Best Books on Strategy/War - Part I

Best books on strategy war part 1

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Best Books on Strategy/War - Part I

History of the Peloponnesian War

This book of a long forgotten war really functions as a biography and strategic analysis of some of the greatest minds in the history of war. We have Pericles, Brasidas, Alcibiades and many others.The anecdotes and the stories in this book are timeless.If you make your way all the way through it, I promise you will not forget it. Because the war was so long, involved so many different countries and was so varied (sea, land, siege, politics), it basically covers every type of situation you can think of.

Rules for Radicals,Reveille for Radicals

Both Hillary ClintonandBarack Obama studied Alinsky extensively as they mapped their individual paths to power. He is the real originator of the concept of community organization.Alinsky was also a die hard pragmatist, a man who had ideals but also a sense for working with and through the system to get what he needed. In fact, his best examples in these books is actually how tousethe system against itself to get what he needed. These two books are classics and woefully underrated.

The Power Broker

The is probably the most definitive and comprehensive narrative of power ever written.It maps the entire career of the city planner Robert Moses. I know that doesnt seem like a particularly illustrative case study for power and strategy but Robert Moseslivedpower. He controlled the expansion and the building of civilizations most advanced and important cityand he did it because he was a strategic genius (and of course, a power addict).

The 33 Strategies of War

Robert is a crack researcher and storyteller he has a profound ability to explain timeless truths through story and example. You can read the classics and not always understand the lessons. But if you read Roberts books, I promise you will leave not just with actionable lessons but an indelible sense of what to do in many trying and confusion situations. Also the extra benefit of reading Robert is that you get mini-bios of strategic geniuses like Napoleon, Edison, Machiavelli, Caesar, Cortez, and others.

How To Profit By Ones Enemies

This short essay from Plutarch is about an important strategic (and life) lesson. Our enemies and our obstacles are always teaching us. There is always some lesson or advantage we can derive from them. But we must make ourselves open to this. We must cultivate an attitude that welcomes these lessons rather than fights against them.


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