he died a leper/ and his children were all leprous.

    4ow%f you allow this spirit to speak to you/ influence you/ or

    indoctrinate you/ then you also will become a self(seeker/ liar/ andconni2er. Cou will !o for the money or any other opportunity that theprophet turns down. Cou will be con2inced that it:s the only way to !etahead and that od isn:t mo2in! on your behalf.

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    %he Spirit of eha3i

    Th# S-(.( o7 G#h&5(


    ". This e2il spirit will cause you to be ealous of the attention thatyour leaderpastor !ets from people that you feel you should !et.

    +. This spirit will influence you to sneak around the ministry and dealwith thin!s your own way e2en thou!h you know how your pastorhas dealt with them.

    =. Cou will be willin! to hide thin!s from your -hristian leaders andthe brethren in order to be

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Th# S-(.( o7 G#h&5(


    Ask yourself these questions0

    ". 9o you e2er feel like your -hristian leader !ets all the attentionwhile you do all the workJ

    +. Are you e2er ealous of the attention that your pastor !etsJ

    =. 9o you e2er ud!e how your pastor handles different thin!s/ and doyou think you could do it betterJ

    ). 9o you e2er wonder why your -hristian leader KpastorL turns downbusiness opportunities or certain offerin!sJ

    $. 9o you sca2en!e e2erythin! you can that your pastor turns downKmeetin!s/ money/ fa2or with people/ etc.LJ

    7. 9o you wish you were

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    ,Ho%(n0 B&= & L(%# 7o. Yo2./#%7 &n L4(n0 o

    h# Ho%4 Gho/,

    BEWARE >>> Th(/ #3on ?&n/ 4o2 o o33( 9%&/-h#34 o7 h#Ho%4 S-(.( 94 no =##-(n0 4o2. ?o. o h# h2.h>

    "Neither was there any among them that lacked/ for as many aswere possessors of lands or houses sold them, and rought the pricesof the things that were sold,

    -nd laid them down at the apostles' feet/ and distriution wasmade unto every man according as he had need

    -nd Joses, who y the apostles was surnamed $arnaas, @whichis, eing interpreted, %he son of consolation,A a *evite, and of thecountry of #yprus,

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    -nd +eter answered unto her, %ell me whether ye sold the landfor so much1 -nd she said, 2ea, for so much

    %hen +eter said unto her, How is it that e have agreedtogether to tempt the "pirit of the Lord% ehold, the feet of themwhich have uried thy husand are at the door, and shall carry theeout

    %hen fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up theghost/ and the young men came in, and found her dead, and,carrying her forth, uried her y her husand

    -nd great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many asheard these things"

    Acts $0"(""

    This is another one of those stories that ust doesn:t make muchsense8in the natural % mean. Sure % understand the principles here/ but% don:t understand why a man would cash in e2erythin! and risk hiseternal state ust for a profit for a season.

    Ananias saw and heard how Barnabas had sold a piece of land andsowed the profit into the ;in!dom. Maybe Ananias saw the attentionthat he !ot and wanted some of it for himself. Either way/ he blew it bi!time.

    Ananias was !uilty of lyin! to the Holy Spirit/ but you wouldn:tha2e con2inced him of that. He felt he was ri!ht with od e2en thou!hhe cheated the -hurch Kthe ord:s BodyL and the preacher Kthe ord:s2esselL.

    Ananias:s basic sin was that

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    %he Spirit of -nanias and Sapphira

    suppose this is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

    Ananias probably had a little contention with eter and for some

    reason kept back a little of the pled!e money for himself. Howe2er/>esus interpreted it as lyin! to the Holy Spirit/ not to eter. Ananiasdied and eter kept ri!ht on preachin!. % !uess it:s clear whose side theord was on.

    This spirit will influence you to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. %t willcon2ince you that the preacher is not a real man of od and that itdoesn:t matter how you deal with him. Surprise

    % know people/ and so do you/ who ha2e sinned as bad as Ananiasand maybe worse. Cou must pray for them desperately so they willrepent before it is too late. Many of them ha2e cheated on their pled!esor walked away and not !i2en anythin! at all towards it.

    Bind this demon in >esus: name/ and keep it away from you andyour spouse. ;eep your word and pay your pled!es/ e2en if for somereason you no lon!er attend the church where you pled!ed.

    &othin! is worth dyin! for/ and certainly nothin! is worth

    committin! blasphemy of the Holy Spirit o2er.


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Th# S-(.( o7 An&n(&/ &n S&--h(.&


    ". This spirit will cause you to hold back a little for yourself.

    +. This spirit will cause you to lie to your pastors and ultimately lie tothe Holy Spirit.

    =. This spirit will cause you to rene!e on your 2erbal commitments tothe house of the ord.

    ). Cou will want to do ri!ht but will always cheat a little somewhere.

    $. Cou will actually think it is okay to not keep your word with thepreacher and the church you attend or the one you ust left.

    7. This spirit wants to e2entually lead you to blasphemy of the HolySpirit.

    ,. Cour whole family will be sucked into this acti2ity and end uppayin! the whole price with you.


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    %he Spirit of -nanias and Sapphira

    Th# S-(.( o7 An&n(&/ &n S&--h(.&


    Ask yourself these questions0

    ". 9o you e2er keep back somethin! for yourself that you promisedodJ

    +. 9o you e2er only keep part of your promises and pled!es to odand the church you attendJ

    =. 9o you e2er think it is okay with od that you treat your pastor

    with disrespectJ

    ). 9o you e2er feel like you !ot away with doin! partial instead ofdoin! allJ

    $. 9o you e2er in2ol2e your family in the wron!s that you do or thatyou allowJ

    7. 9o you e2er pretend in church or act like you are in !ood standin!when you know in your heart that you are notJ

    ,. Has this spirit already caused you to do thin!s that you ha2en:trepented of and repaired yetJ

    %f you answered yes to any of these questions/ you are in troublewith od. Fast/ pray/ and !o for mature spiritual help from a reputableminister of the !ospel of -hrist.


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    ,In#.#/# 92 No H2n0.4,

    BEWARE > > > Th(/ /-(.( ?(%% #%% 4o2 &%% =(n/ o7 .#&/on/ ?h4 4o2/ho2% no 0($# 2- &n4h(n0 o 7o%%o? J#/2/> Yo2 ?(%% ?&%= &?&4

    ho%(n0 (/ h&n>

    "-nd, ehold, one came and said unto him, ood 4aster, what

    good thing shall # do, that # ma have eternal life%

    -nd he said unto him, 0hy callest thou me good1 there is nonegood ut one, that is, od/ ut if thou wilt enter into life, keep thecommandments

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    -nd he answered and said unto him, 4aster, all these have #

    observed from m outh.

    %hen Jesus eholding him loved him, and said unto him, Onething thou lackest!go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and giveto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven/ and come, takeup the cross, and follow me

    -nd he was sad at that saing, and went awa grieved!for hehad great possessions"

    M&.= 1*:1;"))

    "-nd a certain ruler asked him, saying, ood 4aster, whatshall ! do to inherit eternal life1

    -nd Jesus said unto him, 0hy callest thou me good1 none isgood, save one, that is, od

    %hou knowest the commandments, &o not commit adultery, &onot kill, &o not steal, &o not ear false witness, esus and the kin!dom of

    Hea2en but would not pay the price. He knew to pay the price andcould ha2e but chose not to. This reminds me of many -hristians today.They all are 2ery interested and ask all the ri!ht questions but will notpay what it costs to walk with >esus.

    This youn! man knew to li2e ri!ht. 4hen >esus told him to do allthe ten commandments/ he said that he did and that he learned to as ayouth. This is not what you would call a bad !uy. His sin was that hewas interested but not hun!ry.

    Many people who are bein! influenced by this spirit will li2e areli!ious life but not a -hristian one. They will keep all thecommandments of con2enience/ but when there is personal sacrificein2ol2ed that requires faith/ they !rie2e and walk away. %:ll bet ri!ht


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    %he Spirit of the ich 2oung uler

    now that this youn! man wishes to od that he would ha2e !i2en upmoney and possessions in order to follow -hrist.

    >esus ne2er told the man that he could do both. He made himchoose between the world:s riches and the kin!dom of od. They ustdon:t mi6.

    %f you fellowship with this spirit/ you will easily !et fooled intothinkin! that your few reli!ious acts of obedience will be enou!h to !etyou accepted in His si!ht or that you can ser2e Him anyway you wantto. Cou must ser2e >esus e6actly how He says/ not the way you want to.

    Cou must be hun!ry enou!h to tell this mammon spirit to releaseyou and chase after >esus -hrist. Cou see/ many people make theesus. Hea2en abo2e depends entirely on your walk with Himin this life.

    The other disciples immediately left their nets and followed afterHim. This man wanted to add the net of -hristianity to the many othernets he had. %t won:t work


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Th# S-(.( o7 h# R(h Yo2n0 R2%#.


    ". This spirit will cause you to be influenced by money andpossessions.

    +. This spirit will influence you to hold loosely the thin!s of odwhile ti!htenin! your !rip on your prosperity.

    =. Cou will be more than willin! to !i2e up your church ministry foro2ertime on the ob.

    ). Cou will be more than willin! to relocate to a new re!ion for thesake of pay raise e2en thou!h you are not sure there is a !oodchurch there for your family.

    $. %t will bother you when the pastor takes serious offerin!s and puts ademand on you to help financially.

    7. This spirit will cause you to abandon post in the kin!dom of od inorder to recreate or 2acate.

    ,. This spirit will cause you to dilute od:s prosperity to merefinancial possessions.

    *. This spirit will e2entually lead you away from ser2in! od andsink you in the world of !reed and self(promotion.


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    %he Spirit of the ich 2oung uler

    Th# S-(.( o7 h# R(h Yo2n0 R2%#.


    Ask yourself these questions0

    ". 9oes prosperity mean nothin! to you but material !ainJ

    +. Are you willin! to trade your church worship times for your obJ

    =. Are you willin! to relocate with your ob future in mind e2enbefore you search out a new church in that re!ionJ

    ). Are you e2er worried that you are !i2in! too much to the work ofthe ordJ

    $. 9o you e2er feel that ser2in! >esus is !oin! to cost you e2erythin!J

    7. 9o your ob and your income mean more to you than youroutcomeJ

    ,. 9o you influence your family more to !et ahead than you do to !etclose to odJ

    *. 9o your hobbies and crafts and sports draw you away from Hishouse more than occasionallyJ

    %f you answered yes to any of these questions/ you are in troublewith od. Fast/ pray/ and !o for mature spiritual help from a reputableminister of the !ospel of -hrist.


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  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits



    ,Th# V((o2/ A//&2%(n0 S-(.(,

    BEWARE >>> Th(/ #3on ?(%% on$(n# 4o2 o $((o2/%4 &//&2%J#/2/' 3(n(/.4> Yo2 ?(%% 4#%% ,&92/#, &n &2/# %#./ 7&%/#%4>

    "esus -hrist.

    aul e2entually turned men like this o2er to Satan for thedestruction of the flesh so that if there was any chance at all that theymay be sa2ed they would be. The eternal soul is much more importantthan the body we li2e in.

    aul was 2ery bold and outspoken about this man who did hisministry harm. He didn:t e2en say he for!a2e him. He said/

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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    &otice that Ale6ander found a friend to run with and to work witha!ainst the ministry. Today people !o to pri2ate prayer meetin!s and8

    quoteunquote8Bible studies to !et free from their local church andtheir pastor. They actually ha2e e6it counselors to teach people how to!et free from church. %t seems as thou!h these anti(church/ anti(pastor-hristians yellin!

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    %he Spirit of -lexander

    Th# S-(.( o7 A%#&n#.


    ". This demon will turn you a!ainst your -hristian leaders.

    +. This spirit will con2ince you that your -hristian leaders are yourproblem in life.

    =. This spirit will cause you to not only betray your pastor and yourlocal church family but to do it 2iciously.

    ). This spirit will cause you to dama!e the kin!dom of od and those

    in it/ and all the time you will think you are doin! od a fa2or.

    $. This spirit will dri2e you to split the church and slander yourpreacher.

    7. Cou will do the kin!dom of od much harm/ and a lot of it will bebeyond repair.

    ,. This spirit will e2entually lead you to assault the church and itsleaders until you ha2e brou!ht yourself under much condemnation.


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    Th# S-(.( o7 A%#&n#.


    Ask yourself these questions0

    ". 9o you e2er think that you can speak a!ainst your brethren with thepermission of odJ

    +. 9o you e2er feel like you are the only one in the whole !roup thatis ri!htJ

    =. 9o you e2er try to con2ince others in your church that you are the

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    These were !i2en to me a few months apart and refer to the satanicand worldly attack a!ainst the ord:s -hurch and His leaders.


    Early in the year "#*7 the ord be!an to show me the outcome ofmany ministries. % wasn:t really askin! Him for it/ but % was 2eryconcerned about certain thin!s/ and this led me to prayer.

    % be!an to recei2e phone calls from ministers who were lea2in!their pulpits and ministries. There were so many % had heard about andknew who were abandonin! their post.

    5ne day this re2elation came to me by the Holy Spirit. % was

    presented this question0 4hat was the maor difference between Eliahand the prophets of BaalJ 4ell/ % answered ri!ht away that thedifference was the !od whom they were ser2in!. Eliah ser2ed >eho2ah.The other prophets ser2ed Baal. % heard the ord tell me that this was amaor difference but not the only maor problem. The prophets of Baalwanted 2ery much to be prophets. They wanted to be prophets so badthat they really didn:t care whose prophets they were. Eliah hardlywanted to e2en be >eho2ah:s prophet.

    As % meditated in this/ % found the answer %:d been lookin! for andprayin! about. od was sayin! to me that there were many people whowanted to be in the fi2efold ministry. They wanted to be in it so bad thatthey went off to Bible school or off on their own in order to preach andteach. Many of them were not called by od. They were not appointedby odG so when the flesh ener!y ran out/ they puckered out Many ofthese people today are fallin! left and ri!ht. They find themsel2es in bi!trouble/ and their marria!e and family are in trouble. They ha2e used up

    all their own ener!y/ and because od didn:t call them to do what theyare doin!/ He won:t supply them with His ener!y. They will and arefailin!. They were seduced and decei2ed to !i2e up e2erythin! for aministry they were ne2er called to fulfill.

    9on:t let it fret you that some are lea2in! the ministry or !ettin! in


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    $eware of Seducing Spirits

    trouble. Hook up to the

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    %hree evelations

    that not one person who was stuck on any fin!er was stru!!lin! at all to!et off. There was little mo2ement and no screamin!/ rebukin!/ or

    wrestlin! !oin! on. %t was then that the ord spoke to me and showedme that some people ha2e !i2en themsel2es o2er to Satan and hisde2ices/ and they were more than ready to lea2e and break fellowship.

    This saddened me/ and % know that it wasn:t only for my church. %twas for the whole body of -hrist. Today % see many people actuallybein! dra!!ed out of the church to ser2e the world and the de2il/ andthey seem so willin!. They lea2e/ blamin! the preacher or the otherbelie2ers. uard yourself. 9on:t sell out


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  • 7/27/2019 Beware of Seducing Spirits



    % hope you enoyed this book/ and % pray od opened your eyes tomany thin!s. % also hope you will meditate e2en more in the scripturesthat are listed in this book. Cour Bible is the key to a successful life.Try to read it e2ery day and disco2er the principles that we are to li2eby.

    % pray for you that you will ha2e a 2ery lon!/ 2ery satisfyin! lifeser2in! our ord and Sa2ior.

    ;eep yourself clean/ and do your 2ery best to li2e upri!htly.

    Beware of your enemy/ Satan/ and his schemes and plans to ruinyour life.

    od bless you.


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    My prayer for you is0

    " grant unto thy servants, that with all oldness they mayspeak thy word,

    $y stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs andwonders may e done y the name of thy holy child Jesus"

    Acts )0+#(='

    Hea2enly Father/ % beseech Cou in >esus: name/ that Cou wouldcause each of us to !row in the character of our bein!. Help us to bemore pleasin! to Cou than we e2er ha2e been. Help us to speak boldly/

    yet in season. Help us to tell the truth and be what Cou want us to be.9ear ord/ please melt away our facades and help us to stop

    playin! !ames. Help each of us to see the kin!dom of od as thepriority and not our own kin!dom.

    4e are !oin! to ha2e backbone/ ord/ in our ser2ant(hood to Couand our witness to the world.

    4e lo2e Cou/ ord. Thank Cou for answerin! this prayer/ Sir

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    C53 -A& BE SADE9 F15M ETE1&A 9AM&AT%5& and!et od:s help now in this life. All you ha2e to do is humble your heart/

    belie2e in -hrist:s work at -al2ary for you/ and pray the prayer below.

    esus -hrist. % belie2ethat He died for me/ and % recei2e His pro2ision now. % will notbe ashamed of Him/ and % will tell all my friends and familymembers that % ha2e made this wonderful decision.

    9ear ord >esus0

    -ome into my heart now and li2e in me and be my Sa2ior/Master/ and ord. % will do my 2ery best to chase after Couand to learn Cour ways by submittin! to a pastor/ readin! my

    Bible/ !oin! to a church that preaches about Yo2@ and keepin!sin out of my life.

    % also ask Cou to !i2e me the power to be healed from anysickness and disease and to deli2er me from those thin!s thatha2e me bound.

    % lo2e Cou and thank Cou for ha2in! me/ and % am ea!erlylookin! forward to a lon!/ beautiful relationship with Cou.

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