BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · kepadaku: ÒSesungguhnya, aku menaruh perkataan-perkataan-Ku ke dalam mulutmu. Ketahuilah, pada hari ini Aku mengangkat engkau atas bangsa-bangsa

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O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 E D I T I O N

for my house will be calleda house of prayer for all nations

table ofC O N T E N T

message from jakarta 01-04 DAILY DEVOTIONAL 05-11 prayer for nation 12

cool list 13

church schedule 14

Kelahiran Generasi Yeremia


Firman Tuhan datang kepadaku, bunyinya: “Sebelum Aku membentuk engkau dalam rahim ibumu , Aku telah mengenal engkau, dan sebelum engkau keluar dari kandungan, Aku telah menguduskan engkau, Aku telah menetapkan engkau

menjadi nabi bagi bangsa-bangsa.”Yeremia 1:4-5

Di dalam Alkitab ada beberapa tokoh yang pada waktu mudanya memiliki sifat panggilan yang luar biasa. Sejak di masa mudanya karakteristik panggilan mereka diperjelas. Hal ini terlihat di dalam kehidupan Yusuf, Daud, Samson dan juga Yeremia.

Berikut ini beberapa hal yang unik yang melatarbelakangi panggilan Yeremia:1. Zaman Di mana Yeremia Hidup Adalah UnikAhli-ahli sejarah Alkitab hampir semua setuju bahwa Yeremia hidup dan melayani kurang lebih tahun 605 SM. Di dalam beberapa tahun kemudian (586 SM) Yeremia akan menyaksikan kehancuran kerajaan Yehuda. Para sarjana-sarjana Alkitab juga percaya bahwa tulisan nabi Yeremia adalah “point of no return” di mana terjadi pergeseran pesan kepada bangsa Israel yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan nabi-nabi sebelumnya. Sebelum masa pelayanan Yeremia, nabi-nabi yang diutus Tuhan (terutama Amos) masih menyampaikan pesan yang berbunyi, “Bertobatlah; karena murka Tuhan akan tiba. Masih ada waktu untuk memperbaiki kelakuanmu supaya bisa terhindar dari murka tersebut.”

Mulai dari pasal ke 7 kitab nabi Yeremia pesan dari Tuhan berbunyi kira-kira demikian “Apapun yang kalian lakukan tidak akan mampu mengubah rencana Tuhan. Lebih baik kalian bersiap-siap untuk pergi dalam pembuangan ke Babel karena sehabis itu Tuhan masih punya rencana untuk memulihkan kalian.”

Kitab nabi Yeremia menandai perubahan nada dalam rencana Tuhan. Bangsa


Israel telah melewati “point of no return” sehingga tugas nabi Yeremia adalah nabi yang harus mendampingi mereka di dalam pembuangan. Coba bayangkan jika ini terjadi pada zaman kita sekarang. Hal ini adalah sesuatu yang membuat orang kehilangan semangat.

Banyak studi psikologi menunjukkan bahwa manusia tidak bisa hidup tanpa harapan. Saking perlunya manusia akan harapan, seringkali iblis si musuh jiwa kita menawarkan harapan-harapan yang bersifat semu. Saat-saat sulitlah yang akan membuktikan; mana harapan yang sebenarnya dan mana harapan yang semu. Di masa-masa sulitlah harapan semu yang diandalkan bangsa Israel dihancur leburkan oleh Tuhan, dan di situlah Yeremia menawarkan harapan yang sebenarnya.

2. Panggilan Yeremia Bersifat Unik “Lalu TUHAN mengulurkan tangan-Nya dan menjamah mulutku; TUHAN berfirman kepadaku: “Sesungguhnya, aku menaruh perkataan-perkataan-Ku ke dalam mulutmu. Ketahuilah, pada hari ini Aku mengangkat engkau atas bangsa-bangsa dan atas kerajaan-kerajaan untuk mencabut dan merobohkan, untuk membinasakan dan meruntuhkan, untuk membangun dan menanam.” Yeremia 1:9-10

Tuhan dengan jelas berkata kepada Yeremia bahwa Ia memberikan kuasa di dalam mulut dan perkataannya. Kuasa untuk mencabut dan merobohkan, untuk membinasakan dan meruntuhkan, untuk membangun dan menanam. Pada saat yang sama Tuhan juga berkata kepada Yeremia bahwa apapun yang akan ia katakan kepada bangsa Israel, mereka tidak akan mendengarkannya. Mereka akan terus bersikeras di dalam pemberontakan mereka. Hal ini pasti akan membuat orang merasa tertekan. Seberapa besar kuasa yang kita miliki, tetap tidak akan menghasilkan keberhasilan secara langsung di hadapan mata kita.

Manusia modern cenderung terlena di dalam naratif yang mengidolakan sukses instan. Tidak banyak orang yang menghargai proses. Di sini kita melihat keistimewaan pelayanan nabi Yeremia. Ia rela ditempatkan Tuhan di dalam bagian proses meskipun ia tidak diijinkan untuk melihat keberhasilan pelayanannya. Keberhasilannya ini baru mulai terlihat satu generasi sesudahnya.

3. Panggilan Hidup Yeremia Bersifat Unik “Janganlah mengambil isteri dan janganlah mempunyai anak-anak lelaki dan anak-anak perempuan di tempat ini.” Yeremia 16:2

Tuhan melarang Yeremia menikah, mengingat sulit dan beratnya zaman di mana ia


hidup. Melajang menjadi pilihan yang lebih baik bagi dirinya. Di sini kita melihat tingkat pengorbanan yang Tuhan tuntut dari kehidupan Yeremia sungguh sangat dalam. Bukan hanya pesannya yang bersifat ‘gelap’ dan tidak populer; sebagai konsekuensi ia harus rela melepaskan harapan untuk kebahagiaan kehidupan pribadinya. Yeremia seringkali disebut sebagai nabi yang menangis. Reputasi ini begitu terkenal sehingga di dalam bahasa Inggris terlahir kata “Jeremiad” yang berarti lagu atau puisi yang menyayat hati.

Kembali pada zaman modern; seringkali generasi muda sangat terobsesi mengenai naratif kebahagiaan bagi kehidupan pribadinya, entah itu didapat dari persahabatan, percintaan, petualangan, permainan atau prestasi hidup. Naratif yang ditawarkan Tuhan kepada hidup nabi Yeremia sangatlah bertentangan dengan apa yang dicari anak muda pada umumnya.

LETAK SIGNIFIKANSI PELAYANAN YEREMIAMeskipun secara jasmani nasib hidup Yeremia begitu sengsara sehingga tidak banyak orang atau angkatan yang mau menempelkan label Yeremia kepada generasinya, namun di mata Tuhan pelayanan nabi Yeremia sangatlah berhasil. Kita melihat kontribusinya di dalam hal-hal ini:1. Yeremia menjadi titik referensi bagi pelayanan Daniel di dalam memetakan lokasi umat Allah di dalam kerangka waktu rencana Allah.

Daniel 9:2, “Pada tahun pertama kerajaannya itu aku, Daniel memperhatikan dalam kumpulan Kitab jumlah tahun yang menurut firman TUHAN kepada nabi Yeremia akan berlaku atas timbunan puing Yerusalem, yakni tujuh puluh tahun.”

Daniel sebagai nabi dan perdana menteri kekaisaran Media Persia merasakan di dalam rohnya bahwa waktu yang ditetapkan Tuhan atas pembuangan orang Yehuda dan pemulihan Yerusalem akan segera tiba. Tujuh Puluh tahun akan segera berlalu. (Yeremia 25:11, 29:10)

Berarti Yeremia mendirikan dasar supaya bangsa Israel tidak kehilangan harapan di dalam menghadapi hari-hari yang kelam di depan mereka. Di balik kekerasan penghukuman rencana Allah untuk membersihkan dosa dari tengah-tengah umatnya (kaum Yehuda) kasih setia Tuhan tetap menyertai mereka. Tidak heran nabi Yeremia juga menulis satu kitab lagi yaitu Ratapan, di dalamnya terdapat ayat yang sangat terkenal, “Tak berkesudahan kasih setia TUHAN, tak habis-


habisnya rahmat-Nya, selalu baru tiap pagi; besar kesetiaan-Mu!” Ratapan 3:22-23

2. Kehidupan nabi Yeremia menjadi “template” ketaatan hamba-hamba Tuhan kepada panggilan Tuhan.Jika kita melihat pelayanan Yesus, rasul Paulus, dan bapa-bapa Gereja abad pertama kita dapat mengatakan bahwa ketaatan mereka menghadapi aniaya dan penderitaan adalah mengikuti template yang dipelopori oleh nabi Yeremia. Bahkan Tuhan Yesus sendiri, jika kita mengukur dengan standar kesuksesan pada zaman ini, dapat disebutkan bahwa Ia sebenarnya adalah orang ‘gagal’. Karena meskipun kuasa yang menyertai pelayanan-Nya disertai dengan mujizat-mujizat yang ajaib, namun pada akhirnya murid-murid-Nya pun meninggalkan Dia, dan pada saat kenaikan-Nya ke sorga paling hanya sekitar 120 orang yang tersisa di kelompok-Nya. Tetapi apa yang ditinggalkan oleh Tuhan Yesus di dalam kehidupan mereka lama-lama menjadi bola salju yang berdampak kepada milyaran manusia yang ada di muka bumi ini.

Konflik antar generasi bukanlah sesuatu hal yang baru, hal ini terus menerus terjadi sepanjang sejarah manusia. Namun mulai tahun 1950-an ke atas, konflik antar generasi semakin tajam karena hal ini dibarengi dengan perubahan percepatan teknologi yang begitu menggila. Di abad-abad sebelum abad ke-20 sudah terjadi Generation Gap, tetapi setidak-tidaknya generasi anak dan generasi bapa memiliki teknologi, musik dan kerangka budaya yang kurang lebih sama. Tetapi di abad ke-20 dan 21 perbedaan antara satu generasi dengan generasi di bawahnya diperburuk dengan perbedaan teknologi, selera dan budaya. Pada umumnya generasi yang lebih senior menganggap generasi dibawahnya cenderung lebih malas, tidak tahu bakti, hedonistik dan egosentris.

Dengan mengadopsi paradigma generasi Yeremia diharapkan generasi yang lebih senior menghargai bahwa generasi yang ada di bawahnya juga ternyata generasi yang siap menderita, siap bayar harga, bersedia taat kepada Tuhan tanpa kompromi meskipun menghadapi masa depan yang kelihatannya suram. Generasi Yeremia adalah pahlawan-pahlawan yang meletakkan rel rencana Allah untuk terjadi di atas bumi ini melalui kehidupan kita masing-masing.

Mission trip to PhilippinesErika Kristy

ObservationWhen I met the people in Mindoro and Batangas, my first impression was that they were very friendly. The people there were also very enthusiastic and receptive. They sang passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon. Sometimes, no instrument at all. Yet, they could still sing joyfully.

Although I also noticed, some of the younger teens were still quite shy to blend in with the others. Mangyan (indigenous group at Mindoro) in particular, they were very shy. And when I washed their hands, some of them tried to cover the lump on their hands and feet. We could also help them with their physical needs. Batangas and Bigain were also very friendly. They were very thirsty and hungry for God.

Summary of the tripDay 1 - Traveling.Arrived safely through wind and sea, although there were difficulties in getting to the ferry.

Day 2 - Mindoro’s church.In the morning we prayed at capitol no Occidental Mindoro (Governor’s palace). Then, we went to the church for induction, kids ministry, youth and adult services, and fellowship with the workers in Mindoro.

Day 3 - Serving the Mangyan.We went and ministered to the Mangyan tribe. For the first group, I washed their hands and feet. For the second group, I cut their nails. The people from the local church showed us how to do those and helped us to communicate with the Mangyans. We travelled back to Batangas at night.


Day 4 - Fellowship with the Batangas community. We had workers prayer meeting and also prayer, praise and worship equipping. We shared about prayer, praise and worship. For the technical, we shared about chord progression. They still remembered ko Ben’s teaching. eg. using ‘hand signal’. We practiced with keyboard here. So, I attached a copy of the chord progression sheet. I gave them because I noticed they tend to always use the same progression. I hoped it would be useful for them.

Day 5 - Sunday service ministry.The sermon was taken from John 4 (living water), followed with COOL activity for the youth. Me and Paulii were in the same group. The topic was about spiritual gifts. We explained about the type of gifts, the purpose, and the unity in the body and love.

Personal testimonyIt was a great experience to minister the excluded society. It reminded me of God’s love reaching out to us although we do not deserve Him. It also inspired me when I heard the story from the pastors and ministers in Mindoro, of how they have the heart and passion for Mangyan, although these people are the least of all in Mindoro. But they were willing to let go of their comfort and be with them and serve the Mangyans. They reminded me of the Macedonian, who are physically not as fortunate but are very rich in the spirit.



I can see how we all have different gifts yet every one of them really complement each other. None of these gifts are better than the others, as they will not work well without one or the others. God also allocated us in Bigain perfectly, although I was not happy with the changes at first. But I could see that it was God’s plan so the church could be blessed more. I could see how each member contributed according to what God has put in our heart beforehand and saw how God’s works were real. Really grateful to see how God worked on that Sunday.

Personally, I thought I would mostly be playing music, but I realised God wanted me to do something more. It was a step out of my comfort zone, it was not easy for me to initiate conversation with someone I just met. Also Ps. Gideon kept reminding us not to make a group of our own. Instead, we needed to mingle with the locals. It was also not easy for me to speak in front of many people, let alone to preach. But I realised God has prepared me before the trip, to share God’s Word in my COOL before I went for this trip. I know it was not me, but God who gave me strength, compassion and wisdom to speak and pray for people.

Jane shared about the dance ministry, that the dancers are now serving God every Sunday. It has been a blessing for the congregation there. When she shared about this, I was very happy to hear that. It is just like what is written in the Bible, whatever we do for the Lord will not be in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). And the Word that are proceeded from His mouth will not return to Him empty (Isaiah 55:11).

Do What It Says

ReadExodus 16:14–18

Bible in a YearIsaiah 26–27Philippians 2

We have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!Numbers 11:6

When Kerry and Paul got married, neither one knew how to cook. But one night Kerry decided to try her hand at spaghetti—making so much that the couple had it for dinner again the next day. On the third day, Paul volunteered to cook, doubling the amount of pasta and sauce, hoping the huge pot would last through the weekend. As the couple sat down for dinner that night, however, it was Kerry who confessed, “I’m sick of spaghetti.”

Just imagine eating the same meal as the Israelites did—for forty years. Each morning they gathered the sweet “super food” God supplied and cooked it (no leftovers unless the next day was the Sabbath, Exodus 16:23–26). Sure, they got creative—baking it, boiling it (v. 23). But, oh, how they missed the good food they had enjoyed in Egypt (v. 3; Numbers 11:1–9), even though that nourishment had come at the high cost of cruelty and enslavement!

We too may sometimes resent that our life isn’t what it once was. Or perhaps the “sameness” of life has caused us to be discontent. But Exodus 16 tells of God’s faithful provision to the Israelites, causing them to trust and depend on His care each day.

God promises to give us everything we need. He satisfies our longings and fills up our soul with “good things” (Psalm 107:9 esv).

In what ways has God provided for you in the past? What longing is keeping you from trusting Him more?


By: Cindy Hess Kasper



God’s Heart for Hypocrites“I’d be very disappointed if one of our team members did that,” said a cricket player, referring to a South African cricketer who’d cheated in a match in 2016. But only two years later, that same player was caught in a nearly identical scandal.

Few things rankle us more than hypocrisy. But in the story of Judah in Genesis 38, Judah’s hypocritical behavior nearly had deadly consequences. After two of his sons died soon after marrying Tamar, Judah had quietly abandoned his duty to provide for her needs (vv. 8–11). In desperation, Tamar disguised herself by wearing a prostitute’s veil, and Judah slept with her (vv. 15–16).

Yet when Judah learned that his widowed daughter-in-law was pregnant, his reaction was murderous. “Bring her out and have her burned to death!” he demanded (v. 24). But Tamar had proof that Judah was the father (v. 25).

Judah could have denied the truth. Instead he admitted his hypocrisy, and also accepted his responsibility to care for her, saying, “She is more righteous than I” (v. 26).

And God wove even this dark chapter of Judah and Tamar’s story into His story of our redemption. Tamar’s children (vv. 29–30) would become ancestors of Jesus (Matthew 1:2–3).Why is Genesis 38 in the Bible? One reason is because it’s the story of our hypocritical human hearts—and of God’s heart of love, grace, and mercy.

How do you react when you become aware of your hypocrisy? What would happen if we all became truly transparent with

each other?

ReadGenesis 38:16–26

Bible in a YearIsaiah 28–29Philippians 3

She is more righ-teous than I.

Genesis 38:26

By Tim Gustafson


ReadExodus 33:12–23

Bible in a YearIsaiah 30–31Philippians 4

When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.Exodus 33:22


Shelter from the StormAs the story goes, in 1763, a young minister, traveling on a cliffside road in Somerset, England, ducked into a cave to escape the flashes of lightning and pounding rain. As he looked out at Cheddar Gorge, he pondered the gift of finding shelter and peace in God. Waiting there, he began to write a hymn, “Rock of Ages,” with its memorable opening lines: “Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee.”

We don’t know if Augustus Toplady thought about Moses’s experience in the cleft of a rock while writing the hymn (Exodus 33:22), but perhaps he did. The Exodus account tells of Moses seeking God’s reassurance and God’s response. When Moses asked God to reveal His glory to him, God answered graciously, knowing that “no one may see me and live” (v. 20). He tucked Moses into the rocks when He passed by, letting Moses only see His back. And Moses knew that God was with him.

We can trust that just as God said to Moses, “My Presence will go with you” (v. 14), so too we can find refuge in Him. We may experience many storms in our lives, as did Moses and the English minister in the story, but when we cry out to Him, He will give us the peace of His presence.

As you look back at various seasons of your life, how do you see God’s loving presence during the storms? How do you

experience His presence today?


By: Amy Boucher Pye


By: Adam Holz

ReadIsaiah 41:8–13

Bible in a YearIsaiah 32–33Colossians 1

I will strength-en you and help you; I will uphold

you with my righteous right

hand.Isaiah 41:10


Hang in There

My father-in-law turned seventy-eight recently, and during our family gathering to honor him, someone asked him, “What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your life so far?” His answer? “Hang in there.”

Hang in there. It might be tempting to dismiss those words as simplistic. But my father-in-law wasn’t promoting blind optimism or positive thinking. He’s endured tough things in his nearly eight decades. His determination to press on wasn’t grounded in some vague hope that things might get better, but in Christ’s work in his life.

“Hanging in there”—the Bible calls it perseverance—isn’t possible through mere willpower. We persevere because God promised, over and over, that He’s with us, that He’ll give us strength, and that He’ll accomplish His purposes in our lives. That’s the message He spoke to the Israelites through Isaiah: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

What does it take to “hang in there”? According to Isaiah, the foundation for hope is God’s character. Knowing God’s goodness allows us to release our grip on fear so we can cling to the Father and His promise that He will provide what we need each day: strength, help, and God’s comforting, empowering, and upholding presence.


ReadActs 1:1–11


Don’t Forget!

Bible in a YearIsaiah 34–36Colossians 2

He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.Acts 1:9

My niece, her four-year-old daughter Kailyn, and I had a wonderful Saturday afternoon together. We enjoyed blowing bubbles outside, coloring in a princess coloring book, and eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. When they got in the car to leave, Kailyn sweetly called out the opened window, “Don’t forget me, Auntie Anne.” I quickly walked toward the car and whispered, “I could never forget you. I promise I will see you soon.”

In Acts 1, the disciples watched as Jesus was “taken up before their very eyes” into the sky (v. 9). I wonder if they thought they might be forgotten by their Master. But He’d just promised to send His Spirit to live in them and empower them to handle the persecution that was to come (v. 8). And He’d taught them He was going away to prepare a place for them and would come back and take them to be with Him (John 14:3). Yet they must have wondered how long they would have to wait. Perhaps they wanted to say, “Don’t forget us, Jesus!”

For those of us who have put our faith in Jesus, He lives in us through the Holy Spirit. We still may wonder when He will come again and restore us and His creation fully. But it will happen—He won’t forget us. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

How do you sense God’s presence in your life? What are you looking forward to the most in eternity?

By: Anne Cetas


By: Winn Collier

ReadPsalm 118:6–9,


Bible in a YearIsaiah 37–38Colossians 3

The Lord has done this.

Psalm 118:23


The Main Actor

I once heard about a student taking a class in preaching at a prominent seminary. The student, a young man who was a bit full of himself, delivered his sermon with eloquence and evident passion. He sat down self-satisfied, and the professor paused a moment before responding. “That was a powerful sermon,” he said. “It was well organized and moving. The only problem is that God was not the subject of a single one of your sentences.”

The professor highlighted a problem all of us struggle with at times: We can talk as if we’re the primary actor (emphasizing what we do, what we say) when in truth God is the primary actor in life. We often profess that God is somehow generally “in charge,” but we act as if all the outcomes depend on us.

The Scriptures insist that God is the true subject of our lives, the true force. Even our necessary acts of faith are done “in the name of the Lord”—in the Lord’s power (Psalm 118:10–11). God enacts our salvation. God rescues us. God tends to our needs. “The Lord has done this” (v. 23).

So the pressure’s off. We don’t need to fret, compare, work with compulsive energy, or feed our many anxieties. God is in charge. We need only trust and follow His lead in obedience.

When are you most tempted to think you’re the main actor of your life? How has God invited you to let Him be the center of

your life?


ReadIsaiah 40:25–31


Fill in Your Name

Bible in a YearIsaiah 39–40Colossians 4

. . He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name.Isaiah 40:26

In Love Letters from God, Glenys Nellist invites children to interact with the Lord in a deeply personal way. These children’s books include a note from God with a space for the child’s name to be inserted after each Bible story. Personalizing scriptural truth helps her young readers understand that the Bible isn’t just a storybook. They’re being taught that the Lord wants a relationship with them and that He speaks to His greatly loved children through the Scriptures.

I bought the book for my nephew and filled in the blanks in the beginning of every note from God. Delighted when he recognized his name, my nephew said, “God loves me too!” What a comfort to know the deeply and completely personal love of our loving Creator.

When God spoke to the Israelites directly through the prophet Isaiah, He called their attention to the heavens. The Lord affirmed that He controls “the starry host” (Isaiah 40:26), determines each star’s individual value, and directs each one with love. He assured His people that He won’t forget or lose one star . . . or one beloved child that He’s sculpted with deliberate purpose and endless love.

As we celebrate our Almighty God’s intimate promises and proclamations of love within Scripture, we can fill in our names. We can trust and declare with childlike delight, “God loves me too!”

How does it feel when you realize God loves you and knows your needs? What Bible verse could you remember that’s a

personal promise to you?

Xochitl Dixon


Pray forBUSINESSMEN1. Pray for God’s children who are business people, let’s the fear of God be upon them in dealing with their business. God open the new opportunities and new ideas in developing their business.2. In the mist of the challenges in the business world recently, pray that they will apply the truth of the word of God, and that they will have the courage to not compromise with sin.3. Pray for business people who are struggling these days. God gives strength and hope in facing their struggles. Letit be while they are in distress, they will seek God and find a way out in every problem in their business.4. God’s children will be good managersof the wealth from God. There will be a transfer of wealth to God’s children. They are blessed and become a blessing to the family, church, community and nation. Amen.


COOLCommunity of Love





Romy Felix, Fransisca Paulus, Erina Christy, Elvina Bobby, VissyKezia JenniferEdo, IcaFabian, Priska





Andy, IwanAndre, Albert Michael, Rudy Edwin, Gerda Lily, Unggul Hariyanto, Ivan Cynthia Sandi Michael Moeidjiantho

Antioch (West)Tiberias (West)

Doncaster (East) Jerusalem (East)

Mt Hermon (East) Phillipi (East)

Shekinah (East) Tabernacle (East)

Westal (East)

FAMILYVania, Arthur Adela IntanAlicia, Sylvi EricSintaIvan


Ephratah Galilee




Steven, Henry Kevin, ReinettaErika, MikeYoseph, Rian Ferry, Febria Sony, WilfredElveiana, Kevin L Dwi, Vero Monica, Raymond

+61396999077 www.bethanymelb.org.au

Bethany International Church Melbourne@bicmelbourne

MAIN SERVICE8.30 am & 11 am

(Indonesian with English translation)

180 (TEENS)

8.45 am (English)

SUNDAY SCHOOL9 am (English)


11 am (English)

EVENTSWorkers’ Prayer Meeting

Saturday, 12 OctoberTranform World

Tuesday-Friday, 15-18 OctoberJoint Cool with Harry Setiono

Friday, 25 October

PRAYER TOWERPoint Cook | Monday | 7:15 PM

BIC Melbourne | Tuesday | 6:30 PMMount Waverly | Wednesday | 7:15 PM

BIC Melbourne | Friday | 12:00 PMBIC Melbourne (Fasting Prayer) | Saturday | 10:00 AM

LADIES FELLLOWSHIPWoman of Impact Community

Tuesday 10.30 AM, at BIC

COOLFriday, 7:00 PM