Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020-2021 Calendar

Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

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Page 1: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Bethel Park School District & Municipality2020 -2021 Calendar

Page 2: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Central Administration301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8402Dr. Janet O’Rourke, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and

Special Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8420Dr. Zeb Jansante, Assistant Superintendent for Administration . . .854-8420L. Douglas McCausland, Finance Director/Business Manager . . . . . . .854-8425Elizabeth Wells, Coordinator of Curriculum K-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8420Sharon Kopy, Assistant Director of Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8445Lori Sutton, Director of Special Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8410Dr. Sarah Shue, Assistant Director of Special Education . . . . . . . . . . .854-8410Administrator for Human Resource Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8425Scott Ziehler, Director of Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8414Ron Reyer, Director of Technology Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8418Dan Sloan, Athletic Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8548Nick Fierst, Director of Facilities and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8615Joe Consolmagno, Director of Food Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8754Director of Public Relations/Information Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8438

Bethel Park High School309 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102Main Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8581Joseph Villani, Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8571James Fodse, Assistant Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8584Guidance Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8597Health Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8550Attendance Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8572Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8565Records Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8595Student Activities Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8514Athletic Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8548

Independence 7-8 Middle School2807 Bethel Church Road, Bethel Park 15102David Muench, Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8677Dr. George Spalaris, Assistant Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8678Attendance Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8684Guidance Office (Grade 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8682Guidance Office (Grade 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8688

Neil Armstrong 5-6 Middle School5800 Murray Avenue, Bethel Park 15102Kenneth Patterson, Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8751Sheryl Kremer, Assistant Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8756

Abraham Lincoln Elementary1524 Hamilton Road, Pittsburgh 15234Jay Johnson, Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8618

Benjamin Franklin Elementary5400 Florida Avenue, Bethel Park 15102Teresa Doumont, Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8741

Bethel Memorial Elementary3301 South Park Road, Bethel Park 15102Eric Chalus, Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8506

George Washington Elementary515 Clifton Road, Bethel Park 15102Fred Pearson, Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8546

William Penn Elementary110 Woodlet Lane, Bethel Park 15102Brian Lenosky, Principal/Director of Cyber/Alternative Learning . . . . . .854-8522

Bethel Park School DistrictBuilding/Telephone Directory

Switchboard: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .833-5000Bethel Park Information Line: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854-8407(To hear recorded district-wide news, a listing of upcoming events and delay/cancellation information)

Page 3: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

The responsibility of the Board is to provide for students’ educational needs by establishingbudgets, hiring staff, providing facilities, establishing curriculum and determining policies.

All Board meetings are held at 7 PM in the Community Room of the Administration Building, and thepublic is invited to attend and participate in all meetings. Except for August and December,Committee Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month for the purpose of allowing theBoard to discuss and conduct the general business of the school district. Formal action may betaken by the Board at these meetings, but generally, action is taken at the Regular (voting)Meeting, which is held the fourth Tuesday of the month, with the exceptions of November andDecember. The Board does not have any meetings scheduled in July.

Meetings for the 2020-2021 school year are scheduled as follows:• August 4, 25• September 15, 22• October 20, 27• November 17(Combined Committee/Regular Meetings)

• December 1 (Reorganization Meeting at 6:30 PM) and 8 (Combined Committee/Regular Meeting)

The public can also watch the meetings live on Facebook at bethel.park.52. BPTV videotapes the RegularMeetings and airs them on Comcast Channel 17 and Verizon Channel 31 six days a week. Checkhttp://bethelpark.net/departments/bptv/programming-schedule/ for air times and scheduling.

BPTV also posts Bethel Park School Board Meetings on You Tube. That link can be found athttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bethel+park+school+board+meeting.

Public comments are accepted at the Committee and Regular Meetings. Comments on agenda items onlywill be accepted at the beginning of the meetings. At the end of the meetings, comments will be acceptedon agenda as well as non-agenda items. Each speaker must come to the microphone and give his/hername, address and group’s name (if applicable). Comments will be limited to two minutes. Topics forremarks may include school operations or school programs. Complaints about school personnel will not bediscussed at public sessions. Non-residents who wish to address the Board can do so by submitting arequest form prior to the meeting, which can be obtained at the District’s Administration Building.

Meeting agendas and minutes of the current year’s meetings are available athttps://go.boarddocs.com/pa/bthl/Board.nsf/Public.

You may contact the Board individually at the information located on this page or you can send one emailto all of them and the Superintendent at [email protected].

• January 19, 26• February 16, 23• March 16, 23• April 20, 27• May 18, 25• June 15, 22

Vince Scalzo878-600-1933

[email protected]

Russ Spicuzza412-835-9270

[email protected]

Kim Walsh Turner412-855-4940

[email protected]

Jim ModrakVice President412-833-9572

[email protected]

Ken Nagel412-831-1814

[email protected]

Connie Ruhl412-835-7845

[email protected]

Barry Christenson412-851-1032

[email protected]

Pamela DobosPresident

[email protected]

Darren McGregor412-833-9359

[email protected]

Bethel Park Board of School Directors

Page 4: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Not even a Coronavirus Pandemic that shut down all Pennsylvania schools for the majority of the finalthree months of the 2019-2020 school year could stop the Bethel Park School District from MovingForward.

The District pulled together like no other time to make sure that education continued for every student.

Chromebook Distribution Days were set up to make sure every student who needed an electronic device tokeep learning from home had one.

Teachers and Principals met to develop a Continuity of Education Plan for the fourth grading period thatkept teachers and their students virtually connected and education Moving Forward.

Free breakfasts and lunches were distributed daily to over 600 children age 18 and younger by BPSD staffmembers and school directors to make sure no child went hungry.

Food, money, gift cards and art supplies were collected by BPSD employees and distributed to needyBethel Park families.

Parades that either traveled through the neighborhoods or passed by in front of the schools enabledstudents and staff to safely say “Goodbye,” “Thank you,” and “Have a good summer” to one another, in anon-traditional, but much-needed way, to end the school year.

And Graduation was held at Bethel Park Stadium in four socially-distanced ceremonies on Saturday, June13, so the 349 members of the Bethel Park High School Class of 2020 could receive their diplomas and berecognized for their hard work and achievements.

Families, students and staff are to be commended for the way they adjusted to this new educationaldelivery system, and for their efforts to make it succeed during the most uncertain of times.

Whether instruction in the 2020-2021 school year will be held in school,online or a combination of both, the Bethel Park SchoolDistrict will be ready to move forward with ameaningful education program that will provide everystudent with the opportunity to learn, grow andprepare for a successful future.

We invite all of our families to continue Moving Forwardwith us.


Bethel Park School District-Moving Forward

Neil Armstrong Fifth Graders on Team Ranger used Loom

Videos to read the novel, Number the Starstogether.

IMS Family and Consumer Science Teacher Mrs. Fontana finished

and delivered the draw string bags their students were working

on prior to the closure of school to every one of her students.

Memorial First Graders in Mrs. Collins’ room looked forward to theirFriday Zoom call with fourth grader Tim Myers, who hosted FundayFridays with Tim, where he read a favorite story to the younger students.

Franklin Fourth Graders in Mrs. Meucci’s classroom learnedabout math concepts such as symmetry through videolessons she created using a Star Wars theme.

Page 5: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Emergency School ClosingsThe School District is concerned about student and employee safetyduring inclement weather. Cancellations, delayed openings or earlyclosings of school due to emergency or inclement weather will bedetermined as early as possible. All parents will be notified of delaysand cancellations by a pre-recorded message to all of their telephonenumbers via the School Messenger Notification Service. Informationcan also be obtained on the district’s web, Facebook, Instagram,Twitter and LinkedIn pages, or by calling the Information Line at 412-854-8407. Information will also be called into the three Pittsburghtelevision stations—KDKA, WTAE and WPXI. The decision to delay,cancel or early dismiss school due to inclement weather conditions ismade by the Superintendent in conjunction with the Municipality andthe National Weather Service, with the safety of our studentsparamount in the decision making process.

If school is cancelled due to inclement weather, all Bethel ParkRecreation Department activities held in school facilities are alsocancelled for that day.

Two Hour DelaysSometimes the passage of time will enable road crews to clear theroads and allow busses to warm up and transport children safely toschool. If a Two Hour Delay is called, students should arrive at theirbus stops or at school two hours later than usual.

On days when a two hour delay is called, the district will operate aModified Kindergarten Schedule as follows:

• Morning Kindergarten will attend from 11:20 AM to 1 PM• Afternoon Kindergarten will attend from 2 to 3:40 PM

Modified Kindergarten equalizes both sessions to 1 hour, 40 minutesof instruction.

Parents, please be reminded that on days with delays, building staffmay also be delayed in getting to school due to road conditions, sothere may not be anyone at the front door to let your child into thebuilding, should they arrive too early. Please do not drop your childoff at school before the delayed starting time.

In the event of an emergency closing, all parents should have priorarrangements made for their children. Children should be aware ofwhat to do, or where to go, in the event parents are not home at thetime of the emergency dismissal.

March1 Teacher Inservice Day (Schools Closed)

26 Third Grading Period Ends29 Fourth Grading Period Begins30 Two Hour Delay for Students31 Teacher Records Day (Schools Closed)

April1-5 Spring Recess (Schools Closed)6 Classes Resume from Spring Recess

May18 Election Day/Teacher Inservice Day

(Schools Closed)31 Memorial Day (Schools Closed)

June8 Last Day for Students

(Early Release/AM Kindergarten Only Attends)

9 Teacher Records Day12 BPHS Graduation Day18 Kennywood Day

SNOW MAKEUP DAYS:February 15, March 8, April 1, April 5,

June 9, June 10 and June 11.

August20 New Teacher Induction21 Room Preparation Day24 Teacher Inservice Day25 Teacher Inservice Day26 First Day for Students

September7 Labor Day (Schools Closed)

October1 Two Hour Delay for Students

28 First Grading Period Ends29 Second Grading Period Begins30 Teacher Records Day (Schools Closed)

November2 Teacher Inservice Day/Elementary Conferences

(Schools Closed)3 Election Day/Teacher Inservice Day/Elementary

Conferences (Schools Closed)26-30 Fall Recess (Schools Closed)

December1 Classes Resume from Fall Recess

10 Two Hour Delay for Students24-Jan 3 Winter Recess(Schools Closed)

January4 Classes Resume from Winter Recess18 Martin Luther King Jr., Day (Schools Closed)19 Second Grading Period/First Semester Ends20 Third Grading Period/Second Semester Begins22 Teacher Records Day (Schools Closed)26 Two Hour Delay for Students

February15 Presidents’ Day/Teacher Inservice Day

(Schools Closed)

Year At A Glance

Page 6: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Looking for School District Information?• Call the Bethel Park Information Line at 412-854-8407 to hear recordedmessages of district news, upcoming events and schooldelay/cancellation information.

• Check out the school district’s website: www.bpsd.org for building bybuilding information and the latest news.

• Follow the BPSD on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn (Bethel ParkSchool District), and Twitter (@bpsdinfo).

• Send your email address to the Director of Public Relations/InformationSpecialist to be placed on our E-Mail Newsletter mailing list to receiveperiodic updates of school district news, events and recognitions. If youare a BPSD parent, please contact a secretary at one of your children’sschools to have your email address added into the Student Data Base,or you can change it yourself in the HAC.

• Contact the schools directly.

About This Calendar…Because this calendar was compiled in mid-June, it will not contain all ofthe dates and activities for the school district and municipality for the2020-2021 school year, although it is as accurate as possible. With theuncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic, dates may bealtered/changed. Date changes may also occur throughout the school yeardue to scheduling conflicts and weather cancellations.

If you have specific questions about a particular listing in the calendar,please call the pertaining school to confirm the information. Updates willalso appear in district publications, on the Information Line (412-854-8407) and the district’s web site www.bpsd.org, the district’s Facebook,Instagram and LinkedIn pages (Bethel Park School District) and thedistrict’s Twitter page (@bpsdinfo).

It is our hope that this calendar will become a valuable planning resource toyou and your family throughout the school year. We encourage you toattend as many school district and community events as possible.

Have a great school year!


Have a great year!

Starting/Dismissal Times for Bethel Park SchoolsStart Time Dismissal Time

Bethel Park High School 7:25 AM 2:28 PMIndependence Middle School 7:25 AM 2:25 PMNeil Armstrong Middle School 8:05 AM 3:05 PMElementary Schools (Grades 1-4) 9:20 AM 3:40 PMAM Kindergarten 9:20 AM 12:05 PMPM Kindergarten 12:55 PM 3:40 PM

Early Dismissal Times for Bethel Park SchoolsBethel Park High School/Independence Middle School ........................................................11:15 AMNeil Armstrong/Morning Kindergarten ........................................................................................NoonElementary Schools ....................................................................................................................1:00 PM

Bethel Park Open House Dates at a GlanceIndependence Middle School ........................................................Monday, August 24 at 6:30 PMMemorial ................................................................................................Thursday, August 27 at 6 PMBethel Park High School ......................................................Wednesday, September 2 at 6:30 PMNeil Armstrong Sixth Grade ............................................Thursday, September 3 from 6-7:15 PMNeil Armstrong Fifth Grade ............................................Thursday, September 3 from 7:45-9 PMAbraham Lincoln..........................................................................Tuesday, September 8 at 6:30 PMBenjamin Franklin ..................................................................Wednesday, September 9 at 6:30 PMWilliam Penn ............................................................................Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30 PMGeorge Washington..................................................................Thursday, September 17 at 6:30 PM

About The School Day

Page 7: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Immunization RequirementsThe Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Allegheny County Health Department are requiring the followingimmunizations for all students K-12 by the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL:

• 4 doses of tetanus (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)• 4 doses of diphtheria (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)• 4 doses of acellular pertussis (usually given as DTP or DTaP – 1 dose on or after the 4thbirthday)

• 4 doses of polio (4th dose on or after the 4th birthday and at least 6 months after theprevious dose is given)

• 2 doses of measles (usually given as MMR)• 2 doses of mumps (usually given as MMR)• 2 doses of rubella (usually given as MMR)• 3 doses of hepatitis B (an additional dose would be necessary if the first three are notadministered within the proper time frame)

• 2 doses of varicella (chicken pox) or written statement from physician/designee indicatingmonth and year of disease or serologic proof of immunity.

On the first day of school, unless the child has a medical or religious/philosophical exemption, a child musthave had at least one dose of the above vaccinations or risk exclusion from school.

If a child does not have all the doses listed above, needs additional doses and the next dose is medicallyappropriate, the child must receive that dose within the first five days of school or risk exclusion from school.If the next dose is not the final dose of the series, the child must also provide a medical plan (red and whitecard) within the first five days of school for obtaining the required immunizations or risk exclusion.

If a child does not have all the doses listed above, needs additional doses and the next dose is not medicallyappropriate, the child must provide a medical plan (red and white card) within the first five days of school forobtaining the required immunizations or risk exclusion.

The medical plan must be followed or risk exclusion.

The following are requirements for all students in grades 7 by the first day of school (in addition to the abovevaccines):

• 1 dose of tetanus/diphtheria/acellular pertussis (TdaP)• 1 dose of meningitis vaccine (MCV)

The following is a requirement for all students in grade 12 by the first day of school (in addition to the abovevaccines):

• 1 dose of meningitis vaccine (MCV) received after the age of 16 (for a total of 2 doses)

On the First Day of 7th and 12th Grade—Unless the child has a medical or religious/philosophicalexemption, a child must have had the above vaccines or risk exclusion from school.

The vaccines required for entrance, 7th grade and 12th grade continue to be required in eachsucceeding school year.

Those requirements allow for the following exemptions: medical reason, religious belief, orphilosophical/strong moral or ethical conviction. Even if your child is exempt from immunizations,he or she may be excluded from school during an outbreak of vaccine preventable disease.

Universal Blood Lead Level TestingEffective January 1, 2018 all children are required to have their blood lead level tested prior toentry into kindergarten or before they are six years old, whichever is sooner. Parents who object inwriting on religious grounds or on the basis of a strong moral or ethical conviction similar to areligious belief can opt out of blood testing.

Health ScreeningsThe Pennsylvania Public School Code requires that students receive health screenings at certaingrade levels:Exam Grade LevelVision Annually, grades K-12Hearing Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7 and 11Height and Weight Annually, grades K-12(including calculation of Body Mass Index)Scoliosis Grades 6 and 7(abnormal curvature of the spine)

Mandated ExamsThe Pennsylvania Public School Code mandates that all students receive the following medicalexams:Exam Grade LevelPhysical Exam Upon entering school (K or 1) and Grades 6 and 11Dental Exam Upon entering school (K or 1) and Grades 3 and 7

Sports physicals are required annually for every grade 7-12 student who participates in inter-scholastic sponsored activities. The physical must be performed after June 1 and is valid for theremainder of the school year. The school district offers physicals for $20 prior to the start ofeach season from the Allegheny Health Network on specifically scheduled days. Families can alsochoose to have a private physician perform the exam. All athletes must use the specific formsthat are available from the district’s athletic website or the Athletic Office.

Page 8: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

1Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


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SEPTEMBER1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30

AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality

Go out there with courage and imagination and be fully whoever you are, because that is who are meant to be.

Madeleine L’Engle, Author of A Wrinkle in Time

“ ”

Independence Middle School

Page 9: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

NA Fifth Grade ParentOrientation 6-8 PM

MUN Zoning Hearing BoardMeeting 7:30 PM

HS Marching Band CampBegins

HS Heat AcclimationWeek for Football

MUN Municipal CouncilMeeting 7:30 PM

BP Chronicles In Mail

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM


HS Marching Band atKennywood 8 PM

HS Fall Sports PracticeBegins

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM



Dates & Times Subject to Change.

AD School BoardCommittee Meeting 7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market atSouth Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting7:30 PM

M Open House6-7:30 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting7:30 PM

30 31


IMS Chromebook Pick-UpDay8-11 AM and 1-3 PM


AL Teacher Breakfast AL Kindergarten Teddy

Bear Picnic M Teacher Breakfast GW Back To School Staff


GW Popsicles on thePlayground 6 PM

IMS Chromebook Pick-Up Day 8-11 AM and 1-3 PM

IMS Open House and Walk Throughof Schedules6:30-8:30 PM

WP Back To School Event 5:30 PMMUN General Policy & Finance;

Health, Safety & Welfare: Planning & Zoning; Public Works & Maintenance; and Rec Meetings 7:30 PM



AD School Board RegularMeeting 7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

MUN Recreation FleaMarket 8 AM-2 PM

Page 10: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

BF Franklin Friday

1 2 3 4 5BF PTO Meeting

6:30 PM MUN Farmers’ Market at

the South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

HS Open House 6:30 PMGW PTO Meeting 7 PM MUN Parks and Recreation

Board Meeting 7 PM

M Ice Cream Social 6-7:30 PM

NA Sixth Grade OpenHouse 6-7:15 PM

NA Fifth Grade OpenHouse 7:45-9 PM

WP PTO Meeting 7 PM


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4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31

HS Underclassmen Yearbook Picture Days

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Keep reaching. Keep seeking.

Bill Nye, American scientist and engineer“ ”

Bethel Park Public Library programs

Page 11: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30

AD PTO Council LargeGroup Meeting 12:30 PM

AL PTO Meeting 6:30 PM

BF Open House 6:30-8 PM

MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting7:30 PM

M PTA Meeting 7 PM NA PTO Meeting 7 PM MUN Municipal Council

Meeting 7:30 PM

AD School BoardCommittee Meeting 7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

BF Fall Picture Day WP Open House

6:30-8 PM

AL Fall Picture Day GW Open House

6:30-8 PM

AL Spirit Day M Student Store MUN Free Star Party at

Millennium Park 7:30 PM

HS Hoagie Sale #1MUN Recreation Flea

Market 8 AM-2 PM

HS Powderpuff FootballGame 6 PM

MUN General Policy &Finance; Health,Safety & Welfare:Planning & Zoning;Public Works &Maintenance; andRec Meetings 7:30PM


MUN Municipal Authority Meeting 7:30 PM

HS Last Day for FirstSemester ScheduleChanges

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM

M Fall Picture DayNA School Store

HS ACT MUN Community Day

Details to Follow

HS HomecomingParade/Tailgate 6 PM

HS Homecoming FootballGame againstFranklin Regional7 PM

NA Popcorn Friday

HS SAT (not at BPHS)HS Homecoming Dance

Dates & Times Subject to Change.




MUN Waste/Recycling Delayed One Day Remainder of Week


AL Open House 6:30-8 PM

GW PTO MembershipForms Due

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

MUN Zoning Hearing BoardMeeting 7:30 PM


AD School Board RegularMeeting 7 PM

HS Fourth Grade BandInformation Night 7 PM

IMS Picture Day MUN Farmers’ Market at

the South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

HS Elementary StringsParent InformationNight 7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

AD Special ServicesParent/GuardianInformation Night 7 PM

AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality

Page 12: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

1 2 3BF Franklin Friday NA School Store MUN Disney Trivia at the

Community Center 7 PM

HS SAT HS Marching Band


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SEPTEMBER1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30

WP Fall Picture Day

2 Hour Delay for Students

AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Go forward with confidence and an eagerness to learn.

Jon Love, American writer“ ”

George Washington Elementary School

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MUN Zoning HearingBoard Meeting 7:30 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM

NA Bingo GW Bingo 7 PMWP Fall Festival 5-7 PM

BF Evening Book Fair 5-7 PM

AD Federal ProgramsNight 6-7 PM


AL Fall Festival M Student Store NA Popcorn Friday

HS ACTMUN Fall Clean Up Day

9 AM-Noon


MUN Trick or Treating 6-8 PM

BF Book Fair

MUN General Policy &Finance; Health,Safety & Welfare;Planning & Zoning;Public Works &Maintenance; and RecMeetings 7:30 PM




BPSD Staff Flu Shot Clinic

BPSD Student Flu ShotClinic


MUN Parks and RecreationBoard Meeting 7 PM

MUN Municipal CouncilMeeting 7:30 PM

BF Fall Picture Make-UpDay

HS PSAT MUN Planning & Zoning

Commission Meeting7:30 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM

AL Book Fair

Dates & Times Subject to Change.


IMS Picture Make-Up Day


AD School BoardCommittee Meeting 7 PM

M Book FairIMS Book Fair GW Red Ribbon Week

AD School BoardRegular Meeting 7 PM


NA Flight Night


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7BF Franklin Friday IMS Veterans Day

Breakfast andAssembly

NA School Store

HS SATDaylight SavingsTime Ends—TurnClocks BACK OneHour


(K-4 Parent Conferences 1-8:30 PM)


MUN Zoning HearingBoard Meeting 7:30PM


(K-4 Parent Conferences)



AL PTO Meeting 6:30PM

MUN Parks and RecreationBoard Meeting 7 PM


GW PTO Meeting7 PMWP Fall Picture Make-Up

Day WP PTO Meeting 7 PM

InView Testing for Grades 2 and 6HS Fall Play 7 PM

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


You cannot get through a single day without having an impacton the world around you. What you do makes a difference, andyou have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

Jane Goodall, British anthropologist

“ ”

Abraham Lincoln Elementary School

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MUN Waste/RecyclingDelayed One DayRemainder of Week

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30


AD PTO Council Small Group Meeting 1 PM


AD School BoardCombinedCommittee/RegularMeeting 7 PM

HS Fall Band Concert 7 PM

NA Popcorn Friday IMS Craft Show 9 AM-3 PM

HS Winter Sports Practice Begins

HS Fall OrchestraConcert 7 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM

AD Special ServicesParent/Guardian Information Night 6 PM




AL Spirit DayM Student Store M Fall Family Bingo

6:30-8 PM

HS Hoagie Sale #2 NA Color Run GW Night at the Races

at the CommunityCenter

HS Jazz Band Concert 7 PM

Dates & Times Subject to Change.

AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality


4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31

DECEMBER1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31

M PTA Meeting 7 PM NA PTO Meeting MUN Municipal Council

Meeting 7:30 PM

BF PTO Meeting6:30 PM

MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting7:30 PM



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ReorganizationMeeting 6:30 PM

HS Senior YearbookPortraits Due

NA Choral Concert at IMS 7 PM

MUN Tree Lighting Ceremonyat the CommunityCenter6:45 PM

MUN Parks and RecreationBoard Meeting 7 PM

MUN General Policy &Finance; Health, Safety& Welfare: Planning &Zoning; Public Works &Maintenance; and RecMeetings 7:30 PM


AL Cupcakes With Santa BF Cookies with Santa

6 PM GW Cookies with Santa

6 PM WP Cookies With Santa

BF Santa Shop NA Santa Shop

AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

It is necessary that we dream now and then. No oneever achieved anything from the smallest to thegreatest unless the dream was dreamed first.

Laura Ingalls Wilder, American pioneer and writer


“ ”

Memorial Elementary School

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AD School BoardCombinedCommittee/RegularMeeting 7 PM

IMS Seventh GradeHoliday Concert 7 PM

IMS Eighth Grade HolidayConcert7 PM

MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting7:30 PM

M Holiday Festival 6-8 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM


MUN Municipal CouncilMeeting 7:30 PM

HS Holiday Concert 7 PM


WP Santa Visit 2 PM MUN Senior Citizen Holiday

Lunch at BPHS 1 PM


NA Charity Carnival





MUN Waste/RecyclingDelayed One DayRemainder of Week





3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3031

NOVEMBER1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30

NA Fifth Grade StringsHoliday Concert 6:30 PM

NA Sixth Grade StringsHoliday Concert 7:30 PM

MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting7:30 PM

BP Chronicles in Mail

GW Holiday Sing Along atBPHS 7 PM







Dates & Times Subject to Change.

HS NHS Event

2 Hour Delay for Students

GW Holiday Gift Shop





AL Secret Santa ShopM Holiday Shoppe

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MUN Waste/RecyclingDelayed One DayRemainder of Week

AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will

unlock the door to personal excellence.

Confucius, Ancient Chinese philosopher

“ ”

Bethel Park Police Department

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AL PTO Meeting 9:30 AM

MUN Parks and RecreationBoard Meeting7 PM

WP PTO Meeting7 PM



BF Franklin Friday NA School Store

HS Hoagie Sale #3

M PTA Meeting 7 PM MUN Municipal Council

Meeting 7:30 PM



BF PTO Meeting 6:30 PM

GW PTO Meeting 7 PM



AL Bowling Party

HS Keystone Exams

AD School BoardCommittee Meeting 7 PM

HS Keystone Exams

AL Band Night 7 PM MUN General Policy &

Finance; Health, Safety& Welfare: Planning &Zoning; Public Works &Maintenance; and RecMeetings 7:30 PM

AD School Board RegularMeeting7 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM

AL Spirit Day BF Snow Ball NA Popcorn Friday GW Family STEM Night

Dates & Times Subject to Change.


eSCHOOLPLUS UPDATED AD PTO Council LargeGroup Meeting 12:30 PM

MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting7:30 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM

M Student Store

2 Hour Delay for Students



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1 2 3 4 5 6AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality


NA PTO Meeting 7 PM

NA Read-A-Thon Begins GW Penny Pigs Begins MUN Zoning Hearing Board

Meeting 7:30 PM

AD Special ServicesParent/GuardianInformation Night 7 PM

MUN Parks and RecreationBoard Meeting 7 PM

AL Talent Show BF Franklin FridayHS Great Alumni Hall of

Fame Induction IMS GOLD Night

2:30-10 PM NA School Store


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


You cannot get through a single day without having an impacton the world around you. What you do makes a difference, andyou have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

Jane Goodall, British anthropologist

“ ”

Benjamin Franklin Elementary School

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MUN Municipal CouncilMeeting 7:30 PM

HS Last Day for SecondSemester ScheduleChanges

MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting7:30 PM

AL Lincoln Day IMS BOLD Night2:30-10 PM M Student Store NA Read-A-Thon Ends GW Penny Pigs Ends MUN NAMS Jam at NAMS

7-9 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting7:30 PM

GW Jump Rope for Heart HS Hoagie Sale #4 WP Calendar Party







BP Chronicles In Mail

First Snow Make-Up Day

AD School Board RegularMeeting 7 PM

M Science/Art Expo 6-7:30 PM

BF Art and Science Fair

HS Black Hawk Forensics Tournament

Dates & Times Subject to Change.

MARCH1 2 3 4 5 6

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3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3031

GW Washington Day MUN Municipal Authority

Meeting7:30 PM


AD School BoardCommittee Meeting 7 PM


IMS BOLD/GOLD Make UpNight 2:30-10 PM

NA Popcorn Friday

BF Read-A-Thon Begins

MUN General Policy &Finance; Health,Safety & Welfare:Planning & Zoning;Public Works &Maintenance; andRec Meetings7:30 PM

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1 2 3 4 5 6AL Spring Picture Day BF Kindergarten

Registration 9:30-11 AM and1:30-3 PM

WP PTO Meeting 7 PM


BF Franklin Friday BF Reading with the

Stars NA School Store GW Art/Science Fair and

Ice Cream Social 7 PM

MUN Zoning Hearing BoardMeeting 7:30 PM

GW KindergartenRegistration 9:30-11 AM and1:30-3 PM

AL KindergartenRegistration 9:30-11 AM and1:30-3 PM

GW PTO Meeting 7 PMMUN Parks and Recreation

Board Meeting 7 PM

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


They think they can do all because they think they can.

Virgil, Ancient Roman poet“ ”

William Penn Elementary School

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21 22 23 24 25 26 27

HS Spring SportsPractice Begins

MUN Municipal CouncilMeeting 7:30 PM

BF PTO Meeting 6:30 PM

M KindergartenRegistration at theCommunity Center9:30-11 AM and1:30-3 PM

AD PTO Council Small GroupMeeting 1 PM

AL PTO Meeting 9:30 AM HS National Honor Society

Applications Due WP Kindergarten Registration

9:30-11 AM and 1:30-3 PM

MUN Senior Citizen OffBroadway Luncheon atIMS 1 PM

MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting 7:30 PM

AD Kindergarten EveningRegistration at theCommunity Center 5-7 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting7:30 PM

AL Spirit Day M Fall Picture Day


M Student Store NA Popcorn Friday

IMS Musical 7:30 PM

Daylight SavingsTime Begins—TurnClocks AHEAD One


M PTA Meeting7 PM

HS Musical 7 PM




HS Fourth Grade ChorusConcert 7 PM

AD School BoardCommittee Meeting 7 PM

APRIL1 2 3

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FEBRUARY1 2 3 4 5 6

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2 Hour Delay for Students

MUN General Policy &Finance; Health,Safety & Welfare:Planning & Zoning;Public Works &Maintenance; and RecMeetings 7:30 PM

AD School BoardRegular Meeting 7 PM

Dates & Times Subject to Change.

AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality

Second Snow Make-Up Day



BF Spring Picture Day

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM

WP Science and Art Fair6 PM



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AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality

Third Snow Make-Up Day









Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.

Chinese proverb

“ ”

Neil Armstrong Middle School

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AD Special ServicesParent/GuardianInformation Night 6 PM

IMS Seventh Grade ParentOrientation 7 PM

M Student Store NA Popcorn Friday

HS ACT MUN Spring Clean Up Day

9 AM-Noon

AD School BoardCommittee Meeting 7 PM

HS Band Concert 7 PM

HS National HonorSociety Induction6:30 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM

NA Spring Fling GW Talent Show at IMS

6:30 PM


MUN Parks and RecreationBoard Meeting7 PM

MUN General Policy &Finance; Health,Safety & Welfare;Planning & Zoning;Public Works &Maintenance; andRec Meetings 7:30PM

PSSA English Language Arts Testing for Grades 3-8

Fourth Snow Make-Up Day



HS Strings Concert 7 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM


MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting7:30 PM



PSSA Mathematics Testing for Grades 3-8 PSSA Science Testing for Grades 4 and 9 Dates & Times Subject to Change.

M Book Fair





MUN Zoning Hearing BoardMeeting 7:30 PM




BF Franklin Friday NA School Store WP Ice Cream Social6 PM

NA PTO Meeting MUN Municipal Council

Meeting7:30 PM

HS Hoagie Sale #5

AD School Board RegularMeeting 7 PM

HS Spring Music Trip to Myrtle Beach

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HS Spring Music Trip to Myrtle Beach

JUNE1 2 3 4 5

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APRIL1 2 3

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AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

What you will do maers. All you need is to do it.

Judy Grahn, American writer“ ”

Bethel Park Recreation Daycamp

Bethel ParkFarmers’ Market


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BPSD Third Grade Spelling Bee atNAMS6:30 PM

BF Evening Book Fair 5-7 PMBF PTO Meeting6:30 PM M Kindergarten Orientation

9:45-11:15 AM MUN Farmers’ Market at the

South Park Ice Skating RinkParking Lot 3-7 PM

AL PTO Meeting 6:30 PMIMS Teacher Appreciation

Luncheon GW Kindergarten

Orientation 9:30-11 AM

MUN Parks and RecreationBoard Meeting 7 PM

BF Franklin Friday BF Kindergarten

Orientation 9:45 AMIMS Poetry Café M Fun Fair MUN NAMS Jam at NAMS

7-9 PM

HS Fourth Grade StringsConcert 7 PM

MUN Municipal CouncilMeeting 7:30 PM

BP Chronicles In Mail

AD PTO Council LargeGroup Meeting 12:30 PM

AL KindergartenOrientation 9:30-11 AM

MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting7:30 PM

IMS Eighth Grade SpringConcert 7 PM

GW PTO Meeting 7 PM WP Kindergarten

Orientation 9:30 AMMUN Municipal Authority

Meeting 7:30 PM


HS Prom (tentative)

HS Ninth Grade MusicTrip to Hershey

MUN Recreation FleaMarket 8 AM-2 PM

HS Fourth Grade BandConcert7 PM

HS Prom (tentative)

AD School Board RegularMeeting 7 PM

IMS ElementaryInstrumental ParentInformation Night 7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market at theSouth Park Ice SkatingRink Parking Lot 3-7 PM

MUN Zoning Hearing BoardMeeting 7:30 PM

NA Band Concert atBPHS 7 PM

WP PTO Meeting 7 PM

BF Book Fair


M PTA Meeting 7 PM NA Fifth Grade Strings

Concert6:30 PM NA Sixth Grade Strings

Concert 7:30 PM

HS Keystone Exams

MUN General Policy & Finance;Health, Safety & Welfare:Planning & Zoning; PublicWorks & Maintenance; andRec Meetings 7:30 PM

30 31


PSSA Math/Science Make-Up Testing for Grades 3-8 AL Teacher Appreciation Week GW Teacher Appreciation Week

IMS Seventh GradeConcert 7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

GW Student Appreciation Week

HS Quill and ScrollInduction 6:30 PM

NA Choral Concert at IMS7 PM

GW Sports Day

HS Choral Concert 7 PM HS Awards Ceremony6:30 PM

MUN Municipal AuthorityMeeting 7:30 PM

GW Family Fun Night

Dates & Times Subject to Change.

HS Telerama 7 PMHS Spring Music Trip to Myrtle Beach



AD School Board CommitteeMeeting 7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market at theSouth Park Ice Skating RinkParking Lot 3-7 PM



MUN Waste/Recycling DelayedOne Day Remainder of Week


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1 2 3 4 5HS SAT MUN Rabies Clinic at the

Brightwood FireStation 10 AM-Noon

IMS Eighth Grade AwardsAssembly8 AM

IMS Academic ExcellenceProgram 7 PM

NA Fifth Grade Fun Day

MUN Parks and RecreationBoard Meeting 7 PM

AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality


M Field Day WP Fun Day MUN Farmers’ Market at

the South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot3-7 PM

BF Franklin Friday BF Olympic Day IMS Eighth Grade Special

Day NA Sixth Grade Fun Day

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Go conquer the world. Just rememberthis: Why not you? You made it this far.

Mindy Kaling, American author

“ ”

Bethel Park High School

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MUN Zoning Hearing BoardMeeting7:30 PM

HS Graduation 10 AM

AD School BoardCommittee Meeting 7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot3-7 PM

MUN Recreation Flea Market 8 AM-2 PM

AD School Board RegularMeeting 7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

MUN General Policy &Finance; Health,Safety & Welfare;Planning & Zoning;Public Works &Maintenance; and RecMeetings 7:30 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM


MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting7:30 PM




JULY1 2 3

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2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31


(Early Dismissal for All Students—AM

Kindergarten Only Aends)

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

Fifth Snow Make-Up Day

HS Baccalaureate7 PM MUN Municipal Authority

Meeting 7:30 PM

Sixth Snow Make-Up Day

Seventh Snow Make-Up Day

MUN Municipal Authority Meeting 7:30 PM

Dates & Times Subject to Change.



MUN Municipal CouncilMeeting7:30 PM

MUN Summer Spectacular5-10 PM


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HS ACTMUN Recreation Flea

Market 8 AM-2 PM

MUN General Policy &Finance; Health, Safety& Welfare; Planning &Zoning; Public Works &Maintenance; and RecMeetings 7:30 PM

JUNE1 2 3 4 5

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MUN Municipal Authority Meeting 7:30 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market at the South Park Ice Skating Rink Parking Lot 3-7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market at the South Park Ice Skating Rink Parking Lot 3-7 PM

MUN Municipal Council Meeting 7:30 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market at the South Park Ice Skating Rink Parking Lot3-7 PM

MUN Municipal Authority Meeting 7:30 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market at the South Park Ice Skating Rink Parking Lot3-7 PM

AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle

M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality

AUGUST1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31





MUN Zoning Hearing BoardMeeting 7:30 PM

MUN Planning & ZoningCommission Meeting7:30 PM

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


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29 30 31

MUN Municipal Council Meeting 7:30 PM

BP Chronicles In Mail

MUN Recreation FleaMarket 8 AM-2 PM

MUN Zoning Hearing Board Meeting 7:30 PM

AD School BoardCommittee Meeting 7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market at the South Park Ice Skating Rink Parking Lot3-7 PM

MUN Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting 7:30 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market at the South Park Ice Skating Rink Parking Lot 3-7 PM

MUN Municipal Authority Meeting 7:30 PM

AD School Board RegularMeeting 7 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market atthe South Park IceSkating Rink ParkingLot 3-7 PM

MUN General Policy & Finance;Health, Safety & Welfare;Planning & Zoning; PublicWorks & Maintenance;and Rec Meetings7:30 PM

AD Administration BuildingAL Abraham LincolnBF Ben FranklinHS High SchoolIMS Independence Middle

M MemorialNA Neil Armstrong Middle GW George WashingtonWP William PennMUNMunicipality

JULY1 2 3

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5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

MUN Farmers’ Market at the South Park Ice Skating Rink Parking Lot 3-7 PM

MUN Municipal Authority Meeting 7:30 PM

MUN Farmers’ Market at the South Park Ice Skating Rink Parking Lot 3-7 PM

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


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School Messenger Notification ServiceThe Bethel Park School District uses the School Messenger Notification Service to notify parents andemployees about things such as school delays/cancellations, upcoming school events and emergencysituations. The primary three uses of School Messenger will be to call parents and employees as soon as adecision is made on days with inclement weather, to notify you of a delay or cancellation; to email parents theschool district’s weekly E-Mail Newsletter and monthly Good News Gazette, and to receive school-specificcalls and emails from the Principals. Please contact a secretary at one of your children’s schools to make surethey have the correct email address in the Student Data Base or whenever your email changes. This willgreatly assist us in keeping in touch with you throughout the school year with important information.

Get on the E-Newsleer Mailing List!All parents who provide their email address for the Student Data Base will automatically receive the Bethel Park E-Mail Newsletter. The Student Data Base is currently only set up to accept one email address per parent. If youwould like to receive the E-Newsletter at more than one e-mail address, you should contact the Director of PublicRelations/Information Specialist with your full name and e-mail address, and you will receive the E-Newsletter. It’sas easy as that!

ALL Volunteers Required To Get Clearances Before VolunteeringIn SchoolsThe Bethel Park School District encourages the involvement of parents and guardians in our schools.Pennsylvania State Law now requires EVERY volunteer who has direct contact with students to have thenecessary clearances on file with the School District. The required clearances are the Pennsylvania Child AbuseHistory Clearance (Act 151), Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check (Act 34) and the FBI FederalCriminal History Record (Act 114). The PA Clearances are free to volunteers and the FBI Clearance is $22.60.Volunteers who have resided in Pennsylvaniafor ALL of the past 10 years and have neverbeen convicted of a Disqualifying Offense cansign a Waiver that would eliminate the needfor the FBI Clearance. No one will be permittedto volunteer in our schools until they presentall three clearances (or the two PA clearancesand the waiver) and a signedAcknowledgement of Volunteer ObligationsForm to the District’s AdministrationBuilding, where they will be photographed andissued a Qualified Volunteer ID Card that mustbe worn every time they are volunteering in ourschools or with Bethel Park students on afield trip or other outing not on schoolproperty. To learn more about what volunteers need to do to successfully volunteer in our schools, please goto: www.bpsd.org/VolunteerInformation.aspx.

Cafeteria Prices Unchanged for 2020-2021Cafeteria prices for the 2020-2021 school year remain unchanged from the previous year.

• Elementary -- $2.45• Middle School -- $2.60• High School -- $2.75• Elementary Tiered -- $3.25• NAMS/IMS Tiered -- $3.40• BPHS Tiered -- $3.55

Breakfast will be served at all Bethel Park schools at a cost of $1.65. Parents can pre-pay for theirchild’s meals and track their child’s purchases via the QSP Program, which is available in all BethelPark cafeterias. Even if you do not pre-pay for your child’s meals, you can still track theirpurchases via PayForIt.net. To learn more about QSP and PayForIt.net, go towww.bpsd.org/FoodServices/. The BPHS cafeteria operates under a cashless system to helpstudents move through the cashier line at a quicker pace. Students who pay for their meals withcash will not receive change. Any change will be deposited into their QSP account. Forms forfree/reduced meals can be accessed at www.bpsd.org/FoodServices/ or from the Business Officein the Administration Building.

PTA/PTO Contact Information• Lincoln PTO – [email protected]• Franklin PTO – [email protected] • Memorial PTA – [email protected] • Washington PTO – [email protected] • Penn PTO – [email protected] • Neil Armstrong PTO – [email protected] • Independence Middle School PTSO – [email protected] • PTO Council – Laura Hoffman - [email protected] • PTO Council – Dawn Hughes - [email protected]• PTO Council – Caitlin Metzler - [email protected]

We encourage all Bethel Park parents to support the PTA, PTO or PTSO organizations in theirchild’s school. These hard-working groups provide many extra programs, activities and events thatenhance the educational process. We thank them for their support!

Helpful Information

Have A GREAT School Year!

Page 33: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Welcome back to a new school year! Last schoolyear was certainly a challenge, and you deserverecognition for persevering and successfullycompleting it!

The theme of this year’s calendar is “MovingForward,” and we all hope to be moving forward ina more positive direction this year. We’ve all hadto change the way we function in our daily lives,but we can apply what we’ve learned and use it tomake this school year a great one.

At the Municipality, all of us on Municipal Council,the Mayor and Municipal staff are working hard tomove forward in a positive direction with plans tocontinue bringing innovative services andresponsive programs to our residents.

As a Bethel Park School District graduate, I’veoften said how incredibly happy it makes me tosee the outstanding student leaders that developfrom the District and watch them make animpact not only on our community, but in all oftheir future endeavors after graduation.

Therefore, all of us on Municipal Council lookforward to once again recognizing studentaccomplishments at our Council meetings! So,please be sure to contact me, Mayor Allen or anyother Council member to share your achievementsso that we can recognize all that you do.

Best wishes for an outstanding school year….


WARD 1412-833-7993

JAMES P. HANNANVice President

WARD 3412-831-1053


WARD 5412-833-0449



JACK T. ALLEN, MAYOR412-831-1392 - Office 412-831-9923 - HomeIt’s hard to believe that summer has gone by so quickly,but I have a feeling that you’re ready for a new schoolyear!

Last school year was a difficult one, but this year’scalendar theme, “Moving Forward,” exemplifies what we’reall doing in our lives now. Your teachers, administratorsand staff are working hard to bring you an outstandingschool year, and on the Municipal side, we’re also allstriving to move forward and continue providing you withall the programs and services that you’ve come to expect!

And, one of the greatest things I’m looking forward tothis school year is recognizing all of you who will bemoving forward and making a difference in ourcommunity! One of the best parts of my job is when I getthe chance to recognize student accomplishments atthe Municipal Council meetings and at communityevents!

As someone who lives and works in this community, Ihave witnessed first-hand the level of kindness,generosity and compassion residents here have for oneanother. I’ve also seen the willingness this communityhas to help one another as we worked through theCOVID-19 crisis with food drives, mask drives and blooddrives. Bethel Park is a community like no other!

So as you ‘move forward’ this year and go on to do greatthings, be sure to email or call me with youraccomplishments so that I can recognize them at afuture meeting!

Wishing you much success…

TIMOTHY J. MOURY, WARD 8Municipal Council President412-833-4615


TODD CENCI WARD 4412-357-0045

MARK J. O’BRIENWARD 6412-831-0774


Bethel Park Municipal Council

Page 34: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Council MeetingsRegular Council meetings are held on the secondMonday of each month at 7:30 p.m. unlessotherwise noted. Public comment on any item, onor off the agenda, is welcome at regular meetings.

Residents are required to sign-up to comment onitems which appear on the agenda (under Citizen'sComments) and should clearly print their nameand agenda item on the sign-in sheet in order to berecognized by the Chair. The sign in sheet islocated on the recording secretary's desk.Residents may address Council on all non-agendaitems under the Resident's Comments section ofthe meeting agenda. Each speaker is entitled tothree minutes of speaking time.

Meeting Dates 2020-2021

Council Chambers - 7:30 p.m.

Aug. 10 Dec. 14 May 10Sept. 14 Jan. 11 June 14Oct. 12 Feb. 8 July 12Nov. 9 March 8 Aug. 9

April 12

Bethel Park PublicLibrary

5100 West Library Avenue, Bethel Park, PA15102-2733

412-835-2207HOURS:Monday through Thursday – 9 a.m.–9 p.m.Friday – Saturday – 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.Sunday – 1-5 p.m. (September – May)

(Closed Sundays Memorial Day Weekendthrough Labor Day Weekend)www.bethelparklibrary.org

Municipal StaffBethel Park has full-time staff members who perform various tasks within the Municipality. Several staffmembers attend Council meetings to assist in the conduct of the meetings and to answer questions fromMunicipal Council. Those usually in attendance are listed below. They can be reached by dialing the mainnumber at 412-831-6800, and then entering in their extension which is listed next to their name.

LAURENCE CHRISTIAN Municipal Manager Ext. 137JOSEPH VILLELLA Finance Director Ext. 210STACEY GRAF Director of Engineering Ext. 208SUSAN DOLINAR Director of Public Works Ext. 301ROBERT HICKS Building Inspection Ext. 135MICHAEL HOFFMAN Code Enforcement Ext. 240CHARLES STOVER Recreation Director Ext. 230TIMOTHY O’CONNOR Chief of Police Ext. 100

Sewage Billing Bethel Park sewer fees are billed on amonthly basis. Payment is due monthly by the duedate indicated on the bill.

Sewage Rates are $9.00/1,000 gallons with a $15.00 monthly fee per premise.

For billing and payment questions related to sewage fees, please contact Jordan TaxService at 412-835-5243 Option 4 or byemail at [email protected].

2020-21 MunicipalEvents/Services

FALL CLEAN-UP DAY - Oct.24, 2020

TREE LIGHTING - Dec. 2, 2020Community Center - 6:45 p.m.

SPRING CLEAN-UP - April 17, 2021

Municipal Real Estate Tax (2020 Rate is 2.78 mills)Tax bills are mailed July 1 each year (or the next available business day). The due dates for Real Estate Tax payments are as follows:

July 1 – Aug 31: Tax Due less 2% DiscountSeptember 1 – December 31: Tax Due at Face (extended due to Covid-19)

Municipal Earned Income Tax (2020 Rate is .9%)State law requires employers in Pennsylvania to withhold local (municipal and school) earnedincome tax from their employees’ pay. If your employer is not withholding your local tax, orif you have any other questions about municipal earned income tax, please contact Jordan TaxService at 412-835-7676.

Other Taxes Other taxes collected by the Municipality include Local Services Tax, Amusement Tax, Mechanical Device Tax, Realty Transfer Tax, and Parking Tax. Contact the Tax Collector for details.

Tax Collector Jordan Tax Service is the tax collector for the Municipality of Bethel Park. You can contactJordan Tax Service’s Bethel Park Office at 412-835-7676. Also, please visit www.jordantax.com or www.bethelpark.net for updates on tax information.



Page 35: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Bethel Park Recreation provides classes and activities for residents ofall ages.

Programs offered year-round include a variety of Aquatics activities andlessons, Soccer, Karate, Fencing, Art, Ballet, Tap, Baton, Science classes,Tennis lessons, Sitter Safety, Dog Obedience, Driver Education, Pickleball,and Volleyball. Fitness classes available are Fit Kids, Yoga, T’ai-Chi,Zumba®, Fusion Fitness, HIIT It!, Power Sculpt, Stroller Strides, TotalBody Conditioning, SilverSneakers®, and more. Dance classes includeBallet, Tap Dancing and Belly Dancing. These programs are conductedthroughout the year with sessions generally scheduled in spring,summer, fall, and winter.

Seasonal activities offered are Basketball, Rifle, and Flag Football. Awide variety of summer camps is also available each year. The AwardWinning Farmers’ Market is held on Tuesdays, May through Septemberfrom 3pm – 7pm. Recreation Flea Markets are held the third Saturdayof the month, May through September, at the Port Authority LytleTrolley Station, from 8am – 2pm.

Family events are also scheduled throughout theyear including, Family Movie Nights, Star Party,Ties & Tiaras dance, Trivia Night and more.

Complete listings of programs can be found inissues of the municipal quarterly publication,Bethel Park Chronicles. The “Chronicles” aredelivered directly to resident homes via US Mailin February, May, August, and December.

Registration for Recreation programs is easy! Viamail by using the registration form in“Chronicles”, or in person at the Bethel ParkCommunity Center – 5151 Park Avenue. You mayalso register for many programs online. Go tothe Municipal website at www.bethelpark.net.When you get to the main page, please click onDepartments, then Recreation. There is a link toregister online. A nominal fee will be added foreach online registration.

Recreation questions can be directed to theRecreation Department at 412-831-1328, or visit us on the web atwww.bethelpark.net.

Bethel ParkCommunity Center 5151 Park Avenue

The Bethel Park Community Centerincludes areas available to rent forspecial events and meetings, agymnasium, an exercise studio,walking track, and a classroom. Alarge multi-purpose room has seatingto accommodate 250 and is capableof being divided into three separaterooms. The Community Center alsoincludes a lounge, a catering-stylekitchen, and stage. Walking trails,playground equipment, and a lightedsoccer/multi-purpose field aresituated on the center’s grounds. Call412-851-2910 for room reservationsor other information.

Hours of operation are Monday-Thursday, 9am – 9pmFriday - Saturday, 9am – 10:30pmSunday, Noon – 9pm.

Bethel Park Recreation

Page 36: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

The Bethel Park Police Department (BPPD) enjoys regularly engagingwith the community throughout the year! Whether it’s meetingresidents at Bethel Park Community Day, events at South Park Shopssuch as “Touch-a-Truck,” community Halloween Celebrations, “NationalNight Out,” Community Food Drives, the annual basketball game againstthe Steelers, or school visits, the Department values time spent withBethel Park residents. If you have a community function and would like

BPPD participation, contact Crime Prevention Officer &Detective Sean Gorman at [email protected].

Bethel Park Police Departmentwww.bethelpark.net

Timothy O’Connor Chief of PoliceSean Gorman, Crime Prevention Officer

412-833-2000 can be used for emergency and non-emergency callsTips Line - 412-851-2773

5100 West Library Avenue • Bethel Park, PA. 15102

Crime PreventionOfficer SeanGorman made theday of localresident MatthewBrace on his 17thbirthday. Matthew,who has autism,was supposed tohave a birthdayparty on April 1,however, due to theclosures from thecoronavirus, hisparty was

canceled. After receiving an email from Matthew’smom and learning how much he loved police cars andfire trucks, Gorman arranged for vehicles from Mt.Lebanon Police, Castle Shannon Police, Upper St.Clair Police and Fire, Bethel Park Police and Fire,Allegheny County Police, and Tri-Community SouthEMS to drive by his home for a special birthdaysurprise. Mrs. Brace and Matthew were thrilled bythe long parade of vehicles that drove by their home.“I was extremely happy to make Matthew’s birthdayso memorable,” said Gorman.

Crime Prevention Officer Helps Make Local Teen’s

Birthday Special

Bethel Park Police Department & the Community

Page 37: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Girls Varsity Volleyball

Girls Varsity Golf

Boys Varsity GolfVarsity Football

Friday Aug. 21 Elizabeth Forward 2:00PMMonday Aug. 24 Chairman's Cup 10:00AMThursday Aug. 27 Peters Township 2:30PMTuesday Sep. 01 Oakland Catholic 4:00PMWednesday Sep. 02 Upper St. Clair 2:30PMWednesday Sep. 09 Mt. Lebanon 2:30PMThursday Sep. 10 South Fayette 3:30PMMonday Sep. 14 Shaler 3:00PMTuesday Sep. 15 Peters Township 3:30PMThursday Sep. 17 Oakland Catholic 2:30PMMonday Sep. 21 Upper St. Clair TBATuesday Sep. 22 South Fayette 2:30PMWednesday Sep. 23 Individual Section Qualifier TBAThursday Sep. 24 Mt. Lebanon TBAMonday Sep. 28 Moon 2:30PMTuesday Sep. 29 Ambridge 2:30PM


Tickets Go On Sale August 24th

Football “Reserved Seating” season tickets for the Bethel Park2020 Varsity Football Season will go on sale in the High SchoolAthletic Office beginning Monday, August 24 between 7:30 AMand 2:30 PM. You will be able to purchase reserved season seatsat $24/seat for the four home games.

Single game tickets for Adults ($5), Students ($3) and ReservedSeats ($6) will also be available for sale. No Student tickets willbe sold at the gate. Tickets sold at the gate will all be GeneralAdmission at a price of $5.00 or Reserved Seats for the price of$6.00.

Other sports that charge admission are boys and girls soccer,boys and girls basketball, wrestling, co-ed swimming, boys andgirls volleyball, and boys and girls lacrosse. Individual gametickets for these sports are sold at the gate only and are $5 forAdults and $3 for Students (no tickets will be sold in advance).

Season Passes for all of the above sports are available foradvance purchase in the Athletic Office. Prices vary dependingon the sport and the student/adult pass. For the avid BlackHawk Fan, All-Sports Passes for adults and students areavailable in the Athletic Office, which entitles you to generaladmission to all BPHS home, regular season sporting events.For more information about tickets please check the AthleticWebsite at: http://www.bpsd.org/hsathletics.aspx.

Come out and support the Black Hawks in all sports!

Sports Schedules on the WebCheck out https://bpathletics.bigteams.com, where you can customizeyour preferences to get schedules and email updates for all of yourfavorite Bethel Park teams! Stay in touch with all of your favorite Hawksports!

Friday Aug. 21 South Park 2:30PMMonday Aug. 24 Chairman's Cup 10:00AMWednesday Aug. 26 McKeesport 3:00PMFriday Aug. 28 Upper St. Clair 2:30PMTuesday Sep. 01 Thomas Jefferson 2:30PMThursday Sep. 03 Baldwin 2:30PMTuesday Sep. 08 West Mifflin 2:30PMThursday Sep. 10 Mt. Lebanon 2:30PMMonday Sep. 14 Peters Township 2:30PMWednesday Sep. 16 McKeesport 2:30PMFriday Sep. 18 Thomas Jefferson TBAMonday Sep. 21 Individual Section Qualifier TBATuesday Sep. 22 Baldwin TBAWednesday Sep. 23 West Mifflin 3:00PMThursday Sep. 24 Mt. Lebanon TBAMonday Sep. 28 West Allegheny 2:30PMWednesday Sep. 30 Chartiers Valley TBAFriday Oct. 02 Elizabeth Forward 3:00PMMonday Oct. 05 South Fayette 3:30PM

S Saturday Aug. 22 WA/SV/Canevin 10:00AMS Saturday Aug. 29 TJ/OLSH/Trinity 10:00AMSaturday Sep. 05 Mt. Lebanon Tournament TBATuesday Sep. 08 Canon McMillan 7:30PMThursday Sep. 10 Upper St. Clair 7:30PMSaturday Sep. 12 USC Tournament TBAMonday Sep. 14 Pine-Richland 7:30PMTuesday Sep. 15 Mt. Lebanon 7:30PMThursday Sep. 17 Peters Township 7:30PMMonday Sep. 21 Thomas Jefferson 7:30PMWednesday Sep. 23 Moon 7:15PMSaturday Sep. 26 South Fayette Tournament TBATuesday Sep. 29 Baldwin 7:30PMThursday Oct. 01 Canon McMillan 7:30PMMonday Oct. 05 South Fayette 7:30PMTuesday Oct. 06 Upper St. Clair 7:30PMThursday Oct. 08 Mt. Lebanon 7:30PMTuesday Oct. 13 Peters Township 7:30PMMonday Oct. 19 Oakland Catholic 7:30PMTuesday Oct. 20 Moon 7:15PMThursday Oct. 22 Baldwin 7:30PM

S Saturday Aug. 22 North Hills 10:00AMFriday Aug. 28 Mt. Lebanon 7:30PMFriday Sep. 04 Baldwin (Youth Night/Gold Out) 7:00PMFriday Sep. 11 Canon McMillan 7:00PMFriday Sep. 18 Gateway 7:00PMFriday Sep. 25 Franklin Regional (Homecoming) 7:00PMFriday Oct. 02 West Allegheny 7:00PMFriday Oct. 09 South Fayette (Pink Out) 7:00PMFriday Oct. 16 Peters Township 7:00PMFriday Oct. 23 Moon (Senior NIght) 7:00PMFriday Oct. 30 Upper St. Clair 7:30PM

Sports Schedules

Page 38: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Girls Varsity Tennis

Coed Varsity Swimming & Diving

Coed Varsity Cross CountryGirls Varsity Soccer Boys Varsity SoccerS Tuesday Aug. 25 Montour 6:00PMS Tuesday Sep. 01 Allderdice TBASaturday Sep. 05 Shaler 1:30PMTuesday Sep. 08 Brashear 7:30PMSaturday Sep. 12 South Fayette 2:00PMTuesday Sep. 15 Peters Township 7:30PMThursday Sep. 17 Mt. Lebanon 7:45PMSaturday Sep. 19 Upper St. Clair 1:30PMTuesday Sep. 22 Canon McMillan 7:30PMThursday Sep. 24 Baldwin 7:30PMMonday Sep. 28 Brashear TBAThursday Oct. 01 Peters Township 7:30PMSaturday Oct. 03 Carlynton 11:30AMTuesday Oct. 06 Mt. Lebanon 7:30PMThursday Oct. 08 Upper St. Clair 7:30PMTuesday Oct. 13 Canon McMillan 8:00PMThursday Oct. 15 Baldwin 7:30PMTuesday Oct. 20 Seton-La Salle 7:30PM

S Monday Aug. 24 Chartiers Valley 6:00PMS Monday Aug. 31 Montour 6:00PMSaturday Sep. 05 Avonworth Tournament TBASunday Sep. 06 Avonworth Tournament TBAWednesday Sep. 09 Moon 7:30PMMonday Sep. 14 Mt. Lebanon 7:30PMWednesday Sep. 16 Peters Township 7:30PMSaturday Sep. 19 Baldwin 2:30PMMonday Sep. 21 Canon McMillan 8:00PMWednesday Sep. 23 Upper St. Clair 7:30PMMonday Sep. 28 Moon 7:30PMSaturday Oct. 03 Canon MacMillan 7:30PMMonday Oct. 05 Mt. Lebanon 7:30PMWednesday Oct. 07 Peters Township 7:30PMMonday Oct. 12 Upper St. Clair 8:00PMThursday Oct. 15 Baldwin 7:30PMSaturday Oct. 17 Trinity 11:30AMMonday Oct. 19 Seton-La Salle 7:30PM

S Tuesday Dec. 01 Black and Orange Meet 5:00PMTuesday Dec. 15 West Allegheny 6:00PMThursday Dec. 17 Shaler/Woodland Hills 5:00PMSaturday Dec. 19 Winter Championships TBATuesday Dec. 22 Greater Latrobe 5:00PMTuesday Dec. 29 Moon 1:00PMThursday Jan. 07 Central/Oakland Catholic 5:00PMThursday Jan. 14 Seneca Valley 5:00PMThursday Jan. 21 Peters Township 6:00PMThursday Jan. 28 Upper St. Clair 5:00PMTuesday Feb. 02 North Allegheny 5:00PMThursday Feb. 04 Mt. Lebanon 5:00PMThursday Feb. 11 Canon McMillan 5:00PMThursday Feb. 18 Baldwin 6:00PMSaturday Feb. 27 WPIAL Diving Championships 10:00AMThursday Mar. 04 WPIAL Swimming Championships TBAFriday Mar. 05 WPIAL Swimming Championships TBA

S Saturday Aug. 22 Alumni Race 5:00PMS Tuesday Aug. 25 W.Mifflin/S.Park/Seton LaSalle 3:30PMFriday Sep. 04 Cal U Invitational 5:40PMSaturday Sep. 05 Gateway Invitational TBASaturday Sep. 12 Red, White & Blue Invitational TBATuesday Sep. 15 South Fayette/Trinity 3:30PMSaturday Sep. 19 Montour Invitational TBATuesday Sep. 22 Mt. Lebanon/Canon McMillan TBASaturday Sep. 26 Uniontown Invitational 9:30AMTuesday Sep. 29 Chartiers Valley/Baldwin 3:30PMTuesday Oct. 06 Peters/USC 3:30PMSaturday Oct. 10 Slippery Rock Invitational TBAThursday Oct. 15 Mingo Classic TBAThursday Oct. 22 T.S.T.C.A Championships TBAMonday Oct. 26 JV Championships TBAThursday Oct. 29 WPIAL Championships TBASaturday Nov. 07 PIAA Championships TBA

Monday Aug. 24 Baldwin 3:30PMWednesday Aug. 26 Oakland Catholic 3:30PMSaturday Aug. 29 Moon/WA/Beaver 3:00PMMonday Aug. 31 South Fayette 3:30PMWednesday Sep. 02 Trinity 3:30PMTuesday Sep. 08 Chartiers Valley 3:30PMThursday Sep. 10 Pine-Richland 3:30PMMonday Sep. 14 Mt. Lebanon 3:30PMTuesday Sep. 15 Thomas Jefferson 3:30PMWednesday Sep. 16 Section Singles TBA

Thursday Sep. 17 Section Singles TBAMonday Sep. 21 Canon McMillan 3:30PMWednesday Sep. 23 Peters Township 3:30PMMonday Sep. 28 Upper St. Clair 3:30PMWednesday Sep. 30 Section Doubles TBAThursday Oct. 01 Section Doubles TBAFriday Oct. 02 Fox Chapel 3:00PMMonday Oct. 05 West Allegheny 3:30PMTuesday Oct. 06 North Allegheny 3:30PM


Sports Schedules

Page 39: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .

Coed Varsity Rifle

Varsity WrestlingBoys Varsity BasketballGirls Varsity Basketball

Tuesday Dec. 08 Mt. Lebanon 3:30PMThursday Dec. 10 Indiana TBATuesday Dec. 15 Plum 3:30PMThursday Dec. 17 Armstrong 3:30PMTuesday Jan. 05 Avella 3:30PMThursday Jan. 07 Washington 3:30PMTuesday Jan. 12 Trinity 3:30PMThursday Jan. 14 Upper St. Clair 3:30PM

Tuesday Jan. 19 West Greene 4:00PMThursday Jan. 21 McGuffey 3:30PMTuesday Jan. 26 Waynesburg 4:00PMThursday Jan. 28 Avella 3:30PMTuesday Feb. 02 Washington 3:30PMThursday Feb. 04 Trinity 3:30PMTuesday Feb. 09 WPIAL Team Championships TBAThursday Feb. 11 WPIAL Individual Championships TBA

PIAA Quarterfinalists• Girls Basketball

WPIAL Finalists• Girls Basketball

WPIAL Quarterfinalists•Football•Boys Basketball

Section Champions•Girls Basketball•Rifle

2019-2020 Athletic HighlightsWPIAL Playoff Teams•Girls Cross Country•Girls Tennis•Boys Cross Country•Girls Cross Country•Girls Swimming•Boys Swimming•Rifle

Other Accolades• Ice Hockey Team – Penguin Cup Playoffs• In-Line Hockey Team – PIRHL Playoffs

S Saturday Nov. 28 South Park 10:00AMS Saturday Dec. 05 Oakland Catholic TBAFriday Dec. 11 North Allegheny Tip Off Tournament TBASaturday Dec. 12 North Allegheny Tip Off Tournament TBATuesday Dec. 15 Allderdice 7:30PMThursday Dec. 17 Hempfield 7:30PMMonday Dec. 28 Christmas Tournament TBATuesday Dec. 29 Christmas Tournament TBAMonday Jan. 04 Peters Township 7:30PMThursday Jan. 07 Upper St. Clair 7:30PMMonday Jan. 11 Mt. Lebanon 7:30PMThursday Jan. 14 Canon MacMillan 7:30PMSaturday Jan. 16 Woodland Hills Classic TBATuesday Jan. 19 Baldwin TBAThursday Jan. 21 Hempfield 7:30PMSaturday Jan. 23 Joey Fabus Memorial Classic TBAMonday Jan. 25 Gateway 7:30PMThursday Jan. 28 Peters Township 7:30PMMonday Feb. 01 Upper St. Clair 7:30PMThursday Feb. 04 Mt. Lebanon 7:30PMMonday Feb. 08 Canon McMillan 7:30PMFriday Feb. 12 Baldwin 6:00PMMonday Feb. 15 North Catholic 7:30PM

S Tuesday Dec. 01 Keystone Oaks TBAS Tuesday Dec. 08 Monessen/Chartier Valley 6:00PMFriday Dec. 11 South Park Tip Off Tournament TBASaturday Dec. 12 South Park Tip Off Tournament TBAThursday Dec. 17 Hempfield 6:00PMSaturday Dec. 19 Woodland Hills TBATuesday Dec. 22 Cathedral Prep 7:30PMMonday Dec. 28 Christmas Tournament TBATuesday Dec. 29 Christmas Tournament TBATuesday Jan. 05 Peters Township 7:30PMFriday Jan. 08 Canon McMillan 7:30PMTuesday Jan. 12 Upper St. Clair 7:30PMFriday Jan. 15 Mt. Lebanon 7:30PMSaturday Jan. 16 Woodland Hills Classic TBATuesday Jan. 19 Baldwin TBAFriday Jan. 22 Grove City Area High 7:30PMMonday Jan. 25 Sharpsville Area Senior High 7:30PMFriday Jan. 29 Peters Township 7:30PMSaturday Jan. 30 Trinity TBATuesday Feb. 02 Canon MacMillan 7:30PMFriday Feb. 05 Upper St. Clair 7:30PMTuesday Feb. 09 Mt. Lebanon 7:30PMFriday Feb. 12 Baldwin 7:30PM

S Saturday Dec. 05 Chartiers Valley 9:00AMFriday Dec. 11 Eastern Area Tournament TBASaturday Dec. 12 Eastern Area Tournament TBAWednesday Dec. 16 Ringgold TBASaturday Dec. 19 Moon Duals TBAWednesday Dec. 23 Central Catholic 7:30PMMonday Dec. 28 Southmoreland Classic TBATuesday Dec. 29 Southmoreland Classic TBAWednesday Jan. 06 Upper St. Clair 7:30PMWednesday Jan. 13 Mt. Lebanon 7:30PMFriday Jan. 15 Allegheny County Tournament 10:00AMSaturday Jan. 16 Allegheny County Tournament 9:00AMWednesday Jan. 20 Peters Township 7:30PMFriday Jan. 22 Burgettstown Tournament TBASaturday Jan. 23 Burgettstown Tournament TBAWednesday Jan. 27 Section Team Championships TBAWednesday Feb. 10 West Greene 7:30PMWednesday Feb. 17 Butler 7:00PMSaturday Feb. 27 Individual Section Championships TBAFriday Mar. 05 WPIAL Individual Championships TBASaturday Mar. 06 WPIAL Individual Championships TBA


Sports Schedules


Page 40: Bethel Park School District & Municipality 2020 … final3.pdfCentral Administration 301 Church Road, Bethel Park 15102 Dr. . Joseph C. Dimperio, Interim Superintendent . . . .


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for persons with disa

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Title IX Com

pliance Officer

301 Church Road

Bethel Park, PA 15102-1696

(412) 8


(412)854-8430 (fax)




To lead an


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301 Church


Bethel Park, PA 15102






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:•On the w

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•On Fa

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•On Tw

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•On LinkedIn (Bethel Park S

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•On Instagram (Bethel Park S

chool District)

See You AU


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William Penn Elem

entary Students form a “BP” on the sc


playground. (Photo courtesy of M&M
