Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition

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  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    Beverly lewis

    TConfessionspeCial Movie ediTion


  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    Copght 1997 b B M. lw, inc.

    Pubhd b Bthan Hou Pubh

    11400 Hamph Anu south

    Boomngton, Mnnota 55438

    Bthan Hou Pubh a don o

    Bak Pubhng Goup, Gand rapd, Mchgan

    Pntd n th Untd stat o Amca

    A ght d. No pat o th pubcaton ma b poducd, tod n a ta tm, o

    tanmttd n an om o b an mano xamp, ctonc, photocop, codngwthout

    th po wttn pmon o th pubh. T on xcpton b quotaton n pntd w.

    isBN 978-0-7642-1111-9

    T lba o Cong ha cataogd th ogna dton a oow:

    lw, B

    T conon / b B lw.p. cm.(T htag o lancat Count ; #2)

    isBN 1-55661-867-0 (pbk.)

    i. t. ii. s: lw, B, Htag o lancat Count ; 2.

    Ps3562.e9383C6 1997

    81354dc21 9721118

    scptu quotaton on pag 219 om th Ho Bb, Nw intnatona von. Niv. Cop-

    ght 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 b Bbca, inc. Ud b pmon o Zondan. A ght

    d wodwd.

    T to a wok o cton. Wth th xcpton o cognzd htoca gu, a chaact,

    nt, and th ttng o Hcko Hoow a th poduct o th autho magnaton. An m-

    banc to an pon, ng o dad, concdnta.

    Co dgn b Dan Tonbg, Dgn souc Cat sc

    Photo ud wth pmon

    HAllMArK CHANNel PreseNs ABelieve PiCUresANDODyssey NeWOrKs PrO-DUCiONBeverly leWis He CONFessiON KAie leClerC CAMerON DeANe seWAr


    13 14 15 16 17 18 19 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition



    o Jud Ang

    Tank o kpng th ct

    ando bng th da wth pa,

    hapng t wth wng.

    Wth gattud and o.

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    abouT The auThor

    Beverly leWis, bon n th hat o Pnnana Dutch

    count, th New York imesbtng autho o mo than

    nnt book. H to ha bn pubhd n n anguagwodwd. A kn ntt n h moth Pan htag ha

    npd B to wt man Amh-atd no, bgnnng

    wth Te Shunning, whch ha od mo than on mon cop.

    Te Brethren wa honod wth a 2007 Cht Awad.

    B wth h huband, Dad, n Cooado.

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    auThors noTe

    in wtng th oowng pag, m hat wa captud b Kat

    motona pan and h dpat ach o tuth. H to now

    contnu, jut da at h abandon th Amh communtand mo n wth Mnnont at. And wk beforeDan

    Fh hockng tt a n Hcko Hoow. . . .

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    parT i

    On can n connt to cp

    whn on an mpu to oa.

    Hn K

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition



    prologue: KaTherine

    i mmb thng about m t gmp o Coun lda

    ktchn. it wa modn a th da ong and a agow wthctct.

    Bng a cuou th-a-od, id t out to ach th ght

    wtch, makng dtmnd gunt a i tood on tpto, ttch-

    ng m up . . . up wh pkng aound th wd doojamb

    to th gown-up w watchng.

    At at, m tt ng touchd th magc. O . . . and on,and o and on agan, i mad th ong wht cng ght buzz

    and ck, pahng uocnt gam onto th oo and th

    wapap. i mut pad that wa o a good mnut o


    it wa Datwho tod m to top. ya mutnt b pan wth th

    ght, Kat. ya mght bun um out, h ad ot but tn.

    Tn h coopd m up n h ong am and cad m to th

    ont oom wth th t o m Pan at.

    Na twnt a at, i had to m at m nwd ntt

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    B e v e r l y l e w i s


    n th ght wtch ound n oom o Pt and lda

    M Mnnont amhou. epca th hn god on n

    th boadng oom i now cad hom.

    Bng ad Od Od Amh mant id n d aound

    uch anc thng, and o a good aon: th Ordnung, an un-

    pokn t o chuch u and guaton that had put a damp

    on m wod, dd, and, ottm, m thought, too.

    i, ad nough, had gon and bokn tho aw, a o

    thmhadnt kpt m conon pom to Bhop John, u-ng to dto a obddn guta. in tun o m wckdn,

    i wa to b hunnd a th da o m .

    All my life . . .

    i, and on , i wa wng to go to th bhop and pnt

    bnd m kn n ant contton, padng wth God and th

    chuch mmbhp o mcon thn coud a nn ucha i b bought back nto th od o th Pop.

    so Kat lapp, th ct adoptd daught o Amh pa-

    nt, wa a good a dad. shunnng pactc w cad out

    that wa n Hcko Hoowth wa thd bn n to o

    th hundd a.

    But what o Kathn Madm a nam and th a

    m? W, i coudnt magn Katherinethnkng twc about a

    knng conon o what id don. Not o o no mon.

    T wa too much at tak.

    st, th tad ach n m hat ptd, and omtm

    on th cat o da, om hgh atop th cond-oo andng

    wndow, i managd to mak out th now outn o a dtant

    oo and doub chmnth od amhou wh i wa ad.

    u, samu and rbcca lapp andton hou wa jut on

    bugg m awa, up Hcko lan a bt, though t mght bn

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    T h e C o n f e s s i o n


    a good hundd m on dak Dcmb da k toda. Cau

    tandng h, tang m pat n th ac, t md m who

    wod mght ad to a dp, dak pup i t t. stubbon a i

    wa, though, i ud to g n to th ang pan o jcton.

    And btaa. Woudnt t th mmo o th hunnng dap

    a dak coud o m utu. in a pcua ot o wa, that wa

    m aatonthat, and m Mnnont at.

    i t hadnt bn o Pt and lda, i mght uccumbd to

    dpa. But th had a wa o tatng m k i wa a andtu on o th am. Ca om m t da h.

    M had bgun to opn up n mo wa than on. T

    wa th takd to God, o ntanc. Wh, t wa downght

    atonhng at tm. Oh, id had thm a bng o th

    ma o and on though th a, but am doton and

    th pa that oowd w band-nw to m. e o jou.And what ngng! T- and ou-pat hamon d th

    hou nng at upp. M guta had ound a tm-

    poa hom, and o had m bokn hat.

    Anwng to Kathn ntad o Kat took om gt-

    tng ud to, o u and o ctan. T wa no a wa to

    chang omthng a comotab a ou own t nam jut

    bcau on da ou up and dcdd ou w omon nw.

    st, i wa dtmnd to t.

    somtm lda had to ca m two and th tm to

    catch m attnton. i uppo t want o much th ound o

    Kathn that thw m ot wa atchng on to what th

    nam tood o that wa th bggt tugg.

    Fo tuth, i bongd to omon whod n known th

    Odnung and t connng pactc, omon who undtood

    a about th bu modn wod id md out on. M bth

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    B e v e r l y l e w i s


    moth, laua Mad-Bnnttshewa m tu kn. And

    i coud tut what id bn tod, th woman wa dng o om

    greislich, dadu da. i ndd to act quck, but th a n

    m hat wa powu-tong. At t, t hd m at, n kpt

    m om anng to d a ca o om tng out th tphon

    hangng hgh on th wa n lda ktchn.

    But th wasomthng i ddnt htat on. somthng no

    amount o a coud kp m om dong. Coun lda do

    m to town and doppd m o at th pttt baut hop id n. Cou, id n daknd th doo o on bo

    jut ookd om a dtanc . . . and whd. Ddnt ha an ap-

    pontmnt, but th took m ght n and cut and td m

    ha jut th am.

    Go b! What dom i t whn th co tatd np-

    pn awa at m ong, unn ock thatd n bn cut mwho ong.

    W, th wght o th wod ght o m, n a hap

    o aubun ha a o th oo. i hook m had and th a

    woohd though t, ca to m cap, and i akd m wh

    on ath id watd o ong o omthng o awu nc.

    T anw wa bound up n u and xpctaton am a

    m wat-ngth ocktd up n a knot und a d co-

    ng a th a. But th wa no nd o m to b cang

    aound a hadu o ong, too-thck ha anmo. i wa to

    do what i pad wth t . . . andm ac. Coth, too. A

    wondu-good ng.

    stang n th mo, i aw Kathn Mad pantd p

    mng back at m. Whn h whpd, How do ou do? i

    had th nd ound o h engh oc n m a. st,

    t woud tak om pactc to gt t ght tm.

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    T h e C o n f e s s i o n


    i achd up and an m ng though m houd-ngth

    ha; hont, ng t o bounc and ga m th h.

    T nw cut ga m omthng , too. A cutan o ot cu!you ha bautu natua wa, Kathn, th bautcan

    ad wth a bg m.

    What a da! T cu, o ong hddn, had na mad th

    appaanc. i wa mo than gatu and tod h o.

    A o lda tphon, i azd i coudnt b watn to u

    t anmo. Coudnt t th a hod m down, o i got aba. F da at comng to n th anc houd

    wth ctct, mcowa on, ocd a hat . . . and th

    tat, pttt Chtma t id ni pckd up th

    lancat phon dcto and mad m ad a about how

    to da up a ong-dtanc opato.

    Tn cong th pag, i thought about th n i wa about

    to commt. Woud i n top tang om th path o gh-

    toun? smd to m id nnd o awu much, though, what

    woud on mo tangon hut?

    A n o ugnc wpt o m. M natua moth wa

    dng . . . h wantd to m. Iwantd to h, to know

    th woman namd laua, wh h wa.

    enough o th pondng o m aut and mdd. itwa hgh tm to tak th t tp towad ndng m oot. A

    gant tp, to b u.

    i achd o th tphon. . . .

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    ChapTer one

    it wa dak and btt cod whn laua tund om th at-

    ton ofc. sh wa wa and ghd audb, bang th

    wght o th mot cnt appontmnt.

    Todo Wam, h ongtm chauu, pd at ho th athd ont at o th moun. M. Bnntt,

    a ou a ght?

    A bt td, h pd. Pa dont b concnd.

    v w cam th dp t gnt oc.

    sh aowd h to an had agant th backat, wat-

    ng o Todo a h mad h wa aound to th tunk. Oh,how h ongd o th da o mobt, dom to com and

    go a h pad. Coud t ha bn on on month ago hd

    bad th cod and th dtanc, hng h d to tak h

    to a mot Amh communt n Pnnana? sh hadnt t

    up to uch a tp n thn, but at at h had bn ab to gt

    aound wh th, wthout much hp.

    rgttab, th md-Nomb jaunt had tund up not a

    ng ad. H daughth on chdhad not matazd,

    n though Todo had o wng backtackd to aou

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    B e v e r l y l e w i s


    pot n and aound Hcko Hoow bo dng hom th

    nxt da, back to th pac o h chdhood n th Fng lak

    gon o Nw yok.

    yt, n pt o th ut ach, h had hd tubbon to on

    ma hopthat an Amhwoman ttng n a caag n ont o

    a gna to mght ha oowd though wth laua qut.

    sh had ntatd th d woman to d h pona tt

    to on o th man rbcca ng n th communtpc-

    ca, to th onlyrbcca who woud undtand th dpat,handwttn pa. T woman who adoptd daught wa to

    cbat h twnt-thd bthda nxt umm, Jun th. . . .

    T ama ound o laua mpt whcha, t thn t

    makng contact wth th cod pamnt, bought h om h

    . sh bgan to taghtn h a bt, dng owad n that a bt h coud, dpt h a and waknd condton.

    in an ntant, h chauu, dd n a taod back ut and

    ocoat, opnd th ca doo. sh ngd a momnt, tuggng

    to button th top o h coat agant th gd a a Todo

    tood n adn bhnd th whcha. ro! M Judah!

    h cad towad th hou. M. Bnntt ha tund.

    in th pac o a w cond, th houmad ad, o-

    owd b laua -n nu. T two womn gnt atd

    th mt o th hou, ang h out o th back ca and

    ttng h nto th whcha.

    Todo paud judcou, thnsha w go?

    laua ga a ght nod and wa cautou whd o th

    wd, ccua dh powd om a cnt nowtom

    and nto th udo-t manon.

    A magncnt Chtma t tood ntn n th con o

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    T h e C o n f e s s i o n


    th xpan ntwa, adond wth wht do and amb to

    pnt dn pac and th lamb o God pct. T

    w o cam-cood o, o ta, cump o dd bab

    bath and hdanga, and hundd o twnkng wht ght.

    laua bathd n th pn cnt, hng th ch hoda

    aganc. Will I live to see another Christmas Day?h wondd,

    gancng awa om th nomou t.

    sh ought back ta. Will I live to see my Katherine face-to-face?

    Fathu Todo gudd h cha down hmmng mabha to th wd Fnch doo n th outh wng o th Bnntt

    tat, at whch pont th nab gntman tppd ad,

    nquhng th job to Nata Judah, th nu. Do ha a

    good nng, M. Bnntt, h ad n a na whp.

    Oh, i w, and ou a mutnt wo. Tn, motonng

    o hm to an co, h ad, rmmb . . . not a wod toanon. A w agd?

    A ou wh. Bo taghtnng to h u hght, Todo

    pud a ong nop om h t pockt. sha i tnd to th

    matt on ou bha?

    laua had on to nod.

    Cond t don, M. Bnntt. Good nng. And h

    wa gon.

    Onc ttd n th commodou ut o oom, laua aowd

    Nu Judah to at n mong th wap hd donnd o h

    and. Tat don, h xtndd h am a Nata chckd h

    pu wth a gnt touch. Fownng, th oung rNdd a

    n wht, ncudng ho and hothn md th antt o

    m and pattd laua am. you had a tnuou atnoon,

    h makd, tunng to pak to ro. i thnk t woud b

    bt to upp h . . . n M. Bnntt pat quat.

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    B e v e r l y l e w i s


    ro bt h p momnta, thn mad an obou attmpt

    to conca h concn and cam na th whcha, tng h

    hand ght on laua houd. i to t.

    laua watchd a h nu t about ppang to admnt

    th gua nng njcton o mophn. rtcnt and dg,

    h tad at th nd. i ou dont mnd, coudnt t wat . . .

    phap o jut a wh? h akd, not ctan wh hd mad

    uch a qut.

    Oh? A ou xpncng om knd o dcomot? Naua?Pan?

    T tuth wa, th had bn no ct o h atnoon

    outng. id jut k to t a bt . . . t bn a tng da, h


    W mut b mo cau om now on, Nata pmandd

    ot. you mutnt odo, M. Bnntt.laua undtood pct, o h mot cnt attack had

    com on wth xc atgu and motona t, o much o

    h had mad th dcon to mo h oom to th man oo,

    pma out o concn o h huband.

    A man o dcpnd wok hou, man o whch w pnt

    n h upta ofc ut, Dan Bnntt wa a dtactd,

    and what wth h ndng contant mdca attnton, and wth

    Nu Judah and ro comng and gong at a hou, h had

    ocatd. Mo connnt o a concnd. indd, essential

    o oth aon unknown to h huband o nn a.

    A a at nw blaua had bcom a Chtan

    th a poh mantand h han Fath wa n

    conto o h and that o h ong-ot chd. Mo

    cnt, h had bgun to pa n ant o God w a to

    h and Kathn unona unon h huband mght not

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    T h e C o n f e s s i o n


    wcom. A ota atnoon woud ufc o uch a t, but

    h knw n th dpth o h bng t mut b oon . . .

    oon, bo th cppng da adancd to cam h .

    T pa and dotona tm h njod wth oth Ch-

    tan womnro ao, h pona houmad, n pa-

    tcuahad bcom a thon pobm, pntng omthng

    o a nuanc o Dan. H huband, who dd not ha h

    nwound ath, had dcouagd h om hang Bb tud

    and pa goup on th pm. Had h put h oot downand about dnd h th oca and ptua outt, h

    woud ha obd, out o pct. sh coud on pa that

    Dan woud n ot to uch a hah mau.

    Dung on uch dcou, laua had to gnt mnd hm

    that th tat, n act, wa ga hh chdhood hom

    hang bn t to h upon th dath o h wdowd moth,Chaott Mad, tw a a. T commnt wa not

    w cd b Dan, caung mo o a t btwn thm.

    en o, laua woud occaona nt a chuch nd o

    two o an ntmat gathng, tutng that omda n God

    pct tm, Dan mght jon h n th tud o th scptu.

    Mo mpotant, that h woud com to nd pac wth th

    sao o hm.

    it had not occud to h, how, that b makng aang-

    mnt to at h w, h mght b addng u to th aad

    tom dbat. in act, not unt M. Canton, h atton

    and pat coun, had mntond t toda had h n

    condd th matt to b an u. H utmat dcon

    wa not bon o a ndct agnda; h wa m oow-

    ng th oottp o h nb and ong moth. Tat wa

    th xtnt o t.

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    B e v e r l y l e w i s


    But h mut b dct. And, o now, Dan wa not to b

    th w.


    Nata Judah wnt n ach o h patnt wamt pp,

    mong quck pat th o dng oom aa, compt wth

    jacuzz bath and ant, towad th ag wak-n cot. On th

    wa, h gappd wth h gowng motona attachmnt to

    th knd t dtmnd woman h had bn agnd to nuthough a poongd and dfcut n.

    Laura Bennett. A woman wth o tt t n h.

    Nothng n Nata mdca tanng had ppad h o

    th ntn mpath h had com to xpnc wth h t

    n-hom patnt, a woman much too oung to b dng. in act,

    Nata had ound t pactca mpob to mantan, a hd

    bn taught, a mbanc o poona dtachmnt n th

    ac o laua Bnntt ng-mndd goaobon, n. so

    wth a th nung k at h command, Nata had dt-

    mnd to do h bt to kp M. Bnntt a to az h

    ondt damto mt th daught hd gn awa at bth,

    th nant who woud b now b a oung woman.

    sad, a th pntd a a dmma. T objctthat do th poo woman had th capact to uth wakn

    h, both phca and mnta.

    At tm, h patnt dagno to at Nata hat, o mag-

    nant mutp co wa an xpo pog da. sh dd

    not ha to b owand a to how th na tag woud pa out.


    laua gazd wth ntt at th mnatu twn Chtma

    t pchd on th ch oa tab aco th oom on th

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    T h e C o n f e s s i o n


    dg o h aot btan damak ug. rd t bow

    and ong tand o woodn bad ganhd th matchng t,

    pndnt n wthout tn o ght. sh thought o a thChtma h had md wth h daught, th n-ndng

    ppaaton, th gaa nt uoundng th aon . . . h,

    compt dod o th aught o chdn.

    Had Kathn a a oungt an n o wth th pndo,

    th muc o Cht bthda? laua ghd a h thought fw

    backwad n tm. What ot o thng dd Amh ok do tocbat? h wondd. Had Kathn com to know th tu-

    t gncanc o th bd aon? laua coud on aum

    o, o u th Amh knw and od th Bb a h dd.

    lttng h mnd wand, h condd th Pan commu-

    nt hd ct td at month wh achng o gn o

    Kathn. What wasth chanc o an Amh am gng up

    on o th own knb bood o othwto pnd tm

    wth a tang, and a n pon to a dpat pa?

    sh thought back to th cuca tt, and h had bn

    ab to tand and wak to h wtng dk, h woud ha

    don o, o n th naowt daw a a cop o h mag

    to rbcca, th adopt moth o h chd. st, h knw t

    b hat wod o t.

    Te baby girl I gave to you has been living in my heart all

    these years. I must speak the truth and say I am sorry I ever gave

    her away. Now, more than ever, because, you see, I am dying.

    Onc agan, h dtd to th dntca Chtma t.

    T bow and bad dazzd h, and h knw wh, a a g,

    h aot coo had bn d and gn. sh tad dp nto

    th dn banch, dadamng o oth hoda . . . th bz,

  • 7/28/2019 Beverly Lewis' The Confession Movie Edition


    B e v e r l y l e w i s


    caua da o ghood, a bo h pcou bab daught

    wa concd.

    a pang to h . Tn, wthout wanng, th coo

    bgan to bu. laua t th hdou mucua jkng, tatng on

    h t d. Fghtnd and xpncng ntn pan, h pacd

    both hand on h thgh, pang nt o th tmo to ca.

    Whn th dd not, h mod h hand ow om h

    upp g, hopng to conca h tu condton om th bu-

    ntt nu who had jut com nto th oom, cang ubu pp. laua quzd h ng togth, ockng thm

    nto a odd poton, and pd thm had agant h ap.

    Nata wa not to b ood, how. M. Bnntt, i a

    mut g ou a hot now . . . beoreou upp com. T

    ot-pokn woman toopd to mo laua ho, pacng

    thm wth h aot hou pp. Nu Judah o and o-d a aung m, gng laua th couag to accpt th

    ntmdatng njcton.

    Tn, bo th dug wa admntdwh th nu

    ppad th ngth dadu dzzn bgan. Dung th

    pat a da, ght-haddn had qunt accompand

    th nzd tmbng. it wa at uch momnt h woud o

    conto and c out, ghtng o h pan wth th bt antdot

    h knw. Oh, lod Ju, pa . . . pa hp m, h woud

    pa, whmpng.

    Nu Judah wabbd th n gnt. T mot cotton ba

    mad a chng, unwcom path aong th ca o laua am.

    Can ou mak a t, M. Bnntt?

    it wa a h coud do to coopat at t, but ow laua

    wd h bod to ax, and a th mdcaton ntd h bood-

    tam, th mophn bgan to wok t mac.

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    T h e C o n f e s s i o n


    At th uncontoab quakng had cad, a coud o x-

    hauton gathd o h. in th mdt o th han, laua

    thought o h ong-ot g and ad h own tm wa hot.


    Todo Wam mad h wa out o th hou to th m-

    oun t pakd n ont o th gand ntanc. Gttng nto

    th ca, h thought o M. Bnntt ntnc on bng dn

    downtown toda. shd ctan not ookd w; anon coud that. But h md dtmnd, at a cot, to dcu h

    at w and ttamnt wth M. Canton.

    Todo upcon coud not b qudth ang woman

    mut ha t n h mnd that h want ong o th ath, o

    t wa th ugnc n ro ao oc, whn hd phond at

    noon on bha o th mt, that had atd hm.M. Bnntt w not b atd t ou ag to tak h,

    th mad had ad, tatng qut ca that no on woud

    do. sh nt on hangyou . . . and kp qut about t, too.

    it wa th att mak that wod hm gat.

    A mo kndhatd ad Todo had n mt, and bcau

    M. Bnntt wa not on to ngag n manpuaton o dct,

    h wa mod to hp h a h had on at at on pou oc-

    caon. T mmo d hm tthat dadu da whn t

    wa dcod h huband, hwd man that h wa, had bn

    ca wth th da ad account.

    it wa thn that th mt had takn Todo nto h con-

    dnc, a ath a and pondou poton o an od Bth

    o n h mpo. But hd pud t oand qut ucc-

    u, tooaangng to d h to an ndpndnt aw m,

    on compt docd om Dan Bnntt own account and

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    nanca dang. o th da, and a a a Todo knw, th

    man had not th antt knowdg o an o t. Non what.

    Pudnc dctatd that Todo woud contnu to kp thtdbt a qut a th pnt atnoon joun, whnh had

    a mot omnou ngM. Bnntt had gon and atd

    h w.

    H pakd th back mo bd th wht on, thn opnd h

    ocoat, achng nto h utcoat pockt, wh h pud out

    th ong nn nop, unad. H woud not ntgat tcontnt, to b u, and nc t wa too at to cu t n M.

    Bnntt a dpot box tonght, h ockd up th nop n

    th go compatmnt o th ca and hadd o th gathou.

    Ill take care of it tomorrow, h tod hm. Yes, indeed. First

    thing tomorrow.

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    ChapTer Two

    lda M tund o Hcko lan and onto th dt dwa

    adjacnt to th amhou. sh pakd h ca n th dtachd

    gaag bodng th contd ban, wh h huband andtwo o th odt on had, a ago, t up a woodwokng

    hop on th man . sh aw that th ght w t on n

    th ofc aa. Notcng, too, th abundanc o ght tamng

    om na a th wndow on th d o th houupta

    ncuddh chuckd, makng h wa aco th now ban-

    ad, am ha wth two ack o goc.Katie Lapps certainly having herself a heyday, h thought. T

    ctc b wa u to ct t.

    Appoachng th hou, lda wondd what t mght bn

    k to gow up Amh wth w, an, comot o a modn

    hom. T m thought o ga amp, batt-opatd wat

    pump, and ho and bugg mad h gatu o th dcon

    h d pant had mad ong agochoong a conat

    Mnnont owhp o th Amh chuch.

    Whn Kat opnd th back doo, lda amot ogot to

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    add h b th nw nam but caught h n tm. How

    wa ou atnoon . . . Kathn?

    A m a bght a a anbow cod th oung woman

    ac. i ud th tphon toda o th t tm.Ach, t ant

    o awu had, i gu.

    lda huggd h houd. it b od hat oon nough.

    Jah, i hop o.

    sttng h goc on th tab, lda tund to th nk

    and bgan wahng h hand. Tn, wth Kat hp, h putawa th dcountd box o dhwahng dtgnt and an

    aa o oth houcanng upp. so . . . whod ou ca,

    t an o m bun?

    i takd to a ad opato n rocht, Nw yok . . . i

    Gancng o at Kat, lda hud to t h at a. No nd

    o th da backwad g to dug th nt phon cona-ton. Tat a ght, a t. you dont ha to t m mo.

    Oh, but i want to! Kat cod th gato doo and

    uhd to lda d. i cant b what i dd toda! Hont,

    i cant.

    studng th oung woman nxt to h, lda nd th

    anng. so, t m, what dd ou do? h akd ot, won-

    dng h coun daught had aad attmptd to ocat

    th ang bth moth.

    Kat pud out a ktchn cha and at down, touchng h

    ong aubun ock, owng n wa cu. H bown

    pakd, and lda notcd a tac o makup. T a

    ot-ght pop wth th at nam o Bnntt.

    Fot-ght? e , uch a ot o ong-dtanc ca.

    Fom what Mamma mmbd, laua omwh na

    rocht, i thnk. A ct that ound omthng k Canada.

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    W, ha ou ookd on th map t?

    Jut th on n th phon book, a know, to gt th ght aa

    cod. Kat bamd, ookng ght poud o hpoud n

    a good wa, no doubtbng ab to pout o modn thng

    k aa cod and uch.

    How on ath w ou know ou ocatd th ght pon?

    Kat noddd. Coud b awu tck, i pct. But i ha

    omgut. . . uh,good. . . da.

    lda ghd, ng omwhat d. Tn ou hantmad an pona ca th t?

    Not jut t. T htanc n th g oc wa dnt. i

    wantd to ak ou pmon t . . . t ou know im wng

    to pa o a th ong-dtanc ca i mght hata mak.

    Tn w houd gt bu. lda ocatd a book o map

    om th h und h con cupboad. H, t ha aook-. Mab w can nd a ct n Nw yok that ound

    k Canada.

    T put th had togth, anng o th map on th

    ktchn tablda, pm uppotng h Mnnont cap;

    Kat uncod ha hnng, toud cu pngng , at

    odd wth h upbngng.

    At achng and not ndng anthng, lda chckd th

    ndx o ct n Nw yok. H pont ng d down th

    pag a h cacuatd ach nt. H on, h ad. i won-

    d, coud th b t? sh pontd to Canandaigua. sound a

    bt k Canada to m. And th popuaton ath ma, o

    th houdnt b a man Bnntt to ca.

    Kat aughd. Ach, ou hmd jut thn.

    i dd at that.

    T two womn chuckd m and t about ppang

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    upp. Kat pd potato wh lda wamd up to

    ham and buttd gn ban n th mcowa on.

    Ha ou thought o pang about ou ach? ntud

    lda. it woud b a w thng to ak ou han Fath o

    H gudanc. Dont ou thnk o?

    Kat kpt png potato kn wthout ookng up. i dont

    know how to pa thatawa. Ddnt an, a. N thought

    t wa th ght ot o thng to b dong, nth.

    W, i b i know jut th pon to tach ou, ldapd, an xctd ng wng up n h. Jut th on.

    lookng up, Kat bok nto a h m. Ach, a?

    i woudnt oo ou about omthng k that. lda tund

    and wnt to gaz out th ag ba wndow, amd n hangng

    n. M huband ha taught man a ou to pa, Kat.

    Katherine, Kat mndd h.lda wa nt. Fo a momnt, h cam co to apoogzng

    but t t go th tm. sh had condd th aa o rbcca

    lapp on daught a omwhat o a mxd bng. T poo

    thng wa a gopng h wa th da, ntng on a anc

    nam k Kathn Mad. Pcua, t wa. T, and th

    act that h and Pt homddcatd to th lod wok

    a agoand th co poxmt to th Amh communt,

    mad t ath connnt o th oung woman to un om h

    pat and nt a oom outd h chuch dtct.

    lda wondd h wa dong th ght thng b th hunnd

    g. And what o samu and rbcca lapp . . . and th on?

    What mut theyb ng?

    T tuaton ppxd h, and h had th oddt naton

    oa. Wh pondng a, hd wondd wh Kat had

    actd o hah to h pant kpng h adopton a ct.

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    Wa th what had caud th oung woman to dn h own

    dntt? O wa t th hunnngth hatndng wa hd

    bn tatd b th Popthat had changd thng o?

    lda hook h had, bwdd. sh coudnt gt o th

    oung woman wod cothng. shd ot no tm n bung a

    anc d woo kt and that hn atn bou wth w o d,

    bu, and god ow, o a thng. sh gud Kat mut

    u had h g, too, bcau h wa wang th ht

    o ho at. And uch a hado! A wa, and oh, o muchhot than an Pan womanAmh o Mnnontwoud

    da to thnk o wang.

    Kat houd-ngth ha bothd lda to no ndth g

    wa contant ngng t and tong t about. T uua had

    cong wa mng. O cou, now, what wth a o Kat

    bght-cood coth, th d cap woud ook comptout o pac.

    sh ghd and tund om th wndow, touchng th back

    o h own cap, Mnnont n tng. su th wa a dout

    Pan womancad Kathddn awa omwh nd

    th nw modn g.

    su th wa.


    Kathn oom wa hgh n th hou, tuatd und th

    a, and nat a a pn. T m o ac had aad bgun to

    pmat th oom bcau o th man handmad acht hd

    bought wth h om hom.

    T wa a down-d comot a dckd out wth unn

    ow tup, and a wht-and-ow tpd bdkt that ancd

    up th ou-pot bd. T pac wa mght ag, t dnt

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    om anthng hd n n an Amh houhod. And th

    map untu, everypcthank to Coun Pt wood-

    wokng kmatchd th oth: a tp d wth wd,

    moab mo; a ta cht o daw wth bght, coou

    do; and two qua amp tab.

    No dak gn wndow bnd, cod hadwood foo, o moun-

    tan o Amh qut. Ao notcab abnt wa an gn o a

    cda cht, wh a ng woman coud to hand-ttchd

    tm, awatng h wddng da.Kathn buhd ad th annong thought. shd gon

    and un out on h own wddng, ang a dgutd wdow-

    goom bhnd. A man whod tund out to b th tnt bhop

    Hcko Hoow had knownBhop John B, th m-

    po odie Meindingth hunnng.

    Ach! T thought o t tung h to th co. But h waKathn now. Bod, ou, and pt.

    sh tad at th oot o th bd wh a hop cht mght

    bn. want o mpotant to ha uch a thng n a oom o

    nt. st, h coudnt hp cang th man o tm hd

    mad dung th a n ppaaton o h wddd utu. A

    o t, at hand-wn pc, hd packd awa n th lapp

    attc. Jut thnkng o t, h had to augha chokd oundo

    t wa th dut attc o h chdhood hom, wh thng

    had bgun to cumb and chang.

    Cong th oom, h wnt to t n th uphotd cha

    na a bautu dapd wndow. sh td h td t to

    th haock and t out a wa gh. Abo h, th cng ght

    hon bght, and h dcdd a h axd that th oom wa

    h han agant th wod. T wod o h Pop who had

    pcd h ou.

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    Shunned . . . for all time. . . . Onc agan, h wa tckn wth

    th paazng thought.

    Pupo, h tad at th god ght wtch aco th oom,

    and Coun lda wod ckd though h mnd.Ask our

    heavenly Father for guidance, th Mnnont woman had ad.

    But KatKathnhad no da how to do uch a thng.

    H tct Amh oot wnt too dp n h, mab. st, h

    mutnt accpt that a a aon notto pa Coun lda wa.

    Bd, h wantd to bak a t wth h pat, o panga ou w takng to God . . . now, that woud b on wa

    to go about t.

    sh got up and knt bd th cha. Da Fath n han,

    th a Mnnont downta who a i houd tak to th . . .

    , ou, about ndn m a moth. i do hop thou, uh,you

    wont b mndng too much. . . .sh toppd. such a tang wa to pak to th Amght. sh

    otd to bchng Hm n Gman, a h wa accutomd.

    O Herr Gott, himmlischer Vater, h bgan.

    it wa dfcutno, downght boto ak anthng p-

    ona o th lod God, han Fath, pca nc h wa

    n bad-acd dobdnc to H commandmnt. so h ddnt

    mak a qut at a but ctd a pa om Christenpficht,

    th tandad Amh pa book, ntad o a pontanou on.

    At th pa wa don, h t a though hd bokn ath

    wth th nw pon h wa attmptng to bcomKathn


    Bo gttng o h kn, h pd th bod guta ng

    und th doub bd. rtng t, h at on th haock,

    xhaaton pacng h adn a h tummd th onc-

    obddn tng.

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    T ong h ang w od on, om hd mad up

    a a tt chd. Anoth wa a ow tun, on h and h t

    o, Dan Fhwhod downd n a ang accdnt a bohad wttn togth dung th at wk o h .

    Dan, h tu hopd, woud b pad up th n Go h

    knw what h pan w o tomoow. H wa a ptd a,

    Dan Fh. N ga up tng t h got what h wantd.

    epca whn t cam to gon and th Bb.

    sh mmbd hm bng mght tubbon o a oungAmhmankd to amod h da though to tho who

    ddnt to wth hm.

    Kathn ang on.

    Dont prejudge the dead, h coud ha th concntou oc

    o rbcca lapp, h Amh mamma. H Gott wa th na

    Judg whn a wa ad and a wa don. T Amght On wa

    ogn. Com Judgmnt Da, Hewoud dcd what woud

    bcom o h da Beau tna ou.

    loud h ang, dng th thought o Dan bng

    anwh but n Bd Paad. N bo and n agan

    had omon undtood o od h mo. And tomoow,

    Dan wa ookng down on h, hd mak hm gn . . . chuck, pannd on ung Coun lda tphon to da up that

    ong-dtanc opato n Canandagua. sh woud not g up

    t h got hod o a woman namd laua Mad-Bnntt.

    laua, who woud undtand pct. laua, who woud ct

    th da o h daught bth and a at at, Wcom hom,

    Kathn.What a n, wondu-good da that woud b.

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    ChapTer Three

    Kathn watd o th hou to ca out a bt bo hadng

    to th ha phon th nxt monng. shd wttn and wttn

    th dcto atanc numb o ong dtanc on a catch

    pad om th ktchn, antcpatng th momnt.But whn h wakd up th ta and appoachd th t-

    phon, h coud on ta at t. T w o man thng to

    b thnkng about. i h pckd up that phon . . .

    Hmm. it jut mght b bt not to know anthng about h

    natua moth, a. Mght b bt to a w nough aon.

    H da nd Ma stotzu woud a, stck to don thght thng, Kat. W, h wa to do th ght thng, woud

    h b tandng h n th Mnnont hou th mnut?

    sh huggd o th cppng thought. H hat, actud

    and b, ntd on knowng th tuth.

    But whn h got up th couag to da th numb, th

    ctonc anwng c cam on th n. Kathn watd,

    ntng on pakng wth a a opato.

    What ct? th woman akd.
